Oremus January 2023

Page 19


As Oremus finds itself noting, year by year, there is no diminution of persecution of Christians across a whole number of countries worldwide. True, there is little in the Gospels to suggest that we shall be somehow exempted from trouble and in this country we face that trouble in the casual but widespread undermining of our vision of the human person created in the image and likeness of God and therefore of infinite worth whatever the external circumstances of any individual may be. In any case, it is important to shine a light on what is happening, which is exactly what Aid to the Church in Need does literally on Red Wednesday. The Cathedral was illuminated, a crowd gathered and it was good to see a group of school students among them, helping to reinforce the point that decisions now made impact on their future. The Holy Father asks us in the Synodal Process to consider and even dream of what the Church can be; what does Red Wednesday bring to your mind and imagination?

© Weenson Oo

In the Red, Again

No looking through rose-tinted spectacles here

No Emergency Service Required

Where is the Mosaic?

The contents of the jar are the important thing, but any advertiser will tell you that labelling can do much to sell a product. This jam was available at the Great Sale and displays its Cathedral connections by a mosaic background. Can you work out where the mosaic is? JANUARY 2022


The presence of a fire engine on the piazza did not suggest that the illumination of the Cathedral on Red Wednesday had caused the Fire Brigade to be called out to an apparent conflagration. Rather, members of the Brigade were out socially and in force for their Christmas Carol Service, one of several groups seeking to reestablish previous patterns of celebration, even as new restrictions were having to be announced in face of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. Also there was Adrian, the Big Issue’s faithful guardian of the piazza and, perhaps, the one most knowledgeable about each individual in the Cathedral’s regular congregation.


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