Finding God
Retreat Program Enhanced with Opening of RLC
Table of Contents Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ presides over the Dedication Mass for the Chapel of the North American Martyrs
Features Finding God
at the new Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center. To learn more about the RLC, see page 7.
The Strake Jesuit Retreat Program
p. 3 A Higher Purpose The Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center
p. 8 Departments President’s Message - 2 News from 8900 - 14-16 Athletic News - 17-19 Ignatian Spirituality - 20 Alumni News - 21 Class Notes - 22-23 Births - 23 In Memoriam - 23 By George - 24
Spring 2012 Vol. 44, No. 3 Editor/Layout Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ Ken Lojo ‘91 Vince Santos ‘83 Sharon Ehrenkranz The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 44, No. 3, Spring Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.
President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 ON THE COVER - All of the ‘pieces’ of the Strake Jesuit Retreat Program fit together to form one of the best such programs in the nation.
Table of Contents Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ presides over the Dedication Mass for the Chapel of the North American Martyrs
Features Finding God
at the new Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center. To learn more about the RLC, see page 7.
The Strake Jesuit Retreat Program
p. 3 A Higher Purpose The Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center
p. 8 Departments President’s Message - 2 News from 8900 - 14-16 Athletic News - 17-19 Ignatian Spirituality - 20 Alumni News - 21 Class Notes - 22-23 Births - 23 In Memoriam - 23 By George - 24
Spring 2012 Vol. 44, No. 3 Editor/Layout Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ Ken Lojo ‘91 Vince Santos ‘83 Sharon Ehrenkranz The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 44, No. 3, Spring Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.
President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 ON THE COVER - All of the ‘pieces’ of the Strake Jesuit Retreat Program fit together to form one of the best such programs in the nation.
_________________PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
Few things are as exciting to an educator as seeing a transformation in a student. Sometimes that change happens in a class, sometimes on a playing field, sometimes in a conversation with Br. Casey. For Jesuit students, that transformation often happens on retreat. In the last ten years our retreat program has gone through major changes, beginning with the introduction of the Kairos retreat for seniors. This student-led four-day retreat provides for both significant input from student leaders and faculty moderators, as well as ample opportunity for small group discussions and personal reflection. Very often, seniors name this retreat as a high point in their experience at Strake Jesuit. Shortly after the Kairos retreat took root, we introduced a new sophomore retreat—a Father-Son retreat. This overnight retreat provides for meaningful conversations between father and son in a way that might not ordinarily happen outside a retreat house. At the very time when sixteen-year-old sons are beginning to push away from their parents, testing a new independence, this retreat allows fathers and sons to spend time together in intimate conversations about their personal histories and their faith. I often joke that the students like it, but the dads love it! This year, Father Bravo and the pastoral team reworked the junior retreat, retaining its traditional focus on social justice issues. Students begin with a walking pilgrimage of Downtown and some time at places such as Star of Hope or Magnificat House, and stops at Holy Cross Chapel and the Co-Cathedral. They then board buses and continue the retreat at the RLC to discuss issues surrounding what they did and what they saw. These experiences of Downtown Houston and the institutions that minister to the poor are eye-opening—and very moving—for many students. Each of these retreats, along with others you will read about in the following pages, take place at the new Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center. The RLC may be less than two hours from campus, but it is worlds away. As you will see in the pages of this issue, this facility—what I like to call the Strake Jesuit “North Campus”—is an amazing resource for our students, but also for faculty/ staff, parents, and alumni. I hope each constituency fully realizes the RLC’s greatest potential and enjoys the rejuvenation that comes from getting away, if only for a short while. The facility includes eight cabins with five rooms that sleep a total of ten people; St. Stanislaus Kostka Bunkhouse that sleeps fifty-six in four large rooms and two smaller adult rooms; St. Ignatius Dining Hall that
can easily seat one hundred twenty; and the Fleming Conference Center with similar capacity while seated at tables and eight breakout rooms for small group discussion. At the top of the hill the bell tower welcomes you to the Chapel of the North American Martyrs, which has stunning views and intimate seating for one hundred twenty. The Nevle Reading Room is a place for quiet reading or reflection as you look out through the many floor to ceiling windows. Finally, the St. Borgia Guest House is a comfortable home for Jesuits or others making their private retreat or as a getaway for quiet weekend. (See pictures on pages 12 & 13.) The sixty-two acres of rolling countryside, which include heavily wooded areas, and the extensive Fr. Joe Doyle, SJ, playing fields make the RLC a perfect spot for students and adults to relax and find God in the beauty of the surroundings. Leadership—the L in RLC—brings opportunities to develop our students as Men for Others and as leaders who can make a difference in their world as Jesuit grads of competence, compassion, and conscience. I think the possibilities at the RLC are limitless! As if you could not tell, I personally love the place and have happily taken weekly trips up to the RLC to “supervise” the construction and to stroll about the grounds. The versatility and beauty of the campus, the quiet of the outdoors, and, really, the holiness of the ground have convinced me that the RLC will dramatically enhance our mission. While we have tried to keep you updated on the project, we have not widely solicited financial support of the RLC. With total construction and move-in costs of under $4.5 million, we limited our fund-raising to a select group of friends and parents. If you were one of those who supported us, Thank you! We feel that we have had tremendous “bang for the buck” on this project due to the generosity of those you will read about in the following pages. For years to come, the RLC will be a moving and memorable part of every student’s experience at Strake Jesuit. And it will often be the place of his transformation, the place where he experiences God’s presence most fully and most deeply. It is truly a blessing to be able to provide such a time and place for our students as they continue to learn about themselves and about their God. I look forward to welcoming you to the RLC. We will have an Open House for our entire community on Saturday, May 5th. I hope you will join us then, and if not, I hope you will be able to join us some other time at our new “North campus.” Thank you for your support for the mission of Strake Jesuit. Come visit us at the RLC! Sincerely,
As a noun, the word ‘retreat’ conjures up an image of a getaway, a destination, perhaps a sanctuary. As a verb, it means to withdraw, to take a step back. Interestingly enough, by combining these two definitions, the result is very much what the word ‘retreat’ means at Strake Jesuit - a sanctified, safe place to pull back or pause. Months, years, and decades after graduation, Jesuit alumni can look back and undoubtedly recall a host of memories from their four years of college preparation at 8900 Bellaire Boulevard. Memories of individual accolades and achievements in the classroom or on the playing field or competitive arena will typically rise to the surface with ease. Going deeper, however, beneath those glory days of cheering crowds are the truly lasting memories that touched their soul. They are days of building relationships, of reflections, of finding themselves, and of finding God in all things. They are the memories of Strake Jesuit retreats.
Finding GOD by Vince Santos ‘83
The Strake Jesuit Retreat Program, one of the finest in the nation, is grounded in the school’s mission of developing Men for Others. In doing so, students are guided to find God in all things.
At the core of the Jesuit Retreat Program are the four class retreats, depicted here, which each student attends during their time at the school - (left to right) the Freshman Retreat is, among other things, a chance for students to get to know their new classmates and to learn the philosophy of the school; the Sophomore Father-Son Retreat is an opportunity for both father and It was there that they found a place of sanctuary where students could actually be free to be themselves – sometimes for the first time. When they were encouraged and prepared to truly see the world, both within themselves, and the one waiting for them. Of being able to look in the mirror and around the room at their peers and embrace the emotions of knowing that what they were seeing was of God, and was definitely good. These are the formative, lifeaffecting moments that are truly the fruit of the student retreat experience of Jesuit. Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ, Director of Pastoral Ministry, believes that one of greatest contributing factors to the strong success of Jesuit’s retreat program is the desire and commitment that arises from within the students themselves. “So many times students return from a retreat weekend and come away eager and willing to become part of the actual planning and formation process themselves,” he stated. Such is the case with current junior Kyle Luong ‘13. After attending his freshman retreat, he has been part of every subsequent retreat planning team since. “I got so much out of my freshman retreat that I knew I wanted to be a part of instilling that same feeling for those that would be coming along after me,” he explained. Jesuit’s Retreat and Liturgy Coordinator Eric Olson ‘02 acknowledges that the Jesuit retreat experience succeeds for multiple reasons such as providing an environment for the students to bond, and to see each other as being part
of the same story. He also is a firm believer that students such as Kyle stepping up and ministering to their peers go a long way towards making a meaningful impact to the entire process. “The boys put themselves out there, make themselves vulnerable, and assume a real risk,” he noted. “In doing so, they come away so much more renewed in their own faith.” Both the freshman and senior retreats incorporate and rely upon the peer to peer and student to student approach. It’s an idea that has been working since school President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ ushered in the school’s first ever Kairos retreat, Kairos 1, in the spring of 2002. The program has been so well received in fact that in less than 10 years the school just completed Kairos 50. “I was already familiar with Kairos when I arrived here in 2001,” he pointed out, “and I knew that I wanted to make it a part of the school’s retreat program.” Thanks to his determination and vision, an effort began to revitalize and awaken the entire student retreat experience at Jesuit. Students at Strake Jesuit today have the opportunity to attend and experience no less than seven retreats before graduation. In addition to the class retreats, these young men are offered the opportunity to go on an Ignatian Retreat, a Senior Silent Retreat, and during Lent embark on an abridged 18th Annotation Retreat taken directly from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. What all of these retreats have in common
son to grow in their relationship with each other and with God; the Junior Pilgrimage allows students to continue their spiritual formation by following in the footsteps of St. Ignatius as a pilgrim; and the Senior Kairos Retreat is a 4-day, 3-night retreat featuring talks and exercises inviting students to experience God’s love in their lives and to live intentionally in “God’s Time.” is that they each seek to “spiritually form” the students. Each student at Jesuit is blessed with a strong, foundationbased classroom theology. While the classroom gives them knowledge of God, retreats allow them to experience God, within, and all around them. Each of these retreats is unique, offering opportunities for getting deeper, more profound relationships between one another, with the world around them, and with God. Because people have different comforts, interests and needs, the diversity and level of depth of each experience is vital. The Freshman Retreat, for example, has been held on the school’s campus for over 20 years. As mentioned previously, this retreat adapted the Kairos practice of having junior and senior volunteers responsible for introducing the freshman class to the “culture” of Strake Jesuit. The Freshman Retreat is all about building bonds, viewing one another as equal parts to the same story, and planting the seeds of community that will harvest over the coming four years. Fr. Bravo notes that since becoming the Director of Pastoral Ministry in 2005, he has witnessed some resistance to re-shaping the student retreat landscape, but insists that it has been well worth it. To find an example of this, one need look no further than the Sophomore Retreat, which in 2003 became a father and son overnight experience. “Initially there were fathers who resisted and were not prepared to make such a time commitment,” he recalled, “but eventually we began getting requests from fathers and sons wishing
that the overnight was actually an entire weekend.” As juniors, students are presented the opportunity to walk in the shoes of St. Ignatius. During a retreat that has a social justice focus, they have a chance to be a “pilgrim” to become the hands and feet of Christ. “The Junior retreat is about planting seeds of service, that will lay there with the boys, as a reminder that at some point in their lives they will be called on to help the poor and make a difference to someone else,” explained Fr. Bravo. Since becoming President in 2001, Fr. Daniel Lahart has seen the student retreat experience change for the better over the years. With the brand new Retreat and Leadership Center up and running, the school will now have the freedom and flexibility to serve more students, faculty, parents, coaches, and alumni while simultaneously being able to monitor its own expenses. Fr. Lahart states, “Having our own Center affords us the benefit of being able to continue quality retreat programs for our students on our own terms. We can schedule our retreats at the times that work best for our needs.” While serving as a beacon for academic and athletic excellence, Strake Jesuit’s retreat program has been at the heart of fostering the spiritual development of its young men. Thanks to the completion of the new Center, and all of the freedom that it affords, it is virtually impossible to contain the excitement. More lasting, life-changing memories are waiting to be made.
“I am from a large family. I know for certain that if financial aid was not available to me, I would not be able to attend Strake Jesuit. I cannot imagine being at another school. I am an Honor Roll student, an athlete, and am involved in many clubs. I know I have a great responsibility to give back to Strake Jesuit. I know how lucky and fortunate I am. Without people who give to financial aid, the life I have would be very different. Thank you for helping shape who I am now and who I will be in the future.” ~ Strake Jesuit Financial Aid Recipient
Please support the
Each gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. Simply use the envelope provided in the magazine to make a gift or online go to and click on the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund. If you have questions or would like additional information, contact N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67, Director of Development, at 713.490.8152 or
PURPOSE by Sharon Ehrenkranz
On 62 acres of beautiful Texas countryside, Strake Jesuit has carved out a special place - the new Retreat & Leadership Center. The result has transformed the land into a magnificent place with a higher purpose.
Where is “home” to you? It’s likely the place that touches closest to your heart… it might be where your family lives right now, where you grew up, or that one place where you feel most at peace in the world. When you’re there, time slows. In this place, you’re most able to shed the pressures of everyday and live in the moment. This is your place, your home. For many of us in the Strake Jesuit family, we may feel that sense of “home” when we step on campus. We know and love those old buildings, the precious land our founding faculty and families worked so hard to save, the quiet spaces we discovered and made our own while we were there. Today, just two hours north of campus, there exists another place for us to call our own – the Retreat & Leadership Center in Leona, Texas. “We want this place to feel like home for our graduates,” says Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ. “The RLC will be a special place for them, as special as coming here to the school campus.”
Two years ago, this land was just as God created it – 62 acres of beautiful, rolling, wooded country – just far enough out of town to feel like you’ve gotten away, but close enough to easily make a quick day trip or weekend getaway. It was owned by Troy and Julie Finney, parents of Sam ‘12, who had a desire to see this precious land used for a higher purpose. In March 2009, they contacted Fr. Lahart with an offer to donate the land, which opened the door for the creation of a designated retreat center for the school. The timing was right: The extensive retreat program had grown into one of the most comprehensive high school retreat programs in the country and to sustain it with no dedicated retreat center was no easy task. Making use of the various retreat houses in the Houston area, the administration faced the complex challenge each year of coordinating multiple schedules to accommodate all of our retreats. Additionally, there existed a narrow window for this $4.5 million project: The Greater Glory Capital Campaign had just been successfully completed and the planned future campaign for a new science building was still a few years off.
Past Jesuit parent and architect Peter Boudreaux was invited to help with the creation of a master plan. The design team invested countless hours at the site, imagining a place that could be enjoyed by students, alumni, faculty, and parent groups for generations. The experience at the various retreat centers was put to good use, as the design team incorporated the components of each that worked best with the retreat program. In the Spring of 2010, the Board of Directors formally approved the project and six months later, the first shovel was in the ground to create the Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center. Major construction on the RLC is complete. The Center includes eight cabins, a bunkhouse, dining hall, conference center, chapel, reading room and guest house, all perfectly situated around a 2-acre pond. Work is currently underway to create a large practice field and outdoor basketball pavilion and the entire project is on target to be completed by June 2012. There is a real sense of “God in all things” here. A retreat begins the moment you leave Houston and head
Transformation Complete
From how it appeared in June 2010, this beautiful site
north. With each mile, as the city gives way to towns, and towns disappear into country, you leave a bit of the everyday behind… and before you know it, you’re there. As you turn onto the long narrow road onto the property, the first thing you notice is the chapel and bell tower, high on the hill. Then you begin to take in the entire retreat center, the other buildings on either side of the chapel, the gentle slope to the pond, the cluster of cabins nestled in the tall trees on the other side. To get a feel for the scope and spirit of this place, you have to see it for yourself. Descriptions, renderings and photos, while beautiful, cannot begin to capture the expanse of land and sky. The brand new buildings, constructed of simple wood and Texas stone, look right at home in this natural setting. Here there is balance, peace and a sense of being home. There is no doubt that this is holy ground. The eight cabins are each named for Jesuit saints. Each sleep 10 which makes them ideal for the Kairos Retreats, Sophomore Father-Son Retreat, or other small groups. The bunkhouse, which sleeps 56 in four large bunk rooms,
allows for teams and large groups to meet or retreat. The conference center accommodates a variety of meeting needs with a large gathering room, plus eight breakout rooms, each equipped with a table, chairs and dry-erase board for effective small group and brainstorming discussions. The spacious dining hall seats 125 comfortably and encourages attendees to be good stewards of our planet. “We’ve tried to be ‘green’ in all our decisions,” shares Fr. Lahart. “To minimize our carbon footprint, we have opted not to use disposables and we all share in the cleanup after meals.” At the heart of the retreat center, the chapel celebrates the beauty of the natural surroundings with walls of windows on both sides which completely open up to let in the outdoors for liturgies. From the start, Fr. Lahart envisioned that the RLC would be a place dedicated to developing the whole person. In addition to retreats, it is to be a resource for expanding leadership. “Leadership needs to be developed,” he says. “In order for our students to become a Man for Others, we need to be more intentional about growing leaders at Strake
has been transformed into the new Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center.
Jesuit.” Imagine the possibilities for such programs as networking weekends for young alumni, career forums for juniors and seniors, leadership and mentorship seminars, or a “Captains Weekend” for the leaders of our various teams. In the future, Fr. Lahart envisions a High and Low Ropes Course on the site to encourage team building. Even before construction was complete at the start of the school year, a number of groups had already held retreats at the RLC with overwhelmingly positive feedback. Several Junior and Kairos retreats as well as the Sophomore Father-Son Retreats have been held at the site. In addition school groups such as the Mothers’ Club, Dads’ Club, faculty and staff as well as the school’s Board of Directors
have held retreats at the RLC. Clubs and teams have also taken advantage of it for retreats or as a place to rest and renew following an out-of-town competition. The RLC was created to renew spirituality and leadership throughout the entire community of Strake Jesuit – alumni, parents, students, faculty and staff. It is a gift of a home away from home and an invitation for each of us to walk more closely with God. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sharon Ehrenkranz and her husband, Doug, are the parents of Jesuit alumnus Michael ‘11 and current Jesuit junior John ‘13.
RLC CHAPEL DEDICATED - READING ROOM NAMED FOR RICHARD NEVLE It was a perfectly beautiful spring day, March 25, 2012, as over 140 Strake Jesuit supporters and benefactors gathered two hours north of Houston for a very special Mass. The occasion was the Dedication Mass of the Chapel of the North American Martyrs at the Retreat & Leadership Center. During his homily at the dedication Mass, school President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ noted, “Jesus is here. You can see him. While…you might not ‘see’ him the way you would want to or expect to, He is here in the beauty that surrounds us; He is here also in the generosity of those who helped us to build it.” At the dedication liturgy Fr. Lahart announced that the Reading Room would be named after Richard
Nevle, who passed away last summer after serving Strake Jesuit for 45 years, the last 21 as Principal. A part of the dedication reads, “Richard was a deeply spiritual man and a voracious reader. While he never saw the completion of the RLC, it is easy to imagine him here praying, reading history and telling stories.”
TWO FAMILIES - ONE DREAM Families - moms, dads, children, even grandparents - form the foundation of any community. A fact that is no different with the Strake Jesuit community. Two families in particular have played a vital role in the realization of the dream that is the Retreat & Leadership Center. Troy and Julie Finney, parents of current senior Sam, provided the real foundation for the RLC with the donation of the land where the facility now sits. Both from Wyoming, the Finneys each have an appreciation for the value of hard work, fresh air, and being close to The Finney family (left to right): Luke, Clare, Julie, Kendra, Sam ‘12, nature. Troy, Sean and Max (in front). Julie’s teaching background with a double major in Primary Education and Special Education was the origin for the concept of such a facility. “When Julie and I first purchased the ranch in 2003,” noted Troy Finney, “we often spoke about how beautiful it would be for a chapel to exist on the spot where the chapel is actually built right now.” The RLC is a culmination of Fr. Lahart’s desire for a retreat center and the Finney family’s desire to help in the spiritual and character development of young boys. “Our ideas to try and create such a place for young people and Fr. Lahart’s vision combined along with the initiatives of the key leaders at Strake Jesuit created the RLC,” Finney said. Once the site for the facility was in hand, the next big step was construction and that meant there was just one place to go – Jim Lemming. Jim and Sandi Lemming, parents of Ben ’04, Chris ’05 and Mike ‘05, have been very involved at Strake Jesuit for more than ten years. Jim served on the Board of Directors for six years and led many of the brainstorming sessions for the initial concept for the RLC in the In All Things Strategic Planning The Lemming family: Top - Sandi and Jim; Bottom Process. “During those meetings,” he recalled, “I came to Mike ‘05, Chris ‘05, and Ben ‘04. realize what a unique opportunity we had to provide our current and future students with a special and consistent planning come to life,” he said. “Our family continues to environment to blossom as young men of faith.” be blessed as a result of our association with Strake Jesuit. “When I was asked if my company would build the Some of Sandi’s and my closest friendships continue to be buildings for the RLC, I was excited to have the opportunity with Strake Jesuit families.” to help make those many hours of brainstorming and
Ignatius Dining Hall
Kotska Bunkhouse
Fleming Conference Center
Chapel of the North American Martyrs Nevle Reading Room
A PAIR OF FITTING TRIBUTES Tribute Gala Honors Richard Nevle
Richard Nevle was not present physically (though absolutely present in spirit) on Saturday night, February 11, when the school held a tribute gala honoring him. Proceeds from the evening benefited the Richard C. Nevle Financial Aid Endowment. Hundreds of people, representing every part of the Strake Jesuit community - students, current parents, past parents alumni, faculty, staff, and friends - gathered at the Marriott Sugar Land Town Square to honor, remember, and pay tribute to Mr. Nevle. It was a celebration of his more than 44 years of service at the school, the last 21 as principal. In his opening comments, Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ noted that he and Mr. Nevle “worked together for ten years. And it was always a pleasure. Richard made it very easy for me to come in as the new president. As I look back on those first months, it’s clear to me how supportive Richard was to me. He warmly embraced me, encouraged me, was honest with me, and never made me feel anything but welcomed.” The evening included a video tribute to Mr. Nevle that included interviews with many of this friends, family and colleagues as well as Mr. Nevle himself. The keynote address was presented by Richard Nevle ‘83, Mr. Nevle’s eldest son. He concluded his poignant and moving comments, during which he highlighted Mr. Nevle’s love for the sea and for sailing, by stating, “My father had his time at the tiller here. And that tiller, worn so beautifully smooth where he held it Top: Richard Nevle ‘83 delivers his keynote address at the Tribute with such care and love and commitment for so long, Gala for his father. has passed on. And it has passed on to capable and very Bottom: Fr. Chris Billac, SJ enjoys a light moment with Fr. Daniel caring hands. Hands that know how to chart a course, Lahart, SJ during a Mass held in his honor. hands that know how to trim a sail, hands that know how to rescue a boy fallen overboard. So sail on, Strake Jesuit. Sail on, and continue the adventure.”
Mass and Reception Honors Fr. Billac, SJ On Sunday evening, February 26, a very special Mass was held to honor Fr. Chris Billac, SJ for his years of service to the Strake Jesuit community as he prepared to retire. An overflow crowd of over 400 supporters and well-wishers gathered in the Lahart Chapel, with additional seating in the Clay Center Atrium where video screens were available.
NEWS FROM During his remarks, Fr. Billac made a point to express his gratitude to those in attendance. “The best I can say is that I love every one of you. You have touched my life. You have made me the person I am today,” he said. “I’ve always loved Strake Jesuit. My heart will always be green. What else can I say but ‘Thank you,’ and that word pales. I love you. God Bless.”’ Afterwards, the crowd moved to the Moran Dining Hall for a reception. His many friends and admirers were able to spend a few minutes with Fr. Billac and wish him well. Fr. Billac’s first tenure at Strake Jesuit began in August 1967 and went through the graduation of the Class of 1981. He then moved to teaching at Jesuit Tampa for a ten year period and returned from Tampa to Strake Jesuit in August of 1991 and has been here ever since then. During his 35 years at Strake Jesuit he has served the school in various roles – in the classroom as a teacher of both Latin and Theology, a Debate Coach, and most currently in his role as Alumni Chaplain.
DEBATERS SET TEAM, INDIVIDUAL NEW MARKS Earlier this year, John Heizelman, Drew McCormick, and CLay Spence became the school’s first Jesuit debaters to earn the Nation Forensic League’s (NFL) highest honor of Premier Distinction. The designation reflects “sustained excellence in classroom activities, competition rounds, and service projects.” Only 96 high school debaters earned the degree of Premier Distinction this year, placing the three among the top half of one percent of NFL student members. On the heels of those individual accomplishments, the Strake Jesuit Debate Team competed in The Texas Forensic Association. The Crusader squad surprised everyone (including themselves) by winning the sweepstakes for Region IV. In a final bit of record performances, this year, for the first time in school history, Strake Jesuit has placed more debaters and earned more bids into the Tournament of Champions than any other school in the country.
ELEVEN MUSICIANS EARN ALL-STATE HONORS Ten Strake Jesuit/St. Agnes band members and one orchestra member were selected to the 2012 Texas Private School Music Educators Association’s All State Band and Orchestra. All-State Band members, under the direction of Strake Jesuit Band Director Ben Ware are Joseph Ewbank-tuba, Timothy Kellermayer-trumpet, David Culbrethtrumpet, Max Westhoff-trumpet, Daniel McMinn-trombone, Katherine Collins-bari saxophone, Gabriel Janeralto saxophone, Javier Alvarez-alto saxophone, Jonathan Vachon-alto saxophone, and Beau Guedry-clarinet. The All-State Orchestra member, under the direction of Strake Jesuit Orchestra Director Guillermo Hernandez-Ching, is Michelle Lee-viola.
The All-State performers were selected by audition from a pool of over 30 private high school music programs. The All-State Band and Orchestra performed a concert on January 28 in the Evans Auditorium at Texas State University in San Marcos.
The first three Jesuit debaters to earn the degree of Premier Distinction from the National Forensic League are (left to right) John Heizelman, Drew McCormick, and Clay Spence.
SPRING FLING SETS RECORD Success was the theme for the 41st edition of the annual Spring Fling, held on Sunday, March 4. In addition to the large crowd that enjoyed a beautiful spring day, the ‘winners’ this year included the three Raffle drawing winners and the school’s financial aid program. The later will reap the rewards of a record Raffle and Spring Fling day with net proceeds exceeding $250,000. A very special congratulations and thanks are in order for this year’s Chairs - Raffle Chairs Grace Kim and Catherine Langlois and Spring Fling Chairs Carol Beck and Eileen Johnston. One of the changes this year that contributed to the record Raffle collection was with the students incentives - specifically the Raffle holidays. The class quotas were dropped this year and each student was solely responsible for qualifying for each holiday by selling the pre-determined number of tickets by each deadline. In addition, a new incentive was added for students who exceeded their holiday quota and sold at least 15 books and that was a week long Spirit day dress pass that will be good later this semester.
EIGHT NAMED NATIONAL MERIT FINALIST Eight seniors have been named as Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program. The eight are David Brhlik, Dillon Caryl, Bryan Curtis, Nicholas Fernelius, Beau Guedry, John Mosele, Clay Spence, and Peter Ten Eyck. Each will now be eligible to be one of 8,400 Merit Scholarships winners from the more than 15,000 Finalists.
David Brhlik
Dillon Caryl
Bryan Curtis
Nicholas Fernelius
Beau Guedry
John Mosele
Clay Spence
Peter Ten Eyck
ATHLETIC BASKETBALL The Crusaders well-established reputation for success on the basketball court was enhanced in 2011-2012 as the team posted an undefeated district record to claim another title. The team began the season with wins over area-ranked Jones and cross-town rival St. Thomas. They then made what has become an annual trip to California and the Fr. Barry Christmas Classic. They managed to earn a spot in the championship round where they would finish as runners-up behind Jesuit of Sacramento. The return home would mark the start of district play against perennial power and district 19-5A rival Seven Lakes who they would defeat 83-62. After brielfy interrupting district play for a 74-73 overtime win over Houston area-ranked Langham Creek, the Crusaders completed their march through District 19-5A and post a perfect league record and add another district title. In the bi-district opening round, the Crusaders defeated an athletic Westbury squad. In the Area game they came up against fast paced Cy Springs. In a back and forth battle, the Crusaders would come up on the short end by one point to end their playoff run. The Crusaders finished the season with an overall record of 26-4 and as an Area Finalist. In the 19-5A All-District selections, senior Rasheed Sulaimon was named district MVP, along with being named to the TABC 5A All-Region III and All-State team. Senior John Gillon was named District Offensive Player of the Year along with being named to the TABC 5A All-Region III team. Juniors Reveal Chukwujekwu and Ivory Young were named 2nd team All-District and senior Daniel Posway was named Honorable Mention All-District. Head Coach Wayne Jones would receive the honor of being named 19-5A’s Coach of the Year. Along with the district accolades, two of the Crusaders would continue post season play representing Jesuit in their respective allstar games. Rasheed Sulaimon was named to high school basketballs’ highest honor, the 2012 McDonald’s All American team. In addition, Rasheed was named to the Nike Hoop Summit to be played April 7, The Jordan Brand Classic All Star team on April 14 and finally being invited to try out for the USA Men’s under 18 team. John Gillon was named to the Houston Area Basketball Coaches Association All Star team and to the Texas High School Coaches Association all-star team.
Rasheed Sulaimon (top) became the first Strake Jesuit player to be named to the McDonald’s All-America Team which was one many post-season honors for the Duke signee. Meanwhile John Gillon (bottom) also received post-season recognition by being named to the Texas High School Coaches Association all-star team.
The Crusaders Wrestling Team had a banner year in 20112012. For the second year in a row, the team qualified for the state duals tournament and can legitimately be listed among the top four teams in the greater Houston area and one of the top 16 teams in the state. As a team, the squad defeated some outstanding teams this year including Westside, Frisco (Amarillo), Clear Creek, Kingwood Park and Langham Creek. In addition, several wrestlers earned some very impressive individual accomplishments that include: Marc Henning earned his second State qualification, third district championship and completed his Jesuit career with 164 wins, the most in school history. Ian Morell finished his career with over 109 victories State Qualifier Marc Henning ‘12 and was the District 22 runner-up and regional qualifier. Sam Speer had 115 wins in his career, was the District 22 champion, finished third in Region 3 and was a State qualifier.
SWIMMING & DIVING The Crusader swim team had an exciting year this season. Posting a record of 4-3 with dual meets competing all over the Houston area as well as New Jersey and New York City, the team had a busy year. Many personal best were recorded this season as they took on some of the most talented swimmers in Texas for 5A swimming. “I’m very proud of what they have done this season,” noted Head Coach Brian Chambers ‘01. The Varsity qualifed for the district finals in three individual events as well as one individual and two relays to Regions. Zach Stockton would go on to place 11th overall at State to be our first athlete to head to the 5A State tournament for diving in school history. “They did a fantastic job this season and we are looking for great things to come from the swim team next season,” said Chambers.
State Qualifier Zach Stockton ‘12
Five Strake Jesuit athletes have taken the next step with plans to play college athletics beginning next year. The group includes: Kyle Ruck-Soccer (St. Edwards University), Chance Griffin-Track (Columbia University), Pace Murphy-Football (Northwestern State University), Nick Pielech-Football (University of Chicago), and Jordan Underwood-Football (Benedictine College). Kyle Ruck led the Crusaders soccer team in scoring in 2011 and is off to a good start in 2012. “Kyle is a versatile forward who can beat you in several ways,” remarked Head Coach Bill McDonald. “He understands the role of a forward is to score goals, but he is also unselfish in assisting others. I think he will be a great collegiate player.” Pace Murphy has been All-District selection as an Offensive Lineman both as a junior and a senior. His height and athletic ability give him a chance to be a very
good football player. Jordan Underwood made 1st team All-District as a Running Back in a district full of talented running backs this year. He rushed for almost a 1,000 yards and was also one of the leaders in receptions for Jesuit. Nick Pielech makes it three years in a row that Jesuit has sent a football player to the University Moving on to college athletics are these five Crusaders (left to right): Chance Griffin-Track (Columbia of Chicago. He follows University), Nick Pielech-Football (University of Chicago), Pace Murphy-Football (Northwestern Garrison Jones ’11 and State University), Kyle Ruck-Soccer (St. Edwards University) and Jordan Underwood-Football (Benedictine College). Franco Demayo ’10. Chance Griffin placed the winning 4x400 relay team. At the Region III meet, he in five events at the district track meet last year as a junior jumped a school record 47’1 ½” to take third. including winning the Triple Jump and as a member of
SOCCER TEAM HEADS UP SOCK-DRIVE FOR MARINES The Strake Jesuit Soccer team took some time out of their season to headup “Operation Sock-it-to-’Em!,” a drive to collect socks for U.S. Marines currently serving overseas. Team members learned that troops are not issued socks and socks are a high priority request by soldiers. Working in conjunction with the Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club and the Houston Marines Moms Organization (HMMO), the players collected donations of socks February 21-24. In addition to the socks, they also accepted cash donations to assist with the shipment of the socks to the Marines. By the end of the drive, the team had collected over 1,100 pairs of socks and over $700 in donations, enough to cover the shipping costs of all 53 boxes. The HMMO picked-up the donations and shipped them out to the Marines.
The theme and motto of this year’s freshman retreat provided me with a great deal of reflection on our call to carry on the Jesuit mission and the vision of Catholic education in our midst. Particularly, I find myself more and more aware of the incredible gift we have in sharing the Jesuit mission at Strake Jesuit. St. Paul’s image to the Corinthians, “we, though many, are one body in Christ” is a perfect example of how we strive to live out what it means to be men and women for others today. The powerful realization that a highly diverse and gifted community carries on one mission brings a sense of consolation, accomplishment and hope for the future. This sense of shared mission permeates the different communities and groups that make up the Strake Jesuit family. In its most radical sense, Strake Jesuit tries to embody what the Society of Jesus calls our way of proceeding and promotes a sense of lay collaboration in our ministry of education. The early Jesuits’ “way of proceeding,” a phrase that means their style of going about the work they tried to accomplish for the sake of the Church, was always collaborative and unifying. It’s almost impossible to read the history of St. Ignatius of Loyola and his early companions without realizing the context in which he found himself in God’s marvelous plan and how he came to understand his mission in the Church. These personal experiences were not only formative in articulating what we Jesuits understand is our spirituality and mission today, but also help us to stay rooted in a community of men and women that discerns the signs of the times and searches for what it is our deepest desire. Today, we continue to affirm that we are created to serve, reverence, honor and praise God
our creator and that in all things, we are called to love and to serve God’s greater glory. This is indeed the nature of our apostolic endeavors. However, we also recognize that our journey towards God and towards human fulfillment is never just an individual project or decision. We belong to a community of believers that labors with God to bring others to an encounter with the divine. We are companions of Jesus and when we answer the call, we become channels of reconciliation and grace. Answering the call requires that we know that we are sinners, yet loved unconditionally by God. Answering the call requires that we commit to bring others to that loving relationship with God and with community. It’s impossible to think of Jesuits isolating the direction of their work outside the context of working with others and for others. So the union we are talking about is a union we model as mentors for our students. We invite all of our community members to participate in confirming the giftedness that we are and encourage them to recognize the variety of talents and gifts, energies, and vocations which makes us one body in Christ. Moreover, we challenge each other to dare to answer the call so that we can bring about God’s kingdom of grace and love to a broken world. The freshman retreat reminded us all that we are called to answer the call and to dig deep in all that we say and do. If we are to take the challenge that this year’s freshman retreat posed to us all: how are we answering the call to be the body of Christ? How are we modeling unity of hearts and minds? How are we discerning the gifts and talents we have received and how have we placed them at the service of others?
school’s faculty and staff in reminiscing and catching up on old times. Graduating classes from every decade were represented, from the school’s first decade in 1960’s to the class of 2008. “We have discussed bringing this event back for some time,” explained Jesuit’s Alumni Director Tim Scalzitti ‘90. “This event fits in well with the other regular events we have been conducting such as the Young Alumni Happy Hour and the Alumni Networking event. It’s great to see the mix of alumni from different years and even decades sharing stories.”
The Alumni Christmas Party was resurrected this year and, based on its popularity, will stay around as an annual event. The party had been hosted each year until the mid1990’s, usually in the school’s cafeteria (which has since been razed). The newest version was held on Monday night December 19, and moved off campus to St. Arnold’s Brewery just north of downtown. Aside from selections from the local brewery, catering was provided by Aracan The Roaming Kitchen which is owned by two Alumni, Gumby Narvacan ‘89 and Juan Castro ‘89. Over 150 Alumni joined more than 30 members of the
TIM LYNCH ‘91 RECEIVES CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Tim Lynch ‘91 was named the 2012 recipient of the Author C. Hughes career Achievemet from the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of San Diego. He will be presented the award at a ceremony in April. He is the co-founder and executive producer of Farm League and Woodshed Films, and has traveled across the globe to create award-winning film projects that both capture high-spirited adventure and inspire environmental stewardship. Also an esteemed video producer, Lynch has helmed a number of groundbreaking music videos — including the winner of the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards’ Video of the Year, Green Day’s “Boulevard of
Broken Dreams.” After earning his communications degree with a minor in environmental studies from the University of San Diego, Lynch moved to Los Angeles to pursue his filmmaking career. Veering away from conventional production companies, Lynch took part in a series of independent projects that allowed him to develop and diversify his craft. With nearly 10 years of production work under his belt, Lynch joined forces with visionary filmmakers the Malloys and Thomas Campbell to form Woodshed Films in 2003. A father of two, Lynch married his college sweetheart Jennifer Lofftus and now resides in Santa Monica. This year will see the release of his latest film, “Big Easy Express,” a music documentary about 2011’s “Railroad Revival Tour” which chronicles three bands as they travel by train from San Francisco to New Orleans playing shows.
Tom Reilly ‘80 and his wife, Sandra (SAA ’81) enjoyed watching their son, Garrett, anchor a stellar defense for the Nolan Catholic soccer team as they repeated as TAPPS 5A state champions this winter. Garrett lettered 3 years as a starter at left outside back and his sister Shannon has been the team’s manager for her 2 years at Nolan. The Reillys have lived in Fort Worth since 1985 and still love it.
Paul Willingham ‘86 is the Chief of Police at the University of HoustonClear Lake. He has led his department to achieve national law enforcement accreditation in December 2011. Also in December 2011 he earned his Master of Arts in Criminology from UHCL. Paul will be celebrating his 15th wedding anniversary to Camber Rae Willingham in June of this year.
Fernando Fuentes ‘97 has married his girlfriend of three years Yessica Lopez on January 21, 2012. The couple met while Fernando was working in Mexico City for two months in 2009 and then Yessica moved to the United States in 2011. Adam Mackie ’98 was in attendance at the wedding. The couple are currently living in Houston. Nick Welch ‘97, his wife Kristin and their son Connor welcomed their newest family member, Corinne Lee, on September 12, 2011. Brandon Welch ‘99 was married to Alicia Maresh at St. Anne’s Catholic Church on September 10, 2011.
Andrew Hill ‘81 teaches Philosophy at Northwest Vista College in San Antonio, Texas. He has returned to the classroom after a year working as a volunteer at the Corrymeela Peace and Reconciliation Centre in Northern Ireland.
Tom Legler ‘93 was sworn in as the Fire Marshal for Victoria, Texas Fire Department in September of 2011. He previously was the Assistant Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator for the City of Mansfield, Texas. He and his wife, Julie, have a daughter, Corban.
Penn State’s Tim Frazier ‘09 Named to Big Ten First Team
Eric Olson ‘01 and his wife, Maggie, welcomed the birth of their first child, Christine Marie, on January 12, 2012. Eric is the Retreat and Liturgy Director at Strake Jesuit.
Travis Welch ‘01 and his wife Sara, welcomed the birth of their first child, Collin Christian, on January 6, 2012. J. Edward Bates ‘03 and his wife, Kale, welcomed their first son, Conall Jacob, on January 26, 2012 at University Medical Center in Lubbock. He has been working as Senior Director for Graduate Medical Education for Texas Tech University Health Science Center since January 2011. Alex Masoomian ’05 received his Civil Engineering Degree from the University of Texas in Austin and will complete Spanish Language Studies and Music Performance (Double Bass) degrees in May. He is a regular substitute in the Austin Symphony and the Austin Lyric Opera. Michael Hannon ‘08 graduated from Columbia this past December and is now working for Bracewell & Giuliani LLP in New York. He plans to begin law school in September.
Penn State junior guard Tim Frazier ‘09 has posted one of the finest statistical seasons in Penn State history and was recognized with his selection to the All-Big Ten firstteam. Frazier, who became the first Nittany Lion ever to lead the Big Ten in assists and also led the conference in steals while finishing second in Big Ten scoring, is the sixth Nittany Lion ever to earn first-team All-Big Ten honors. He also became the first Lion named to the Big Ten AllDefensive Team by the conference coaches since the award began in 2006. He was one of two NCAA Division I players averaging at least 17 points and 6.3 assists per game.
Strake Jesuit alumni Chris Garcia-Prats ‘98 and his brother, James ‘10, each earned AllNorth Region honors by the National Soccer Coaches Association (NSCAA) at Luther Chris ‘98 (left) and James ‘10 College in Iowa. Garcia-Prats Chris, Luther’s Head Soccer Coach, was named the 2011 National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA)/Mondo North Region Coach of the Year. He led Luther to a record of 17-3-3 and its first Iowa Conference championship since 2002. James earned first team All-North Region honors by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA).
CLASS Taylor Baumann ’09 was recently invited to become a member of Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society. Membership in Alpha Sigma Nu is the highest honor Creighton University confers upon a student and is a highly valued distinction witnessing your commitment to Jesuit values and ideals in your daily life. Franco DeMayo ’10 was noted as earning University Athletic Association All-Academic Honors at the University of Chicago’s football banquet. DeMayo plays on the offensive line as a left guard. The Chicago Maroons were UAA undefeated Champions in 2010.
Niles Luckenbach ‘11 is the goalkeeper for Rider University soccer team. He was honored in February as one of the athletes to have a 3.0 or better grade point average at Rider University where he is majoring in Computer Information Systems.
Kieran Skelly ‘11 deferred from Santa Clara University Engineering School to take a Gap Year. He spent last summer traveling in Europe with Jose Linardi ‘11 and Guy Restrepo ‘11 and then worked in London at POD Foods for four months. He and his father traveled to China to visit wind energy installations and then he headed to Costa Rica where he worked at the Rainforest Aerial Tram. He is now trekking with Jorge Rivas Ordenes (Jesuit exchange student from Chile to Strake Jesuit in ‘10) to Patagonia, Chile. You can follow Kieran at http://kieransgapyear.
Justin Ehni ‘98
Bob Keegan ‘70 Brother of George ‘68 and Thomas ‘71
Mike Neveu ‘71 Brother of Mark ‘75 and John ‘79
Richard Bernhardt Father of Thomas ‘84 Thu Dang Mother of Gabriel ‘10 James Dunn Father of James ‘70 and Gary ‘76 Margaret Kuhn Mother of Matthew ‘02 Thomas Padgett, Sr. Father of Tom ‘82 and Grandfather of Tommy ‘12 and Charles ‘15 Julia Padon Mother of Matthew ‘86 and Sister-in-Law of Pat ‘68, Mark ‘69, Tony ‘71, Frank ‘77, and Matthew ‘79 Nick Sacaris Father of Mark ‘82
Sulentics Establish Scholarship in Honor of Phyliss Sulentic
Daniel Whitty Father of Daniel ‘78 and Grandfather of Daniel ‘11 and Benjamin ‘14
A memorial scholarship fund has been set up by the Sulentic Family in honor of Phyllis Ann Sulentic, who passed away in 2010. Phyllis was highly involved in the Strake Jesuit Community and loved by many. She was President of the Mothers’ Club at Jesuit in 1987 and a constant presence at the school. Phyllis was a great supporter of the Jesuits and a believer in the power of a Catholic education. She is survived by her husband of 54 years, Stephen, and their six children including Greg ‘87, Gary ‘86, and current Strake Jesuit faculty member Steve. Her grandson, current freshman Gus, represents the second Sulentic generation at Jesuit. If you would like to contribute to the fund please contact the Strake Jesuit Development Office at 713.490.8152.
Saints of God, come to their aid! Hasten to meet them, angels of the Lord! Receive their soul and present them to God the Most High. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen
~ BIRTHS ~ Corinne Lee Welch on September 12, 2011 Nick ‘97 and Kristin Collin Welch on January 6, 2012 Travis ‘01 and Sara Chrissy Olson on January 12, 2012 Eric ‘02 and Maggie Conall Bates on January 26, 2012 J. Edward ‘03 and Kale
IT HAPPENED AGAIN Yes, it happened again and this time, I was not surprised. I was in a local restaurant enjoying lunch with a friend, when a fellow diner approached my table. He said that he had noticed my Strake Jesuit sweater and that he wanted to compliment one of our students. The fellow first wanted me to know that he was a Jesuit New Orleans graduate and that he was proud of it. “I recently met one of your boys in the airport,” he explained. “My wife and I were traveling that day and in the airport waiting area there were only single seats available. We wanted to sit together and were prepared to wait. But there was a young man sitting next to a vacant seat and without our prompting, he got up and offered his seat to us. Being a loyal Blue Jay, my first thought was that this must be a Jesuit boy. My instincts proved to be dead right. As it turned out, we struck up a conversation, and I quickly discovered that indeed, he was a Jesuit boy….a Strake Jesuit boy. We had a long and interesting talk. I was struck by that young man’s maturity and his ability to carry on an intelligent conversation. He was proud of his school, which I suppose any young high school student would be. But there was more to it than just that. The boy had it all together. He knew who he was, where he was going and what it would take to get there. He had a purpose and a plan and was perfectly capable of speaking about it in adult terms. I was so impressed that we ended up talking for quite a while. We discussed a wide range of topics and for me it was as if I were talking with another adult!” And so it is for this Olde Crusader. I hear a lot of stories like this one and they always make me feel proud of the boys and of the Jesuit school. I recently visited a Sharpstown area nursing home and the folks there were eager to complement our Triple Trio. Our splendid vocalists had performed there for Christmas and apparently made a great and long lasting impression. At Katy High School, Coach Wade Summa’s basketball team arrived for the game wearing dress shirts and ties. The Katy staff was impressed, commenting about
how gentlemanly the team looked. Apparently, clothes do make the man just as Strake Jesuit administrators have been saying for some fifty years now. A business associate of mine chanced to see some of our students being interviewed for television news. He was struck by their ability to carry on a coherent, cogent and intelligent conversation….It was a “pleasure” as he described it, “to see young men with such a mature air and presence.” Every Christmas the boys collect food and donate it to St. Joseph’s Church in downtown Houston. There at the church there is no bigger fan of our Jesuit boys than Sister Lucia. She really respects our students and coming from a nun who has so many years of experience nurturing and teaching the young, I find her endorsement a most meaningful one indeed. This Olde Crusader has lots of similar stories and testimonials but at this writing, I will leave you with just these. In closing, I must admit that I like to think that back in the Olde days when I was a student at Strake Jesuit we were good boys too. Honestly, I am not so sure. Time has a way of blurring the lines. In retrospect I will say only that we were “fairly good students.” However, over the many years, I believe that ours boys have definitely raised the bar. Without a doubt, they have raised it more than just a little. It’s one reason that I do so love this school and love all the dedicated boys that have since graced the halls of our wonderful Alma Mater. When people compliment our students, it is as if they are complimenting all of us: students, parents, faculty and alumni. When our young men garner such praise and respect, it engenders a tremendous feeling of pride in all of us. So I will say, thank you, boys. Continue your efforts. They do not go unnoticed. To every one of you who does us proud, I pledge my shield and my sword.
PARENTS, if you are still receiving your son’s Chronicle although he no longer lives with you, let us know so we can change our records and send the magazine directly to him. If you enjoy reading the publication but do not receive a copy of your own, let us know that too. We would be glad to send a copy to your son’s new address and continue to send you one.
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 8900 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, Texas 77036
Contact the Alumni Office at or at 713.490.8153
April 14
Strake Jesuit Auction - Jazz at the Green
Parent-Teacher Meetings
Father-Son Breakfast
Spring Orchestra Concert
Spring Band Concert
Junior Cross & Ring
Saturday, May 5, 2012
May 3
Awards Day Ceremony
RLC Open House
Mentor Moms Coffee
Baccalaureate Mass
June 4
Strake Jesuit Scramble Summer School Begins Higher Achievement Program Begins
Summer School Ends
For up to date event information, go to
Come see it for yourself. Everyone is invited to experience the RLC at this special Open House. For details, click on the link under Quick Links on the school website.