2013年 第一期
艺术是灵感迸发的瞬间 艺术是打破常规的勇气 是每一笔划过纸面时的自信 是快门按下时的心跳 艺术带来奔放 就像油墨溅开时的无所顾忌的酣畅淋漓 它是自由的 它欣赏你的放荡不羁 挥洒艺术 渲染你的人生!
Art is the moment when an inspiration pops out in your mind Art is the courage when you break the rule It is the confidence when you make every stroke, It is the heartbeat when you press the shutter Art brings boldness, just like when paints splash out without any restriction It is free. It will appreciate your unconventional and unrestrained attitude Enjoy art, and let it accompany you and color your life! --- 邹韵 Vicky Zou
目录 Content 高二作品 Works of Senior 2
1 - 13
高一作品 Works of Senior 1
14 - 21
Roy Wang Roy Wang
22 - 27
ICC 艺术节 ICC Art Festival
28 - 36
光影社 Scenic
37 - 44
制作橡皮章 45 - 49 How to Make a Rubber Stamp
电影介绍-不变的你 Stay the Way You Are
50 - 53
主编 Chief Editors 沈卿仪 Brenda Shen 冯梦媛 Zoe Feng 排版 Type Setters 崔晴瑶 Emily Cui 谢文雪 Teresa Xie 编辑 Editors 冯若林 Vera Feng 黄钦宁 Lynn Wong 王可欣 Vera Wang 吕继亨 Sylvia Lyu 邹 韵 Vicky Zou
公共邮箱:rdfziccsplash@163.com 如有兴趣加入或投稿,请联系我们~
前言文 / 沈卿仪 自从高二选课分班以来,我们宿舍里就充满了艺术气息。从高一以来与我朝夕 相处,一起为 IGCSE 物理化学生物头疼的四个朋友已然变成了文艺青年。本来就 狭小宿舍充斥着各式的颜料、画笔。到了期中期末,她们的 FINAL PIECE 更是盖 满了宿舍的四张小桌子,颜料将宿舍的洗手池渲染的五彩缤纷。
有一天晚上,我坐在我的床上看着化学书,听着上铺刷刷的画素描的声音,我 忽然想,为什么只有我一个人看得到这一幕?
也就是那个时候,我想到了 SPLASH。
从去年六月到现在,与这些油漆工相处的每一天,我见证了 ICC 第一批美术生 一点一滴的倾注。一本素描书,一个速写本,一个人坐在角落里安静的画画;一幅 画,反复的修改、润色,直至精彩;炎热的夏天,在画室忍受着燥热和蚊虫的叮咬, 描绘着静物;为了买美术用品,不得不减少平日的开销……而在我这个非专业人看 来,静物已经愈发立体,抽象也更加富有意义。
这本 ICC 首创艺术杂志也包含非美术生的作品,ICC 同学的活动剪影,ICC 光 影社优秀作品,和电影推荐等。艺术是一种不分国界的语言。与其他语言不同的是, 没有人不爱它。它可以悄无声息的让你震撼,或让你平静,让你享受。
2013 年 1 月 29 日
ForewordBrenda Shen Ever since we entered S2, the dorm room I live in has been filled with art. The four friends that I have been living and studying with since last year have all become artists. Our narrow room was filled with paints and brushes. During the mid term and the end of term exams, the four tiny tables can barely hold their final pieces, and the paints make the sink into a chaotic rainbow. One night, when I was sitting on my bed, reading the chemistry book and listening to the sound of pencil scratching on the paper, I started to think, why was I the only one to see these? And that was the time when I thought of SPLASH. During these months, I’ve seen the great effort of these painters in ICC’s first art class—the assiduity of drawing in the corner of the room with a sketchbook all night, the persistence of keeping revising the painting until it is perfect, the endurance of sitting in a hot studio for hours, and the sacrifice of saving money for art supplies. At the same time, in my view, the still lives are becoming more and more realistic, and the abstract painting are more and more meaningful. I want to say that, you guys are amazing. I want more people to know that. This ICC’s first art magazine also contains non-art students’ works, photos of ICC students’ activities and Scenic’s members, recommendation of movies and etc. Art is a language beyond the frontiers. But different from other languages, everybody loves it. It can soundlessly shock you, or calm you down, and let you enjoy it. Hope you will enjoy the beauty of art at this leisure. January 29, 2013
高二作品 Works of Senior 2
冯梦媛 Zoe Feng S2C4 1
冯梦媛 Zoe Feng S2C4 2
冯梦媛 Zoe Feng S2C4 3
邹韵Vicky Zou s2c4
邹韵Vicky Zou s2c4
黄钦宁 Lynn Huang s2c5
吕继亨 Sylvia Lyu s2c4
黄钦宁 Lynn Huang s2c5
黄钦宁 Lynn Huang s2c5
黄钦宁 Lynn Huang s2c5
吕继亨 Sylvia Lyu s2c4 11
吕继亨 Sylvia Lyu s2c4
时宇晨 Kitty Shi s2c4
高一作品 Works of Senior 1
周冕容 Nora Zhou s1c2 14
钟舒婷 Stella Zhong s1c2
钟舒婷 Stella Zhong s1c2
钟舒婷 Stella Zhong s1c2
钟舒婷 Stella Zhong s1c2
李冰清 Stephanie Li s1c2 20
周润智 Milton Zhou s1c4
R o y w a n g Hometown: Heilongjiang, China Now lives in Japan Personal website:http://roywangphoto.com/ Shutterbug 家乡:中国 黑龙江
Works were mainly about landscape
现居:日本 个人网站:http://roywangphoto.com/ 摄影爱好者 作品以风光摄影为主 大爱光绘 22
油画摄影作品 Oil-painting Photography
地下铁 /The Subway
利用绘画软件在自己的照片上进行涂色 各种笔触绘画而成的作品 本人就是喜欢与众不同的尝试 Using graphics application to paint on photos With different kinds of brushwork I love to make this unusual trial 23
午后 /Afternoon
起航 /Set Sail 24
绿油油 /Shiny Green
树 /The Tree 25
光绘作品 Light Graffiti
绽放 /Blossom
黑夜是我的画布 灯光是我的画笔 Night is my canvas Light is my brush 26
午夜之花 /Midnight Flower
有点灵异了 /Supernatural
天 降 奇 兵 /Extraordinary Gentleman 27
ICC 艺术节 ICC art festival
2011 年唱响 alevel 海 报 /Blazing Fantasy poster in 2011
2012 年 唱 响 alevel 海 报 / Blazing fantasy poster in 2012
黄钦宁 /Lynn S2C5
ICC Winter Concert 黄钦宁 /Lynn S2C5
I C C 冬 季 音 乐 会
黄钦宁 /Lynn S2C5
黄钦宁 /Lynn S2C5
ICC 慈善舞会 ICC Charity Dance
黄钦宁 /Lynn S2C5
黄钦宁 /Lynn S2C5
光影社 scenic
前门印象 /QianMen
798 艺术区 /The 798 Art District
暮色下的昆明湖 /Twilight of the Kunming Lake
光绘 Light Painting
制作橡皮章吉茜 /Julia Ji How to Make a Rubber Stamp
1、把描好图的硫 酸纸 扣在 橡皮 上 (有 铅笔 面的 那 面和橡皮接触)
2、用硬物(指 甲 或 者 尺 子) 反复剐压硫酸 纸描有图的部 分, 把 铅 笔 印 印在橡皮上。
3、 刀 刃 向 外 倾 斜 45 度切入橡皮 贴合着图的 外围。
4、 把 橡 皮 倒 过来依然像 4 那样持刀,倾 斜 45 度 切 入 (对图来说是 向内倾斜)橡 皮,使 4 与 5 的刀痕形成 V 形,把外围刻 下。
5. 沿着自己画下 的线条刻下需要镂 空的地方,刻下时 需两步,使两次刀 痕切入橡皮形成 V 形。图外不需要的 橡皮可以选择用普 通刻刀平着铲下, 也可以选择排一排 等距的刀痕再反过 来排使刀痕形成 V 形 刻 下。( 可 以 排 直线也可顺着图外 围排成曲线)
7.印上去。 大功告成
关于印台 印台有许多种类,最便宜的是国产印台,当然同时质量最不好的也是国产印台。 国产印台质量不好体现在易干不宜长久保存上,印出来的效果还是不差的,所 以若只是想要玩一阵子而不打算作为长久爱好的人推荐还是选择国产印台。 进口印台有很多牌子与种类,当然同时也价格不菲,我都还没有全部试过所以 也不好在这里多说什么,颜色方面当然也是看各位喜好。若是想要看详细的介 绍的话各位可以上豆瓣上查查,那里有详细的对于橡皮章的介绍。
关于把图印到橡皮上 1. 像这次步骤里介绍的那样,用硫酸纸描图然后按压上橡皮是一种方法。但 是这种方法对绘画水平有一定要求,要是想要刻出来的与原图差距不大,在描 图上也是要一再小心的。 2. 还有一种方法更直接,则是用洗甲水。打印图的时候一定要用激光打印机, 然后把图扣在橡皮上用洗甲水反复涂抹图的背面,涂抹均匀后把纸拿开,图就 在橡皮上了,之后用水冲洗一下橡皮把洗甲水冲掉就可以了。不过这种方法不 是非常容易成功且图一定要用激光打印机打印,并且洗甲水味道非常刺鼻,最 好在印完图冲洗橡皮的时候洗干净一些,不然刻得时候对鼻子简直就是一场折 磨,所以推荐大家在刻复杂的图的时候选用这种方法,简单的图就用第一种方 法比较好。 最后,就是希望大家在刻章的时候注意安全,不要太过用力,失控伤到自己就 不好了。
王晨 /Chen Wang 49
电影介绍 不变的你 文 / 王可欣
用潇洒二字形容周润发可 能 是 最 合 适 的, 那 个 被 称 作"演技之神"、"最有魅 力的东方男人"的演员。他 创造了许多脍炙人口的经典 角色:许文强、小马哥、赌 神等。95 年之后去好莱坞发 展,有《卧虎藏龙》等使他 在欧美名声大噪的大作。我 受父母影响,他的绝大多数 作品我都看过,真的很棒。 他和 Depp 的共通之处就是 长得可能都不算最帅的,但 是浑身上下散发的魅力却是 任何人也阻挡不了的。如今, 发 哥 已 经 57 岁, 但 是 潇 洒 依旧,风采不变。 我很想推荐他的两部电影给 大家。 首先就是《英雄本色》系列(共两部),1986 年的黑帮动作片。我一向是很 喜欢老旧的东西,相比于现在很多斥巨资、有着华丽布景和精美特效的电影, 这种相对朴素却意义非凡的片子对我好像更有吸引力。在吴宇森导演浓厚的现 代暴力美学意识的领导下、鬼才徐克的监制下,这部电影给观众带来的那种难 以言喻的酷劲让人难以忘怀 , 还创造出一时的风衣热潮。在描述江湖道义、兄 弟情怀的大背景下,拍出了每个人生命中蕴涵的沧桑与梦想,同时还散发出骨 子里潜藏的热血和激情,那种张力着实让人振奋。其中有很多刺激的枪战,流 血受伤的镜头也不少,但奇怪的是,你丝毫不会觉得暴力。有人说,那是浪漫 的暴力。血腥,在这里也成了一门艺术。特别要提的是,英雄本色超级出色的 配乐 Mark's theme,充满了迷人的江湖气息,热血十足,还有主演张国荣的 深情演唱"奔向未来日子"和“当年情”,每一首都很完美,是现在很多电影 难以企及的。 我小学的时候跟着爸爸妈妈看过,十年后再看,在拥有了更多人生经历后以全 新的角度再看,能读懂的东西更多,故事和内心的距离也更近了一些。不夸张 的说,《英雄本色》,是香港电影一个黄金时代的标志,也是巅峰。 周润发说,这是他这一生遇到的最好的片子。 50
另外一部则是《秋天的童话》。他近些年也拍了不少好电影。但就我个人而言, 他早期的几个为数不多的文艺作品好像更合口味一些。早几年我看过他的《阿 郎的故事》(主题音乐"你的样子"和背景音乐"恋曲 1990 "都很好听!), 片子感人的要命,当时眼泪流的都止不住。他总是以一种极其自然的状态演戏, 什么小混混,抑或是风流倜傥的大侠,都能拿捏的很准。就像有人说,看他的 电影,完全会忘了他是国际巨星,而是沉浸在他演绎的小瘪三的角色里,就比 如《秋天的童话》里的"船头舵",那副吊儿郎当的样子,和小心翼翼的暗恋, 简直就是无可挑剔了。而我为什么单要推荐这部作品其实还有别的更重要的原 因,就是电影的纤尘不染,纯到极点。当爱的表面形式被忽视掉后,感情深处 的微妙、细腻变化才会自然地且充分地发挥。于是我们所看到的爱情表演是纯 粹心灵的对话和交流。自始至终,船头舵都没有按照爱情片的惯例很俗的说“我 爱你”或者“我很喜欢你”,除了那句傻兮兮的“船头爱茶煲”(因为故事发 生在纽约,他说女人,即故事女主角,是 trouble,哈哈),在故事慢慢推进 的过程中,我们会自然而然地融入进去,而那份朴实又很温馨的爱情也就慢慢 渗透出来。 我清楚记得 船头对 Jenny 说:"我以后攒了钱,想在长岛开个小餐馆,面对 着大西洋。晚上收摊了,搬条椅子出来,吹吹海风,喝喝啤酒。"
Stay the Way You Are By Vera Wang and Brenda Shen
Maybe “casual” and “elegant” are the most appropriate words to describe Chow Yun fat--the person who seemed as the "best Chinese actor" and "the most charming oriental man". He has made a lot of classic roles: Mark, XuWenqiang, God of Gamblers, etc. In 1995, he moved to Hollywood and also accepted roles in many successful films like Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, which enabled him to acquire fame in the west. Influenced by my parents, I had watched most of his movies from my childhood. I have to say, they are awesome. Similar to Johnny Depp, nearly everyone is fascinated by his unstoppable charisma, though he is not the most handsome actor. Today, he is already 57, but his enchantment and graciousness have never changed. I would like to recommend two movies of Chow. A Better Tomorrow series (1 and 2) is a gangster action-melodrama released in the 1986.I always tend to like the old things, so compared to recent films with high budget, fantastic special effects and dramatic settings, this relatively rough but meaningful old movie is more attractive to me. As it was directed by John Woo and supervised by Tsui Hark, this movie became a blockbuster for its combination of emotional drama, slow-motion gunplay, gritty atmospherics and trenchcoat-and-sunglasses fashion appeal. This movie implies everyone's difficulties, dreams and passion by describing the brotherhood between the characters. There are many fierce gun battle and injuries in it, but you won't find it violent. Someone said that the violence is romantic. Also, the coolness of this movie is another shining point, and the gangster is unforgettable. In this case, blood has become an art. Furthermore, the soundtrack is blood boiling, and "in the sentimental past" performed by Leslie Cheung is extremely beautiful. Every song is perfect, and this is what many movies today cannot achieve. I watched it with my parents when I was in primary school, and was impressed by the character played by Chow. After ten years, I can now understand the deeper meaning of this story. Unexaggeratedly speaking, A Better Tomorrow is not only the sign but also the peak of Hong Kong's movie history. Chow said it was the best film he had ever met in his life.
The other one is An Autumn’s Tale. Recently, he took part in a lot of great movies, but personally, I prefer the few art films produced in his earlier years. Years ago, I watched his movie All About Ah-Long, and it was so touching that I couldn’t help crying. He always acts so naturally that he can get the sense of all kinds of characters. Someone said that watching his films could make people forget who he really is. For example, when he was playing Samuel Pang in An Autumn’s Tale, his idleness and his crush on the girl are flawless. And the reason why I recommend this movie is because it is so pure and spotless. Only when the expression of love is neglected can the subtlety and nuance of love develop, so the love we can see is the communication between souls. Throughout the film, Samuel Pang did not say the cliché like “I love you” and “I like you”. What he said is only “Samuel loves cha po”. As the story goes on, we can feel ourselves involved in it and feel the simple and warm love. I can still remember what Samuel said to Jenny: “ When I have enough money, I will open a small restaurant facing the Pacific Ocean. When it is closed at night, I can sit on the beach, drink beer and watch the sea breeze blowing.”
后记冯梦媛 眼看着我们的 SPLASH 就像孩子一样成长了起来,经历了成长道路上的种 种,让我有些不知道如何描述这感觉,喜悦而又不安,兴奋而又紧张。 我知道,能够加入 SPLASH 的制作是我的荣幸。 这是我们杂志的第一期,大家都说凡事都是第一次印象最深。所以,最开 始只是脑子里的一个想法但不知如何实施的迷茫,我不会忘记计划初期一个接 一个冒出来的问题和随之而来的困惑,我不会忘记从得到老师和学姐们的帮助 和鼓励时获得的信心,到后来两个人变成了九个人,再后来遇到瓶颈,不约而 同的回避,都不会忘记。 原本的想法一次次推翻,前进的方向改了又改,讨论争论甚至争吵。终于 要开始排版,文字、图片反复的审核,排版还是永远没有最终版本,每天晚上 微微发热的手机,屏幕微亮的电脑,都是我闭眼前的最后一幕。 SPLASH 对我来说已经变成了真实存在的东西,而不是抽象的名词。 SPLASH 和我们,都还有没走完的路。 我不知道有多少人可以看到这本杂志,但我相信每一个看到她的人都能感 受到我们每一个人的用心和放在她身上的感情。 谢谢。 2013/2/4
POSTSCRIPTZoe Feng Watching the first phase of our magazine, SPLASH, grow up like a child, it is really hard to describe my feeling at this moment. I feel satisfied and uneasy at the same time, excited, at the same time, terrified.
What I know for sure, however, is that it is my honor to join in the process of
making this magazine.
During these months of making this magazine,so many memories, which
I will never forget, have been collected in my mind. I will always remember
how confusing I was when it was just an idea; how frustrated I was when the problems showed up one by one and how cheering it is to get the help from others.
All the plans and ideas that come out from this team have been discussed
over and over again as well as the compositions of every pictures and photos. The light from my computer and the heat emitted from my phone is the last scene of my day.
SPLASH has already become an existed thing. It is real, not just an abstract
noun from a dictionary. I do not know how many people will read through this magazine but I believe everyone can feel the emotion we put into it. Thank you all. February 4, 13