The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory

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FALL 2012

This past summer Jesuit Theology faculty member Chris Cole ‘02 and his wife, Heather, took a pilgrmage to Spain and

Table of Contents

walked the 500-mile Camino de Santiago, also known as The Way. On page 15 you can read more in Chris’ own words

Features Our Land p. 3

about the experience and how they truly found God in all things.

Finding God Along The Way p. 15 Annual Roll of Donors p. 23 Departments President’s Message - 2 News from 8900 - 7-12 Ignatian Spirituality - 14 Principal’s Perspective - 19 Alumni News - 20 Class Notes - 21 In Memoriam - 22 By George - 64

Fall 2012 Vol. 45, No. 1 Editor/Layout Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Ken Lojo ‘91 Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ Chris Cole ‘02 Charles Atchison ‘72 The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 45, No. 1, Fall Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.

President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 MISSION STATEMENT To assist young men in their formation as leaders and as Men for Others through a program of rigorous college preparation in the tradition of the Society of Jesus. ON THE COVER - In July 2012 Strake Jesuit was able to re-acquire a portion of the land the school lost as a result of the 1971 bankruptcy. The land, located adjacent to the school’s Gessner Drive entrance, is currently the site of an apartment complex.

This past summer Jesuit Theology faculty member Chris Cole ‘02 and his wife, Heather, took a pilgrmage to Spain and

Table of Contents

walked the 500-mile Camino de Santiago, also known as The Way. On page 15 you can read more in Chris’ own words

Features Our Land p. 3

about the experience and how they truly found God in all things.

Finding God Along The Way p. 15 Annual Roll of Donors p. 23 Departments President’s Message - 2 News from 8900 - 7-12 Ignatian Spirituality - 14 Principal’s Perspective - 19 Alumni News - 20 Class Notes - 21 In Memoriam - 22 By George - 64

Fall 2012 Vol. 45, No. 1 Editor/Layout Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Ken Lojo ‘91 Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ Chris Cole ‘02 Charles Atchison ‘72 The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 45, No. 1, Fall Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.

President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 MISSION STATEMENT To assist young men in their formation as leaders and as Men for Others through a program of rigorous college preparation in the tradition of the Society of Jesus. ON THE COVER - In July 2012 Strake Jesuit was able to re-acquire a portion of the land the school lost as a result of the 1971 bankruptcy. The land, located adjacent to the school’s Gessner Drive entrance, is currently the site of an apartment complex.

_________________PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE We have had a very exciting past few months. This past summer, filled with summer school, athletic camps, mission trips, maintenance projects on campus, was highlighted by the purchase of the apartment complex adjacent to the campus. This land which was part of our campus over 40 years ago prior to the school’s bankruptcy in 1971, is once again set to be home to school events, practice fields, and additional parking. We are very excited about bringing this land home to Strake Jesuit. Over the summer months we also completed our final building project up at the Retreat & Leadership Center (RLC). The RLC has been home to our retreat program for the past year, sometimes in difficult situations as can happen during construction, and it is now set to provide a solid foundation to continue to grow and improve our program for all our constituencies, not just our students. The RLC is a spectacular facility, and I invite you to come visit it at your next opportunity. We have been in classes now for a couple of months and a great deal of work went into the preparation of this year. A number of new personnel and positions on campus have come together in an exciting mix as we begin our 52nd year. At our Mass of the Holy Spirit I took the opportunity to speak to our students about friendship. The Gospel from John told of Jesus’ return to the disciples after His resurrection. (John 20: 19-23) Allow me to share with you some of my homily from that morning’s mass.

and letting another do that with you. It’s about making someone better through your friendship. Many of you have developed wonderful friends here at Jesuit already. Although as I listen to your confessions, I know that many of you are tough on your friends and don’t treat them as well as you should. Sometimes you lie to your friends; you don’t keep a confidence; you make fun of your friends, and take it too far. And you know it’s wrong. Being a good friend involves helping that friend to be a better person. Do you do that? When your friend does something wrong, can you challenge him on it? Can you open yourself to your friend when you need to talk? Friendship is a two way street. Can you listen to a friend’s challenge when you have made a mistake? Are you the type of a friend who makes others better people through your friendship? I’m not sure if the disciples were really good at being friends with each other before the Holy Spirit came among them. I’m not sure how good they were at making each other better people. There was a lot of arguing among themselves about who was the most important of them. In today’s gospel, they were huddled together in fear, even after walking side by side with Jesus for three years. It wasn’t until Jesus came among them in today’s gospel, gave them his peace, and then gave them his Spirit, that they had the courage to do what was right. I bet it wasn’t until then, through the gift of the Spirit, that they were really able to be good friends to each other and to help each other to be better people. Friendship is a great gift. And friendship animated with the Spirit is a gift from God, and makes each one of us better people. As we start this new year, I invite us all to recognize God’s gifts to us and to use these gifts to make our friends better people. As we do that by being better friends to them, it will no doubt make us better in the process. And that is, undoubtedly, the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

As we begin this new year, filled with excitement and expectation, I want to pray for each of you, I pray that you may each be a friend to others who makes them better people through your friendship. As Mr. Lojo said to the freshmen at orientation, each of you is surrounded by classmates who will become some of your most cherished friends in your life. They will be in your wedding, maybe be your best man. Your friends from Jesuit will be a great gift to you over the years. Friendship doesn’t have to be hard work, but it doesn’t just happen by accepting someone’s friend request on Facebook, or by following someone on Twitter. It’s about opening yourself to another,

It has been an exciting several months here on campus, and the year ahead is guaranteed to be blessed in many, many ways. I am grateful for the friendship of so many of you, and for your generous support of our Jesuit mission. As I watch our students grow and mature in the context of becoming Men for Others, I thank you for helping to make it all possible. May the Lord continue to bless us all abundantly!



day that decades of alumni and past parents have dreamed about for years arrived at Strake Jesuit this past summer on Tuesday, July 3. That was the day that the school announced the re-acquisition of the property at 6500 South Gessner, which is immediately adjacent to the school’s Gessner driveway. The 7.55 acres of land was part of Jesuit’s original property when the school opened in 1961 but was lost as a result of the school’s 1971 bankruptcy. “This purchase is an historic moment for the school,” said school president Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ, “and we have acted on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with the confidence that alumni and friends will provide us with the financial resources for this purchase and for the conversion of the property back to school use. In my tenure at Strake Jesuit, alumni constantly inquire about the school buying back the property we lost in 1971.” While the property is just a portion of the land lost in 1971, it is by far the land most useful to the school at this time. “Ever since Fr. Michael Alchediak, SJ, who was then the school’s president, mobilized parents and friends to help repurchase the current campus after the bankruptcy,” noted Fr. Lahart, “it has always been our dream to reacquire property. This purchase, which certainly has sentimental value to generations of alumni, will also have an immediate impact on the quality of student life as soon as it is converted to school use.”


The property has significant strategic value to Strake Jesuit as it will provide additional school parking along with additional field space for athletic and extra-curricular programs. The acquisition of the property also allows the school to re-examine where it will construct its new Science and Engineering Building on the campus without a net loss of parking or green space. This expansion of the school’s physical footprint comes at a time when it is also growing in population. The 20122013 school year began with the largest student body in school history and the second largest freshman class. An apartment complex is currently on the site and the school will honor the leases that tenants currently have but plans to convert the space back to school use by razing the structures at the earliest possible date.

Even so, Mr. Oliver worked closely with Fr. Alchediak and allowed

him to mark out what land the school would need. The first parcel of land to be sold was the land facing Bellaire at the corner of Gessner where a Safeway grocery store (now Fiesta) was built. The north parcel along Gessner, where apartments now stand, was next to go.

To survive, the school had to get out of debt and buy back the land

it wanted to keep. That required a different kind of fund-raising. Today, the school’s fundraising efforts have definite, tangible goals.

In the early ‘70s, Fr. Alchediak had to reach out to the school

community to literally keep the doors of the school open. He first turned to the school community for help and to those stalwarts that had always been there to support the school. Once again, they answered the call. It would prove to be their unfaltering generosity that would save this school. ‘Alchediak’s Angels,’ as they are lovingly remembered, gave generously and then gave again. Many of the names are the same ones you will see as strong supporters of the school today, just a different generation. They included the Parsleys, the Brueggemans, the Segers and many more. They all joined the effort. Fr. Alchediak’s every request found a check and

The story of the bankruptcy and subsequent Herculian efforts to save the school were detailed in the Winter 2008 issue of The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory in an articled titled “Saving Camelot.” Here is an excerpt from that article which deals specifically with the school’s land.

a promise of more. Whatever the need, an ‘angel’ was sure to hear the call.

Alchediak and his ‘angels’ also took the cause to the community

at large. Wherever a charitable or fraternal organization gathered, they were there. Asking for money was tough, but the response was very positive. Everywhere they went, a warm

The first effects of the

sincere belief in this school

day of reckoning was soon

made many converts.

at hand. Most significantly,

much of the land was lost. The


an example. “Fr. Alchediak

to allow Jesuit to liquefy


assets on a measured and

one in

particular downtown

Houston. In the crowd that

than all at once. This one

day were a couple of guys

decision gave Fr. Alchediak

who were really grilling him.

the small glimmer of hope he

They just kept pounding him

needed. But saving Camelot “A gentleman by the



scheduled time table rather

Mr. Nevle recalled

one story that serves as such


would come at a great cost.


at first, but Fr.’s heartfelt and

troubles were small. But the


them. Some were skeptical

and the school. Fr. kept his

The Jesuit campus in the late 1970’s.

cool, defending the school and ultimately made his pitch

name of Henry Oliver was assigned as the trustee,” recalled Richard Nevle in 2008. “Since we did not own the land any longer and had no liquid assets, we knew that the only way to keep the school was for the receivership to sell some of the land, pay down the debt, and then allow us to buy back the remaining land. The school actually had no say in what land would be sold, to whom it would be sold, or for how much it would be sold.”


for help. A businessman told someone afterwards that he should invite the two gentlemen to join him at every luncheon because, whether out of resentment for the torment the two had given him or for whatever reason, Fr. Alchediak raised more money at that luncheon than at any other.”

Various civic organizations, foundations, and countless individuals

all stood strong with the school. Before long, progress was being made

and there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The success was nothing

synonymous with the school seemed to survive. Proof of that magic

less than a miracle. Fr. Alchediak and his ‘angels’ shared a common

is in the example of Mr. Henry Oliver. The same Mr. Oliver who was

love for this school. Fortunately so did the Houston community. Everyone

assigned by the court as Trustee and whose role it was to ensure that the

seemed to understand that if Jesuit were left to fail, more than a school

school made good on its debt. After the contract to purchase the school

would be lost.

was executed, the first gift toward that effort, $1,000, was contributed

personally by Mr. Oliver.

Among the most notable benefactors during those troubled times

Even through that troubled decade, the magic that had become

was Mrs. Susan K. Strake, widow of George W. Strake, the school’s

namesake. In addition to selling raffle tickets and hosting formal fund-

Alchediak and countless others had been successful.

raising dinners at her own expense, she secured a $1,000,000.00

Camelot had been saved.

commitment from the Strake Foundation. That gift was contingent upon

In retrospect, Mr. Nevle emphatically said that, “difficult times can

the school raising $1,130,000.00. Those two amounts would equal the

happen at any school. This country is filled with schools where there

$2,130,000 price that the school had negotiated for the re-purchase of

was a failure, not of the students or of the community, but of leadership.

the land that remained.

In those cases, somebody did not have the courage and the endurance

to dig in and put a challenge to the people and to create a sense of

By December, 1980, almost exactly ten years after those fateful

In the end, the hard work over the decade of the 1970s by Fr.

days in January, 1971, Fr. Alchediak was in the process of handing over


the reins as President to Fr. Ed Maresma, SJ. He was preparing to begin

a new assignment for the Province. At that time, the Board of Directors

leadership, it had ‘Big Mike.’

During its darkest times, Strake Jesuit had no such failure of

advised Fr. Alchediak that, by virtue of his leadership, all of the premises owned by the school were either fully paid for or funds were being held in reserve to complete payment.


New Science and Engineering Building

Additional parking and practice fields.

While the re-acquisition of the property at 6500 Gessner could provide important space for parking as well as additional practice fields, it also allows the school administration to re-think the location for the new Science and Engineeting Building, saving green space on campus.


Reflections on the Efforts to Keep Our Land Few people are as tied by fate or circumstance to the loss of the school’s land and the efforts to save it as Charlie Atchison ‘72. As example, among the front page stories in the Fall 1976 issue of the Alumni News, one announces Charlie’s joining the school as its first Director of Development and another announces the sale of the Bellaire and Gessner properties by the bankruptcy court. Here Charlie recalls those days and the efforts that he made alongside President Michael Alchediak, SJ to save as much of the land as possible.

I graduated from Jesuit in 1972 and returned four years later as the school’s first Development Director. Strake Jesuit had been placed into bankruptcy and we were in “full scale” damage control. The bankruptcy trustee was selling off parcels of our property to pay off creditors. The sale of those pieces of our property really hit the community hard and brought home the reality that we were in trouble. Although everyone involved was disheartened, once the wagons had been circled under the guidance and inspiration of Board members such as Bob Parsley, Hank Seger and George Brueggeman, we were confident we could succeed in keeping our school viable. Faculty such as Richard Nevle and John Hosty, who faced real concerns about their future, remained faithful to the vision and decided to stick around and join the fight for survival. Some parents didn’t buy into the vision and removed their sons, but most stayed. They began to organize into clubs and committees for the sole purpose of uniting the community through commitment, participation and fund raising efforts. As a means of delaying the trustee’s hand at shrinking our campus’ footprint, we began a very ambitious capital campaign whose goal would be made more difficult due to the circumstances. Under the leadership of the school’s President Michael Alchediak, SJ, we would solicit the titans of our city and every foundation that might have even a remote connection to education - pitching our idea of what the future Strake Jesuit would become. One of my favorite memories of those solicitations involved Fr. Alchediak trying to play hardball with Safeway, Inc. He dearly hated losing the parcel where Fiestat (originally a Safeway) now resides and we were attempting to influence how this corporation would design and develop the tract to best serve our interests. He actually went so far as to “threaten” them with a boycott of their store by

our SJ community. Safeway wasn’t too intimidated by a “community” that numbered less than 300 boys, about 25 faculty and a few priests since they went ahead and developed the land exactly as they intended with no consideration to our ideas. On another occasion we were soliciting Mr. Eddy Scurlock. He was a kind and very generous philanthropist who was advanced in years. Fr. Alchediak was known to go a little long with his pitch, especially if he felt he hadn’t made his point well enough. This was one of those times. During his impassioned plea, Mr. Scurlock fell asleep. Realizing what had just happened, we broke into smiles as we fought hold in our laughter, which would be inappropriate. Fr.’s spiel must have hit home because when Eddy awakened, he called out to his secretary to bring him “the blue” checkbook and he promptly wrote us a $50,000 check (a huge individual donation at the time) and promised another $50,000 to follow within a few months. My recollections of that time are still quite clear. We had a mission; we had a true leader; we had an outstanding Board of Directors, and we had a loyal and dedicated group of parents who were committed to saving the school and keeping it intact. The years have flown by and the school today is exactly the type of school Fr. Alchediak envisioned and the one he foretold of during his appeals. I am certain, without a doubt, that he would be extremely happy our school has regained this special piece of property lost during those times of struggle. Congratulations Strake Jesuit for re-acquiring what was originally ours. Charlie Atchison ‘72




A number of new members joined the Jesuit faculty and staff for the 2012-2013 school year. They include: - Mr. Dominic Amorosa graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a post-graduate degree from the University of Portland. He comes to Jesuit from Kingwood Park where he served for many years as Head Basketball Coach after beginning his career at St. Pius. He will be a member of the school’s Social Studies Department, serve as Head Basketball Coach and Assistant Golf coach. - Mr. John Barone received his Bachelors degree in Education from the University of St. Thomas in Houston and his Masters in Private School Administration at the University of San Francisco. He was most recently one of the principal Directors at the Monarch Institute, and has authored his own book on special needs students and peer ministry. He is the Director of the new ‘Learning Resource Center’ that will be located on the 2nd floor of the library. - Mr. James Clancy comes to Jesuit from Klein Oak High School where he taught AP level social studies and was Co-Offensive Coordinator and varsity Quarterbacks Coach. He earned a BS in Education with a Minor in History from Oklahoma State University and a Master’s in Education Administration from Lamar University. He will teach Social Studies and serve as Head Football Coach and Assistant Track Coach. - Mr. Chad Collier earned a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Stephen F. Austin University with a minor in History. He will teach Health & Physical Education and serve as Jesuit’s Head Track and Field coach and as an Assistant Football Coach. - Mr. Chris Gattis joins the faculty after spending time this past year as a Jesuit novice. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Theology with a minor in Medieval Studies from the University of Notre Dame. Mr. Gattis will be teaching in Jesuit’s Theology Department, serve as an Assistant Coach in Track, and will be the Newspaper Moderator. - Mr. Adam Hauser earned a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Kansas with a Master’s in Education from Creighton University. He will be a member of the English Department faculty and serve as an Assistant Basketball Coach and an Assistant Cross Country Coach. - Fr. Jeff Johnson, SJ most recently served an assistant pastor at the Immaculate Conception Church in New Orleans. He has a License in Sacred Theology from Boston College, a Master’s in English from Fordham University with a Bachelor’s in English from Vanderbilt University. He also served as an officer in the U.S. Navy. Fr. Johnson will teach English and serve as the school’s Assistant Principal for Student Affairs. - Mr. Kevin Kehoe earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychobiology from the

Dominic Amorosa

John Barone

James Clancy

Chad Collier

Chris Gattis

Adam Hauser

Fr. Jeff Johnson

Kevin Kehoe




Matthew Kubus

Nadia Lara

Craig Martin

Marilyn Othon

Brian O’Dea

Jill Ribbeck

Robin Rodriguez

Wanda Savage

University of California, Riverside and has a Masters degree from the California School of Professional Psychology. He will be serving as a member of the school’s Counseling team and will also serve as the Head Swimming and Head Water Polo coach. - Mr. Matthew Kubus moved to Houston from Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare, where he received his Ph.D in English. His Bachelor’s degree is also in English from New York University. Mr. Kubus will serve as a member of Jesuit’s English department and also serve as an Assistant Basketball Coach and Assistant Baseball Coach. - Ms. Nadia Lara is a graduate of St. Agnes Academy, Class of 2008. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California. She will be helping out in the Science Department part time as a Lab Technician. - Mr. Craig Martin will be teaching Computer Science and assisting with our basketball program. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with a minor in Computer Science from John Carroll University and a Master of Arts in Theology from Franciscan University. - Mrs. Marilyn Othon taught at Westbrook Intermediate, Clear Creek and Friendswood High School. She holds a degree in Film and TV production from Chapman University. She will be teaching as a member of the Computer Science Department, assist in SJET and serve as Yearbook Moderator. - Mr. Brian O’Dea is originally from New Zealand, but most recently served as in the operations department at Regis Jesuit High School in Denver, Colorado. He will serve as our Operations Manager and will be helping as an assistant coach with the Rugby team. - Mrs. Jill Ribbeck joins the school as Auction Coordinator. She is the mother of Bucky, class of 2010, Eric, graduating this year, and future Crusader, Jimmy, class of 2018. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Hotel Restaurant Management from Michigan State University and a MBA in Accounting from the University of Houston. - Mrs. Robin Rodriguez joins our music department as a part-time faculty member teaching as a Percussion Instructor. She is currently attending Lone Star College and is also the Assistant Percussion Director at Elkins High School. - Mrs. Wanda Savage has been a math teacher in the Magnolia and Klein Independent School districts for many years. She has a Bachelor’s degree from Lamar University and a Master’s from Sam Houston State in Mathematics and will serve as a member of our Mathematics Department.

FACULTY ISSUED iPADS TO START YEAR The advances of technology into the classroom are certainly not a recent trend and it is one where Strake Jesuit has always been in the forefront. As the faculty completed their orientation in preparation for the 2012-2013 school year, that advancement continued as each member was issued an iPad. The move is a




preliminary step by the school to evaluate the effectiveness and practicality of the tablets in the classroom. “The potential for these devices in terms of content delivery, textbooks, and portability is exciting,” noted Academic Assistant Principal Trip Norkus ’95. “While we may at some point provide these to students, as well, we want to approach that decision with optimistic prudence. That decision which carries a significant investment of time and resources requires us to do proper investigation, training of faculty, and planning.” It is anticipated that the tablets, along with the school’s secure wireless network, will allow the faculty to research, communicate, read, and organize anytime and anywhere. A significant amount of training and professional development in a variety of times and ways will be a major part of the John Hosty, a faculty member since 1965, picks up his iPad at Faculty Orientation. process this year. This will include hands-on tutoring, lunchand-learns, and faculty in-service as decisions are made on how to best use the devices to enhance what already is being done so well in the classroom. The school anticipates that the effort will be sustained and gradual; recognizing that the most important step in the process is the faculty’s involvement and input.

15 Seniors Named National Merit Semifinalists Among the Semifinalists named in the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program are 15 Strake Jesuit seniors. As Semifinalists they each have William Barkdale the opportunity to continue in the competition for 8,300 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $32 million that will be offered next spring. Approximately 1.5 million juniors from more than 22,000 high schools Patrick Granahan entered the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2011 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/ NMSQT). The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. high school Zachary Meves seniors, includes the highest-scoring

David Clifton

Cyrus Duque

Joseph Ewbank

Scott Freysinger

Ben Granberry

Stefan Grasu

Trey Jenner

Timothy La

Steffen Seitz

Krishna Thiagarajan

Christopher Wager

Adam Wesely




entrants in each state. To become a Finalist, a Semifinalist must have an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by the high school principal, and earn SAT scores that confirm the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying test. National Merit Scholarship winners of 2013 will be announced beginning in April and concluding in July.

FRESHMEN EXPLORE RLC AS PART OF ORIENTATION Strake Jesuit welcomed the class of 2016 by hosting an exciting orientation program on Monday August 13. This was the second year that the program was run by The Crusader Crew. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, Crusader Crew trains members of the junior and senior classes to serve as mentors to freshmen throughout their first year on campus. Freshmen Orientation was particularly special this year because for the first time it was held at our Retreat and Leadership Center. Since the annual Freshmen Retreat takes place on campus and in the homes of various retreat leaders, last year’s freshmen class was unable to enjoy an event at the RLC. Seeking to remedy this problem, it was decided that Freshmen Orientation provided the perfect opportunity to introduce our newest community members to this beautiful new facility. In addition to leading tours of the RLC, Crew Leaders led freshmen through activities focused on getting to know other students and learning The incoming freshmen for 2012-2013 were the first class that was able to spend part of their orientation at the Retreat & Leadership Center with strategies for being successful throughout their four years their Crusader Crew leaders. at Strake Jesuit.

College Board’s National Hispanic Program recognizes 15 students A total of 15 Strake Jesuit students have been recognized by the College Board in the National Hispanic Recognition Program, 13 as Scholars and two as Honorable Mention. Named Scholars were Jonathan Acevedo, Cyrus Duque, Eduardo Esteva, Christopher Gidley, Jackson Klein, Wesley Longworth, Cole Medrano, Nicholas Rathgeb, Santiago Restrepo, Lucas Sganderlla, Victor Soto, Ignacio Torras, and Christopher Wager. Receiving Honorable Mention recognition were Cody Bello and Guillermo Tame-Elorduy. The National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) was initiated in 1983 to identify outstanding Hispanic/Latino high school students and to share



NEWS FROM information about them with interested colleges and universities. In order to be eligible, students must be at least one-quarter Hispanic/Latino as defined by the NHRP, meet the minimum PSAT/NMSQT cutoff score for their state, and achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA) requirement. Students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher are designated as Scholars and those with GPAs of 3.0 to 3.49 are designated at Honorable Mention. Each year, the NHRP identifies nearly 5,000 of the highest-scoring students (from a nationwide total of more than 235,000 juniors) in the United States and U.S. Territories who take the PSAT/NMSQT and designate themselves as Hispanic/Latino.


Gregory Obi Jonathan Acevedo

Cody Bello

Cyrus Duque

Eduardo Esteva

Christopher Gidley

Jackson Klein

Wesley Longsworth

Cole Medrano

Nicholas Rathgeb

Santiago Restrepo Steven Ragland Strake Jesuit seniors Gregory Obi and Steven Ragland are two of

Lucas Sganderlla

Victor Soto

Guillermo Tame-Elorduy

Ignacio Torras

Christopher Wager

more than 1,600 Black American high school seniors to be designated as a Semifinalist in the National

PRESIDENT’S DINNER HONORS BENEFACTORS The annual Strake Jesuit President’s Dinner was held on Sunday, September 9 in the Clay Center and Moran Dining Hall. In attendance were approximately 300 benefactors who have supported the school at the President’s Club level or above for the past year. After a brief reception of conversation and cocktails in the Clay Center Atrium, guests were invited into the Moran Dining Hall which had once again been transformed into an elegant ballroom for the occasion. After a wonderful dinner, prepared and expertly served by Cordúa Restaurants, those in attendance enjoyed the traditional video review of the highlights of the 2011-2012 school year. That was followed by Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ who again recapped the previous year, offered a glimpse of things still to come and, most


Achievement Scholarship Program. Each has the opportunity to continue in the competition for 800 Achievement Scholarship awards worth more than $2.5 million.

Conducted by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, the program was initiated in 1964 to recognize academically promising black students.



importantly, expressed his and the school’s gratitude and appreciation for the school’s many supporters. “You are part of something great here. Strake Jesuit College Preparatory is not just another school,” he told those in attendance. “It is part of something much larger, and what we do here is very important. It is our job to train virtuous leaders. It is our job to support each other and to hold ourselves and each other to high standards. It is our job to take the risks to be even greater. We are part of a world-wide system unique in its capabilities to impact education throughout the world, and it is very exciting!” “I have no doubt that this will be an outstanding School President Daniel Lahart, SJ expresses the school’s appreciation to its many year,” he continued. “You will help to make it so. benefactors at the annual President’s Dinner held on September 9. Thank you for what you do by supporting our mission. Thank you for sharing in this mission which is so much bigger than anyone of us, learn more online learn more online but it is a mission that is better because of each of us. Thank you for your past support and thank you for all that you will do this year. Help us to go beyond good and risk being great.” “Thank you for your love, and for sharing it with us,” he concluded. “I can’t wait for next year and looking back at what amazing things our school and our students were able to accomplish with your support in this year ahead. God bless 2011-2012 Highlights Fr. Lahart’s President’s Video Dinner Address you and thank you!”

INAUGURAL SPORTING CLAYS CHALLENGE SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 12 Parents, alumni and friends are invited to join others from the Strake Jesuit community for the 1st Annual Strake Jesuit Sporting Clays Challenge. This inaugural event will take place at the Greater Houston Gun Club on Monday, November 12, 2012 and is open to non-shooters and shooters of all abilities. The shooting event will consist of 4-man teams, but individuals are welcome and will be placed on a team.The teams will compete for great prizes and the inaugural trophy series. This will be a great event to invite friends, clients or colleagues and lunch will be provided by Goode Co. The event will conclude with a hors d’oeuvre and cocktail reception and the raffle of the 2012 Rolex Submariner watch. Sponsorship opportunities are still available. You can register as a sponsor, a foursome, or as an individual shooter online at www. by clicking on the button at the bottom of the homepage. So sharpen that shooting eye and get ready for a great day of fun and camraderie.


Save the Date! Strake Jesuit Auction April 13, 2013 at Strake Jesuit 13



Love Thy Neighbor

“The way we came to know love was that he laid down his life for us; so we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” 1 John 4: 16, 18 by Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ

“Piety is love for God and love for neighbor,” declared the senior student leading one of our recent Kairos retreats. The soft spoken young man spoke with such conviction that we were all compelled to listen and paid close attention to his message. “I am the fruit of Piety,” he continued, “I am who I am because of my parents’ devotion to God and their desire to help humanity reach their full potential.” Suddenly, I become aware that the conference room is quiet and that the fidgeting and doodling has stopped. I am captivated by the beautiful sincerity with which he shares his story of faith and struggle with piety. His peers and friends listen attentively and nod in agreement. It is moments like these that awaken me to the power of Faith, Hope and Love. “Piety is faith in action and not just words or rituals,” the student continues. And I am seriously thinking that this kid has the gift of preaching. Who is ministering to whom? I think of myself. The simplicity of the message, beautifully crafted around his personal story, is profoundly rich. The layers and depth of meaning in every word I hear sink in and leave me with a swelling desire to be pious--to practice my faith not just out of habit or duty, but because I love God and I want to serve and love my neighbor.

In the end, the student leaves us with a few questions: “How are we called to be pious today? How do I show love for God and for my neighbor? How do I express my affection for God and for my neighbor?” What a marvelous message and beautiful story this young man shared with us! What a privilege to be here on retreat and to see students’ eyes lit up with grace and joy. Our vocation as men and women for others is to Love God and through that love become true children of God, truly human. Love for God and neighbor, as Saint Therese of Liseiux said it boldly and poetically, is true piety: “If we want to live a life of love of God, we must not fail in our love towards our neighbor.” As Ignatius says, “Love is shown in deeds, not in words.” So I leave you with the same questions our student asked us on this Kairos retreat: “How are you called to be pious today? How do you show love for God and for neighbor?” Be concrete and be courageous in recognizing your need to grow in piety. Ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of Piety and true devotion. Let God know, in your little ways and actions, how much you want to learn to love as God loves and express your affection and desires to become a man and woman for others.




For over 1,000 years, Christians and others from all of the world have traveled to Northern Spain for the pilgrimage known as the Camino de Santiago, The Way of St. James, or simply The Way. The pilgrimage ends in Santiago, Spain at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostella where, it is said, the remains of St. James are buried. This past summer, Jesuit alumnus and current Theology faculty member Chris Cole ‘02 and his newleywed wife, Heather, made the 500 mile pilgrimage. For the final two weeks, they were joined by Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ, the school’s chaplain, and two current students - Spencer Dugan ‘13 and Victor Mendiola ‘14. On these pages Chris provides insight into his experiences on the journey, both physical and spiritual.

by Chris Cole ‘02

The night before we set out, I looked through my hiking bag one more time. Two sets of clothes, one light jacket, some toiletries, a sleeping bag and a few smaller items. This would be my closet, house, dresser and wardrobe for the next thirty five days. I was ready physically, and I was hoping I was ready spiritually as well. As a pilgrimage, my greatest hope for our travels went well beyond a physical activity. I desired to have multiple encounters with God: in prayer, in strangers, in creation. Thankfully I was able to encounter God in all three ways, and many more as well. The Camino is less of a hike and more of a long walk, though we would ascend and descend three mountains in our five weeks. Having traversed this pilgrimage before, I knew what to expect, what to bring, and what not to worry about.

first month of my marriage On the morning of June continually dirty, sleeping on 29, Heather (my wife for just bunk beds in rooms with ten 20 days) and I strapped on our to one hundred people, not bags departing St. Jean Pied to mention carrying around de Port, France and started fifteen pounds on my back as up the mountain.The first day I walked seventeen miles a day. was cold and foggy, but we One hundred and fifty were filled with excitement miles in, I wondered why I had as we climbed. Close to the desired to walk the Camino. peak, the fog cleared and we My “poor me” mentality were able to see the mountain quickly shifted to one of range, horses and sheep on spiritual searching. This was the slopes, and the majesty an opportunity to reflect on of creation, giving glory to the sufferings of Christ as He God in its very existence. On carried his cross. I was able the first day, God was already to unite my slow and painful speaking to me, calling Chris and Heather at a cross outside of Astorga. steps to his. Through this me to do by choice what reflection I was able to find a companion in my suffering. creation does by nature. Throughout the next few weeks, we Fortunately, the pain began to fade away and I was able to encountered many different landscapes. We walked through walk the remaining three weeks without as much physical vineyards as far as the eye can see. We curved through rolling suffering. hills of wheat, a yellow orange landscape with a scattered tree The Camino’s physical journey is a parallel to the hidden here or there in the distance. The views we saw continually spiritual journey we all walk. We all have pains to bear, we all took our breath away. I stopped on multiple occasions, just have crosses to hold. Some crosses are large, others small; to soak it all up. The beauty of creation was a blessing to us the temptation we all face is allowing them to disrupt the and it spoke volumes to our hearts. What a gift this life is! journey. Thankfully, my cross became a means of grace and How amazing it is just to be! a place of growth rather than an obstacle. No matter how slow you go, five hundred miles will take Walking with my new wife on such an adventure was its toll on a body. Though I had no major problems my first both a challenge and an amazing blessing. Heather and I walk pilgrimage, no Camino is the same. For whatever reason, my at completely different paces and have different preferences ankle gave out. Adjusting my walk, my knees followed suit, of when to walk, but a similar desire to enjoy nature. She and eventually the pain made it to my hip. For the first week gained the reputation on the Camino as the ‘Woman with or two, every step brought pain. On top of that, I spent the


next to the cross. For years, pilgrims Wings’ because of her near running have left a stone here at the cross, pace, while I had to continually made symbolizing what they want to leave the effort to keep up. I enjoyed behind spiritually. We laid our stones, waking up early to finish before the then enjoyed the amazing views over sun sucked out all the liquid inside the range and down the mountain to of me, while Heather preferred the Ponferrada, one of the last big cities heat to the morning cold. Our walk before we arrived in Santiago. The provided an opportunity for me to last week of walking was certainly a come to understand much more joy. clearly the vocation of a husband and On the feast of St. Ignatius, a spouse. Through our journey, I was we strode into the ancient city of able to reflect on what it means to Santiago. Emotions sprang out of us put her needs above my own, to seek when we encountered the Cathedral after her good. As I tried to lighten de Santiago de Compostela for the the load in Heather’s hiking bag and first time. Joy, sadness, gratitude and add it to my own, as I woke up a wonder were just a few of the feelings little later or walked a little faster, I Fr. Bravo and Chris with Jesuit students we experienced in that one moment. was able to gain insight on what that Victor Mendiola ‘13 and Spencer Dugan’12 Our feet had finally come to rest at the means to be a Man for Others, to lay at the Cruz de Ferro on the Camino. pilgrim’s noon Mass in thanksgiving, down my life for her, and to dedicate offering the greatest Thanksgiving, the Eucharist. myself to love. As a teacher at Strake Jesuit, the journey left me After three weeks of journeying alone along rejuvenated and inspired. As a husband, I the Camino, Heather and I met up with our Strake learn more online encountered an amazing amount of spiritual Jesuit friends Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ, Spencer Dugan, growth. As a person, I encountered beauty, and Victor Mendiola. Most towns we journeyed evidence of God’s great glory. St. Iraneaus is through centered around a simple Church, always quoted for saying, “The Glory of God is man situated at the top of the hill, with a basic structure fully alive.” Journeying to the tomb of St. James, and bell tower and Fr. Bravo was able to celebrate we were able to let go of worry, trust in the mass. Victor and Spencer were able to make it Chris’ Photo Album from The Way Lord, and simply live, responding in gratitude to through their own struggles and encounter a the gifts God laid before us, in whatever form. journey like no other. Hopefully we moved one step closer to being ‘man fully High on the mountain at the Cruz de Ferro, with the alive.’ St. James, Pray for us. sun rising at our backs, we climbed a hill of rocks to stand


“I am from a large family. I know for certain that if financial aid was not available to me, I would not be able to attend Strake Jesuit. I cannot imagine being at another school. I am an Honor Roll student, an athlete, and am involved in many clubs. I know I have a great responsibility to give back to Strake Jesuit. I know how lucky and fortunate I am. Without people who give to financial aid, the life I have would be very different. Thank you for helping shape who I am now and who I will be in the future.” ~ Strake Jesuit Financial Aid Recipient

Please support the

Each gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. Simply use the envelope provided in the magazine. To make a gift online scan the code below or go to and click on the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund link.

If you have questions or would like additional information, contact N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67, Director of Development, at 713.490.8152 or


PRINCIPAL’S PERSPECTIVE_________________ Advances in technology over the last few decades have changed the world in which we live and the schools in which we teach. Desktop computers are commonplace, everyone knows how to “Google,” and smartphones are ubiquitous. When I returned to Jesuit in 2002, smartphones were far from commonplace. A ‘BlackBerry’ was barely more than a fruit, and the iPhone did not yet exist. It would be another five years before Steve Jobs took to the stage to launch the first iPhone. Handspring, a small, innovative company, had just created a remarkable device – the Treo 300 – that would become my first smartphone. Far from the smartphones of today, using a Treo 300 as a phone was comparable to holding a small brick against your ear. Quizzical looks, many questions, and even jeers were typical. During one of our Principal’s Staff meetings that year, I remember nervously unveiling my Treo 300. I knew the grief I would take for using such a strange device. Most everyone in the room owned a cell phone, but nobody used a smartphone. After working up the courage to pull it out of my pocket, a fellow member of the staff snipped, “What is that thing?” I explained it was not only a phone, but could also be used to view your calendar, take notes, look up contacts, and surf the internet. He was not impressed. He said, “What do I need that for when I’ve got this.” He pulled a small notepad and pencil out of his pocket. Everyone laughed in agreement. Eventually, even he embraced many of the latest advances in technology. Today, he uses his iPhone every day. He recently said he would have a hard time doing his job as effectively or as productively without it. Others have had similar experiences. Not all, but many I would have expected to be the last to embrace new technology have embarked on their own personal technological revolution. One friend recently said that her technology-averse father’s purchase of the new iPhone 5 must be a sign of the apocalypse. While recent advances in technology have been remarkable, I am struck by the widespread acceptance and adoption of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Of course, the tech-savvy among us will always be eager to try the latest gadget. Interestingly, today’s mobile devices are accessible not only by the tech-elite, but also by those who have never been comfortable around technology. Counting these newcomers with today’s youth who have grown up as ‘digital natives’ creates a technology favored environment that holds the possibility of amazing innovation and advancement. Because of this

convergence, we are in the midst of exciting times in the realm where technology and education meet, especially with regard to mobile devices. At Jesuit, where we have seen the evolution of the SmartBoard from novelty to classroom staple, the most recent and exciting development has been the use of tablets in education. If you have ever used an iPad, you know what an incredible tool it can be. The potential in terms of content delivery, textbooks, and portability is exciting. At the beginning of the school year, our Academic Assistant Principal, Trip Norkus ’95, launched our faculty iPad pilot program. Working closely with other Jesuit schools, we’ve learned from their successes as well as their failures. One of the most important parts of the program is involvement, input and acceptance by the faculty and staff. Admittedly, when we launched the program, I was a little nervous. Would I find the same skepticism I had encountered a decade earlier in our staff meeting? Looking back, I recognize my fears were unfounded. Reception of the program has been enthusiastically open and overwhelmingly positive. Our latest optional iPad training was standing room only. At its conclusion, one new faculty member said, “This school is amazing. I feel like I’m among true professionals.” Certainly, the ease of use and approachability of the iPad played a large role in our success so far. However, the most important factor had nothing to do with technology. As Ignatian educators, we remind our students frequently of the call to be ‘open to growth.’ As role models, faculty show students how to interact with and embrace the world around us. In this regard, they have been true examples of being ‘open to growth’ by being open to the possibilities of a new technology that should enhance what we do both in and out of the classroom. This perfect storm of accessible devices combined with an eager faculty willing to innovate has resulted in an exciting time at Strake Jesuit. We approach it with a confident optimism that we will find great results. This year will certainly be an exciting one as we grow into users of this new technology together.





Tom Beverick ‘07

Eduardo Hernandez ‘08

Henry Roth ‘07

Peter Wyrsch ‘08

Four new members of the school’s Alumni Service Corps (ASC) have returned to Jesuit for the 2012-2013 school year. The ASC represent young alumni who have recently graduated from college and choose to return to Jesuit for one year to teach and/or work with extra-curriculars while living on campus in the Jesuit Community. This year’s ASC members are: - Tom Beverick ‘07 who graduated from Texas A&M University with a BA in History and English will be teaching English 1 and helping as an assistant coach in football and basketball. - Eduardo Hernandez ‘08 who graduated from Rice University with a Major in Religious Studies and a Minor in Biochemistry & Cell Biology will be teaching Algebra 1 and helping with the soccer program. - Henry Roth ‘07 who graduated from Tulane University with a BS in Management with a double major in Legal Studies in Business and History will be helping in the Pastoral Ministry office in addition to helping with our football and lacrosse programs. - Peter Wyrsch ‘08 who just completed his BA in History at Willamette University will be teaching US History and work with the Cross Country team.


Charlie Adcock (left) and Eric Mullins ‘80

Eric Mullins ‘80 and Charlie Adcock, both members of the Strake Jesuit Board of Directors, rang the opening bell for the New York Stock Exchange on September 13. Mullins is Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of Houston-based LRR Energy, L.P. and Adcock is CoChief Executive Officer. LRR Energy is a Delaware limited partnership formed in April 2011 by affiliates of Lime Rock Resources to operate, acquire, exploit and develop producing oil and natural gas properties in North America. LRR Energy’s properties are located in the Permian Basin region in West Texas and southeast New Mexico, the MidContinent region in Oklahoma and East Texas and the Gulf Coast region in Texas. Mullins is the father of current junior Zachary and Adcock is the father of alums Ryan ‘03 and Christopher ‘06.



ALUMNI CLASSMATES NAMED CFO’s OF THE YEAR Stephen Solcher ‘79 and his classmate Tony Van Slyke ‘79 were each named among Houston’s best CFOs by the Houston Business Journal in their 2012 Best CFO Awards. Solcher, CFO at BMC Software, was named in the Large Public Company category and Van Slyke, the CFO at Goodwill Industries, received the award in the non-profit category. Solcher earned his Bachelor of Administration from Texas A&M. He serves as a member of Texas A&M’s Mays Business School’s Development Council and is also a board member of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Houston and Houston Museum of Natural Science. Van Slyke earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Houston, a B.S. in Petroleum Land Management at the University of HoustonDowntown and an MBA in Finance at the University of Houston.

Tony Van Slyke ‘79

Stephen Solcher ‘79



80’s Steven Duble ‘82 was recognized as one of the top litigation lawyers in Houston by H Texas magazine in their Summer 2012 issue. He was also recently elected as secretary of the Harris County Democratic Lawyers Association. His son Nick ‘09 is spending the fall semester of his senior year studying in Paris & will graduate from the University of Portland (OR) in May of 2013 with a major in French Studies and a minor in Fine Art. His daughter Caroline (SAA class of 2010) is a junior at Warren Wilson College in Ashville, NC and his daughter Elizabeth is a freshman at St. Agnes Academy. Steven practices law with the firm Irelan Hargis in Houston.

90’s Robert Washington ‘91 was recently promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Corps. He is currently assigned to the J-7 Training Directorate of the Joint Staff in Norfolk, Virginia and works as a Joint Training Requirements Officer. He is also pursuing a Master’s Degree in Strategic Foresight from Regent University in Virginia Beach. He is a Marine Artillery Officer with 17 years of service and for the last 16 years has been happily married to his wife, Tanya, whom he met at Texas A&M University. They have three children; Hunter, Taylor and Ashley.

David O’Hearn ‘91 and his wife, Christy, welcomed the birth of their daughter, Dani, on April 10, 2012 at 2:00 am in Grapevine Texas. She weighed 7lbs 13oz and was 20 inches long.

Connor Booth ‘04 is to be married to Anne Perry Pope in Norfolk, Virginia on November 3, 2012. The Best Man will be Casey Doherty ‘04 and one of the Groomsmen is Michael Foster ‘04.


Ricky Perdido ‘85 and his wife Giau will be celebrating their 7th year anniversary in July. They are blessed with two beautiful daughters Autumn 4 years old and Ashley 4 months old. Ricky has been working for the U.S. government as a civilian since 2006 serving his country on overseas tours.

Dr. Jack Hornberger ‘03 was awarded the Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from The University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston last May. He is currently in his first year in the UT Houston School of Dentistry Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Residency program.

John Gilroy ‘03 and his wife, Ashley (St. Pius ‘03), welcomed the birth of their daughter, Katherine Rose, on August 17.

Mark Hornberger ’07 graduated from Santa Clara University in 2011. He is currently a teacher at the Wall Street Institute in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Robert Ladd 04 passed the Illinois Bar exam this past summer and is currently working as a state prosecutor for McHenry County, Illinois. In July he was married to his college girlfriend, Kathy, at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame. They live in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Joseph Mims ‘04 earned his MBA from Vanderbilt and has joined the Houston energy group in Citi’s investment bank.




Saturday, February 9, 2013


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Patrick Lusk ‘76 Brother of James ‘67 Patricia Biles Mother of Andrew ‘77, James ‘79, and Michael ‘89 Rose Marie Myers Frey Mother of Claude ‘72, Marcel ‘74, Martin ‘77 and Roger ‘81^ Grandmother of Thomas ‘02 and Jeff ‘04 Fajun Jiang Father of Yang ‘06 & Michael ‘15

Make plans now to join the rest of the Strake Jesuit community at our annual Night of Honor when we induct members of the 2012 Athletic Hall of Honor and present the annual Ignatian Award to the Alumnus of the Year.

Valerie Gaenslen Wife of George ‘67 Luis Gomez Father of Bill ‘86 and David ‘00 Peter Lehnert Father of Norman ‘90 Barbara McAdams Mother of Cliff ‘79 Fred McCutcheon Father of Kyle ‘79 Rita Claire Sauve Metyko Mother of Mark ‘76 and James ‘77 David Petty Father of David ‘81 Martha Ralph Mother of Randy ‘78

Class of 2012 - Patrick Devine ‘78, Bill O’Brien ‘78, 1977 Mile Relay Team, 1998 Baseball Team

Edwin Reed, Sr. Father of Ted ‘76 Ann Rojas Mother of Randy ‘08 & Richie ‘11 Joseph Toner Father of Steve ‘78 & David ‘86

~ BIRTHS ~ Dani O’Hearb on April 10, 2012 David ‘91 and Christy

2012 Recipient - Announced this fall

Katherine Rose Gilroy on August 17, 2012 John ‘03 and Ashley


2011 - 2012 ROLL OF DONORS When I became Chairman of the Board three years ago, I anticipated exciting developments at Strake Jesuit. The combination of a visionary Fr. Dan Lahart, a loyal administration, a talented faculty, and a dedicated staff guaranteed I would not be disappointed. Now as my term expires, I am pleased to report on some major accomplishments of the school. The Retreat and Leadership Center (RLC) was completed earlier this year, and it is spectacular! Set in Leon County, it has hosted numerous retreats for students, athletic teams, clubs, parents and faculty. Taking advantage of the RLC’s inspirational environment, outstanding programs are being developed to shape our students into ethical leaders. Alumni were ecstatic this summer to learn that the school has acquired the adjacent apartment complex on Gessner Road. This property was part of the original Strake Jesuit land holdings and is now to be incorporated into a new master plan for the campus. A new strategic plan was created for the school in 2009. Infrastructure components of the plan include development of the RLC, construction of a new science and engineering building, and improvements to campus landscaping and parking. A capital campaign will be launched soon to realize these goals. Robert Smith, a 1982 Strake Jesuit graduate, takes over as Chairman of the Board this year. Robert’s steadfast commitment to the mission of the school will allow him to lead a forward-looking team of board members in working with the administration to implement the remaining goals of the strategic plan. Finally, let me thank those of you who have supported Strake Jesuit with countless volunteer hours and generous financial contributions. Your volunteer efforts are evidenced by the success of the school’s organizations and fundraising events. Additionally, the following pages recognize the many members and friends of our community who have supported the mission of the school. Without your support, many boys may have never had the opportunity to become Men for Others.

Strake Jesuit Board of Directors 2011-2012 Mr. Douglas Konopka, Chairman Mr. Charles Adcock Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 Prof. Pedro Alvarez Mr. James Bashaw ‘80 Mr. David Beathard ‘77 Mrs. Cathy Borlenghi Mr. Murray Brasseux Mr. Robert Clay ‘85 Fr. Justin Daffron, SJ Mr. Neill Davis Mrs. Elizabeth Garibaldi Mr. Alex Gomez ‘87 Fr. Jeff Johnson, SJ Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ Mr. Jim Loughlin ‘74 Mr. Eric Mullins ‘80 Mr. James Murphy ‘76 Mr. Hunter Nelson Mr. John O’Shea

Doug Konopka

Mrs. Louise Parsley

Publishing this Roll of Donors is a small way in which Strake Jesuit College Preparatory can publicly recognize those who have made cash gifts and gifts-in-kind to the school. Gifts included in this Roll of Donors are those made from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. Every year the list grows with new friends who join the dedicated and consistent donors who have supported the School for many years. Each gift is appreciated and every gift is put to good use, whether it be to provide financial aid, renovate or maintain facilities, develop new academic programs or enhance technology across campus. Please take a few minutes to read the names of alumni, current and past parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, as well as friends of the school who have made a gift this year. Because of their support, Strake Jesuit can continue to challenge young men to learn, lead, serve and grow to become Men for Others.


Rev. Msgr. Frank Rossi Mr. Roger Sahni Mr. Robert Smith ‘82 Mrs. Suzanne Werner

R O LL Ignatius Club Anonymous ++ Anonymous ' + Anonymous Anonymous h Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee h ' ++ Agee Family Foundation ' Dr. Eugene L. Alford & Dr. Mary L. Alford h Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ammons h ' The Ammons Law Firm h Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston ++ Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin h ' Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian h ' Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell h ' + Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi ' + Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion h ' Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin ' + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock h + Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Brooks ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 h ' ++ The CBJR Foundation h Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman h ' + Chevron h ' ++ Mrs. Lydia O. Chopin h Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Colley ' Conoco Phillips, Inc. h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. David Dacus h Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche + Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88 h + Mr. & Mrs. James M. Donnell h Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Raul Elorduy Mr. Raul Elorduy Candiani & Mrs. Alina B. Elorduy h Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney h ' Mr. & Mrs. George M. Fleming h ' + Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D. Foster h ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fraga ‘93 h Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger ' Mr. & Mrs. David G. Gallagher h Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gray W. Gilbert h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto h Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 h ' + Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gray h ' Mr. Gunther Haller h Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Hansen h Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 h + Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning ' + Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Heston, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. William B. Houston h ' Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III h ' + Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 h ' ++ The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation ' + Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Lee + Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Lennon, Jr. h Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius h ' Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. ‘74 ' Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch ' ++ M. D. Anderson Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui h ' + Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. h ' ++ Marek Family Foundation h ' Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason + Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McClain h McClain Gallery h Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. '


Mr. M. Ryan McGrath ‘03 h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath h ' Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire h ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb ' + Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 h ' + Mercedez Benz of Houston North h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Miller ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Kendall A. Miller h Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mooz h ' Mr. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 P.J. Moran Foundation + The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. h ' + Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 h ' + Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. h ' + John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation ' + Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ' ++ Prof. James W. Paulsen & Ms. Robin Russell h ' Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Peters h Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pruner ' Mr. & Mrs. Ricky A. Raven h + Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray h + Ms. Linda Ream h ++ Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves h ' + Mr. William Restrepo & Ms. Costanza Marenco di Moriondo ' + Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck ' + Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rossettie ' Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora h ' Scanlan Foundation ' + Shell Oil Company ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer ++ Ms. Suzanne Staley h Strake Foundation ++ Strake Jesuit Community h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Greg Sulentic ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Sulentic h Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sutton h Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 h + Mr. Guillermo Tame & Ms. Alina Elorduy Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer h ' + Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras h + Mr. & Mrs. W. Paschall Tosch, Sr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Steve Trevino ' Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair h ' + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner h ' Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker ' + Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas h ++ Wapiti Energy, LLC h The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation h + Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh h Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner ' ++ Mrs. Sharla R. Wertheimer h Dr. Ghassan Zaghrini & Dr. Grace Makhlouf-Zaghrini h

Stanislaus CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Agee h ' Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 ' + Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Beathard ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck ' Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Boihem Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. ' ++ BP ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Bret E. Broussard ‘76 h Capital One N.A. h ' + Janice and John M. Carrabba/Piatto Ristorante h Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa h ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay h + Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole h + Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Corrigan, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino ' + Cram Crew h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval h + Data Projections h

D O N O RS Mr. & Mrs. Neill P. Davis h ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. h Mrs. Karin Diaz Mr. Peter L. Diaz h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson h ' Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff ‘81 h + Mr. Charles F. Duffield, II & Dr. Rosemary Buckle ' Mr. Thomas K. & Dr. Allison P. P. Edwards h ExxonMobil ++ Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali + Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 h ++ Fluor h ' Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty ‘70 h Dr. & Mrs. Carl Frank, M.D. ‘89 h Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch h Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Galati Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Antonio G. Gambini h GE Foundation h + Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83 h + Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish h + Ms. Sharon T. Griffin h George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation + Hart Energy h Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 ' + Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. h ' + Hess Corporation h The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation h + Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91 h + William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation ++ Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jay Levy h Dr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Lockhart h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald N. McMillan h Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. McParland Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 h ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Natoli h ' Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Nelson ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick ++ Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01 h + Mr. & Mrs. John R. Plugge h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser + Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Reese ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Richard ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales, Jr. h Mr. William T. Russell, Jr. h Mr. Arthur Gerard Sanchez h Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Savage, III h Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher h ' Spectra Energy h + Spirit of Texas Bank, SSB ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 h Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club h ' + Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey h ' Ms. Ashley Vachon Mr. & Mrs. Guy P. Vachon Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace h Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh h ' Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas White ‘97 h Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Witte Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86 h +

Crusader CLUB Anonymous ++ Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo h + Dr. Frederick C. Ames & Dr. Robin J. Burks h Mr. & Mrs. James E. Anderson ' Mr. Russell L. Anderson & Ms. Carol M. Cameron h Mr. Robert Archer h Atwood Oceanics Management, LP h Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Aven h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ay, Jr. '

Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. C. Mark Baker Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar ++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Darden J. Bourne Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boushka, III h ' BP Fabric of America Fund h + Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux ' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen h + Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan ' + Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Broussard h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown + Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Brown h Mr. & Mrs. Curtis R. Bucey h Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bullington h Mr. & Mrs. Ramon M. Cantu h Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo ' Mr. & Mrs. David E. Castaneda h Dr. & Mrs. Peter Chang h Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 h ++ Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. W. Cleland Dade h Mr. David D. Dao & Dr. Julie D. Bui h The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers h ' ++ Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Crayden Didsbury ‘80 Mr. Paul J. Dobrowski + Dobrowski L.L.P. + Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 h + Doyle Raizner LLP Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz + Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Eichler h El Paso Energy h ++ Mr. Thomas Guy Elder h Mr. & Mrs. Helder M. Eloy h Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan h ' + Dr. Francisco J. Esteva & Ms. Maria Regueira h ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Ewbank Finkelstein Partners Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Flynn h Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff + Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Garry M. Gaskins h Mr. & Mrs. Panos N. Georgiou h Mr. & Mrs. Dewey J. Gonsoulin Jr. h Ms. Helen M. Grivich + Halliburton, Inc. h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington h ' Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes h ' Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Heiberger h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt h Mr. & Mrs. David B. Horsley h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson ' + Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein h Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Irby h Mr. & Mrs. Opiah I. Izu h Mr. Paul D. & Dr. Namieta M. Janssen h ' Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Johnston h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jones h Mr. & Mrs. Dorian C. Kawar h + Mr. & Mrs. Don F. Keating + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg ‘82 h + Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh h ++ Mr. & Mrs. John R. Keville h ' Dr. & Mrs. Dong H. Kim h ' Mr. Steven T. Kimbrell & Judge Joan Campbell Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Klein Jr. h Knights of Columbus Council 11343 +

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka h + Mr. & Mrs. Umberto LaMatta ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne h + Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87 h + Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos ++ Lighting, Inc. + Mr. Paul F. Mansfield h Marek Brothers Systems, Inc h Dr. & Mrs. David R. Martin ‘90 h Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 + Mrs. Thomas J. McErlean ++ Mr. & Mrs. George E. McKean, III h Mr. & Mrs. Calvin M. McMinn ' Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 h ++ Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Mueller h Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 ' Mr. & Mrs. James A. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Murray h Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario h + Mrs. Nancy L. Nevle h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Newcomer, Jr. ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish ‘80 NiSource Gas Transmission & Storage h Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. h Northstar GOM, LLC + Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli ‘75 h + Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Nutt h ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor h ' Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. O’Neill ‘97 h ONEOK Foundation, Inc. h ' Orion Fine Jewelry h Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn h ' + Mr. Stacy J. Papajohn ‘89 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Parker h ' Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman ' + Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pilegge h Mr. & Mrs. John J. Polasek h Mr. & Mrs. Andy Pontikes h ' Mr. & Mrs. Billy F. Price Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini h ++ Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. Martin H. Reddy, Ph.D. ‘73 h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Roberts + Robert’s Jewelry h Mr. & Mrs. Ross A. Robinson h Mr. & Mrs. René L. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. James C. V. Rogers h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth + Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti ' Mr. & Mrs. David R. Schneider h Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham h ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Siegfried ' + Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo ‘83 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider h ++ Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III h Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield h ' Mr. Michael A. Stuchly h Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Tellez h Texas Citizens Bank h Mr. & Mrs. Terence F. Townend h Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey h ' ++ Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vrabec h W T Byler Company h Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Wang h Wells Fargo ' ++ Westside Tennis & Fitness h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Whealdon h ' Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon h + Mr. & Mrs. Tedd J. Winter ' Dr. & Mrs. Shengkun Yao h Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. ‘68 h Zimmerman Resources h

Three members of the Class of 1965 returned to campus on the 50th anniversary of the first day of classes in 1961 at Jesuit, September 15. Second from left Patrick Doyle ‘65 , Bob Sumick ‘65, and John Glover ‘65 were joined by Student Council Vice President Bill Dodd ‘12 (far left), Council President Sam Finney ‘12 and Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ and N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67. President’s CLUB The Andrews Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers ' + Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 + Mr. Bradley S. Bailey ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Beaton Mr. & Mrs. John A. Best + Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black ' Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83 h + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard h ++ Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland, II h Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Boyer, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun ' ++ Dr. & Mrs. Allen W. Burton h ' Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Callaghan ‘82 h ++ Champion Industrial Sales Company + Mr. & Mrs. Jose J. Chapa, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Chavarria Mr. Mitch S. Che & Ms. Yapada T. Yuwanawattana h Mr. & Mrs. William P. Cirioli Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Claude ‘74 h Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Coerver ‘88 h Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins h Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins ' Mr. & Mrs. David Wilks Corban h Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cozort h Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane h Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Davis h Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman ' + Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo E. de la Borda h Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76 + Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst h ++ Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Diaz, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke + Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty h ++ Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty ++ Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly h + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Eleiott Envar Services, Inc. h Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk h ++ Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. Felix h + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fernelius h Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter ' + Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher h ' + Galerie Zuger Mr. Guillermo A. Garcia ‘96 h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gebara h Gems by Chao h

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. George ‘86 h + Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Gere h Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gleeson h Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour ++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Gray h Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Gutierrez h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harvey h Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. David H. Haynes h Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Hennings Dr. Ha P. Ho & Ms. Phuong T. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hogan h Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Horton Mr. Brent J. & Dr. Jessica P. Hwang h Icon Bank h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Jallans h Mr. & Mrs. David N. Jones, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones h Mrs. Laura Jungeblut h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Kamin h ' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Keller h Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Vreij Kolandjian h Mr. & Mrs. Joel N. Kontchou h Kraft Foundation h Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Langlois h Mr. & Mrs. Jordan R. Larimore h Dr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Laucirica h Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III h ' ++ Mrs. Janice LeBlanc h Mr. & Mrs. Vincent T. Leger h Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. LeGros Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Spencer C. Li h Dr. Alexander G. Linares & Dr. Anna K. McMurtrie-Linares h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd + Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lohman Mr. & Mrs. Art D. Lombard h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Lowe h Mr. & Mrs. Gerald V. Maes h Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Magee h Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski ' Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. McMahon ‘88 h + Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara ++ Dr. & Dr. Victor O. Mendiola ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut h ' +

Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Neiers Ms. Emmanuelle Nguyen h Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Noble Mr. J. R. O’Hara ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Okelberry h Mr. & Mrs. Bill C. Okerlund Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Ott h Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley ' + Pecan Hill Kennel h Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Lee Phan h Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Pignetti h Mr. & Mrs. Dan F. Platt, Jr. ' Mr. Dean M. Price & Ms. Irma Y. Gardea-Price h Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano ' + Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pruitt ‘78 h Mr. & Mrs. Conley J. Rank h Mr. & Mrs. René A. Richard + Dr. Harry F. Richards ++ Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo h + Mr. W. Larry Robey, Jr. ‘97 h Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr. h + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Rutledge h ' Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Ryan h Mr. & Mrs. Bret D. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso + Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Schaefer h Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt + Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schmidt ‘86 h + Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Schmidt h Mr. Richard J. Schmitt h Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider h ' + Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Darby Seré h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Shapiro ' Shipley Do-nuts h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simon h Mr. Michael P. Skelly & Ms. Anne E. Whitlock + Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Snell h Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk h + Mr. Alexander Solntsev & Ms. Tami M. Lyons-Solntsev h Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65 h Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Stewart h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Stinebaugh ‘82 h Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Patrice E. Storey h Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Strenge Mr. Kirk J. Stulen & Ms. Kelly J. Hammar h Mr. & Mrs. Pete W. Ten Eyck h

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499


James Loughlin ‘74 was one of several members of the school’s Board of Directors who took time to go Back-to-School and spend some time observing in the classroom on November 16.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele h + Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas + Mr. & Mrs. Mike S. Thomas h Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Thompson ' Time Warner Cable h Mr. & Mrs. Alberto G. Tohme h Mr. & Mrs. Dieu D. Tran h TransMontaigne, Inc. T-Rex Engineering & Construction h Mr. Mike Truong h Mrs. Laura L. Vaio h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice + Mrs. Teri Vu Mr. & Mrs. John Weathington, III h Mr. & Mrs. Nathan A. Wesely h Mr. J. Edward Wheeler, III ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson h Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 + Williams Community Relations ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters h + Mr. & Mrs. Wei S. Wong h Wortham Insurance & Risk Management h Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch +

Magis CLUB Anonymous h Anonymous h Anonymous h ++ Abbott Fund Matching Gift Programs h Mr. & Mrs. Eufronio D. Abuel h Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley h Mr. & Mrs. John C. Adolph ‘00 ++ Ms. Linda C. Adolph + Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson h ' ++ AIG Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiuvalasit ‘67 Dr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Allee h Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison + Dr. Radwan Al-Sabbagh & Ms. Hadeel Mujarkesh ' Alvin Gee Photography + Amigas Club of Strake Jesuit Dr. Jack An ‘87 & Dr. Karen Klatte h + Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ++ Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone h + Apache Corporation h ++ Mrs. Angela R. Apollo h Appleton Learning h Argonaut Insurance Company h

Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Arguello, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Sammer I. Arnouk h Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe + At Your Side Home Care h Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00 h + Ms. Carol Bailey ' + Mr. & Mrs. Darrin R. Baker h Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Vic Baldridge h Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Balhoff h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bambace ‘81 + Mr. Thanh K. Banh & Ms. Nam T. Pham + Mr. & Mrs. Jodie B. Barbe h Mr. Gregory P. Barra ‘99 h Mr. & Mrs. William E. Barron ‘66 h Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86 h + Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 ' ++ Bellaire Family Orthodontic h Mr. & Mrs. Craig Biggio h Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ ++ Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block h ' + Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Braden ‘67 h Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. James J. Braniff, IV ‘88 h + Mr. & Mrs. John R. Braniff, Jr. ‘85 h Dr. Dale J. & Dr. Carol R. Brant h Rev. Flavio I. Bravo, SJ h Brennan’s of Houston h Mr. & Mrs. Bradley W. Breuer h Mr. & Mrs. James R. Breuer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brhlik h Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody h + Mr. & Mrs. David J. Broeckelmann h Brookfield Properties h Brookstone Homes h The Brown Foundation, Inc. ' + Mr. & Mrs. S. Scott Buckheit h Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Buckle h Mr. Patrick Buckley ‘77 h Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Budnik h Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso ++ Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck ' + Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Burke ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John A. Burke, Sr. h Burner Combustion Systems, LLC h Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Busa Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 +

Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Calderwood h Mr. Christopher Calderwood ‘03 h Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Cannon h Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Cantrell h ' Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Capo ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Casals ‘86 h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Cassidy ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cater + Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh h ' + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 h + Mr. Gerald M. Cawley & Dr. Regina S. Okhuysen-Cawley h + Central Market h Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Chang h Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet Mr. & Mrs. Hector R. Chavez ‘02 h Dr. Stephen Chen ‘03 h Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery S. Christman Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83 + Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck + Coldwell Banker Untited, Realtors h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Cole ‘02 h Rep. Garnet F. Coleman ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill h Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85 h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. ++ Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Contreras h Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, Jr. Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81 + Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cowan h Mr. Robert E. Crane, II ‘78 h Crave Luxury Auto h Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven ++ Creighton University Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 h ++ Mrs. Mary Crowley h Mr. Michael J. Crowley h ++ Mr. & Mrs. William K. Culbreth h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cummings h Mr. & Mrs. John E. Curtis h DataSmart, LLC h Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson + Mrs. Helen B. Davidson h Ms. Maria S. Davidson h Mr. Roger James Davidson h Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies ++ Mr. & Mrs. Owen Davies ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Carlos R. De Aldecoa h Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. deGroot h ' Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos ' + Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries + Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt h ++ Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. DeWitt h Mr. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 & Ms. Maria Gomez h ++ Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dietz, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. German S. Digoy Mr. & Mrs. Sashe D. Dimitroff h Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin + Dostal’s Jewelry h Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Doyle ‘69 h Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza h ' + Mr. John K. Dubiel h + Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Dulworth h Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque ‘90 h Mr. & Mrs. Darin Durkee h Dr. Teresa Kay Duryea h Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79 h +

Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 ++ Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 h ++ Mr. Ronald G. Embry & Dr. Christine A. Moustakis-Embry h Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Eumont h Fat Dads Basketball h Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Fee, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Feldman h Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Bart E. Fields h Dr. & Mrs. Diego E. Fiorito h Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fletcher ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Andre P. Fontenot ' Mr. & Mrs. Carey T. Ford ‘93 h + Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford ‘89 h Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 h ' + Dr. & Mrs. William C. Franklin h Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Frederick III h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 h ++ Fuller’s Machining Center, Inc h Mr. & Mrs. Allan Fung h Dr. James L. Gajewski Mr. & Mrs. Salindeg S. Gallegos h Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Garcia-Rameau Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88 h + Mr. Jeffery S. Gaspard ‘00 h Gerring Properities Inc h Mr. C. A. Gillan & Ms. Cathy S. Nunnally + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93 h + Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Gisser ' Gittings Studios + Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Glass Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Glass h Mr. John H. Glover ‘65 h + Dr. & Mrs. John A. Glynn ' Mr. Arturo Gomez ‘01 h Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez + Jean Lykes Grace Foundation h Mr. Tony & Rev. Mary Gracely h Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham ++ Mr. Catalin C. Grasu & Dr. Roxana M. Grasu h Ms. Helen Gray h Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Gredell h Greenwood King Properties h Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Ms. Barbara Divine h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Archie E. Groff, III h Mr. & Mrs. Aaron T. Grohs h Mr. Frank A. Grothues h Mrs. Julie A. Grothues h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 ++ Habicon Interiors h Mr. & Mrs. Kayvon Haghpeykar h Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. h ++ Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 ++ Mr. Edward L. Hanel & Dr. Ida F. Orengo Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty h + Hardcore Pilates h Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Z. Hawthorne ‘00 h + Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert + Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Heilman h Mr. Erwin M. Hengst, III ‘98 h Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Ms. Trudy Hansen ++ Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78 h + Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel h Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 h + Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Hines ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Hinkle + Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners h ++ Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Holbrooke h Mr. & Mrs. Justin Holy ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. James Hord ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger Ms. Tracey B. Hough h

The Houstonian Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Howe h Ms. Josephine Huang Mr. & Mrs. Shane W. Hudson ‘93 h + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel h + Mr. James Hull h ++ Mr. Dennis L. Huynh & Ms. My-Chi T. Tran h Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman ‘74 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69 + Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Janik ‘71 h Jerry’s Built Homegrown Burgers h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Jewett ' John Daugherty Realtors h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Johnson h Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Brent M. Jones Dr. Howard Jones h Mr. Jerry L. Jones h Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones h + Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jordan ‘85 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Joyce ‘79 JP Morgan Chase h Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00 + Juniper Networks h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka + Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 h ' Kansas City Southern h Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Keister ‘69 h Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell h ++ Mr. J. Grover Kelley ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley Kellogg Brown & Root h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly Mr. Rick Kenney h Mr. Mike Kerley ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kilgard ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein ‘79 h + Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Knowles h Mrs. Nancy Koch h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98 + Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 h + Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik + Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kowalski ‘71 h Mr. Dana B. Kraft ‘89 h Kroger h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer h ' + Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Kubiak h Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Kudela h Mr. Matthew A. Kuhn ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Harmony Kunu h Mr. Daniel Kuper ‘04 h Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kwik h Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Ladd, Sr. h Mr. Rudolph S. Lange h + Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Langemeier h Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lanier The Lost Iguana Resort & Spa h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lattanzi h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Lavery h Mr. & Mrs. Ngoc T. Le h Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Lea ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Ledet ‘70 h Mr. Norman E. Lester & Dr. Susan M. Ramin h Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 h + Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie E. Lewis, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. Orin H. Lewis h Mr. Yi Li & Ms. Helen Han h Mr. Mark R. Livesay + Loews New Orleans Hotel h Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 h Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Lowes h Dr. Pablo Lozano & Dr. Martha A. Laird h Ms. Bonnie F. Lugosch h Mr. & Mrs. Jorge E. Luna ‘86 h ++ Mr. Alec Luong ‘03 Dr. & Mrs. James E. Lusk ‘67 h Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Lutz h ++

Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Lyons ‘86 h Ms. Yuen-Yee Ma h Mr. & Mrs. Adam A. Mackie ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Macon h Mr. & Mrs. Efren M. Manalansan Marc Nathan Photographers h Marsh, Inc h Martha Turner Properties h Mr. & Mrs. James A. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin ' + Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Matlock ‘77 Mr. John B. Mattox ‘95 h Mr. Chase R. McArdle ‘11 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McAughan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride + Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy ++ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty ‘95 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. McConn ‘91 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. John L. McConn ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McConnell Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullagh + Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne McDonald, Sr. ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald ++ McDugald-Steele h Dr. & Mrs. Kevin W. McEnery Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McErlean ‘85 h Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. McGuire h Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 ++ Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick, Jr. ' + The Meadows Foundation + Mr. Robert Meara ‘05 h The Medallion Foundation, Inc. Memorial Athletic Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer h MFS Investment Management h Microsoft + Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller + Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr. + Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91 + Minute Maid Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda h + Mischer Neuroscience Associates h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Miskell ‘81 Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89 h + Mokara Hotel & Spa Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Montalbano h Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Ms. Amanda Vavilala + Mr. Matthew C. Morris ‘04 h + Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Mossbarger h Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70 + Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. William R. Munson h Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras h ' ++ New York Life Insurance Company ' + Mr. Chin V. & Dr. Kim-Huong Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Su T. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka ++ Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93 h ++ Noble Corporation h The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra ++ Northwestern Mutual Life ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 + Mr. Peter G. Nurre h Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. O’Brien ‘90 h Occidental Petroleum Corp. Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Connell ‘87 h + Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ogilvie Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill h Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. O’Neill h Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Neill ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 ++ Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 h ++ Dr. Robert B. Parke, Jr. ‘66 h Patio Pools of Houston h Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 h ++

Mr. & Mrs. William N. Pederson h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin h + PepsiCo Foundation + Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97 h + Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75 h Mr. Thomas H. Pielech & Ms. Susan A. Schmaeling Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina ‘76 ++ Dr. David V. Pinto ‘99 h Mr. Chanan Pinyopusarerk ‘98 h Mr. Gerald T. Price ‘67 h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price h Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Proctor h Prudential h Mr. Paolo Puccini ‘05 h Mr. Andrew M. Quinn h Rev. Jonathan D. Raia ‘98 h Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rathgeb h Raytheon h Dr. & Mrs. Jean-Francois P. Reat ‘78 h + Mr. Rudolph M. Reid & Ms. Maroussia E. Nassief-Reid h Reliant Energy h Remodeling Max h Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 ++ Mr. Kenneth D. Rice & Ms. Sarah Goodpastor Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers ' + Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Roberts ‘93 h Ms. Tamera M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts h Robin Jackson Photography h Mr. & Mrs. Melvin D. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde + Mr. Enrique Rojas h Mr. Carlos E. Roman ++ Mr. Thomas G. Romano h ++ Mr. & Ms. Gabriel Rombado h Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose h Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 ++ The Roth Family Foundation ++ Mr. & Mrs. David R. Rowley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck h Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford + The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 h + Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ Mr. Mariano Salazar, Jr. ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 h ' ++ SAP America h Mr. & Mrs. Bradley F. Saunders h Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch ' ++ Mr. Grant Schmidt ‘04 h Mr. & Mrs. John V. Schmitt ‘90 h Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 h ++ Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 ++ Mr. Thomas K. Schroeter ‘99 h + Mr. Sylvan Schwartz, Jr. h Mr. Charles Schwartzel ‘05 h Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Schwarzburg h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Seeby h Mrs. Weezie Sharman-Johnston h Sharps Compliance Inc h Mr. Nicholas F. Shaver ‘02 h Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN h ++ Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Short Mr. & Mrs. Randal L. Simpson h Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton + Mr. & Mrs. Petros Skoumpourdis h Mr. & Mrs. George E. Smith h Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Smith ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Smith h Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Solcher ‘79 + Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93 h Mr. Timothy E. Squyres ‘74 & Ms. Karen L. Brune h + St. Pius X High School h Mrs. Margaret Stacy Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy h '

Mrs. Elizabeth Standish ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel h + Mr. & Ms. Dennis J. Stanley h State Farm Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Stell h Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98 h + Mr. & Mrs. Kyle D. Stewart h Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart ‘68 h + Dr. & Mrs. Bob J. Stinebaugh h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Stinebaugh ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Stires h Mr. & Ms. Karl C. Stomberg h Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, III ‘78 + Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club Strake Jesuit Athletic Department h Strake Jesuit Coaching Staff Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Sturgis h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor h + Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Sullivan h Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Suter ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain ‘72 + Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. ++ Target ++ Tarpey Charitable Lead Annuity Trust h ' Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 ++ Tech-Seal International, Inc. h Mr. Justin M. Teltschik ‘92 h Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette + Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina + Textron, Inc. h + Thompson & Hanson h Thomson Reuters Mr. & Mrs. George L. Tilton ‘75 h Tiny Boxwood Cafe h Mr. J. G. Trabanino ‘96 h Mr. & Mrs. Quyen M. Tran Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 h + Mr. & Mrs. Vance Ulsh ‘69 + Mr. & Mrs. John P. Urban h Mr. Fernando C. Urrutia ‘99 h Dr. & Mrs. Jaime A. Valencia h Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Van Natta h Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 ++ Ms. Dorothy M. Vatalaro h ' Ms. Lynn C. Veazey + Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables h ++ Venetian Blind Carpet One Floor & Home h VMWare Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Andrew C. von Eschenbach h Dr. & Mrs. Warren J. von Eschenbach ‘89 h Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. VonBorstel Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters + Mr. & Mrs. Champ Warren ‘84 h Mr. & Ms. Joseph Q. Watson h Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82 h The WCM Group, Inc. h Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr. h + Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb ' + Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Westenhaver h Mr. & Mrs. Byron W. Whetstone ‘76 h Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Williams h Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson + Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Windlinger h Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 h ++ Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger ‘71 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Witte Mr. Brian L. Woodward ‘90 & Ms. Adelia Metcalf h Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wygant, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Yates Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young h + Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69 h + Mr. & Mrs. Owen Zidar, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 ++

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499





Gifts from Current Parents are used to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual operating costs at Strake Jesuit. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Parent Drive, Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns.

CLASS OF 2012 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin h ' Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion h ' Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin + ' Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Raul Elorduy Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney h ' Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Hansen h Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning + ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Heston, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. + ' Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sutton h Mr. & Mrs. W. Paschall Tosch, Sr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Steve Trevino ' Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker + ' Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh h

STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck ' Mrs. Karin Diaz Mr. Peter L. Diaz h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson h ' Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch h Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Galati Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins ' Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius ' Mr. & Mrs. Guy P. Vachon

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bullington h Mr. & Mrs. Helder M. Eloy h Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington h ' Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes h ' Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham h ' Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Wang h Mr. & Mrs. Tedd J. Winter '

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black ' Mr. & Mrs. Jose J. Chapa, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Chavarria Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins h Mr. & Mrs. David Wilks Corban h Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman + ' Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Eleiott Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. Felix + h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fernelius h Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Hennings Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart ++ h Dr. Alexander G. Linares & Dr. Anna K. McMurtrie-Linares h Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Neiers Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley + '


Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano + Mr. Michael P. Skelly & Ms. Anne E. Whitlock + Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Patrice E. Storey h Mr. & Mrs. Pete W. Ten Eyck h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice + Mr. & Mrs. Nathan A. Wesely h

IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. George M. Fleming + h ' Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 + h ' Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pruner ' Mr. William Restrepo & Ms. Costanza Marenco di Moriondo + ' Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck + ' Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora h ' Mr. Guillermo Tame & Ms. Alina Elorduy Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras + h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner h '

MAGIS CLUB Ms. Carol Bailey + ' Dr. Dale J. & Dr. Carol R. Brant h Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brhlik h Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Busa h Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh + h ' Mr. Gerald M. Cawley & Dr. Regina S. Okhuysen-Cawley + h Mr. & Mrs. John E. Curtis h Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos + ' Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. DeWitt h Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Feldman h Dr. & Mrs. Diego E. Fiorito h Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 h Dr. & Mrs. John A. Glynn ' Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Holbrooke h Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 h ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Langemeier h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lanier Mr. Norman E. Lester & Dr. Susan M. Ramin h Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Lowes h Mr. & Mrs. John T. Macon h Dr. & Mrs. Kevin W. McEnery Mr. & Mrs. William R. Munson h Mr. & Mrs. William N. Pederson h Mr. Thomas H. Pielech & Ms. Susan A. Schmaeling Ms. Tamera M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Melvin D. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck h Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Short Mr. & Mrs. Randal L. Simpson h Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. VonBorstel

STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell + ' Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Boihem Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson h ' Mr. Charles F. Duffield, II & Dr. Rosemary Buckle ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Plugge h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser + Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz ' Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace h Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Witte Jr. h

CRUSADER CLUB Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo + h Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Aven h ' Mr. & Mrs. C. Mark Baker Mr. & Mrs. Darden J. Bourne Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo ' Mr. & Mrs. David E. Castaneda h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz + Dr. Francisco J. Esteva & Ms. Maria Regueira h ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Ewbank Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Heiberger h Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson + ' Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Johnston h Dr. & Mrs. Dong H. Kim h ' Mr. Steven T. Kimbrell & Judge Joan Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Klein Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Mueller h Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Nutt h ' Mr. & Mrs. Andy Pontikes h ' Mr. & Mrs. René L. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry h ' Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vrabec h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Whealdon h '

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 ' Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Bertagne h Mr. & Mrs. John L. Cashin h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Chesser Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Cook h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. DiGregorio Mr. & Mrs. William R. Drews Mr. Michael P. & Hon. Natalie C. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn Dr. Joseph L. Hornung & Dr. Martha B. Aguilar h Mr. Javier M. & Dr. Liliana R. Janer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Martins h Mr. & Mrs. Jose I. Morell h Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ ' Mr. Nagib Mustafa & Ms. Camilla J. Owen Mrs. Anna H. Nguyen h Mr. Thomas H. Padgett ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. Lauro Victor S. Puno Mr. Edgar O. Rivera & Mrs. Sandra I. Carattini-Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Taylor Ms. Dawn R. Terrazas-Chambers + Mr. & Mrs. Noel V. Vispo

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. & Mrs. William P. Cirioli Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Davis h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Dugan Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley ++ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harvey h Dr. Ha P. Ho & Ms. Phuong T. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Horton Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Jallans h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Kamin h ' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Keller h Mr. & Mrs. Vreij Kolandjian h Mr. & Mrs. Joel N. Kontchou h Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Langlois h

Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. LeGros Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lohman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald V. Maes h Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski ' Mr. & Mrs. Bill C. Okerlund Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Ryan h Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Schaefer h Mr. & Mrs. Dieu D. Tran h Mrs. Teri Vu Mr. & Mrs. Nathan A. Wesely h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Sammer I. Arnouk h Mr. & Mrs. Jodie B. Barbe h Mr. & Mrs. David J. Broeckelmann h Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Cantrell h ' Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Capo ‘84 h Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery S. Christman Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cowan h Ms. Maria S. Davidson h Mr. Roger James Davidson h Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. deGroot h ' Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries + Dr. Teresa Kay Duryea h Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Eumont h Mr. & Mrs. Andre P. Fontenot ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Frederick III h Mr. Catalin C. Grasu & Dr. Roxana M. Grasu h Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Gredell h Mr. Edward L. Hanel & Dr. Ida F. Orengo Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert + Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez ' Ms. Tracey B. Hough h Mr. Yi Li & Ms. Helen Han h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McAughan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin + h Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Proctor h Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rathgeb h Mr. Kenneth D. Rice & Ms. Sarah Goodpastor Mr. & Mrs. David R. Rowley Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Schwarzburg h Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Seeby h Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy h ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel + h Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Stell h Mr. & Ms. Karl C. Stomberg h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Sullivan h Mr. & Mrs. John P. Urban h Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Witte Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Yates

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Ms. Maria Cristina Acevedo Mr. & Mrs. Isaac J. Aparicio ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Bain Mr. & Mrs. Josephus M. Bandalan Dr. & Mrs. Marcus D. Barnett h Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello + h Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Bouffard h Mr. Lott J. Brooks & Ms. Denise M. Crawford h Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Buckner h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82 +

Mr. & Mrs. Graydon K. Cayce h Mr. & Mrs. Paulinus O. Chukwujekwu h Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton + Mr. & Mrs. Stefano P. Costantini h Mr. & Mrs. Lich X. Dang h Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dawkins Mr. & Mrs. Romeo D’Souza Ms. Bianca Genoveva Duque Mr. Dean R. Elkins Mr. & Mrs. Eli T. Fos Dr. & Mrs. Edward C. Fritsch h Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin T. Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Garcia-Rameau h Ms. Jane Granahan Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 ' Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Longsworth Mr. & Mrs. Norman D. Lopez h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lucia Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Meves Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey h Mrs. Maria Gabriela Olivero h Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Parker h Dr. & Mrs. Mario J. Portocarrero h Mr. & Mrs. Gary O. Quenan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Scamardi ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. William E. Sessums Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Luiz R. Sganderlla Mr. & Mrs. Tom Skerl + h Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Smith ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Soto Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stolte Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Tad-y h Dr. & Mrs. Ara A. Vaporciyan h Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wager ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. James F. Weitzel h ' Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Wettstein Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Zarosky h

CLASS OF 2014 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ammons h ' Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin h ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Gray W. Gilbert h ' Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gray h ' Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James h ' Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire h ' Prof. James W. Paulsen & Ms. Robin Russell h '

STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Corrigan, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino + ' Mr. & Mrs. Antonio G. Gambini h Mr. & Mrs. Jay Levy h Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. McParland Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer h ' Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rossettie ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher h '

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. James E. Anderson ' Mr. Russell L. Anderson & Ms. Carol M. Cameron h Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ay, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boushka, III h ' Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Broussard h Mr. David D. Dao & Dr. Julie D. Bui h Mr. Thomas Guy Elder h Mr. & Mrs. Helder M. Eloy h Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan + h ' Mr. Paul D. & Dr. Namieta M. Janssen h ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Keville h ' Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 ' Mr. & Mrs. James A. Murray

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Murray h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor h ' Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield h ' Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon + h Dr. & Mrs. Shengkun Yao h

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Beaton Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland, II h Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Boyer, Jr. h Dr. & Mrs. Allen W. Burton h ' Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins ' Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cozort h Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Diaz, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gebara h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Gray h Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Vincent T. Leger h Dr. & Mrs. Spencer C. Li h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd + Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Magee h Dr. & Dr. Victor O. Mendiola ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Ott h Mr. & Mrs. Lee Phan h Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Pignetti h Mr. & Mrs. Dan F. Platt, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pruitt ‘78 h Mr. & Mrs. Conley J. Rank h Mr. & Mrs. Bret D. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Shapiro ' Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simon h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Stinebaugh ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Strenge Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Thompson ' Mr. & Mrs. Dieu D. Tran h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice + Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson h Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 +

MAGIS CLUB Dr. Radwan Al-Sabbagh & Ms. Hadeel Mujarkesh ' Mr. & Mrs. James R. Breuer Mr. & Mrs. David J. Broeckelmann h Mr. & Mrs. William K. Culbreth h Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dietz, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. German S. Digoy Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza + h ' Mr. Ronald G. Embry & Dr. Christine A. Moustakis-Embry h Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Ferris Dr. James L. Gajewski Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Gisser ' Mr. & Mrs. Archie E. Groff, III h Mr. & Mrs. Kayvon Haghpeykar h Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Heilman h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Jewett ' Mr. Jerry L. Jones h Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Knowles h Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Kudela h Dr. Pablo Lozano & Dr. Martha A. Laird h Mr. & Mrs. James A. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McAughan Jr. Mr. Chin V. & Dr. Kim-Huong Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Su T. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ogilvie Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde + Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Stires h Mr. & Mrs. Quyen M. Tran Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Van Natta h Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. VonBorstel

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Ms. Falana L. Adams h Dr. & Mrs. Dionisio R. Alquiza, Jr. h Ms. Michelle M. Archer h Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Boisvert Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Calvin h Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Camp Mr. & Mrs. Guido M. Caranti Mr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Care Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cartwright Mr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Castenell Mr. & Mrs. James E. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chinn ' Mr. & Mrs. Emerson R. A. Cordova h Ms. Julie B. Dao + Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Dao Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Daus Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 ++ Mr. Glynn A. Dial & Ms. Agnes L. Dillard-Dial Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. DiGregorio Mr. Steve L. Duong Mr. & Mrs. Aben Ellerbee h Mr. Michael P. & Hon. Natalie C. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas T. Gosda ' Mr. & Mrs. Cody B. Groves ' Mr. & Mrs. C. Gabriel Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Jose C. Herrera h Mrs. Laura W. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Hungbui Mr. & Mrs. William J. Izard Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert B. Janik h Dr. Maren F. Jones h Dr. Richard Kellermayer & Dr. Reka Szigeti h Mr. & Mrs. Oscar M. Lander, II Ms. Daniella D. Landers Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Langdon Mr. Frank Lara Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Livit Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Lopez h Dr. Yuko Mori-Akiyama h Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. Nwora h Dr. & Dr. Bertram M. Ozumba Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Pecora h Mr. & Mrs. Stevan S. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Quiray h Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Riddle Ms. Karla M. Roberts h Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Salinas h Mr. & Mrs. Scott O. Sebastian h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt + Mr. & Mrs. Sam Thompson Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Varona Mr. John Walker & Ms. Christine M. Politis h Ms. Laura G. Welsh h Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Z. Werlla h Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Wierschem h

CLASS OF 2015 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. James M. Donnell h Mr. & Mrs. Raul Elorduy Mr. & Mrs. David G. Gallagher h Mr. & Mrs. Gray W. Gilbert h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Lennon, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Kendall A. Miller h Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mooz h ' Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Peters h Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora h ' Mr. Guillermo Tame & Ms. Alina Elorduy Dr. Ghassan Zaghrini & Dr. Grace Makhlouf-Zaghrini h


Bridging the Gap in


Total Cost of a Jesuit Education

$16,950 The Gap


Jesuit 2011-2012 Tuition & Fees


All Annual Fund contributions by Current Parents to the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund serve to Bridge the Gap between tuition and the actual cost of a Jesuit education. In 20112012 that Gap was $1,800. Thanks to the generous support of those parents who supported the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund in 20112012, last year’s Gap was bridged. Last year 58% of current parents chose to invest further in their son’s Jesuit education by supporting the Annual Fund. If you are a current parent in 20122013, when asked to support the Annual Fund, please consider a gift to help to bridge the gap once again.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Agee h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Boihem

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499


CURRENT PARENT DONORS Annual Fund and Total Giving by Class Parents of $262,560 Class of 2012 Annual Fund Giving

Parents of Class of 2013

$396,189 Annual Fund Giving

Parents of $236,950 Class of 2014 Annual Fund Giving

Parents of Class of 2015

$310,645 Annual Fund Giving

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Corrigan, Jr. h Mr. Thomas K. & Dr. Allison P. P. Edwards h Dr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Lockhart h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald N. McMillan h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Natoli h ' Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Reese ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales, Jr. h Mr. Arthur Gerard Sanchez h Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Savage, III h Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Witte Jr. h

CRUSADER CLUB Dr. Frederick C. Ames & Dr. Robin J. Burks h Mr. & Mrs. C. Mark Baker Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Brown h Mr. & Mrs. Curtis R. Bucey h Mr. & Mrs. Ramon M. Cantu h Mr. & Mrs. David E. Castaneda h Dr. & Mrs. Peter Chang h Mr. & Mrs. W. Cleland Dade h Mr. David D. Dao & Dr. Julie D. Bui h Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Eichler h Mr. & Mrs. Garry M. Gaskins h Mr. & Mrs. Panos N. Georgiou h Mr. & Mrs. Dewey J. Gonsoulin Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. David B. Horsley h Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Irby h Mr. & Mrs. Opiah I. Izu h Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jones h Mr. & Mrs. Dorian C. Kawar + h Mr. & Mrs. George E. McKean, III h Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario + h Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Nutt h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Parker h ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Polasek h Mr. & Mrs. Andy Pontikes h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ross A. Robinson h Mr. & Mrs. James C. V. Rogers h Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry h ' Mr. & Mrs. David R. Schneider h Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham h ' Mr. Michael A. Stuchly h Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Tellez h Mr. & Mrs. Terence F. Townend h

Participation by Class Parents of Class of 2012

$729,773 Total Giving

Parents of Class of 2013

$829,987 Total Giving

Parents of Class of 2014

$501,457 Total Giving

Parents of Class of 2015

$544,354 Total Giving

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. Mitch S. Che & Ms. Yapada T. Yuwanawattana h Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo E. de la Borda h Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Gere h Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Gutierrez h Mr. & Mrs. David H. Haynes h Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Horton Mr. Brent J. & Dr. Jessica P. Hwang h Mr. & Mrs. David N. Jones, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Jordan R. Larimore h Mr. & Mrs. Art D. Lombard h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Lowe h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. McMahon ‘88 + h Ms. Emmanuelle Nguyen h Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Okelberry h Mr. Dean M. Price & Ms. Irma Y. Gardea-Price h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Rutledge h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Schaefer h Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Schmidt h Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Snell h Mr. Alexander Solntsev & Ms. Tami M. Lyons-Solntsev h Mr. Kirk J. Stulen & Ms. Kelly J. Hammar h Mr. & Mrs. Mike S. Thomas h Mr. & Mrs. Alberto G. Tohme h Mr. Mike Truong h Mrs. Laura L. Vaio h Mrs. Teri Vu Mr. & Mrs. John Weathington, III h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Eufronio D. Abuel h Dr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Allee h Dr. Radwan Al-Sabbagh & Ms. Hadeel Mujarkesh ' Mr. & Mrs. Darrin R. Baker h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Braniff, Jr. ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Bradley W. Breuer h Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Budnik h Mr. & Mrs. John A. Burke, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Busa h Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Cannon h Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Chang h Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery S. Christman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson + Ms. Maria S. Davidson h

Mr. Roger James Davidson h Mr. & Mrs. Sashe D. Dimitroff h Mr. & Mrs. Bart E. Fields h Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. Allan Fung h Mr. & Mrs. Salindeg S. Gallegos h Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Aaron T. Grohs h Mr. Frank A. Grothues h Mrs. Julie A. Grothues h Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez ' Mr. Dennis L. Huynh & Ms. My-Chi T. Tran h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Johnson h Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones + h Mr. & Mrs. Harmony Kunu h Mr. & Mrs. Ngoc T. Le h Mr. & Mrs. Orin H. Lewis h Mr. & Mrs. John T. Macon h Mr. & Ms. Gabriel Rombado h Mr. & Mrs. Bradley F. Saunders h Mr. & Mrs. Petros Skoumpourdis h Mr. & Ms. Dennis J. Stanley h Mr. & Mrs. Kyle D. Stewart h Mr. & Ms. Karl C. Stomberg h Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Sturgis h Dr. & Mrs. Jaime A. Valencia h Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Walker Mr. & Ms. Joseph Q. Watson h Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Westenhaver h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Isaac J. Aparicio ' Dr. & Mrs. David J. Auchter h Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Baldridge h Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Blackman h Mr. Roberto Brunel & Ms. Maria A. Brunel h Mr. & Mrs. Lap V. Bui h Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Carey h Mr. & Mrs. David Chan h Mr. & Mrs. Paulinus O. Chukwujekwu h Ms. MaryBeth Condara h Mr. & Mrs. Trent C. Conner h Mr. & Mrs. Stefano P. Costantini h Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Delgado h Mr. Melesio Elizondo & Ms. Mercedes A. Villarreal h

Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


52% 116 of 221

65% 160 of 248

59% 157 of 267

71% 187 of 264

Mr. & Mrs. Eli T. Fos Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Fostey h Ms. Alexis M. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Grant T. Garrison h Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Gordon h Mr. & Mrs. John P. Guerrero ‘88 h Ms. Letizia G. Guillen h Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Guillerman h Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hatam h Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hibbler, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Manuelito E. Ilag h Mr. & Mrs. Alberto F. Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Johnson h Ms. Debra K. Kirk h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Livermore h Mr. Victor T. Ly & Mrs. Michelle K. Phan-Ly h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Mashinski h Dr. & Mrs. Federico L. Mattioli ‘85 h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mitchell ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. Othon E. Nunez h Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. O’Neal h Mr. Thomas H. Padgett ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. Frédéric J. E. Perrier h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Quist h Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Rabalais h Mr. Rick C. Riojas h Mr. & Mrs. Efren L. Sagun h Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Salinas h Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher L. Sanders ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. Eric Scott h Mr. & Mrs. William E. Sessums Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Skipper h Ms. Catherine E. Stewart h Mr. Mark E. Stockwell & Ms. Claudia L. Hokanson-Stockwell h Ms. Suzanne R. Stuchly h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Sulentic Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Sullivan h Ms. Elizabeth M. Thompson h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas V. Ticas h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Trahan ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick N. Uwaezuoke, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. Romelito E. Vardeleon h Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wager ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Wiatrek h




Gifts from Past Parents can be made to support Financial Aid, an Endowment or the greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, and other Annual Giving campaigns. Ignatius Club Anonymous ++ Anonymous + ' Anonymous h Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee ++ ' Dr. Eugene L. Alford & Dr. Mary L. Alford h Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace ++ h Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi + ' Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin + ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock + h Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman + h ' Mrs. Lydia O. Chopin h Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Colley ' Mr. & Mrs. David Dacus h Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche + Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D. Foster h ' Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto h Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning + ' Mr. & Mrs. William B. Houston h ' Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Lee + Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason + Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath h ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb + ' Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. + h ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. + ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Ricky A. Raven + h Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray + h Ms. Linda Ream ++ h Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves + h ' Mr. William Restrepo & Ms. Costanza Marenco di Moriondo + ' Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck + ' Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer ++ Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras + h Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair + ' Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker + ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner ++ '

Stainslaus Club Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 + ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Beathard ' Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell + ' Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa h ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay + h Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole + h Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino + ' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval + h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. h Mrs. Karin Diaz Mr. Peter L. Diaz h

Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman + ' Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke + Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty ++ h Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty ++ Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly + h Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter + ' Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour ++ Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hogan h Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones h Mrs. Laura Jungeblut ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Laucirica h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd + Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut + h ' Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Noble Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters Mr. Dean M. Price & Ms. Irma Y. Gardea-Price h Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano + ' Mr. & Mrs. René A. Richard + Dr. Harry F. Richards ++ Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso + Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt + Mr. Richard J. Schmitt h Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider + h ' Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Darby Seré ++ h ' Mr. Michael P. Skelly & Ms. Anne E. Whitlock + Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk + h Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele + h Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas + Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice + Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters + h Mr. & Mrs. Wei S. Wong h Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch +

Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali + Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty ‘70 h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish + h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 + ' Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Nelson ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick ++ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser + Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 h Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh h '

Crusader Club Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo + h Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen + h Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan + ' Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown + Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ++ ' Mr. Paul J. Dobrowski + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz + Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff + Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ h ' Ms. Helen M. Grivich + Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt h Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson + ' Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein h Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies Mr. & Mrs. Dorian C. Kawar + h Mr. & Mrs. Don F. Keating + Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka + h Mr. & Mrs. Umberto LaMatta ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne + h Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos ++ Mrs. Thomas J. McErlean ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 ' Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario h Mrs. Nancy L. Nevle ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn + h ' Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman + ' Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pilegge h Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Roberts + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth + Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti ' Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets ++ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Siegfried + ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider ++ h Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III h Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Wang h Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon + h

Magis Club Anonymous h Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley h Ms. Linda C. Adolph + Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ h ' Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison + Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone + h Mrs. Angela R. Apollo h Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe + Ms. Carol Bailey + ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Balhoff h Mr. Thanh K. Banh & Ms. Nam T. Pham + Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody + h Mr. & Mrs. S. Scott Buckheit h Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso ++ Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck + ' Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Calderwood h Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 + h

President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers + ' Mr. & Mrs. John A. Best + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Boyer, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane h

Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck + Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill h Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. ++ Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven ++ Mrs. Mary Crowley h Mr. & Mrs. William K. Culbreth h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cummings h Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson + Mrs. Helen B. Davidson h Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies ++ Mr. & Mrs. Carlos R. De Aldecoa h Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries + Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt ++ h Mr. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 & Ms. Maria Gomez ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin + Mr. John K. Dubiel + h Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Dulworth h Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Fee, Jr. h Dr. & Mrs. William C. Franklin h Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. ++ Mr. C. A. Gillan & Ms. Cathy S. Nunnally + Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Glass Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez + Mr. Tony & Rev. Mary Gracely h Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham ++ Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Ms. Barbara Divine ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Kayvon Haghpeykar h Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. ++ h Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty + h Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert + Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel h Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Hinkle + Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Howe h Ms. Josephine Huang Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel + h Mr. James Hull ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Brent M. Jones Dr. Howard Jones h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 h ' Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley Mrs. Nancy Koch ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Kubiak h Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kwik h Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Ladd, Sr. h Mr. Rudolph S. Lange + h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lattanzi h Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 + h Mr. Yi Li & Ms. Helen Han h Mr. Mark R. Livesay + Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 h Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz ++ Ms. Bonnie F. Lugosch h

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499


Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Lutz ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Efren M. Manalansan Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin + ' Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride + Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McConnell Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullagh + Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne McDonald, Sr. ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick, Jr. + ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer h Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr. + Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda + h Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Montalbano h Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 + Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill h Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. O’Neill h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin + h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts h Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde + Mr. Enrique Rojas h Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck h Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford + Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 ++ h ' Mr. Sylvan Schwartz, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel Mrs. Weezie Sharman-Johnston h Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN ++ h Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton + Mr. & Mrs. Petros Skoumpourdis h Mr. & Mrs. George E. Smith h Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Smith h Mr. Timothy E. Squyres ‘74 & Ms. Karen L. Brune + h Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy h ' Mrs. Elizabeth Standish ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel + h Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Stell h Dr. & Mrs. Bob J. Stinebaugh h Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Sturgis h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor + h Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette + Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina + Mr. & Mrs. John P. Urban h Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Andrew C. von Eschenbach h Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters + Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr. + h Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb + ' Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Williams h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson + Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Windlinger h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Yates Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young + h Mr. & Mrs. Owen Zidar, Sr. h

General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Adair + Mrs. Irene Adolph h Mrs. Mary Clare Albrecht h Dr. & Mrs. Dionisio R. Alquiza, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Anderson Ms. Cecilia Ardila

Mr. & Mrs. Mauricio A. Ariz h Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Atchison ‘72 + h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 + Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry ++ Mr. & Mrs. Oliver M. Bakke Dr. & Mrs. Marcus D. Barnett h Mr. & Mrs. David P. Barra h Mrs. Anne L. Bass h Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, IV + Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Baumgartner h Mr. & Mrs. Dom Bausano, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Bellis Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello + h Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica h Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry ++ Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Bertagne h Mr. & Mrs. David Bethke h Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 ++ h Ms. Jenny Lou Bird Mr. Vincent C. Blusanovics & Ms. Barbara M. Read-Blusanovics h Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Bobbitt h Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78 Mrs. Susan F. Bolz + Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Bondor ++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ Dr. & Mrs. David J. Braden h Mr. & Mrs. John C. Branca Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill h Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Broeckelmann h Mr. Lott J. Brooks & Ms. Denise M. Crawford h Ms. Alisa Broussard + h Mr. & Mrs. William E. Buck + Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr. ++ Mrs. Catherine Byrnes h Mr. Arden D. Callender ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carmouche h Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Carrillo Mrs. Judith A. Carroll h Mr. & Mrs. James M. Casey + Mrs. Catherine Cash h Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 + h Mr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Castenell Mr. & Mrs. Merlin A. Castille + Mr. & Mrs. Cloy N. Causey h Mr. & Mrs. Graydon K. Cayce h Mrs. Phyllis B. Chase h Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Y. Chee h Mr. & Mrs. Ken Choyce h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Christensen h Mr. & Mrs. Vance Christopher ++ Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark ++ Mrs. Bonnie J. Clark-Brown h Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton + Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Coffield h Mrs. Mary H. Colemon + Mrs. Theresa Colley h Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins + h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. John G. Cope + Mr. Mark Costello + Ms. Uyen K. Crenshaw h Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Cuellar h ^ Mrs. Dorothy Daly ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Daly Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dampf ++ Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante ++ Ms. Julie B. Dao + Mr. & Mrs. Leo De Leon, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. John DeFilippo h Mr. & Mrs. David Depinet + Mr. & Mrs. Sam W. Dick h Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon + Mr. Mark E. Dini ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Douglass h Mrs. Almena M. Downey h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle ++

Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Duarte Mr. Steven M. Duin h Mr. James A. Dunn h Mr. Steve L. Duong Mr. & Mrs. Augusto E. Duque h Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Eberle h Mr. & Mrs. David Ecklund ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Edwards h Mr. & Mrs. John Egan Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Eichelberger h Mr. Dean R. Elkins Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Elmer h Dr. & Mrs. Garret J. Etgen ++ Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Eukel h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Eyberg + Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone + Mr. & Mrs. Abi Fata h Mr. & Mrs. James V. Faulkner, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Feinberg h Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez + h Mr. Michael P. & Hon. Natalie C. Fleming Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Fontaine + Mr. & Mrs. George Fordes h Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Formica + h Dr. & Mrs. Miguel Franco Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank + Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fredette Mr. & Mrs. Clayton D. Fryer h Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Garcia Ms. Elizabeth W. Gehring h Mrs. Virginia P. Gidley h Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill + Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Giraldo Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Glass Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert ++ h Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear ++ Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gorman Mr. & Mrs. David Gornet h Dr. H. Stephen Grace, Ph.D. h Dr. & Mrs. W. Malcolm Granberry h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg + Mr. & Mrs. Lauren Grenier + Mr. Steven Griesser & Dr. Marlo Griesser Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Griffith h Mr. & Mrs. John A. Grosso h Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Haesly + h Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn Dr. Robert J. Hall h Mr. & Mrs. George M. Handal h Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hanley, Jr. ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 + Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson ++ h Mr. & Mrs. James P. Haren Mrs. Marian Y. Harper Laningham h Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings + h Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hatam h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hayes h Mr. & Mrs. James Heid h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 ++ Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hendricks + Mr. & Mrs. James Henrikson h Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, II h Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Herrington h Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hobart h Mrs. Jane C. Hogan h Dr. & Mrs. L. Russell Hollenbeck, D.D.S. h Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Holy + Mr. Wai-Leung R. Hon ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins h Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty ++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard + h Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Hubbell ++ Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Hudson + h Mr. & Mrs. David A. Huete ++

Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Ms. Carla H. Huml Mr. & Mrs. Ted Isensee ‘69 h Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs h Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Jacobson h Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Jacobus Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik + h Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert B. Janik h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch h Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Johnson h Mr. & Mrs. Waverly L. Johnson, III h Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones + Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kainer + Ms. Kathryn Kanaby h Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keating h Mr. & Mrs. James B. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny ++ h Ms. Caroline O. Kermath h Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kerr h Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian + Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp h Ms. Susana N. Knight h Mrs. Charlotte Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Americo E. Korompai Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lacamu Mr. & Mrs. Neal F. Lane ++ Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus + Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lazzeri h Mrs. Dorothea Lea + Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Liska Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Llana ++ Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens ++ Mrs. Sarah H. Lynch + Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mackie, III + Mr. & Mrs. John M. Magner + Mr. & Mrs. Victor N. Makris Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malek, Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Malek + Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Mancillas + Mr. & Mrs. Julius Maresh Dr. Sylvia Marotta h Mr. & Mrs. Elroy Marti Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Martin h Mrs. Lois A. Mathews ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Matovich + h Mr. & Mrs. William H. McArdle, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. McAuliffe h Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee + h Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGeehan h Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay + Mr. & Mrs. John E. McLean h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McLean ++ h Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon ++ Mrs. Jeanne C. Mealey h Ms. Dolores Medina h Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon ++ Ms. Gloria Mendoza h Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Merkel ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer + h Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus + The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Roland M. Mills h Mr. & Mrs. William F. Minyard h Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Mira h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell + h Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Moeller, Jr. h Dr. & Mrs. Roberto Montoya h Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey h Mrs. Dorothy Morgenroth Dr. Edwin J. Morrow Mrs. Coreen Motard h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch + '

Jesuit’s Southwell Players and International Thespians thrilled audiences with a rousing production of Tom Jones, a comic novel by the English playwright and novelist Henry Fielding.

Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Mroczkowski h Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Murphy h Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples Dr. & Mrs. Armando Nart + Mrs. Lelia Nasser + h Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki h Ms. Jo Anne Neslage h Mrs. Carolyn Novelli ++ Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel N. Nwokedi Mr. Pat A. O’Brien Mrs. Mary Ann O’Connell Dr. & Mrs. Juan J. Olivero + Mrs. Joan O’Malley h Mr. Gordon Pace + Ms. Pauline Padgett h Mrs. Jo-Ann Padula + Mrs. Roylyn Parke + h Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Parker h Mr. & Mrs. David N. Parks + Mr. & Mrs. C. David Paternostro h Mrs. Mary Paulin h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Pepin + Mr. & Mrs. Andres P. Perez-Chaumont h Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Pesek h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pfaffenberger ^ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 + h Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Plessala Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polichino, Jr. ‘66 Ms. Katina C. Pontikes h Dr. & Mrs. Mario J. Portocarrero h Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. Pruden h Ms. Danielle Pung ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gary O. Quenan Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Quiray h Mr. & Mrs. Harold P. Rabalais h

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Skerl + h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt + Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Smith The Honorable & Mrs. Jerry E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. J. Brian Sokolik h Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear ++ h Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Ms. Mary H. Cook h Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66 + Mr. Clayton E. Spore & Ms. Alice R. Mattei + h Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Spradlin h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt + Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Stauffacher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Steets ‘65 Mrs. A. G. Stephenson h Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Sternfels h Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs + ' Mr. Albert J. Suhor ++ Mr. Stephen J. Sulentic h Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Carlos J. Taboada Mrs. Bobby A. Tarcza h Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Tarver + Mr. & Mrs. David M. Taylor h Mr. & Mrs. William R. Tennant h Ms. Dawn R. Terrazas-Chambers + Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Tobin h Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson ++ h Mrs. Jackie Tower Mr. & Mrs. Roberto L. Tulio, Jr. Ms. Juanita Unate h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ung + Dr. & Mrs. Nelson E. Uzquiano h Mrs. Alice N. Vick Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Vrsalovic h Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wager h Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Wakeland +

Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph + h Mr. & Mrs. James S. Redman h Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81 + Dr. & Ms. David W. Reininger ‘69 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Riccetti Dr. Mike Rice ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Goetz ++ Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried h Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife + Mr. & Mrs. Jim R. Rigamonti + h Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Riggs Mr. & Mrs. William R. Roberts + Ms. Therese Robin h Mrs. Marguerite Rogan ++ h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Rose h Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Roush Dr. & Mrs. Guillermo Rowe h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rowley Ms. Jo F. Ruhl h Mrs. Elsie Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Saberre, Sr. + Dr. Lonnie Sadberry ++ Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Salinas h Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. Sarahan h Ms. Sondra S. Satterwhite h Mr. & Mrs. Norman O. Schenk + Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller + Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Schroeter Mr. & Mrs. David Schubert h Ms. Walee Schwing h Dr. & Mrs. Eric Scott h Mr. & Mrs. Bennie L. Shearer, Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Shebay ‘69 h Mr. & Mrs. James A. Simpson + Ms. Martha B. Simpson + Ms. Victoria T. Singley +

Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Walsh h Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Wark + Mr. & Mrs. John E. Weaver h Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Weingartner ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Welch h Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Werner h Mr. & Mrs. Walter Whipple Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison + Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis 10 Yrs Ms. Pegi P. Willrich h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Wilson h Dr. & Mrs. Duane Windsor h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Winkley h Mrs. Shirley C. Winn-Bannerot h Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. John A. Work + Mr. & Mrs. Dan M. Worrall, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Wren Mr. & Mrs. William H. York h Mr. Robert J. Young Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Zaozirny + Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo P. Zubizarreta Mr. & Mrs. Andres B. Zuzek h

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499




Gifts from Grandparents can be made to support an Endowment or the greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, and other Annual Giving campaigns. Ignatius Club Anonymous h Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman + h ' Mrs. Lydia O. Chopin h Mr. Raul Elorduy Candiani & Mrs. Alina B. Elorduy h Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart ++ h '

Stanislaus Club Ms. Sharon T. Griffin h

Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane h Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gleeson h Mrs. Janice LeBlanc h Mrs. Nancy L. Nevle ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Billy F. Price

President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Stewart h

Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Vic Baldridge h Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Buckle h Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck + Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. ++ Mrs. Mary Crowley h Mr. & Mrs. Carlos R. De Aldecoa h Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Garcia-Rameau Ms. Helen Gray h Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie E. Lewis, Sr. h Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. McGuire h Mr. Andrew M. Quinn h Mrs. Margaret Stacy Dr. & Mrs. Bob J. Stinebaugh h

General Contributors Ms. Nancy Akeroyd Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Almond Ms. Alva J. Batiste h Ms. Georgia Sue H. Black Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland Mrs. Susan F. Bolz + Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bouffard Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Broeckelmann h Mr. Lott J. Brooks, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Chet Campbell Ms. Kathleen H. Casey h Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Costa h Mr. & Mrs. LaDon Cox h

Jesuit celebrated its 7th Annual Grandparents Day in October when grandparents of current students enjoyed a Mass and lunch with their grandsons - and took some memorable pictures.

Ms. Janice F. Cozort Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle ++ Mr. & Mrs. Augusto E. Duque h Mr. & Mrs. Marvin B. Dvorak Mr. Glenn Earle h Mrs. Helen E. Eichler h Mrs. Mildred F. Ellison h Mr. & Mrs. Jack V. Eumont Mr. Millard C. Freysinger Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Friedmann h Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Garcia Mr. & Mrs. John Garstka h Mrs. Virginia P. Gidley h Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Glass Dr. & Mrs. W. Malcolm Granberry h Mr. & Mrs. Pedro J. Gutierrez h Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Hammar h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Helton Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Ms. Victoria Izu-George h Ms. Jane L. Jewett h Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Joiner

Mr. & Mrs. Alton G. Kanak h Mrs. Charlotte Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Emil E. Kovalcik Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lockhart h Ms. Marcia Mahoney h Mrs. Lois A. Mathews ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McAughan Mrs. Beth McGreevy Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon ++ Mrs. Jeanne C. Mealey h Ms. Gloria Mendoza h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell + h Mrs. Valeria I. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Murphy h Mrs. Lelia Nasser + h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nguyen h Mrs. Carolyn Novelli ++ Dr. & Mrs. Juan J. Olivero + Ms. Pauline Padgett h Mr. & Mrs. Andres P. Perez-Chaumont h ^ Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Pesek h Mr. Douglas F. Pierce h

Mrs. Ruth A. Provenzano h Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Putney h Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Quoyeser + Mr. & Mrs. Harold P. Rabalais h Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky + h Mrs. Joanne Rice Mr. & Mrs. John Salvador h Mrs. Joan D. Saporito h Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Schutte Mr. & Mrs. Delbert F. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Stubblefield Ms. Isabell P. Stuckert h Mr. Stephen J. Sulentic h Mr. & Mrs. Aldo M. Vaio h Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wager h Mr. & Mrs. Barry Walter h Mr. & Mrs. John Weathington h Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Wehring h Mr. & Mrs. Godofredo Zamora h

STRAKE JESUIT ART MUSEUM The gifts of contributors listed below were designated for the Strake Jesuit Art Museum and its mission to educate by gathering, preserving, and presenting a collection of artworks on the Strake Jesuit campus. Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke ExxonMobil Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Fee, Jr. Mr. Gunther Haller Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Livermore Ms. Yuen-Yee Ma Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McClain McClain Gallery Prudential Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Mr. Paolo Puccini ‘05 Mr. Richard J. Schmitt Ms. Suzanne Staley Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs Mrs. Sharla R. Wertheimer



Gifts to the Alumni Drive were directed to a variety of needs including endowed scholarships, financial aid, and greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, and other Annual Giving campaigns.


Mr. William F. Rudman ‘69 h Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Schuler, Jr. ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Shebay ‘69 h Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stewart ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Vick ‘69 + Mr. & Mrs. John W. Washburn ‘69 ++ h Mr. Ashley M. Winn ‘69 & Ms. Jane Grady h



Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 + ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 + '


Mr. & Mrs. George E. Conner, Jr. ‘65 h Mr. Robin A. Dawson ‘65 h Mr. & Mrs. George W. Everhart ‘65 h Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. ‘65 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. O’Donnell ‘65 + Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Steets ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sumicek ‘65 h Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Walker, Jr. ‘65 h

Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67 ++ Mr. Paul B. Barron ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ Mr. John Courtade ‘67 Mr. Robert D. Gartner ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guarino ‘67 ++ The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67 Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Murr ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 ++ h Mr. Gilbert A. Naert, Jr. ‘67 + h Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles ‘67 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Reuter ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Teichgraeber, III ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre ‘67

Class of 1966


PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. John H. Glover ‘65 + h


MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Ledet ‘70 h Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70 + The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 + h Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 ++ h


Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. ‘68 h

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bujnoch ‘70 h Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo ‘70 + Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Doerfler ‘70 ++ Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart ‘70 ++ h Mr. John J. Geiss ‘70 & Ms. Meredith Cowan Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo E. Milani ‘70 + h Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 ++ Mr. Gerardo A. Smith ‘70 ++ h Dr. Miguel T. Suderman ‘70 & Mrs. Sylvia Pena-Suderman h



Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 + h Mr. J. Grover Kelley ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart ‘68 + h

Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 +

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. William E. Barron ‘66 h Dr. Robert B. Parke, Jr. ‘66 h Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 ++

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bisesi ‘68 h Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Clay ‘68 + Mr. Michael G. Keller ‘68 h Mr. & Mrs. George T. Robinson ‘68 h Mr. Stephen R. Ross ‘68 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. James S. Cunningham ‘66 h Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Drake ‘66 h Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Falgout ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. David B. Howe ‘66 h Mr. Joseph A. Kral ‘66 + h Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polichino, Jr. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66 h Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66 + Mr. Richard C. Squyres ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. R. Jeffery West ‘66

CLASS OF 1971 STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 ++ h


CRUSADER CLUB The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 ++ h

STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 ++ h


STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 h

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 ++ h

Mr. Bradley S. Bailey ‘71

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiuvalasit ‘67 Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Braden ‘67 h Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 ++ h Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Ms. Trudy Hansen ++ Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 h Dr. & Mrs. James E. Lusk ‘67 h Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne McDonald, Sr. ‘67 ++ Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 ++ Mr. Gerald T. Price ‘67 h Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 ++

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Atchison ‘72 + h Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 + h Mr. & Mrs. David J. Dilger ‘72 The Honorable Charles F. Eick ‘72 Dr. Claude S. Frey ‘72 h Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Guthrie ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 ++ Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 ++ h Mr. Vastine J. Hilsher ‘72 + h Mr. & Mrs. George C. Laflin ‘72 h Dr. Greg Liverman, Ph.D. ‘72 & Dr. Wendy Dillenschneider, Ph.D. h Dr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Maher ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V. Perkins ‘72 h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 + h Dr. Mike Rice ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Goetz ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Schneider ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Villarreal ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wark ‘72 h

CLASS OF 1973 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ h '

CRUSADER CLUB Martin H. Reddy, Ph.D. ‘73 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Janik ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kowalski ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71 h Mr. Mariano Salazar, Jr. ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger ‘71 ++




MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain ‘72 +


Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 ++ Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Doyle ‘69 h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++ h Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69 + Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Keister ‘69 h Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Vance Ulsh ‘69 + Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69 + h



STANISLAUS CLUB Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty ‘70 h


IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. Patrick J. Moran ‘66

IGNATIUS CLUB Anonymous + ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ '

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello ‘71 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Cruickshank ‘71 + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Curry ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Desilva, Jr. ‘71 Mr. Shelby K. Hobart ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. David S. Johnson ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Martin ‘71 h Dr. & Mrs. R. M. Wiseman, M.D. ‘71 h

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry ‘69 + Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 ++ Mr. James R. Dilger, Jr. ‘69 Mr. John J. Gannon, III ‘69 + h Mr. Randy Hodnett ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck ‘69 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Ted Isensee ‘69 h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Kelleher ‘69 h Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Montano, M.D. ‘69 h Mr. Mark A. Padon ‘69 ++ Mr. Joseph G. Rebman ‘69 Dr. & Ms. David W. Reininger ‘69 ++ h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Lea ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 + h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille ‘73 + Mr. Gerard J. Cunningham ‘73 + Mr. & Mrs. William K. Downey ‘73 h Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Halliday ‘73 h Dr. Gary A. Hilsher, D.D.S. ‘73 + Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73 ++ h Mr. Mark S. New ‘73 + h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. O’Donnell ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Rabalais ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider ‘73 + h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Ward ‘73 h Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Zagst ‘73 +

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499


CLASS OF 1974 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. ‘74 '

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ++ ' Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 ++ h

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Claude ‘74 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman ‘74 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 h ' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 + Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ Mr. Timothy E. Squyres ‘74 & Ms. Karen L. Brune + h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Federico M. Bravo ‘74 + h Dr. & Mrs. Luke R. Bucci, Ph.D. ‘74 + Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gibbons ‘74 + Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Koller ‘74 h Mr. & Mrs. Brent E. Munson ‘74 + h Mr. Stephen G. Sachnik ‘74 h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Spillane ‘74 h Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 ++ h

CLASS OF1975 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 ++ h '

STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 h '



Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli ‘75 + h

Mr. & Mrs. Bret E. Broussard ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland ‘76 h



Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 ++

Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 ++ h


CLASS OF 1977 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 ++ h '

CRUSADER CLUB Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 ++ h


Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 ++ h Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75 h Mr. & Mrs. George L. Tilton ‘75 h

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76 +

MAGIS CLUB Mr. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 & Ms. Maria Gomez ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Byron W. Whetstone ‘76 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. German Amador, Jr. ‘75 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Braden ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cahill ‘75 h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Crowley ‘75 h Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘75 + h Mr. Charles T. Donna, Sr. ‘75 + Mr. James E. Erbs ‘75 & Ms. M. S. Atkins ++ Mr. L. Patrick Flynn ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Gilmartin ‘75 h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Heard ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Isensee ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Johnson ‘75 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Jordan ‘75 h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Ryan ‘75 h Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Slatton, D.D.S. ‘75 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Stunz ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 ++ h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Almaguer ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 + Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Cardenas ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Castille ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. George L. Cole ‘76 Mr. Ramon Fernandez ‘76 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Freeman ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. Perry M. LaForge ‘76 Mr. J. D. Medina, Jr. ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller ‘76 ++ Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Pollan ‘76 h Col. & Mrs. Servando Ramos, Jr. ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reilly, Jr. ‘76 h

CLASS OF 1976 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas ++ h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. Patrick Buckley ‘77 h Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Matlock ‘77 Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 ++ h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 ++ h Mr. E. Victor Bailey ‘77 h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bradley ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Isensee ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Livingston ‘77 + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Manis ‘77 + h Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mobley, II ‘77 h Mr. Bruce E. Nakfoor ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Webb ‘77 h

CLASS OF 1978 PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pruitt ‘78 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. Robert E. Crane, II ‘78 h Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos + ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78 + h Dr. & Mrs. Jean-Francois P. Reat ‘78 + h Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, III ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 ++ h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. John R. Adolph ‘78 + Mr. Gabriel Amador ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 + Mr. Harry Dean, Jr. ‘78 + h Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dutton ‘78 h Mr. & Mrs. David Evans ‘78 h Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 ' Mr. William A. O’Brien ‘78 h Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo, M.S.W., J.D. ‘78


PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. J. Edward Wheeler, III ‘79 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 h Rep. Garnet F. Coleman ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79 + h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Joyce ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein ‘79 + h Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Ms. Amanda Vavilala Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Solcher ‘79 +


Matt Brown ‘80, a successful Houston architect, was one of many Jesuit alumni who returned to campus for Career Day to talk to members of the Class of 2012 about their chosen professions. Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Bambace ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Biondi ‘79 h Dr. & Mrs. Paris P. Bransford, M.D. ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, III ‘79 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mike J. Crowley ‘79 h Mr. Mark E. Dini ‘79 h Mr. Tony Dworaczyk ‘79 h

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fontenot ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. J. Mark Gidley ‘79 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John Keating ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Crespin M. Linton ‘79 h Dr. & Mrs. Kyle McCutcheon ‘79 h Mr. William C. Reuter ‘79 ++ The Honorable & Mrs. James Richard ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Marco J. Rubin ‘79 h Mr. Tom Scherrer ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Walker ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Pat Wark ‘79 h Mr. Ralph Westbrook ‘79 h Mr. & Mrs. Wade Whitenburg ‘79 h

CLASS OF 1980 CRUSADER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Crayden Didsbury ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish ‘80


CLASS OF 1981 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 + h

STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff ‘81 + h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bambace ‘81 + Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81 + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Miskell ‘81

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Arnold ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 ' Mr. & Mrs. Dan Barton ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. George E. Bean ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Edward Campana ‘81 + Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Cuadra ‘81 h Mr. Jack Farah ‘81 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81 ++ Capt. & Mrs. Christopher Haefner ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 +



STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Reese ‘84 h

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Newcomer, Jr. ‘84 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Capo ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Hines ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Stinebaugh ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Champ Warren ‘84 h

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Richard ‘82 h



Dr. & Mrs. Federico L. Mattioli ‘85 h ' Mr. Duncan A. McLean ‘85 + Mr. Troy Porter ‘85 h Mr. Chris Reinecker ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Mario Smith ‘85 + h Mr. & Mrs. Davis Thames ‘85 Mr. Daniel Weber ‘85 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. R. John White ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. White ‘85


Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg ‘82 + h Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 ++

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche ‘80 ++ h Mr. John W. Berardi ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. David Biondi ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. J. Matt Brown ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. James Docherty ‘80 + h The Honorable & Mrs. Mark A. Ellis ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Fouke ‘80 + h Mr. Adrian Franks ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia ‘80 ++ h Mr. Christopher M. Jennings ‘80 + h Mr. Richard P. Magner, SJ ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge R. Montes ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Muchard ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. O’Hara ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Reilly ‘80 + h Mr. Edward Riquelmy ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stephenson ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Walter ‘80 h

Mr. Clifford Burton ‘83 & Ms. Audrey Cook h Mr. Ronald George ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Paul Junghans ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Kubicek ‘83 h Mr. Robert Macek ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Marotta ‘83 h Mr. Louis Martincheck ‘83 h Dr. Richard J. Nevle ‘83 & Ms. Deborah Levoy h


Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80 +

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80 h Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 ++ h Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80 h Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher ‘80


Mr. Mark O. Kinkead ‘81 & Ms. Laurie C. Steinberg + Mr. Scott M. Lester ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McCabe ‘81 h Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Park ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parsley ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. David L. Petty ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Redmon ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81 + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Richards ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Sachnik ‘81 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Scamardi ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Smith ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Stump ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Trahan ‘81 h Mr. Ray A. Walker ‘81



Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Callaghan ‘82 ++ h Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley ++ Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Stinebaugh ‘82 h

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 ++ h Dr. & Mrs. John A. Burpeau ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. David Cardenas ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Judd S. Fruia ‘84 h Dr. Thomas L. Gaussiran, II ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III ‘84 ++ Sean A. Haley, Ph.D. ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Jay Hannaman, IV ‘84 h Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hearon ‘84 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Heyburn ‘84 h Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hill ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Johnston, III ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. W. Stuart Johnston ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. Drew J. Lomonte, D.D.S. ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. J. Burke O’Malley ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84 ++ ' Mr. Michael J. Riccetti ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. George J. Rizzo ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Vincent S. Sicola ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Tennon, Jr. ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Wall ‘84 h Mr. Scott M. Zaleski ‘84 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Cassidy ‘82 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 ++ h Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 ++ Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 ++ Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Greg Allen ‘82 h Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Berno, M.D. ‘82 h Mr. Robert Bruce ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Coleman ‘82 h Dr. & Mrs. Allan Conde ‘82 ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Hughes ‘82 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Iglesia ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander E. Inman ‘82 + Mr. Mark Kubicek ‘82 + h The Honorable & Mrs. Patrick Mizell ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. David F. O’Brien ‘82 + h Mr. Thomas H. Padgett ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wager ‘82 h

CLASS OF 1985 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 h '



Dr. & Dr. Victor O. Mendiola ‘85 h



Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Brooks ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Miller ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 + h '

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Braniff, Jr. ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Owen Davies ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jordan ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McErlean ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Neill ‘85 ++ Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 ++

STANISLAUS CLUB Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83 + h

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo ‘83 ++ h



Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Anders ‘85 h Mr. Don Chase ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Guerrero ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hansen ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kilday ‘85

Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83 + h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83 + Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fletcher ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Smith ‘83 h

IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 + h

STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86 + h

CRUSADER CLUB Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt ++

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. George ‘86 + h Mr. J. R. O’Hara ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schmidt ‘86 + h

MAGIS CLUB Anonymous h Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86 + h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Burke ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Casals ‘86 h Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jorge E. Luna ‘86 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Lyons ‘86 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Peter Claude ‘86 + h Mr. & Mrs. Keith Curlee ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86 + Mr. Julien G. DuPont ‘86 h Dr. John Forney, M.D. ‘86 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hawkins ‘86 h Mr. David A. Herrin ‘86 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Huff ‘86 h Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hurlston ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Newell ‘86 + Mr. Greg Nolte ‘86 h Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schmitt ‘86 h Mr. & Mrs. Marty Schrier ‘86 h Dr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Solcher ‘86 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Todd Venables ‘86

CLASS OF 1987 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Greg Sulentic ‘87 h

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87 + h

MAGIS CLUB Dr. Jack An ‘87 & Dr. Karen Klatte + h Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 ++ Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. James Hord ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kilgard ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Connell ‘87 + h Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Suter ‘87 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Bach ‘87 h Mr. Robert Buchheit ‘87

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499


Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu ‘87 + h Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Dessens ‘87 Dr. Gene Hahn ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mitchell ‘87 h Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John E. Neslage ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Duy Nguyen ‘87 h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen N. Oggero ‘87 h Dr. John F. Schultz, M.D. ‘87 + h Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stevens ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Tolentino ‘87 Mr. Michael Zientek ‘87

Class of 1990

Class of 1988

Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Dampf ‘90 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Graml ‘90 h Dr. Kevin A. ‘90 & Dr. Carolyn Z. Grimes + Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Holy ‘90 ++ h Mr. Simon J. Keating ‘90 h Mr. & Mrs. Antonio LaMatta ‘90 ++ h Mr. Sean M. Lehane ‘90 h Mr. & Mrs. Jared M. Montegut ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Wu ‘90

IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88 + h Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 + h '

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Coerver ‘88 h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. McMahon ‘88 + h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. James J. Braniff, IV ‘88 + h Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88 + h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bothe, Jr. ‘88 h Lt. Col. & Mrs. Philip Clinton, USAF ‘88 h Mr. & Mrs. John P. Guerrero ‘88 h Mr. William C. Hou ‘88 h Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick LaRue ‘88 + h Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Martinez ‘88 h Mr. Michael C. Newhouse ‘88 + h Mr. & Mrs. Rivers A. Patout, IV ‘88 h Mr. & Mrs. Brian Petrov ‘88 h Mr. Richard J. Plessala ‘88 h

Class of 1989 STANISLAUS CLUB Dr. & Mrs. Carl Frank, M.D. ‘89 h

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. Stacy J. Papajohn ‘89 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford ‘89 h Mr. Dana B. Kraft ‘89 h Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89 + h Dr. & Mrs. Warren J. von Eschenbach ‘89 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Abel ‘89 h Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89 + h Mr. Michael Contant ‘89 h Dr. & Mrs. Claytie Davis, III ‘89 + h Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fletcher ‘89 h Mr. Stephen Huh ‘89 h Mr. & Mrs. John G. Jordan ‘89 Mr. Robert J. Land ‘89 h Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montoya ‘89 h Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan h Dr. & Mrs. Juan J. Olivero ‘89 h Mr. Dax Philbin ‘89 + h Mr. & Mrs. Richard Riccetti ‘89 h Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher L. Sanders ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sieger ‘89 h Lt. & Dr. Russell P. Thiem ‘89 h

Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 + h Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Roberts ‘93 h Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93 h

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 ++ h Dr. & Mrs. David R. Martin ‘90 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Coscio ‘93 h Mr. & Mrs. M. S. Kerr ‘93 h Mr. Kevin A. Mineo ‘93 + h Mr. & Mrs. E. “Rusty” Ulrich, III ‘93 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. O’Brien ‘90 h Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. John V. Schmitt ‘90 h Mr. Brian L. Woodward ‘90 & Ms. Adelia Metcalf h

Class of 1994 MAGIS CLUB


Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Justin Holy ‘94

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. William J. Brown ‘94 h Mr. Matthew Chiste ‘94 + Mr. Christopher Chung ‘94 h Mr. & Mrs. John Cook ‘94 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lynch ‘94 h Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94 + h Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel ‘94 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. David M. Shebay ‘94 h Mr. Eugene Song ‘94 + Mr. & Mrs. Seth Wallis ‘94 ++ h

Class of 1991 STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91 + h

Class of 1995

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 +

MAGIS CLUB Mr. John B. Mattox ‘95 h Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty ‘95 h Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 + h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. McConn ‘91 ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 ++

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Christopher M. Armstrong ‘95 h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Drone ‘95 h Mr. Marcus Ford ‘95 h Mr. Thomas D. Greer ‘95 Mr. Edgar D. Haren ‘95 Mr. James R. Harris ‘95 h Lt. Commander & Mrs. Kenneth M. Kingdon ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Y. Lin ‘95 Mr. Rajiv R. Mashruwala ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Ryan D. McConnell ‘95 h Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 + h Mr. Frank A. Simcik ‘95 + Mr. Matthew S. Wong ‘95 ++

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 ++ h Mr. William Haardt ‘91 h Mr. Steve L. Kuan ‘91 + h Mr. & Mrs. Victor Llana ‘91 h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Lynch ‘91 h Mr. & Mrs. Joshua M. McMorrow ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 + h Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya ‘91 + h Mr. Simon J. Ogier ‘91 h Mr. James P. Rogan ‘91 h Mr. & Mrs. Colin T. Smith ‘91 + h Dr. & Mrs. Zachary J. Smith, M.D. ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Tennille ‘91 +

Class of 1996

Class of 1992

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. Guillermo A. Garcia ‘96 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 ++ Mr. Justin M. Teltschik ‘92 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. J. G. Trabanino ‘96 h



Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Giordano ‘92 + Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Jimenez ‘92 Lt. Commander & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty ‘92 + h Mr. James E. Pawlikowski ‘92 h Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92 ++

Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry ‘96 + Mr. Chris J. Calato ‘96 h Mr. Jerry J. Chandapillai ‘96 h Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Chiste ‘96 + h Mr. Christopher D. Colemon ‘96 h Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Dougherty ‘96 h Mr. Michael O. Drone ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Ryan J. Eberle ‘96 h Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Frew ‘96 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96 + Mr. & Mrs. Mukul C. Kanabar ‘96 Mr. Keagan H. Lee ‘96 Mr. Juan-Pablo Liska ‘96 h

Class of 1993 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fraga ‘93 h

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 ++ h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Carey T. Ford ‘93 + h Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93 + h Mr. & Mrs. Shane W. Hudson ‘93 + h Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Class of 1997 STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas White ‘97 h

CRUSADER CLUB Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 + h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. O’Neill ‘97 h

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Mr. W. Larry Robey, Jr. ‘97 h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 ++ h Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97 + h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer ‘97 + Mr. & Mrs. David M. Brown ‘97 h Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Bruce ‘97 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Dewhurst ‘97 + h Dr. Beau K. Greer ‘97 Mr. Jonathan F. Kalian ‘97 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Ryan E. LaRue ‘97 h Mr. Jody C. Meraz ‘97 h Mr. David L. Pfaffenberger ‘97 h Mr. & Mrs. John V. Pham ‘97 h Mr. David M. Sabonghy ‘97 h Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan R. Spring ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Welch ‘97 h

Class of 1998 MAGIS CLUB Mr. Erwin M. Hengst, III ‘98 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98 + Mr. & Mrs. Adam A. Mackie ‘98 Mr. Chanan Pinyopusarerk ‘98 h Rev. Jonathan D. Raia ‘98 h Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 ++ Mr. JohnPaul Collins ‘98 h Mr. & Mrs. Pedro R. Correa ‘98 h Mr. John S. Dyer ‘98 h Mr. Christopher F. Eldridge ‘98 h Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Gracely ‘98 h Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malek, III ‘98 h Mr. Andrew C. Pruett ‘98 + Mr. & Mrs. Danny R. Rigamonti ‘98 h Dr. James M. Rinando ‘98 h Mr. Robert M. Wren ‘98 + Lt. David F. Zerda ‘98 h

Class of 1999 MAGIS CLUB Mr. Gregory P. Barra ‘99 h Dr. David V. Pinto ‘99 h Mr. Thomas K. Schroeter ‘99 + h Mr. Fernando C. Urrutia ‘99 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 + h ' Mr. Anthony R. Hagale ‘99 Capt. & Mrs. Travis J. Hinkle ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Kracker ‘99 h Mr. Peter D. Rega ‘99 h Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix ‘99 ++ Mr. Matthew R. Simpson ‘99 h Mr. & Mrs. Brandon S. Sims ‘99 Mr. Brian T. Walters ‘99 h

Fourteen Strake Jesuit alumni welcomed their sons into the ranks of the school’s alumni at Graduation on Sunday, May 20. Pictured here are (left to right) - Top row: David Glass ‘85 and Allen ‘12, Bouncer Schiro ‘82 and Tyler ‘12, Mike Doyle ‘83 and Patrick, ‘12 Jim Murphy ‘76 and Pace ‘12, Tom Padgett ‘82 and Tommy ‘12, George Brueggemann ‘73 and John ‘12, and Steve Kamel ‘74 and John Michael ‘12. Bottom row: Joe Heizelman ‘78 and John ‘12, Alan Petrov ‘79 and Matt ‘12, Christopher Bertini ‘83 and Chris ‘12, Henry Delclos ‘78 and Julian ‘12, Jim Barkley ‘81 and Drew ‘12, and Mike Koch ‘75 and Thomas ‘12. (Not pictured: Tim Bailey ‘75 and Dylan ‘12.)

Class of 2000 MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. John C. Adolph ‘00 ++ Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00 + h Mr. Jeffery S. Gaspard ‘00 h Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Z. Hawthorne ‘00 + h Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 + h Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00 +

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Robert T. Caughlin ‘00 h Mr. Manuel R. Correa ‘00 Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00 + h Mr. Mark S. Letsos, Jr. ‘00 h Mr. Olle L. Lorehn ‘00 h Mr. Derek S. Lyons ‘00 h Mr. Michael L. Richardson, Jr. ‘00 Mr. Michael C. Skarke ‘00 h Mr. Clark E. Smith ‘00

Class of 2001 STANISLAUS CLUB Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01 + h

MAGIS CLUB Mr. Arturo Gomez ‘01 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Mark E. Buck ‘01 h Mr. Eric W. Carter ‘01 h Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Chambers ‘01 h Capt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01 + h Mr. Michael S. Connelly ‘01 Mr. Matthew L. Gochnour ‘01 h Mr. Keith B. Letsos ‘01 h Mr. Matthew J. Mino ‘01 h Mr. David J. O’Connell ‘01 Mr. Aaron C. Sokolik ‘01 h Mr. David E. Uzquiano ‘01 h Mr. Ryan F. Walsh ‘01 Mr. Travis C. Welch ‘01 h

Class of 2002 MAGIS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Hector R. Chavez ‘02 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Cole ‘02 h

Mr. Matthew A. Kuhn ‘02 Mr. Nicholas F. Shaver ‘02 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Cullen S. Atchison ‘02 h Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Jr. ‘02 h Mr. Matthew J. Cavanaugh ‘02 h Mr. Tyler M. Curd ‘02 h Mr. Rodrigo B. Interiano ‘02 Mr. Jahan D. Jafarpour ‘02 h Mr. William S. Nichols ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Olson ‘02 Mr. Andres E. Quesada ‘02 + h Mr. Andrew D. Seré ‘02 h Mr. Michael R. Sims ‘02 h Mr. Laymond P. Wilburn ‘02 h

Class of 2003 IGNATIUS CLUB Mr. M. Ryan McGrath ‘03 h '

MAGIS CLUB Mr. Christopher Calderwood ‘03 h Dr. Stephen Chen ‘03 Mr. Alec Luong ‘03

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Waverly L. Johnson ‘03 Mr. Mark D. Jones ‘03 h Mr. S. Ross Moore ‘03 h Mr. Nicholas L. Nixon ‘03 h Mr. Alexander M. Steffler ‘03 h Mr. Ivan Vrcek ‘03 h

Class of 2004 MAGIS CLUB Mr. Daniel Kuper ‘04 h Mr. Matthew C. Morris ‘04 h Mr. Grant Schmidt ‘04 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Gregory Alquiza ‘04 h Mr. Kyle P. Armand ‘04 Mr. Addison Bailey ‘04 h Mr. J. C Booth ‘04 h Mr. Christopher Clark ‘04 Mr. Nathaniel Fredette ‘04 h

Mr. Jonathan R. Hanus ‘04 h Mr. John Hite ‘04 h Mr. Robert Keogh ‘04 Mr. Joseph Mims ‘04 h Mr. Basel Murad ‘04 h Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Rice ‘04 h Mr. Dwane A. Todd ‘04 h Mr. Kevin Wooten ‘04

Class of 2005 MAGIS CLUB Mr. Robert Meara ‘05 h Mr. Paolo Puccini ‘05 h Mr. Charles Schwartzel ‘05 h

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Michael Baker ‘05 h Mr. Anthony J. Brill ‘05 h Mr. Ivan Chew ‘05 h Mr. Conroy Delouche ‘05 h Mr. John DeWitt ‘05 h Mr. Benjamin Dolan ‘05 h Mr. Cesar E. Giralt ‘05 + Mr. Scott C. Macbeth ‘05 Mr. Joseph A. Mandel ‘05 h Mr. Samuel Seckel ‘05 h Mr. Daniel J. Sheets ‘05 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Weber ‘05 h

Class of 2006

GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Richard F. Ardila, II ‘06 h Mr. Benjamin D. Baker ‘06 h Mr. Mark A. Balhoff ‘06 h Mr. William A. Callegari, III ‘06 h Mr. Kelly B. Halaszyn ‘06 + Mr. Jarrett T. Harden ‘06 h Mr. John W. Holden, Jr. ‘06 h Mr. Matthew T. Hutson ‘06 h Mr. James E. McLean, Jr. ‘06 h Mr. Mark A. Morales ‘06 h Mr. John R. Passmore ‘06 + Mr. Andrew T. Roth ‘06 h Mr. Austin L. Tenette, II ‘06 h

Class of 2007 GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Blake W. Bagot ‘07 h Mr. Robert J. Faulk ‘07 + Mr. Robert J. Ontko ‘07 Mr. Rexford T. Park ‘07 h Mr. Kenneth A. Parreno ‘07 h Mr. Patrick J. Stoia ‘07 h

President’s Young Associates The President’s Young Associates Club members are alumni who, in the period of one to four years after they graduate from Strake Jesuit, make leading gifts of $50 or more.

Class of 2008 Mr. Thomas H. Ahn ‘08 h Mr. Richard V. Baratta ‘08 Mr. Matthew J. Brill ‘08 Mr. William D. Burck ‘08 Mr. Cameron R. Colvill ‘08 Mr. Shannon R. Fluellen ‘08 h Mr. Ian M. Giles ‘08 Mr. Robert K. Goodyear ‘08 Mr. Matthew C. Goppert-Coman ‘08 h Mr. Riley J. Griffin ‘08 h Mr. Tanner S. Hahn ‘08 Mr. Michael A. Johnston ‘08 Mr. Kevin B. Layne ‘08 Mr. Brendan J. Meara ‘08 Mr. Grant A. L. Miller ‘08 h Mr. Robert A. Mills ‘08 Mr. Thomas Murickan ‘08 h Mr. Ryan A. Neyland ‘08 Mr. Lucas D. Novick ‘08 h Mr. Roy D. Pruden ‘08 Mr. Marc D. Radabaugh ‘08 h Mr. Mark A. Reed ‘08 Mr. Jason D. Rice ‘08 Mr. Mark B. Strickland ‘08 Mr. Garrett R. Velarde ‘08 h Mr. Benjamin S. Werner ‘08 h

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499


Class of 2009 Mr. Jackson C. Baker ‘09 Mr. Kellan F. Belanger ‘09 h Mr. Andrew M. Benigno ‘09 h Mr. Jomer P. Bernardo ‘09 Mr. Will P. Biba ‘09 h Mr. Daniel C. Blado ‘09 Mr. Patrick C. Blizzard ‘09 Mr. John G. Brentin ‘09 Mr. Justin K. Cheung ‘09 h Mr. Cavalier B. Coffield ‘09 h Mr. Salem H. Dacak ‘09 h Mr. Christopher M. Dismuke ‘09 h Mr. Alexander F. Elkins ‘09 h Mr. Russell E. Fromm ‘09 h Mr. Mark R. Gibson ‘09 Mr. Armando Gomez ‘09 h Mr. Matthew S. Hanratty ‘09 h Mr. Patrick F. Henning ‘09 h Mr. Denys J. Herfort ‘09 h Mr. Patrick F. Hoskins ‘09 h Mr. Nicholas J. Lykos ‘09 Mr. Andrew K. Martin ‘09 Mr. Peter R. McStravick, III ‘09 Mr. Christopher P. Meyer ‘09 h Mr. Trevor D. Munoz ‘09 h Mr. Alejandro R. Nazario ‘09 h Mr. Diego A. Pacheco ‘09 h Mr. John R. Potts, IV ‘09 h Mr. Charles B. Provenzano ‘09 h Mr. Dorian N. Rizzo-Carrasco ‘09 h Mr. Matthew J. Rohde ‘09 Mr. Andrew Schneider ‘09 Mr. Britt J. Sobiesk ‘09 Mr. Ryan J. Stangel ‘09 h Mr. Garrett A. Staudt ‘09 Mr. Khang M. Tran ‘09 h Mr. Henry Ung ‘09 Mr. James B. Webb ‘09

Class of 2011

Mr. Bryan A. Williams ‘09 h Mr. Conor T. Wilson ‘09 h Mr. Daniel C. Wolterman ‘09 Mr. John M. Work ‘09

Mr. Bradley C. Akers ‘11 h Mr. Salim A. Alameddin ‘11 h Mr. Alan R. Albrecht ‘11 ' h Mr. Akhil Alex ‘11 h Mr. Stephen D. Allison ‘11 ' h Mr. David C. Bell ‘11 ' h Mr. Andrew J. Best ‘11 ' h Mr. John B. Breen ‘11 h Mr. David J. Brill ‘11 ' h Mr. Daniel V. Bui ‘11 h Mr. Sean P. Burwinkel ‘11 h Mr. Alejandro T. Cabello ‘11 h Mr. Matheus C. Carboni ‘11 h Mr. Spencer W. Coats ‘11 ' h Mr. Gerrard Cruz ‘11 ' h Mr. Tarek K. Darouiche ‘11 h Mr. William P. Dillon ‘11 ' h Mr. Ali Ebrahim ‘11 ' h Mr. Martin N. Elizondo ‘11 h Mr. Evan J. Fichter ‘11 ' h Mr. Matthew A. Fucik ‘11 h Mr. Austin T. George ‘11 h Mr. Nick J. Gibson ‘11 h Mr. Shyon B. Haghpeykar ‘11 ' h Mr. Charles T. Harbin ‘11 h Mr. Quinn J. Hebert ‘11 h Mr. Arthur J. Heiser ‘11 h Mr. Eric M. Heisler ‘11 h Mr. Joel A. Hendricks ‘11 h Mr. Christopher M. Holland ‘11 h Mr. John R. Huml ‘11 ' h Mr. William T. Huskinson ‘11 h Mr. Zachary M. Janik ‘11 h Mr. Charles R. Jenner ‘11 ' h Mr. Johnathan D. Jia ‘11 h Mr. Kendrick L. Katigbak ‘11 ' h Mr. Sebastian D. Kawar ‘11 h Mr. Christian J. Knight ‘11 ' h Mr. Trent M. La ‘11 ' h Mr. Matthew R. Lacamu ‘11 h Mr. Andrew M. Lee ‘11 ' h

Class of 2010 Mr. Trevor W. Adair ‘10 Mr. Charles R. Austin ‘10 h Mr. Anthony M. Banh ‘10 Mr. Marcus D. Barnett ‘10 h Mr. Joshua S. Chang ‘10 h Mr. Kyle P. Cousino ‘10 Mr. Sami O. Darouiche ‘10 h Mr. Travis E. Donnelly ‘10 h Mr. Eric M. Elkins ‘10 h Mr. Michael T. Germain ‘10 Mr. Wesley W. Gill ‘10 Mr. Robert J. Greenberg ‘10 Mr. Christian J. Herrington ‘10 h Mr. Timothy M. Hilbe ‘10 h Mr. Sami M. Khan ‘10 Mr. Adam C. King ‘10 h Mr. Kevin D. Lafferty ‘10 h Mr. Eric J. Lahart ‘10 h Mr. Nicholas M. Lassus ‘10 Mr. Thomas J. Leibowitz, Jr. ‘10 Mr. Joseph M. Lim ‘10 Mr. Laurence S. H. Martinez ‘10 Mr. Andrew K. McKay ‘10 h Mr. Robert K. Murphy ‘10 h Mr. Wesley A. Notestine ‘10 h Mr. Brent R. Osborn ‘10 h Mr. Jordan P. Reilly ‘10 h Mr. Casey G. Rice ‘10 Mr. Carlos D. Siso ‘10 Mr. Stephen A. Skerl ‘10 h Mr. Andrew V. Sullano ‘10 h Mr. Patrick J. Wall ‘10 h Mr. Christopher J. Wang ‘10 h Mr. Christopher W. Winters ‘10

Mr. Andrew R. Lopez ‘11 h Mr. Niles L. Luckenbach ‘11 h Mr. Ian G. Margot ‘11 h Mr. Clay A. Martin ‘11 h Mr. Patrick B. Martin ‘11 ' h Mr. John M. Marymont ‘11 h Mr. Luis A. Matamoros ‘11 h Mr. Chase R. McArdle ‘11 h Mr. Matthew S. Meece ‘11 h Mr. Andrew J. Munoz ‘11 h Mr. Christopher A. Nart ‘11 h Mr. Weston A. Novelli ‘11 ' h Mr. Brian J. O’Shaughnessy ‘11 ' h Mr. Ross C. Pepper ‘11 h Mr. Anson M. Petrick ‘11 h Mr. Gabriel O. Puccini ‘11 h Mr. Matthew C. Rachal ‘11 ' h Mr. Matthew P. Rayner ‘11 h Mr. Joseph N. Reeves ‘11 ' h Mr. David R. Rumford ‘11 ' h Mr. Eddie G. Saa ‘11 h Mr. Michael A. Sam ‘11 ' h Mr. Matthew J. Sasso ‘11 h Mr. Anthony E. Scheller ‘11 ' h Mr. Mark A. Schmidt ‘11 h Mr. Paul J. Scranton ‘11 h Mr. Karl B. Shearer ‘11 h Mr. Anthony J. Silvestre ‘11 h Mr. Aldo E. Sordelli ‘11 ' h Mr. Connor M. Stacy ‘11 h Mr. Matthew H. Stubbs ‘11 Mr. Ken Tang ‘11 h Mr. Conner J. Troxclair ‘11 ' h Mr. Ryan S. Villani ‘11 h Mr. Daniel P. Whitty ‘11 ' h Mr. Cole K. Wilson ‘11 ' h Mr. Nicholas H. Zinni ‘11 h

The Houston Food Bank was the site of the 10th Annual Br. Casey Saturday PH Service Project held on Saturday, May 12. Over the past decade, alumni have volunteered during the Saturday PH Project at various sites around Houston including Cristo Rey Jesuit, Our Lady of Guadalupe School, St. Christopher’s Day School, Holy Ghost, and Magnificat House.



Participation by Class

Overall 20% of the Alumni from the Classes of 1965-2007 supported Strake Jesuit in 2011-2012 14%


Annual Fund Giving 1. 1972


1966 1967




2. 1975


3. 1976



5. 1997



34% 24%


6. 1983



7. 1982



8. 1986






10. 1988



4. 1977





9. 1974


21% 29% 26%


13% 15% 22%

1979 20%

1980 1981

25% 21%

1982 16%

1983 1984



16% 20%

1986 18%

1987 1988



Total Giving 1. 1985


2. 1975


3. 1972


4. 1983


5. 1977


6. 1966


7. 1974


8. 1976


9. 1988


10. 1987




14% 17%

1991 6%

1992 1993







10% 14%

1997 12%

1998 1999














2006 2007

5% 3%




2 0 1 2




In its 11th year, the Senior Class Gift presents an opportunity for the students to make the transformation to alumni and to leave a parting gift to the school. The Class of 2012 elected to contribute to the Richard Nevle Financial Aid Scholarship and also purchase an entry sign for the Retreat & Leadership Center. Eighty-one percent of the class participated and pledged over $22,115 to be paid off over the next four years. President’s Young AssociateS Mr. Conner M. Collins ‘12 ' Mr. Joao Marcos O. Eloy ‘12 Mr. Samuel F. Finney ‘12 ' Mr. Kevin P. Flavin ‘12 ' Mr. Kenneth P. Lahart ‘12 ' Mr. Samuel A. Speer ‘12 ' Mr. Austin M. Taylor ‘12 Mr. James A. Barkley ‘12 ' Mr. Gregory C. Beck ‘12 ' Mr. Christopher D. Bertini, Jr. ‘12 Mr. Barrett D. Black ‘12 ' Mr. Andre D. Bouillion ‘12 Mr. Benjamin W. Brentin ‘12 ' Mr. John O. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘12 ' Mr. Clay A. Cavanaugh ‘12 ' Mr. Julian F. Delclos ‘12 ' Mr. Adriel J. Ferreiro ‘12 Mr. John C. Fletcher ‘12 ' Mr. William H. Gifford ‘12 Mr. John F. Glynn ‘12 ' Mr. Beau A. Guedry ‘12 Mr. Austin M. Hanus ‘12 ' Mr. John D. Hawkins ‘12 ' Mr. Blake A. Holbrooke ‘12 ' Mr. Thomas M. Koch ‘12 ' Mr. Anthony A. Le ‘12 ' Mr. John C. Mosele ‘12 ' Mr. James P. Murphy ‘12 ' Mr. William S. Parsley ‘12 ' Mr. Bryce D. Pederson ‘12 ' Mr. Edgar O. Rivera ‘12 Mr. Michael S. Spurgat ‘12 ' Mr. Matthew J. Vachon ‘12 ' Mr. Christopher D. Welsh ‘12 Mr. John A. Wesely ‘12 '

General Contributors Mr. Mateo Arevalo ‘12 ' Mr. Elliott M. Bouillion, Jr. ‘12 Mr. Joseph P. Brewer ‘12 ' Mr. William L. Dodd ‘12 ' Mr. Christopher P. Doyle ‘12 '

Mr. Elliot G. Ghorayeb ‘12 ' Mr. John B. Gillon ‘12 Mr. Allen M. Glass ‘12 ' Mr. Terrence James I. Goco ‘12 ' Mr. Austin M. Hahn ‘12 ' Mr. Scott G. Harrington ‘12 ' Mr. Sage H. Hayes ‘12 Mr. John R. Heizelman ‘12 Mr. Marc A. Henning ‘12 ' Mr. Augustin C. Hennings ‘12 ' Mr. H. W. Herbst ‘12 ' Mr. Grant J. Herrera ‘12 ' Mr. Robert L. Heston, III ‘12 ' Mr. Andrew D. Hill ‘12 ' Mr. Christopher J. Hornung ‘12 ' Mr. Harrison E. James ‘12 Mr. Gabriel M. Janer ‘12 ' Mr. Kristofer E. Jansson ‘12 ' Mr. Abolade J. O. Jebutu ‘12 ' Mr. Nicholas W. Jefferies ‘12 ' Mr. Liam A. Jennis ‘12 ' Mr. Singbeh N. Jordan ‘12 ' Mr. John-Michael R. Kamel ‘12 ' Mr. Erik G. Karlberg ‘12 ' Mr. Nicholas C. Langemeier ‘12 Mr. Brennan A. Lanier ‘12 Mr. Hendrick H. Le ‘12 Mr. John M. Lenz ‘12 ' Mr. John R. Lester ‘12 Mr. Alexander A. Linares ‘12 ' Mr. Sebastian A. Maarraoui ‘12 Mr. Matthew T. Macon ‘12 Mr. Ozair A. Manji ‘12 Mr. Samuel L. Marshall ‘12 ' Mr. Eric A. Martinez ‘12 ' Mr. Benjamin R. Martins ‘12 ' Mr. Joseph F. McCormack ‘12 ' Mr. Kevin J. McEnery ‘12 ' Mr. Zachary G. McMenemy ‘12 ' Mr. Ian F. Morell ‘12 Mr. Taylor J. Munoz ‘12 ' Mr. Nathaniel J. Neiers ‘12 ' Mr. Johnney T. Nguyen ‘12

Mr. Andre R. Fiorito ‘12 ' Mr. Derek A. Fitzgerald ‘12 Mr. Patrick E. Fleming ‘12 ' Mr. Matthew M. Hawes ‘12 ' Mr. Andrew P. McCormick, III ‘12 ' Mr. Daniel G. McMinn ‘12 ' Mr. Pablo Medina ‘12 ' Mr. Houston A. Terrazas ‘12 ' Mr. Asif. A. Umatiya ‘12 ' Mr. Jordan T. Underwood ‘12 ' Mr. Ethan J. Vanderslice ‘12 ' Mr. Michael D. Aubin ‘12 Mr. Marcellas D. Ball ‘12 ' Mr. Carlos J. Barboza ‘12 ' Mr. Matthew J. Blaschke ‘12 ' Mr. Nicholas V. Bostwick ‘12 ' Mr. Ian P. Bouillion ‘12 Mr. Parker R. Brant ‘12 ' Mr. William G. Browne ‘12 ' Mr. Clark T. Bullington ‘12 ' Mr. John L. Cashin ‘12 ' Mr. Andrey M. Cawley ‘12 Mr. Jose J. Chapa, III ‘12 ' Mr. Francisco J. Chavarria ‘12 Mr. Ian W. Chesser ‘12 ' Mr. Gaines A. Cook ‘12 Mr. Bryan J. Curtis ‘12 ' Mr. Glenn J. de Guzman ‘12 Mr. Alexander D. DeWitt ‘12 ' Mr. Austin R. Dickerson ‘12 ' Mr. Connor J. DiGregorio ‘12 ' Mr. Jacob A. Dillman ‘12 ' Mr. Travis C. Drews ‘12 ' Mr. Raul Elorduy-Sendra ‘12 Mr. Anthony B. Encarnacion ‘12 ' Mr. Andrew R. Felix ‘12 ' Mr. Nicholas A. Fernelius ‘12 ' Mr. James J. Flanagan, IV ‘12 ' Mr. William C. Funch ‘12 ' Mr. Joseph S. Galati ‘12 ' Mr. Timothy R. Garcia-Prats ‘12 ' Mr. Ryan R. Gegen ‘12 ' Mr. Aryan F. Ghoddossy ‘12 '

Mr. Lan T. Nguyen ‘12 Mr. James B. O’Shea ‘12 ' Mr. Matthew L. Petrov ‘12 ' Mr. Daniel A. Posway ‘12 ' Mr. Jason J. Provenzano ‘12 ' Mr. Christian Rangel ‘12 Mr. Patrick R. Rowland ‘12 ' Mr. Kyle A. Ruck ‘12 ' Mr. Christian A. Santillan ‘12 ' Mr. Dillon S. Sappington ‘12 Mr. Tyler R. Schiro ‘12 ' Mr. Jared J. Schroeder ‘12 ' Mr. Walter D. Septien ‘12 ' Mr. Kyle B. Shoebotham ‘12 ' Mr. Ryan P. Short ‘12 ' Mr. Dylan R. Simpson ‘12 Mr. Andrew D. Smith ‘12 Mr. Mark E. Storey ‘12 ' Mr. Ian S. Sutton ‘12 Mr. Alexander R. Tapia ‘12 ' Mr. Peter W. Ten Eyck ‘12 ' Mr. Jeffrey K. T. Than ‘12 Mr. William P. Tosch, II ‘12 ' Mr. Kevin J. Toth ‘12 ' Mr. Alex A. Trevino ‘12 ' Mr. Adrian J. Verde ‘12 ' Mr. Mitchell W. VonBorstel ‘12 ' Mr. Anthony T. Vuong ‘12 ' Mr. Scott L. Walker ‘12 Mr. John O. Walther ‘12 Mr. Max R. Westhoff ‘12 ' Mr. Brian T. Whitehouse ‘12 ' Mr. Justin P. Wilson ‘12 ' Mr. Peter J. Winter ‘12 ' Mr. Nicholas H. Woods ‘12 Mr. Nathaniel R. Zuiker ‘12 Mr. Adam E. Zysk ‘12 ' Mr. Alexander J. Hansen ‘12 Mr. Earl H. Humphreys ‘12 Mr. Brian G. Vispo ‘12 '

THE GREATER GLORY CAPITAL CAMPAIGN In 2008 Strake Jesuit completed The Greater Glory Capital Campaign, to date the largest campaign in school history. The magnificent additions to the school that were made under that campaign, which include the Athletic Center Complex, the conversion of the Smith Gym into the Moran Dining Hall, the Clay Student Center, and the Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius, will serve Jesuit students for generations to come. Those listed here made multiple year pledges during that campaign and made payments on those pledges during the fiscal year, from July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012. Anonymous Adebayo J. Adesomo, MD In Memory of Anthony G. Aiuvalasit, Sr & John Aiuvalasit ‘74 Brock & Colleen Akers The Andrews Foundation Don & Andrea Aubin David ‘77 & Catherine Beathard John & Denice Best Robert & Amanda Brock Brookfield Properties In honor of Cole Medrano, Benjamin Medrano, Howard D. Chapman & Reese Chapman Chevron Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 David W. & Paula B. Cole Jerry & Heidi Crist Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cronin ‘72 Mike Crowley The Darouiche Family Endowed Scholarship Corey B. Davis ‘90 Duin Family

Doug & Sharon Ehrenkranz The Family of Alexandre Feghali Joni & Mark Fichter in honor of Evan Fichter ‘11 Fluor Vincent D. & Margaret L. Foster Stephen M. & Michelle M. Fraga Bill & Molly Fraser Carl & Mariann Funch John & Betsy Garibaldi Matthew & Ruey Garvis & Family The Family of Paul Gidley Ron & Judy Girotto Alex ‘87 & Carmen Gomez Mark & Aileen Hansen The Family of Marianne Hanus Stephen, Karen, Jack ‘03, Mark ‘07, and Claire (SAA ‘08) Shane W. Hudson ‘93 V. Edward & Elizabeth S. James The Jenner Family, Chuck ‘11 & Trey ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg Richard & Monica Keogh

Mick & Jeanne Klein ‘79 Jennifer & Gary Klumpp George & Pamela Laflin Paul & Penny Layne Family Olle L. & Justine S. Lorehn In Honor of Ursula G. Lusk Marsh, Inc E.Ray & Toni L. Marshall Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 Todd & Janie Mason Wayne & Julie McDonald Bob & Alyce McLamb James E. McLean, Jr. The McMahon Family In Honor of our Mother Jeanne Mealey Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano Chris Miller Family Pat Moran ‘66 P.J. Moran Foundation The W.T. and Louise J. Moran Foundation The Neyland Family In Memory of Herb & Barbara Neyland The Family of Paul & JoAnne Nick


Laura & Kerry Notestine Daniel L. Novelli John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation Angela & David Peterman Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. The Ray Family, Jordan Class of 2011 David & Shelley Reeves Clarence & Joan Rife The Family of Randy Rojas Mr. Carlos Roman Shell Oil Company The Family of Stephen & April Siegfried Scott & Katie Smith Monte & Dana Sneed In Honor of Ellen & Roland Squyres Strake Foundation Karl R. & Melanie L. Strickland Richard F. Teichgraeber - In Memory of Michael G. Teichgraeber Marybeth & Steve Trevino The Family of James & Sandy Walker

GENERAL S C H O LARS H I P Gifts to General Scholarship Fund go directly to assist students through the Financial Aid Program.

Anonymous Anonymous Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Mr. Richard F. Ardila, II ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne Mr. Blake W. Bagot ‘07 Mr. Paul B. Barron ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. George E. Bean ‘81 Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Bruce ‘97 Mr. Robert Buchheit ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Casals ‘86 The CBJR Foundation Mr. Jerry J. Chandapillai ‘96 Chevron Mrs. Bonnie J. Clark-Brown Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons Lt. Col. & Mrs. Philip Clinton, USAF ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan Mr. Christopher P. Cole ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Colvin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Curry ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. John Fahy Fat Dads Basketball

Dr. & Mrs. Carl Frank, M.D. ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93 Dr. Beau K. Greer ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich Mr. Kelly B. Halaszyn ‘06 George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 Home Depot Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation Mr. James Hull Ms. Carla H. Huml Ms. Maria A. Jaguanda Minano Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80 The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Knights of Columbus Council 11343 Mr. Steve L. Kuan ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick Mr. Robert J. Land ‘89 Mr. Keagan H. Lee ‘96 Mr. Juan-Pablo Liska ‘96 Mr. Olle L. Lorehn ‘00 Mr. Alec Luong ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn Mr. Derek S. Lyons ‘00 M. D. Anderson Foundation Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Joshua M. McMorrow ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil Mr. J. D. Medina, Jr. ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 Ms. Maria T. Merritt Ms. Natalee E. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91 Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras Mrs. Nancy L. Nevle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish ‘80 Mr. Greg Nolte ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 Mr. Peter G. Nurre Mr. David J. O’Connell ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Olson ‘02 Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 Mr. Kenneth A. Parreno ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Rivers A. Patout, IV ‘88 Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 PepsiCo Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ricky A. Raven Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 The Roth Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Marco J. Rubin ‘79

Mr. Pepe Ruiz, SJ SAP America Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah Mr. Samuel Seckel ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Bennie L. Shearer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shofner Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sieger ‘89 Mr. Frank A. Simcik ‘95 Mr. Eugene Song ‘94 Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93 Mr. Richard C. Squyres ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Stump ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette Mr. & Mrs. Jeff P. Tesone Ms. Lynn C. Veazey Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas Mr. Daniel Weber ‘85 Mr. Travis C. Welch ‘01 The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Williams Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation Mr. Brian L. Woodward ‘90 & Ms. Adelia Metcalf Lt. David F. Zerda ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91

The Loyola Society includes those individuals who have made Strake Jesuit College Preparatory a beneficiary through a will, a charitable trust agreement, a gift annuity agreement, a retirement fund, or a life insurance policy. Legend: ^ deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86 Ms. Helen M. Grivich Mrs. Juliana Lindsay ^ Mrs. Louise J. Moran ^ Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 Mr. Charles A. Schwalbe ‘89 Capt. & Mrs. Samuel M. Shelton, USN ^ Ms. Lorraine Stenger ^ Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas Mr. Robert J. Young

Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous ^ Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Mr. James A. Crehan ^ Mr. James T. Doyle ^ 43





Gifts from Friends can be made to support an Endowment, Financial Aid, or the greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, and other Annual Giving campaigns. Ignatius Club Agee Family Foundation ' The Ammons Law Firm h Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston ++ The CBJR Foundation h Chevron h ' ++ Conoco Phillips, Inc. h ' ++ Mr. Gunther Haller h The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation ' + M. D. Anderson Foundation + Marek Family Foundation h ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McClain h McClain Gallery h Mercedez Benz of Houston North h P.J. Moran Foundation + The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation + Scanlan Foundation ' + Shell Oil Company ' ++ Ms. Suzanne Staley h Strake Foundation ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Sulentic h Wapiti Energy, LLC h The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation h + Mrs. Sharla R. Wertheimer h

Stanislaus Club BP ' ++ Capital One N.A. h ' + Cram Crew h Data Projections h Mr. & Mrs. Neill P. Davis h ' ExxonMobil ++ Fluor h ' GE Foundation h + George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation + Hart Energy h Hess Corporation h The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation h + William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation ++ Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. ++ Janice and John M. Carrabba/Piatto Ristorante h Mr. William T. Russell, Jr. h Spectra Energy h + Spirit of Texas Bank, SSB ' Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club h ' + Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey h ' Ms. Ashley Vachon

Crusader Club Anonymous ++ Mr. Robert Archer h Atwood Oceanics Management, LP h Bank of America BP Fabric of America Fund h + Dobrowski L.L.P. + Doyle Raizner LLP El Paso Energy h ++ Finkelstein Partners Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Flynn h Halliburton, Inc. h Knights of Columbus Council 11343 + Lighting, Inc. + Mr. Paul F. Mansfield h Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. h ' ++ Marek Brothers Systems, Inc h NiSource Gas Transmission & Storage h Northstar GOM, LLC + ONEOK Foundation, Inc. h ' Orion Fine Jewelry h Robert’s Jewelry h Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club ' ++

Texas Citizens Bank h W T Byler Company h Wells Fargo ' ++ Westside Tennis & Fitness h Zimmerman Resources h

Loews New Orleans Hotel h The Lost Iguana Restort & Spa h Ms. Yuen-Yee Ma h Marc Nathan Photographers h Marsh, Inc h Martha Turner Properties h Mr. & Mrs. John L. McConn ' McDugald-Steele h The Meadows Foundation + The Medallion Foundation, Inc. Memorial Athletic Club MFS Investment Management h Microsoft + Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller + Minute Maid Mischer Neuroscience Associates h Mokara Hotel & Spa New York Life Insurance Company ' + Noble Corporation h The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra ++ Northwestern Mutual Life ++ Occidental Petroleum Corp. Patio Pools of Houston h PepsiCo Foundation + Prudential h Raytheon h Mr. Rudolph M. Reid & Ms. Maroussia E. Nassief-Reid h Reliant Energy h Remodeling Max h Robin Jackson Photography h The Roth Family Foundation ++ SAP America h Sharps Compliance Inc h St. Pius X High School h State Farm Insurance Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club Strake Jesuit Athletic Department h Strake Jesuit Coaching Staff Target ++ Tarpey Charitable Lead Annuity Trust h ' Tech-Seal International, Inc. h Textron, Inc. h + Thompson & Hanson h Thomson Reuters Tiny Boxwood Cafe h Ms. Dorothy M. Vatalaro h ' Venetian Blind Carpet One Floor & Home h VMWare Foundation The WCM Group, Inc. h Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wygant, Jr. h

President’s Club The Andrews Foundation + Champion Industrial Sales Company + Envar Services, Inc. h Galerie Zuger Gems by Chao h Icon Bank h Kraft Foundation h Pecan Hill Kennel h Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr. h + Shipley Do-nuts h Time Warner Cable h TransMontaigne, Inc. T-Rex Engineering & Construction h Williams Community Relations ' ++ Wortham Insurance & Risk Management h

Magis Club Anonymous h Anonymous h ++ Abbott Fund Matching Gift Programs h AIG Alvin Gee Photography + Amigas Club of Strake Jesuit Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ++ Apache Corporation h ++ Appleton Learning h Argonaut Insurance Company h At Your Side Home Care h Bellaire Family Orthodontic h Mr. & Mrs. Craig Biggio h Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux ' Brennan’s of Houston h Brookfield Properties h Brookstone Homes h The Brown Foundation, Inc. ' + Burner Combustion Systems, LLC h Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cater + Central Market h Coldwell Banker Untited, Realtors h Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Contreras h Crave Luxury Auto h Creighton University DataSmart, LLC h Dostal’s Jewelry h Mr. & Mrs. Darin Durkee h Fat Dads Basketball h Fuller’s Machining Center, Inc h Gerring Properities Inc h Gittings Studios + Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Glass h Greenwood King Properties h Habicon Interiors h Hardcore Pilates h The Houstonian Jean Lykes Grace Foundation h Jerry’s Built Homegrown Burgers h John Daugherty Realtors h JP Morgan Chase h Juniper Networks h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka + Kansas City Southern h Kellogg Brown & Root h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly Mr. Rick Kenney h Kroger h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Lavery h

General Contributors A Classic Bloom Florist AD Players Theatre h Mr. Arthur Adolph h Al’s Formal Wear Alumnae Association of Trinity College h Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Andrews h Annunciation Orthodox School h Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Askew h Mr. John F. Baesch & Mrs. Evelyn A. Herzog h Mr. David Barr h Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barrier h Benjy’s h Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Bertz h Besh Restaurant Group h Bhpbilliton h Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Binetti h Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bobbora h


The Boeing Company h Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bosse h Mr. Wilfred J. Brennan h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Browning h Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Broyles h Ms. Norma C. Bugayong h Burck, Lapidus, & Lanza P.C. h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Bushong h Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard H. Butler h Mr. & Mrs. J. Albert Cagney h Mr. Patrick D. Cannizzaro h Carlino’s Photography h Mr. & Mrs. Acree B. Carlisle h Mrs. Catherine A. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Cate h Charity Guild of Catholic Women h Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Cherry h Chick-fil-A West University Place h Chubb Insurance Class of 1967 + Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Colvin Mrs. James H. Couch h Courtyard by Marriott Westchase h Covidien h Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Crowe h Ms. Alice C. Dailey h Danny Clark Photography + Ms. Martha Day h Den-Bar’s Hallmark Shops h Ms. Alicia Donics h Mr. Kevin J. Donnelly h Mr. Eugene P. Doris h Doubletree Guest Suites h Mr. F. R. Drake h Ms. Donna E. Drawe h Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dzilsky h Educere Tutoring h Ms. Susie Eisenberg-Argo h EncoreBank + eScrip h Ms. Mary Esparza h Events Fiori Spa h Ms. Lynn Fisher h Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Fontenot h Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey C. Foster h Four Season’s Hotel h Ms. Kathleen Fox h G & P Partners, LLC Gabriel Tran Photography h Mrs. Jean F. Garwood h Mr. & Mrs. W. Tyler Geiger, III h Ms. Laura B. Gibson h Mr. & Mrs. Ernie L. Gill h Mr. John D. Goldader h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados ' + Graves Mechanical Inc h Mr. David M. Gray & Ms. Mary A. Pearce h Mr. Michael T. Greene h Ms. Sharon Greiff h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Gunter h Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Hadamik h Haney Whipple Portraits + Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hanse h Mr. & Mrs. James I. Harley h Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Harville h Mr. & Mrs. Cleatis O. Hawkins, Jr. h Hebert’s Specialty Meats h Ms. Barbara M. Heckmann + Mr. & Mrs. Paul Henrichsen h Hilton Americas Houston Mr. Jonathan M. Holley h Home Depot h

Honeywell h Mr. Robert Hooper & Ms. Renea Locke h Hotel Galvez h Mr. Basil Housewright & Ms. Donna Getty-Housewright h Houston Aeros h Houston Dynamos h + The Houston Museum of Natural Science Houston Symphony h Ms. Kathleen K. Howard h Mr. Matt Howard Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hucherson h Ms. Deborah A. Hull h Ms. Mary J. Ignoffo h Incarnate Word Academy h ING Financial Services Corporation h Innovative Images Photography Insperity h J. M. Huber Corporation Ms. Koetting B. Jackson h Mr. Charles L. Jones & Ms. Sandra L. Rhodes h ' Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe H. Jones h Mr. & Mrs. Jim Jongebloed h Just Say It Kaleidoscope Studio Kaye Marvins Photography Mr. Thomas Kershaw h Kim Thu Florist h Ms. Kathryn King h Ms. Carmen Knebel h Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Krull h L Pearson Designs h Ms. Ruth Lafleur h Mr. Rodney Ledet h Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Lee h Let Them Eat Cake! h Mr. G W. Lingenfelder h Mr. & Mrs. Tim Lootens h Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Lydon h Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Mackay h Macy’s Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. George L. Maher h Dr. Lee Mahlmann, D.D.S. h Mark’s American Cuisine Ms. Gina Marlin h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marsh h Mary Jane Gallagher - Interior Designs h Mrs. Mariquita Masterson Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Mathers h Mr. & Mrs. Laverne C. May, Jr. h Ms. Melissa McConnell h Mr. & Mrs. Don McGinn h Ms. Patricia Mead, C.P.A. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Meder h Megatrend Designs h Messina Hof Winery Ms. Barbara S. Miller h Mr. & Mrs. Henry Minello Ms. Annabel G. Minter h Moran Resources Company Mr. Joe Moreno & Mrs. Vonda Wootan-Moreno h Ms. Sylvia A. Munoz h Mrs. Dee Anne Navarre h Needles & Pins h Mr. & Mrs. John Noel h Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Sr. h Norris Salons h Mrs. Violet Oaks Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. O’Donnell + Orion Marine Group h Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Outler h Pappasito’s Mr. & Mrs. John J. Parlapiano h Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny h ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. James R. Perlitz h Mr. & Mrs. James J. Perry h PH Design Shop h Mr. & Mrs. Michael Phillips Photography by Liff Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Pile h The Pines Catholic Camp +

Pioneer Exterminating Company h Quilt ‘n Sew Studio h Mr. & Mrs. Wade Quinn h Raintree Boutique h Raising Cane’s h Randall’s Food Markets Raspberry Rose h Region D Schools h Mrs. Leanna L. Reidy h Rice Epicurean Markets h River Oaks Pet Resort Ms. Sujey A. Romero h Rev. Msgr. Frank H. Rossi, S.T.L. ' Royal Carriages Limousine h RPM Creations h Russell Investments h Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rutledge h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schindler h Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Schwendeman h Sensia Studio and Japenese Mr. & Mrs. Jon Silberman h Silverlight Photography h SKF USA, Inc. h Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Smith + Mr. & Mrs. Welton Smith h Mr. Isaac A. Sobel h Society of St. Margaret Mary h St. Agnes Academy h St. Anne Catholic School h St. Thomas High School h Stages Repertory Theatre Stanley Black & Decker h Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Steiner h Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stelly h Strake Jesuit Key Club h Strake Jesuit Rugby Team h Ms. Sue H. Studley h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Sumlin h TC Group h Texas Hamburger Palace h

Texas Instruments Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ron Thompson h Ms. Kathleen Tomeny h Mr. & Mrs. Anders Torning h Trish Strangmeyer Photography + True Colors Neon h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tumminello h Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Tyson h Mr. & Mrs. David M. Underwood h Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Urankar h Ms. Fern Urban h Village Plumbing & Home Services h The Villager h W. Thomas Proctor, P.C. h Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Wagner h Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Weaver h Mr. Harry C. Webb, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick K. Weesner h West U Fitness h Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Wieckowski h Mr. Frank Williams & Mrs. Jan Yardley h Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wleczyk h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wong h Ms. Billie M. Wright h

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES The companies listed here contributed to Strake Jesuit or the Strake Jesuit Art Museum through their Matching Gift programs. Their decision to include Jesuit among the organizations that qualify for their programs allows their employees who are listed on these pages to increase the impact of their gift. Abbott Fund Matching Gift Programs AIG Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Apache Corporation Argonaut Insurance Company Bank of America C. R. Bard Foundation Bhpbilliton The Boeing Company BP The Brown Foundation, Inc. Capital One N.A. JP Morgan Chase Chevron Chubb Insurance Conoco Phillips, Inc. Covidien El Paso Energy ExxonMobil Fluor GE Foundation

Halliburton, Inc. Hess Corporation Home Depot Honeywell J. M. Huber Corporation ING Financial Services Corporation Insperity Juniper Networks Kansas City Southern Kellogg Brown & Root Kraft Foundation Macy’s Foundation Marsh, Inc The Medallion Foundation, Inc. MFS Investment Management Microsoft New York Life Insurance Company Noble Corporation The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Northwestern Mutual Life Occidental Petroleum Corp.

ONEOK Foundation, Inc. PepsiCo Foundation Prudential Raytheon Reliant Energy Russell Investments SAP America Shell Oil Company SKF USA, Inc. Spectra Energy Stanley Black & Decker TC Group Texas Instruments Foundation Textron, Inc. Thomson Reuters Time Warner Cable VMWare Foundation Wells Fargo Williams Community Relations

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499


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The gifts of the contributors listed here help defray the cost of the 2012 Strake Jesuit Auction, the proceeds of which support the school’s Financial Aid Program, the school’s Endowment and the Operating Budget. Anonymous A Classic Bloom Florist AD Players Theatre Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Al’s Formal Wear Alvin Gee Photography Dr. Frederick C. Ames & Dr. Robin J. Burks Amigas Club of Strake Jesuit Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ammons The Ammons Law Firm Mr. & Mrs. James E. Anderson Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone Mr. & Mrs. Isaac J. Aparicio Mr. Robert Archer Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin Dr. & Mrs. David J. Auchter Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Aven Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum Mr. & Mrs. Darrin R. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 Bellaire Family Orthodontic Benjy’s Besh Restaurant Group Mr. & Mrs. Craig Biggio Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Boihem Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boushka, III Dr. Dale J. & Dr. Carol R. Brant Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen Brennan’s of Houston Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin Mr. & Mrs. Bradley W. Breuer Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Brown Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Dr. & Mrs. Allen W. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Busa Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Cantrell Capital One N.A. Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo Carlino’s Photography Janice and John M. Carrabba/Piatto Ristorante Mr. & Mrs. David E. Castaneda Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh Central Market Dr. & Mrs. Peter Chang Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet, Jr. Chick-fil-A West University Place Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chinn Mr. & Mrs. Paulinus O. Chukwujekwu Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Claude ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Coffield Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 Mr. Michael Contant ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stefano P. Costantini Courtyard by Marriott Westchase Cram Crew Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven Creighton University Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Mr. & Mrs. W. Cleland Dade Danny Clark Photography Data Projections Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dawkins Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. deGroot Den-Bar’s Hallmark Shops

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dietz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sashe D. Dimitroff Mr. & Mrs. James M. Donnell Dostal’s Jewelry Doubletree Guest Suites Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Darin Durkee Educere Tutoring Mr. Thomas K. & Dr. Allison P. P. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Helder M. Eloy Ms. Mary Esparza Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Eumont Events Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Fiori Spa Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin Mr. Michael P. & Hon. Natalie C. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher Four Season’s Hotel Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. & Mrs. Clayton D. Fryer Gabriel Tran Photography Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Galati Galerie Zuger Mr. & Mrs. David G. Gallagher Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Garcia-Rameau Mr. & Mrs. Garry M. Gaskins Gems by Chao Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Gray W. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Gisser Gittings Studios Mr. & Mrs. Dewey J. Gonsoulin Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gray Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Guillerman Habicon Interiors Haney Whipple Portraits Hardcore Pilates Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 Hart Energy Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert Hebert’s Specialty Meats Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Heston, Jr. Hilton America’s Houston Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Holbrooke Mr. & Mrs. David B. Horsley Hotel Galvez Houston Aeros Houston Dynamos The Houston Museum of Natural Science Houston Symphony The Houstonian Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel Innovative Images Photography Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James Mr. Javier M. & Dr. Liliana R. Janer Mr. Paul D. & Dr. Namieta M. Janssen Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Johnston Just Say It Kaleidoscope Studio Kaye Marvins Photography Mr. Thomas Kershaw Kim Thu Florist Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Klein Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka

Kroger Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Kubiak Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Lennon, Jr. Let Them Eat Cake! Mr. & Mrs. Jay Levy Lighting, Inc. Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Livit Loews New Orleans Hotel Dr. & Mrs. Drew J. Lomonte, D.D.S. ‘84 The Lost Iguana Resort & Spa Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald V. Maes Marc Nathan Photographers Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. Marek Brothers Systems, Inc Mark’s American Cuisine Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Martins Mrs. Mariquita Masterson Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 Memorial Athletic Club Dr. & Dr. Victor O. Mendiola ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer Messina Hof Winery Mr. & Mrs. Kendall A. Miller Minute Maid Mokara Hotel & Spa Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mooz Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Natoli Needles & Pins Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Neiers Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. Norris Salons Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor Orion Fine Jewelry Pappasito’s Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Parker Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Prof. James W. Paulsen & Ms. Robin Russell Pecan Hill Kennel Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Peters PH Design Shop Photography by Liff Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Pignetti The Pines Catholic Camp Pioneer Exterminating Company Mr. & Mrs. John R. Plugge Mr. & Mrs. John J. Polasek Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Proctor Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pruner Quilt ‘n Sew Studio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser Raintree Boutique Randall’s Food Markets Raspberry Rose Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Reese ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves Remodeling Max Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck Rice Epicurean Markets Mr. Rick C. Riojas River Oaks Pet Resort Robert’s Jewelry

Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Robin Jackson Photography Mr. & Mrs. René L. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. James C. V. Rogers Mr. Thomas G. Romano Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rossettie Royal Carriages Limousine RPM Creations Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford Mr. William T. Russell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Savage, III Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz Sensia Studio and Japenese Mr. & Mrs. Luiz R. Sganderlla Mrs. Weezie Sharman-Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Siegfried Silverlight Photography Mr. Michael P. Skelly & Ms. Anne E. Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Smith ‘83 Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher Spirit of Texas Bank, SSB St. Agnes Academy Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy Stages Repertory Theatre Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel Mr. & Ms. Dennis J. Stanley Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club Strake Jesuit Athletic Department Strake Jesuit Coaching Staff Strake Jesuit Community Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club Strake Jesuit Rugby Team Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Strenge Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs Mr. Michael A. Stuchly Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Tellez Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. George L. Tilton ‘75 Tiny Boxwood Cafe Mr. & Mrs. Alberto G. Tohme Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras Mr. & Mrs. W. Paschall Tosch, Sr. Trish Strangmeyer Photography True Colors Neon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner The Villager Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vrabec Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker Mr. John Walker & Mrs. Christine M. Politis Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace Wapiti Energy, LLC Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh Westside Tennis & Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Whealdon Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Winkley Wortham Insurance & Risk Management Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Zarosky





The individuals and organizations listed below have generously supported Strake Jesuit and its mission for many consecutive years.


YEARS Anonymous ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Adolph ‘78 Alvin Gee Photography Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Atchison ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne Ms. Carol Bailey ' Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bambace ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Best Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block ' BP Fabric of America Fund Mr. & Mrs. James J. Braniff, IV ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan ' Mr. & Mrs. William E. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Buley Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Casey Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cater Mr. Gerald M. Cawley & Dr. Regina S. Okhuysen-Cawley Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Clay ‘68 Mrs. Mary H. Colemon Mr. & Mrs. John G. Cope Mr. Mark Costello ^ Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Crist Danny Clark Photography Ms. Julie B. Dao Dr. & Mrs. Claytie Davis, III ‘89 Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman ' Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 Mr. Harry Dean, Jr. ‘78 Dr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘75 Mr. Charles T. Donna, Sr. ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz EncoreBank Mr. Robert J. Faulk ‘07 Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. Felix Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter ' Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher ' Mr. & Mrs. William S. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gibbons ‘74 Mr. Cesar E. Giralt ‘05 Gittings Studios Mr. John H. Glover ‘65 Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish Dr. Kevin A. ‘90 & Dr. Carolyn Z. Grimes George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Haney Whipple Portraits Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Z. Hawthorne ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert Ms. Barbara M. Heckmann Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 ' Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Hinkle Houston Dynamos Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson ' Mr. & Mrs. Alexander E. Inman ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III ' Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Dorian C. Kawar Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg ‘82 Mr. Joseph A. Kral ‘66 Mr. Steve L. Kuan ‘91 Mr. Rudolph S. Lange Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick LaRue ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Lee Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87 Lighting, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mackie, III Mr. & Mrs. John M. Magner Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Malek Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Manis ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Matovich The Meadows Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo E. Milani ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell P.J. Moran Foundation The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation Mr. Matthew C. Morris ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch ' Dr. & Mrs. Armando Nart Mrs. Lelia Nasser Mr. Mark S. New ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Connell ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. O’Donnell Dr. & Mrs. Juan J. Olivero Mrs. Roylyn Parke Mr. & Mrs. David N. Parks

YEARS Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Adair Ms. Linda C. Adolph Mr. Thanh K. Banh & Ms. Nam T. Pham Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Federico M. Bravo ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody Capital One N.A. ' Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 Champion Industrial Sales Company Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino ' Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Cruickshank ‘71 Mr. Gerard J. Cunningham ‘73 Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. David Depinet Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin The Pines Catholic Camp Mr. Andrew C. Pruett ‘98 Mr. Andres E. Quesada ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Quoyeser Mr. & Mrs. Ricky A. Raven Dr. & Mrs. Jean-Francois P. Reat ‘78 Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves ' Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81 Mr. William Restrepo & Ms. Costanza Marenco di Moriondo ' Ms. Pepe Reyes ' Mr. & Mrs. Jim R. Rigamonti Mr. Edward Riquelmy ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schmidt ‘86 Mr. Thomas K. Schroeter ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Bennie L. Shearer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shofner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Siegfried ' Ms. Martha B. Simpson Mr. Michael P. Skelly & Ms. Anne E. Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. Tom Skerl Mr. & Mrs. Colin T. Smith ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Solcher ‘79 Mr. Eugene Song ‘94 Spectra Energy Mr. Clayton E. Spore & Ms. Alice R. Mattei Mr. Timothy E. Squyres ‘74 & Ms. Karen L. Brune Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs ' Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Summa ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff P. Tesone Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas Trish Strangmeyer Photography Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair ' Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice Ms. Lynn C. Veazey Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Wakeland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 Mr. Robert M. Wren ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Dewhurst ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon Dobrowski L.L.P. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone Mr. Ramon Fernandez ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00 Ms. Helen M. Grivich Mr. Kelly B. Halaszyn ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. ' Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 Mr. Vastine J. Hilsher ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Holy Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96 Mr. Mark O. Kinkead ‘81 & Ms. Laurie C. Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Mancillas Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb ' Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 Mr. Gilbert A. Naert, Jr. ‘67 New York Life Insurance Company ' Northstar GOM, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation ' Mr. Gordon Pace Mr. John R. Passmore ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Pepin PepsiCo Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Reilly ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Roberts Ms. Liza Rodriguez ' Mrs. Elsie Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Saberre, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman O. Schenk Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel


Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98 Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club ' Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Tarver Ms. Dawn R. Terrazas-Chambers Textron, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Vance Ulsh ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ung Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Vick ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker ' Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Wark Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Zaozirny Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499



YEARS Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison Dr. Jack An ‘87 & Dr. Karen Klatte Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 ' Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell ' Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin ' Mr. & Mrs. J. Matt Brown ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Luke R. Bucci, Ph.D. ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Campana ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Merlin A. Castille Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman ' Class of 1967 Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck Capt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos ' Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke Mr. Paul J. Dobrowski Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza ' Mr. John K. Dubiel Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan ' Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Eyberg Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Carey T. Ford ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Formica GE Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Giordano ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados ' Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Haesly Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning ' The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Shane W. Hudson ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka Mr. & Mrs. Don F. Keating The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation ' Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd M. D. Anderson Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee LCDR & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullagh Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. McMahon ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer Mr. Kevin A. Mineo ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut ' Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Newell ‘86 Mr. Michael C. Newhouse ‘88 Mrs. Jo-Ann Padula Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman ' Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97 Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano ' Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck ' Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider ' Mr. & Mrs. Mario Smith ‘85 Dr. & Mrs. Zachary J. Smith, M.D. ‘91 Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer ' Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb ' Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Work Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch


YEARS Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 ' The Andrews Foundation Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers ' Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, IV Mr. John W. Berardi ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi ' Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown The Brown Foundation, Inc. ' Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck ' Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy ' Mr. Matthew Chiste ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Chiste ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Claude ‘86 Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. James Docherty ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Fouke ‘80 Mr. John J. Gannon, III ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. George ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78 Dr. Gary A. Hilsher, D.D.S. ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Hudson

Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik Mr. Christopher M. Jennings ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones Mr. Mark Kubicek ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. David F. O’Brien ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80 Mr. Dax Philbin ‘89 Ms. Eva Riojas The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah Scanlan Foundation ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider ‘73 Mr. Frank A. Simcik ‘95 Ms. Victoria T. Singley Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, III ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Zagst ‘73

Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis Microsoft Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya ‘91 Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Ms. Amanda Vavilala Mr. & Mrs. Brent E. Munson ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. O’Donnell ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. René A. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers ' Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth Dr. John F. Schultz, M.D. ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Tennille ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young


or more YEARS


Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock ' Mr. & Mrs. John C. Adolph ‘00 Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee ' Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers ' Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Apache Corporation Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Arguello, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum ' Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 ' Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Bondor Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 BP ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Braden ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun ' Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ' Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Burke ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Callaghan ‘82

YEARS Mrs. Susan F. Bolz Ms. Alisa Broussard Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke Mr. & Mrs. George M. Fleming ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff Mr. C. A. Gillan & Ms. Cathy S. Nunnally Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 ' Mr. & Mrs. Lauren Grenier Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching & Ms. Laura N. Esquivel Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kainer Mr. J. Grover Kelley ‘68 Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian Knights of Columbus Council 11343 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mrs. Dorothea Lea Mr. Mark R. Livesay Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Livingston ‘77 Mrs. Sarah H. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui ' Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall ' Mr. Duncan A. McLean ‘85

Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Mr. Arden D. Callender Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Cassidy ‘82 Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 Chevron ' Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 ' Mr. & Mrs. Vance Christopher Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ' Dr. & Mrs. Allan Conde ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85 ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Conoco Phillips, Inc. ' Mr. & Mrs. John Cook ‘94 Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, III ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 Mr. Michael J. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71 Mrs. Dorothy Daly Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dampf Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Dampf ‘90 Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers ' Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt Mr. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 & Ms. Maria Gomez Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Doerfler ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. David Ecklund Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 El Paso Energy Mr. James E. Erbs ‘75 & Ms. M. S. Atkins Dr. & Mrs. Garret J. Etgen Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart ‘70 ExxonMobil Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Falgout ‘66 Mr. Jack Farah ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 Dr. John Forney, M.D. ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Frew ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes ' Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats '

Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi ' Mr. & Mrs. J. Mark Gidley ‘79 Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73 Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Ms. Barbara Divine Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guarino ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hanley, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hearon ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Ms. Trudy Hansen Mr. David A. Herrin ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger ' Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 Mr. Randy Hodnett ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Holy ‘90 Mr. Wai-Leung R. Hon Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Hubbell Mr. & Mrs. David A. Huete Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Hughes ‘82 Mr. James Hull Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel ' Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias ' Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Isensee ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Johnson ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jordan ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86 Mrs. Laura Jungeblut Mr. Jonathan F. Kalian ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ' Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Mr. Mike Kerley ' Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 ' Mrs. Nancy Koch Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ ' Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart ' Mr. & Mrs. Antonio LaMatta ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Umberto LaMatta Mr. & Mrs. Neal F. Lane Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III ' Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming ' Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77

Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Llana Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz Mr. & Mrs. Jorge E. Luna ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Lutz Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch ' Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. ‘65 Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 Mrs. Lois A. Mathews Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. McConn ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne McDonald, Sr. ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald Mrs. Thomas J. McErlean Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McLean Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Merkel Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller ‘76 Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 ' Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras ' Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ' Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Murr ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Nelson ' Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles ‘67 Mrs. Nancy L. Nevle ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra Northwestern Mutual Life Mrs. Carolyn Novelli Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Neill ‘85 Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84 ' Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76 Mr. Mark A. Padon ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ' Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny ' Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini Ms. Danielle Pung Ms. Linda Ream Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 Dr. & Ms. David W. Reininger ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 Mr. William C. Reuter ‘79 Dr. Mike Rice ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Goetz Dr. Harry F. Richards Mrs. Marguerite Rogan Mr. Carlos E. Roman

Many Jesuit students spend parts of their summers on Mission trips literally around the world, such as this one in Belize in the summer of 2012.

Mr. Thomas G. Romano Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 The Roth Family Foundation Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Sachnik ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 Dr. Lonnie Sadberry Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 ' Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch ' Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Schuler, Jr. ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Mr. & Mrs. Darby Seré ' Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets Shell Oil Company ' Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Slatton, D.D.S. ‘75 Mr. Gerardo A. Smith ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider Dr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Solcher ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86 Mrs. Elizabeth Standish Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stevens ‘87

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stewart ‘69 Strake Foundation Strake Jesuit Community ' Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club ' Mr. Albert J. Suhor Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. Target Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92 Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey ' Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas Mr. & Mrs. Seth Wallis ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Washburn ‘69 Mr. Daniel Weber ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster ' Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Weingartner Wells Fargo ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner ' Williams Community Relations ' Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger ‘71 Mr. Matthew S. Wong ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo P. Zubizarreta

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499


H O N O RS & M E M O R I ALS Gifts made in memory or honor of a friend or relative directly supports the Financial Aid Program or project desingated by the contributor. In Honor of the Marriage of Tom Adolph & Margie Turner Mr. Arthur Adolph

In Memory Of Mr. Matthew Ainsworth ‘08 Ms. Barbara S. Miller

In Memory of Mr. Thomas Baker ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75

In Memory of James W. Bartlett, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86

In Memory Of Mr. Arthur Belanger Mr. & Mrs. James Henrikson

In Memory Of Mr. George Belton Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ

In Honor of Tom & Sue Bene’s 25th Wedding Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr.

In Honor Of Fr. Chris Billac, SJ Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Mrs. Mary Clare Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Balhoff Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bisesi ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Broeckelmann Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bujnoch ‘70 Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Cardenas ‘76 Charity Guild of Catholic Women Dr. Stephen Chen ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Choyce Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Claude ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Mrs. Dorothy Daly Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Dulworth Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Eberle Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fletcher ‘89 Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 Mrs. Virginia P. Gidley Dr. & Mrs. W. Malcolm Granberry Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 Mrs. Marian Y. Harper Laningham Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, II Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 Mrs. Jane C. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77

Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kerr Ms. Carmen Knebel Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski Mr. Rudolph S. Lange Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Lea ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Ledet ‘70 Mr. Keith B. Letsos ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 Mr. Mark S. Letsos, Jr. ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McCabe ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty ‘95 Lt. Commander & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty ‘92 Dr. & Mrs. Kyle McCutcheon ‘79 Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller Mr. & Mrs. William F. Minyard Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Mrs. Joan O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 Dr. Robert B. Parke, Jr. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V. Perkins ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polichino, Jr. ‘66 Mr. Michael J. Riccetti ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider ‘73 Mrs. A. G. Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stephenson ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 Dr. & Mrs. Andrew C. von Eschenbach Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Vrsalovic Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Wade Whitenburg ‘79 Ms. Pegi P. Willrich Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 Mrs. Shirley C. Winn-Bannerot

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barrier Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Binetti Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Broyles Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Bushong Mr. Patrick D. Cannizzaro Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo Mr. & Mrs. Acree B. Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. James M. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Cherry Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Coleman ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 Mrs. James H. Couch Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Crowley ‘75 Mrs. Mary Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Mike J. Crowley ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson Mr. F. R. Drake Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dzilsky Ms. Susie Eisenberg-Argo Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter Mr. & Mrs. W. Tyler Geiger, III Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Glass Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Gunter Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hanse Mr. & Mrs. James I. Harley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Henrichsen Mr. Jonathan M. Holley Mr. Robert Hooper & Ms. Renea Locke Mr. Basil Housewright & Ms. Donna Getty-Housewright Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hucherson Mr. & Mrs. David N. Jones, Jr. Ms. Kathryn King Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Krull Mr. Rodney Ledet Mr. & Mrs. Tim Lootens Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Mackay Mr. & Mrs. George L. Maher Dr. Lee Mahlmann, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marsh Mr. & Mrs. Laverne C. May, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Meder Ms. Annabel G. Minter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch Ms. Sylvia A. Munoz Mrs. Dee Anne Navarre Mr. & Mrs. John Noel Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Nutt Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Outler Mr. & Mrs. John J. Parlapiano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Pile Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Schwendeman Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Skipper Mr. Isaac A. Sobel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Sumlin Mr. & Mrs. Ron Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Tyson Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Urankar Ms. Fern Urban Mr. & Mrs. Patrick K. Weesner Mr. Frank Williams & Mrs. Jan Yardley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wleczyk

In Memory Of Mrs. Shirley Boudreaux Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67

In Memory Of Brian Brasseaux/Lisa Urban Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Briggs Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66

In Honor Of Mr. Bret Broussard ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Ernie L. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Wade Quinn

In Memory Of Mrs. Mary Esther Burton Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69

In Memory Of Mr. Edward B. Carney ‘01 Mr. Eugene P. Doris

In Honor Of Taylor Charbonnet ‘14, named the recipient of the 2011 Capt. Andrew Houghton ‘97 Award Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly

In Memory Of Mr. Charles Chopin ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Abel ‘89 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Sternfels

In Memory of Mr. Robert S. and Mary Ann Circosta Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sutton

In Honor Of Mr. Collin Michael Clements Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ

In Memory Of Mr. Robert M. Crabb Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory of Mr. Jack Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cahill ‘75

In Memory Of Mr. John Furen Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory of Mr. Joseph Michael Gaul Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr.

In Honor of Mr. Ryan Gegen ‘12 Ms. Nancy Akeroyd

In Honor Of Mr. Bryan Anthony Gracely Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ

In Memory Of Judge Joseph Guarino Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72

In Memory Of Mr. Alan Huff Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory of Robert Iglesias Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91

In Memory of Fr. Frank Jones Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory of Mr. Greg Jungeblut Mrs. Laura Jungeblut

In Memory Of Mrs. Evelyn Keister Mr. David Barr

In Honor Of Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux The Brown Foundation, Inc.

Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


In Memory Of Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner Mr. & Mrs. Welton Smith

In Memory Of Mrs. Christina Mason Mr. & Mrs. James S. Cunningham ‘66

In Memory of Mr. Steve McConnell ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, III ‘78

In Memory Of Mrs. Kassandra McLean Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hobart

In Honor of Richard & Diane Montegut Mr. & Mrs. Jared M. Montegut ‘90

In Memory Of Mr. William Morris Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory Of Mr. Emil Nakfoor Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace Mrs. Roylyn Parke Ms. Sue H. Studley

In Honor Of Mr. Jordan Neve ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hayes

In Memory Of Mr. Richard C. Nevle Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley Mrs. Irene Adolph Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Mrs. Mary Clare Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 Annunciation Orthodox School Mr. & Mrs. Sammer I. Arnouk Mr. & Mrs. David P. Barra Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. David Bethke Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Bobbitt Dr. & Mrs. David J. Braden Mr. & Mrs. John C. Branca Dr. & Mrs. Paris P. Bransford, M.D. ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown Mr. & Mrs. J. Matt Brown ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. S. Scott Buckheit Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 Mrs. Catherine Byrnes Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carmouche Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Cate Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Mrs. Phyllis B. Chase Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Y. Chee Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Conoco Phillips, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Wilks Corban Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mr. Robert E. Crane, II ‘78 Mr. Gerard J. Cunningham ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Daly The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John DeFilippo Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt Mr. Kevin J. Donnelly

Ms. Donna E. Drawe Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Eberle Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Eukel Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Formica Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi Mrs. Jean F. Garwood Ms. Laura B. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gorman Mr. Tony & Rev. Mary Gracely Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados Mr. Michael T. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Guerrero ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Guerrero ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. George M. Handal Mrs. Marian Y. Harper Laningham Mr. & Mrs. Cleatis O. Hawkins, Jr. Ms. Barbara M. Heckmann Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners Mr. Shelby K. Hobart ‘71 Dr. & Mrs. L. Russell Hollenbeck, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel Mr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Hungbui Incarnate Word Academy Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Waverly L. Johnson, III Mr. Charles L. Jones & Ms. Sandra L. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones Ms. Kathryn Kanaby Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Ms. Caroline O. Kermath Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr. Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Kubiak Ms. Ruth Lafleur Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens Ms. Bonnie F. Lugosch Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Lyons ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mackie, III Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mrs. Lois A. Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Matlock ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. William H. McArdle, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John E. McLean Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McLean Mr. & Mrs. Calvin M. McMinn Mrs. Jeanne C. Mealey Mr. Robert Meara ‘05 Ms. Gloria Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Moeller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 Mr. S. Ross Moore ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. O’Brien ‘90 Mrs. Joan O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pfaffenberger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph

Richard Nevle ‘83 delivered the keynote address at the tribute Gala in honor of his father, Richard Nevle, held in February.

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. ‘76 Region D Schools Mr. Rudolph M. Reid & Ms. Maroussia E. Nassief-Reid Mr. William Restrepo & Ms. Costanza Marenco di Moriondo Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers Mr. & Mrs. René L. Rodriguez Mrs. Marguerite Rogan Ms. Sujey A. Romero Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. Sarahan Mr. & Mrs. Norman O. Schenk Mr. & Mrs. Marty Schrier ‘86 Mr. Sylvan Schwartz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz Shell Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simon Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Ms. Mary H. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Spradlin St. Anne Catholic School Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stelly Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Stoner Mr. Stephen J. Sulentic Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 Ms. Kathleen Tomeny Mr. & Mrs. John P. Urban Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wong Mr. & Mrs. William H. York Mr. Scott M. Zaleski ‘84

In Honor of Mr. Trip Norkus ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Carey T. Ford ‘93

In Honor Of Fr. Brian Reedy, SJ Ordination Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne

In Memory Of Mr. Joseph M. Reidy Mrs. Leanna L. Reidy

In Memory of Mrs. Brenda Robey Reliant Energy Mr. W. Larry Robey, Jr. ‘97

In Memory Of Mr. Nick Sacaris Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bosse Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard H. Butler Ms. Alice C. Dailey Ms. Alicia Donics Ms. Lynn Fisher Mr. & Mrs. David M. Underwood Mr. Harry C. Webb, Jr.

In Memory of Ms. Debbi Schindler Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Agee Dr. Frederick C. Ames & Dr. Robin J. Burks Mr. & Mrs. Isaac J. Aparicio Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Aven Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ay, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Bertz Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion Mr. & Mrs. Darden J. Bourne Jr. BP Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun Rev. Flavio I. Bravo, SJ Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Bradley W. Breuer Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Mr. Roberto Brunel & Ms. Maria A. Brunel Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Ramon M. Cantu

Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499


Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cartwright Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Graydon K. Cayce Dr. & Mrs. Peter Chang Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Contreras Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Costa Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Crowe Mr. Michael J. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. W. Cleland Dade Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. deGroot Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. Sashe D. Dimitroff Mr. & Mrs. James M. Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dorman Mr. Thomas K. & Dr. Allison P. P. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Eichler Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 Ms. Kathleen Fox Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch Mr. & Mrs. David G. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. George ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Gere Mr. & Mrs. Gray W. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Dewey J. Gonsoulin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish Ms. Sharon Greiff Mr. & Mrs. Cody B. Groves Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Hadamik Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes Mr. & Mrs. David H. Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Ms. Deborah A. Hull Mr. James Hull Mr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Hungbui Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein Ms. Mary J. Ignoffo Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Irby Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James Mr. Javier M. & Dr. Liliana R. Janer Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Kamin Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Dong H. Kim Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Langemeier Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Langlois Mr. & Mrs. Jordan R. Larimore Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Lennon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Levy Mr. & Mrs. Orin H. Lewis Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot Dr. & Mrs. Federico L. Mattioli ‘85 Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. George E. McKean, III Mr. & Mrs. Ronald N. McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus Mr. & Mrs. Kendall A. Miller The Honorable & Mrs. Patrick Mizell ‘82

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mooz Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Natoli Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario Mrs. Anna H. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Prof. James W. Paulsen & Ms. Robin Russell Mr. & Mrs. William N. Pederson Mr. & Mrs. Andy Pontikes Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pruner Mr. & Mrs. Gary O. Quenan Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Reese ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves Mr. William Restrepo & Ms. Costanza Marenco di Moriondo Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck Mr. & Mrs. Ross A. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. René L. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. David R. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schindler Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Smith ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Patrice E. Storey Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Tellez Mr. & Mrs. Alberto G. Tohme Mr. & Mrs. Anders Torning

Mr. & Mrs. W. Paschall Tosch, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vrabec Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Wettstein Mr. & Mrs. Dane E. Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith

In Honor Of Tom & Mary Solcher’s 20th Wedding Anniversary Ms. Gina Marlin

In Memory Of Mr. Benjamin Thorseth ‘08 Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ

In Memory Of Mr. Robert Vaio Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Andrews Atwood Oceanics Management, LP Mr. & Mrs. Craig W. Baker Mrs. Anne L. Bass Mr. Wilfred J. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Brown Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher Mr. John D. Goldader Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Heard ‘75 Hess Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Lee Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Mathers Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Moeller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Jon Silberman

In Honor Of Rev. Jacques Weber, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Buckle

In Memory Of Merilee Weiner Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory of Mr. James R. Zerda ‘99 Lt. David F. Zerda ‘98

STRAKE JESUIT SCRAMBLE The gifts of the contributors listed below helped to defray the cost of the 2012 Strake Jesuit Scramble.

Shirt Sponsor Doyle Raizner LLP

Golf Towel Sponsor Cima Energy

Lunch Sponsor Dobrowski, LLC

Golf Ball Sponsor Shipley Do-Nuts

Golf Cart Sponsor Northstar Offshore Group

Golf Cap Sponsor Spirit of Texas Bank

Beverage Cart Sponsor Liver Specialists of Texas

Golf Cart Hole in One Crave Luxury Auto & Garia Golf Carts

Mulligan Sponsor Bertini Law Firm P.C. Closest to the Pin/Long Drive Sponsor W. T. Byler Company

Marianne & Joe Quoyeser T-Rex Engineering & Construction Transmontaigne Bronze Sponsors James E. Bashaw & Co. Burner Combustion Systems, LLC The Iglesias Family Sharps Compliance, Inc. The WCM Group, Inc. Hole Sponsors Adolph Locklar - IP Attorneys Bain & Barkley The Calderwood Family, Chris ‘03 & Jack ‘16 Judge Kyle Carter Central Market Chick-Fil-A

Silver Sponsors Champion Industrial Envar Services, Inc. Fairfield Industries Icon Bank Lighting, Inc.


Encore Bank, N.A. (Greg Guarino) John Glover GravesMechanical Inc. The Kim Family The Leon Law Firm, P.C. Sally & Ron McMillan Moran Exploration, LP Orion Marine Group W. Thomas Proctor, P.C. Sugar Lakes Family Practice, P.A. Venetian Blind Carpet One Floor & Home Village Plumbing & Home Services Underwriting Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club





Gifts from members of the Strake Jesuit Faculty & Staff support Financial Aid, Endowment, Scholarships, and the Annual Drive. Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Arguello, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry ++ Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne + h Ms. Carol Bailey + ' Mr. Benjamin D. Baker ‘06 h Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 + h ' Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ ++ h ' Ms. Ana Teresa E. Black Celis h Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block + h ' Mr. J. R. Bonilla Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Bonilla Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun ' Rev. Flavio I. Bravo, SJ ++ h ' Ms. Alisa Broussard + h Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Buley + h Mr. William T. Burke h Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 + h Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Chambers ‘01 h Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy + h ' Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons ++ ' Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton + Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan + h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Cole ‘02 h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Crist + Mr. Michael J. Crowley ++ h Mr. & Mrs. David Daily h Mr. & Mrs. Ross L. Davis h Mr. & Mrs. Juan I. DeLeon

Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon + Mr. Alan K. Duncan h Bro. Walter Eckler, SJ h ' Mr. Carlos Esparza, SJ h ' Mr. & Mrs. John Fahy ' Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke + Mr. & Mrs. William S. Fletcher + Rev. John Folzenlogen, SJ ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fomby Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 + h ' Mr. Marcus Fryer, SJ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau ++ h Ms. Elizabeth W. Gehring h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados + ' Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich + Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching & Ms. Laura N. Esquivel + Ms. Jessica L. Herrick h Mr. Matthew S. Hoelscher h Mr. Lin Hongbin & Ms. Daphne I. Meyer h ' Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty ++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard + h Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel ++ h ' Ms. Maria A. Jaguanda Minano h Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Alberto F. Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. J. Mac Johnson ' Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones + h

Dr. Roy Joseph, SJ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny ++ h Mr. Mike Kerley ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick ++ h Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ ++ h ' Mr. Robert J. Land ‘89 h Mr. & Mrs. Luis Lazo Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Billy T. Lowry h Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn + h Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt ++ Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall + ' Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil ++ h Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon ++ Ms. Maria T. Merritt ' Ms. Natalee E. Miller h Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey h Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Mossbarger h Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras ++ h ' Mrs. Nancy L. Nevle ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 + h Mr. Peter G. Nurre h Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Olson ‘02 Mr. Favian Ovando Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny ++ h ' Mr. Andrew C. Pruett ‘98 + Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser +

Ms. Linda Ream ++ h Ms. Pepe Reyes + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Rice ‘04 h Ms. Eva Riojas + Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers + ' Ms. Liza Rodriguez + ' Mr. Carlos E. Roman ++ Mr. Thomas G. Romano ++ h Mr. Pepe Ruiz, SJ h ' Mr. & Mrs. James D. Saltzman h ' Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Sandoval Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah + h Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shofner + Strake Jesuit Community ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Sulentic Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Summa + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Jeff P. Tesone + h Mr. Dwane A. Todd ‘04 h Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson ++ h Ms. Lynn C. Veazey + Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables h Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey ++ h ' Mr. Ben M. Ware h ' Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. William D. White h Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith + h

Raul Garcia-Rameau and John Jamerlan (second and third from left) were the 2012 recipients of the Fleming Award for Teaching Excellence. On hand for the presentation were Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 (far left) and Scott Fleming ‘69 and President Daniel Lahart, SJ (far right).

SCHOLAR / SPONSOR PARTNERSHIP Those listed here have chosen to Sponsor a Strake Jesuit student through the Scholar/Student Partnership. By doing so, they have chosen to reach out to a deserving Financial Aid student in a very personal way. As a Sponsor, they have the opportunity to meet the student and watch him grow throughout his time at Jesuit. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 Anonymous Mr. Joseph Nicknish ‘80 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Raven The Terry Crane Foundation The Roth Family Foundation George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler Captain Andrew Houghton Foundation Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Mr. Richard S. Walker ’76 and Mrs. Shana Sloas Knights of Columbus Council 11343 The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Jack Koch Memorial Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Werner


END O W M ENTS & S C H O LARS H I P S Gifts to Endowments and Scholarships contribute to the Endowment Fund, the interest on which supports the Financial Aid Program and other specified areas. Matthew Ainsworth ‘08 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy Ms. Barbara S. Miller

Charles K. Alford ‘11 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Mr. Bradley C. Akers ‘11 Mr. Salim A. Alameddin ‘11 Mr. Akhil Alex ‘11 Dr. Eugene L. Alford & Dr. Mary L. Alford Mr. David C. Bell ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block Mr. John B. Breen ‘11 Mr. Daniel V. Bui ‘11 Mr. Sean P. Burwinkel ‘11 Mr. Alejandro T. Cabello ‘11 Mr. Matheus C. Carboni ‘11 Mr. Tarek K. Darouiche ‘11 Mr. William P. Dillon ‘11 Mr. Martin N. Elizondo ‘11 Mr. Matthew A. Fucik ‘11 Mr. Austin T. George ‘11 Mr. Nick J. Gibson ‘11 Mr. Shyon B. Haghpeykar ‘11 Mr. Charles T. Harbin ‘11 Mr. Quinn J. Hebert ‘11 Mr. Arthur J. Heiser ‘11 Mr. Eric M. Heisler ‘11 Mr. Joel A. Hendricks ‘11 Mr. Christopher M. Holland ‘11 Mr. William T. Huskinson ‘11 Mr. Zachary M. Janik ‘11 Mr. Johnathan D. Jia ‘11 Mr. Kendrick L. Katigbak ‘11 Mr. Sebastian D. Kawar ‘11 Mr. Matthew R. Lacamu ‘11

C. R. Bard Foundation Mr. Chris J. Calato ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu ‘87 Mr. Christopher Clark ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 Mr. John Courtade ‘67 Mr. John W. Holden, Jr. ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Justin Holy ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Kubicek ‘83 Mr. Joseph A. Mandel ‘05 Dr. & Mrs. David R. Martin ‘90 Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92

Mr. Andrew M. Lee ‘11 Mr. Andrew R. Lopez ‘11 Mr. Niles L. Luckenbach ‘11 Mr. Ian G. Margot ‘11 Mr. Clay A. Martin ‘11 Mr. John M. Marymont ‘11 Mr. Luis A. Matamoros ‘11 Mr. Chase R. McArdle ‘11 Mr. Matthew S. Meece ‘11 Mr. Andrew J. Munoz ‘11 Mr. Christopher A. Nart ‘11 Mr. Ross C. Pepper ‘11 Mr. Anson M. Petrick ‘11 Mr. Gabriel O. Puccini ‘11 Mr. Matthew P. Rayner ‘11 Mr. Joseph N. Reeves ‘11 Mr. David R. Rumford ‘11 Mr. Eddie G. Saa ‘11 Mr. Michael A. Sam ‘11 Mr. Matthew J. Sasso ‘11 Mr. Mark A. Schmidt ‘11 Mr. Paul J. Scranton ‘11 Mr. Karl B. Shearer ‘11 Mr. Anthony J. Silvestre ‘11 Mr. Connor M. Stacy ‘11 Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club Mr. Matthew H. Stubbs ‘11 Mr. Ken Tang ‘11 Mr. Ryan S. Villani ‘11 Mr. Daniel P. Whitty ‘11 Mr. Nicholas H. Zinni ‘11

Joanie Alvarez Memorial Scholarship Mr. Julien G. DuPont ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr.

Christopher A. Billac, SJ Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Mrs. Mary Clare Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Balhoff Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bisesi ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Broeckelmann

Alumni Financial Aid Endowment Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Anders ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Arnold ‘81 Mr. E. Victor Bailey ‘77

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bujnoch ‘70 Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Callaghan ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Cardenas ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Charity Guild of Catholic Women Mr. & Mrs. Ken Choyce Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Claude ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Mrs. Dorothy Daly The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Dulworth Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Eberle Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fletcher ‘89 Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. J. Mark Gidley ‘79 Mrs. Virginia P. Gidley Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 Dr. & Mrs. W. Malcolm Granberry Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 Mrs. Marian Y. Harper Laningham Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75

In February an overflow crowd attended a special retirement Mass for Fr. Chris Billac, SJ (left) pictured here during a light moment with Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ.


Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, II Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 Mr. Vastine J. Hilsher ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hobart Mrs. Jane C. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs Juniper Networks Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kerr Ms. Carmen Knebel Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski Mr. Rudolph S. Lange Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Lea ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Ledet ‘70 Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87 Mr. Keith B. Letsos ‘01 Mr. Mark S. Letsos, Jr. ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McCabe ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty ‘95 LCDR & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty ‘92 Dr. & Mrs. Kyle McCutcheon ‘79 Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller Mr. & Mrs. William F. Minyard Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Mrs. Joan O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. O’Neill ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 Dr. Robert B. Parke, Jr. ‘66 Mrs. Roylyn Parke Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V. Perkins ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polichino, Jr. ‘66 Mr. Michael J. Riccetti ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Mrs. A. G. Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stephenson ‘80 Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 VMWare Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Andrew C. von Eschenbach Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Vrsalovic Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Wade Whitenburg ‘79 Ms. Pegi P. Willrich Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 Mrs. Shirley C. Winn-Bannerot

Brian Brasseaux ‘81 Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Patrick Buckley ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 Mr. Jack Farah ‘81 Mr. Isaac A. Sobel

General Endowment Fund

Brother’s Keepers

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris Mrs. Mica M. Mosbacher Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti Ms. Dorothy M. Vatalaro Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh

Anonymous Mr. Alexander D. Bain ‘13 Mr. Nicholas C. Collins ‘14 Mr. Michael P. Fleming, Jr. ‘14 Mr. Jarrett T. Harden ‘06 Mr. John M. Lenz ‘12 Mr. Daniel F. Llanten ‘14 Mr. Cooper C. Smidt ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club Mr. Kirk J. Stulen & Ms. Kelly J. Hammar Mr. Justin P. Wilson ‘12 Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith

Brother’s Keepers Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bradley Ms. Alisa Broussard Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Buley Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Chambers ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. David Daily Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon Mr. & Mrs. William S. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert Ms. Jessica L. Herrick Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn Mr. Peter G. Nurre Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser Ms. Pepe Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey Tarpey Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Mr. & Mrs. Jeff P. Tesone Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith

General Scholarship Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil

Hilary Grivich Endowed Scholarship Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00 Ms. Helen M. Grivich

Thomas & Lucille Hensley Scholarship

Black Student Union Endowment

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Frew ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72

Sean A. Haley, Ph.D. ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones

Albert and Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation Endowment, In Honor of Emil Nakfoor

The Chopin Family Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Lydia O. Chopin

Ms. Sue H. Studley

Christmas Eve Mass Endowed Scholarship Fund

Chris Horton ‘87 Memorial Scholarship Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 Bank of America Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray ‘84 Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock

Strake Jesuit Class of 1995 Endowment William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation

Strake Jesuit Class of 1996 Endowment William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation

Captain Andrew R. Houghton Endowed Scholarship

Strake Jesuit Class of 2001 Millennial Endowment

Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer ‘97 Mr. Christopher D. Colemon ‘96 Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Dewhurst ‘97 Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96 William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Ryan E. LaRue ‘97 Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. John V. Pham ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas White ‘97

Capt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01 Fluor Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01

Terrence J. Crane ‘90 Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Moeller, Jr. Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89

Mark & Tom ‘80 Dante Scholarship Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante

The Darouiche Family Endowed Scholarship

Robert Iglesias ‘84 Endowed Scholarship

Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91

Brother Casey Ferlita, SJ Scholarship Mr. Michael J. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75


Monsignor James A. Jamail Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Mr. Charles Schwartzel ‘05

Thomas J. Jenniskens, SJ Scholarship Mr. Richard P. Magner, SJ ‘80

Jesuit Community Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Warren J. von Eschenbach ‘89

Jean Jordan Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86

David C. Kegg Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75

Andrew M. Kell Scholarship Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 Mr. Erwin M. Hengst, III ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell Ms. Patricia Mead, C.P.A. Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98

Jack Koch Endowed Scholarship Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Askew At Your Side Home Care Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Berno, M.D. ‘82 Mr. Vincent C. Blusanovics & Ms. Barbara M. Read-Blusanovics Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Browning Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Ms. Norma C. Bugayong Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck Burck, Lapidus, & Lanza P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey C. Foster Fuller’s Machining Center, Inc Mr. & Mrs. John A. Grosso Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Harville Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Heyburn ‘84 Ms. Kathleen K. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe H. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 Mrs. Nancy Koch Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. McAuliffe Mr. & Mrs. Don McGinn Mr. Joe Moreno & Mrs. Vonda Wootan-Moreno Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky Tech-Seal International, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Weaver Ms. Billie M. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wygant, Jr.

Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius Endowment Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95

Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein Mr. & Mrs. Henry Minello

Eileen R. & F. Vern Lahart Retreat Endowment Alumnae Association of Trinity College Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart Mr. Rudolph S. Lange Strake Jesuit Community

J.B. Leininger, SJ Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. Robert Meara ‘05

J.B. Leininger, SJ Faculty Endowed Chair Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block Mr. Alan K. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fomby Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey

The James J. and Mary E. Loughlin Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. ‘74

Todd Maddox ‘99 Award/Scholarship Endowment Mr. Gregory P. Barra ‘99 Mr. Anthony R. Hagale ‘99 Capt. & Mrs. Travis J. Hinkle ‘99 Mr. Matt Howard Mr. Rodrigo B. Interiano ‘02 Dr. David V. Pinto ‘99 Mr. Thomas G. Romano Mr. Thomas K. Schroeter ‘99 Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Brandon S. Sims ‘99 Mr. Brian T. Walters ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters

Robert J. Marco Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gleeson Shell Oil Company

Chris Mathews Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Lois A. Mathews

Steve McConnell Scholarship Award Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo, M.S.W., J.D. ‘78

Kenneth McGregor ‘04 Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Rice ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 Mr. Dwane A. Todd ‘04 Mr. Laymond P. Wilburn ‘02

Richard C. Nevle Endowed Scholarship Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley Mrs. Irene Adolph Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Mr. & Mrs. William N. Akwari Mrs. Mary Clare Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 Annunciation Orthodox School Mr. & Mrs. Mauricio A. Ariz Mr. & Mrs. Sammer I. Arnouk Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum Ms. Carol Bailey Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace Mr. & Mrs. David P. Barra Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. David Bethke Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bisesi ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Bobbitt Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion Dr. & Mrs. David J. Braden Mr. & Mrs. John C. Branca Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody Mr. & Mrs. Bret E. Broussard ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown Mr. & Mrs. J. Matt Brown ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. S. Scott Buckheit Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 Mrs. Catherine Byrnes Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carmouche Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. John Cassel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Cate Mr. & Mrs. Cloy N. Causey Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Mrs. Phyllis B. Chase Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Y. Chee Chevron Mrs. Lydia O. Chopin Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Claude ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Conoco Phillips, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Wilks Corban Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mr. Robert E. Crane, II ‘78 Mr. Michael J. Crowley Mr. Gerard J. Cunningham ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Daly The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers Mr. & Mrs. Ross L. Davis Ms. Martha Day Mr. & Mrs. Leo De Leon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. John DeFilippo Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. deGroot Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt Mr. John DeWitt ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Sam W. Dick Mr. Kevin J. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Douglass Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 Ms. Donna E. Drawe Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Dulworth Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Eberle Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Eichelberger Mr. Christopher F. Eldridge ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Eukel Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez Finkelstein Partners Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. William S. Fletcher Mr. Marcus Ford ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Formica Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 Dr. & Mrs. William C. Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Frederick III Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Salindeg S. Gallegos Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi Mrs. Jean F. Garwood Ms. Laura B. Gibson

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Gilson Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gorman Mr. Tony & Rev. Mary Gracely Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados Mr. Michael T. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Guerrero ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Guerrero ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George M. Handal Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hanley, Jr. Mrs. Marian Y. Harper Laningham Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hatam Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes Mr. & Mrs. Cleatis O. Hawkins, Jr. Ms. Barbara M. Heckmann Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Heston, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners Mr. Shelby K. Hobart ‘71 Dr. & Mrs. L. Russell Hollenbeck, D.D.S. Mr. Lin Hongbin & Ms. Daphne I. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel Mr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Hungbui Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson Incarnate Word Academy Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Irby Mr. & Mrs. James W. Isensee ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Waverly L. Johnson, III Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones Mrs. Laura Jungeblut Ms. Kathryn Kanaby Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keating Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Mr. Mike Kerley Ms. Caroline O. Kermath Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Kubiak Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Kudela Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick Ms. Ruth Lafleur Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Langemeier Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Langlois Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Dr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Lenz Dr. Greg Liverman, Ph.D. ‘72 & Dr. Wendy Dillenschneider, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens Mr. & Mrs. Billy T. Lowry Ms. Bonnie F. Lugosch Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Lyons ‘86 Mr. Paul F. Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mrs. Lois A. Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Matlock ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. William H. McArdle, Jr. Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy


Ms. Melissa McConnell Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. John E. McLean Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McLean Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Calvin M. McMinn Mrs. Jeanne C. Mealey Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara Mr. Robert Meara ‘05 Ms. Gloria Mendoza Sr. Jane Meyer, O.P. Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91 Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Moeller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut Dr. & Mrs. Roberto Montoya Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore Mr. S. Ross Moore ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Armando Nart Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. NiSource Gas Transmission & Storage Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. O’Brien ‘90 Mrs. Joan O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation Mr. Thomas H. Padgett ‘82 Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Prof. James W. Paulsen & Ms. Robin Russell Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny Mr. & Mrs. James J. Perry Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pfaffenberger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Pignetti Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pilegge Mr. & Mrs. John R. Plugge Sr. Donna Pollard, O.P. Ms. Katina C. Pontikes Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph Ms. Linda Ream Region D Schools Mr. Rudolph M. Reid & Ms. Maroussia E. Nassief-Reid Mr. William Restrepo & Ms. Costanza Marenco di Moriondo Ms. Pepe Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried Dr. James M. Rinando ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Frederick I. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. René L. Rodriguez Mrs. Marguerite Rogan Ms. Sujey A. Romero Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. Sarahan

Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch Mr. & Mrs. Norman O. Schenk Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Marty Schrier ‘86 Mr. Sylvan Schwartz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz Mrs. Weezie Sharman-Johnston Shell Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simon Mr. & Mrs. Colin T. Smith ‘91 Mr. Aaron C. Sokolik ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Ms. Mary H. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Spradlin St. Anne Catholic School St. Pius X High School St. Thomas High School Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stelly Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Stoner Strake Jesuit Key Club Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Strenge Mr. Stephen J. Sulentic Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. Ms. Kathleen Tomeny Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Urban Ms. Lynn C. Veazey Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables Mr. Brian G. Vispo ‘12 Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey Dr. & Mrs. Andrew C. von Eschenbach Dr. & Mrs. Warren J. von Eschenbach ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Z. Werlla Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson Mr. & Mrs. John M. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith Mr. Ashley M. Winn ‘69 & Ms. Jane Grady Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wong Mr. & Mrs. Dan M. Worrall, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch Mr. & Mrs. William H. York Mr. Scott M. Zaleski ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda

C. Al Novelli Scholarship Mrs. Carolyn Novelli Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli ‘75

Robert O’Neill Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78

Charles Overbeck Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76

Frank Padon Memorial Scholarship Mr. Mark A. Padon ‘69

Robert Parke Scholarship Mr. Mark S. Letsos, Jr. ‘00 Mrs. Roylyn Parke

Mark Reuter Endowed Scholarship Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85

Jane C. Dowling Richard Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Richard ‘82 Spectra Energy

Debbi Schindler Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein Ms. Mary J. Ignoffo Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Irby Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James Mr. Javier M. & Dr. Liliana R. Janer Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Kamin Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Dong H. Kim Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Langemeier Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Langlois Mr. & Mrs. Jordan R. Larimore Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Lennon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Levy Mr. & Mrs. Orin H. Lewis Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot Dr. & Mrs. Federico L. Mattioli ‘85 Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. George E. McKean, III Mr. & Mrs. Ronald N. McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus Mr. & Mrs. Kendall A. Miller The Honorable & Mrs. Patrick Mizell ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mooz Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Natoli Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario Mrs. Anna H. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Prof. James W. Paulsen & Ms. Robin Russell Mr. & Mrs. William N. Pederson Mr. & Mrs. Andy Pontikes Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pruner Mr. & Mrs. Gary O. Quenan Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Reese ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves Mr. William Restrepo & Ms. Costanza Marenco di Moriondo Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck Mr. & Mrs. Ross A. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schindler Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. David R. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Smith ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Patrice E. Storey Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Tellez Mr. & Mrs. Alberto G. Tohme Mr. & Mrs. Anders Torning Mr. & Mrs. W. Paschall Tosch, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vrabec

Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Agee Dr. Frederick C. Ames & Dr. Robin J. Burks Mr. & Mrs. Isaac J. Aparicio Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Aven Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ay, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Bertz Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion Mr. & Mrs. Darden J. Bourne Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun Rev. Flavio I. Bravo, SJ Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Bradley W. Breuer Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Mr. Roberto Brunel & Ms. Maria A. Brunel Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Ramon M. Cantu Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cartwright Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Graydon K. Cayce Dr. & Mrs. Peter Chang Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Contreras Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Costa Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Crowe Mr. & Mrs. W. Cleland Dade Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. deGroot Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. Sashe D. Dimitroff Mr. & Mrs. James M. Donnell Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dorman Mr. Thomas K. & Dr. Allison P. P. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Eichler Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher Ms. Kathleen Fox Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch Mr. & Mrs. David G. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. George ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Gere Mr. & Mrs. Gray W. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Dewey J. Gonsoulin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish Ms. Sharon Greiff Mr. & Mrs. Cody B. Groves Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Hadamik Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes Mr. & Mrs. David H. Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Ms. Deborah A. Hull Mr. James Hull Mr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Hungbui Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel


Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Wettstein Mr. & Mrs. Dane E. Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson

Wallace Schneidau Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82 Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82

Carlos Senosiain ‘08 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Mr. Thomas H. Ahn ‘08 Mr. Richard V. Baratta ‘08 Bhpbilliton Mr. Matthew J. Brill ‘08 Mr. William D. Burck ‘08 Mr. Cameron R. Colvill ‘08 Mr. Shannon R. Fluellen ‘08 Mr. Ian M. Giles ‘08 Mr. Robert K. Goodyear ‘08 Mr. Matthew C. Goppert-Coman ‘08 Mr. Riley J. Griffin ‘08 Mr. Tanner S. Hahn ‘08 Mr. Michael A. Johnston ‘08 Mr. Kevin B. Layne ‘08 Mr. Brendan J. Meara ‘08 Mr. Grant A. L. Miller ‘08 Mr. Robert A. Mills ‘08 Mr. Thomas Murickan ‘08 Mr. Lucas D. Novick ‘08 Mr. Roy D. Pruden ‘08 Mr. Marc D. Radabaugh ‘08 Mr. Mark A. Reed ‘08 Mr. Jason D. Rice ‘08 Mr. Mark B. Strickland ‘08 Mr. Garrett R. Velarde ‘08 Mr. Benjamin S. Werner ‘08

James Spring Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65

Janet & John Springer Endowment Fund Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer

Phyllis Ann Sulentic Endowed Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Greg Sulentic ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Sulentic

D. Richard Toye, SJ Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Crayden Didsbury ‘80

Eva WilIiams & Annie Rimes Memorial Scholarship Shell Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler

Brian F. Zinnamon, SJ Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Martinez ‘88 TC Group Mr. Justin M. Teltschik ‘92

RETREAT & LEADERS H I P C ENTER The Retreat & Leadership Center is one of the most exciting additions to the Strake Jesuit campus in the school’s 50 year history. Thanks to the generous gifts of those listed here, this magnificent new facility will touch the lives of students, parents, past parents and alumni for decades to come as it serves as a place to learn, to renew and to find God.


Mr. & Mrs. J. Mac Johnson


Mr. Charles L. Jones & Ms. Sandra L. Rhodes


Juan & Jeanie Jones


Steve & Jackie Kamel


Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Kamin

Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Abello

Mr. Kendrick Katigbak ‘11

Sue & Charles Adcock

Michael & Katherine Kegg

Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy T. Jackson

The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy

Tom Adolph - In Memory of R. H. Adolph

Mr. & Mrs. Bart Agee

Mike Kerley

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Keville

Agee Family Foundation

Mr. Ahsan Khan ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers

Mr. Abiel Khatami ‘11

Memorial Foundation

Dr. & Mrs. Dong Kim

Mr. Alan Albrecht ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72

Chapa Family

Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher

Mr. Brandon Kisch ‘11

Mr. Stephen Allison ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman


Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kmiec

Dr. Radwan Al-Sabbagh &

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet, Jr.

Andre & Kay Fontenot

Mr. Christian Knight ‘11

Ms. Hadeel Mujarkesh


Mr. & Mrs. John Foster ‘88

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ammons

Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chinn

In Memory of Michael Joseph Shapiro

Michael ‘75 & Julie Koch

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Anderson

Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kruckemeyer

Mr. & Mrs. Isaac J. Aparicio

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Clay ‘86

Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Frey ‘74

Mr. Brandon Krus ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85

Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger

Mr. Trent La ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Aven

Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons

Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes

Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ay, Jr.

Mr. Spencer Coats ‘11

Joseph & Catherine Garcia-Prats

Mrs. Elizabeth W. Lahart, In Memory of the

Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers

Richard & Karen Coffman

The Gilbert Family, Welch ‘14 & Jack ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum

Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Colley

Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Gisser

Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart

Ms. Carol Bailey

Mr. & Mrs. S. Craig Collins

Jay & Karen Glynn & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81

Mr. Mark W. Collmer

Mr. Maxwell Gocke ‘11

Mr. Andrew Lee ‘11

The Bashaw Family

Mr. Chris Condara ‘11

Mr. Blake Goldberg ‘11

Mrs. Marjorie A. Leininger

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian

Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76

Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates ‘99

Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon

Mr. S. Mac Goode ‘11

Sandi & Jim Lemming

Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Beathard

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas T. Gosda

Mr. Jose Linardi ‘11

David & Catherine Beathard

Mr. Michael Connell ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados

Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius

Paul & Carol Beck

Conoco Phillips, Inc.

Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78

Mr. Ryan Lord ‘11

Mr. David Bell ‘11

Mr. J. Ben Cooper ‘11

Franny & Jim Gray - Davis ‘14, Sheldon ‘14

James J. Loughlin Jr. ‘74

Mr. Andrew J. Best ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino

Mr. Charles S. Grealish ‘11

Mr. Michael Lyn ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black

Mr. Connell Crawford ‘11

Mr. Karl Griesser ‘11

John & Sharon Lynch

Jeb & Cynthia Blackwell

Mr. Gerrard Cruz ‘11

Mr. Michael Griffin ‘11

The Family of Antonio Maarraoui

Mr. Ryan Blackwell ‘11

Mr. Robert Cunningham ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Cody B. Groves

Marek Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block

Rev. Justin Daffron, SJ

Mr. Shyon B. Haghpeykar ‘11

Mr. David Marshall

Jack & Barbara Bonner

Mr. Kirk David ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington

Mr. Ray Marshall

Cathy & Giorgio Borlenghi

The Honorable Mark Davidson ‘71 &

Mr. & Mrs. Darrell N. Haun

Mr. Patrick Martin ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion

Mr. & Mrs. William Christopher Hawes

Ron & Susan Martin

Darden & Terri Bourne

Mr. & Mrs. Neill P. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins

Mr. Richard Mason ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boushka, III

Mr. Jonathan I. De Guzman ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Ed Heilberger

Dr. & Mrs. Federico Mattioli ‘85


Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman

Frank & Sharon Henning

Kevin & Janine McArdle Family

Mr. Trey Brasseaux ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. A. Willem deGroot

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72

Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski

Mr. & Mrs. Murray Brasseux

Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos

Mr. Marc Jude Hermoso ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. John Luke McConn, III

Charlie & Lou Braun

Mr. Thom Devlin

Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez

Andrew P. & Aileen McCormick & Family

Mr. Brian Breen ‘85

Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Diaz, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr.

Mr. Wiley McCoy ‘11

Holly & John Brennan

Mr. Robert Diaz-Arrastia ‘11

Lisa T. & Robert L. Heston, Jr. & Bobby ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath

Vicki & John Brentin

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson

Mr. & Mrs. James Highberger

Mr. Michael R. McGrath ‘03

Mr. David Brill ‘11

Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dietz, Jr.

Mr. Lin Hongbin & Ms. Daphne I. Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire

The Brown Foundation, Inc.

Mr. William Dillon ‘11

William B. and Janet J. Houston

Bob & Alyce McLamb

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83

Mr. Abraham Hsu ‘11

Calvin & Terry McMinn

Rosemary Buckle, M.D.

Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza

Mr. John Huml ‘11

Mrs. Sylvia McPartland

Mr.& Mrs. H. Mark Burck

Mr. Ali Ebrahim ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. William Todd Huskinson

Lisa & Peter McStravick

Dr. & Mrs. Allen W. Burton

Mr. Corbett Ekonomou ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Buzhardt

Mr. Cole Ellerbrock ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias

Ms. Maria R. Menendez

Mr. J. Brian Byrd ‘11

Paul & Liz Espenan

Mr. John Ike ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cantrell

The Family of Francisco Esteva

Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James

Ms. Maria Merritt

Capital One N.A.

Mr. & Mrs. John Fahy

Mr. Paul D. & Dr. Namieta M. Janssen

Mr. Dylan Monmouth ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo

Mr. Michael Felton ‘11

Mr. Charles Jenner ‘11

Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth

Mr. Ryan Casey ‘11

Mr. Evan Fichter ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catlett

Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jewett

Mr. Bernard Moorer ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh

Troy P. & Julia H. Finney

Mr. Eric Johnson ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mooz

Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy

Fleming Endowment

Rev. Jeffrey C. Johnson, SJ

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch

Ms. Sarah Duckers


The Family of Daniel J. Shapiro, Sr.

deceased members of the Lahart Family ^

In Memory of Kenneth Leininger

On Sunday, March 25, 2012, as over 140 Strake Jesuit supporters and benefactors gathered two hours north of Houston for the Dedication Mass of the Chapel of the North American Martyrs at the Retreat & Leadership Center.

Ron & Susan Mucci

Mr. & Mrs. C. Andy Pontikes

Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80

Mr. & Mrs. David Pruner

Scanlan Foundation

Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87

Dr. Miguel A. Quinones

Mr. Anthony Scheller

Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras

Mr. Alexander Quoyeser ‘11

Mr. Christopher Schiller ‘11

Paschall & Paula Tosch

Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 &

Mr. Matthew Rachal ‘11

Walter & Pilar Schneider

Marybeth and Steve Trevino & Alex ’12

Mr. Raj Rao ‘11

Mr. Michael Scott ‘11

Mr. Conner Troxclair ‘11

Ms. Georgia Nagle

Mr. James Raven ‘11

In Honor of Mr. Carlos Roman

Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair

Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Nation

Mr. Jordan Ray ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Sentmanat

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Natoli

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Reckling, III

Darby & Judy Seré

Dr. & Mrs. Luis Valdes

Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal

Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves

Bill & Gina Sessums

Ms. Dorothy Vatalaro

Betsy & Hunter Nelson

Mr. J. Nash Reeves ‘11

In Memory of Michael Joseph Shapiro

Mr. Chad Verde ‘11

Mrs. Nancy L. Nevle

William and Costanza Restrepo

Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey

New York Life Insurance Company

Ms. Pepe Reyes

Mr. William Shappee ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Tuan Vu

The Niemann Family

Jill & Phil Ribbeck

Mr. Charles L. Sharman ‘03

Mr. Addison Walker ‘11

Amy & David ‘83 Novelli Family

Rick & Lisa Rivers

Shell Oil Company

The Family of James & Sandy Walker

Mr. Weston Novelli ‘11

Mr. Ryan Roberts ‘11

Mr. J. Michael Shemenski ‘11

Mr. Thomas J. Walker

Mr. & Mrs. Charles David Nutt

Ms. Liza Rodriguez

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham

Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor

Mr. & Mrs. Tomas W. Rodriguez

Stephen & April Siegfried

Kerry & Linda Walsh

ONEOK Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Andrew Romo ‘11

Mr. William Siegfried ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. John Walther

Mr. Manuel Orellana ‘11

John & Julie Rossettie

Mr. Kieran Skelly ‘11

Mr. Blake Warden ‘11

Scott & Juli Osborn

Rev. Msgr. Frank H. Rossi, S.T.L.

The Monte Sneed Family

Mr. Ben M. Ware

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84

Mr. Paolo Ruiz ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb

Mr. Brian O’Shaughnessy ‘11

Mr. David Rumford ‘11

Mr. Aldo Sordelli ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster

John & Charlene O’Shea

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rutledge

Spirit of Texas Bank

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Weitzel

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Saltzman

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy

Wells Fargo

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parker

Mr. M.J. Sam ‘11

Strake Jesuit Community

Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh

John & Jill Parsley

The Family of Dan & Gwen Samora, Luke ‘13 &

Strake Jesuit Dad’s Club

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72

Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Whealdon

Mr. Douglas Patson ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sanders

Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield

Mr. Kyle Whitney ‘11

Prof. & Ms. James W. Paulsen

Mr. Jeffrey Sanders ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs

Mr. Daniel Whitty ‘11

Mr. Jared Pellerin ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67

Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Summa

Williams Community Relations

Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny

Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry

Mr. Justin Tapiador ‘11

Mr. Cole Wilson ‘11

Mr. Joseph Perkins ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti

Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey

Mr. J. Cole Winkley ‘11

Angela & David Peterman

Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 &

Tarpey Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

The Family of Peter Winter

Dr. Kathleen Murphy

Family Foundation

Jake ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Dan F. Platt, Jr.


Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch

The Family of Daniel J. Shapiro, Sr.

In honor of our children: Liam, Katie, John & Matthew - Marilyn & Ron Taylor

F R I ENDS O F T H E RL C The gifts of the contributors listed here help defray the annual cost of operating the Retreat & Leadership Center. Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ammons Mr. Mateo Arevalo ‘12 Mr. Marcellas D. Ball ‘12 Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace Mr. Carlos J. Barboza ‘12 Mr. James A. Barkley ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 Mr. Gregory C. Beck ‘12 Mr. Barrett D. Black ‘12 Mr. Matthew J. Blaschke ‘12 Mr. Nicholas V. Bostwick ‘12 BP Mr. Parker R. Brant ‘12 Mr. Benjamin W. Brentin ‘12 Mr. Joseph P. Brewer ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Broussard Mr. William G. Browne ‘12 Mr. John O. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Buckle Mr. Clark T. Bullington ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. J. Albert Cagney Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Cannon Mr. John L. Cashin ‘12 Mr. Clay A. Cavanaugh ‘12 Mr. Jose J. Chapa, III ‘12 Mr. Ian W. Chesser ‘12 Mr. Conner M. Collins ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins Conoco Phillips, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Wilks Corban Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven Mr. Bryan J. Curtis ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. Mr. Julian F. Delclos ‘12 Mr. Alexander D. DeWitt ‘12 Mr. Austin R. Dickerson ‘12 Mr. Connor J. DiGregorio ‘12 Mr. Jacob A. Dillman ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon Mr. William L. Dodd ‘12 Mr. Christopher P. Doyle ‘12 Mr. Travis C. Drews ‘12 Ms. Bianca Genoveva Duque Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Eichelberger Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Eichler Mr. Thomas Guy Elder Mr. Ronald G. Embry & Dr. Christine A. Moustakis-Embry Mr. Anthony B. Encarnacion ‘12 Mr. Andrew R. Felix ‘12 Mr. Nicholas A. Fernelius ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter Mr. Samuel F. Finney ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Mr. Andre R. Fiorito ‘12 Mr. James J. Flanagan, IV ‘12 Mr. Kevin P. Flavin ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin Mr. Patrick E. Fleming ‘12 Mr. John C. Fletcher ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. William C. Funch ‘12 Mr. Joseph S. Galati ‘12 Mr. Timothy R. Garcia-Prats ‘12

Mr. Ryan R. Gegen ‘12 Mr. Aryan F. Ghoddossy ‘12 Mr. Elliot G. Ghorayeb ‘12 Mr. Allen M. Glass ‘12 Mr. John F. Glynn ‘12 Mr. Terrence James I. Goco ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Gray Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gray Mr. Austin M. Hahn ‘12 Mr. Austin M. Hanus ‘12 Mr. Scott G. Harrington ‘12 Mr. Matthew M. Hawes ‘12 Mr. John D. Hawkins ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert Mr. Marc A. Henning ‘12 Mr. Augustin C. Hennings ‘12 Mr. H. W. Herbst ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Mr. Grant J. Herrera ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Mr. Robert L. Heston, III ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hibbler, Jr. Mr. Andrew D. Hill ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt Mr. Blake A. Holbrooke ‘12 Mr. Christopher J. Hornung ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Hungbui Mr. Gabriel M. Janer ‘12 Mr. Kristofer E. Jansson ‘12 Mr. Abolade J. O. Jebutu ‘12 Mr. Nicholas W. Jefferies ‘12 Mr. Liam A. Jennis ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Johnson Mr. Jerry L. Jones


Mr. Singbeh N. Jordan ‘12 Mr. John-Michael R. Kamel ‘12 Mr. Erik G. Karlberg ‘12 Dr. Richard Kellermayer & Dr. Reka Szigeti Dr. & Mrs. Dong H. Kim Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 Mr. Thomas M. Koch ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Kudela Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mr. Kenneth P. Lahart ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Langdon Mr. Frank Lara Mr. Anthony A. Le ‘12 Mr. John M. Lenz ‘12 Mr. Alexander A. Linares ‘12 Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. VafakosMargot Mr. Samuel L. Marshall ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin Mr. Eric A. Martinez ‘12 Mr. Benjamin R. Martins ‘12 Mr. Joseph F. McCormack ‘12 Mr. Andrew P. McCormick, III ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. Mr. Kevin J. McEnery ‘12 Mr. Zachary G. McMenemy ‘12 Mr. Daniel G. McMinn ‘12 Mr. Pablo Medina ‘12 Mr. John C. Mosele ‘12 Mr. Taylor J. Munoz ‘12 Mr. James P. Murphy ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Natoli Mr. Nathaniel J. Neiers ‘12 Mrs. Maria Gabriela Olivero Mr. James B. O’Shea ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Parker Mr. William S. Parsley ‘12 Mr. Bryce D. Pederson ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman Mr. Matthew L. Petrov ‘12 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Pignetti Mr. Daniel A. Posway ‘12 Mr. Jason J. Provenzano ‘12 Ms. Linda Ream Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rossettie Mr. Patrick R. Rowland ‘12 Mr. Kyle A. Ruck ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 Mr. Christian A. Santillan ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso Mr. Tyler R. Schiro ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Schneider Mr. Jared J. Schroeder ‘12 Dr. & Mrs. Eric Scott Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz Mr. Walter D. Septien ‘12 Mr. Kyle B. Shoebotham ‘12 Mr. Ryan P. Short ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Skipper Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher Mr. Samuel A. Speer ‘12 Mr. Michael S. Spurgat ‘12 Mr. Mark E. Storey ‘12 Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Strenge Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield

Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Tad-y Mr. Alexander R. Tapia ‘12 Mr. Peter W. Ten Eyck ‘12 Mr. Houston A. Terrazas ‘12 Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Alberto G. Tohme Mr. William P. Tosch, II ‘12 Mr. Kevin J. Toth ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Terence F. Townend Mr. Alex A. Trevino ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair Mr. Asif. A. Umatiya ‘12 Mr. Jordan T. Underwood ‘12 Mr. Matthew J. Vachon ‘12 Mr. Ethan J. Vanderslice ‘12 Dr. & Mrs. Ara A. Vaporciyan Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Varona Mr. Adrian J. Verde ‘12 Mr. Brian G. Vispo ‘12 Mr. Mitchell W. VonBorstel ‘12 Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vrabec Mr. Anthony T. Vuong ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb Mr. John A. Wesely ‘12 Mr. Max R. Westhoff ‘12 Mr. Brian T. Whitehouse ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson Mr. Justin P. Wilson ‘12 Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith Mr. Peter J. Winter ‘12 Mr. Adam E. Zysk ‘12



The gifts of the contributors listed here help defray the cost of the 2012 Spring Fling, the proceeds of which support the school’s Financial Aid Program. Appleton Learning Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland, II Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Bouffard Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boushka, III Dr. Dale J. & Dr. Carol R. Brant Mr. & Mrs. David J. Broeckelmann Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Brown Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo Janice and John M. Carrabba/Piatto Ristorante Mr. & Mrs. David E. Castaneda Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh Chick-fil-A West University Place Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cowan Mr. & Mrs. W. Cleland Dade Data Projections Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. James M. Donnell Mr. Thomas K. & Dr. Allison P. P. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Eichler ExxonMobil Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch Mr. & Mrs. Panos N. Georgiou Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gifford Mrs. Julie A. Grothues Mr. & Mrs. David H. Haynes Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hibbler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Irby Mr. & Mrs. Opiah I. Izu Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III Jerry’s Built Homegrown Burgers Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Johnston

Mr. & Mrs. David N. Jones, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Dong H. Kim Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Klein Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jordan R. Larimore Mr. & Mrs. Art D. Lombard Dr. Pablo Lozano & Dr. Martha A. Laird Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lucia Mr. & Mrs. Ronald N. McMillan Mercedez Benz of Houston North Mischer Neuroscience Associates Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mooz Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Natoli Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Parker Prof. James W. Paulsen & Ms. Robin Russell Mr. & Mrs. Frédéric J. E. Perrier Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Peters Mr. & Mrs. John R. Plugge Mr. & Mrs. John J. Polasek Mr. & Mrs. Andy Pontikes Raising Cane’s Mr. & Mrs. Conley J. Rank Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Reese ‘84 Mr. William Restrepo & Ms. Costanza Marenco di Moriondo Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck Mr. & Mrs. James C. V. Rogers Mr. & Ms. Gabriel Rombado Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora Mr. & Mrs. Bret D. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Seeby Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz Shipley Do-nuts Mr. & Mrs. Petros Skoumpourdis Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Snell Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Stinebaugh ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Stires Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Tellez Texas Citizens Bank Texas Hamburger Palace Thompson & Hanson

Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vrabec Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wager ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Wiatrek Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86

The 2012 Spring Fling was the most successful to date raising a record amount of money for the school’s financial aid program.


Unaudited Financial Statement for Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 Income

Expenses Supplies 10%

Annual Fund 12%

Other 7% Maintenance & Repairs 6%

Financial Assistance 7%

Utilities & Telephones 5%

Other Income 5% Student Activities & Athletics 1%

Student Activities & Athletics 4%

Tuition 75%

Salaries & Benefits 68%

Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Financial Report

Strake Jesuit Foundation* Financial Report

Earned Income Tuition, Fees and Other Income.................................

Beginning Fund Balance.................... $ 12,758,595

Contributions & Gifts........................... $


Operating Expenses............................

$ 14,072.860

Investment Income............................... $


Total Income (Loss) from Operations

($ 1,314,265)

Realized/Unrealized Gains (Loss)......


$ 11,093,663


Fundraising Appeals Annual Giving, Auction, Spring Fling, Bequests, and Others..........................

Total Foundation Income..................... $ $ 3,293,833

Endowment Payout from Strake Jesuit Foundation..................



Endowment Payout from Strake Jesuit General Endowment...



Ending Fund Balance........................... $11,078,697

Transfers to Endowments..................



*The Strake Jesuit Foundation is the financial aid endowment fund for the school.

Total Operating Income before Capital Expenditures..................

$ 1,697,716*

Capital Expenditures..........................



Operating Expenses............................. ($ 134,481) Net Foundation Income (Loss)............ $ Financial Aid Contribution to SJCP...


*Excess used towards Capital Expenses, Depreciation and Contributions to Endowments

Although names on the preceeding donor lists have been reviewed carefully for accuracy, errors may occur in a document of this length. If your name was listed incorrectly, misspelled, or omitted, please accept our apologies and bring the error to our attention.



($ 373,926)

Summary of Gifts Annual Giving and Events $ 2,247,404 General Scholarships $ 522,020 General Endowment $ 116,033 Endowed Scholarships* $ 491,733 Total $ 3,337,190 *Gifts to Endowed Scholarships fund the Strake Jesuit Foundation. Does not include capital gifts to The Greater Glory or Retreat & Leadership Center.

Where Giving Goes

Annual Fund Parents Alumni Past Parents Grandparents Fantasy Auction

Operating Budget

3 3 3 3 3

Other Giving Honors & Memorials Sponsor-a-Student Brother’s Keepers

Financial Aid Endowment*

3 3 3

General Capital Endowment^ Projects

3 3 3


Spring Fling Scramble

Financial Aid Budget

3 3 3 3 3

Capital Campaigns



* The Financial Aid Endowment is also known as the Strake Jesuit Foundation which solely supports the school’s annual Financial Aid Budget. ^ The General Endowment supports the school’s annual Operating Budget.


THE RE-ACQUISITION! The news has left this Olde Crusader reeling with happiness and gratitude. That’s why I underlined the title of this article and then added an exclamation point. This much needed expansion of our beloved Alma Mater is the pivotal event of the decade and it is certain to mean so much to the future of Strake Jesuit and to our community. I am just so excited that I can hardly wait to see how it all unfolds. I go back a long way with this school. As the Olde Crusader I have witnessed a lot of its history. To my way of thinking there have been four major events that have shaped our past: 1. The founding of the school and the start of classes in 1961, when Father Michael Kennelly, SJ first came to Houston with no more than a vision and a meager few dollars of folding money in his pocket. In Houston, he met a lot of wonderful men and women who embraced his vision and it was through their generosity that the Jesuit school became a reality. We remain ever so grateful for their magnanimity. We still remember them as well as the grand old Irishman who founded this school. 2. The dark days of the bankruptcy and the Sharpstown Bank scandal, was a miserable time when it seemed that all was lost. In truth, all really was lost as the school went into receivership and the Jesuits were left with only a mere thirty dollars of grocery money that the courts had overlooked. Still the Jesuits and the community carried on where lesser men and women might have been deterred. 3. The recovery out of bankruptcy came under the leadership of Father Michael Alchediack, SJ, bolstered by his unwavering and steadfast commitment to Strake Jesuit. He was joined in the effort by so many kind giving members of the community who stepped forward to rescue and preserve the school. We owe them all a debt of gratitude. They were known as “Alchediack‘s Angels” and I shall always remember them as such. In time, each succeeding Administration did their part to build and expand. The school recovered and expanded, but two parcels of land remained lost; one along Bellaire Boulevard and one along Gessner Road. 64

4. And now we are blessed with the re-acquisition of the 7.5 acres along Gessner Road, land that was once seemingly lost “forever” in the bankruptcy. I credit SJCP President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ for his capable stewardship of our beloved Alma Mater. I remember the day that I first met Father Lahart and heard him address the Strake community. After he spoke, I approached him and I told him that we were so fortunate to have him at our school. Truer words I have never spoken. At the time, I never imagined the great days that were soon to follow. As a result of The Greater Glory Capital Campaign, many wonderful new buildings and athletic facilities were constructed. And most recently the Reater & Leadership Center has been built. As necessary as it may be, infrastructure is just one part of the Lahart plan. Father’s vision is a comprehensive one, addressing not only infrastructure but indeed all aspects of campus life: Spiritual, Academic, Athletic and Social. But successful execution of a plan requires more than one man’s commitment. Fortunately, like those that aided Father Kennelly and those who stood by Father Alchediak, a modern band of “Angels” came forward to stand at by Father’s side, determined to make it all happen. As I have mentioned, this Olde Crusader has been around a long time. So, I am pretty sure that an effort will soon be underway to raise funds. That’s the way of the world. Unfortunately, new buildings and land acquisitions require funding. I do not speak for this school or its administration. But, the reality is that we are truly living an historic moment at Strake Jesuit and I intend to be a part of it. All too well, I remember the years of the utter frustration over the loss of land that resulted from the bankruptcy. Ever since that terrible day, the alumni in particular, have been ever so vocal, decrying the loss and calling for action. To my way of thinking, now is the time for all alums to step forward and to join the ranks of all of those who once helped Father Kennelly, Father Alchediak and Father Lahart. Fellow Alumni, I ask that you please do what you can. You will be in good company. To all who love and help this school, I pledge my shield and my sword.


Greater Houston Gun Club Monday, November 12, 2012 Lunch, Registration & Games: 11am – 6pm Sponsorship - Teams - Individual Entries Available Now Online! go to and click on the link on the homepage

PARENTS, if you are still receiving your son’s Chronicle although he no longer lives with you, let us know so we can change our records and send the magazine directly to him. If you enjoy reading the publication but do not receive a copy of your own, let us know that too. We would be glad to send a copy to your son’s new address and continue to send you one.

Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 8900 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, Texas 77036

Contact the Alumni Office at or at 713.490.8153


October 17

Mother-Son Luncheon


Grandparents’ Day


Homecoming Game vs Morton Ranch


Homecoming Dance


Dallas Alumni Reception


Austin Alumni Reception


San Antonio Alumni Reception


Dads’ Club Father/Son Fun Day


Feast of All Saints Mass

It’s not too late!

November 3-4

Mothers’ Club Retreat


Andy Houghton ‘97 Award Dinner


Alumni Mothers’ Mass & Brunch


Sporting Clays Challenge Parent-Teacher Night


Kostka Mass

17-19 Freshman Retreat 22



Christmas Concert


Open House


Our Lady of the Guadalupe Mass


Alumni Christmas Party


Christmas Eve Mass




Alumni Games


ALL DATES ARE TENTATIVE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION For up to date event information, go to

Get your copy of the award-winning book that chronicles Strake Jesuit’s first 50 years before they are gone. A VERY limited number of copies remain. You can purchase online at or in the school’s Spirit Store in the Clay Center.

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