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Crossword and Poem of the Month

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In Retrospect

In Retrospect

Jessica d’Este

VIII Jesus speaks to the daughters of Jerusalem Where will it end Unless we begin – blessed with God’s children Giving with bread Nurture of love.

IX Jesus falls a third time Felled And again felled The world’s evil, a well Of deepening peril Buoyant, only, is love.

Alan Frost February 2020 – No. 76 Clues Across 1 Her ------- the Queen resides less than a mile from Westminster Cathedral (7) 6 Animal sacred to Hindus (3) 8 Hubert -----, composer who set to music Blake’s poem in Jerusalem (5) 9 A shaving of much of the head, typical of monks in the Middle Ages (7) 10 ‘The ----- Altarpiece’, world famous Van Eyck polyptych in the city’s St Bavo cathedral (5) 11 ‘The Divine ------‘, said everyday by a cleric using his breviary or smartphone (6) 13 St ------ Merici, founder of the Ursuline order of nuns (6) 15 Place of worship or one of the main legal districts in London (6) 17 Financial market depressions in the City (6) 20 Iberian city, in whose cathedral King John I married the English Princess Philippa (5) 21 Queen, in whose memory the Charing Cross in Westminster (and eleven others) were built (7) 23 ‘----- pro nobis’, response from The Litany of the Saints (5) 24 See 5 Down 25 Archbishop of Westminster who founded the Mill Hill Fathers (7)

ANSWERS Clues Down 1 St Louis-Marie de --------, author of True Devotion to Mary, Feast Day 28 April (8) 2 ‘---- -- the Cross’, Carmelite Saint who wrote The Dark Night of the Soul (4,2) 3 ‘In ----‘, in position (4) 4 First World War battlefield, commemorated by the famous Menin Gate memorial (5) 5 & 24 Acr: What we are freed from through Baptism (8,3) 6 Where Simon who helped Jesus carry his Cross came from (6) 7 Sunday commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles (4) 12 Fr Donald -------- (MIC), author of recent Consecration to St Joseph and Champions of the Rosary (8) 14 National from over the border near Oberammergau and the 2020 Passion Play festival (8) 16 Member of a sect known as Latter Day Saints, associated with Salt Lake City (6) 18 Capital city of Bavaria, whose name derives from a community of Benedictine monks (6) 19 Desert in the Holy Land (5) 20 Pope (V) and saint, who instituted the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary in thanks for Lepanto victory (4) 22 Son of Isaac and brother of Jacob (4)

Across:1 Majesty 6 Cow 8 Parry 9 Tonsure 10 Ghent 11 Office 13 Angela 15 Temple 17 Slumps 20 Porto 21 Eleanor 23 Orate 24 Sin 25Vaughan Down: 1 Montfort 2 John Of 3 Situ 4 Ypres 5 Original 6 Cyrene 7 Whit 12 Calloway 14 Austrian 16 Mormon 18 Munich 19 Negev 20 Pius 22 Esau

X Jesus is stripped of his garments Its more shameful effect Than humiliates him: Inner redress Without forgiveness More ruthless

XI Jesus is nailed to the Cross With swagger and orgy Hammering nails Verge on a clamour Purulence and prurience prevail And the glamour

XII Jesus gives up the spirit A spent spirit dims: ‘Father forgive them.’ A rent earth opens heaven A last breath is drawn in A last hurt being human

XIII The body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross Finally, tenderness The finish of death Acquits flesh its arousal A gift, given rabble Rid of its trouble

XIV Jesus is laid in the tomb It ends, so begins again Intimation of life after death Ardour, ancient and long enlivens the earth A singing and rebirth of singing Its song

To submit a poem whether by yourself or another for consideration, please contact the Editor – details on page 3.

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