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SCTC Student Recognized at SkillsUSA National Championship
Simpson County Technical Center senior Jody Stevens received recognition for successful scores in the sheet metal national championship held in Atlanta this summer as part of the 2022 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference.
Stevens, a student at Mendenhall High School and enrolled in Kirk Sullivan’s metal fabrication program at SCTC, advanced to the national event after receiving the gold medal in the state competition.

Stevens was one of more than 6,500 of the top students from schools in all
50 states to compete in one or more of 108 categories.
A first-year student in SCTC’s metal fabrication program, Stevens attributed his success to Sullivan, saying “he is aways readily available to assist me in any difficulties of learning I may be having.”
SkillsUSA prepares America’s high-performance workers in career and technical programs by providing quality educational experiences for its members in leadership, teamwork, citizenship and character development and building self-confidence, work attitudes and communication skills.