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Mississippi Students Continue Trend of Increase in Advanced Placement Participation
During the 2023-24 school year, the number of Mississippi students taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams reached record heights with 12,442 public school students taking 17,717 AP exams, of which 7,733 exams earned a qualifying score. The rate of exams achieving a qualifying score reached an all-time high of 43.7%.
Compared to 2022-23, the numbers mark a 3.3% increase of students taking AP exams, a 4.3% increase of tests taken and a 32% increase in passing scores of exams. Since 2013, the overall number of Mississippi students taking AP courses and passing AP exams has more than doubled.
“The MDE is proud to see more Mississippi students make strides of taking and earning qualifying scores in rigorous AP courses and exams,” said the State Superintendent of Education Lance Evans, “We applaud districts’ efforts to expand access to AP courses throughout the state.”
AP courses are college-level courses offered by high school teachers. Research shows AP students are better prepared for college and more likely to graduate college in four years than nonAP peers.
Mississippi is one of 37 states that has established a consistent statewide AP credit policy. Mississippi’s AP policy entitles students who score three or higher on an AP exam to earn at least three college credits at any Mississippi public university or community college, reducing the cost of attending a university.
The Mississippi State Board of Edu- cation requires all high schools to offer and enroll students in advanced courses including AP classes in the four core subject areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Participation in AP and other accelerated courses is a factor in school and district accountability grades. Funding is available for schools and districts to cover the cost of low-income students’ AP exam fees.
The Mississippi Department of Education implemented an AP Initiative in 2015-16 to increase statewide participation in AP courses. The effort includes raising awareness about AP benefits, increasing access to AP opportunities and providing AP-focused professional development for teachers, principals and counselors.