2017 Annual Report - Reach Church

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REACH FAMILY, I’m thankful to have a living measuring stick for our community under my roof — his name is Banner, he’s my third son, and he was born six weeks after Reach opened its doors. He is passionate, has a huge heart, runs into a wall from time to time, and is just starting to figure out his true identity and vast potential. Sounds eerily like the church I love so much. This was our most fruitful year yet. We planted three new churches in 2017. Three new communities of faith are worshiping Jesus and loving their neighborhoods daily. Years from now this fact should still move us to thankful prayers and wild applause. My goodness, God is faithful!

It should be no surprise that parts of 2017 were difficult, too. Sending people you love — to college, to war, or to plant a church— is always an emotional endeavor. Simply put, we miss our friends. These two things seem at odds with each other, but together they should lead us into all the more excitement and expectancy. We felt compelled to plant new churches, counted the cost, went for it, and saw it through. We are no longer just an upstart crew with good intentions. We are a church-planting church who has proven its willingness to sacrifice and risk much to be a part of the Gospel moving forward. I believe God is in the habit of blessing such communities with even greater opportunities. I say again, excitement and expectancy. As you read this report, I pray you are stirred by the stories and statistics which are just a glimpse of all we witnessed together. Strangers are finding family. Marriages are finding healing. The hopeless are finding hope. And it’s all just the beginning.

Thankful, Brian McCormack



Perhaps the most important thing for you to know about the vision and culture of Reach is this: we don’t go to church. We are the church; a mashed-together family from all kinds of backgrounds, with all kinds of stories, that has come to an incredible agreement: Jesus saves, sustains, and satisfies broken people like us. God didn’t reveal himself to the world as an outside observer - he lived among us. So that’s what we do. We fight the temptation to be a cold institution of spectators and strive to live as a family right in the middle of the joys and sorrows this world has to offer. Simply put, we’re all in this together.



So, how would a community of people who believe they are the church live day -to-day? They would take all that “family” rhetoric and make it real as they lived out of a new identity. They would serve others the way Jesus served them. They would sacrifice for one another. They would invite people into their family. It would look pretty countercultural, to say the least. God is bringing hope and healing into every nook and cranny of the world, and He is inviting us to be a part of it - the formerly hopeless becoming ambassadors of hope.

31 people were baptized this year.

We were consumers of church, until God told us to help plant one. I have never cried so much and yet I have never laughed as much as I have as a church planter. It is not easy. It will stretch you. It will leave you vulnerable. It will keep you accountable. But if you decide to step out of your comfort zone, I firmly believe that you will grow time and time again. The Lord will meet you where you are. Joel Wildeboer


Our time spent being trained for church planting b y Ti m o t h y Ke l l e r a n d t he Redeemer Church Planting par tnership was wildly b e n e fi c i a l .

N o w he r e i n t he N e w Te s t a m e n t a r e w e c o m m a n d e d t o p l a n t c hu r c h e s . H o w ev e r, w e a r e t o l d t o m a ke d i s c i p l e s , t o p ro c l a i m t he G o o d N e w s t o a l l w h o w i l l l i s t e n , a n d t o c a r e f o r t h o s e w ho ha v e b e e n f o r g o t t e n o n t he f r i n g e s . We b e l i ev e s t a r t i n g n e w c hu r c he s i s t he b e s t w a y t o s e e t he s e t h i n g s ha p p e n . S o , w e i n v i t e d t he e n t i r e Re a c h family to be a part. And you responded.





I didn't know my neighbors, until Jesus asked me to ser ve them.

“You don’t have to go and start something new. It doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience. It could be something as simple as getting to know the people in your neighborhood and growing to love them. Growing to a place where you can serve them.” R a c h a e l Pa t e n a u d e

“I want to see a church where both committed disciples and imperfect prodigals find home. Even if they return tattered and beat up from a life of rebellion, I want them to find a place in a community that is ready to remind them of their true identity.� Sean Gasperetti, Reach Everett Church Planter

MISSION PARTNERS We’re honored to support organizations, ministries and individuals who do the faithful work of the Kingdom. We are especially thrilled that we sent three people from within our church family to live on mission full-time in nations abroad. This year we gave $66,284 to extend justice, mercy, dignity and the good news of Jesus’ love. Continue to pray with these amazing leaders for God to reap a harvest through their faithfulness.


We celebrated the opening of a Rescue:Freedom house in Nagpur, India, paid for entirely by the people of Reach, to house and care for 50+ children rescued out of slavery.

WE GATHER TOGETHER ON SUNDAYS Just how big is our church? We’re never exactly sure... We count folks who are regularly involved and basic attendance. A weekly average of 719 people currently attend Sunday gatherings. We served 2,802 unique people on Sundays this year.

WE SERVE TOGETHER LIKE CRAZY Kids Team: 158 Setup & Teardown Team: 63 Wecome Team: 59 Music: 42 Groups serving non-profits: 7 Serve the City Days: 2

WE SCAT TER IN 21 GROUPS ACROSS THE REGION We’re followers of Jesus, learning to live like family, for the good of our city.

I never had a sober dad, but I believe God is a good father. “God simply does not change. He isn’t going to go of f on a tirade and then show up the next morning crying at the kitchen table telling me He’s sorry. God keeps showing me his unchanging character.” Zach Hendricks








Total givers: 368 Average givers / month: 200





So far, we’ve sent over $150,000 out the door to orgs we love.



15% Mission / Non-profts, benevolence,church planting, intl & local missionaries.

55% Staf f / Full-time and contract staff, taxes, health, insurance.

22% Operations / Ministr y, facilities, logisitics.

8% Savings + Flex / Future church projects + emergencies.

A NOTE FROM THE FINANCE TEAM Thank you for your financial support of the mission of the church this year. We’re thrilled at what God has accomplished through your generosity and we’re eager to see what he is continuing to invite us into. Here‘s some essential highlights from 2017’s financial picture: - We’ve stayed in the black while planting 3 churches. - Expenses were trimmed by nearly 25%. - We’ve fulfilled all commitments to our 2017 ministry partners and increased our 2018 pledge by 1%. - We are finalizing a new partnership with a local accounting firm to maximize efficiency, accountability, and communication of our finances.

We take the stewardship of Jesus’ money very seriously. If you have any questions regarding financial policies or controls, please don’t hesitate to email us at money@reachchurch.cc.

R o b G a re y , J o y C o y , J a m e s P a y n e , Ky l e Kingshott, Josh Siegel

EVERY MISSION HAS A HEADQUARTERS Over 6,300 square feet in Redmond now provide offices, counseling rooms, rehearsal & recording space, and a slick venue for events of all kinds. Come visit. The wifi is fast and the coffee will be hot. Thank you so much to every generous and hard working soul who helped paint, haul stuff and build a magnificent space that reflects us.

ELDER TEAM These folks are responsible for equpping and caring for God’s people to live a life centered on the gospel, responding in worship, in the joy of community, to live a sacrificial life of mission.

Brian & Emilie McCormack

Josh & Amy Siegel

Jason & Stephanie Chudnofsky

Darin & Shayna Ault

Rob & Vanessa Garey (candidate)

Tim Burke (candidate)


Have you met Keri Rogers? We were so excited to welcome Keri full-time to our team as Reach’s Kids Director this year. She might be the most fun person we know. So go on, introduce yourself. This year, 477 different kids had fun and learned about Jesus. We welcomed 178 new kids on Sundays from all kinds of backgrounds.


This fall Brittney, a long-time part of the Reach family, took up the role of College Director. She has hit the ground running, shepherding students and overseeing the Reach Leadership Institute, which launched in August‌ all while hustling through her Mdiv degree at Western Seminary in Portland.


Nick has been serving the youth of Reach part time for nearly 3 years now. Since showing up as a 19 year -old, Nick has gotten engaged, married his high-school sweetheart, and truly become a faithful leader. This year, Nick’s team started a Bible study for middle school students ever y Sunday. Reach Youth students went on a great mission trip in Esperanza, CA.

THE REACH INSTITUTE | KIARA PRONOVOST & CLAIRE ZUCKER “Being a part of the Institute has brought me into a season of rich growth and joy as I’ve grown closer to the church and to God. Being in the Institute has given me sharper eyes for God's loving hand and redeeming work, both in the Bible and in the lives of others. Such a constant display is pushing me to trust his word, to step out in faith, and to grow in the identity I’ve found in Him.” — Kiara Pronovost


10,512 unique people heard and saw the good news told through the real life stories of our church family produced by the Stor y Team this year.

7,345 sermons and media were played this year.

Since it was launched, the app has 7,000 downloads. Our app was downloaded 2,686 times in 2017.

I had never felt safe, until Jesus saved me. “God came along and where there was only a graveyard, He planted an abundant garden. That’s just what He does –brings light to the darkness, gives shape to what is without form, fills what was void. He breathes life into the most destitute and hopeless places and plants gardens of goodness.” - S i e r ra S u m n e r

Reach Church Kirkland + Everett Washington web



14935 NE 87th St Suite B-160 Redmond, WA 98073


(425) 867-3193

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