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Case Study: Creating a safe environment at St Anselm Parish Southall
PROFIT IS CREATED in the Kingdom of God when the innate human dignity of every person is valued. One of the ways this is achieved is through creating a safe environment, where everyone can take part in parish activities safely and confidently.
At St Anselm Parish in Southall, a vibrant parish with a congregation representing many nationalities in west London, this responsibility is taken seriously. Taking an active leadership role in this endeavour is Parish Priest Fr Jovito D’Souza SJ, who is supported by three Parish Safeguarding Representatives (PSRs). The PSRs ensure that one of them is present and visible at each of the Sunday Masses. Along with Fr Jovito, they speak to the parish community on a regular basis to raise awareness among parishioners about their safeguarding responsibilities. The PSRs share responsibility for the four areas of safeguarding work in the parish (see page 28). They take a proactive approach in creating a safe environment, carrying out regular risk assessments and making sure that there are notices around the parish in those areas that may be considered potentially risky. They also follow the safe recruitment policy of three-year DBS re-checks for all parish volunteers undertaking regulated activities.
Responsibility for creating a safe environment is also shared widely among parishioners, staff and parish volunteers, a tangible sign of the value placed on the dignity of each person who comes in to contact with the parish, in whom the Church recognises the image and likeness of Christ.