1 minute read
Welcome by the CEO
On behalf of everyone at RCSI, I would like to send my very best wishes to you and your families. Over recent months you have been in our thoughts and we continue to be grateful that the RCSI community includes so many dedicated and inspirational individuals.
When we first planned to share this booklet with you; a summary of the tremendous achievements that have been made possible thanks to your support of the RCSI_TOMORROW campaign, we could not have imagined the events that would take place. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of life and work for people across the world. Truthfully we wondered if, under the circumstances, we should refrain from sending this communication and wait until the crisis had passed.
Reflecting deeply we decided that it was important to share this with you today because, as we continue to face adversity there is no better time to highlight what is possible when our community comes together, no better time to share positive news, and no better time to say thank you to you; our committed supporters.
I hope that this summary gives a sense of the progress that you have enabled RCSI to make since 2015 which is a true testament to the power of the global RCSI family of alumni, fellows, charitable foundations, industry partners and philanthropists all working to a common mission; ‘to educate, nurture and discover for the benefit of human health.’
Many thanks again and my very warmest wishes,
Professor Cathal Kelly, Chief Executive, RCSI