5 StepS to Becoming A ReAl eStAte Agent
ABout Being a real estate agent can be a fun job. Flexible hours, large checks and glamour all seem to come with the this career. However, there's a few things you need to do to really become a real estate agent. First of all, you need to know the real estate agents get paid on commission. That means there's no check, no cash, no security unless you are closing transactions. Depending on your specialty, you might not see any transactions closing for up to 6 months. In other instances, you might close frequently but receive lower pay. So the first thing you need to do is:
DeSign A BuDget Most people who want to get into real estate don't go in thinking of it as an entrepreneurial endeavor, but it absolutely is. With no guaranteed pay, you better know what it's going to take to keep you afloat.
tAlk to A SucceSSful Agent Absolutely crucial is the information you will get from this resource. Understand that most real estate agents love to talk, especially about themselves. That's not a bad thing, they can be a valuable resource for your research. Most agents will talk with anyone, some of the busy ones will require appointments.
Develop A plAn Now you know what you need to make to survive and what is the high point of success. Most agents fail in the first 2 years, it's mostly because they have no clue what to do.
check With the StAte Now that you have a good idea of what you need to make and how you are going to do it, it's a great idea to finally check on your state requirements for licensing. Most states require a class that takes a few weeks to complete on selling real estate that covers mostly the legal nature of real estate.
inteRvieW BRokeRAgeS Once you have your license it's time to interview brokerages. That's right I said interview them. They will set it up as an interview with them, but the broker model makes money off of productive agents, so they want you much worse than you want to be there.
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