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Water: Tariffs in Namibia

AUTHOR: Chilombo (Olga) Priscila - Economic Researcher & Statistician @ RDJ Consulting

It is undeniable that water is an essential resource, and its pricing plays a critical role in ensuring sustainable supply and equitable access In Namibia, a country

characterised by arid conditions and scarce water resources, water tariffs are a crucial aspect of water management. As we dive into different topics surrounding Namibia’s water sector in this Edition of InFocus Namibia, it just makes sense that we seize the opportunity to also bring forth a deeper understanding of water tariff structures in Namibia, particularly for the City of Windhoek

But before we delve into the tariff issue, it is important to note that the water itself is free in Namibia. However, its extraction, treatment and supply to consumers does come at a cost As a result, consumers are required to pay a fee related to the cost of the value chain.

Read more https://issuu.com/rdjpublishing/docs/infocus_namibia_-_july_2024

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