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Culinary Arts Students ServSafe Certified

New Albany Introduces Welding Classes

In February, several New Albany students experienced a new opportunity at their School of Career and Technical Education (NASCTE). In a partnership between NASCTE and Northeast Mississippi Community College (NEMCC), students have the opportunity to learn basic welding skills. The twice-weekly evening class, taught by NEMCC welding instructor John Garner introduces students to basic welding skills.

Photo: Standing with NEMCC welding instructor John Garner, New Albany School of Career and Technical Education (NASCTC) students participating in the welding class are as follows (l-r): Reed

Taylor, Riley Porter, John Hayden Watson, Joshua Germany, Tucker Roberts, John Gray Davis and Aidan Ingram. Taylor, Porter, Watson and Ingram are enrolled in the automotive program; Roberts and Davis are enrolled in the construction program, and Germany is enrolled in the engineering program at NASCTE.

Itawamba Welders

Former Student Visit Encourages Career Technical Educators

Hearing students describe the impact career and technical education (CTE) has made on their paths beyond high school is exactly the experience staff at the Vicksburg Warren Career and Technical Center needed to kick off the Fall 2023 semester with a bang.

Previous students from Engineering, Business and Marketing, and Welding classes all shared how enrolling in a CTE program has guided their journeys to where they are today. Of the civil engineer, accountant, welder and engineering students who visited, all have continued following their CTE path into their careers.

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