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Championing Sustainable Rural Development:

The Inspiring Journey of Ms. Nondumiso Ngwenya


Interview by Ms Silpa Kanghono (Coordinator: Digital Marketing and Events- RDJ Publishing)

Intherealmofsustainabledevelopment,fewendeavorsare as crucial and impactful as rural development It is a multifacetedprocessthataddressestheuniquechallenges faced by rural communities, aiming to improve their quality of life while preserving the environment for future generations. At the forefrontofthismovementisMs.NondumisoNgwenya,adedicated advocate for United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),withastrongemphasisonSDG4:QualityEducation.


Ms Nondumiso Ngwenya is a third-year Social Work studentattheUniversityofNamibiaandcurrently(2024) holds the position of Student Representative Council (SRC)forCommunityDevelopment&GenderAffairsatthe MainCampus Sheisalsothefounderandchairpersonof the Dev-Implement Society, dedicated to promoting awarenessoftheUN's17SustainableDevelopmentGoals (SDGs) and facilitating faculty engagement with these objectives

Ms Ngwenya has actively contributed to workshops focused on Transforming Education systems in Namibia as part of the project planning committee She has also provided training on SDGs and personal development to various youth-led organizations, showcasing her commitment to empowering others In her volunteer capacity, Ms Ngwenya has lent her time and skills to organizations such as the Windhoek Rotaract Club, embodying their ethos of "service above self" Additionally, she has served as a Student Electoral CommissionerduringtheSRCelectionsof2022-2023.

AdistinguishedalumnaoftheAfricanPathfindersLeaders Initiative (APLI) and the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), Ms. Ngwenya has demonstrated exceptional leadershipanddedicationtocommunitydevelopment.In recognition of her outstanding contributions, she was honored as part of the Global 100 under 40 by the Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD) in March 2024, under the category of activism and humanitarianism.

WhatinspiredyoutobecomeanadvocateforSustainable DevelopmentGoals?

Ms Ngwenya said “When considering my career path postgraduation, I found myself drawn to the United Nations due to its unwavering dedication to improving people's well-being, a cause close to my heart As I delved into the UN's work, I discovered the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and began studying them to grasp their significance This exploration revealed how the organizations I volunteered for were actively advancing the SDGs Realizing the profound impact of these goals, I felt compelled to engage more youth in understanding and supporting them Recognizing that achieving the SDGs could address numerous social issues, I saw advocating for them as a powerful way to contribute to community well-being. Additionally, being inspired by figures like Varaidzo “Vee” Kativhu, a UN SDGs Young Leader, motivated me to leave my own mark in advancing these goals, particularly in Africa.”

2. How can advocacy play a role in raising awareness and mobilizingsupportforRuraldevelopmentinitiatives?

Ms. Ngwenya highlighted the significance of advocacy through research and social media in promoting rural development initiatives. “Social media advocacy raises awareness in individuals, even and especially, outside these rural communities and once they are aware of what is happening in these communities they may offer support to these communities e g , as a form of charity, of projects etc Through the research element of advocacy, organizations and individuals gain bargaining power and factual information to present to decision-makers who can then see from the numbers and data presented that there is a need for efforts to be focused on the development of these rural communities For example, organizations such as the Namibian National Students Organization conduct research on schools and identify challenges being experienced by these learners while also engaging student leaders in the communities in order to be able to gain support from relevant offices such as the Ministry of Education and guide them on the specific issues that need addressing ”

3.Inwhatwaysdoyoubelieveinvestingineducationcanlead to broader socio-economic development in rural communities?

Ms Ngwenyabelievesthatinvestingineducationcanbeachieved through a number of ways including increasing the funding in order for there to be decent infrastructure and the required material for studies in rural communities (ie, ensuring the buildings are not close to “dilapidated,” and that buildings for learnersactuallyexisttoavoidlearnersstudyingundertreeswith no chairs. As well as ensuring these learners have relevant material such as textbooks and such). “Once investments to education are made in this way and such disruptions to learners’ education are removed, learners will have an increased chance to complete their studies effectively Upon completion of their studies, they may begin to work and use their earnings in their community These educated, skilled and equipped individuals also have an open mind and may execute projects that develop their community or be key contributors as part of the workforce ”

Additionally, “investing in education outside the classroom and through diversifying the types of educators would also lead to broader socio-economic development in rural communities. For example, the investment in career fairs outside the classroom, field trips to urban communities through the schools, and the introduction of life-skills teachers and educational psychologists also allows the learners of these rural communities to seriously consider furthering their studies and to explore more career options which once they venture into allow them to better contribute to their communities developing socio-economically as they invest in their communities again. Investing in education also allows for a shift to take place in the minds of the learners in these rural communities and in the minds of their families”. Ms.Ngwenya responded.

4.Whatpolicychangesorgovernmentalinterventionsdoyou recommend prioritizing education as a cornerstone of rural developmentagendas?

“The key governmental interventions that should be prioritized in education for the development of rural communities include the provision of funds for the building or improvement of schools and learning materials Interventions surrounding what takes place outside the schools, but in relation to education should also take priority for rural development agendas This includes feeding programmes for learners as well as adult literacy programmes On an empty stomach, education becomes religious, as though the learners are simply there to attend classes and leave, however when the learners are well fed and healthy they engage more and are more likely to explore ideas that are beneficial to the development of their rural communities Literacy programmes also ensure that family members are better equipped to assist learners with their schoolwork and be more receptive and encouraging of any innovative ideas that learners come up with ” Ms Ngwenya replied

5.Lastly,whatadvicewouldyouoffertofellowadvocatesand policymakers?

“As advocates, it is very crucial to personalize our efforts with each group we are advocating to, for maximum efficiency. It is not effective to raise all the targets and indicators to simple youth/laymen who have no interest in the SDGs at all, let alone have no interest in contributing towards them. Similarly, it is also ineffective to raise vague statements to decision-makers and other policymakers who instead require evidence-based, researched and data-rich information on these SDGs as opposed to the simplified statements that would be more understandable to the simple youth”. Ms.Ngwenyaconcludes.


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