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T R A N S I T I O N G R O U P / F O C U S : M , H


A parent academy consists of workshops for families that have students transitioning into high school. Each workshop provides information and resources that support a student’s academic and emotional well-being and college- and career readiness.


Monthly, during the spring semester of eighth grade


• Provides support for families and students to better understand procedures and processes at the high school • Develops communication between the high school and incoming students and their families • Families become full partners in their student’s preparation for college and/or career


1. Assemble a team that includes staff from the high school(s) and middle school(s) that can offer content expertise on the suggested topics listed below. Identify whether external partners are needed for additional content expertise. a. High school tour that would include CTE centers, athletic facilities, and a meet and greet with the staff and faculty (“who’s who” at the high school). b. Academics: include information for enrolling in dual credit/dual enrollment courses. c. State assessments d. Behavioral supports e. CTE f. Counseling g. Extracurricular activities h. Family and school relations i. Graduation diploma options j. JROTC k. Scheduling and grading policies l. Social emotional learning and mental health m. Special education 2. As a team, set a calendar of events and publicize through the school’s communication plan (outlined in the “Communications” section of this Toolkit). 3. Identify the necessary resources and activities to be shared at each event. All events should be tailored to only one topic listed above and include at minimum: a. A sign-in sheet b. A brief overview of the previous session c. Resources/tools d. Exit survey/question e. Information for the point-of-contact at the school 4. Reconvene the team periodically to identify modifications needed for the next event and considerations for additional supports, resources, or tools.

Considerations and Tips for Success

• Research other districts or states to see how they implement parent academies or events that are similar. • Provide incentives for families and students who participate. • Consider inviting a job or military recruiter to the fair to provide additional resources for families. • Consider hosting some events virtually for families that are unable to attend. • Partner with local agencies for support.

Considerations for Students from Select Populations (e.g., English learners, students with disabilities, transfer students, etc.)

• Consider having school personnel (e.g., special education teachers, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, etc.) to help answer questions that may arise. • Consider having a translator for English learner populations.

Considerations for Counselors

• Develop ways to follow up with families that attend each event.


• Mississippi Social Emotional Learning Standards https://www.mdek12.org/sites/default/files/Offices/Secondary%20Ed/sel_standards_final_1.21 .21.pdf • Mississippi Social Emotional Learning At-Home Resources https://www.mdek12.org/LearningAtHome/SEL • Mississippi Department of Mental Health http://www.dmh.ms.gov/

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