Oremus November 2021

Page 13


David Bevan Honoured for Services to Music The Provost Emeritus, Canon Brockie, writes: It was to the great delight of David’s family and friends that, after over 40 years as Organist and Choir Master at the Church of Our Most Holy Redeemer and St Thomas More in Chelsea, he received the papal Benemerenti award for his services to church music. David was a former head chorister in the Cathedral Choir School, and later Assistant Master of Music (1972-1976) and Acting Master of Music (1975-1976). The Bevans are an extraordinarily talented musical family and a number of them sang in the choir at Our Most Holy Redeemer during his tenure. To name but two of them, Sophie and Mary Bevan are amongst the most sought-after singers of our time; the Cathedral has been privileged to welcome them both to sing in concerts with the Choir over the last few years. Illness made it impossible for David to return to his old parish and so, as the former parish priest of Our Most Holy Redeemer, I travelled to St Birinus Church in Dorchester to present the award. Peter Stevens, Assistant Master of the Music, notes: David’s name can still be found regularly on the Cathedral’s Music Lists, as his wonderful fauxbourdon settings of the Magnificat remain a staple of the Choir’s repertoire at Solemn Vespers.

In the September and October editions of Oremus, extracts from Fr Ivano’s book described the work and prayer of St Charles Borromeo during the time of plague in Milan and we are asked to draw your attention to the book again. It can be found at www.ctsbooks.org and ordered either on 020 7640 0042 or by email to orders@ctsbooks.org




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