Oremus November 2020

Page 14


Leaving Kensington High Street Sr Angela Grant FSP Our Congregation of the Daughters of St Paul throughout the world has been suffering the harsh effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on our lives, on our apostolate and on our financial resources. Here in Great Britain, for the past 12 months we have been undergoing a redesigning process with the support of our leadership in Rome and professional advisors who are sensitive to the Pauline mission. The pandemic has forced the Trustees and leadership team inevitably to make some major decisions. Sadly, this has led us to authorise the closure of the Pauline Books & Media Centre in Kensington on Saturday 24 October this year. Prior to the arrival of the coronavirus, high streets in Britain were already being hit hard by the decline in footfall, by competition from retail giants and by increased on-line buying, particularly


through Amazon. The commitment to our mission is the reason we have stayed on in Kensington for so long, as our Pauline Centre is a visible sign of our Catholic faith and our helping to promote Christian values amidst a consumerist society. Since arriving in Great Britain in 1955, our Sisters have lived in London and, with great commitment, have been a beacon of light on the High Street through interaction with our customers, supplying various books and resources, and providing talks, animation and other events. We have enjoyed collaborating with the neighbouring parishes, bishops, priests, religious and many committed lay people in Westminster diocese, as well as other dioceses and people from around the world, Kensington being a favourite stop-off point for many people.

I thank all the people who over 55 years have supported us but, most importantly, who have believed in and supported the mission of the Centre, not only as a place where they could purchase something but where, in the words of our founder, Blessed Alberione: 'the truth and love of Jesus Christ are found and shared'. We hold special memories of you all. It is with great sadness that we withdraw our missionary presence from Kensington, although we hope to be able to maintain a small community presence of three or four sisters in the London area. In the meantime, we are redesigning our website: www.pauline-uk.org and introducing a new telephone order line on 017535 77629. We will be grateful for your continued support and we will do our best to serve you.


November 2020

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