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Transport & Mobility

Namibian Aviation: As Safe as can be

AUTHOR: David Jarrett and Team Editor@ RDJ Publishing and RDJ Group ChiefExecutiveOfficer


ImportanceofAirTravel. Courtesy:MinistryofEnvironment,ForestryandTourism(2023)

Namibia has shown great strides in the arena of civil aviation safety, receiving recently its Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP) results which were detailed and presented to the aviation community (March 2024). The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP) is a globally recognized program aimed at enhancing aviation safety by assessing the capability of member states to effectively implement ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs)

The program conducts comprehensive audits of civil aviation authorities (CAAs) and their oversight systems to ensure compliance with international safety standards. The audit process involves a comprehensive assessment of various aspects of a member state's civil aviation system

ICAO has pointed out via various platforms that aviation supports economic development and the efficiency of the system itself in delivering expectations as a reality What is further noted is that Africa as a whole has an undeserving reputation at times of inefficient systems and failing infrastructure, thus the need to align with global standards to dispel this is important as well

At the event, headed by the Namibia Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) Board Chairperson and presented by the Executive Director (Ms. Toska Sem) and her team, provided the pathway and challenges faced living up to expectation, resulting in the ICAO findings. The findings showed a vast improvement from the 2016 Audit (57 39%) to the 2024 level of 72 31% these results can only result in improved public confidence and a spin off economic impact

Namibia via the NCAA also has in place its National Aviation Safety Plan (2023 – 2025) that aims to help reduce incidents and foster an environment for economic growth through aviation This is no small matter when the top visitors that arrive from outside the continent are from Europe and North America with an average length of stay of around 2 weeks. By extension, the Africa Continental Free Trade Area initiative will also require efficient and effective transport systems to meet the needs of free movement on the continent

This is also a wider international matter, as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) is launching the Collaborative Aviation Safety Improvement Program (CASIP) to reduce the accident and serious incident rate across Africa as part of the Focus Africa initiative This programme will prioritize the most pressing safety concerns on the continent, bringing together various role players and baseline the use of global standards

IATA (IATA regional VP Africa and the Middle East, Mr. Kamil Alawadhi) feels that the airlines definitely have a role to play in enhancing aviation safety regardless of the fact that there has been “marked improvement” However, he has also indicated that the economic hit from the Covid 19 pandemic is still being felt and a rebuild is in the works to regain lost ground. IATA states that it helped to secure pledges for $30 billion to support air transport and tourism inAfrica,showingthemagnitudeofthechallenge

Post-Covid, airlines and airports have struggled to get back trained staff but Namibia has recovered quickly, leaving only the upkeep of safety standards and infrastructure. The interaction of all role players will keep the NCAA busy. Namibia will also be the host of the Eastern and Southern African (ESAF) 2024 Aeronautical Meteorology Seminar during the 4 - 6 June 2024 in Windhoek, making Namibia an active participantintheaviationspaceinmanyaspects.

So, well done NCAA and as always the conversation continues infocus@rdjpublishing.africa


https://www.iata.org/en/pressroom/2023-releases/2023-06-20-02/ https://www icao int/ESAF/Pages/ESAF-AERO-MET-2024 aspx https://www icao int/safety/GASP/GASP%20Library/National%20avia tion%20safety%20plans/Namibia%20NASP%202023%202025.pdf#sea rch=Namibia%20Safety%20Audit https://visitnamibia com na/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/TOURISTSTATISTICAL-REPORT-2019.pdf https://www meft gov na/files/downloads/MEFT-TouristStatistical%20Report-2022-new%20design 21-Aug-2023 pdf https://www engineeringnews co za/article/aviation-safety-in-africais-improving-but-airline-industry-seeks-to-always-get-better-202311-21

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