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Solar and Solar Water Pump Installation and Maintenance

GIZ-Green People's Energy Project (GPE)


Interview with Ms. Anna Ndapanda Hainghumbi

Interview by Ms Silpa Kanghono (Coordinator: Digital Marketing and Events- RDJ Publishing)

In today's rapidly evolving energy landscape, l stands out as a beacon of sustainability and inn guideusintothistransformativefield,wearethr

Ms Anna Hainghumbi who recently attended the GIZ-Green People's Energy Project, Five-Day Training Program on Solar and Solar Water Pump Installation and Maintenance This comprehensive training covered crucial aspects of solar energy systems, equipping participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute effectively to the renewable energy sector.


Anna Ndapanda Hainghumbi is a final-year Electrical Power Engineering student at the University of Science and Technology (NUST) She is an alumna of the 2023 WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship (WomHub) and a dedicated member of several professional organizations, including the Namibian Society of Engineers (NASE), the NUST SEED Society, and Namibian Women in Engineering (NAMWIE) Additionally, Anna is a certified solar installer, having received training under the GIZ-Green People's EnergyProject Sheiscurrentlygainingpracticalexperienceasan Electrical Engineer intern at the City of Windhoek's Electricity Department

1.WhatmotivatedyoutoparticipateintheFive-DayTraining Program on Solar and Solar Water Pump Installation and MaintenanceconductedbyGreenPeople'sEnergy(GPE)?

“My strong dedication to renewable energy motivated me to enrol in the five-day training program. The idea of networking with women from diverse backgrounds for future collaborations aligns perfectly with my career aspirations. The training being for free and specifically for women, provided us with a unique opportunity to get trained and become skilled solar installers. It was a great opportunity for women to gain hands-on experience and required skills to get opportunities in the emerging Green Hydrogen Era.” Ms Hainghumbisaid

Cleaning the solar panels on a regular basis helps to increase the efficiency of the Solar PV water pumping system allowing for reliable water supply

Ms. Anna Hainghumbi.

2. Based on your experience from the five-day training program, how can solar water pumps contribute to sustainableagriculturalpractices?

“According to my experience from the five-day training program, solar water pumps contribute to sustainable agricultural practices by using clean renewable solar energy, reducing dependence on fossil fuels such as diesel, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions This provides a reliable water supply in remote and offgrid areas, which helps farmers save money by cutting out the need for fossil fuels and lowering their operating costs ” Ms Hainghumbi replied

3. What are the key considerations for selecting the appropriatesolarwaterpumpforaspecificapplication,such asirrigationordrinkingwatersupply?


• Daily and seasonal water needs to ensure that the capacity of thesolarPVarray,controllerandpumpingsystemmeetthewater demand

•Watersourcetodeterminethetypeofsolarwaterpumpneeded (submersible,surfaceorfloatingpump)

• The amount of sunlight energy that the chosen site receives eachmonthandthroughouttheyear

4. What safety protocols should be followed during the installation and maintenance of solar water pumps? Additionally, how can regular maintenance ensure the longevityandefficiencyofthesystem?


Safety Protocols:

Ensure that one has Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect against potential hazards. To prevent electrical shocks, one should abide by electrical safety regulations by grounding equipment properly and not working on live electrical circuits. A safe workplace requires adherence to safety procedures.

Regular Maintenance:

Cleaning the solar panels on a regular basis helps to increase the efficiency of the Solar PV water pumping system allowing for reliable water supply Inspection of physical damages such as cracks and loose connections is important for the prevention of the system malfunction Monitoring the system output continuously to uncover issues at an early stage, allows for quick fault finding and repairs Replacing worn parts, such as bearings and lubricating moving components, like pump motors ensures longevity and optimal performance of the solar water pumping system This proactive maintenance helps in sustaining the system’s reliability and efficiency over time

5.Inconclusion,howdoyouplantoapplytheknowledgeand skills gained from the Five-Day Training in your current or futureprojects?

“I plan on opening a solar installation company in every region through training, mentoring and creating job opportunities for people in my community in the Renewable Energy sector In addition to that, I plan on collaborating with the government and private sectors to offer trainings in schools and training centers such as vocational schools and creating awareness through public engagements and panel discussions at Renewable Energy events.” MsHainghumbiconcluded.

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