We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own. ~ Cesar Chavez
A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE by Leslie R. McClellon President, Rochester Community and Technical College RCTC’s commitment to the community and surrounding area of Rochester is embedded in its rich history and years of dedicated service. When Dr. Charles Mayo stood before the public school board to motion that Rochester State Junior College be created in order to enhance education in Rochester, one has to wonder what he saw in the future of this institution. Could he have imagined in 1915 that almost one hundred years later Rochester Community and Technical College would be the sprawling 518-acre campus that would house more than 130 liberal arts and technical program options for students? Did Dr. Mayo envision the College collaborating with Mayo Clinic, a robust relationship that continues today? As the fourth president of RCTC, I am proud to be at the helm of this great institution. On the eve of our Centennial, we should all be proud and ready to celebrate the past as we move forward to create the future. This could not be accomplished without the dedicated faculty and staff who have given their time and talents to ensure that RCTC remains a pillar in this community and an educational beacon for all. This “Vision in Progress” RCTC 2020 is one method by which the College will share accomplishments with our community. It also includes our goals to be developed and implemented in one year and indoctrinated into the fabric of the College over a period of five years. This ensures that within that period of time, we will refine the goals in a continuous manner, thereby ensuring the College is constantly advancing. When we hold true to the progression of the vision, we commit ourselves to the progressive future of the students and communities we serve. RCTC is excited about the future of Destination Medical Center and Journey to Growth. Both of these initiatives bring an opportunity for the College to respond to the community’s needs. Partnerships and collaborations are key to the success of our students, and RCTC is deeply committed to working with these initiatives in order to provide the skilled workforce needed to support the growth of the region. Our dedicated passion for assisting students to become well-rounded, educated citizens is well worth the preparation and hard work of each employee at RCTC. We are pleased to be a part of this community and look forward to many more years of dedicated service to the Rochester area.
OUR MISSION Rochester Community and Technical College provides accessible, affordable, quality learning opportunities to serve a diverse and growing community.
ABOUT THE VISION BOOK Rochester Community and Technical College has been part of the Rochester community for nearly 100 years. RCTC’s Vision in Progress assembles the building blocks on which the College will continue to expand and grow. These building blocks will become the foundation for the future direction of RCTC, the Rochester community, and our global community. PAGE 2 | A VISION IN PROGRESS
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RCTC provides curricula designed to meet a variety of academic and career educational opportunities that prepare students for work, life, and additional education now and into the future. Programs lead to the award of certificates, diplomas, Associate in Applied Science, Associate in Science, and Associate in Arts degrees.
THE COLLEGE... To meet our mission, RCTC is committed to provide a variety of educational options on a non-discriminatory, open-entry basis, as follows: • Technical and general education leading to the Associate in Applied Science degrees, diplomas, and certificates in career fields requiring less than a baccalaureate degree; • Relevant technical and general education leading to the Associate in Science degree, focusing on preparation for employment or transfer to a baccalaureate degree; • Liberal arts and sciences education leading to the Associate in Arts degree and transfer to a four-year college or university; • Developmental courses in basic educational areas to provide students with the background they need to succeed in a college environment; • Continuing education, customized training services, and professional development to provide skills and knowledge for career improvement, service to business and industry, and licensure; • Support services and student life opportunities that aid in leadership development in the educational, career, and personal goals of students in a learning environment that accommodates individual learning needs; • Partnerships with business and industry, agencies, government, and other higher education providers to develop and maintain a skilled workforce in an ever-changing environment; • Regional economic development through job creation and retooling of the workforce.
Core Values • Learner-Centered: Be approachable and attentive to students’ and others’ needs. • Respect: Demonstrate understanding and sensitivity when serving. • Teamwork: Collaborate and engage each other to better serve. • Fun: Foster a pleasant, personable, and enjoyable environment. • Excellence: Anticipate, create, and recognize engaging experiences. • Innovation: Explore, empower, and implement creative ideas to better serve.
Core Learner Outcomes • Communication: Students will read, write, speak, and listen professionally. • Critical Thinking: Students will think systematically by integrating skills and using a variety of appropriate resources and methods.
• Global Awareness/Diversity: Students will demonstrate understanding of and respect for human diversity through their words and actions.
• Civic Responsibility: Students will understand larger social issues, demonstrate
social responsibility, and contribute to positive community change through civic engagement.
• Personal and Professional Accountability: Students will take ultimate responsibility for achieving their educational and personal goals.
• Aesthetic Response: Students will make and support personal judgments from an informed perspective.
2013-2014 GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS Interim President Gail O’Kane
progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. PAGE 6 | A VISION IN PROGRESS
~ George Bernard Shaw
Ensure access to an extraordinary education for all Minnesotans. • Established relationships at the leadership level with key leaders of Rochester’s diverse communities and community inclusion and equity efforts. • Analyzed program array in coordinated effort with neighboring colleges. Continue to be the partner of choice to meet Minnesota’s workforce and community needs. • Began exploring options for partnering with DEED to access career counseling for RCTC students and provide training/ education to DEED clients. Support increased collaboration among faculty across our colleges and universities system to improve courses and learning experiences.
Develop regional and state-wide academic plans that respond to workforce needs and/ or improve the quality and efficiency of the educational experience. • Advanced the College’s involvement in Destination Medical Center (DMC) dialogues by inviting key DMC leaders to a Leadership meeting to share information on the DMC initiative. Also met one-on-one with the DMC Coordinator on several occasions to establish a relationship between the DMC Planning Committee and higher education. Two RCTC employees were selected to serve on specific DMC focus teams. Deliver the highest value/most affordable option by designing the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities of the future. • Increased RCTC Foundation and corporate giving to $336,331 for FY14.
• Met regularly with Winona State University President and University of Minnesota Rochester Chancellor to plan for serving the workforce needs of the community. A nine-member cross-institutional faculty team was identified to explore opportunities for collaboration.
Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less-than less than perfect conditions. So what. Get Started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful. PAGE 8 | A VISION IN PROGRESS
~ Mark Victor Hansen
Partnered with Rochester Public Schools to develop Career and Technical Education Center at Heintz Center (CTECH), an on-campus facility to support expansion of secondary-level CTE offerings: Health Science; Construction and Manufacturing; Engineering; Agriculture; Hospitality and Restaurant Management; and Information Technology.
Coordinated the continuation of enhancing employee knowledge of diversity and inclusion to better serve all students at the college. Nine separate training sessions were offered from January through May with sixty staff and faculty receiving the training.
Increased participation in diversity events and showcased diversity on campus and in the community. This participation included: partnering with Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association (IMAA) at Thursdays on First; attending the Walk Around the World event; and attending OYE! Own Your Future! A Latino Student Summit & College Fair.
Collaborated with DEED to open the new WorkForce Center building at RCTC’s Heintz Center. Funding for this project was made possible through state bonds. Developed a plan with a consulting firm to increase student success in developmental courses, informed by a comprehensive data analysis of developmental English, reading, and math. Responded to community needs by developing FastTrack Health Unit Coordinator, Precision Manufacturing Technology, Welding, and Administrative Clinic Assistant programs.
Identified and developed an annual consultative four-phase process for Academic Program Review.
Began implementing a new door security process as a means to improve campus security. In cooperation with Information Technology Division, a plan for enhancing security cameras and door access systems is being deployed.
Developed a comprehensive orientation program for veterans and their dependents.
Migrated faculty and staff to Office365 which included email, instant messaging, calendaring, Sharepoint, and OneDrive.
Began the installation of classroom E911 emergency phone communication systems in 210 classrooms across campus.
Launched new athletic website for the athletic department.
Created a website and electronic and print materials to promote the College’s Centennial in 2015.
Increased Facebook followers 27% and Twitter followers 54% in FY14.
Conducted workshops with national authors Mike Rose and Peter Adams. Mike Rose’s book, Back to School, and his on-campus workshop challenged faculty and staff to better understand the needs of today’s community college students. Peter Adams, founder of the Baltimore Accelerated Learning Program, hosted a workshop to assist English faculty in creating an accelerated pathway and new options for RCTC students.
Completed schematic design, design development, and construction design to expand seating capacity to 5,000 in the Rochester Regional Stadium.
The College developed and presented a campus-wide Unified Communication Systems plan for integration of existing and future systems to increase collaboration, effective workflow, and resource sharing.
The Foundation distributed 239 scholarships totaling $275,451 to help support students pursuing their academic goals and provided $143,000 in support of the Regional Stadium Bubble.
OUR VISION Rochester Community and Technical College will be a universal gateway to world class learning opportunities.
VALUE PROPOSITION • Improving Student Lives
STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY We believe... • Learning is a lifelong process reflected in an academic continuum of developmental, general, technical, transfer, and continuing education. • Quality educational opportunities must be affordable, convenient, and geographically accessible for all students. • Open educational access requires the use of a variety of instructional strategies and technologies to accommodate individual learner needs and varied learning styles. • Quality and excellence occur in a continuous improvement climate that recognizes emerging technologies; values applied experiences; advances community and business partnerships; and promotes students and staff development. • Students deserve a respectful, safe, and caring environment that supports personal growth and embraces diversity. • Student life enriches educational, career, cultural, recreational, and social development in preparation for citizenship in a global society. • Student services enhance educational experiences, promote personal well-being, and support student success. • Public investment in higher education assumes a promise of fiscal responsibility. • Higher education in a multicultural setting values academic freedom, develops critical thinking, and accepts philosophical differences.
Provide lifelong educational opportunities for the diverse communities we serve through excellence in teaching and learning.
STRATEGIES The Vice President of Academic Affairs will continue to improve student success and engagement. •
Using a research-based approach, identified and communicated barriers to student success and factors statistically related to low student retention and completion at RCTC. Identified and developed an annual consultative four-phase process for Academic Program Review.
The Dean of Academic Affairs-Liberal Arts will improve understanding of student success factors in developmental education by conducting an extensive data analysis of developmental education course sequences. •
Incorporated data and qualitative results of three college-wide “Extraordinary Education Dialogues” to guide necessary curriculum redesign. The outcome of this redesign included MATH 0800, Statway, and English Express/Accelerated Learning Options for English.
The Dean of Academic Affairs-Liberal Arts will continue to develop and expand educational opportunities for adult learners. •
Collaborated with the Southern Region of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities to increase Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) opportunities for our students and improve transfer of these credits. The amount of credit awarded was increased by 20%.
Received a $5,000 grant from Graduate Minnesota to survey adult learners and determine how better to serve this population of learners.
The Dean of Academic Affairs-Trade and Industry worked with the Director of Business and Workforce Education to expand FastTrack and other offerings in response to community and workforce needs. •
Developed certificate programs in Welding and Precision Manufacturing Technology.
In collaboration with Adult Basic Education and with grant funding, developed a career pathway model and identified career pathways for students to transition from preparatory to College programs.
Partnered with business representatives to improve resume writing, internship opportunities, and interview skills for FastTrack programs.
Secured a Minnesota Job Skills Partnership (MJSP) grant for $287,000 to further develop a comprehensive program for Business Analyst and Project Management Curriculum that better aligns with the needs of incumbent workers.
The Dean of Academic Affairs-Health Sciences will increase and improve partnerships with secondary and post-secondary institutions and industry partners. •
Successfully developed a new joint program in Emergency Medicine Paramedic with Mayo School of Health Sciences.
Successfully developed articulation agreements with Saint Mary’s University, Cardinal Stritch University, Augsburg College, Winona State University, and Minnesota State UniversityMankato. The new articulations included a Bachelor’s of Applied Science in Healthcare Leadership and Administration with Winona State University; a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration with St. Mary’s University; a Bachelor’s of Arts in Marketing with the College of St. Scholastica; and a Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering at Minnesota State University-Mankato.
The Dean of Academic Affairs-Health Sciences will maintain and strengthen program excellence and develop new programs. •
Received full accreditation without reporting requirements for Dental Assistant and Dental Hygiene programs.
Developed a certificate program in Alcohol and Drug Counseling.
Implement a student success model that facilitates student educational goal attainment through efforts in student outreach and recruitment, retention, transfer options, financial assistance, cultural growth opportunities, recreational development, and enrichment.
• Co-sponsored the annual Environmental Science Program/Student Life Lecture Series, which serves to bring nationally renowned scientists and academic professionals to the RCTC community.
• Expanded the CARE Summer Bridge Program from one section to two sections which resulted in increased numbers of new students. RCTC increased fall-to-spring retention from 87% to 88% and fall-to-fall retention from 68% to 73% for CARE Summer Bridge participants. Every student was enrolled in FYEX 1000 to help them in the transition from high school to RCTC.
The Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will direct the Student Health Services office to educate and assist enrolled RCTC students with healthrelated issues.
• Increased PSEO enrollment from 369 students in the fall of 2013 to 450 students enrolled in the fall of 2014. This represents an enrollment increase of 18%.
• A MnSure Navigator was brought to campus to assist students with enrolling in a health insurance plan and is now regularly available in the Student Health Services office.
• Assisted and provided support to 310 students seeking higher education opportunities through the Upward Bound and Student Support Services programs. These programs and services are provided in cooperation with our K-12 partners with federal grant funding and post-secondary partnerships.
The Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will lead efforts to provide students with multi-faceted, multicultural opportunities.
The Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will design and implement a comprehensive program to facilitate student learning and success. • Developed and implemented new methods for “intrusive advising” that included workshops and developed an in-house Early Alert tool to be used for interventions.
The Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will work with the College’s Disability Services to provide assistance to RCTC students with disabilities and students needing additional support services to be successful. • Disability Support Services created new on-boarding procedures and retention initiatives for students with disabilities.
the responsibility of tolerance lies in those who have the wider vision. ~ George Eliot
• Hosted a Spring High School Counselors Collaboration Day to educate and update high school counselors on RCTC programs and services available to their students.
Provide stewardship of the College’s financial and physical resources.
STRATEGIES The Vice President of Finance and Facilities will collaborate with many agencies and organizations to meet the fiscal and facility requirements of the College and the needs of its partners.
The Vice President of Finance and Facilities will work closely with the Business Office to effectively monitor and maintain the financial health of the College. •
• Approved for $1 million in bonding by the legislature for RCTC to begin the design plans for replacement of Plaza and Memorial Halls, including renovations. • Worked with the Campus Security Office and Maintenance Department to ensure the security and safety of students, staff, and community members on campus. • Received assistance from system office safety personnel for additional training in emergency situations.
The Composite Financial Indicator (CFI) improved to 3.73, which is up from 3.53 in the prior year. The CFI provides an overall picture of an institution’s financial health. On the CFI scale from 1 to 10, a score of 3 or above indicates that an institution has sufficiently and adequately managed resources to fulfill its mission objectives.
The Vice President of Finance and Facilities will work toward effective and efficient facility utilization, capital projects, and repair and replacement projects. •
The Facility Condition Index (FCI) is at .08 which is within the system target of .07-.13. The FCI is a benchmark that provides an overall picture of the relative condition of our buildings. A score below .10 indicates buildings are in good or fair condition.
Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation. ~ Oscar Wilde
The Human Resources Division exists to partner with all College divisions to recruit, develop, retain, and serve a culturally diverse workforce whose purpose is to fulfill the College’s vision, mission, and values.
STRATEGIES The Chief Human Resources Officer and Division, in partnership with all divisions at the College, will coordinate activities to enhance interdepartmental communication. • As part of the campus communication plan, a program was created where individual employees and departments were highlighted in the College Crossings online publication. This provided a venue for improved communication to the campus. • In support of the Regional Services Cooperative model, the Human Resources Division transitioned payroll functions to the payroll service cooperative to increase cost savings for the college and the MnSCU system.
The Human Resources Division will coordinate and communicate search process activities with Search Advisory Committees, the System Office, consultant firms, the campus community, and the public to ensure opportunities for involvement and input. • Worked with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Office and a consulting firm for the Presidential Search. This process also involved internal and external constituencies. • Worked with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Office and a consulting firm for the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment search. The primary role of this position is to increase enrollment and improve retention on campus.
What we need to do is learn to work in the system, by which I mean that everybody, every team, every platform, every division, every component is there not for individual competitive profit or recognition, but for contribution to the system as a whole on a win-win basis . ~ W. Edwards Deming
Provide innovative instructional and businessoperational technology-based solutions in response to the diverse needs of the students, faculty, and staff, as well as the community and its partners.
STRATEGIES The Chief Information Officer and Technology Division will successfully manage complex institution-level projects considered critical for operational and educational outcomes. • The 2013-16 Technology Master Plan was completed and approved. This will serve as a blueprint for future initiatives and priorities and is in alignment with the Master Facility Plan as well as Academic Planning. • Completed the system-wide single signon (Enterprise Access Management) StarID conversion. Communication efforts resulted in StarID activations prior to roll-out of 75%+ for students and 95% for staff/faculty. The knowledge gained and best practices were shared with partner southeast Minnesota campuses in the process.
The Chief Information Officer and Technology Division will continue to partner internally and externally to serve the best interests of the College and identify opportunities for valuable collaborative solutions. • The CIO chaired the Southeast Minnesota Campus Technology Team which shares best practices and resources; troubleshoots, and supports the five institutional technologies. The institutions include: Rochester Community and Technical College, Minnesota State College-Southeast Technical, Riverland Community College, South Central College, and Minnesota West Community and Technical College.
the art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order. ~ Alfred North Whitehead
• Supported the MnSCU defined Campus Services Cooperative purchasing processes/contracts this fiscal year and provided leadership on projects related to ImageNow, StarID, IP360, Office365, and others. • The CIO co-chaired the UCR Technology Committee with Winona State University-Rochester with a focus on campus resources and issues. ROCHESTER COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE | PAGE 21
Develop and implement marketing strategies promoting College programs and services; support the mission and vision of the College; and advance the image of RCTC on a local, regional, state, and national level.
STRATEGIES The Marketing Department develops strategies to promote new and lowenrollment College academic programs utilizing the College website, social and digital media, special events, news/media releases, and paid advertising.
The Marketing Department will create, design, and publish traditional and electronic materials supporting the mission and vision of the College and promoting non-academic College programs and services.
• Collaborated with individual program leaders, deans, and advisory committees to develop programmatic marketing strategies for enrollment.
• Collaborated with the Athletics Department to create full-color, multipage season program booklets for eight varsity athletic programs.
Coordinate College-wide special events, including groundbreakings, grand openings, College-wide receptions, and the Centennial events.
• Collaborated with Student Affairs to design and print a new and enhanced College commencement program booklet and a new student orientation guide.
• Created graphic elements, themes, and tag lines for the Centennial. Utilized these elements for creating the website and electronic and print materials to be distributed at commencement, parades, homecoming, and other events. • Coordinated President-Elect reception for the introduction of the new President to the community, students, staff, faculty, and media.
The Marketing Department will increase the College’s social media engagement with prospective and current students. • Included Instagram and Vine to the social media outlets already in place and developed a College blog for fall 2014.
every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for ideas and progress. ~ Charles Kettering
The Rochester Community and Technical College Foundation exists to support the mission of the College by providing support to students and programs at RCTC and enhancing the quality of education and future of our students.
STRATEGIES The RCTC Foundation Board of Directors will continue to grow a diversified resource base to supplement the mission of the College.
The RCTC Foundation Board of Directors will coordinate and host community events to increase awareness and contributions for student scholarships and activities.
• Donors gave $226,000 in scholarship and general contributions, including in-kind donations of $138,734 to the Foundation
In partnership with RCTC Athletics, the Foundation held the 20th Annual Yellowjacket Golf Classic in June 2014 and raised $4,035 to support RCTC Athletic programs.
The 14th annual Beat the Odds Scholarship Event was held. The RCTC Foundation honored nine high school students. Six of these students were awarded a $2,500 scholarship, and three individuals were awarded a $900 scholarship.
Planning has started for RCTC’s Centennial Scholarship Gala, the first of its kind hosted by the RCTC Foundation. The Scholarship Gala was designed to raise funds for student scholarships in order for the Foundation and the College to continue its mission of providing access to higher education for deserving students.
• The John and Sandra MacLaughlin Minnesota Dream Scholarship was established to assist undocumented citizens with tuition, books, and College fees. • The Surgical Technology Scholarship was established by Eileen Zirbel, RCTC Surgical Technology instructor, to fund a student enrolled in the second year of the Surgical Technology program. • The RCTC Family Heritage Scholarship was established by RCTC employees Roxy Roadway, Earl Drenckhahn, Allan O’Bryan, and Scott Krook for family members of past and present RCTC employees.
A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done. ~ Ralph Lauren
2014-2015 GOALS & PRIORITIES President Leslie R. McClellon
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. PAGE 26 | A VISION IN PROGRESS
~ Ronald Regan
Improve Institutional Operating Structures Improving operating structures will create a transparent and systematic protocol for the College; allow constituents to follow the strategic plan and vision for the institution; and align the College with the Strategic Framework and community. There is a clear and present opportunity and need to simplify decisionmaking, create clear communication of College priorities, develop or make clear policies and procedures for operation, and implement a process to realize the overall potential for direction. The institutional operational structure can be transformed by: •
Creating a college-wide Strategic Plan in order to align the College, simplify decisionmaking processes, and create a clear communication of College priorities to both internal and external constituencies.
Creating an Enrollment Management Plan that will address enrollment growth opportunities, budget implications, institutional retention, completion, graduation, and transfer rates. It will also re-organize, stabilize, and make germane committee development in order to address the College priorities.
Creating and implementing a College-wide Planning Guide to provide the College with a road map of planning, implementation, and tracking of expected outcomes. This will organize activities/tasks college-wide and streamline duplication efforts across the College.
Creating and distributing a Vision Document to provide internal and external constituents of the College the opportunity to view future projections of the College over a period of time, documented accomplishments fulfilling projections, and a streamlined presentation of the College’s strategic initiatives, priorities and purpose.
Improving relationships with K-12 school districts within service area.
Exploring the feasibility of sharing a position with the Rochester Public Schools district.
Strengthening the relationship with the RCTC Foundation Board and communicating College priorities in order to set Foundation Board priorities.
Collaborations and Partnerships Collaborating and partnering with internal and external constituents makes for a more efficient institution and organization. RCTC has partnered effectively and conventionally, but there are opportunities yet to be explored. There are also opportunities that need to be strengthened or re-purposed. The outcome of this goal is that RCTC will be seen as the number one choice for collaboration and partnerships in education, business, and workforce. This view of the College can be revamped by: •
Continuing to deepen existing community partnerships and explore opportunities for partnerships not established. Continuing the development of collaborating with Winona State University to strengthen the “Path 2 Purple” initiative through focused efforts on transferable programs and priorities exposed from RCTC’s Strategic and Enrollment Plans. Developing and strengthening relationships with regional higher education institutions.
Diversity and Inclusion Plan The College needs a plan to increase its diversity in student, faculty, and staff populations. It is not enough to increase diversity; there is also a need to create an environment of inclusion. The notion of inclusion signifies the commitment of the institution to strive for diverse representation; value and welcome diversity; and work in concert with others’ unique perspectives and qualities. In order to educate the College and begin the process of diversity and inclusion, this next year will be concentrated toward: •
Developing a College-wide Diversity and Inclusion Plan in accordance with MnSCU policy.
Collaborating with the Rochester Diversity Council and national organization(s) to address College needs for professional development to begin the process of creating an environmental consciousness around inclusiveness and goal planning to achieve diversification of faculty, staff, and students.
Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress in every society, in every family. ~ Kofi Annan
PRESIDENT’S LETTER............................................................................................ 1 MISSION................................................................................................................... 2 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE..................................................................................... 3
Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
CORE VALUES.......................................................................................................4-5 2013-2014 GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS.......................................................6-7 2013-2014 COLLEGE-WIDE ACCOMPLISHMENTS..........................................8-9 VISION.................................................................................................................... 10 VALUE PROPOSITION.......................................................................................... 11 STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY........................................................................... 11 2014 STRATEGIC PLAN...................................................................................12-25 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS.................................................................................................. 12-13 STUDENT AFFAIRS & ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT................................... 14-15 FINANCE & FACILITIES............................................................................................. 16-17 HUMAN RESOURCES................................................................................................. 18-19 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.............................................................................. 20-21 MARKETING................................................................................................................. 22-23 FOUNDATION.............................................................................................................. 24-25 2014-2015 GOALS & PRIORITIES....................................................................26-27
851 30th Avenue SE | Rochester, MN 55904 1.800.247.1296 | 507.285.7210 | www.rctc.edu | www.rctc.edu/social RCTC is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system and an equal opportunity employer/educator.