1 minute read

An Improvement, we think

The February meeting of the Cathedral Chapter included the installation of Fr Norbert Fernandes, parish priest of Welwyn Garden City, as a Canon. Hitherto the installation took place somewhat awkwardly at the beginning of Mass, with the new Canon making his profession of faith and promises before being vested in the canonical rochet and cappa para. Installed, he would then have immediately to change into Mass vestments whilst the Gloria was sung. By including the installation at Vespers, the rite seemed to assume a greater dignity and less sense of fuss. Welcome, Canon Norbert.

Oremus congratulations go to Carolyn Craig, our Organ Scholar, on the award of her Fellowship of the Royal College of Organists. It is respected worldwide as a rigorous and standardised academic and practical assessment for organists. The diploma represents professional expertise in organ performance, keyboard skills, and interpretive understanding. Carolyn is thrilled not only to have passed the exam, but also to have won the Limpus Prize, Frederick Shinn Prize, and Durrant Prize for highest marks in the practical examination, and the Dr F J Read Prize for highest aggregate marks in the whole examination during the Winter exam cycle. She also won the Coventry Cathedral Recital Award for her performance of pieces. Also due congratulations is Christopher Too, presently at Salisbury Cathedral, who also gained his FRCO and will become the Organ Scholar in September. The prospects are bright for continuing high standards.

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