1 minute read
A Lasting Joy
Joe Allen, Friends’ Co-ordinator
All too often the world around us seems dominated by materialism and desire for immediate satisfaction. We are assured that spending increasing amounts of money according to the latest fashion will bring satisfaction and happiness. There may be a momentary feeling of elation, a fleeting sense of joy to buoy our mood, followed by a swift descent into seeking the next big thing. All too often, in the way we spend our money, there is a real lack of lasting joy. In this, I am reminded of the organising expert Marie Kondo, who questions how much of what we spend and collect sparks joy in us and those around us in a meaningful way.
At the end of this month comes our annual Big Give fundraising campaign, an opportunity to make a meaningful financial contribution, one which brings lasting satisfaction for having made a real difference to God’s house. We are seeking to raise the remaining £80,000 of our £300,000 pledge for the sanctuary lighting. If we can raise £40,000, matched funding will double that to £80,000, bringing our pledge and current project