ANARCHY ! Music Video Treatment Director Padraic O’Meara Producer Jozua Malherbe
his song by Haezer is balls to the walls, punk electro, it’s a call to action to just let loose. His full, glitchy, beat filled sound brings on something primal. The way I feel this song is talking to me is through it’s pure raw energy being unleashed into the wild. I want to show a serene and uptight environment where everything is super clean, normal and together. This persists as I explore the space visually, moving through it, until as in the song the tension begins to build and build. Where it reaches breaking point, and where the song reaches this point of no return so will I in the visuals, as I quite literally smash it all to pieces.
To hear the song you can either listen to the track provided, or you can follow this link,
HAEZER live at the Assembly April 2010
So this is what I mean.
We open on a family dining room, there is a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, older sister, and brother a little boy and a little girl sitting around the most perfect table setting you could imagine. There is a large roast and all it’s accompaniments surrounding it. The surroundings are all in muted pastel tones. It couldn’t get more bland or more perfect. There are mirrors on the walls and glass ornaments on the side board. The cutlery is laid out perfectly on the table, and everything is immaculately placed. The father carves the roast, while the mother sips her champagne, the scene is that of the “perfect” home. Each of the family members seems to be serene and peaceful. The camera moves across the scene, slowly revealing each part of it’s sickly perfection. In wides and then in closeups. The music only starts a little further into the video giving time to set the scene. The characters look straight into and through the camera at each other as if they are in their own worlds. Not really seeing each other, more concerned with the way they are coming across than actually engaging with anyone there.
Finally when we settle on the little girl at the opposite head of the table to the father. We see that she is looking around at everyone and their self absorbed demeanor. We now see everyone from her perspective in slow motion and we start to see through their performances how awfully she thinks they are acting. As everyone else continues she gets up on the table, the visuals are now being cut slowly more and more to the underlying chants of “a.. n.. a.. r.. c.. h.. y..”.
The girl between scream runs on the table and picks things up and smashes them. It eventually progresses to the point where the screen is filled with flying debris that will be cut to the beat of the music, using slow and speeding up techniques to keep with the rhythm. The family gets moments of repreive as the song relaxes and then builds again throughout. The little girl screams again as the song progresses.
As the song breaks and the main drop happens where “ANARCHY!!!!!” is screamed, the little girl screams it.
The final stage of the video will be where the flying debris is so much that it fills the screen continuously, and its basically just a chaotic looking visual that is structured by the beats and rhythms of the music.
As she screams a sonic boom comes out of her mouth. This will be portrayed by using large fans and throwing things past the camera. This all happens in slow motion, and the use of speed ramping. Where things start in slow motion and then speed up towards the end of their movement.
Finally the girl has her last scream and everything stops and settles, the family is totally shocked and the little girl is left standing in the middle of the table of the room.
The whole room starts to be affected by her voice. Her sonic power and how she affects the room will build slowly in affect on her surroundings. Things will start to move slowly at first and then as it continues will start to fly across the room. Till there is a full blown storm in the room, and everything including the people are being affected by the sheer power of her scream.
The camera pulls back slowly out of the room slowly fading to darkness with the ambient sound of the room remaining.
Visual & Technical Exploration The elements that are required to achieve this video are fairly simple, but need to echo the right look and feel closely to be able to achieve the feeling that chaos has descended on a situation that is far from it. It is important that the family and their environment and the little girl are placed as far along the spectrum away from anarchic chaos so the contrast is as high as possible when she loses it. Everything will need to be destroyed and the space needs to allow for this. So this is why I see this video being shot in studio with all bought props. The props can be sourced from second hand markets and auction sales, so that their percieved value can be higher than what we actually have to pay for them. Once things starts to get smashed and blown about with large fans I will also introduce elements that are not native to the scene. By this I mean I will throw dirtied water and dust and basic debris into the mix too. Anything that helps to distort the visual will be welcome. A large amount of bad lighting effects and over exposure, haze, glare, flare, dirt on the lens, and general visual distortion will be used to achieve a sense of chaos. HAEZER live at Assembly April 2010
V I D E O REFERENCES Zabrieski Point - The end scene of the film where everything blows up. check it ou on youtube here,
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This is an interesting video of fruit being thrown and smashing in slow motion. check it out on behance here,
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