6 minute read
from The Beaver - #922
by The Beaver
Student politics: Why is Corbyn still popular?
Muhammad Ibrahim Contributor
Photo sourced from Time Magazine
AsI explore the godforsaken setting of student politics, one thing is abundantly clear – students still love Jeremy Corbyn. From an outsider’s perspective, this seems rather odd. One would imagine that the left-wing students, like the rest of the country, would have moved on from a man who hasn’t been the leader of the Labour party for two years now. Arguably, the only real relevance he has in mainstream politics is in the form of illfated attacks from the Tories, attempting to remind the electorate of the “horrors” that would have befallen Britain had he gained power. Nonetheless, this is no explanation for his continued presence, and indeed reverence, on university hair to Marxism, university students have, for decades, been picking fights with convention before graduating and settling down in their corporate jobsparticularly in the case of LSE. It is my belief that this resistive spirit compels students to reject established political norms and align themselves with figures like Corbyn.
The second, and perhaps more controversial, reason is idealism. Corbyn represented ideals, not strategy. As Keir Starmer recently pointed out on Alastair Campbell’s podcast ‘The Rest is Politics’, the Corbyn era of the Labour party was defined by people who thought winning motions at a party conference was changing the world. Radical stances were taken without much regard for what the rest of the electorate wanted. On the other hand, the electoral success of New Labour was in its ability to compromise with the electorate, rather than immediate needs. This form of rhetoric is not without its merits – it is in part to thank for Labour’s increase in popularity amongst the youth during the 2017 elections. However, as soon as we join the workforce and have commitments beyond an essay deadline, we compromise with our principles and favour practicality over lofty ideals. This is why the Tories, traditionally the party of incremental change, perform so well with the majority of the electorate. campuses nationwide.
I think there are two reasons for this phenomenon, the first of which lies in the allure of protest. For all his flaws, one thing that can be said about Mr Corbyn was his profound ability to protest. Though this was not enough to get him into no.10, it certainly captivated the hearts of students across the country - for protesting is really at the heart of the university experience. University is a bohemian environment where resistance thrives.
Not limited to the political sphere, the resistive spirit of the university student is boundless. Pictures of students doing what Corbynistas do best (holding placards) adorn the walls ofthe SU building. From dyed becoming a self-celebrating protest party. Being idealistic is not necessarily bad in itself; as Bismarck said, “politics is the art of the possible”. However, the rest of the quote is “…the attainablethe art of the next best”. It is clear that “the possible” is only attainable through pragmatism and compromise. Without compromise, Bismarck wouldn’t have unified Germany, and Labour certainly wouldn’t have entered government in 1997.
So, what links university students with this idealism? Perhaps it’s our ability to be selfless. We’re cushioned by either Student Finance England or the bank of mum and dad, giving us the opportunity to think beyond our own
The Corbyn obsession isn’t the only peculiarity to be found in LSE’s political scene. The other most notable eccentricity is the profound lack of a political scene at all. It seems that LSE’s political discourse is populated by a small but vocal minority who actually care and is avoided by the apathetic majority. LSE, which was once a hotbed for resistance and protest, seems to be devoid of the activism culture which is so innate to the university experience. The cause of this is uncertain. Perhaps it’s the transformation of the Students’ Union into an administrative body rather than a true student-run union is to blame, or perhaps corporate culture has finally triumphed. The remedy for this must be at an institutional level; the university would certainly benefit from a centralised SU-run debate platform, rather than the current arrangement - which involves individual societies piecing it together themselves. This would not only help create a “campus community”, which LSE is so often criticised for not having, but would also be able to consolidate talent in one place, therefore attracting more high-profile speakers.
The recent progression of national politics is perhaps the best indicator of what lies ahead for LSE’s student politics. Starmer’s increased confidence combined with the recent ineptitude of a scandal-ridden Conservative party means a Labour majority at the next general election is becoming increasingly certain. The Corbynite faction, Momentum, struggled to get their motions passed at the recent party conference, and the National Executive Committee elections yielded mostly moderate candidates. It would therefore seem as though things are looking bad for the Corbynistas. With their inability to compromise they have two options: join the Marxists in ideological obscurity, or the Lib Dems in the political wilderness.
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Serena Yoon Contributor
Illustrated by Charlie To
If you have an important exam coming up in a few weeks, you might make an effort to wake up earlier than usual, eat healthier, or do more exercise to optimise your performance. However, abuse of prescription medication when preparing for exams is becoming increasingly common - you might be familiar with its colloquial name: ‘study drugs’ (i.e., Adderall, Ritalin, Modafinil, and more).
According to a report by the Times, students from top universities – including those from LSE – are “routinely using performance-enhancing ‘study drugs’ to prepare for exams”. So-called ‘study drugs’ are prescription medications used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or narcolepsy, through artificially increasing dopamine levels in the brain to temporarily improve alertness and concentration. Taking a few tablets is supposed to help you work better, study harder, and become less distracted.
However, the purported effects making study-drug users more susceptible to addiction and various mental health side effects. This raises the question: why are we so willing to undergo all these risks for a few hours of hyper-focused productivity?
The pressure to succeed is ever increasing for university students. The hostile job market, expensive school fees, culture comes at the cost of every other aspect of being a human. If you’re sleeping, surely 3 hours is more than enough; if you’re eating, it's ‘work fuel’. God forbid you’re having fun, as that’ll set you back 6 more hours in the library tomorrow. Because hustle culture puts so much emphasis on being productive all the time, you might find it hard to enjoy hobbies and you may even feel guilty when partaking in activities without academic outcomes, something that will certainly take an enormous toll on one’s mental health.
It’s also worth noting that over- stigma associated with admitting to usage, makes facts difficult to come by. Yet, personal stories shed light on the acute fear permeating student bodies.
Indeed, this ‘hustle culture’ seems to have even trickled down into high school environmentsI remember many of my peers taking study drugs, such as concerta, for the sake of getting more revision time prior to their IB exams. It leads one to doubt the possibility that good academic outcomes justify the use of these drugs, as long as it allows you to be ten steps ahead of others. Yet, this would often come at the cost of a painful overdose, and detrimental impacts to mental health. Ultimately, the colloquial name ‘study drugs’ should not fool you: at the end of the day, these are prescription medications intended for treatment purposes, not as a casual ‘boost’ for a distressing Monday. of these ‘study drugs’ have been contested scientifically. Studies have repeatedly disproven the link between ‘study drugs’ and increased performance in exams, invalidating any scientific basis for their misuse. In effect, whilst these medications may make some ‘feel’ more alert, they do not improve integral skills such as test-taking or timemanagement that are needed for better academic performance.
While it’s true that ‘hustling’ can prove an effective motivator, it’s worth questioning this mindset when it leads to doping yourself on study drugs for a competitive edge. It’s beyond time for hustle culture to change; our academic success simply cannot come at the expense of our physical and mental health.
Additionally, repeated abuse of study drugs by individuals without ADHD or narcolepsy carries a strong likelihood of lower natural dopamine production in the future, increasing living costs - you can’t afford to mess things up!
The misuse of study drugs is likely to be a symptom of our addiction to ‘hustle’ rather than a simple trend.
Also known as grind culture, hustle culture refers to a lifestyle or mindset that encourages overworking in the pursuit of success – sound familiar? LSE is known for its notoriously intense working environment and high standards (you only need to look at how many LSE students have a Pret subscription to know that they are in the library 24/7).
In a lifestyle where academic life takes centre stage, hustle reliance on these drugs echo the unrealistic expectations students set on themselves to be ‘superhuman’ in their academic abilities. An astounding number of LSE students feel a sense of impostor syndrome, constantly doubting their place in the university. It’s not hard to see how such an attitude gives rise to the attraction for a seemingly harmless drug, particularly if it promises you enhanced cognitive abilities.
The lack of long-term research into study drugs, alongside the
‘crash’ a few hours later, often including a low mood, feelings of nausea, hyperventilation and shaking.
Similarly, anonymous testimonies in the student publication Varsity reveal the painful consequences after taking Adderall: “your mind goes from focused to even worse than it was before.” It’s clear that the dangerous drive to succeed is placing students in the position to abuse potent drugs, creating the potential for medical complications,