Buzz Magazine: February 05, 2016

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Champaign-Urbana’s community magazine FREE



weeK oF FeBRUaRY 5, 2016

Review: wine Gala


2016 movie tRaileR Reactions

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Ash Wednesday Service February 10th 7:00 pm

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Su nday 10: 30 a m 604 E. Chalmers 344-1558


VOL14  NO4

February 5, 2016








04 12




Find out Jamie's first impression of upcoming blockbusters.


Your guide to this week's events in CU

O N READ BUZZ .COM Beautified Ipek Firat

Theatre Review: Satchmo at the Waldorf

COMMUNITY Check out Ipek Firat’s column to find out the best tips for healthy hair growth!

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT A review of the Chicago Court Theatre’s production of Satchmo at the Waldorf, centered around the life of Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong.

Jeff Nelson

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2 buzz February 5-11, 2016

Greens to Beat the Blues Nisha Choksi

TV REVIEW: Baskets Cameron Owens

Scene Maker Profile: Jake Metz Ryan Graves

FOOD & DRINK Chilly winter weather got you down? Adding these fresh greens to your diet will brighten your day and help you start out the new year right.

MOVIES & TV Our review of the FX comedy series.

MUSIC Get to know Jake Metz, local musician and founder of Urbana Basement.


This week’s issue of buzz features an interview with musician Cullen Omori, staff reactions to recently released movie trailers and a list of essential cold weather meals that can be enjoyed around town. I felt that this article arrived at the perfect time - after months of cold weather and a week most memorable for large amounts of rain, sleet and hail, I could really go for some comfort food. Here are my contributions to Food and Drink’s stellar list, which can be found in its entirety on Page 6: Mussamun Curry from Siam Terrace When I make curry at home, I always hope that it will magically turn out just like the Mussamun Curry from Siam Terrace. It never does, which is not surprising given my less-than-mediocre cooking chops and the fact that this dish is perfect. It’s creamy. It’s sweet. It’s spicy. There are chunks of potatoes alongside crunchy boiled peanuts. Curry, in general, is one of the most body-and-soul warming dishes I can think of, and this particular version of it is worth braving cold weather and icy Urbana streets for. Mac and Cheese from Big Grove Tavern This is how mac and cheese should be: buttery and rich, with lots of cheese and a crunchy breadcrumb topping. The inclusion of shallots and leeks makes you feel a little bit healthy (there are greens in your food, after all!), so there is very little guilt attached to indulging in the ultimate cold weather comfort food. Aloo Gobi from Sitara Walking into the warmly-lit Sitara after a blustery walk (even if its just from the spot where you parked your car), sitting down at one of the large, comfy booths, ordering Aloo Gobi with Naan and eating until you feel like you’re about to explode is probably the best way to handle winter weather. Red Pepper and Gouda Soup from Pekara To be honest, it’s February 5 and it’s been cold for a while. I’m starting to get tired of being greeted with skin stinging from the cold each time I leave my apartment. But some delicious Pekara soup with bread fresh from the bakery makes me feel a little less bitter. Mmmmm. Just… mmmm.




FR FEB 5 »

Movies &TV Editor


Dessert and Conversation: February Dance // Dance at Illinois


February Dance // Dance at Illinois


Kingdom City // Illinois Theatre


Mark Moore, tuba // School of Music


SA FEB 6 »

STOP AND SMELL THE ROSÉ! BY ARIEL MAJEWSKI On Jan. 29, guests at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts happily raised their glasses to cheers a successful Ninth Annual Wine Gala Tasting. Curious tasters had the opportunity to experiment with different aromas as they perused more than 250 samples of worldwide wines provided by over 50 vendors. Strolling with lists in hand, participants meticulously examined 33 tables laden with these fermented treats from 5 until 8:30 p.m. Special VIP members were treated with jazz music performed by keyboardist David Joost, as well as a beautiful assortment of hor d’oeuvres. While primarily a social event, The Gala Tasting also held a philanthropic purpose. All proceeds, including 10 percent of wine sales, went towards benefitting the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum in Champaign. Guests were encouraged to partake in an auction, bidding on items that ranged from selected wine gift baskets to University tailgate packages and photography sessions. The Ninth Annual Wine Gala Tastings offered Champaign the unique experience of toasting not just the beauty and taste of wine, but the importance of education and science in our community.

BUZZ STAFF COVER DESIGN Eric Pryor EDITOR IN CHIEF Anwen Parrott MANAGING EDITOR Sean Neumann ART DIRECTOR Alyssa Sparacino COPY CHIEF Ali Lowery PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Alyssa Abay IMAGE EDITOR Sean Neumann PHOTOGRAPHERS Sam Smithson, Lily Katz DESIGNERS Alyssa Sparacino, Eric Pryor, Gracie Sulllivan MUSIC EDITOR Christine Pallon FOOD & DRINK EDITOR Shruti Srikumar MOVIES & TV EDITOR Jamie Hahn ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Melisa Puthenmadom COMMUNITY EDITOR Abby Rummage ONLINE EDITOR Sean Neumann DISTRIBUTION Brandi and Steve Wills ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Nick Langlois PUBLISHER & GENERAL MANAGER Lilyan J. Levant


ON THE WEB EMAIL WRITE 512 E. Green St., Champaign, IL 61820 CALL 217.337.3801




February Dance // Dance at Illinois


Kingdom City // Illinois Theatre


Krannert Center Community Volunteer Usher Training

MO FEB 8 »



»KATE BUSH A few months ago buzz Editorin-Chief Anwen told me that she thought I would love Kate Bush's music. She was right. Oh god, was she right.



»STAIR MACHINES are evil toe-stubbers no wonder CRCE only had two of them.





Music Editor

SEAN NEUMANN Managing Editor

»THIS RIDICULOUS BULLS SHIRT I got this for free and have worn it as an undershirt for years, mostly as an inside joke with myself, knowing that no one knows I have it on. What kind of crazy Batman/Chicago Bulls crossover is this? I don't know, but I love it. Kind of.

Inside View: Music and Performing Arts Library Tour, Music Building, 1114 W. Nevada St., Urbana

TU FEB 9 » 7:30PM

The Band of the Royal Marines and the Pipes, Drums, and Highland Dancers of the Scots Guards // Marquee


Kingdom City // Illinois Theatre

WE FEB 10 » 6:30PM

Dance for People with Parkinson’s // Marquee


Kingdom City // Illinois Theatre

TH FEB 11 » 5PM

Krannert Uncorked with Time Zone // Marquee


Illinois Modern Ensemble // School of Music


Kingdom City // Illinois Theatre

FR FEB 12 » 7:30PM

17th Annual 21st Century Piano Commission Award Concert // School of Music


Kingdom City // Illinois Theatre



We reserve the right to edit submissions. buzz will not publish a letter without the verbal consent of the writer prior to publication date. buzz Magazine is a student-run publication of Illini Media Company and does not necessarily represent, in whole or in part, the views of the University of Illinois administration, faculty or students. © ILLINI MEDIA COMPANY 2016

February 5-11, 2016 buzz 3


TRAILER REACTIONS TO UPCOMING MOVIES A look at the top 5 trailers for 2016’s anticipated movies: can they affirm the hype? JAMIE HAHN


to Movie Insider’s website, the top five most anticipated films of 2016 that have not been released yet and have accessible trailers are listed as following: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Deadpool, Independence Day Resurgence, Captain America: Civil War and Finding Dory. With the second most anticipated movie, Deadpool, released a mere week from today, the hype for moviegoers is quickly building. But do the trailers for these movies live up to and possibly add to the hype? Do they seem to offer what fans are looking for, or do they add apprehension to the mix - what can we expect when we hit the theaters? Here’s the answer in a countdown quick reaction to the trailers of these top five unreleased films: 5. Finding Dory (June 17 release date) The trailer that has been released for the movie so far is quite short, under two minutes - but from what we can see, it looks great. The premise is that Dory (voiced by Ellen Degeneres), now living in the same neighborhood as Nemo and Marlin, has a glimpse of memory about her former family and goes in search of them. This long-awaited sequel to Finding Nemo appears every bit as humorous as the first family film, as evidenced by the tagline referring to Dory’s wacky character: An unforgettable adventure… she probably won’t remember. Pixar has done a great job with sequential movies — i.e. Toy Story — so I have high hopes they will pull another success in June. 4. Captain America: Civil War (May 6) As someone who is a comic book and movie fan, the trailer for this movie was an explosion -

both literally and figuratively - of “the feels” and high expectations. The premise is centered on Captain America leading his own team (seemingly one half of the Avengers post-Avengers 2) against Tony Stark’s half (Stark also is probably backed by the government from what we can see) due to their differences concerning the freedom of Bucky, Steve’s childhood friend, who we last saw in Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. It was a relief to see old faces, such as the Scarlet Witch in the movie, proof that the script writers weren’t going to pretend the Avengers universe didn’t happen - which they do all too often in Thor’s movies when he’s suddenly saving the world by himself. The theme of good intentions versus goodness overall bring a darker aspect into Captain America’s movies, following the mood set in The Winter Soldier. The only apprehension I have is that these superhero movies tend to end with all the heroes banding together against the government and going to get shwarma after or something — so hopefully the tension-packed scenes in the trailer were not the only exceptions and there is an actual battling of wills. 3. Independence Day Resurgence (June 24) In all honesty, I don’t know much about this franchise, but apparently this movie is a sequel to the first, Independence Day, which was released 20 years ago! The premise seems to be, from what I could garner from the trailer alone — which is the point of this to begin with — another war against aliens that were beaten all those years ago. There was an epic and rather patriotic speech in the middle of the trailer, which lost a few badassery points after some subtle rhyming and Interstellar-

esque poetry allusions were thrown in, but it was pretty impressive overall. I had a strange Jurassic Park flashback when Jeff Goldblum appeared at the beginning of the trailer looking horrified at “yet another return,” as if more carnivorous dinosaurs had been unleashed on the still-unsuspecting society. Overall, I was entranced by the trailer as it did a good job of making the invasion seem real by alluding to the actual American holiday of the same name and bringing back the invasion just as it brought back the franchise after so long — hopefully the movie does the wait justice. 2. Deadpool (February 12) I am very in love with the idea of watching this witty, gun-slinging mercenary hit the screens around the same time as the national day of love, Valentine’s Day. The irony is definitely working for the movie, as Deadpool’s movie promos included him pointing a gun at a teddy bear and him in a Valentine’s Day sweater. The trailer was comical as well as intense in a humorous approach to the modern superhero’s plight, a concept that had its way paved by Ant Man last year. The trailer did a great job of introducing Deadpool’s wacky antihero character, informing the audience that the movie would not be an ordinary, cut-and-dry “good hero” type of film: “surprise, this is a different kind of superhero story.” The premise — well, is there really a premise? To be honest, from the one-liners alone I would watch this movie; it seems to languish in its out-of-the-box craziness while still staying refined in terms of cinematography (there were some great angles, and this is not including the ones near Ryan Reynold’s butt — hey, they were the ones who put the camera there, alright).

1. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 25) And now for the movie nearly everyone is talking about! While there was some controversy revolving around the new faces representing the two age old heroes, I personally think that Ben Affleck (playing Batman) and Henry Cavill (Superman) personify their respective identities pretty well, down to the salt-and-pepper scruff on Affleck’s chin. The premise is Civil War-esque, following the fight between Batman and Superman, two superpowers in one city, due to the panic caused by Superman’s old enemies from Krypton. I followed that thought process of “the greatest gladiator match of the world,” as the trailer stated, until Lex Luthor pulled a Dr. Frankenstein and created another monster to wreak havoc in the city — and then Wonder Woman ditched her whip for a canon (and hooray for Wonder Woman finally hitting screens again, but what does it take for a girl to star in her own blockbuster movie around here?) as she appeared out of nowhere. The trailer then dissolved its initial premise and brought the three heroes together, making the title of the movie something akin to Youtube click bait. This all added to a rather confusing plot and worry over whether the movie will be interesting or just a bunch of explosions and intense icy stares between Batman and Superman that will put the cast of Twilight to shame. In conclusion, based on the trailer alone, the hype may have reached a bar too high for the movie to reach, but there is still a lot of hope and excitement for the film.



Used with permission from Warner Bros. Pictures

4 buzz February 5-11, 2016


COLT FORD THROWS MY KINDA PARTY Fat City Bar and Grill featured the country music all-star Colt Ford at new City Center SHANNON JAMESON


City Bar and Grill is more than your average sports bar. In April 2015, they unveiled their new City Center entertainment venue. The venue boasts more than 9,000 square feet of space, a VIP Mezzanine level, a 3,700 square foot indoor bar and a 2,000 square foot beer garden. It’s an impressive space for hosting an assortment of events. Fat City has become a live musical and cultural hot spot, known for bringing a diverse array of artists and musicians into the area. Renowned country music stars have colored the stage, with past performances by Dustin Lynch, Joe Diffie and Rodney Atkins. Drawing on a mostly country music fan base, Fat City has become a welcome addition to the live music scene in Champaign since the inception of their City Center seven months ago. On Jan. 29, Fat City was pleased to welcome country rap star Colt Ford to Champaign. The Georgia native is a professional golfer turned musician, quickly rising through the country music charts. The sold-out show had a lively and dynamic atmosphere and a comforting authenticity. Chicago native Josh Phillips opened for Ford with refreshing music that combined the best of old and new styles. “The show was unbelievable,” said audience member Lexxi Larsen. “[Colt Ford] was absolutely fantastic- as was the crowd. There was such a positive energy in that room, and I’m really glad I got to be a part of it!” Larsen said. Colt Ford, born Jason Farris Brown, has charted six times on the Hot Country Songs charts. Ford’s album Ride Through the Country debuted on Dec. 2, 2008. The album was named after Ford’s hot single, which eventually hit No. 57 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart. It was released through record label Average Joes Entertainment Group, an institution that Ford cofounded that same year. Average Joes embodies Ford’s unique sound as it specializes in country music, alternative country and country rap. Ford has constantly and consistently dominated the country music scene as four of his five albums have peaked in the Top 10 on the Billboard country chart. Ford’s album Declaration of Independence peaked at number one on the Top Country Albums chart. What’s more, the album’s single “Back” made it to the Top 40 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart. It also featured singles like “Answer to No One” and “Drivin’ Around Song.” Ford ingenuity has earned him a seat among celebrated country music stars, as he’s toured with the likes of Toby Keith, Eric Church and Florida Georgia Line. His most recent album, Answer to No One: The Colt Ford Classics, debuted this past October. Ford has been known to work with prominent innovators from a variety of industries. Over the

span of his career, Ford has collaborated with many creative artists, including Jamey Johnson, Jermain Dupri, Eric Church, Jerrod Nieman, Justin Moore, Lee Brice, Adrian Young of No Doubt, Jeremy Popoff of Lit, Cledus T Judd and Jake Owen. One of his most popular collaborations was with Brantley Gilbert and Jason Aldean. Ford and Gilbert co-wrote the hit single “Dirt Road Anthem,” which was famously covered by Aldean, the beloved country music star, on his 2010 album, My Kinda Party. The cover sat at the number one spot on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart and number seven on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. It also received a nomination for Best Country Solo Performance in the 54th Grammy Awards. The song was first recorded by Ford for his first album. Ford's fans believe that he has tapped into something unique and passionate. His seemingly autobiographical music targets an every day fanbase that finds connections with these relatable lyrics. Ford enthusiasts nationwide have sung endless praises of this gritty yet down-to-earth music as it highlights the simple pleasures in life. Ford has brought country into conversation with hip-hop, effectively bridging the two contrasting styles and blending them into something original. Colt Ford pens songs for the "modern-era," targeted at real people with real lives. He is breaking the mold of stereotypical country music, adding a distinguishing spark to the country rap music industry. His sold-out show at Fat City Bar and Grill appeared to demonstrate what he is all about. The electrified crowd was filled with Ford’s fans, who appreciated him for who his is and what he does as an artist. “There’s just something about his music that is so different from the common, everyday country. I just feel like Colt Ford offers people that love country a unique kind of sound that we’ve been looking for all along,” said Larsen. The City Center at Fat City Bar and Grill is a welcome home for artists such as Colt Ford. They bring rising and critically-acclaimed artists like Ford, as well as countless other musicians, to the people of Champaign. Upcoming shows include James Otto on Feb. 5, Jerrod Niemann on Feb. 20, Bret Michaels on Feb. 25, Chase Bryant on March 5, Jana Kramer on April 8 and Sponge on May 7. On Jan. 29, Colt Ford and Fat City Bar and Grill transformed Champaign into the southern style boondocks, where audience members forgot about their troubles and relished in the sweet sounds of good, old country soul. Used with permission from Colt Ford

February 5-11, 2016 buzz 5



The Food & Drink staff highlights dishes on campus that are sure to warm you up on a chilly CU day BUZZ FOOD & DRINK STAFF


we enter the new year, these short yet rough months of winter are upon us. Those times of waking up not wanting to leave the bed, trudging through the horrid, wet slush to get to class and wishing you were curled up with a hot cup of soup watching a re-run of "The Bachelor" are approaching. Luckily, KoFusion’s O-Maki appetizer, one of the main reasons I survive the cold, exists on campus. KoFusion is located in both downtown Champaign and on campus in Urbana. Although KoFusion is known for their sushi, these hot “creamy fried rice balls filled with crab and bacon” will exceed anyone’s expectations. These delicious, crispy appetizers exploding with rich flavors are definitely a dish that will warm you up. Covered in a sweet yet spicy sauce, O-Maki is the perfect winter dish. Don’t want to leave your apartment? KoFushion now delivers! So, grab that blanket and try this appetizer. It will not disappoint! – Jennifer Fox Warm up at Sakanaya with a big bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen. Nothing is more comforting on a cold winter’s night than a pile of perfectly cooked wavy noodles bathed in a rich pork broth. Fresh seaweed and bamboo is simmered into the broth to create a perfect balance of soft and crisp textures and umami flavor. The soup and noodles are then topped off with tender chasu (thinly sliced roast pork), a swirly slice of fish cake, tangy sweet pickled ginger and half of a hardboiled egg. The long slurps and sips of this ramen are certainly 100 times better than your 55-cent instant ramen but still brings the same comfort - and arguably much more - to your body. If you’re looking for more heat and a kick, it is also available in a spicy version for $1 more. It is sure to make you break a sweat in the freezing Illinois temperatures. Sakanaya is located right on Green Street, and the Tonkostu Ramen is available during lunch and dinner hours for $12. – Sharon Li The most important quality to look for in a great winter dish is quite simple: it must warm you from the inside out. If I’m going to make an effort to trudge through the bitter, unforgiving wasteland of wind chill and snow that is Champaign-Urbana in the wintertime, you better believe the first thing I want is a little relief. That is why my favorite local winter dish is the Red Wine Poached Pear from The Bread Company on Goodwin in Urbana. The combination of warm spices and a blend of house red wines add another layer of coziness to this simple classic. It is served delightfully plain - the split, burgundy-rimmed pear sitting in its own reduced red wine poach. The dessert’s

6 buzz February 5-11, 2016

simplicity is also complemented by The Bread Company’s intimate nighttime atmosphere and roaring fire. It’s a winter must try, costing only $5. – Sam Smithson Set your taste buds on fire with J. Gumbo’s Voodoo Chicken. Tucked away snugly below Urbana’s Gregory Apartments, J. Gumbo’s is a great find for spicy food lovers all over campus. Specializing in soulful Cajun-Creole cuisine, nearly any of J. Gumbo’s dishes are sure to warm you up on an icy winter day. However, the Voodoo Chicken definitely takes the cake in terms of spice factor as well as overall flavor. Seasoned thoroughly with garlic, cayenne pepper and black pepper, this dish’s tender, slow-cooked chicken makes for a filling lunch as well as a perfect cold whether cure. Served with a slice of buttery garlic bread to help soak up remaining tomato sauce, a big bowl of Voodoo Chicken ensures that you are recharged and ready to venture back outside. As a bonus, the dish only costs around $7, fitting any college student’s budget. – Shruti Srikumar Photo by Sam Smithson

Used with permission from Sakanaya


Photo by Lily Katz

February 5-11, 2016 buzz 7



Campus Circle hosts opening reception for new apartment complex ATOOSA SAYEH


has likely noticed the sheer volume of new apartments built or currently under construction on campus. Campus Circle, a new apartment complex located in Urbana, plans for a June opening and is hosting a free open house on Friday, February 5 to give students a taste of what they have to offer. Molly Blazier, the leasing manager for Campus Circle, said the surplus of luxury apartments in Champaign-Urbana makes it difficult for students to see how Campus Circle contributes to their community. “We really want to make our statement known that we want to provide the very best for our community,” Blazier said. “And the best way for us to do that is to have an open house where everyone is invited, and through the entertainment we provide, they can see what we’re all about.” Campus Circle plans to approach their opening through engagement with the local artistic community. The company booked local bands and included free food provided by local restaurants and bakeries. Blazier said Campus Circle will host events for their residents in the future, where local bands as well as local yoga instructors and local artists have a chance to showcase their talents. Blazier said her team is aware of how the campus has a large amount of different apartments that students can choose from, which has inspired them to make the apartment complex very modern and comfortable for students who are transitioning from the dorms into apartment life.

On a tour of Campus Circle guided by Dale Rex, its property manager, it was easy to see how the apartment complex was similar to living in the dorms. Rex said Campus Circle is scheduled to host weekly events for its residents, such as pool parties, rooftop hangs, gaming competitions, craft tutorials, movie nights and free food, with a focus on community. In addition to the free events for residents, Rex said the apartment complex would serve as a “personal resort for each resident,” because of the number of luxurious amenities they provide. When I first entered Campus Circle, I felt as if I wasn’t in a college town but in Chicago or another trendy city; it was a little overwhelming, because it definitely didn’t feel like I was inside a college apartment. The fresh apartment complex is covered with low-hanging lamps, colorful artwork and bright furniture, as well as many open windows that bring in a lot of natural light. Their student entrance had a full wall mural done by a Chicago artist, and it was obvious that Campus Circle wanted the residents to feel as if they were in the city because of the number of modern paintings of famous Chicago architecture that were on the walls. This feeling of intense luxury continued as Rex proceeded to show me Campus Circle’s two-story common room. The area comes with various forms of entertainment such as billiards, private flat screen TVs and air hockey. There is a twostory fitness center, rooftop terrace, yoga and

Used with permission by Campus Circle

dance studios, alongside a business center and heated pool. Peak Campus, a fully integrated student housing real estate company that started in 2011 and has 89 properties nationwide, manages Campus Circle. Peak Campus was nominated for Management Company of the Year, and Ashley Porter, who works as an interior designer for Peak Campus, was in charge of choosing the furniture and design for Campus Circle. “Ashley really knew what students want, and so that’s why she was in charge of choosing the style and feel of Campus Circle,” Blazier said. “We all

helped with the design of the four bedroom, four bathroom model room, and it was a really great experience, because I got to see how much fun decorating can be, and I became more aware of how much this project means to me.” Blazier said she wanted the residents to not have to go through the usual downsides of living in a college apartment that she went through. She said college apartments were usually either unfurnished or came with used and old furniture. With every new construction area, the stakes seem to rise for real estate companies in the area. Who will own the biggest complex with the best amenities? How much are students willing to spend on a place to call home? After HERE Champaign, the luxury high-rise on Green Street, leased apartments for last fall but failed to complete construction by the time the semester started, most students are wary of the luxury label. “I think the most important thing to consider about Campus Circle is that we provide students with on site management, and our staff can always be found on the property,” Blazier said. “Our main concern is to make sure our residents are comfortable and safe.” Blazier said Campus Circle wants students to know that they are part of their community and want them to feel at home as much as possible. Perhaps this new wave of apartment openings will encourage students to think carefully about where they plan to stay and what student housing will look like in the next few years. The open house is scheduled for February 5 and will go from 3 to 10 p.m. Campus Circle is located at 1010 W. University Ave. in Urbana.

Used with permission by Campus Circle

8 buzz February 5-11, 2016



The former Smith Westerns frontman heads to The Accord to promote his new solo album. SAMI TOAL


Omori, former frontman of Chicago indie band Smith Westerns, heads to The Accord on Friday night for a solo show to promote his new record New Misery. The album, which is slated for a March 18 release on Sub Pop Records, is Omori’s first full-length solo effort. Omori spoke with buzz over the phone while watching a dolphin show to discuss his new album, his journey as a solo artist and tonight’s show at The Accord. »buzz: How long have you been working on your solo career? »Cullen Omori: I’ve been working on it since 2014, so it’s been a good two years now. Smith Westerns broke up at the end of 2014, and it was pretty much a guaranteed thing that was going to happen. I mean, not guaranteed - but we decided that we were going to take a break and decided we were going to do our own thing. »buzz: How would you describe your sound on New Misery? »CO: I think I would describe it as dark pop. I’m afraid to use the word “80s,” because I think people think of 80s music as passé. In the 80s, pop music had such a wide range, but the spectrum of pop music now is very, very small. In the 80s and even in the 70s, you had the top 40 or 100, but it was all very different. I was trying to write the closest thing to what I thought was a song that could be catchy and accessible. I think it’s kind of my interpretation of what people are listening to now on the radio and what I like and what I grew up liking and what I know how to play. I think the textures and tones are very dark, kind of in the way that a Drake song is both poppy but also kind of dark and breathy. »buzz: What are you planning on playing at the show on Friday? »CO: I think this time in Champaign, we’re going to play the whole album. I’m going to play all the songs. I think the band’s a little tighter, a little more confident, because we already have a show under our belt. I’m almost positive we will play the whole album, almost in its entirety. I think everyone in Champaign is going to be treated to a listening party of the album. »buzz: What are you most excited for about coming to Champaign? »CO: I think it’s a second chance. Smith Westerns came down there once in 2008 at a house show, and it was one of the worst shows we ever played. Everybody hated us and gave us the dirtiest looks and thought we were losers. So I feel like it’s pretty redemptive to come back to Champaign. I hope we have a killer show. I hope we have

Used with permission by Cullen Omori

some people show up. The last time I played there was kind of a disaster. »buzz: What’s your favorite song off the album? »CO: I really like “Two Kinds.” This is one of the earlier songs I wrote for the album and one of the songs that had me playing guitar and playing more parts than I ever had in my other band. I think lyrically it’s a cute song. It’s not that dark; it’s a personal favorite of mine.

»buzz: What is your writing process like? »CO: I don’t know. Sometimes I’ll try to write on the guitar, but sometimes I’ll write on the piano. It’s one of those things where sometimes you feel like you’ve written everything you can, and you want to switch it up. Usually, I try to start with the chords and the vocals and go from there and build on it. One of my things is even if there’s a song that’s built up with the bells and whistles

on it and all the studio production, that some kid can play it in their dorm room or in their house on just an acoustic guitar and sing the melody. That’s a song that shines through. There’s some songs where it feels like they’re polishing a turd. It has a basic, boring chord progression, a shitty melody, and it has all this stuff on it, but it’s not great. You take it off and the skeleton of the song really reveals the quality of the song. For me, as a February 5-11, 2016 buzz 9

Why is everyone sick.. help me

(cont from page 9) guitar player, the chords and vocals should be good. »buzz: Do you have any musical inspirations that have inspired you throughout the years? »CO: We were really good friends with the band Girls. We toured with them one time when we were really young. I was a 19-year-old, and they blew up before we did. They were popular, they had good songs and being around them was really influential and changed the songs I was writing lyrically. Before I thought that lyrics could only be jokey, or post-modern or ironic, and now I can make them a little more heartfelt.

"[WHEN WRITING], ONE OF MY THINGS IS... THAT SOME KID CAN PLAY [MY SONGS] IN THEIR DORM ROOM OR IN THEIR HOUSE ON JUST AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR AND SING THE MELODY. THAT’S A SONG THAT SHINES THROUGH." »buzz: Where do you see yourself in the next couple of years? »CO: I don’t know. I thought Smith Westerns was going to be a big part of my life going forward. I hadn’t planned on being a musician when

I started Smith Westerns or still making music now, but it’s kind of crazy that I’ve had this second chance to do it. It seems like people are interested, which is rare, because sometimes it seems like bands come and go, and buzz bands are hot for a year. But whether I become someone that’s really popular or someone that’s not popular, it’s just about having a body of work that hopefully someone will cherish at some point. »buzz: Have you always known you were a performer? »CO: I think that it’s something that I kind of fell into. We did it in high school, and we got more attention than we thought we ever would. I was doing it because it was something to do but also something that I was good at. I felt like it was better than anything else I was doing. When we played our first New Misery show in October, I hadn’t played for awhile, but I just felt so comfortable. I’m assuming I’m a performer because when I’m on stage, I can just kind of zone out and play the music. I think that’s something that’s actually pretty hard for most people. But for me, for whatever reason, I have no problem going on stage and pulling my pants down in front of people or whatever. »buzz: Anything else you’d like to add? »CO: I’m excited to come play in Champaign, I heard the venue is pretty nice. In another life, I might have gone to U of I. I know that’s not all Champaign has, but I’m excited to play. Cullen Omori will perform on Friday, February 5 at The Accord with Tara Terra and Tigerbeat. Doors at 7 p.m., show at 8 p.m. $10. Ages 19+


10 buzz February 5-11, 2016

[One of the only times I got Burrito King and actually remembered it]


by Matt Jones

“Roll With It”--a round of applause. Across 1 Part of NKOTB 4 Reason for a Boy Scout badge 9 Trolley 13 Twenty-one desirable 14 Brunch beverage 15 Negative space 16 Arts and crafts chain in a 2014 Supreme Court decision 18 It may be golden 19 Pianist Tatum 20 Like just-above-freezing temperatures, in Celsius 22 Racetrack suggestion 25 2, 4, 6, 8, what do these approximate? 26 The Hamburglar’s catchphrase 30 Rallying cry against Cobra, perhaps 31 Chinese premier Zhou ___ 32 Karl Lagerfeld prop 35 Play ___ role 36 Subsequent to 37 “I can do that!” 38 D.C. ballplayer

39 Henry Doorly Zoo city 40 First two-time Nobelist 41 Foolish talk, to B.A. Baracus 43 1990s defense secretary Les 46 Thai appetizers on skewers 47 Through the efforts of 51 TV show taper, once 52 Evian waters 53 “Va-va-voom!” relative 58 Run in neutral 59 Pungent-tasting, in a way 60 Veterans Day mo. 61 Long-distance swimmer Diana 62 Drummer Charlie of the Rolling Stones 63 Cute spherical character in “The Force Awakens” demonstrated in this grid (not counting this answer)


1 “No dice” 2 “The Name of the Rose” novelist Umberto 3 One W of WWW

4 “Uncle” of early TV 5 Philips who said “How many people here have telekinetic powers? Raise my hand” 6 Prefix for call or cop 7 Bookstore ID 8 Actor Diggs who coauthored the 2015 children’s book “Mixed Me!” 9 Do very well 10 Cheekbone enhancer 11 “I’m betting everything,” to poker players 12 Track events 14 ___ Beach, South Carolina 17 Creature born in 1982, according to the Weekly World News 21 Bagel and lox purveyor 22 Water pipe in a lounge (var.) 23 ___ d’art 24 Factory-made, as housing 26 Actor Gosling 27 “___ Good Ship Lollipop” 28 Goes out of focus 29 Place to pick up glasses

32 1998 interactive toy with its own artificial language 33 First astrological sign 34 ___-do-well (slacker) 36 Diplomat’s title, for short 37 Forester automaker 39 Make like a pig 40 Like a memorable tune 41 Full of bad luck 42 Some Indonesians, by location 43 Used the dining room table 44 Untrustworthy 45 Comedian Poundstone 48 “Fish” or “CHiPs,” e.g. 49 Melt base 50 “In memoriam” writeup 54 Droid 55 Air___ (lodging website) 56 “Better Call Saul” star Odenkirk 57 “I could’ve had ___!” (juice slogan)

Stumped? Find the solutions on page 2

February 5-11, 2016 buzz 11




CULLEN OMORI, BARDO, BOYCUT, LABYRINTH FIONA KIMBLE Friday, February 5; 10 p.m. TARA TERRA, Saturday, February 6; show The Art Theater Co-op TIGERBEAT Friday, February 5; doors at at 9:30 p.m.; Cowboy Monkey; $7; Ages 19+ 7 p.m, show at 8 p.m. The Accord; $10; Ages 19+

WATERFOWL, OLD SEA EMINENT SLAUGHTER, AIRCOBRA, BRIGADE, PLYMOUTH DISCOVERER Friday, February 5; doors at 9 p.m.Mike N Molly’s; $7; Ages 19+

Local band Eminent Slaughter headline a night of metal at Mike N Molly’s.


Thursday, February 11; 9 p.m.; The Canopy Club; $35; Ages 18+

MY BLOODY VALENTINE Friday, February 5; 7 p.m. Virginia Theatre; $4

Monday, Feb. 8; 6-8 p.m.; Flatlander Classroom; (300 S. Broadway Ave., Urbana) $15 owner/ $20 non-Owner.

Celebrate the Chinese New Year by learning how to make pork and vegetable dumplings by hand.

COMMON GROUND FOOD CO-OP BASICS BUDGETING AND MEAL PLANNING Tuesday, Feb. 9; 6-7:30 p.m. Flatlander Classroom (300 S. Broadway Ave., Urbana); Free.

Saturday, Feb. 6; 7:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.; UI Armory (405 E. Armory Ave., Champaign); $5

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT TRIVIA NIGHT AT PIZZA M Wednesday, Feb. 10; 7 p.m. Pizza M (208 W. Main St., Urbana)

SUMMER SESSIONS START STAR T MAY 23 AND JUNE 6. Start planning your summer now at

Saturday, February 6; 8 p.m.; The Accord; Free




Thursday, Feb. 11; 5 p.m. Krannert Center Stage 5; Free.

Thursday, Feb. 11; 3-4 p.m. Japan House (2000 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana); $8 per person. Reserve in advance.

Friday & Saturday, February 5& 6; 7:30 p.m.; Krannert Center for the Performing Sunday, Feb. 7; 1:30 p.m. Arts; $10-20 Japan House; FREE

ALASH: THROAT SINGERS FROM THE REPUBLIC OF TUVA Wednesday, February 10; 8 p.m.; Smith Memorial Hall; Free

Come and witness the ALASH ensemble of throat singers, who can sing a variety of different pitches at the same time.



Friday, Feb. 5; 7:30 p.m.; Krannert Center (500 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana); $20

Saturday, Feb. 6; 5-9 p.m.; Hilton Garden Inn & Conference Center (1501 S. Neil St., Champaign); $75

5TH ANNUAL CHAMPAIGN COUNTY ICE BOWL Saturday, Feb. 6; 8:30 a.m.; Dodds Park (1501 N. Mattis Ave., Champaign); $60 per team

Sunday, Feb. 7; All day; Spurlock Museum (600 S. Gregory St., Urbana); free

12 buzz February 5-11, 2016




Watch as drones and planes take to the skies in the anniversary of E-Fest.


Thursday, February 11; 7 p.m.; Carmike 13; $14 Wednesday, February 10; 7:30 p.m.; Virginia Theatre; The revenge plot of an antihero, played by Ryan $75-46.50 (reserved Reynolds, who was given accelerated healing powers without his consent. seating)

Saturday, February 6; doors at 9 p.m.; Mike N Molly’s; $7; Ages 19+



Wednesday, February 10; 7 p.m.; Goodrich Savoy 16 + IMAX; $10




PECHUKUCHA NIGHT Saturday, February 6; 8:20 p.m.; The Virginia Theatre; $10

Check out an “informal, fun gathering” where you share their ideas and works in a presentation, where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds.

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