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Notes to the Financial Statements
for the year ended 30 September 2022
in New Zealand Dollars
14. Related parties
There are transactions between the Society and its Members in the normal course of business. The following persons were members of the Council as at 30 September 2021: Marie Dyhrberg KC, Tony Herring, Chris Eggleston, Craig Fisher, Julie-Anne Kincade KC, Andrew Skinner, Ellen Snedden, Michael Wallmannsberger.
Council members’ expenses are primarily for non-Auckland members’ travel and accomodation whilst engaged on Council business.
15. Contingent liability
There are no known contingent liabilities. (2021: In October 2019, a detailed seismic analysis of Chancery Chambers, undertaken at Auckland District Law Society Incorporated Council’s instigation, classified it as an earthquake-prone building under the Building Act 2004. As per the Building Act 2004, Auckland is classified as a low-risk zone and as such all required seismic restraint work should be completed within 35 years of receiving an earthquake-prone notice from Auckland Council. The full extent of costs required to complete the seismic strengthening within the next 35 years are not yet known to Auckland District Law Society Incorporated but are believed to be significant.)
16. Events after balance date
There were no events occurring after balance date that impact on these financial statements. (2021: Members were notified on 29 October 2021 that a postal ballot at the direction of Council will be held in accordance with Rule 25 of the Society’s rules. The resolution was “The Council may take all necessary steps to sell Chancery Chambers on terms it considers to be in the best interests of the Society”. The Ballot closed on 19 November 2021 and after counting, was declared as passed.)