Chronicle of Strake Jesuit - Winter 2010

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Winter 2010








Houston, Texas

Over 425 proud grandparents enjoyed Mass, lunch, and tours of the campus with their Jesuit grandsons at the 5th Annual Grandparents Day in October.



Table of Contents Features BIG Brother p. 4 New Members Inducted into Hall of Honor p. 17 Steve Kamel Accepts Alumnus of the Year Award p. 20 Departments President’s Message - 2 Principal’s Perspective - 3 Spirituality - 7 School News - 9 - 11 Development 14 - 15 Athletics - 17 - 19 Alumni News - 20 - 21 Class Notes - 22 - 23 Births - 23 In Memoriam - 23 By George - 24 Winter 2010 Vol. 42, No. 2 Editor Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Richard Nevle Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ Robert Cremins


The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 42, No. 2, Winter Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.

President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Richard Nevle Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 ON THE COVER - From almost any angle, few images are more recognizable on the Strake Jesuit campus than that of Br. Casey Ferlita, SJ.

President’s Message

As I write this letter, I’m on retreat at the Jesuit Novitiate in Grand Coteau, Louisiana.

I’ve just returned from mass at the Jesuit parish on the property. It is a

crisp, clear Thanksgiving Day. On my way back to my room, I strolled through the Jesuit cemetery. I see names there that still live in our memories. Alchediak, Coles, Barwell, DeRussy, McNaspy, Thompson, Zinnamon, Toye, Leininger. There are scores of other names, those of men who belong to other histories, some going back centuries. Reading the names as I walk through the cemetery, I remember God’s many blessings in our lives, blessings not of things, but of people. We all have been deeply Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ President

touched by many people in our lives. People who have taught us, comforted us, challenged us, loved us. Too often we wait until someone is gone to tell them “Thank you.” While a eulogy can be beautiful, it is still more beautiful when given before someone dies. It was in this spirit that several years ago we started to honor some of the men in our community with Galas to celebrate their lives of service. In 2006 we honored Fr. JB Leininger and his dedication in the classroom. In 2008 we feted Fr. Chris Billac, who has served our community by doing hundreds of baptisms and weddings, Latin conjugations and theological musings. This spring we will continue that tradition and thank our good friend Brother Casey Ferlita, SJ. As our cover story tells so well, few have touched as many lives at Strake Jesuit as has Bro. Casey. The campus is his classroom, and he patrols it with an eagle eye. His teaching hasn’t been limited to any one subject; he teaches life lessons. Along the breezeway, in the parking lot, during Saturday PH, or at a practice or a game, Bro. Casey is there to set the errant student straight, to console the disconsolate athlete, to celebrate or to grieve with us during some of life’s major moments.

I hope

you will plan on attending on May 8th. We continue to prepare to celebrate our 50th anniversary next year. Work is well underway on a coffee table book which will recount the facts and folklore of those years. If the names I mentioned above from the Jesuit cemetery ring a bell with you, and especially if they don’t, you will enjoy this centerpiece of our celebration. I am continually humbled by the generosity of so many who help to shape who we are here at Strake Jesuit. Thank you. Your support of our mission manifest in so many ways is a great testimony to the school that we are and the community we continue to become. May it never be said that we waited too long to say “Thank you.” AMDG.


Winter 2009

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The first semester ends in an explosion of talent. For a few brief

even when they spend long hours doing course work, what often gets

weeks athletic seasons overlap and other extracurricular activities

them out of bed in the morning is the chance to use that talent. Most

wrap up months of preparations. Even though football season is end-

of our students compete, perform and play in the context of teams.

ing, it doesn’t keep players from throwing all they’ve got into a few

Even Cross Country is a tightly formed group both at practice and at a

remaining games. And as football finishes the year, basketball be-

meet. One of the beautiful moments of watching students at a meet or

gins, as do wrestling, golf, lacrosse, and soccer. But the explosion

at a concert is the respect and admoration their teammates have for

is not just about athletics. The band and orchestra finish their first

their achievement. They sincerely and enthusiastically congratulate

semester with a Christmas concert; the Chorus and Triple Trio finish

one another. Teams, ensembles–whatever group students form–build

their semester with a Christmas celebration of their own–a long tradi-

symbiotic relationships among the members of those groups. Older

tion that features a performance of Handel’s Messiah. While most of

students first challenge, and then, support the younger students in

us have had an opportunity to see the athletes and artists perform,

their group. Veterans provide encouragement to one another and

there’s another entire group of students who compete in tournaments

even teach one another.

throughout the nation that few of us see–they are the debaters. Like

their counterparts they are talented, and they work long and hard at

concert hall become a student’s first and often most lasting circle of

their craft. Their talents and their efforts have earned them a national

friends. These are the people with whom a student shares triumphs


and defeat, loss, ignominy and fame. The ability to build a foundation

The groups they form on the field, the court, the gym and the

Many of the athletes, musicians, or singers who have played or

of shared emotions makes it easier for students to deal with their own

performed at Jesuit over the past year are genuinely talented–talented

challenges, failures and successes and then to share them. Talent

by any standard of the word–any of them might get by for a while by

becomes not just a device for personal achievement but a way of shar-

resting on their laurels, but bright talented youngsters have discovered

ing the glory of building something beautiful. When the Jesuit poet

at Jesuit that there is no rest for the talented. Some of those musi-

Gerard Manly Hopkins described the flight of a diving hawk he saw in

cians are wrestlers, some of those basketball and football players are

it something beautiful, glorious and threatening:

musicians. And all of them are students. In the last demanding days of the first semester, they face a very competitive academic program where academic, forensic and artistic talent is recognized and cel-

“Brute beauty and valour and act, oh air, pride plume here

Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion

Times told lovelier, more dangerous, O my chevalier!”

ebrated, but never used as an excuse for lightening the load. No matter how academically successful some students are, and

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The Chronicle


BI BROT by Robert Cremins

Why would dozens of men, young and not so young, trek across Houston on a dark and stormy Saturday morning to serve a voluntary PH at a school not even their own? Brother Casey is why.


t was April 18th, 2009, and in the old Mt. Carmel High School building near Hobby Airport the

seventh annual Brother Casey “Saturday PH” Service Project was underway. The event had attracted a record turn-out of Strake Jesuit alumni, their sons and fathers, and at least one pair of father-son alumni. All this painting, cleaning, and moving would help transform the old building into the home of Houston’s newest Jesuit high school: Cristo Rey Jesuit. That exciting venture was certainly an inspiration to the volunteers, but what made the work extra-special was that they were doing it in honor of Brother Castenzio “Casey” Ferlita, SJ—a man who, as a friend, mentor, trainer, and, yes, disciplinarian, has been a big influence in the lives of hundreds (even thousands) of our graduates.


Winter 2009

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IG THER Casey is such an institution at Strake Jesuit that often he is simply

Spain. In that position, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, he

referred to as “Brother”—as in, “Go ask, Brother,” or, “Brother is in the

“exercis[ed] a marvelous influence on the sanctification not only of

parking lot,” or, “Brother appears to be in two places at the one time.”

the members of the household, but upon a great number of people

Indeed, his legendary ubiquity has given rise to numerous theories

who came to the porter’s lodge for advice and direction.”

over the years. Some students suspect that there is a system of

Brother Casey is, of course, far too mobile to remain in one place

tunnels under the school that only he can access; others speculate

on campus, but, like Alphonsus, he is a great source of “advice and

about cloning technology. Only one thing is certain. While Brother

direction,” both to members of the school community and visitors

Casey seems to be capable of being in several places at the same


time, he is always—in person or in spirit—in one location: 8900 Bellaire Boulevard.

Fittingly, Casey took his Final Vows as a Jesuit in the same month that he arrived here in Houston. From the start, he wore many

He arrived at Strake Jesuit in August, 1973, and—apart from the

“hats”—working in the Dean of Students office (alongside fellow Jesuit

spring semester of 1975, when he finished up his degree at Loyola,

Douglas Hypolite, who was still “Mr. Hypolite” at the time), serving as

New Orleans—has been here ever since. Born and raised in Florida,

Head Trainer of all athletic teams, and establishing his omnipresence

Brother Casey graduated from Tampa Jesuit High School, where

around campus.

he was a fine athlete, lettering for three years in football (but not,

His previous assignments had prepared him well for his dynamic

despite another legend, in boxing). After high school, he attended the

position at Strake Jesuit.

University of Tampa for several semesters and, intriguingly, worked at

New Orleans, he had coached middle and high school teams. He

his father’s ice-cream factory.

had managed a kitchen. His medical experience included a stint

In both his hometown and at Jesuit,

Then, in August, 1960, Casey Ferlita entered the Jesuits. He

supervising the infirmary at St. Charles College, Grand Coteau (the

chose the vocational path of becoming a Brother, a challenging and

spiritual home of the New Orleans Province), and two years of nursing

honored role within the Society of Jesus. As Casey will tell you, the

at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in the nearby town of Lafayette. In

model for Jesuit Brothers is Saint Alphonsus Rodriquez, who for

these and other roles, Brother Casey honed his trademark practical

forty-six years worked as a porter at the Jesuit college in Majorca,


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The Chronicle


That Saturday morning at Cristo Rey Jesuit, Andrew Frew ’96 took

motto puts it, “the Greater Glory of God.”

a break from his labors to remember the Brother Casey experience:

Gerard Manley Hopkins—another great Jesuit—wrote a poem in

“[He would] strike fear—in a good way—and at the same time pat you

honor of Saint Alphonsus Rodriquez, in which he observed that in this

on the back to encourage you.” And no matter what decade of the

world typically “Honour is flashed off exploit”; in other words, it is the

Casey Era the alumnus was from, he would praise the same traits in

noisy egotists, the conquerors and the fame-seekers, who get the

this great role model. “He was everywhere,” marveled Bill Schneidau

headlines and our attention, most of the time; the quiet heroes often

’80. “You felt there was more than one of him.”

go unnoticed and unsung. At Strake Jesuit we try to do things a little

That father-and-son alumni team was Mike McConnell ’68 and

differently. Quiet heroes like Brother Casey, who, in the words of

Ryan ’95. They felt that the project was “a good way to give back to

Saint Ignatius, “fight, heedless of the wounds,” do get recognized. His

the school; something we can do together.” Besides, joked Ryan, “I

induction, as part of the inaugural class, into the school’s Athletic Hall

actually owe [Brother] some PH time.”

of Honor, was an important instance of this process of recognition.

Brother himself was there, of course, not handing out retrospective

The Gala Dinner on May 8, 2010 in his honor will be another.

PHs, but helping out and savoring the atmosphere. It was a real

Surveying the industrious scene around him on that Saturday

pleasure, he said, to see “faces you haven’t seen in a while. See these

morning last April, Fr. TJ Martinez, SJ, President of Cristo Rey Jesuit,

guys develop. See them as Men for Others.” These observations

was delighted—but not surprised—to see such a huge turn-out in

are typical of the man’s modesty—his focus not on himself, but on the

Brother Casey’s honor, for Casey Ferlita, he commented, “stands as

individuals he has helped form, on their contributions to, as the Jesuit

the epic example of what it means to be a Jesuit.”

From the start, Br. Casey wore many “hats”—working in the Dean of Students office (left), serving as Head Trainer of all athletic teams center), and establishing his omnipresence around campus (right).

Mark your calendars now for an evening not to be missed! ~ Saturday, May 8, 2010 ~ This promises to be a tribute to trump all tributes as the entire Strake Jesuit community gathers to honor Br. Casey Ferlita, SJ. For 37 years he has personified the Ignatian value of the Cura Personalis, the care for the individual. Since his arrival at Jesuit, no single individual stirs more memories in the hearts of the school’s alumni than Br. Casey. Make your plans now to attend. Reserve your sponsorship or tickets online on the Strake Jesuit website. Just click on the gala logo on the home page and follow the directions. Also, watch for details about a very special Br. Casey Saturday PH Project to be held that day as well!


Winter 2009

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God’s Appointed Time by Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Καιρός or Kairos is an ancient Greek word meaning an opportune

says: “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in

moment. At Strake Jesuit, Kairos has become much more than an

you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Like St.

opportune moment: it has become a God appointed moment in

Paul, we are confident that every time we retreat, every time we labor

time—a time that brings us all to seek and to find God in our midst.

with and for the poor, every time we intentionally pause during our

This God appointed time is lived out through the moments of silence,

day to teach and to pray, to play and to rest, we are touched by God’s

reflection, while we study and do

hand that reaches out to us in time and

research, when we train our bodies and


prepare for challenging competitions,






in the service of others and in our

seek out to renew ourselves through

care for one another. The Jesuit Irish

conscious acknowledgement that we

poet Gerard Manley Hopkins said it

are creatures restlessly searching to

beautifully: “The world is charged with

be one with our God. Our telos, our

the grandeur of God.” Our challenge

purpose and end is to be with God. Our

is being able and willing to open our

retreats program, the daily Examen,

eyes and hearts to see, even though

service projects and liturgies allow

our eyes may be veiled. In our daily

us to pause while marking our daily

routines, God’s presence becomes

living as we pursue to discover God’s

visible and tangible in our community.

footprints in our lives. In the Principle

Kairos—God appointed moments of

and Foundation, St. Ignatius of Loyola

grace help us to see God’s awesome

writes writes and affirms that “Man is created

presence and delight in it.

to praise, reverence, and serve God

Ignatian spirituality allows for a

our Lord, and by this means to save

multiform of ways to encounter the

his soul.” All of our beginnings and our

divine. It is a spirituality that is always

endings are simply a continuation of

adaptable. God comes to us and

the unfolding of grace, the unveiling of

meets us where we most need him.

who who we are and whose we are. Kairos

Our hearts and eyes must be ready

moments are a blaze of Faith, Hope

to see and to discern the truth of the

and Love in our time here at Jesuit

encounter. In the ordinariness of the

and beyond. Above all, Kairos calls and

encounter we are transformed into

us to recognize God’s imminent and

what St. Ignatius called contemplatives in action. This is our calling:

transcendent presence among us. It is a time of blessing and grace

to be men and women ready to meet the beloved in the ordinariness

that allows us to open our eyes in the midst of our busy world. In the

of our living.

words of Ecclesiastes: “There is an appointed time for everything,

At Strake Jesuit, we have the possibility to be transformed by

and a time for every affair under the heavens.”

the God appointed times in which we encounter the divine. Thus,

This is our Kairos time. Let us open our eyes and discern our

everything that we do is designed to aid and to nourish what God has

calling: let us be sons and daughters of Ignatius and labor with and in

begun from the beginning of time. St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians

the Church to be contemplatives in action!

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The Chronicle


Everyone is Talking About ‘The Book’ The Buzz has started! Word about the Strake Jesuit 50th Anniversary Book, “We Are...SJ”, is getting around. Set for debut in the fall of 2010, this beautiful coffee-table book will be filled with details of the rich traditions and stories of Strake Jesuit from its conception in 1960 to the present. Underwriting opportunities are now being taken with levels available to fit most anyone. All underwriters will be recognized in the book and will receive one or more copies of the limited number that will be produced. Actual pre-sale of the book will begin in the spring. To become an underwriter, use the card inserted here. You may then use the envelope located at the centerspread to mail the card. You can also become an underwriter online at by clicking on the 50th Anniversary logo and following the links.

Got Any Strake Jesuit Stuff? If you do, we’d love to see it! In preparation for our 50th anniversary next year, we’re trying to get our hands on as much Strake Jesuit memorabilia as we can. Blazers, beanies, letter jackets, uniforms, caps, whatever you may have that others from another generation might like to see. Even report cards! (We actually have two from the 1960’s!) If you have it, we’d like to to get a picture of it, keep it long enough to display during our anniversary year, or maybe even make it a permanent part of our archives. Send an e-mail to and tell us what you have. We’ll get back to you and make the necessary arrangements. We are...SJ! 8

Winter 2009

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Sophomore Lahart Receives Inaugural Houghton Award The Captain Andrew R. Houghton Foundation announced the

The Captain Andrew R. Houghton Foundation was established

creation of the Andrew Houghton Award this fall. The Award will be

in 2004 to honor the memory of Captain Houghton who was killed

presented each year in memory of Andy Houghton ‘97 to a Strake

during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The foundation seeks to support

Jesuit sophomore who best exhibits the characteristics and values

the organizations that were important to Captain Houghton and to

that Andy exemplified:

encourage the next generation to do the same.

-Academic excellence -Service to friends and the community at Strake Jesuit and beyond -An enthusiasm for life -A determination to succeed The recipient of the inaugural Andrew Houghton award was sophomore Kenny Lahart who received the recognition at a dinner on Thursday, November 12, 2009. In receiving the award, Kenny expressed his gratitude to the Houghton Foundation, George and Cynthia Houghton (Andrew Houghton’s parents), his Jesuit teachers, and his parents. The keynote address for the evening was given by Pat Moran ‘66, through whose generosity the new weight room at Jesuit is named in honor of Andrew Houghton. In his comments, Pat noted that Capt. Houghton, as a West Point graduate, was a member of The Long Gray Line. He reminded Kenny that, as a Jesuit graduate, he will be a member of the Long Green Line.

Pat Moran ‘66, Houghton Award Recipient Kenny Lahart ‘12, and Cynthia and George Houghton

Record Number Attend 5th Annual Grandparents Day A record number of Strake Jesuit grandparents, over 425 in fact, joined their grandsons for a Mass, lunch and a brief campus tour at the school’s 5th annual Grandparents Day on Thursday, November 15, 2009. In what has quickly become one of the school’s most popular traditions, the grandparents took their seats in the Competition Gym and then patiently waited for their grandsons to be let out of class to join them. As the students began trickling in, grandmothers or grandfathers began to stand in search for their grandson and, upon spotting him, wave their hand until they got their attention so he could join them. More times than not this ritual was followed by a handshake or a hug. Once all the ‘reunions’ had been celebrated, school president Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ conducted a Mass which was followed by lunch. The students served as ‘waiters’, retrieving box lunches for their grandparents and themselves and returning to their tables. Afterwards, those grandaparents that were interested were given a brief tour of campus by their grandsons who pointed out art museum pieces, various buildings and, of course, Moran Dining Hall, which was abuzz with lunch for the rest of the student body. As the event has grown in size each year of its existence, the 2010 gathering promises to be another wonderful experience for everyone.

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The Chronicle



Sophomores Deliver Christmas Smiles Once again this holiday season, the Jesuit sophomores brought a host of smiles to children across the Houston area. Through their annual BEAR (BE A Resource) gift drive for Childrens Protective Services (CPS) the Class of 2012 collected over 200 toys. Under the program, each sophomore receives one child’s card request which contains their name, gender, age (from 1 to 18) and a wish list of up to 3 items in the order of preference. The students then try to fulfill at least one of the wishes on the list. The program has received overwhelming participation each year from not only students, but also all from the school’s faculty and staff. The project is spearheaded by the sophomore members of the Student Council, through the school’s Pastoral Ministry Office. In addition to the BEAR program, the sophomores’ efforts benefit the local nearby parish community of San Rafael. That community, which is an extremely low-income parish, requested help in a toy drive for their children. The BEAR program culminated for the sophomores on Tuesday, December 8 at the school’s Immaculate Conception Liturgy. The sophomores brought all of their gifts to the Parsley Center and placed them around the

Sophomore Student Council members who served as the leadership for the 2009 BEAR Project were (left to right) Michael Donatti, Connor Blume, Nick Pielech, Matthew Murphy, John Fletcher, Sam Finney, Dylan Bailey, Jordan Underwood, Patrick Rowland. and Clark Bullington.

Christmas tree.

Maddox ‘99 Endowment Calendar Spotlights Jesuit Campus A 12 month, 2010 calendar which features professional photos spotlighting the Strake Jesuit campus has been produced to benefit the Todd Maddox ‘99 Memorial Endowment at Jesuit. The calendar is available in the school’s Spirit Store located in the Clay Activity Center or online at by using the link in the Quick Links box on the home page. In addition to the calendar, photo reprints of the stunning pictures printed in the calendar can also be purchased in the school’s Spirit Store located on the first floor of the Clay Student Center or online. Todd Maddox ‘99 died in a car accidient on his way to college just three months after graduating from Jesuit. The Todd Maddox ‘99 Memorial Award Endowment provides financial aid to deserving Jesuit students. In addition, the Endowment supports the Todd Maddox Award which is presented annually to a graduating senior who has consistently developed a Christlike attitude and lived in terms of that attitude during his years at Strake Jesuit, becoming a role model for his peers.


Winter 2009

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Singers, Musicians Earn All-State Recognition musical

The other top ten selections were seniors

chair, symphony, Michael Ehrenkranz - first

excellence continued this fall as a number

Christopher Organ (#5), Justin Jones (#2),

chair, symphony, Grant Gordon - first chair,

of singers and musicians claimed All-State

Jacob Walker (#5), Alex Lach (#6), and

philharmonic, and John Culbreth - all-state

honors. Leading the way was senior Rheme

freshman Nicholas Rathgeb (#7). The other

jazz ensemble.

Sloan who placed as 1st chair in the Bass

All-State selections are freshman Lucas





The result of an elimination process

section of the All-State Choir. This marked



began on November 7, 2009. The students

the fourth time in his four years at Jesuit that

and Ahmed Mustafa, juniors Jonathan De

were selected from thousands of students

he has been an All-State selection. He was

Guzman, Matt Stubbs, and Yinka Olutaye,

statewide through live and recorded auditions.

joined by five other Jesuit students who also

and seniors Adrian Calveria, Gurkaran Singh,

The all-state groups are comprised of about

earned a top 10 spot in their voice parts. In

Gabe Velaquez, and Jared Castilo.

1 percent of all the music students in Texas.



addition, ten more Jesuit members of the

Not to be outdone, four Strake Jesuit

TMEA All-State status is the highest honor a

combined Strake Jesuit/St. Agnes Mixed

musicians were selected to the Texas Music

music student may achieve among public and

Chorus earned All-State honors to give Jesuit

Educators Association (TMEA) All-State

private schools in Texas.

a total of 16 members earning honors.

ensembles. The four are Simon Lee - first

LEFT: Jesuit’s All-State Choir members were led by senior Rheme Sloan (center front), a 4-time All-Stater. He was joined by (front row, left to right) Jared Castillo, Gabe Velaquez, Jonathan De Guzman, and Adrian Claveria (second row, left to right) Alex Lach, Elliott Boullion, and Lucas Sganderilla (third row, left to right) Chris Organ, Singh Gurkanra, Ahmed Mustafa, and Nicolas Rathgeb (fourth row, left to right) Jacob Walker, Justin Jones, and Matthew Stubbs. Inset: Yinka Olutoye. RIGHT: All-State Musicians (left to right) John Culbreth, Simon Lee, Michael Ehrenkranz, and Grant Gordon.

Jesuit Alum and a Former Faculty Member Ordained Jesuit ordinations this fall had special significance for two members of the Strake Jesuit community. On October 10, 2009 in Cambridge, MA, Derrick Weingartner, SJ ’87 (near right) was ordained a transitional deacon with Jesuit classmates from School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College. Two weeks later in San Francisco, former Strake Jesuit College Preparatory faculty member (’03 – ’06) Anthony Wieck, SJ (far right), was ordained a transitional deacon with his Jesuit classmates from the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University. Both men will be ordained priests on June 5, 2010 at St. Joseph’s Chapel on the campus of Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama.

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The Chronicle


Others gave then. Mike Doyle ‘83 - B.A. History from the University of Virginia - J.D. from University of Texas Law School - Member of Texas Bar since 1990 - Partner - Doyle-Raizner LLP - President/Member of Board of Directors Houston Trial Lawyers Association - Named Texas Monthly Super Lawyer in 2005, 2006, 2007. 2008, and 2009 Strake Jesuit Financial Aid Recipient and Strake Jesuit Annual Fund Supporter

Make a difference for a deserving young man. Give to the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund. No matter the size, every gift helps Strake Jesuit in its mission to turn boys into Men for Others. Join the many current parents, past parents, alumni, faculty, and friends who each year pledge to make a difference.


Winter 2009

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Will you give now? Kevin Lafferty ‘10 - First Honors every year at Jesuit - Hesburgh-Yusko Scholarship Nominee - Vice-President, National Honor Society - Houston Chapter of Executive Women International Scholarship Nominee - Freshman Retreat Co-Chairman - Member of Water Polo and Soccer teams Strake Jesuit Financial Aid Recipient

please support the



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The Chronicle



New Director of Annual Fund Joins Development Staff Wendy R. Coats joined the Strake Jesuit Development Office this fall as the new Director of the Annual Fund. She brings a relationshipfocused expertise to fundraising, with an emphasis in event planning and organizational best practice strategies. In her new position she leads Strake Jesuit’s Annual Fund efforts and facilitates the Annual Fund as the school’s primary fundraiser. Prior to joining Jesuit, Wendy served as Development Director for the YMCA of Greater Houston, where she implemented fresh and innovative approaches to donor stewardship and cultivation as well as programs to further integrate the YMCA into the local community. Wendy brings a wealth of expertise in annual giving, major gifts, capital campaigns, and planned gifts to the school’s Development Office. Her experience in the non-profit sector and her coursework at Springfield College’s School of Human Services serves her well as she implements new approaches to Strake Jesuit’s Annual Fund. A native Texan, Wendy has two young children, Tyler and Katie, who both attend Saint Thomas Episcopal School.

Strake Jesuit’s new Director of the Annual Fund Wendy Coats.

Save the Date!

Watch you mail box and your e-mail inbox in the coming months for more details, but mark your calendar NOW! Great sponsorship opportunities are already available now with something for every budget. To check out the sponsorships available, go to and click on the Scramble link in the News/Events dropdown box.

We will see everyone at Sweetwater Country Club on June 7! 14

Winter 2009

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Magnificent Sweetwater Country Club Home of the Strake Jesuit Scramble


A ‘Boutique’ of Items Await at 2010 Fantasy Auction The 2010 Fantasy Auction - A Moonit

Auction Chairs, Leigh & Bill Stubbs,

Garden - will take place on Saturday,

promise an evening that has something

April 17, 2010, at the Sugar Land Marriott

for everyone….the thrill of the Big Board

Town Square. The evening promises a

auction throughout the night; a silent

beautiful atmosphere complete with a

auction and an opportunity for everyone

Silent Auction, Big Board, a wonderful

to join in the fun of the many Sign-Up

dinner followed by an exciting Live

parties. Plan your table now and join


the parents, alumni, faculty and friends

A glimpse of 2010 auction items

at this do-not-miss soiree to raise money

reveals a mix of popular favorites

for Strake Jesuit College Preparatory.

making a return appearance as well as

Last year, more than $400,000 was

many exciting new items. Items include:

generated to benefit the school’s

• A crowd favorite: Let our coaching staff

• Dress up your Christmas décor with a

stir up a good time with a crawfish boil for 50

beautiful custom made Christmas Tree Skirt


Financial Aid program. In the months prior to the event, we

which showcases a collection of needlepoint

• Fr. Lahart will say Mass in the buyer’s







crosses lovingly stitched by moms of current

home and catered dinner will be provided for

sponsorships of the 2010 Fantasy Auction.

and former SJ students.

12 guests.

Several people can go together on a major

• Diamonds by moonlight. What could shine

• Fill your wine cellar with an impressive

gift contribution - for example, the Butchart

more? Every lady will look forward to seeing

assortment of carefully selected wines.

Garden level - will nearly sponsor a student

the custom made diamond cross necklace

• And touching the hearts of our “senior”

for one year - the Versailles level will come

specially designed for this year’s auction!

families, the graduation package!

close to sponsoring 2 students—and as one

And, of course, many exciting destinations

of the perks of contributing at those levels you

Mr. Nevle.

await you! There is a trip for all interests

will be delivered in style to the auction in a

• A custom quilt handcrafted by our very own

including beach destinations (did someone


Tommy Romano.

mention Cabo?), the beautiful coast of Maine,

For more details on the 30th annual

• A multi-course Italian dinner for 12 served

the wine country, a European adventure,

Fantasy Auction, please check the Strake

in the buyer’s home by Fr. Chris Billac, SJ,

hunting expeditions, the College World Series

Jesuit website or call Leigh Stubbs at 281-

and prepared by our “Chef Extraordinaire”

and so much more!

920-0653 or email

• Guided tour of the San Antonio missions by

Tim Scalzitti ‘90, Alumni Director.

Among the many exciting items available in this year’s auction on April 17 are (left to right) a New England Getaway in Maine, a trip to the beautiful beaches of Cabo, and the always popular Italian dinner for 12 served in the buyer’s home by Fr. Chris Billac, SJ, and prepared by our “Chef Extraordinaire” Tim Scalzitti ‘90, Alumni Director.

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The Chronicle








This is the third in a four-part series highlighting some of the special features of the new Daniel K. Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius which was completed as a part of The Greater Glory Capital Campaign. The Chapel was blessed at a special Mass on Saturday, January 31, 2009.

Stained Glass Windows Provide a Beautiful Light The three stained glass windows in the chapel were created in summer of 2003 and originally installed in the chapel in the Moody Memorial Library. They were designed through a collaborative effort of Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ, Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ, Tony Muniz ‘87 and Houston stained glass artist Lydia Pierce. With a common design base, each of the three windows contains graphic elements related to Strake Jesuit. Among the earliest examples of what we now refer to as ‘stained glass’ was discovered at St. Paul’s Monastery in Jarrow, England, which was founded in 686 AD. One of the original intents of stained glass was to tell the story of the Bible before most people could read. In this case the team wanted to tell the Jesuit and, more specifically, the Strake Jesuit story. One






considered the Seal of the Society of the Jesus, which is a starburst with the Greek monogram of the name of Jesus, IHS, located in the enter. Another features the AMDG (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam – To the Greater Glory of God) positioned around a cross. The third piece contains three stacked elements. At the top is the Strake Jesuit Seal, followed by the Loyola Seal which are the symbols of the Loyola family in the center. As the term Loyola comes from the Spanish “Lobos Y Ola” which translates “Wolves and Pot”, the seal consists of two wolves standing on their hind legs over a pot. The third element at the bottom is the Family Coat of Arms of St.

As the construction of the new Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius was being complete, the three windows were moved with great care and placed in their current location on the south wall of the Chapel.

Stanilaus Kostka, the patron saint of Strake Jesuit.


Winter 2009

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Four New Members Inducted into Athletic Hall of Honor On Saturday night, October 3, 2009 four new members of the

more than 20 years from 1976-1997. That included eight years as

Strake Jesuit Athletics Hall of Honor were inducted in a ceremony

Head Soccer Coach, 15 years as Athletic Director and 20 years as

in the Moran Dining Hall. The four new members are Athletes Ralph

the Dean of Students. During his tenure as Athletic Director, Jesuit

Sacra ‘69 and Steve McConnell ‘78, Distinguished Individual Bill

teams won 39 state championships.

McArdle, and the 1976-77 Soccer Team. The Strake Jesuit Athletic Hall of Honor was created in 2008 to

The 1976-77 Soccer Team

recognize and honor the athletes, coaches, individuals and teams

The 1976-77 soccer team inherited a 30-game unbeaten streak

that have made significant contributions to the Crusaders Athletic

from the previous two teams and posted a 21-0-3 record to extend

program. The inaugural class was selected and inducted in a similar

the streak to 54 games, which at the time was a national record, and

ceremony in the fall of 2008.

claimed the 3rd straight state soccer championship.

As set down in the Hall of Honors By-Laws, individual athletes are eligible for consideration for selection into the Hall ten years after graduation. Coaches must be five years removed from the position

The acceptance of nominations for the Hall of Honor Class of 2010 will begin in the spring of 2010.

for which they are to be considered to be eligible. There were no similar time restrictions placed on the categories of teams or distinguished individuals. Here are the highlights of the Jesuit careers for the 2009 inductees: Ralph Sacra, Class of 1969 Ralph was a standout athlete at Jesuit in football, baseball, and basketball. Named All-District both baseball and basketball, Ralph really shined on the football field where he was All-District, All-State and an All-American. He went on to Texas A&M where he was an offensive lineman and was named to the Players All-Southwest Conference Team. Ralph was the first Jesuit athlete selected in the NFL Draft when the Philadelphia Eagles selected him in 1973. Steve McConnell, Class of 1978 Steve was a 3-year starter as a linebacker at Jesuit and was named to both the TCIL All-State team and the Houston Chronicle’s All-Greater Houston team. He was the first Jesuit player to be named to both the All-District Offensive and Defensive teams. Steve was also a starter in basketball and an All-District catcher on the baseball team. He died tragically in January of his senior year due to an illness. Representing Steve at the dinner were his brother Mike and sister Donna. Bill McArdle Bill McArdle was selected to the Hall of Honor as a distinguished individual. He served at Strake Jesuit for

Top: Strake Jesuit Athletic Director Bill McDonald, Mike McConnell (brother of inductee Steve McConnell ‘78), Bill McArdle, school President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ, and Ralph Sacra ‘69. Bottom: Members of the 1976-77 Soccer present at the team’s induction with Athletic Director Bill McDonald (far left) were Thomas Burton, Mauricio Tovar, Assistant Coach Vance Ulsh, Head Coach Bill McArdle, Henry Delclos, Mark Pape, school President Fr. Lahart, Jim Hardzog, Charles Fontaine, Alejandro Linares, Gustavo Artaza, and Barry Radcliffe.

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The Chronicle



Cross Country Team District Champs, Earn State Berth

The Crusaders Cross Country team started the season the day after the state meet last year with a goal of winning district, recapturing the Region III title and earning another run into the state meet. They accomplished these goals in grand fashion. Only placing 2nd twice throughout the season the Crusaders won every meet during the regular season. During the Championship season they finished 1st at the District 18 5-A meet, 1st at the Region III meet, and 7th at the State meet, the best finish since joining the UIL. Junior Weston Novelli was individual District Champion, runner-up at the Region III meet, and 14th overall in the State Meet. His performance was the best by any Strake Jesuit Cross Country runner in UIL competition to date. Other members of the region and state squad

Repeat Regional Champions included (left to right): Chris Schiller, Miquel Salinas, Conner Troxclair, Weston Novelli, James Collins, Doug Patson, and Nick Gibson

were seniors James Collins and Mike Salinas, juniors Nick Gibson, Chris Schiller, Doug Patson

Crowley did a wonderful job molding these kids into true runners.”

and Conner Troxclair.

The Junior Varsity squad completed the season undefeated and

Each year Strake Jesuit welcomes a new freshman class with

this means they won another District 18 5-A title. The 2009 season

little or no cross country experience. The class of 2013 was no

marked the fourth year in a row the XC program has swept the district

exception and worked hard to learn the ways of the XC world in UIL

titles in all three divisions. Many of the JV boys will try to step up to

5-A competition. When it was all said and done, the freshmen team

the Varsity in the next couple of years.

had won or placed 2nd in every meet this season and capped it off with a District 18 5-A Championship.

The future of the program is a very bright one and with continued awesome parent support in helping their young athletes become

“We are excited about this bunch of freshman and their willingness

seasoned runners, the successes will continue to grow.

to work hard and learn,” noted Head Coach Mike Kerley. “Coach Mike

Senior Ribbeck Wows All at Lombardi Award Jesuit senior Bucky Ribbeck had the

his right arm. Tests later revealed that he

opportunity to speak at one of the most

had Ewing’s sarcoma. After several rounds

important college award dinners in the

of chemotherapy and surgery, Bucky’s

nation and, by all accounts, was a big

prognosis is good.

hit. The occasion was the Lombardi

All eyes and ears were on Bucky that

Award Dinner held annually in Houston to

evening as he told his story. Of the ups

recognize the top college lineman in the

and downs of the last year, the support

nation each year.

of his classmates, teammates, and family

Part of the program at the dinner each


Winter 2009

and of his determination to win his battle.

year, which benefits the American Cancer

In his comments that evening, he quoted

Society, is to have a cancer survivor

Vince Lombardi by noting “‘It’s not whether

speak. Last May Bucky, a football and

you get knocked down, it’s whether you

baseball player at Jesuit, had soreness in

get up,’” he noted. “I chose to get up.”

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g


Crusaders Battle Adversity in Up and Down Grid Season Over the course of the 2009 football season, the Crusaders faced any number of

although disappointed in the outcome, I was very proud of the effort they gave.”

obstacles - including injuries - but managed

Several members of the team collected

to post a 5-5 record on the season and a 3-4

post-season honored led by senior Beau

mark in district play. Despite their challenges,

Grenier named First Team All-District

the team remained in the hunt for a playoff

defensive back and a Second Team All

berth until the end of the season.

District wide receiver. Also earning First

It was literally a win-loss season as the

Team defensive honors were lineman

team followed each win with a loss, but each

junior M.J Sam and also named to

loss with a win, never losing or winning two

the Second Team offense was junior

straight games.

running back Jordan Hollingsworth.

The season got off on the right foot with a 38-

Honorable Mention recognition went

27 win over St. Thomas. One of the highlights

to seniors Hunter Schiro, Homer Jordan,

of the year was a 31-26 Homecoming win over

Franco DeMayo, and Matt Kegg,

Alief Taylor, a team that would qualify for the

juniors Will Huskinson, Ian Margot, and

playoffs and reach the Regional semi-finals.

Alex Quoyeser and sophomore Sam

“This team overcame adversity, even before


the season began and a number of injuries during the season,” noted Head Coach Ron

Senior Beau Grenier led the team in receiving and interceptions, earning him First Team All-District Defense and Second Team All-District Offense honors.

Counter. “As I told them after the season,

Water Polo Team Earns State Tournament Berth The Crusader Water Polo team finished with a 17-13 record overall

Springs in which Jesuit came away with a 20-1 victory. The second

and went undefeated in District 4 to earn a top seed at the South Re-

round matchup proved tough as the Crusaders saw few things go

gion 2 tournament. They went on to a 3rd place finish at the regional

their way, losing 6-12 to Cy-Creek. In the consolation bracket, the

tournament and then placed 5th at the state tournament. Action at

team came back strong defeating Langham Creek 11-1 and Lamar

the state tournament included a first round matchup against Cy-

5-4 for 5th place. Senior goalie Phillip Eukel was named MVP of the team after earning 1st Team All-Region and 1st Team All-State honors. Senior Tim Keogh earned 1st Team All-Region and Honorable Mention AllState Honors and senior Tim Lyons made 2nd Team All-Region and was named the team’s Most Improved Player. Senior Kevin Lafferty took over as the career leader in field blocks with 27 for his career. With an eye toward the future, the Junior Varsity finished undefeated with a perfect 14-0 record and repeated as Junior Varsity City Champions. Freshman Michael Stolte was named team MVP and sophomore goalie Alex Hansen was named Most Improved Player. “We had a very strong varsity this year, we lost some important seniors, but our underclassmen also played a huge role,” said Head Coach Tom Walker. “When you factor in the fact that we were backto-back JV Champions, our future looks very bright.”

Senior goalie Phillip Eukel (left) was named team MVP after earning 1st Team All-Region and 1st Team All-State honors. www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle



Steve Kamel ‘74 Receives 2009 Ignatian Award “I could stand up here and talk forever because I love this school

board certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of

so much and always have.”

Legal Specialization in December 1986 and he is a member of the

Those opening words by Steve Kamel in his speech upon receiving

American Association for Justice.

the 2009 Ignatian Award as the school’s alumnus of the year captures

Kamel is a past member of the Pastoral Council and of the School

his entire address.

Board at St. Cecilia Catholic Church in Houston. He also is a past

Speaking to a crowd of almost 200 on Saturday, October 3 in the Moran Dining Hall at an event tabbed ‘A Night of Honor,’ Kamel received his award on the same evening as four new members were

President of the Strake Jesuit Alumni Association and served on the school’s Board of Directors from 1985-1987. He and his wife, Jackie, have been married since 1979. They have

inducted into the Strake Jesuit Athletic Hall of Honor.

four children, including two sons who are Jesuit alums, Anthony ’01

After graduating from Jesuit, Kamel earned his BS degree with

and Andrew 02, one son who is a current Jesuit sophomore, John-

Honors from the University of Texas in 1978. He went to earn his

Michael ’12, and a daughter, Allison.

Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of Houston School of

Kamel is the 16th recipient of the award since it was first presented

Law in 1981. During his time in law school, Kamel was an Associate

in 1984. He is also the third member of the Class of 1974 to receive the

Editor of the Houston Law Review, was on the University Mock Trial

award. Past recipients include: Larry A. Mason ‘66, Marcel R. Frey ‘74,

Championship Team and the National Mock Trial Team, served as

C. Jim Stewart III ‘67, Charles S. Atchison ‘72, Raymond P. Albrecht

Associate Chief Justice of the Honor Court, and earned






Moran ‘66, Thomas


H. Adolph ‘75, N.J.

Award for Evidence,

Santarcangelo ‘67,


Michael Michael J. Koch


Criminal Law. He

‘75, The Honorable



Frank B. Rynd ‘70,

legal career with the

Stephen F. LePore

firm of Dunn, Kacal,

‘75, Msgr. James B.



Anderson ‘70, Dr.

Pappas & Law. He

Julius A. DeBroeck



‘73, Dr. Brian S.

Riddle & Williams,


Parsley ‘74, and


Joe Mike Piazza


& Todesco before opening



firm in November 2003. Kamel was

BOTTOM: Past Ignatian Award recipients present at this year’s presentation were (left to right) Larry Mason ‘66, Marcel Frey ‘74, 2009 Recipient Steve Kamel ‘74, Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ, Joe Mike Piazza ‘72, Ray Albrecht ‘72, Frank Rynd ‘70, and NJ Santarcangelo ‘67.


Class of ‘67 Reunites for Annual Lunch Houston-area members of the Class of 1967 attending their annual get-together luncheon in December at the Four Seasons were (left to right): Bruce Dugey, Glen Boudreaux, Rick Sindelar, Mike Lallinger, Jim Stewart, George Gaenslen, Mike Guarino, Ed Murr, Gil Naert, Abner Burnette, Johnny Webre, Sam Polichino, Jim Booth, NJ Santarcangelo, and Gene Nettles. 20

Winter 2009

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Alumni Address Seniors on Career Day While the current senior class of 2010 spent the morning of Wednesday, October 14 in the classroom, they were not hearing a lecture, they were doing another kind of learning. This was the school’s annual Career Day and they spent that time hearing from a variety of Jesuit alums who returned to campus as professionals in their field to talk about their career paths. A keynote address from Harris County District Judge Mark Davidson ‘71 started the day. During his address, Judge Davidson stressed to the seniors that the decisions they would be making over the next ten years regarding schooling and careers, would shape the rest of their lives and that Jesuit had prepared them well for those important choices. Among the Jesuit alumni who returned to school for Career Day were: - Jeffrey Cardenas ‘76, Cimarron/DKI, Project Manager - David Beathard ‘77, Arenite Western Energy LLC, President - Bo Bothe ‘88, BrandExtract, Inc., President & Chief Creative Officer - Glen Boudreaux ‘67, Jackson Walker LP, Partner - Kyle Burks ‘01, STR Marketplace, Founder/President - Rick Couvillon ‘81, ConocoPhillips Co., Director Origination, Natural Gas Marketing - Brendan Doran ‘96, NDT System & Services (America) Inc., Controller - Jason Friedman ‘93, Houston Rockets, Web Content Writer - Rauli Garcia ‘87, Houston Grand Opera, Chief Financial Officer - Chris McConn ‘91, Idea Integration - Ryan McConnell ‘95, Department of Justice - U.S. Attorney’s Office, Assistant U.S. Attorney - Gilbert Mendiola ‘85, Family Practice Doctor - Gray Miller ‘67, United States District Judge - Joseph Mims ‘04, McDade, Smith, Gould, Johnston, Mason, & Co., Broker - Michael Mineo ‘91, Houston Metro Urology, Urologist - Patrick Mizell ‘82, Vinson & Elkins, Partner - Alex Montoya ‘91, Russell Investment Group, Regional Vice President - Paul Suarez ‘97, Online Marketing Manager, Houston Rockets - Miguel Suderman ‘70, Cell Systems 3-D, President & Chief Science Officer - Tony Zubizarreta ‘91, Rexel Electrical & Datacom Supplies, Industrial Sales

Top: Judge Mark Davidson ‘71 delivered the keynote address. Middle: Ryan McConnell ‘95 addresses students as (left to right) Glen Boudreaux ‘67, Pat Mizell ‘82, and Gray Miller ‘67 look on. Bottom: (left to right) Bo Bothe ‘88, Paul Suarez ‘97, Jason Friedman ‘93, and Kyle Birks ‘01.

Pair of Alums Earn Athletic Recognition James Webb ‘09, a freshman at Princeton and a member of the school’s Cross Country team, was awarded the Freshman Rosengarten XC Trophy. The Award is presented annually to that freshman member of the Princeton cross country squad who in sportsmanship, improvement and performance has contributed most to the sport. Jonathan Moore ‘06, a senior at Penn, was selected as an All-Star by the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference. Moore is one of just 24 players to earn the conference’s FCS All-Star distinction and is one of just four defensive backs to make the list. He also earned First Team All-Ivy League honors as a defensive back.

James Webb ‘09 (l) and Jonathan Moore ‘06 (r).

Starting all 10 games this season, Moore led the Quakers and was third in the Ivy League with four interceptions.

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The Chronicle



‘80’s ‘60’s ‘80’s ‘60’s Walt Falgout ‘66 recently traveled to Perth, Australia on a five-week business trip for his employer WorleyParsons Resources and Energy. His wife, Sally, was able to join him for part of the trip and they had a wonderful trip. The area reminded them much of San Diego, California.

‘70’s ‘70’s

Louis Martincheck ‘83 his wife, Shana, their daughter, Piper, and their son, Luke welcomed the birth of Jasper Atticus on October 20, 2009. The couple live in Riverside, California where Louis is a Neonatologist.

Chris Burke ‘86 and his wife, Sarah, welcomed the birth of their first child, Mary Elizabeth, on November 12, 2009.

Bo Bothe ‘88 and his wife, Heather, welcomed the birth of their fourth child, Hollyn Rose, on December 9, 2009.

‘90’s ‘90’s

John Bradley ‘77 has been appointed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to serve on the new Reentry Task Force which is designed to reduce recidivism by offenders. Clifford Moy ‘77 completed his fourth year as an Examiner for the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. He was also re-elected Vice-President to the Texas Medical Association House of Delegates, appointed to the American Medical Association Council on Long Range Planning and Development and elected to the University of Texas Medical School Houston Alumni Association Board.

Sean Haardt ‘87 married Leslie Natalia Valencia on July 18, 2009 in a Catholic-Buddhist ceremony at the historic Dahlgren Chapel in Boonsboro, Maryland. Sean is a high school social studies teacher and Leslie is a social worker and avid searcher for Civil War relics.

Matt Clinton ‘91 and his wife, Lesley, and their son, Nathaniel, welcomed the birth of Connor Joseph on March 19, 2009. Matt is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and is an Environmental Planner for Jacobs Engineering. Lesley, a former member of the Strake Jesuit faculty, is a contributing writer to Sugar Land Magazine. Tom Stallings ‘86 recently earned his Masters in Sports Administration from the University of Houston which upgraded his position at Rice University to Professor in the Practice of Sport Management. He and a partner have started a sports marketing firm, Haptonstall Group specializing in marketing, charity, and publicity for professional soccer players.

Winter 2009

Richard Zientek ‘95 is working for Harris County Judge Ed Emmett overseeing transportation issues. James Daly ‘97 was married to Elizabeth Kressel on October 3, 2009 in New York City. Matthew Cannon ‘97 served as best man and Joseph Donohue ‘99 was in attendance. Chris Dewhurst ‘97, his wife, Annamarie, and their daughters Naomi, Mary Sophia, and Sarah welcomed the birth of James on November 23, 2009.

James Murray ‘97 and his wife, Jessica, welcomed the birth of their first child, Wyatt James, on October 5, 2009. William Haardt ‘91 and his wife Mary are living in San Francisco and welcomed the birth of their first child, Liam Francis, on September 5, 2009.


Ken Kingdon ‘95 and is wife, Lisa Marie, welcomed the birth of their first child, Grace Ann, on November 29, 2009. They recently moved to Chicago where Ken is a staff surgeon at Great Lakes Naval Hospital. He is scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan as one of many general/trauma surgeons.

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‘00’s ‘00’s Frank Keller ‘02 and his wife, Megan, welcomed the birth of their first child, Jacob Francis, on November 8, 2009. The family lives in Fairfax, Virginia.

Hunter Caskey ‘04 earned a BS in Clinical Laboratory Science from Texas Tech University Health Science Center in 2009. He then earned his certification as a Medical Technologist. He is now attending Medical University of the Americas on Nevis Island in the Caribbean. Chris Weber ‘05 married Julie O’Shea, sister of Chris ‘08 and Jim ‘12 on Friday, November 20, 2009 at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Houston. Zachary Gillon ‘07 is a junior world politics major at Hamilton College. He spent the past fall semester studying in Washington D.C. as an intern for Texas Senator John Cornyn.

Jonathan Murphy ‘02 graduated from the University of Texas Law School in May 2009 and passed the California Bar Exam in July. He is working as an associate for Quinlivan and Wexler in Santa Ana, California.

Mark Reed ’08 is a Mechanical Engineering student at St. Louis University and recently was selected as a Boeing Opportunity for Leadership Development Scholar for the 2009-2010 academic year.


John Oses ‘83

Clyde A. Poche ‘72

John Rodger ‘77

Tracy Elm Mother of Ban ‘13 Dorothy Hall Mother of Michael ‘77 and Steven ‘78 Jody Inman Mother of Phil '74, Tony '76, Alex '82, and Grandmother of Taylor '07 Marta Konya Mother of Andras ‘04 Gilbert Leonardon Father of Richard ‘79 James O’Shaughnessey Father of Brian ‘11 Jeanetta Parker Mother of Jimmie ‘90

- BIRTHS Connor Clinton on March 19, 2009 Matt ‘91 and Lesley

Elton Troegel Father of Tom ‘76

Liam Francis Haardt on September 5, 2009 William ‘91 and Mary

Ben Walter Father of Andy ‘78^, Ben ‘80, and Martin ‘81

Wyatt James Murray on October 5, 2009 James ‘97 and Jessica

Raymond Winters Father of Ray ‘82

Jasper Atticus Martincheck on October 20, 2009 Louis ‘83 and Shana Jacob Francis Keller on November 8, 2009 Frank ‘02 and Megan Mary Elizabeth Burke on November 12, 2009 Chris ‘86 and Sarah James Dewhurst on November 23, 2009 Chris ‘97 and Annamarie Grace Ann Kingdon on November 29, 2009 Ken ‘95 and Lisa Marie

Saints of God, come to their aid! Hasten to meet them, angels of the Lord! Receive their soul, and present them to God the Most High. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Hollyn Rose Bothe on December 9, 2009 Bo ‘88 and Heather

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The Chronicle



We were all a little too young in those early days of this Jesuit school to realize just how truly an accomplished man he really was. The youth excuse aside, we were smart enough to notice that he always stood out from the crowd. He was the consummate gentleman, always attired in his signature crisp white dress shirt and finely tailored suit. He was soft spoken but deliberate. He was a man of strong character but benevolently tolerated our sometimes sophomoric behavior. There was nothing flashy about him. He was our very our own Caballero. That much, even we could understand. Born in Cuba in 1916, Mr. PerezChaumont y Altuzarra came to us quite by chance. (That is, if anything that involves the Jesuits ever really happens by chance.) It was a tumultuous time, those early 1960’s, not only for the Perez-Chaumont family but indeed for all of the Cuban people. He was highly educated and once served as a high ranking military officer under the Batista government. At one point during the Mr. Andres Perez-Chaumont Communist revolt, he and his command had held a captured guerrilla named Fidel Castro. There was talk of a firing squad but that idea had no merit with Perez-Chaumont. Certainly, there were concerns that his death would turn Castro into a martyr, but in the end, the Colonel was simply too kind a soul to resort to execution. Instead, Castro served time and then was freed. Later, when his revolutionaries did succeed in overthrowing the government, thousands of Cubans fled their island nation in fear for their lives. At the time, Mr. Chaumont was serving as Cuban Military Attaché to the Mexican government. Like so many other Cubans, he was forced to choose either exile or lethal retribution. Mexico was a country sympathetic to Castro so there was no safe haven to be had there. With the safety of his family paramount in his mind, he and his beloved wife, Angelita, had to flee. In 1959 they boldly ran across the US-Mexico border to Texas, bringing along their sons Andy ’65 and Armando ’68. Miraculously, later on they were able to secure the release of their two younger children, Maria and Jose, who had remained in Cuba. The family sugar plantation and the ancestral home were confiscated by the communists. There was no going back, they were all refugees now. Jacksonville, Florida was where they planned to settle and they were soon headed in that direction. On the way, they stopped in Houston for a brief respite which seemed like a good idea as funds were beginning to run out. There was opportunity in Houston, meager as it might have been at first. They were truly in the hands of God. Both parents went back to school. Life in America would be


Winter 2009

different and they had to make changes. But little by little life began to reflect a certain normalcy. They had found a home in Texas. At first, that home was a tiny one bedroom apartment. Later, as things began to settle down, they moved to a two bedroom apartment. Then, Mr. Chaumont landed his first job with Sun–X International. Angelita went to work for Wilson Supply and, with both parents employed, they were able to afford a nice three bedroom house that was better suited to their large extended family. Andy and Armando were approaching high school age at about the same time that a small group of Jesuits had established a new college preparatory school. The family was befriended by our school’s founder, Fr. Fr. Michael Kennelly, SJ as well as Fr. Bahlinger, SJ and Fr. Coles, SJ. The Jesuits cared deeply for the family and wanted them to forgo their plans for Florida and remain in Houston. The relationship with the Jesuits blossomed. Mr. Chaumont viewed the new Jesuit school as an intriguing venture. He enrolled Andy and Armando, and then in 1966 he joined the Jesuit administration. At first, he served as assistant financial officer but soon he was wearing many hats. Back then everyone on faculty and staff had to pitch in where ever they could. Mr. Chaumont taught Spanish, kept the books and coached tennis. He loved tennis. An accomplished player himself, he coached the team to a state title and was particularly proud to have his son, Armando, on the team. Over the years, the bond between Fr. Kennelly and Mr. Chaumont grew stronger. It was a friendship born of mutual respect. In 1969 Fr. Kennelly was reassigned to Loyola University in New Orleans. Mr. Chaumont soon followed to became that school’s fundraiser. He went on to work for the American Heart Association in a similar capacity and then retired to Houston at age seventy. In July of 1988 he succumbed to cancer. To the very end he was concerned only about his family. He and his wife Angelita were married for almost 49 years. She is currently 92 years old and has written of her husband, “he was a like rare jewel that seldom is found in real life…His memory is always with me.” Andy was a member of the first SJ class to graduate in 1965. Armando graduated three years later. Maria’s son Jackson is a current Strake Jesuit freshman. Jose remained in New Orleans and his son Andre is an 8th grader attending Jesuit New Orleans. To the memory of his devotion to his family, I pledge my shield and my sword,


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Mark your calendar for a wonderful evening of Moonlit magic in the Garden!

PARENTS, if you are still receiving your son’s Chronicle although he no longer lives with you, let us know so we can change our records and send the magazine directly to him. If you enjoy reading the publication but do not receive a copy of your own, let us know that too. We would be glad to send a copy to your son’s new address and continue to send you one.

Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 8900 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, Texas 77036

Contact the Alumni Office at or at 713.490.8153


January 10

Father-Son Pool Tournament


Ignatian Foundation Series

26-29 Kairos XXXIX 30

Entrance Exam

February 1

Application Deadline


Parent-Teacher Night


Father-Son Sophomore Retreat


Guidance & Counseling Presentation: The Next Three Years


Ash Wednesday Liturgy


Father-Son Basketball Tournament

25-28 Father-Son Sophomore Retreat

March 7


Spring Fling Kairos XL

15-19 Spring Break 25

Feast of the Annunciation Liturgy


Ignatian Foundation Series


Alumni Moms Retreat


Palm Sunday

For up to date event information, go to

GR/TRANS 2007, by Lorraine Tady (American, 1967 - ), mixed media on loan from Frank Ribelin. It is on display in the Moran Dining Hall on the west side wall.

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