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What is Student Success Day?
Student Success Day is an event planned to help you build relationships, develop practical skills, and explore resources at and beyond RCTC to help you achieve your personal and academic goals. The day consists of educational sessions, fun activities, a resource expo and free lunch! Mark your calendars for this year’s Student Success Day on September 13, 2023.
What’s Up Wednesdays
Find out what’s happening on campus each week and join the fun! Hear campus updates and learn about upcoming events from Student Life, your elected Student Senators, campus club members, our Yellowjacket athletes, and more! Each What’s Up Wednesday will have a featured program ranging from Family Feud and live music to diversity training, study skills, and mindfulness activities! What’s Up Wednesdays will take place in the Hive (3rd floor of College Center) at noon each week. See you there!
Unsure of your Career Pathway?
RCTC’s Counselor, Deb Vang, will teach you how to use our Sigi 3 Career Development Program in a personalized Career Development session. Schedule your Zoom or In-Person appointment by calling 507-285-7260 or in AdvisorVue
Follow the Yellowjacket Road to Graduation
1. Decide what your major is and declare it officially with RCTC.
2. Meet with your advisor or counselor.
3. Register early to get the courses you need.
4. Attend and participate in your courses.
5. Successfully complete your courses. (Maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA and 66.7% completion rate.)
6. Check your Degree Audit Report (DARS).
7. Meet with your advisor or counselor again.
8. Apply for graduation
9. Make sure your major, phone number, address, and other contact information is up to date with RCTC.
10. Celebrate at Commencement in May.