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Session V

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Euro 7.63 million

Euro 7.63 million


Jane Olwach


Green hydrogen and Namibia: Has the future arrived?

Dr. Jane Olwoch took attendees on a journey of how Human Resources and Human Capital Development impact development and industries: Sasscal is well placed as a Regional Centre to address Climate change and Namibia was 1st country to ratify the international treaty with SASSCAL.

Sub-Saharan Africa also has a number of research projects that are world-leading. Human capital development is a centre point of SASSCAL's approach.

NUST Center of excellence – aims at building students that can create jobs

This year, 1154 applications for Namibia were received and will be reviewed by end of the year.

There is a lack of skilled engineers in Namibia compared to other African countries "we are the lowest"

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