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2 April 9, 2020
Join the Reader Revolution
As of this writing (April 6), the Minnesota Dept. of Health’s situation report said there are 1,069 people who have tested positive for COVID-19, out of a total of 29,260 tests for the virus. Of those who have tested positive, 34 had died as of April 6. On the same date, Wisconsin was reporting 2,578 confirmed cases, with 92 deaths among them, and 28,512 negative test results. Why mention the numbers when we are now printing every other week, and by the time some of you read this, the numbers will have changed, perhaps drastically if we suddenly hit the peak that everyone says is imminent? We provide those numbers as a not very subtle way of pointing out that we are among the government-approved “essential” services. Along with health care workers, truckers, law enforcement, grocery and liquor store employees, restaurant staff (at extremely reduced numbers), the news media must carry on with business as usual, as far as each individual business – and, yes, we are a business – can in these trying times. How we differ from some of our essential colleagues who continue to work through this crisis, we are doing so with drastically reduced revenue since a large percentage of our advertisers are businesses that have
been forced to shut their doors – the arts and entertainment sector, for the most part. As long as they are not doing business, our business suffers. We have responded by getting leaner. We’ve reduced the number of pages we print and how often we print, going from a weekly to printing every other week. Although we are aggressively stocking about 100 locations with fresh Readers, you inevitably have fewer places to pick up a copy of the latest Reader for the time being We are also working hard to make our newspaper an indispensable part of the Northland experience with more local stories. more cartoons, more puzzles and games, and two weeks’ worth of TV guides. But we must also face the reality of having bills to pay. With the loss in revenue comes a subsequent loss in the ability to survive without some help. Yes, we are looking at various governmental offers of financial loans for small businesses. But even that may not be enough, and we have no idea when any of that money will, in fact, be available. It’s costly to print a quality independent newspaper that’s totally free to its readers. You can count on us to keep at it, but can we count on you? Can we count on your financial support directly to us, as well to our advertisers – those who are still operating and
those who will return when this nightmare has ended? Sadly, we were already the last locally owned media in Duluth, even before coronavirus arrived.. We draw some inspiration from the public radio model, wherein those who enjoy the programming help support it. We intend to work out expanded benefits for those who choose to support us, but frankly that is difficult today when most of our allies are closed down; and we are scrambling to simply get a newspaper out. To help us directly, we’ve created a donation page that you can reach via the website,, by donating with either a one-time gift or become a supporting member with a monthly donation. Your financial support will help us get through these tough times when so much of our ad revenue disappeared overnight. For nearly a quarter-century, The Reader has depended on the support of other local small businesses as our primary source of income, to continue to bring you a free newspaper. Our heartfelt thanks go to those who have already donated and to those who do so. We all know they grow ’em tough up here in the Northland. This trial can only make us stronger.
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Mike Jaros, Ria Meltzer, Joseph Raycraft, Mary and Jim Stukel, Harry Welty, Cindy and Jack Seiler, Anonymous, Brian Smith, Pat and Larry Duncan, Don Macor, Margery Stanley-Meyer, Barbara and Steven Rovinsky, Dennis Elj
April 9, 2020 3
who’s responsible? Robert Boone
Jim Lindstrom Graphic Design
Felicity Bosk Staff Writer
Richard Thomas
Publisher • Editor
Staff Writer
Contributing Writers
Forrest Johnson, Harry Drabik, John Ramos, Gary Kohls, John Gilbert, Linda Grover, Marc Elliot, Jim Lundstrom, Emily Stone, Richard Thomas Ed Raymond, Israel Malachi Ralph LaPlant, Phil Anderson, Paul Whyte
April 9, 2020
Nighthawks in West Duluth
A dreamscape homage’ to Ed Hooper’s classic painting and a time before social distancing – let’s be safe out there.
NEWS & VIEWS 8 Not Eudora Harry Welty 10 The Gadfly Ed Raymond 12 Duty to Warn Gary Kohl 16 Northshore Notes Harry Drabik 18 School Board Loren Martell 26 Sewing to Save Lives Jim Lundstrom
EAT & DRINK 32 Bill of Fare 34 Ferment!
SPORTS 44 John Gilbert 46 John Gilbert 47 The Masked Fan
TV GUIDE ENTERTAINMENT 37 April Fool’s edition 50 Movie Review 51 Bookshelf 52 Crossword & Games 76 Gilbert’s Garage
14 Here’s How 20 MN Post 52 Puzzles
Reader P.O. Box 16122 Duluth, Minnesota 55816
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39 April Fools
Bob Bemis, Robert Boone, Carol George, Eldred Ingersoll, Marcia Larriby, Mike Ogren, Lloyd Olson, Roy Orr, Dushyant Shamara, Jim Van Dell, Paul Whyte, Ted Harrison, Felicity Bosk
58 TV Guide 53 Personals 74 Classifieds
4 April 9, 2020
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in box It took downplaying one microbe When members of professional athletic teams are receiving Coronavirus tests ahead of our medical professionals on the front line, we need to ask how this could happen. Cecilia Vega (Emmy award-winning ABC News anchor, and the network’s Senior White House Correspondent,) asked Trump directly if the wealthy sector are able to buy their way to testing, while others must wait. His response was “that’s the way life goes sometimes.” She was so appalled by his snooty answer, and for his use of “the Chinese virus” moniker, that she addressed his entourage behind the podium, if they were all okay with him using that term. Pence was there. He, and the rest, all had vacant, silent stares, as they filed out behind their “poster boy.” Republicans are desperate to blame their embarrassing (and criminal) lack of readiness on others, but there can be no doubt that Trump eliminated the CDC office for pandemics, (among other things.) Now they want to quickly buy acceptance of our new hardship, through stimulus payouts, which we can be sure they’re salivating over right now. It took downplaying one microbe for the “house of republican ineptitude” to damage or destroy our nation. And to Trump supporters – do you get it yet? You can now have thoughts and prayers for supper. Mark Pommier Hibbing, MN Income and wealth disparity In my Feb. 20th letter I advised Democratic voters not to let fear of losing to Pres. Trump cause them to fear voting for the bold, but needed, changes addressed in the Sanders and Warren campaigns. Since then the voters have spoken. And, whether out of fear or out of a perceived pragmatism,they have voted for Biden and the status quo. The anxiety of the political moment has led them to hold on to what they have. They may be correct in thinking that “moderate” Biden will rid us of the Trump II night mare”,in that it will get
us through the night.But will it get us through the days and years ahead? The issue of income and wealth disparity, caused by a rigged economy, continues to divide and weaken us. Lack of access to affordable health care is bankrupting us individually, and nationally in global economic competition. Higher education debt is burdening an entire generation and depressing the economy. And long unaddressed issues of climate change pose an existential threat to the economic and political stability of democratic civilization itself. Supporters of the Sanders and Warren campaigns that boldly address these critical issues may not be a majority, but they and their issues are a significant political force that must be heard and respected when the party convention writes its platform. For the sake of party unity, the Biden supporters must welcome the Sanders and Warren voices into the campaign. The Democratic tent must be big enough for all its voices if Trump is to be defeated, in the Fall. And their critical issues must be addressed if Democrats are going to govern successfully when in office,if they want to stay-in office. Larry A. Johnson Duluth MN “The Coronavirus Blues” You hurry grandmas and grandpas into cemeteries. You close churches and get us on our knees. You lay off the world, turn the tables on restaurants and bars. You scare us into not wishing on a star. You stampede the bulls up and down Wall Street. You sideline sports and live, late night TV. You put the brakes on makin’ and buyin’ cars. You war on earth like you’re an army from Mars. You steal our “social distance” and skew the news. You got us singin’ the Coronavirus blues.
Today, you’re the black cat crying that if we dare laugh you’ll cross our path, but, Fortunato, your fortunes will change when we deal you your fate in our wild card game. When the last hand is played You, not us, will hold “aces over eights.” It’ll be your turn to feel the turn of the screw when the Banshee turns toward you. It’ll be you who schools will teach got schooled. It’ll be you singin’ the Coronavirus blues! William Tecku Tempe, AZ Gordon, WI COVID-19 & Climate Change We should have listened to the science. The COVID-19 pandemic is extracting a very high human cost due to our society’s lack of preparedness and our failure to take early action. This is a lesson in the price we pay for the political denial of science and our government’s failure to act decisively based on the early evidence. The Earth is at risk from climate change. Let’s take this very hard COVID-19 lesson to heart and demand that our leaders start taking action on climate change now before it is altogether too late. Even as we emerge from the COVID-19 emergency we must begin to re-stimulate our economy in the direction of preventing a climate change disaster that makes COVID-19 look like kindergarten. Experience is a hard teacher. Let’s hope that we are learning. George Bussey Ashland, WI And the Winner is …. In this time of crisis, both healthwise and financial, many of us are paying close attention to what Congress is doing (or not doing) to help. Many people are suffering, some with health issues and many more with the financial fallout caused by the great disruption in our routine lives. What will
Congress do and who will be made whole? We simply don’t know yet but there will be one winner for sure. That one is Donald Trump. Here’s why. To address the financial side of this, Congress is granting unspecified financial bailouts for industries affected by the epidemic; airlines, hotels, and more, industries many of which already pay little or no taxes. The president owns hotels. Some of us older folks remember back when President Jimmy Carter had to sell his family owned peanut farm business in order to avoid the appearance of any conflict of interest. If I were a hotel employee cleaning rooms, doing laundry, providing food service or any other hotel job which pays very low on the labor scale, I would be concerned about a reduction in my hours or even loosing my job. How could I afford to eat, pay my rent or cover any of my other survival expenses? Some of the proposed economic bailout is likely hundreds of millions of dollars directly to the hotel industry. If I were a hotel employee not made whole by the federal government, I doubt very much that I would trust the president with his newly acquired wealth to share it with me. This is the second time the Republican-controlled Senate would be directly enriching the president. The first was the huge tax cut for wealthy folks and businesses at the expense of working folks. This benefited the president and his businesses personally at the rate of tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars. But contrary to what some believe, not all politicians are corrupt. It’s up to each of us individually to do the work to sort out which of our elected representatives will represent only the wealthy and powerful and which will work for the 99%, the rest of us. Do vote in the coming elections this year because your vote is the most important vote there is. Let’s vote for the common good, yours, mine and all of ours.
Lifelong motto Mary McCarthy once characterized another author like so: “Everything she says is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the.’” Whenever I listen to Donald Trump, I’m reminded of that zinger. Maybe I’m reminded of McCarthy’s poison dart because Billy Bush reported that when he accused Trump of inflating the ratings for his TV show, Trump declared, “People just believe you. You just tell them and they believe you.” I never forgot that. Or maybe McCarthy’s quip keeps coming to mind because, according to the Fact Checker of The Washington Post, Trump has lied to the public more than 16,000 times since he was sworn into office. Reality, however, has a way of catching up with liars. Donald Trump cannot lie away a pandemic. All his life, he has dodged, denied, deflected, and flat-out lied his way out of trouble. Not this time. Facts – deadly facts – remain.
Asked by Yamiche Alcindor of PBS why in 2018 Trump had dissolved the Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, Trump protested, “Well, I just think it’s a nasty question . . . And when you say ‘me,’ I didn’t do it.” Warned repeatedly, Donald Trump denied the threat posed by the coronavirus. Asked by Kristen Welker of NBC whether he should take responsibility for the failure to distribute more test kits for COVID-19 earlier, Trump finally said something true: “I don’t take responsibility at all.” Of course. That’s been his lifelong motto. Bart Sutter Duluth, MN
Jack Pick Duluth, MN
April 9, 2020 5
our team
Robert Boone
Publisher, Editor Reporter, columnist
Ralph Laplant
Paul Whyte Columnist
Paul covers the area’s music beat with reviews and interviews as well as local news reporting
Jim Lundstrom
Staff Reporter, editor
LaPLant is a retired conservation officer based in Holyke, MN.
UWS alumni and local writer and page editor.
Chevy Impola
Beer Columnist Beer raconteur and longtime homebrewer, Chevy looks forward to sharing his beery views.
Harry Welty Columnist
Emily Stone
Nature Columnist Emily shares all of latest happenings in our great outdoors.
Lady Ocalot
Columnist Montly horoscope advice from our local Astrologist, Reiki Master, Minister, and Tarot Reader.
6 April 9, 2020
Forrest Johnson Columnist
Forrest Johnson was editor of the Lake County News-Chronicle in Two Harbors for over 20 years.
Ari LeVaux Columnist
Our “Flash in the Pan” wizard
Dr Mehmet Oz
Physician, Medical advice Columnist and TV host.
Ed Raymond
Columnist aka The Gadfly, is sharp, smart, funny, unapologetic and, yes, very liberal.
Loren Martell
School Board Reporter Loren Martell has been involved in Public School District issues for several years.
Marc Elliot
Sports Opinion Columnist
Marc Elliott wrote “The Masked Fan Speaks” column for the Lake County News Chronicle for ten years prior to writing for The Reader for the past 8.
Harry Drabik
Columnist Native Grand Marais muses on life in the northland.
Kyle OReilly
Cartoonist Kyle is a Duluth Resident who spends his free time paddling, doodling, and being the best father he can be.
Richard Thomas Staff Reporter
Reporter in the Twin Ports since 1999.
Amy Goodman Democracy Now!
Amy is an American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter, and author.
Felicity Bosk Staff Columnist
Gary Kohls Columnist
Dr Kohls is a retired physician who practiced holistic mental health care for the last decade of his career.
John GIlbert
Sports Columnist John Gilbert has been writing sports for over 30 years. Formerly with the Star Tribune and WCCO.
Phil Anderson
Community reporter
Columnist Northern Wisconsin writer
Heloise Cruse Evans
Jenna Sorensen
Advise Columnist best known by her pen name Heloise, is a writer, author, specializing in lifestyle hints
Cartoonist National Political cartoonist
Quarantine Club Duluth Transit Authority
The last trips of the evening Monday through Saturday are just after 9 p.m., leaving downtown. The last trips of the evening on Sunday are just after 7 p.m. also from downtown. A shuttle runs 10:10 a.m. to 6:10 p.m. each day, including Sunday, departing Miller Hill Super One for Menards and Walmart at :10 and :30 past each hour. Please limit your bus travel to essential trips during this time. Reducing the number of passengers on each trip can help reduce the spread of illness. Go to or call 218–722-7283.
If you need assistance finding food, paying housing bills or other essential services, dial the United Way Helpline at 211. (In Minnesota you may also dial 800-543-7709 and in Wisconsin 877-947-2211.) A Certified Community Resource Specialist will help to locate available resources in your area.
Damiano Center, 206 W. Fourth St., provides free bagged meals in the parking lot Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for: Continental breakfast 8:30-9:30 a.m. Lunch 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dinner 5-6 p.m. (Fri., Sat., and Sun. only) Kids’ Kitchen, Second Avenue West entrance, serves boxed meals MondayThursday 3-6 p.m. Duluth Public Schools’ free lunch and breakfast program pauses during the scheduled spring recess April 6-10, but resumes Monday, April 13. For updates, times and locations see or call 218-336-8700. Burrito Union, 1332 E. 4th St., offers free kids lunch Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donations may be sent to Burrito Union, c/o #FeedTheKids, 1332 E.4th St., Duluth MN 55805. Superior Public Schools has a mobile service that provides breakfast and lunch at various locations (Superior High School, SuperOne, WalMart, Park Place and more) weekdays 11 a.m. to
2 p.m. For times and locations go to or call 715-394-8707. Union Gospel Mission, 219 E. First St., serves curbside lunches Tuesday and Thursday 12-12:30 p.m. Dinners served Sunday through Friday 4:30-5:15 p.m. Community Food Table: Troy’s Service Center, 302 Second St., Proctor. The public is welcome to help themselves Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 pm. Donations welcome. Organized by “Residents of Proctor, MN” Facebook group. Look Out for the Helpers: The Rambler food truck, Midcoast Catering and Yellow Bike Coffee are raising money to deliver coffee, bakery items and meals to health care workers. Donate at
Health care
Essentia Health:, 855469-6532 Lake Superior Community Health Center, Duluth: 218-722-1497 Superior: 715-392-1955 St. Luke’s:, 218-249-5555
Local governments’ response to Coronavirus
City of Duluth: City of Superior: Douglas County: douglascountywi. org/1120/COVID-19-Coronavirus St. Louis County:
During the coronavirus emergency, evictions are illegal, except when the tenant is a serious danger to safety. Landlords also cannot shut off utilities to force you out, though that is the case any time. Gas and water and electric companies cannot shut off your utilities during the crisis, but you need to arrange to pay the bills eventually. Similarly, banks and lenders cannot foreclose on homeowners for not paying mortgage during the crisis. Anyone who is evicted should contact the Minnesota Attorney General at 800-657-3787 or go to In Wisconsin call Legal Action of Wisconsin at 855-9472529.
Mental health
South St. Louis County: LetsTalkMN. com 218-623-1800 North St. Louis County: LetsTALKMN. com 218-288-2100 Douglas County Crisis Hotline: 715-392-8216 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255 (TALK)
Hotlines for COVID-19related concerns
Health questions: 800-657-3903 Housing questions: For single-family residences: 651-296-8215 For multi-family residences: 651-297-4455 School and childcare questions: 800-657-3504 Discrimination Helpline 833-454-0148 Report a concern about the stay at home order: 651-793-3746
Minnesota Responds
Partnership that engages local, regional and statewide volunteer programs to strengthen public health, preparedness, response and recovery. Become a qualified volunteer by completing the online orientation. Northlanders in need of help during Corona Crisis: Facebook group to lend a hand to others in need from the Duluth/Superior area.
Senior Linkage Line (800-333-2433) is a free service for Minnesotans that can help adults 60 and older find answers to all sorts of questions and locate services. The Douglas County Aging & Disability Resource Center may be reached at 715395-1234. Phone calls, grocery runs for seniors: Age Well Arrowhead is looking for students home from school to make check-in phone calls to seniors in their homes or make cards that can be delivered with their groceries. Age Well Arrowhead is also seeking volunteers to deliver groceries to seniors. To volunteer, call 218-623-7800.
Twin Ports Mask Brigade
Collecting donations of unused masks for doctors and nurses.
Minnesotans looking for more information on Unemployment Insurance can find it at the Department of Employment and Economic Development website, and sign up at Wisconsin Unemployment may be found at
Vikre Distillery
Normally a maker of vodka, Vikre in Canal Park is now making organic sanitizer and distributing it for free. First batch ran out in March but they expect to resume distribution to individuals on April 10. Check the Facebook page for updates. A GoFundMe page has been set up for their efforts. (Go to gofundme. com and search for Vikre Distillery.)
Arrowhead Regional Arts Council resources for artists to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic: Indy Music Livestream Concert Clearinghouse: Facebook page to connect musicians with audiences in search of livestream concerts. Livestream Cover Challenge: Facebook page in which musicians challenge fellow musicians to learn and stream cover songs. Open Mic Puppy Show: Facebook group to share your live streaming music, originals and covers, and animal videos. Quarentunes: Facebook page for live music shows during the quarantine. Virtual Duluth: Facebook page to post all the upcoming virtual events happening in Duluth by talented community members. To submit entries to this list, please email
April 9, 2020 7
The Gift of Why
1934, Charlotte Seanor Robb reading to her granddaughters Mary Jane and Georganne. My Mother told me that her beloved She loved having deep conversations grandmother had a nightmare as she with her friends and neighbors about raised her four sons in the wilds of the people they knew. I suppose it was Kansas just spittin’ distance from where gossip but, if so, the word has earned an a tornado transported Dorothy Gale to undeserved reputation for mean spiritthe Land of Oz. It wasn’t the edness. Mom was simply wild winds that frightened doing what our ancestors Charlotte Seanor Robb. It did long before they took was the possibility that one fully human form. They of her boys might marry a watched each other taking “dirty” Swedish girl. everyone’s measure. It was by When I first heard this a means of survival. Which story, like my Mother, I member of your group thought it was humorous. I would pluck tasty pests didn’t think the Robbs could from your back? Which have been that that much would share food? Which different than their Swedish would pummel your offneighbors. They all dug holes, “dugspring if they were in a bad mood? outs,” into the banks above the Smokey A few million years later this observant Hill River to raise their families. They behavior made us what we are; the most were all waiting for a propitious time to social of animals including some mighty build a home on the flood plain. Thomas insightful novelists. Being observant Robb finished his just before the birth of might have offered her survival tips but his sixth and last child, my grandfather. for my Mother talking with and about When I moved to Minnesota, I learned her neighbors was simply an expression that Swedes were clean living, sauna lovof her great desire to understand why. ing, civically minded people. Heck, even Why are we the way we are? Who isn’t the addled Adolph Hitler thought Scaninterested in that question? Every time dinavians were perfect representatives of I write the stories my Mother told me his god-like “Aryan” race. about family and friends the question of So, why did my Mother’s beloved Why is foremost in my thoughts. grandmother take such a dim view of her As for the why in my Grandmother’s neighbors? anti-Swedish attitude I’ve given it a lot I have an answer now but it’s not of thought. A lot of white Americans THE answer. I have this opinion in large (We’re talkin’ melanin deficiency here, measure because my Mother taught me not Aryan blood) are afraid, they are through her example the gift of Why. about to be “replaced.” That’s what the
8 April 9, 2020
alt-right, tiki torch bearers who ran over a liberal-minded girl in Charlottesville, Virginia, were afraid of. The odd thing is that genetics proves, that these marchers are an amalgam of peoples who in earlier generations regarded each other the way Great Grandma Robb regarded the dirty Swedes – as contaminated. She was born into Pennsylvania in 1852 at the peak of the No Nothing Party. Also known as the American Party its members wanted to keep Germans and Irish out of America. The farthest back we’ve traced Charlotte Seanor’s ancestors was to her grandfather John George Zehner. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1794 or 95, twelve years after the Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolutionary War. One result of the peace was a momentous decision by many Hessian soldiers who had been rented by King George to fight the Americans. Given a choice of a sea sickening voyage home to get shot up in some new war or the temptation to settle in a lush and empty land they chose to stay. John George’s father was probably trying to kill General Washington during that war, but when the dust settled, pragmatic Pennsylvanians welcomed him to move next door. His labors would give them a customer for their goods and help make Pennsylvania prosperous. Not that everyone was thrilled to have German speaking neighbors. The
Zehner’s lost their German language and became the almost English sounding “Seanors.” They shrugged off everything but sauerkraut which the Robb boys helped their mother make five generations later. Now thoroughly American, Grandma Robb couldn’t help but fret about her Swedish neigbhors even though they would follow her great-grandfather’s example. At least that’s what “the why” my Mother taught me practice, leads me to believe. Of course, the Americans bringing guns to the border to keep the Central Americans out have taken things a step or two farther than Charlotte Robb. My why tells me that they see the Indian gene pool, returning north to the US, the same way Charlotte saw her Swedes. But that’s just my, why. Not everyone likes a why. A lot of kids have learned to stop asking it. I’ll be honest though. There are few things that unnerve me more than a head without a little why in it; especially with the promiscuous rights our Second Amendment bestows upon us. Harry Welty wonders why at
April 9, 2020 9
It Seems We Have A Lot of Robinson Crusoes in The World THE GADFLY by
ED RAYMOND Illustration by N.C. Wyeth for Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe
Remember that old expression “Will wonders never cease?” No one seems to know when it was formed, but it first appeared in print in 1775. It is appropriate again when we look at our political situation in the United States. We have reality-TV nutcase Donald the Lyin’ King serving as real president who lies only when his lips are moving and his fingers are twitching, and then we have “Sleepy” Joe who constantly fibs about his past, present, and future. Among the many “wonders,” Trumplicans in Congress are adopting most of the worker policies developed and supported by that damn “socialist” Bernie Sanders in 40 years in politics, rescuing us from the disaster capitalism brought to us by billionaires and a deadly pandemic virus. All of a sudden billionaires are realizing that their workers and servants aren’t filling their huge pockets with cash actually produced by those workers, and are not at home and on the road to tuck them into beds, to make their beds, to make coffee and scrambled eggs, to carry their luggage to an airport, to fly them and their private doctors and nurses in their private jets at $5,000 an hour to virus-free estates from their feudal estates scattered in big cities across the world. Heavens to Betsy! It’s up to us to provide health care to everybody, sick leave for all workers, medical tests for all (Bernie calls it Medicare-For-All), and such terrible policies like employment and
unemployment insurance, food assistance, child care, and broadband and Internet access. Why, even Jeff Bezos of Amazon is actually thinking about paying his employees a living wage—as long as they keep working in his distribution center hellholes. All of a sudden cruiseline and airline CEOs want to practice Bernie’s democratic socialism to pull their large asses out of the fires of disaster capitalism practiced for forty years by all of them. I see two loaded cruise ships are being refueled and restocked in Hawaii—as long as the crew and travelers are kept aboard ship. No one seems to know on what island on this planet they are going to land—with permission. It’s time to think about humankind and islands. John Donne’s “Meditation 17” When he was seriously ill in 1623, English poet John Donne wrote a series of essays and poems about death. The following poem is an excerpt from his “Meditation 17.” I taught this poem to my seniors in English Literature at Fargo Central High School because it sparkled with humanity—and it gave a reason why we eventually climbed out of the trees. At my present age I’m probably closer to death than 99% of the living on the planet, so I doubly appreciate what Donne is saying about us.
10 April 9, 2020
“No man is an island, entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the continent; a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as a promontory were. As well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were. Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.” In plainer words, Donne is writing that all beings on earth are one with God. He is comparing suffering to gold, arguing we can never have enough of our neighbor’s pain: “No man hath affliction enough that is not matured and ripened by it.” He is saying no one suffers alone, and being aware of another’s pain makes us stronger and more able to live. A Message From A Chicago Suburb For Donald The Lyin’ King And His Cult Conservative Democrat Dan Lipinski was running for his ninth term after he had taken his father’s place in Congress for Illinois’s Third Congressional District, a relatively well-off Chicago suburb called Archer Heights. But over the years he had voted against abortion rights, the acceptance of equality for the LBGTQ+ community, had an anti-
immigrant record, had voted against Obamacare in 2010, and was against raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. Lipinski was just primaried by a young progressive Democrat named Marie Newman. That, folks, should be a real message to Trumplicans and the moderate Democrats on the Democratic National Committee who support Joe Biden. Even the “moderate” suburbs tend to approve of Bernie’s revolution. I would like to remind the so-called “moderates” on the Democratic National Committee and the corporations backing the pundits and the selection of moderate “experts” on MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the New York Times and possibly several debates, that their Joe is not the nominee yet. We still have seven months and 32 primaries before the convention where selection is made. Will our lives be back to the terrible “normal” where half the families can’t come up with $400 for an emergency? What if it’s 80% of the families by November 3rd? Over the last few weeks I have listened to the coronavirus press conferences of Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York and one by Donald the Lyin’ King each day. Cuomo tells the truth for about two hours while King Donald continues to tell preening lies for two hours while his scientists behind him silently groan and are embarrassed. A few days ago a brain cell recalled a statement about truth by English Prime Minister Oliver Crom-
well who served King Henry VIII. King Henry’s second wife Anne Bolen did not give him a son so he told Cromwell to get rid of her. Cromwell started rumors that Anne had slept around with four of Henry’s friends and her own brother. That was enough to get her beheaded. After her head hit the basket, A duke witness noticed Cromwell had turned pale at the act. He asked Cromwell: “What are you doing? If you cannot speak truth at a beheading, when can you speak it?” The Lyin’ King has demonstrated time and time again that he couldn’t speak truth at a beheading either. Cromwell died of natural causes in 1658 and was buried in Westminster Abbey. His enemies regained power in 1660 and dug up his corpse so they could behead it. That’s the truth! The Lyin’ King’s Place In The Great Chain of Being The nutcase in the Oval Office has only one goal: the preservation of himself. Much of mankind has been enthralled by The Great Chain of Being, a theory of government developed by the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato. This theory put God on top (the Greeks loved all of their gods!), his angels next, and then came human kings and queens who were only answerable to God—and no one else. From here came the theory of The Divine Right of Kings. Our Lyin’ King president, according to the evangelical “Christians” who put him in office, was chosen by God to lead us out of some wilderness, therefore becoming known as “The Chosen One.” So Trump actually believes he is answerable only to God—himself. The Great Chain of Being includes everything on earth: from God, his angels at the top of the chain, to humans, to animals, to plants, to rocks and minerals at the very bottom of the chain. Humans are kind of in the middle of this mess. The Lyin’ King is too nuts, ignorant, and confused to understand this theory of government, but he has an unconscionable, insane thirst for power. His ambitions for his own well-being have swelled dangerously since the 2016 election. Fred Wertheimer of Democracy 21 has written about Trump’s “hugggge” thirst: “Financial self-interest is the only reason he ran. But power is a drug. Power is an addiction - exercising power,
flying around on Air Force One, having motorcades (and Defense Department parades of tanks and missiles!), having people salute you. He thinks he is the country.” But Trump does not understand what happens when a human violates The Great Chain of Being and attempts to rise above his position as ordained by God. If the wrong people are selected for government everything will go wrong in a country or province. The crops will be terrible and the animals will misbehave. The theory was if you had started life as a noble, farmer, blacksmith, or beggar you were in the place assigned by God for you—and your life. If the natural order was disturbed by someone attempting to change his life, all hell would break loose. The English believed the story that if the natural order was upset, horses in their stables would go mad and eat each other. Trump’s term of office does not bode well for us. It’s Time For Journalists To Cut Off The Incredible Shrinking Man What would happen if journalists refused to listen to or ask questions of the Lyin’ King? Their interaction with him does tremendous harm to all citizens of this country. Put him in an invisible “quarantine bubble.” Act as if he isn’t there. Call it the “Emperor-WithoutAny-Clothes” screen. Force him to face reality by paying no attention to him. Self-cancel all White House briefings because they are a travesty of truth, justice, and the American Way. He has proven all his life that he is an incredible shrinking man when his mouth moves or he tweets. Do not repeat anything he says. I think it’s the only way to get rid of him. He certainly is beyond any medical treatment known to man. What is the cure for lying and self-aggrandizement? Certainly there is no current drug, vaccination, or breathing device that can cure such a lying, greedy virus.
when the bottom 90% can’t afford all types of medical care because greed is a constant untamed virus running amok in anything associated with health care. According to the National Association of County and City Health Officials, local and state departments of health have lost 25% of their workforce since the 2008 Recession. On top of that, King Donald and his greedy cohorts cut the funding of the pandemic study section of the National Security Council and further decimated the budgets of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers of Disease Control. Third, the administration failed to heed the warnings of our intelligence organizations that China had a strange
virus in some cities in December, 2019. China had even made it public. The failure to warn the American public of that possibility has led to the scandal of insider-trading senators dumping millions of dollars of “recreational” stocks while Trump and Pence continue to make inexcusable excuses every day for not preparing the country for a pandemic. The only good thing to come out of this disaster is the fact that Bernie’s democratic socialism policies such as universal health care Medicare-For-All and the benefits of good safety net for all will remain—if we ever get over the COVID-19. The virus has struck instead of all the pissants.
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April 9, 2020 11
Industry Leaders Plan to Abolish the Informed Consent, Ethical Principle and Vaccinate Everybody Established under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act during the Reagan Administration, 13 the Plan didn’t really get traction until Congress funded the Vaccines for Children program in 1993 under the Clinton Administration 14 15 and gave the Department of Health and Human Services authority to fund a network of state-based electronic vaccine tracking registries 16 that can monitor the vaccination histories of children without By Barbara Loe Fisher the informed consent of their parents. In 1995, then Secretary of Health Donna To watch the video of Barb’s talk, go to Shalala used rule-making authority to authorize the Social Security Administrathe-national-plan-to-vaccinate-everytion to disclose the social security number american.aspx of every baby born in the country to state Scientists at the National Institutes of governments without parental consent.17 Health are working with a biotech comFederal officials explained that – quote pany to quickly start clinical trials of an “public health program uses experimental messenger RNA of the social security numvaccine and fast track it to bers would include, but are licensure. 1 The FDA has not not limited to, establishing yet licensed messenger RNA immunization registries” and vaccines that use part of the that new routine use of social RNA of a virus to manipulate by security numbers would help the body’s immune system the government operate “a into stimulating a potent imnational network of coordimune response. 2 3 It looks nated statewide immunizalike the coronavirus vaccine tion registries.” 18 will be the first genetically By 1996, when Congress engineered messenger RNA established a national Elecvaccine to be fast tracked to licensure, tronic Health Records (EHR) system under just like Gardasil was the first genetically HIPPA, 19 the stage had been set for a engineered virus-like particle vaccine to be government-operated electronic surveilfast tracked to licensure. 4 5 lance system to monitor the personal There likely will be lots of questions medical records and vaccination status of about whether the fast tracked coronaviall Americans. 20 21 22 23 The justificarus vaccine was studied long enough to tion for this big data grab by the governadequately demonstrate safety, especially ment, which clearly violated the privacy for people who have trouble resolving of Americans, was to- quote - “protect the strong inflammatory responses in their public by reducing disease.” bodies and may be at greater risk for vaccine reactions. 6 7 8 9 10 However, there Nationwide Electronic Health is no question about what will happen if Records & Vaccine Tracking Systhe Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) tems Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) 11 12 recommends that Today, the nationwide federally funded all Americans get the newly licensed coroElectronic Health Records system capnavirus vaccine. tures the details of every visit you make The government has a National Vaccine to a doctor’s office, hospital, pharmacy, Plan. It is a Plan designed to make sure laboratory or other medical facility; every you, your child and everyone in America medical diagnosis you get; every drug you gets every dose of every vaccine that govhave been prescribed and every vaccine ernment officials recommend now and in you accept or refuse. Your Electronic the future. Health Record can be accessed not only by government health agencies like the Social 1986-1996: Establishing Security Administration, Medicaid and fed& Creating the Plan eral and state health and law enforcement
12 April 9, 2020
agencies, 24 25 but also can be shared with authorized third parties such as doctors, health insurance companies, HMOs and other corporations, hospitals, labs, nursing homes and medical researchers. 26 27 28 A new Health Information Exchange 29 30 31 initiative funded by the government will make it even easier for computerized health and vaccine records databases to tag, track down and sanction Americans who do not go along with the National Vaccine Plan in the future. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 What Happened to the Plan’s Duty to Prevent Adverse Reactions to Vaccines? Ironically, when Congress directed the Department of Health and Human Services to create a National Vaccine Program in the 1986 Act, federal health officials were told to put together a Plan to – quote “achieve optimal prevention of human infectious diseases through immunization and to achieve optimal prevention against adverse reactions to vaccines.” 39 The Plan was not supposed to focus solely on vaccine development and promotion but to equally focus on preventing vaccine reactions. Yet, in the very first 1994 National Vaccine Plan only four out of 25 “objectives” and only two out of 14 anticipated “outcomes” addressed preventing vaccine reactions. 40 The 2010 version of the Plan 41 also largely ignored the legal duty of HHS to conduct vaccine safety research to fill in long standing knowledge gaps and take steps to make vaccines and vaccine policies less likely to cause harm. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Looking back, it appears Congress was not really committed to funding research and creating substantive initiatives to reduce vaccine risks, regardless of what was stated in the 1986 Act, or there would been congressional oversight and federal agencies would have been directed to follow the law rather than ignore it for more than 30 years. 53 Government’s Vaccine Marketing Plan for the Pharmaceutical Industry Instead, government agencies have brazenly forged lucrative public private business partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment to:
• develop many new vaccines; 54 55 56 57 • increase public demand for vaccines; 58 • raise vaccination rates among children to nearly 100 percent; 59 • create and expand electronic vaccine tracking registries; 60 61 62 63 64 and • promote global vaccination programs, 65 66 even though the primary purpose of the 1986 Act was to reduce vaccine reactions and protect the U.S. childhood vaccine supply, 67 not fund and expand global vaccination programs. In fact, federal health officials accurately characterize the U.S. vaccination system in the 21st century as a business. A decade ago they admitted that – quote -“The 2010 National Vaccine Plan provides a vision for the U.S. vaccine and immunization enterprise for the next decade.” 68 That’s because they know the National Vaccine Plan is really a Vaccine Marketing Plan for the pharmaceutical industry. 69 70 71 72 So, if you are wondering why many states are trying to pass laws eliminating all vaccine exemptions and mandate every vaccine the pharmaceutical industry produces and the CDC recommends, 73 74 75 76 you don’t have to look any further than the government’s well-financed National Vaccine Plan. Implementation of The Plan Accelerated in 2011 Implementation of the Plan was accelerated in 2011 after the U.S. Supreme Court declared FDA licensed vaccines to be –quote - “unavoidably unsafe” for the purpose of removing almost all remaining liability from drug companies when vaccines hurt people. 77 78 Since 2011, two powerful CDC-appointed vaccine advisory committees influenced by members associated with the pharmaceutical and medical trade industries – the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) 79 80 81 82 83 and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) 84 85 86 – have been busy coming up with new ways to meet strategic goals of the National Vaccine Plan. When highly publicized cases of measles were reported in California’s Disneyland
in 2015 87 and in New York in 2019, 88 89 with military precision pursuit of the Plan was kicked into even high gear. 90 91 During the past five years, California, Vermont, New York, Maine and Hawaii have lost vaccine exemptions, even though tens of thousands of Americans rose up in protest. 92 In 2019, the people managed to hold on to exemptions in states like Oregon, Arizona and New Jersey 93 but this year, bills to force vaccine use are already threatening parental, civil and human rights in Virginia, Massachusetts, Florida, Washington, Pennsylvania and more. 94 Five Main Types of Vaccine Laws Being Proposed in States These are the five main types of laws being proposed in the states and your state may be one of them: Number One: State laws that eliminate all personal belief vaccine exemptions allowing you to follow your conscience or religious beliefs and make it illegal for physicians to grant a medical exemption unless it strictly conforms to very narrow CDC-approved contraindications to vaccination. National vaccine coverage rates among school children are at 95 percent for core vaccines like polio, pertussis, measles and chickenpox, yet, government health officials are not satisfied. 95 They have narrowed vaccine contraindications so that almost no medical history or health condition qualifies as a reason for a medical exemption. 96 If you or your child have had previous vaccine reactions, are vaccine injured, have a brother or sister who was injured or died after vaccination, or are suffering with a brain or immune system disorder that the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) does not consider to be a contraindication to vaccination, states like California 97 98 are denying physicians the right to exercise professional judgment and give children a medical exemption to vaccination are threatening human rights. 99 No wonder less than one percent of vaccine reactions are ever reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System 100 and doctors feel free to discriminate against and deny medical care to anyone who is not vaccinated according to CDC schedules. 101 Laws that eliminate medical, religious and conscience exemptions to vaccination and ban citizens from getting a school education – even a college education – do violate civil and human rights and so do vaccine mandates by employers who fire or refuse to hire workers based on their vaccination status. 102 103 104 The two
professions being targeted first for workplace vaccine mandates are healthcare 105 106 107 and childcare workers, 108 109 but they certainly will not be the last. 110 Number Two: State laws that turn unelected members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices into de facto lawmakers and automatically mandate all current and future federally recommended vaccines without any public discussion or vote by duly elected state legislators. Under the U.S. Constitution, state legislatures hold the majority of power to pass public health laws, so vaccine laws are state laws. 111 112 If states hand that constitutional authority over to an unelected federal government committee, the people no longer can work through their elected state representatives to make sure laws do not force involuntary medical risk taking and punish citizens exercising civil and human rights. 113 It is clear that Pharma and medical trade lobbyists partnering with government officials to implement the National Vaccine Plan are unhappy they have to spend so much time and money trying to strong arm state legislators into mandating every CDC recommended vaccine. At the same time, some politicians are not happy that a growing number of Americans are showing up in state Capitols to oppose oppressive vaccine mandates. Today, it costs a staggering $3,000 to give a child every one of the 69 doses of 16 vaccines on the federal government’s schedule. 114 In addition to coronavirus vaccine, there are more than a dozen experimental vaccines being fast tracked to market for TB, influenza, HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, herpes simplex, strep A and B, e-coli, RSV, salmonella, and malaria, 115 with several hundred more being developed in a global vaccine market estimated to balloon to nearly $100 billion by 2026. 116 117 State laws that automatically mandate all federally recommended vaccines are handing Big Pharma a big blank check and putting an unknown number of vaccine vulnerable children and adults at risk for serious health problems if they are forced to use every one of them. 118 119 120 121 122 Number Three: State laws that allow doctors to declare minor children mentally competent to consent to vaccination so children can be vaccinated without the knowledge of their parents. There is plenty of scientific evidence that children’s brains are not developed enough before or during teenage years to support rational benefit and risk decisionmaking, especially if they are subjected to pressure. 123 124 Giving doctors the legal
authority to, in effect, go behind parents’ backs and persuade a minor child to get liability free vaccines violates the legal right of parents to consent to medical interventions performed on their children. 125 It also puts vaccine vulnerable children at greater risk for suffering reactions. 126 Parents know their child’s personal and family medical history best and if parents are left in the dark, not only are they blocked from preventing vaccine reactions but there is no way for them to monitor a child after vaccination for signs of reactions so they can immediately take their child for treatment. 127 Number Four: State laws requiring schools to publicly post vaccine coverage rates for the purpose of shaming schools that allow students with vaccine exemptions to receive a school education. Publicly posting school vaccination rates and numbers of students with exemptions creates a hostile community environment by targeting certain schools and families, whose children have vaccine exemptions, for discrimination and abuse. 128 129 130 It is an illusion that some schools are safer based on vaccination rates. For example, even schools with 100 percent vaccination rates and zero exemptions have had outbreaks of pertussis 131 and schools with very high vaccination rates have had outbreaks of measles and mumps. 132 133 That is because vaccinated children and adults can get infected with and transmit infectious diseases but sometimes show few or no symptoms and are never diagnosed or reported. 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Children and teachers interact with many other vaccinated and unvaccinated people outside of the school setting. It is discriminatory to require public posting of the numbers of healthy students with vaccine exemptions, when schools are not required to publicly post the numbers of students who are infected with transmissible diseases like hepatitis B and C, HIV, streptococcal, mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus, e-coli, Fifths disease, herpes simplex and more. Number Five: State laws that operate vaccine tracking registries and integrate them into Electronic Health Records systems without the consent of those being tracked. The National Vaccine Information Center has a two-decade public record of opposing the creation of national or state based electronic surveillance systems that automatically enroll children and adults without their informed consent to monitor their vaccination status and health histories. 141 Not only have there been past security
breaches with electronic databases dumping personally identifying information into the public domain, 142 but there is legitimate concern that the government should not be conducting electronic surveillance on citizens while pursuing a National Vaccine Plan that encourages punitive societal sanctions, such as the inability to get a school education or a job, for individuals who refuse to go along with the Plan. Learn About Federal & State Government Police Powers to Compel Vaccine Use For more information on the history and types of public health laws that allow the federal government and states to use police powers to compel vaccine use, go to NVIC’s website at 143 144 To learn more about vaccine legislation pending in your state and talking points you can use to educate your legislators, go to NVIC and become a user of NVIC’s free online Advocacy Portal. You will be put into direct contact with your own state and federal representatives and sent emails when bills that threaten or expand your freedom to make voluntary vaccine choices are moving in your state so you can make your voice heard, including showing up at scheduled public hearings. Making Government Work for Us In America, we are governed by laws that the representatives we elect make, so it is important to vet all candidates for positions on issues you care about before going to the polls. Good laws can be enacted and bad laws can be repealed but only if we wake up, stand up and actively participate to make our representative government work for us. Already this year, there have been more than 50 good bills introduced in a number of states that defend voluntary vaccine choices. This is a time for positive action. It’s your health. Your family. Your choice. Note: This commentary provides referenced information and perspective on a topic related to vaccine science, policy, law or ethics being discussed in public forums and by U.S. lawmakers. The websites of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provide information and perspective of federal agencies responsible for vaccine research, development, regulation and policymaking. NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Reader Weekly.”
April 9, 2020 13
Here’s How: Select the
Proper Handsaw for the Job Dear James: I am planning some major home improvement projects, but I am not comfortable using power saws. There seem to be a hundred designs of saws at the hardware store. Which one is best for home projects? - Debra A.
14 April 9, 2020
Dear Debra: It is good you have a healthy respect for the hazards of using power tools, especially saws. With advancements in inexpensive cordless tools with common battery packs, people may have be-
come too comfortable with power Two general classes of saws are tools. This is particularly true Western and Japanese. Standard where there are young children in Western saws look like your typithe family who may pick up a tool cal saw with a tapered blade and and accidentally switch it on. a fancy pistol-grip handle. These Using a handsaw may saws cut the wood on seem prehistoric to most the push stroke. The people, but a handsaw size and pitch (number can still be a very efof teeth per inch) deterfective part of any tool mine how fast and how by chest. In fact, as you fine it cuts. CREATORS found when searching Japanese saws have at the hardware store, SYNDICATE the cutting edge on many manufacturers are the other side of the still producing a wide arteeth, so it cuts on the ray of handsaws. Also, as building pull stroke back toward your body. and materials have changed, the With the blade in tension as you designs and materials for handsaws pull it, it will not have a tendency have also changed. to buckle like a Western saw does. As with most tools, there really A company called Roamwild makes is not one best handsaw for every a Japanese saw with cutting teeth cutting task. Some are ideal for of different pitches on the top and sawing wood, but if you try to saw on the bottom. drywall, new synthetic materials Having a thinner blade reduces or ones with adhesives, the teeth the cutting force you must apeither dull quickly or get clogged ply. Also, the design of the typical with the sawdust. Japanese saw handle allows you to
use both hands. Both of these facts make the job easier, especially for women who do not have the upper body strength of most men. The only drawback to a Japanese saw is the sawdust is pulled back over the cutline, making it more difficult to see. For sawing standard lumber, you can choose between a ripsaw or a crosscut saw. A ripsaw has large, coarse teeth and is used for rapid cutting along the length of a piece of lumber. A crosscut saw has smaller, finer teeth for making final cuts down to the finished size. Most home center stores and lumberyards will rip a piece down to size for you with their power saws, so a crosscut saw would be a better choice. You will also need some specialty saws. Most indoor projects will require cutting plywood and drywall. For these tasks, choose a saw with finer teeth that are hardened. You cannot sharpen hardened teeth,
but they will last much longer when cutting these materials. Don’t forget a detail (miter) saw and miter box. A detail saw has a large, flat blade to fit into slots in the miter box for crisp cuts at a perfect 45-degree angle or when cutting a piece already in place. The blade is stiff with a reinforcing ridge along the top edge. Send your questions to Here’s How, 6906 Royalgreen Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45244 or visit www. To find out more about James Dulley and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
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1 Flu Over the Cuckoo It’s eerily strange awakening at two AM to the sound of wolves or coyotes. The brash yip-yip and accompanying howls send spine chills stronger than a snowball down your back. Growing up in a Range town and then living near the U in Dinkytown any pre-dawn commotion I heard came from wildlife by at night having nothing to do with wild animals. That wasn’t so after moving to the North Shore. I was warm and safe in the second floor bedroom of my hewn log cabin in Hovland, but the reality of wolves outside the door was a wake up that couldn’t be ignored. Safe as I was left shaking every time, After years I grew accustomed to midnight winter serenades carrying a deep chill on the north wind. The fear being outside, I could curl up and talk myself “It’s OK, only wolves” back to sleep. But no matter how at ease I could be tucked in my own bed, the howl of wolves heard outdoors winter camping was an entirely different thing. Back in a distant era known as my thirties I developed a passion for winter camping incomprehensible other than as a need to be challenged and uncomfortable while being so. Actually, I did enjoy it, but I also enjoyed cooking my brains out afterward in the sauna. Come to think, quite a lot of drinking had something to do with sauna enjoyment, but best not muddy the waters with that now. There’s nothing muddled about feel-
ings hitting like foot-long icicles when you’re in a tent hearing wolves somewhere “off there.” Didn’t matter if you been earlier thrilled by a bright meteor or stood awed by colored Northern Lights before turning in. Wolves howling in the night anywhere outside your tent might just as well be in there with you when it comes to fearful chills and crawly goose bumps. I could tell myself as much as I liked that I was safe and had no cause for alarm. It never worked. Imagination can convincingly build a belief that distant wolves will be drawn to a Eureka tent for a feast of scrawny English teacher huddled in his Black’s Icelandic. Your mind tells you it’s not real, but it sureshooting feels real. Believe me, while half of me was quite rational and calm the other part was seeing itself a good chomp for a wolf pack. I’d puzzle over how long it would take a hungry pack to reduce me to a jaw bone, the usual part (along with hooves) found days following a kill. It was oddly comforting to think my cavity prone teeth could help identify the otherwise nothing-left-of-me. I was, I must say, experienced imagining my remains. Staying with family friends outside Brookfield Zoo in Chicago the horrifying howls of hyenas and deep growls of lions and tigers were carried on the summer night. In an attic room I could close the window and sweat to death or leave it open so my scent could lure my killers to me. In the
16 April 9, 2020
morning torn pajamas and a few buttons would be all that remained. I met death every night I slept there. You may think this funny or exaggeration, but it’s not. Such fears were in fact well supported by incontrovertible lore. Everyone knew of the unfortunate elderly woman who let her dog out (a Pekinese it was said) only to have it become Wolf Chow. In half a yip one Pekinese and three chomps equals zero Pekinese. ½ + 1 + 3 = 0 is math not taught in schools but some part of us knows and understands with chilling clarity. (Departments of math and politic require an orderly state of myth. They rely on that and on us to go along ignoring our experience with the real math of ½ + 1 + 3 = 0.) I’m trying to keep a calm and reassuring tone, but there’s a reason behind why I started out with talk about wolves and coyotes sending chills into the night. Under normal conditions, as said, when surrounded by the four walls and roof of a house this is bad enough. When you’re on the ground in a tent the factor of fear jumps well up the needle of fright. In a screamer movie you’re at the point where the audience is yelling “Don’t open that door!” But, we all know they will. The door will be opened and all Hades will rush forth to zombie or hack one and all to miserable demise. But now dear and gentle reader, I must tell of a more dreadful noise in the night than a coyote yip-yip-howl.
I heard it the other night and experienced a worse chill than ever before. The bit of light snow that softened the fright freighted sound was not enough to remove the terror held in the predawn of a coyote’s yip-yip-yip-huffhuff-yip-yip-huff of deep congestion. Hear that sound and you know it’s out there. The coyotes have it. They prowl in the wee hours looking for advantage, seeking to feed. They’re out there on the edge of sight along the hedge line hiding in the shadows. The Corona Coyote is here, it’s among us. I don’t wish to alarm, but just the other day when it was sunny and almost spring like (as we’re all waiting) I was heartened by a bird chirping on a branch. “Ah,” I thought, “how lovely calling to a mate.” My heart expanded with happiness hearing “Tweet-tweet-tweet.” But then came what I now know to fear most. Then came the most doleful sound in all the bird world “Tweet-tweet-huff-huff,” the awful call of the Corona Sparrow. Yes, overhead, flying all around unstoppable and not enough cats in creation to feast on them all the Coronal Sparrows do their worst while in the sidelines and the roof peaks the driving forces of the Plague Pigeons rise in masses chanting “Coo-coo-cough-cough.” Whatever they mean their singing isn’t meant to bring us joy or teach us how to play chess. The Plague Pigeon desires power and to rule. Beware its seductive coo.
April 9, 2020 17
In the midst of a crisis
Duluth school board chooses Green Bay administrator as new superintendent Given the fiscally strapped soap opera our public school district has been over the past decade, just running the operation is a daunting job. Hiring a new superintendent, on top of doing that job, was going to be a full workload for the school board without anything else (including a viral pandemic) added. Our overwhelmed board wisely decided to move a controversial school boundaries change (initiated by a superintendent leaving town) to a back burner. If board members are going to risk implementing boundary changes, it’s probably best they don’t wait too long. For ISD 709, demographic studies have had the shelf life of overripe by bananas. The last firm – RSP – predicted total enrollment for the 2019-20 school year to be 8,273, in its first fiveyear projection. Just two years later (April, 2017,) the firm dropped its projection for the same year to 7,758, a difference of 515 students – twice the enrollment of some of our schools. The board has been touting the district’s “stability” a lot lately, a word I’ve heard many times. Keith Dixon famously said, “We’re still going through all the instability to get to the stability.” ISD 709 is 1,400 students below where Dixon said enrollment would be by now, but at least for the last few years the district hasn’t lost students. Will roiling up school boundaries have a good or bad effect on the “stability” we’ve attained at the bottom of the barrel? Stay tuned.
3992 moving in the State assembly and Eric Simonson had Senate File 3722 moving in the State Senate. The whole thing was set up to be a dog-and-pony show mirroring the Red Plan: a phony public comment period after the train was already running full speed down the tracks and impossible to stop, a farcical Review & Comment process from the MDE. Hopefully, curtailment of the state’s legislative session will put the brakes on this plunge, and give the new superintendent a chance to reconsider how he wants to start his tenure.
A serious issue, zany times On a good day, our public school district can be zany. Add a potentially deadly virus to the mix, and we start entering terra incognita on the zany scale. To be fair, the school board has worked really hard, and did due diligence on many levels. Given their salary, members probably earned about two cents an hour throughout the superintendent selection process. The mere fact that they dealt with Covid-19 and kept things moving – putting themselves in jeopardy to some degree – to get this civic job done, deserves kudos. But I still have to ask: Why did they let the superintendent dump so much on them, to begin with? Why in the world would they have also agreed to start revamping their entire committee structure, when they already had a full agenda on the table – WITHOUT Covid-19? The board knocked itself out with a major committee restructuring, in the midst of all this mayhem, so it could theoretically gain more “efficient” use of its time. Before Gronseth’s administration nudged our ever-pliable representatives into this change, there were three standing committees and a regular meeting a month. Now there are two standing committee meetings, a regular meeting and a Committee of the Whole meeting. Only three board members attend the standing committee meetings, instead of all seven, as it used to be, but the whole board now attends a monthly Committee of the Whole meeting. This meeting is essentially just the old Education Standing Committee, with a bunch of other sundry stuff thrown in. Often referred
The Super just kept loading it on Our departing leader – Bill Gronseth-has also been pushing a risky venture for the most precious piece of real estate in the center of our town. Mr. G.’s plan is an a awful idea extended out from Keith Dixon’s awful idea. Everything about the process so far has felt like déjà vu all over again: Administration handing out a resolution during the meeting rather than three days before, as it is supposed to; the board chair declaring full support for the resolution without even reading it. Strangely, Covid-19 may have been our salvation on this one. The DFL had the ball rolling: Mary Murphy had House File
to by its comical acronym, COW, it was bound to be a real doozy to milk. The first one, held on March 9, lasted nearly three hours, and didn’t include any “reports” from the standing committees, which are supposed to be forthcoming in the future. I sat through the virgin run of this experiment, and can report that it is difficult to see the time efficiency gained. All I see is that there are now going to be two vital monthly meetings held with only three board members present. Chair Lofald said during the March COW meeting that she envisions the rest of the board “just simply saying, ‘Thank you. Good job,’” to the three members on these two committees. What I envision is four out seven members of a school board, poorly versed in its own policy and even less versed in the district’s finances, no longer getting direct information through these committees (and subsequently less able to effectively represent the public’s interest.) Speaking of the public The biggest problem in the boardroom remains around transparency and public access to its government. Even the News Tribune blasted the school board for violating Data Practice law, by refusing to release the names of superintendent candidates. “The laws must be followed to ensure the public remains informed and government never operates in secret,” the newspaper properly lectured. The board also refused to record the candidate interviews, and then even tried to ban anyone else from recording public meetings – another clear violation of citizens’ rights. Only board member Oswald voted against this overreach of power. The board defended its actions by arguing – validly – that candidates in the second round would have an unfair advantage if the first interviews were in the public realm. The second round could watch the first round, learn the questions and hear how previous candidates had responded. Eventually, the board relented with a compromise: A unanimous resolution was passed to record the first round, but only release it after the second round was over. Both recordings would be released on YouTube for one weekend. That way, the board reasoned, it could provide public access while keeping Covid-19-carrying citizens out of the building.
Once again, however, our board found itself in violation of the law. If all board members meet in a building, citizens must be given physical access to that building. Because the board had already passed the resolution, and everything was in such a state of perturbation, board Chair Jill Lofald unilaterally rescinded what had already been voted on and passed. Through the chair’s action, the school board doubled down on its refusal to record the interviews, and instead set up a remote viewing site for live-streaming in the basketball gym of Old Central. The scuttlebutt I picked up was that some candidates for the superintendent job, coming from other states, were upset about the interviews possibly ending up in the public realm. I heard (unverified) rumors that some candidates even threatened to drop out, if the school board proceeded. Apparently these candidates feared that if they weren’t hired by ISD 709, other potential employers and search companies would be able pre-judge their viability by watching ISD 709’s interview. I lobbied for the school board to still record the interviews and just not release them on the internet. The school board flat-out refused, arguing that ISD 709 had never before recorded these types of interviews, and no other school district in the state had, either. We were in a special set of circumstances, however, with all kinds of new and extraordinary measures being taken. The board considered meeting via internet. “If we were doing this from our homes we could then close this off to the public” is the way Chair Lofald put it. Citizens ended up in the basketball gym. By refusing to record, the school board effectively gave people two choices: gather in a public building, something every other official was discouraging, or miss out forever on the selection process for one of the most important positions in local government. The school board placed a shell of total privacy-protection around candidates seeking a public position, at a risk to the public. The main item on the agenda Again, the task to select a new superintendent was a marathon, especially under the cloud of a global pandemic. The board’s interviews and deliberations took about 13 hours, and there were also
sessions with several other comThe man the board hired munity stakeholders. from Green Bay – John Magas It all came down to the – had an interesting story. He evening of March 25. In a fivetold the board he came from to-two vote, the board hired extreme poverty and in his John Magas, from Green Bay, youth was a child some adults Wisconsin. Who voted how worried about. He’d spent time was kept secret, but from what in Mexico, teaching English I gathered – after watching as a second language, and had every minute of the 13 hours – worked with Native American John Magas I suspect the five female board tribes in the western U.S. He members voted for Mr. Magas, said he’d even taught English and the two males voted for Michael in a slaughterhouse, as part of a GED Funk, from Albert Lea, Minnesota. program. (I’ll leave it for readers to I backed Mr. Funk, and not just bedecide if teaching amid blood and gore cause it would have been great to refer is good experience for leading ISD 709.) to him as “Super Funk.” The man had Mr. Magas seemed earnest, honest and 11 years experience as Superintendent trustworthy, an exemplary human being. of the Albert Lea School District and was The other finalist candidates (both very successful in that role. He is a perfrom Minnesota,) however – Mr. Funk son with a lot of leadership experience, and Mr. Ron Wagner – had looked more including as the commander of 400 deeply into ISD 709 and had more spetroops in the war-torn country of Kosocific ideas than Mr. Magas. Mr. Wagner vo. Mr. Funk was the kind of guy who (who got no votes) already had a 100-day could slough off the superfluous and get plan, outlining what he intended to do. down to the nub of what was real. Mr. Magas will have to jump from I ran into him on the bottom floor of being an assistant to a superintendent, Old Central, between interviews. I said roughly comparable in effect, if not I didn’t know if he’d picked up on the scale, to the vice-president taking over fact yet, but Duluth was a party mathe presidency. He’s going to have to chine town. I said the school district, make that transition while getting up to especially, is completely controlled by speed on Minnesota finance and on the the DFL and the unions and he would history of a complicated school district. only get one viewpoint from our school When I spoke to him out of earshot of board. I said, “You can ‘win’ with them, the school board, I got the sense he knew of course; they win everything – but look little about that history. at the cost. What aggrieves me most, lisOf course the new man deserves a tening to them, is their derisive attitude chance, but I’m worried the DFL will towards the voices of ‘dissention’ they’ve wrap this new, affable leader around succeeded in removing from the room.” its finger, and that we are now locked I brought up the prime example of the into a foolish plan on a central treasure DFL’s derision: Art Johnston. Mr. Funk – financed by another scheme promis– who had watched several of our Board ing big savings from borrowing millions meetings – showed that he was informed – and that ISD 709 will continue to be and unbiased by observing that Mr. kept afloat by clobbering taxpayers and Johnston was “smart.” begging more from the state. I can spot flimflam from a long way off and Mr. Funk was not flimflam. He was a straight shooter. He told me he would take a new look at what was being proposed for the Central property. He said the plan looked to him to be the same pattern that had gotten our district into so much trouble, which it is. As part Share your story with of his well-considered strategic plan for our community in LifeLines ISD 709, Mr. Funk said he wanted to “go back to the future,” and reexamine what we had with the Secondary Tech Center Call 218-722-0173 on the Central campus. for more details Mr. Funk was proud of the limited times he’d had to go to taxpayers and or email us at: talked often about “maximizing” es. He clearly had in-depth knowledge of Minnesota school district finance.
LifeLines Obituaries, Vows, Celebrations
Kristin Jean Baldwin (Medjo), age 33,
of Saint Paul, Minnesota, died on February 11, 2020, following a brief and aggressive battle with breast cancer. Kristin grew up in Duluth, attended Marshal High School and graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in English. She loved learning and teaching, so she pursued a graduate degree in education. In 2002, she found a new calling, working full time with autistic children. In 2008, she transitioned to working in education, supporting students who had been marginalized in school. Kristin and her husband Brett met in 2003 and married in 2008. When their son Cooper was born in 2008, she devoted herself to raising him in the best environment possible. In her spare time, she explored her many interests, including tennis, writing fiction, politics, and disability advocacy. She is survived by husband (Brett) and son (Cooper) of Saint Paul, and by her parents Dennis and Sandra Medjo of Duluth, her aunt Susan Medjo of Washington DC and many cousins. A celebration of her life will be held at 8:45 AM on Sunday, May 3rd at the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory in Como Park, 1225 Estabrook Drive, St. Paul, MN 55103.
April 9, 2020 19
Prayers won’t rid this world of plagues
will come of this. You know, perhaps The chief medical blowhard blabs we’ll look at health care and see if a away during the daily covid-19 brieffair long term public health policy ings, searching for good news in the can arise from the ashes of our pay midst of the pandemic, always willing for pain and profit driven system. to make it up if he can’t find any. Maybe we can see that workers rights In the meantime, the other mediin a time of right to work laws need cal blowhards on the TV and radio to be on the table. Gee, my German continue to spread the virus of fake exchange student son and fiancé just news and misinformation in the hope had a baby and mom and dad are that a quick-footed pandemic doesn’t trying to decide if she should take one destroy a viral system of propaganda year of paid leave or two. Not goand thought herding that’s led so ing to find those rights in the policy many Americans to the right wing manual of an “at will” employer in pasture over the past few decades. this country. In propaganda and thought herdAnd since we’ve just ing it’s all about keeping racked up another two it simple: fear and anger. trillion to pay for the first Make people fearful and round of help we’ll all angry that someone is need to stay on our feet, stealing their country by maybe, just maybe we’ll from under their noses. look at how cheap we’ve Then make the apparent been in providing an thieves different from education for our children your kind. Very different. in public schools and Man that’s effective. putting them into debt The white evangelical for trying to better themselves in colfaux Christian followers will simlege or tech school. German son and ply pray that God might smite the fiancé mentioned above? College and enemy from our midst since he’s a tech training is free, no debt. pretty tough customer himself. I’ll Tax cuts won’t pay for the two trilcall it Prayers for Plagues. But they lion. Tax cuts won’t pay for the roads are fearful and angry people, born and bridges and public infrastructure again for Jesus or not. And they’ll be the American Society of Civil Engiright at the front of the line to show neers say is getting a D minus for this those virus-like immigrants and other semester. people they don’t care for that they Tax cuts won’t pay for a clean envijust don’t belong here. ronment and the moon shot needed Isn’t that Christ-like behavior? I’m to address climate change. Tax cuts afraid even a pandemic won’t change and cuts to food stamps won’t solve those lousy attitudes. poverty and inequality and racism. I am still hopeful that some good
20 April 9, 2020
And to all you stingy deficit hawks who screamed austerity would make the patient better in all the Obama years, with this pandemic we’ll look at debt and keeping society in one piece a whole new way won’t we? In my little personal neighborhood we have several sets of grandkids and moms doing daily lessons and working from home. We’ve pretty much stayed put, venturing out to snowshoe on a daily basis, a program I’m calling “Snowshoes for Sanity.” I even climbed up on a daughter’s roof to put up a cell-phone booster for a reason related to work since we live in some kind of cell-phone vacuum. I mean, we lose a lot of calls and haven’t abandoned the land line. I still have a dial up phone hanging on the wall in the basement and I let the grandkids call other cousins and aunties and uncles just for the fun of it. A dial phone—what a novelty. Yes, a pandemic can certainly get your attention. And it will get close for many. That German son I noted
earlier, well both he and fiancé have tested positive and so far little German grandson is negative. They sent photos of the little guy, born on my birthday no less, and the two of them wearing masks and being very, very careful. The two of them are symptom-free as of yesterday. Germany has an aggressive testing policy, especially for pilots and travelers and health care workers, and bingo they were mapped, as were all the contacts they may have had. Nurses like my older daughter in St. Louis County are told to be careful and not be tested unless symptoms appear since tests are still few and far between. Personal protective equipment is still in short supply for health care workers across this nation. I sure hope something good will come of all the pain we’re yet to see.
Testing, triage and tragedy: The Trump pandemic
AMY GOODMAN Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks as Dr, Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator and President Donald Trump listen during a press briefing with the coronavirus task force, at the White House, March 16, 2020 in Washington. AP Photo/Evan Vucci
NEW YORK CITY - An eerie silence pervades the city, punctuated by the wail of ambulance sirens. Streets and sidewalks, which normally would be crowded with New Yorkers heading to restaurants and theaters, are now vacant. This is the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. There are over 65,000 confirmed cases nationally, and around 1,000 coronavirus deaths. New York State has over 30,000 of those confirmed cases, with at least 18,000 of those in New York City alone. These New York numbers double every three to four days. The pandemic is ripping through New York, exponentially. The numbers are a gross underestimate caused by the egregious shortage of tests nationwide. In New York City, makeshift hospitals are quickly being cobbled together at places like the sprawling Javits Convention Center, while frontline health care workers are scrambling to find personal protective equipment, so they don’t get infected while caring for others. This city of over 8 million souls, its economy shuttered and its clinics, hospitals and intensive care units already near capacity, is bracing for a massive surge of patients. On Tuesday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blasted President Donald Trump, saying at a news briefing: “FEMA is sending us 400 ventilators ... What am I going to do with 400 ventilators, when I need 30,000? You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die!” Under pressure, Vice President Pence promised
Cuomo an additional 2,000 ventilators from the more than 16,000 held in the national strategic reserve. Cuomo said New York will attempt to hook multiple patients up to single ventilators. One early national estimate predicted there would be eight patients needing ventilation for each available ventilator, leaving many to die. Over 140 million Americans are under “stay at home” orders, hundreds of thousands of businesses are closed down or working at a fraction of their normal capacity. Millions are out of work, crashing state unemployment claim websites. Families are separated, with many vulnerable elderly relatives in locked-down senior citizen facilities in a desperate attempt to prevent the death sentence of coronavirus exposure. On Tuesday, which was, at the time, the deadliest day of the pandemic so far in the United States, Donald Trump said on the Fox News Channel that he wanted the country “raring to go by Easter,” adding later, “You’ll have packed churches all over our country. I think it would be a beautiful time.” Packed churches? At a time when the pandemic is widely predicted to be worse than it is now? Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease doctor who is often at Trump’s side at press briefings, told Science Magazine, describing his inability to correct Trump’s many lies and misstatements, “I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down.” Someone with a deeper understand-
ing of Easter than Trump has, and likely more knowledge of COVID-19, is Pope Francis, who now holds his weekly mass before an empty St. Peter’s Square in Rome. Italy has the highest number of deaths from the pandemic, with over 7,500, and the country’s 60 million residents remain under mandatory lockdown. The Vatican just issued instructions to its clergy globally to hold Easter mass “without the presence of the people,” encouraging parishioners to “prayerfully unite themselves in their homes.” The World Health Organization warned that the United States could soon become the pandemic’s global epicenter. Widespread testing, isolation of those infected and protection of health care workers are all essential to turn the tide. The months’ delay in making tests available in the U.S., the ongoing lack of testing and the time it takes for those who are tested to get their results have jeopardized the health of the entire U.S. populace. On the front lines, nurses, doctors and support staff are treating this tsunami
of COVID-19 patients, alongside their normal patient population as well. Staff are forced to reuse face masks over and over again, which, under normal circumstances, would be a fireable offense. Sean Petty, an emergency room nurse in the Bronx, said on the Democracy Now! news hour, “When we reuse it, we potentially contaminate ourselves, and then we’re putting other patients at risk.” When asked what gives him the courage to go in every day, despite the enormous risk that health care workers have of getting infected themselves, Petty said: “A sense of duty to my patients. If we don’t show up, if we’re not there, nobody else is going to be ... What undermines morale for us is that our government doesn’t have our back, that the Trump administration and the federal authorities have done virtually nothing.” (c) 2020 Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan Distributed by King Features Syndicate
Open for takeout
Wednesday through Saturday 4-8 pm Growlers of our famous beer are also available Every order gets a free $15 comedy ticket 109 W. Superior St. • 218-727-1559 April 9, 2020 21
International Eelpout Festival, Walker
Eelpout displayed during the International Eelpout Festival, 2019 The International Eelpout Festival in Walker began in 1980 as a way to bring tourists to northern Minnesota during the long winter months. Centered on what is considered the state’s ugliest fish, it grew into an annual fourday festival that has attracted national attention and thousands of visitors. In 1979, Don and Debbie Overcash, owners of Walker Drug, and Ken Bresley of the Tackle Box bait shop came up with the idea of an International Eelpout Festival to encourage winter tourism in Walker, Minnesota. When the idea was rejected by the Chamber of Commerce, each invested $1 and began planning the first festival. The eelpout (Lota lota), or burbot, is a
variety of cod. It is a slimy, eel-like bottomfeeder that dwells in cold northern lakes and rivers. Its reputation for ugliness has prompted news reporters to give it such uncomplimentary names as the “Ish of Fish,” and “Minnesota’s Slimiest Tough Guy”—an unlikely inspiration for a town festival. Unlike most Minnesota fish species, it spawns in the winter and goes dormant in summer, so it is easiest to catch in late winter. In January 1980, an estimated 800 people turned out on frozen Leech Lake for the first International Eelpout Festival to compete for the trophy awarded for the largest eelpout caught. Organizers offered a consolation prize for the largest walleye (generally considered
22 April 9, 2020
a prized catch but jokingly referred to as a “rough fish” during the competition) caught during the two-day festival. Teams with names like the Walker ‘Pout Scouts, Cod Camp, and the Norwegian Eelpout Team competed for the Chase on the Lake eelpout trophy. Festival buttons helped to finance the event entitled holders to be entered into a prize drawing. The Walker Pilot-Independent newspaper issued its first International Eelpout Festival souvenir section, filled with tongue-in-cheek articles and eelpout trivia. The following year, an estimated 2,250 to 2,400 anglers landed a total of 306 eelpout. Festival attendees participated in Eelpout bowling and enjoyed a fireworks display.
In 1983, the festival moved to February. Participants paid an entry fee of four dollars. Anyone beating the state eelpout record of fourteen pounds and one ounce had a chance to win a car, though the record held and the prize went unclaimed. The event’s popularity increased each year. Beginning in 1984, the festival ran three days and featured new events, such as a fivemile footrace called the Eelpout Peel-Out. To help promote the festival, the organizers held contests for official “International Eelpout” prints and stamps in 1987 and 1988. Minnesota wildlife artists Les C. Kouba and James Meger submitted the winning entries. By the mid-1990s, the festival boasted
Don Overcash (left) and Ken Bresley (right) promoting the first International Eelpout Festival on a Duluth television sports show, 1980. Photo by Don Smith, Walker Pilot-Independent. Used with permissio
Thousands of visitors gather on Leech Lake in Walker, Minnesota for the International Eelpout Festival, ca. 2010s. Photo by Josh Stokes. © Chase on the Lake Resort All rights reserved.
Ken Bresley (holding the eelpout) and Don Overcash, the founders of the International Eelpout Festival, promoting the first festival, 1980. Photo by Don Smith, Walker Pilot-Independent. Used with permission. © Pilot-Independent All rights reserved.
Kissing an eelpout for luck at the International Eelpout Festival, Walker, 2013. Photo by Josh Stokes.
grand prizes of a new fish house, a trip to Mexico, and a new, four-wheel, all-terrain vehicle. In 1997, festival officials shipped some of the eelpout caught to the Mall of America for display in the mall’s Underwater World. Events included a Polar Plunge into the icy waters of Leech Lake. By the 2010s, the festival extended to four days and featured such events as snowmobile races, eelpout curling, eelpout rugby, an eelpout fish fry, and concerts. Over the years, the festival has reached
national audiences through a variety of television programs. Jay Leno of “The Tonight Show” did a feature on the 2011 Eelpout Festival. Animal Planet’s “Off the Hook: Extreme Catches” series featured a program in 2013 titled “Land of 10,000 Iceholes.” In 2018, public television cooking show host Lidia Bastianich filmed a program segment at the festival, sharing the tip that eelpout, for all their ugliness, are tasty fish. These programs highlighted the festival legend that kissing an eelpout brings good
- closed Tuesdays
April 9, 2020 23
Duluth Herald April 9, 1888 GEORGIA MINSTRELS. On Saturday evening Richard & Pringle’s original colored Georgia minstrels will occupy the Grand. The company is headed by Billy Kersands, the greatest living colored comedian and a fine orchestra and brass band are among the accessories. A fine street parade will be given and the entertainment is said to be replete with old rime plantation fun. Duluth Herald April 10, 1897 In Duluth’s Social Circles Only one more week of Lent. Society people are glad of it, too, for, however much they have wanted a rest, they have had enough of it
and are looking forward to the lively summer season, always the brightest of the year in Duluth. Immediately following Lent there will be several parties that will be sufficiently gay to please most anyone in the social set. The Assembly will give a dancing party on the Friday following Easter. The Superior Boat club party will be given Monday evening, April 19, and a large number of Duluth people will go. The De Wolf Hopper performance Monday evening will doubtless draw out a large contingent of society people. There are several attractions in the theatrical line coming soon which will draw well from society people.
Ad appearing in the April 10, 1920 edition of the Duluth Herald.
24 April 9, 2020
Duluth Herald April 9, 1909 TIGHT WADS NOT WANTED “Pikers” Don’t Make Good Brewery Agents, Says Witness A brewing company doesn’t want any “pikers” in its employ. A “tight-wad” can’t get business from the company’s patrons, so they allow a man practically a free hand in his expenditures made in the interest of the company for the purpose of holding business, and securing new patrons. So said P. C. Schmidt, attorney for the Fitger Brewing company, on the stand in district court this morning, during the trial of Harry Cavallin, charged with the misappropriation of about $2,000 of the company’s money while he was its agent at Hibbing. In answer to questions put by Victory Power, Cavallin’s attorney, in the cross-examination, Mr. Schmidt said the company allows its agents to use their own judgment in the matter of expenditures, giving the office manager supervision of them. If the expenditures mount up higher than is commensurate with the amount of business the agent is put on the carpet. If it is repeated too often, there is an adjustment of the tinware, and a new face visits the saloon. A good deal of inside information on the brewery business was given to the jury. If an agent makes a big collection and would expect to treat everybody in the house on the strength of it he leaves a few dollars that “de gang” may be treated when they show up. If the collection is big enough, he may leave $8 or $10. Mr. Cavallin was distinctly not a “piker” in the brewers’ understanding of the term. About a month after he took charge of the Hibbing office, his expense account as reported as $400. The amount was a little strong and the office manager ordered him to curtail, but his
expenditures among the company’s patrons at Hibbing were never niggardly. The prosecution of Mr. Cavallin is based on the allegation that he failed to report the expenditure of the money he is charged with embezzling. He claims he spent it in the interest of the business. Duluth Herald April 10, 1920 SAYS DETECTIVES CAUSE OF STRIKES How private detectives worm their way into labor unions and seek places of trust among the unions was the substance of addresses given last night by Stephen A. Doyle before the Duluth Trades and Labor assembly and before the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America at Proctor. “Ninety-eight per cent of the trouble between capital and labor can be traced directly to the insidious work of the private detective agencies,” Mr. Doyle told members of the labor bodies last night. “The principal object of the private detectives is to keep strife alive between employer and employe. That is the reason why there are several million detective agencies doing business in the United States.” In the many strikes n which he had been instrumental in settling, and he mentioned many of them, in each case he said he had advised, and his advice was taken, the removal of every private detective from the field. “When these men left the job the agitators disappeared,” said Mr. Doyle. “It was then an easy matter to bring employer and employe together and effect a settlement.” Stories and images courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society newspaper archives.
Ad appearing in the April 9, 1888 edition of the Duluth Herald.
Superior’s spring election goes smoothly, despite chaos in state, nation requested for the 2020 spring primary. By contrast, about 250 thousand were requested for the 2016 spring primary. In Superior, residents had the opportunity to drop off the ballots that been mailed to them from their vehicles outside the Government Center to ensure they would be received and counted. The presidential primary was the biggest item on the Wisconsin primary ballot. As this article’s writing on the afternoon of April 7, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are the only two democrats still running for the party’s nomination. The convention, to be held in Milwaukee, has been postponed to August due to the coronavirus. Wisconsin residents were also asked
to elect a justice to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Voters were asked to choose between liberal Jill J. Karofsky and conservative Daniel Kelly. Superior residents were asked to elect their county board supervisor, odd-numbered district city councilors, and school board members. Two referendum questions were on Superior’s ballot. One asked residents to enact Marcy’s Law, which would give additional rights to crime victims in Wisconsin. The other asked if the city should allow the use of ATV and UTV’s on Superior streets and alleys. Results of Tuesday’s election will not be released until April 13 after all mail-in votes can be counted.
Superior poll workers were in masks and gloves the April 7 election. Photo credit Felicity Bosk.
Superior residents headed to the Supreme Court. Wisconsin was the polls despite the ongoing global only state since coronavirus related pandemic. Wisconsin was the only shutdowns to not postpone their state that held in-person voting on election. Milwaukee was forced to April 7. consolidate their 180 polling places Polling places prepared into five as many poll by having tape on the workers quit due to health floors to keep voters at concerns. a six foot distance from Mary Werner, an one another, having poll election inspector that workers wear facemasks, worked at the Billings by and having a clear glass Park Community Center separating poll workers in Superior said things from voters. Residents there had been running could also curb-side vote smoothly. “We’ve been from their vehicles to busier than I thought we minimize crowds. would be for an election Early Tuesday morning, Mayor Jim like this,” she said. Superior’s regular Paine posted to facebook on how polling locations were all able to Tuesday’s unique election day would stay open with the exception of the go. “Be a safe voter,” he wrote. “Have Salvation Army site being moved to your ID ready but show it, don’t the Government Center. place it on the table. Bring your own Leading up to the election, pen. If you use ours, keep it.” He Wisconsinites were encouraged to encouraged voters to wear a facemask request mail-in ballots. Ballots will and discouraged them from bringing still be accepted as long as they are their children. post-marked April 7 and received by Gov. Tony Evers signed an executive 4 p.m. on April 13, according to the order to postpone Tuesday’s election Wisconsin Election Commission. but was blocked by the Wisconsin Over a million mail-in ballots were
April 9, 2020 25
Sewing to save lives
Artistic Park Point entrepreneur turns back on business to make masks By Jim Lundstrom
Natalija Walbridge works in her home studio on her line of Dock 5 items before she turned her attention to making masks for people in high-risk environments during the coronavirus crisis.
With the coronavirus causing chaos around the world, Natalija Walbridge decided it was time to clear the decks at her Park Point studio/home, put her business on hold and begin making masks that are so desperately needed for people in high-risk situations. “Up until a week or so ago, I was busy sewing and working on new designs for the American Craft Show, which is in St. Paul and was scheduled for April, but, of course, it’s been postponed,” she said. Her business, Dock 5, involves sewing for her canvas bags and bandanas – what she calls “functional fashion” – so she thought briefly about making fabric masks for those in need during the crisis. “The recommendations were that
26 April 9, 2020
homemade masks weren’t going to be useful,” she said. “Then the CDC updated their website to say that even a plain bandana is better than nothing. After I got over the shock of that, I realized that I can do better than that. I make bandanas. I have bandana fabric I can sew. I immediately dropped everything I was working on and committed to making masks full-time. My next question was how to make the best mask possible? What can I do to make it as functional as possible?” That’s when her connections to the area’s art world began to kick in. “Within hours, I happened to see my friend Lila Boehland post a pattern,” Natalija said. “I know her because we’ve done shows together. She’s a fiber artist.” Lila’s daughter, Andie, is an emergency doctor in Duluth. “Because there is a nationwide shortage of surgical masks, she asked me if I could create a pattern for a cloth mask that could be used for non-medical hospital employees and asymptomatic patients who are in the ER waiting room,” Lila said. “Since COVID-19 is spread by droplets, she wanted to contain the droplets before they entered the room. I created the pattern, and after several prototypes, she approved the current version. It was great teamwork!” “These masks were specifically designed to have a cup shape so they can fit over an N95 mask [the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-approved respirator mask],” Natalija said. “A fabric mask alone is not virus proof, but when used as a cover for an N95 it becomes washable. They can cover a cough, and remind people not to touch their faces. Ideally they can have enough fresh covers to change covers between patients. These covers are incredibly valuable when used that way. The beautiful thing is that the fabrics I use, both for my bandanas and bags are high-quality cotton woven fabric, which is the ideal fabric to be making this type of mask.” As soon as she put the idea out there via social media, Natalija started hearing from health care workers who desperately needed the masks.
One of Natalija’s designer mask covers in use.
While she had the fabric on hand, she did not have the elastic needed to secure the masks. When she heard from a group who work in an eye surgery clinic, she asked if they could wait until she obtained elastic, at a time when it is in short supply across the country. “Literally, within 48 hours last week, the whole United States sold out of elastic,” Natalija said. “That group of eye surgery nurses said they needed them fast and could not wait for elastic. They were in such urgent need because none of them have N95s and most of their patients are elderly and they have to be in close contact with them. They needed masks within 24 hours.” She started sewing, and also put out the word that she needed elastic, including to her brother, Dave Walbridge, a professional performance artist in the Twin Cities who performs under the name Big Fun Show. “He has a huge network of people and was able to connect me with the UMD theater costume shop director, who donated enough elastic for me to finish that first rush order,” Natalija said. “My neighbor and one of our star volunteers here on Park Point, Diane Gould, who’s my runner, picked up the elastic and also brought me a supply of zip-lock bags and rubber gloves for safe packag-
ing and handling.” Throughout this strange journey to provide masks, Natalija has been impressed with the collaborative efforts and contributions of her fellow artists. “One collaboration that has been pivotal, Barb Owen-Boerger, a friend and jewelry artist in International Falls. She reached out to me the first night I was hatching an idea to reprioritize my whole life,” she said. “She reached out to lend some moral support and said she’d be willing to help brainstorm. I took her up on it and called her. One of the first things I asked, do we know each other? No, she said she just been following me on Instagram. She is the one who came up with the idea to maybe find some matching sponsors who would be willing to buy masks and then donate them, particularly to health care workers and people in high-risk situations. That was invaluable.” Owen-Boerger of Sand Bay Jewelry, International Falls, said Natalija’s efforts represent “the incredible way the creative adapt their gifts to the needs at hand. It is a beautiful reminder that creativity starts in the heart, soul and spirit.” Natalija also mentions fellow “starving artist” Ann Klefstad, an artist and writer who became one of her first sponsors. “The reason she could help is somebody just bought one of her paintings, so support your artists,” she said. “It’s all going to trickle down to the right places.” It is that kind of thinking that has allowed Natalija to put her own business on hold until this need for masks is satisfied. She originally thought of doing some sort of crowdfunding event online to help cover her costs. “But there’s no time for business as usual,” she said. “The most valuable thing I can do every moment of the day is sewing to save lives. And I’ll try to emerge and survive as an artist when this is over. So many people are offering to help me. I just have complete faith that things are going to balance out in the long run.” Still, there are ways to help. 1. If you can sew, use the patterns provided and reach to to people in your community who might need face masks. If you needed advice, Natalija suggests you follow her on social media, where she shares sewing tips. 2. If people want to sponsor the mask-making effort by purchasing
masks that she can donate to people in high-risk situations, mail checks to Dock 5, 2311 Minnesota Ave., Duluth, MN 55802. “This is not a formal fundraising project,” Natalija said. “I don’t have an end goal. I don’t know how demand will flow, but I’m committed to sewing as long as it takes before I switch back to business as usual. My plan is to keep getting orders out the door as fast as I can.” 3. And, finally, she asks that you support your local artists and farmers, who, she said, are pretty much in the same boat as artists. “Several of my artist
friends, myself included, have been applying for unemployment but have been rejected because our income is seasonal and they’re going by quarterly earnings. Same thing with farmers. We don’t make money in spring, but our biggest expense period is in the spring. So we are tapped out but don’t qualify for unemployment. You don’t have to support me. Support anyone whose work you love. Splurge on a painting or on whatever you’ve been wishing for.” She notes that she continues to take orders for her Dock 5 bags and bandanas, “but
the bandana supply will be limited and will only last until they are repurposed into masks,” she said. “I’m not concerned. But if people want to find out more about me, take a peep at my website ( My show schedule is on there as well, but who knows if there will be shows in the future?” If you would like to make your own masks, you can find the design plan online at
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April 9, 2020 27 Grand Marais and Gunflint Trail promotional patch, ca. 1986.
Minnesota native among National Recording Registry honorees
Springtime has been something to look forward to since 2002 when the National Recording Preservation Board’s began announcing recordings to be included on its annual National Recording Registry, nominated by the public and chosen for inclusion “because of their cultural, historical and aesthetic importance to the nation’s recorded sound heritage.” The list is always filled with treasures, and this year is no different. In fact, this year’s listing hits a real milestone with the inclusion of Windom, Minnesota-native Maria Schneider’s 2004 Grammy Award-winning album Concert in the Garden, recorded wth her 18-piece jazz orchestra. Schneider has the distinction of being the first female jazz composer to have an album added to the registry. “I am deeply moved to have this album that was artistically so fulfilling to make, honored in this magnificent way,” Schneider said. “Crowdfunded in 2003, years before the word ‘crowdfund’ was coined, and as the first release on the prescient label, ArtistShare, Concert in the Garden paved the way to artistic and financial freedom in recording. At the time, I had a sense it was making history, showing how when the internet opens up a two-way, direct and transparent connection between an artist and an audience with no intermediary, the artist can find financial independence and true artistic freedom.” Concert in the Garden was the first album to win a Grammy without having been sold in stores, being only distributed through the internet. Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden
named this and 24 other recordings as aural treasures worthy of preservation because of their cultural, historical and aesthetic importance to the nation’s recorded sound heritage. “We received more than 800 nominations this year for culturally, historically or aesthetically significant recordings to add to the registry,” Hayden said. Under the terms of the National Recording Preservation Act of 2000, the Librarian, with advice from the Library’s National Recording Preservation Board (NRPB), is tasked with annually selecting 25 titles that are “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” and are at least 10 years old. More information on the National Recording Registry and how to nominate recordings can be found at The new recordings added to the National Recording Registry bring the total number of titles on the registry to 550, a small part of the library’s vast recorded-sound collection of nearly 3 million items. The 2019 National Recording Registry includes: “Whispering” (single), Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra (1920): Whiteman’s blockbuster hit “Whispering” was the first in a long series of popular recordings that sharply defined a new style and direction in instrumental dance music — one that would have longlasting effects. Among its attributes were bold, clean lines with the melody clearly in front. With his pianistarranger, Ferde Grofe, and ace trumpet man Henry Busse, Whiteman would both codify a type of jazz and be popularly considered its king. “Protesta per Sacco e Vanzetti,” Compagnia Columbia; “Sacco e Vanzetti,” Raoul Romito (1927): This 1927 release combines a spoken, dramatic set piece on it’s A side with a protest
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song on the B side. Both decry the impending execution of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two Italian American immigrants convicted of murder in 1920 but believed by many to have been railroaded because of their anarchist political beliefs. “La Chicharronera” (single), Narciso Martinez and Santiago Almeida (1936): Martinez and Almeida, two pioneers of Tex-Mex conjunto music, introduced the classic accordion (Martinez) and bajo sexto (Almeida) combination on this, their first recording for Bluebird Records. Their music exemplified the blending of Central European instruments and dance genres with those of Mexican Texas that had been going on for at least a generation before they made their first recordings. Arch Oboler’s Plays episode “The Bathysphere” (Nov. 18, 1939): Arch Oboler was one of radio’s great suspense writers, later bringing his talents to the terrifying and beloved Lights Out! radio program. Prior to that assignment, he helmed this eponymous series and one of his best known plays, “The Bathysphere.” “Bathysphere” concerns the descent of a diving bell to a depth of 3,200 feet with an unlikely two-man crew – a scientist and a dictator, one of whom may not be entirely trustworthy. Years later, Rod Serling would acknowledge Oboler as one of his greatest influences. “Me and My Chauffeur Blues” (single), Memphis Minnie (1941): Lizzie Douglas, better known as Memphis Minnie, was born circa 1897 in Algiers, Louisiana. She took up guitar as a child after her family moved to the Memphis area in 1904 and was singing and playing on Beale Street by the age of 13. She started recording under the name “Memphis Minnie” for the
Columbia label in 1929 and went on to record more than 200 songs. “Me and My Chauffer Blues” showcases her aggressive and uncompromising vocal delivery and stinging guitar work. It also is her best-known song, thanks in part to later covers by Big Mama Thornton, Nina Simone and Jefferson Airplane. The 1951 National League Tiebreaker: New York Giants vs. Brooklyn Dodgers — Russ Hodges, announcer (Oct. 3, 1951): Hodges famously repeating “The Giants win the pennant!” in an edge-of-the-seat ninth inning win. Puccini’s Tosca (album), Maria Callas, Giuseppe di Stefano, Angelo Mercuriali, Tito Gobbi, Melchiorre Luise, Dario Caselli, Victor de Sabata (1953): In 1981, Christian Science Monitor critic Thor Eckert Jr. wrote a critique of the recording history of Tosca and said, “In 1953 Maria Callas, Giuseppe di Stefano, Tito Gobbi, and maestro Victor de Sabata along with the forces of La Scala Opera gathered to make recording history — the finest Tosca of all time, and one of the greatest recordings of an opera on records.” “Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh” (single), Allan Sherman (1963): “Hello Muddah” is a comic novelty song with lyrics written by Allan Sherman and Lou Busch (to the tune of Ponchielli’s “Dance of the Hours”) in which a boy describes his summer camp experiences at the fictional Camp Granada. At the time of the recording, Sherman was an intermittently successful television writer and producer specializing in game shows, while Busch was best known in the persona of ragtime pianist Joe “Fingers” Carr. Sherman’s first two albums, released in 1962 and 1963, topped the charts, but it would be this single from his third album, My Son, the Nut, that immortalized him. WGBH broadcast of the Boston Symphony on the day of the John F. Kennedy Assassination, Boston Symphony Orchestra (1963): The ageless adage of “drawing comfort through music” had never been more thoroughly tested than on the scheduled afternoon broadcast of the Boston Symphony, with its conductor Erich Leinsdorf, on Nov. 22, 1963. Leinsdorf was forced to break with normal concert protocol and, stoically, address the large audience with a change of program and to share the tragic news of President Kennedy having been killed in Dallas only minutes
before. As everyone in the hall — including the musicians — processed this news, the sheet music for the “Funeral March” from Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony was distributed to the orchestra, which bravely performed. Fiddler on the Roof (album), original Broadway cast (1964): While the Sholom Aleichem stories had been adapted various times before, Tevye’s true entry into the greater public consciousness came with Fiddler on the Roof, the musical adaptation of Aleichem’s stories. With direction from Jerome Robbins and opening with Zero Mostel as a riveting Tevye, Fiddler became a massive Broadway success, running for a record-setting 3,242 performances. “Make the World Go Away” (single), Eddy Arnold (1965): “Make the World Go Away” brought veteran country hitmaker Eddy Arnold to a new, younger audience and launched what he called his second career. The recording showcased songwriter Hank Cochran’s memorable melody and plaintive lyrics, Arnold’s mellow baritone vocal and the tasteful backing of such Nashville session stalwarts as guitarist Grady Martin, pianist Floyd Cramer and the Anita Kerr Singers, along with an eight-piece string section. Hiromi Lorraine Sakata Collection of Afghan Traditional Music (1966-67; 1971-73): This collection of more than 50 hours of important and unique field recordings from Afghanistan was the research of ethnomusicologist Hiromi Lorraine Sakata. “Wichita Lineman” (single), Glen Campbell (1968): Glen Campbell made a splash on both the country and pop charts and achieved enormous fame in the ’60s and ’70s with a singing style that matched a genial tone with introspective lyrics. Songwriter Jimmy Webb conceived the tale behind “Wichita Lineman” while driving. “Wichita Lineman” struck listeners with its poetic lyrics about a man attempting to make a romantic connection in the face of his own crippling loneliness. Dusty in Memphis (album), Dusty Springfield (1969): By 1968, Londonborn singer Dusty Springfield was already a success in the United Kingdom when she came to America to record Dusty in Memphis, which would become the defining album of her career. The instrumental tracks were recorded at legendary American Sound Studio in Memphis, featuring the Memphis Cats and backup vocalists, the Sweet Inspirations (which included Cissy Houston, mther of Whitney Houston). Springfield
initially recorded her vocals there as well, but reportedly dissatisfied with the results, later rerecorded them at Atlantic Studios in New York City. Mister Rogers Sings 21 Favorite Songs From ‘Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood’ (album), Fred Rogers (1973): Almost two decades after the last broadcast of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood in 2001, Fred Rogers remains an influential figure in American culture. Certain tunes became synonymous with the program, especially the opening and closing themes as well as “You Are Special” and “I’m Proud of You.” Cheap Trick at Budokan (album), Cheap Trick (1978): In 1978, at the Budokan in Tokyo before 12,000 ardent fans, the band recorded this seminal live album, which was originally meant solely for sale in the Japanese market. But stoked later by word-of-mouth and airplay on a few U.S. FM rock stations, high-priced imports of the album began to sell in unheard-of numbers. Further airplay and interest increased when Epic, the band’s record company, serviced radio stations with a promotional version of the album unavailable in stores before finally releasing Cheap Trick at Budokan domestically in February 1979. Holst: Suite No. 1 in E-Flat, Suite No. 2 in F / Handel: Music for the Royal Fireworks / Bach: Fantasia in G (special edition audiophile pressing), Frederick Fennell and the Cleveland Symphonic Winds (1978): This recording was the first commercial digital recording of symphonic music in the United States and was captured on the Soundstream recorder, the first available commercial digital recorder. The original recording was released to vinyl in 1978 and then again in 1983 as the first CD release for the U.S.-based Telarc label. “Y.M.C.A.” (single), Village People (1978): In 1977, the Village People emerged as a purposely campy and extravagantly costumed vocal sextet of guys singing upbeat dance floor anthems that often referenced gay pop culture. “Y.M.C.A.,” their biggest hit, is an American cultural phenomenon. A Feather on the Breath of God (album), Gothic Voices; Christopher Page, conductor; Hildegard von Bingen, composer (1982): Twelfth-century Benedictine abbess Hildegard von Bingen is the earliest known woman composer whose works have survived to present day. The title of the album is a quote from one of her writings. Her repertoire had been ignored for decades until the
release of this beautiful recording by the award-winning Gothic Voices. Private Dancer (album), Tina Turner (1984): Tina Turner survived a brutal marriage to reclaim fame and obtain recognition as a solo artist and a superstar in her own right with this timeless 1984 comeback album. Ven Conmigo (album), Selena (1990): This 1990 album by Selena Quintanilla was the first Tejano record by a female artist to achieve gold status. The album also marks a turning point both in Selena’s career and within the Tejano music genre — as it brought the music to a wider American audience. The Chronic (album), Dr. Dre (1992): The 1992 solo debut album of hip-hop artist and producer Dr. Dre, a former member of N.W.A. It solidified the West Coast’s dominance of the genre, and its influence would be heard for years to come. The Chronic also featured appearances by future superstar Snoop Dogg, who used the album as a launching pad for his own solo career.
“I Will Always Love You” (single), Whitney Houston (1992): Already recognized as one the great voices of her generation, Houston took the song written by Dolly Parton and made it her own. The recording would eventually become Houston’s signature song and sell upwards of 20 million copies. Percussion Concerto (album), Colin Currie (2008): A drummer’s dream, Jennifer Higdon’s composition Percussion Concerto received a Grammy in 2010. This 2008 recording by percussionist supreme Colin Currie — indeed, the piece was written for him — captures his great virtuosity. The piece would go one to win the Grammy for Best Classical Contemporary Composition. Everyone is welcome to submit nominations to the National Recording Registry. For more information and to find nomination forms and rules for nominations, visit the Library of Congress website at
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30 April 9, 2020
Cooking up relief
Cookbook campaign aims to aid Lincoln Park community So the virus forces you to close your four businesses and lay off 200 people. What do you do then? Draw your head into your turtle shell and wait for this awful time to come to an end? Not if you are a group of Lincoln Park businessmen who care about where you live, the people who work for you and the people who support your businesses. “Tom called me and said, ‘Let’s get the band back together’,” said Robert Lillegard, owner of the Lincoln Park business Duluth’s Best Bread by and author of two acclaimed cookbooks The Duluth Grill Cookbook (2014) and The Duluth Grill Cookbook II (2016). The Tom he refers to is Tom Hanson, owner of the Duluth Grill, Corktown Deli, OMC Smokehouse and the relatively new cocktail lounge Noble Pour. With the threat of illness and worse from the pandemic, Hanson laid off 200 people from those businesses. The “band” he referred to is the group that made the previous two cookbooks happen, and besides Hanson and Lillegard, includes Tobbi Stager, owner of another Lincoln Park business, JS Print Group. Together they came up with a plan for a new cookbook and a way to help their community. “We talked about how we could make it have maximum impact.,” Lillegard said. “Tobbi thought of the book, Tom thought of the charity and I thought of helping other businesses. There’s a lot of different involvement, so that’s kind of neat.” Actually, Stager said based on the success of the previous two cookbooks, he had been pushing for an OMC Smokehouse Cookbook for a couple of years, but it seemed the perfect time for it when combined as a fundraiser for
“It’s a great demonstration of being creative in a crisis for supporting local businesses.” Jodi Slick, founder/, CEO Ecolibrium3 the community. “We love Lincoln Park,” Stager said. “It’s sad to see the streets empty right now.” Knowing what the shuttered businesses means to the larger community, the idea was to pre-sell the cookbook in an Indiegogo crowdsource campaign. For $25 you can buy the book, but pay $50 and you get the book upon its September release, purchase a $15 gift card from a West End business and give $10 to the Lifting Lincoln Park fund, which is managed by the nonprofit Ecolibrium3. “It actually means three different
things,” said Jodi Slick, founder and CEO of Ecolibrium3. “The first is it’s a great demonstration of being creative in a crisis for supporting local businesses. Two, it is also a demonstration of what has made the regeneration of Lincoln Park great, the fact that there has always been this collaborative atmosphere in and amongst the businesses. “And the third thing is that the portion of the project that will go to Ecolibrium3 as a nonprofit is going to be used three different ways,” she said. “We will work with businesses for joint marketing as businesses are able to open in the future. We’ll reach out and help
the Lincoln Park neighborhood where we find there are gaps being caused by the Covid-19 crisis. For example, just this week we worked with a number of businesses and organizations to provide 350 neighborhood children five breakfasts, lunches and snacks for this week because the school district isn’t providing because of spring break. It’s those kind of gaps that pop up and we need to figure out how to collaboratively solve. “We’re also working with Main Street Lincoln Park,” Slick continued. “Depending on the funds raised, if there is a small business with an emergency need, we’ll be able to help with that. (depending on the funds raised.) We’re excited about the fact that I think people do love Lincoln Park and this is a very direct way to help this neighborhood. “I think people are excited. They want to do something,” Lillegard said, noting that in just a few days the campaign was nearing its $50,000 goal. As of April 6, nearly $43,000 had been raised through 830 respondents, with the majority of them – 616 – paying the $50. “We’re just starting the book, and every book has challenges,” Lillegard said. “I’m an optimist. I’ve done two cookbooks with these guys. I remember there were hard things, but I’ve forgotten wheat they are.” While the cookbook is in its beginning stages, they needed something to show people what they had in mind. “I was so impressed,” Lillegard said. “Beau Walsh from the Cultural North company did the sample cover. He’s a really good designer. He also designs taste tester boxes for Duluth’s Best Bread. That’s just a sample cover. It might not look like that, but we all like it. He had an idea and put it together really fast. He’s not even in the neighborhood, he’s just a good guy.” You can order the cookbook and support the campaign at projects/get-the-omc-cookbook-and-liftlincoln-park#/.
April 9, 2020 31
Tea Cocktails Tempt at Spring Showers
Creators Syndicate The best kind of spring showers are wet, not from sprinkles of rain, but the pouring of innovative cocktails at bridal and baby showers. Tea infused into cool cocktails is a refreshing, delicious and healthful treat. Haley and Lauren Fox, the sisters who dreamed up Alice’s Tea Cup, New York City’s hottest tea emporium, when they discovered their second location came with a liquor license, let their imaginations soar. Their recipes are easy to emulate at home. A usually mint-filled white rum mojito gets a jolt from a Moroccan mint tea simple sugar. A berry martini, transforms into a “mar-tea-ni,,” as they’ve renamed it, boldly flavored with berry tea along with white cranberry juice and vodka. Bellinis, juleps, brandy chais and other cocktails also get the treatment. Be creative, the sisters advise, too, in inventing your own combinations, as tea only intensifies the other flavors it touches. Here are some of their additional ideas to get you started. All of the adult beverages would be served on the rocks to have the iced tea effect. As you can see from the recipes that follow, both the amount of tea you use and the amount of water you use for brewing make a difference in the nuances of the gourmet outcomes. • Brewed rose tealeaf concentrate in vodka cocktails • Brewed mango tealeaf concentrate
in orange juice-champagne mimosas • Brewed ginger tea reduced simple syrup in grapefruit vodka cocktails • Brewed peach tea reduced simple syrup in a champagne bellinis • Brewed lavender tea within gin cocktails • Brewed fruit tea with tequila ALICE’S “TEA-JITO” Moroccan mint simple syrup: 3 heaping tablespoons Moroccan mint tea leaves 1 cup boiling water 1 cup sugar Cocktail:
32 April 9, 2020
Ice, to fill a cocktail shaker and to fill a tall glass 2 ounces white rum 2 ounces freshly squeezed lime juice 1 fresh mint sprig, for garnish 1 splash seltzer 1 lime wedge, for garnish Yields 1 cocktail; simple syrup yields enough for 4 cocktails. To prepare simple syrup: Steep the tea leaves in the 1 cup boiling water for 3 minutes. Then strain the tea into a small bowl, discarding the leaves. Add the sugar and stir until it has completely dissolved. Refrigerate until cool. (Do not use the simple syrup in a cocktail until it has cooled completely.) To prepare cocktail: Fill a cocktail
shaker with ice. Pour in the rum, lime juice and 2 ounces of the mint simple syrup, cover, and shake vigorously. Fill a tall glass with ice and add the mint sprig. Strain the liquid from the shaker into the glass and top off with a splash of seltzer. Garnish with the lime wedge on the rim of the glass. BERRY “MAR-TEA-NI” 2 heaping teaspoons mixed berry or single berry tea 1/4 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon hibiscus tea (or use one additional teaspoon berry tea instead) Ice to fill a cocktail shaker 2 ounces (preferably premium) vodka 2 ounces white cranberry juice 1 lime or orange wedge, for garnish
Yields 1 cocktail. Chill a martini glass. Steep all tea in the 1/4 cup boiling water for 7 minutes. Then strain the tea, discarding the fruit. Cover the tea and refrigerate until cool. (Do not use in cocktail until it has cooled completely.) Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add the vodka, tea and cranberry juice. Cover, and shake vigorously. Strain the liquid from the shaker into the chilled martini glass. Garnish with the citrus wedge on the rim of the glass. -Recipes from “Alice’s Tea Cup: Delectable Recipes for Scones, Cakes, Sandwiches, and More from New York’s Most Whimsical Tea Spot.”
AFTER-WORK GOURMET COOKBOOK SHELF Mindy Segal wants you to turn your cookies from ordinary to extraordinary. In “Cookie Love,” Segal, James Beard Award-winning chef and owner of Chicago’s HotChocolate dessert bar, twists recipes and techniques for a true standout in a sea of decades of cookie contender cookbooks. For instance, you are not just making peanut butter cookies, but crunchy, delectable peanut brittle cookies. Infused sugars are a tasty trick used in other recipes, such as lavender or citrus sugar.
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April 9, 2020 33
Axe me about Irish ale
It was the night of St. Patrick’s Day hooked on reds again, even if they are when a friend who lives in another brown. part of the world texted me that he was Red Axe is the sort of beer that tastes watching The Quiet Man while drinking a better with every sip. Guinness. The maltiness of tis lovely six percent And I thought, as I cracked open a ale lingers long and sweetly on the palate. crowler of Red Axe Irish Ale from I look forward to someday traveling to the Moose Lake Brewing, how very Moose Lake Brewing company to have traditional of that pal o’ mine. a Red Axe fresh from the tap, and I look While it would have been fun to share forward to next March when I plan to some of the black stuff with him while have more than one crowler on hand for watching John Wayne once again woo my now traditional viewing of Grabbers the fiery Maureen O’Hara, I was just as on St. Patrick’s Day. happy to be trying an Irish *** ale new to me and watching It’s been a while since a different sort of movie I’ve had a mead, but I in celebration of the old noticed this one on a shelf country. recently and had to try by I was tuned into this honey wine infused Grabbers, a 2012 monster with chipotle pepper. movie that takes place on Chipotle Pollen-Nation an Irish island. The island’s Session Mead is from residents soon learn the Crafted Artisan Meadery of only thing that can save Mogadore, Ohio. them from the monsters is to get, speaking I was very sorry to learn that this in their terms, “pissed.” particular style of mead has been retired It quickly becomes, to borrow the from the fascinating lineup of meads American title of a favorite UK film, a offered by this craft meadery because it “tight little island” (that 1949 movie’s title was both delicious and exciting to the in its native England was Whisky Galore, taste buds. directed for Ealing Studios by AmericanPollen-Nation is the meadery’s awardScottish director Alexander Mackendrick, winning session mead, made with who also directed two favorite Alec blackberries, Saigon cinnamon and whole Guinness vehicles – The Man in the White leaf Cascade hops (as well as honey, of Suit and The Ladykillers – as well as, course). upon his return to the U.S., the great and The version I had infused that yearbitter Burt Lancaster vehicle Sweet Smell round mead with smoky chipotle peppers, of Success). which adds just the mildest of heat to this While I could go on about movies for delicious and very drinkable mead. I was hours, I realize you’re not here for that, so sorry it came in a measly half-liter bottle back to the beer. because it didn’t last long, and I fear I will With “Red” in its name, I was expecting never see it again. a typically red-colored Irish ale, but to my However, I will keep my eyes peeled great surprise this beer poured out more for more from this very interesting mahogany-colored. Only when I held it meadery. In fact, I’d love to run across up to a light did I detect the slightest of bottles of its Imperial series, which red notes on the side of the glass. includes Imperial Bananas Foster But that did not bother me a bit once I Forever, Imperial KLP (for Key Lime tasted this delicious malt-forward beer. Pie), Imperial Stranger Bings (it rests on Color is a state of mind. graham crackers and then ages in imperial I used to have a severe crush on red stout and bourbon barrels) and Imperial ales, but I found it to be a puppy love that Strawberry PB&J. I finally grew out of. Sounds like a party! This beer changes all of that. I’m
34 April 9, 2020
How COVID-19 Impacts Wine Every day over the past couple of weeks, my inbox has been filled with notifications on winery tasting-room closures and offers of free shipping and by curbside pickup for those of us who still need our daily wine fix. The wine industry is hurting, along with the rest of the U.S. economy, as businesses struggle to cope with operating restrictions made necessary by the spread of COVID-19. The greatest impact will no doubt be visited upon boutique producers that cater to the on-premise market, meaning restaurants, which are largely shuttered throughout the nation. But tasting-room closures are a big deal, too. For many wineries, they are an important profit center because wines can be sold at retail without any middlemen. And they provide daily cash flow. Of equal concern are the hardships inflicted on tasting-room employees who’ve been laid off during the crisis. “These are hourly employees, and most of them live paycheck to paycheck,” Napa Valley winemaker Joel Aiken told me in a recent conversation. On the bright side, in my almost daily trips to the grocery store in search of basic necessities, I see shopping carts loaded to the brim with wine and all manner of other adult beverages. It gives me a sense of relief. If anything, wine consumption might be up. The wine industry is going to be all right.
Best Value Wines are rated on a 100-point scale. Wines are chosen for review because they represent outstanding quality or value, and the scores are simply a measure of this reviewer’s enthusiasm for the recommended wine. Bianchi 2019 Malbec, Mendoza, Argentina ($19.99) — Malbec is still Argentina’s greatest contribution to the world of wine, and the Bianchi family does
malbec extremely well. The 2019 is most impressive at this price point. It delivers a bold red that is rich and layered on the palate, showing ripe, juicy black fruits and a subtle hint of wood that provides additional structure and an inviting spice note. Rating: 90. Georges Duboeuf 2019 Beaujolais Nouveau, France ($9.99) — The 2019 nouveau from Duboeuf, the so-called first wine of the harvest, is everything nouveau was meant to be: grapey, easy, simple and straightforward. A soft, supple fruit bomb won’t tax either the palate or the wallet. Nouveau tends toward the floral, and this one does just that. It’s an awesome spring and summer picnic wine, especially when served slightly chilled on a warm day. Rating: 87. Tasting Notes Tongue Dancer 2017 ‘Pinot de Ville’ Pinot Noir, Putnam Vineyard, Sonoma Coast ($65) — The Tongue Dancer wines should come with a warning label that says simply, “Genius at work.” That would be winemaker James MacPhail, who launched Tongue Dancer with his wife, Kerry MacPhail, after selling the MacPhail label a few years ago. His genius is multifaceted. First of all, he sources grapes from the finest vineyards and growers in Sonoma County. Second, he gives those exceptional grapes plenty of TLC and proceeds to knock it out of the park. Every time. This vintage from the Putnam Vineyard in the Sonoma Coast is artfully crafted, with impressive fruit purity (think raspberry and cherry compote), exceptional balance and a finish that seems to be without end. The use of oak is delicate, imparting a subtle note of fall spice, and the tannins are perfect. Rating: 97.
Archery Summit expresses itself in tones of raspberry and dark cherry with exquisite balance and beautiful structure that will ensure it ages well. The wine finishes a bit short, but the finish will lengthen as the tannins soften. There is a hint of wood spice that seems just about right. Rating: 93. Bortolomiol 2018 Prior Prosecco Superiore DOCG, Valdobbiadene, Italy ($23) — The beauty of vintage Prosecco is the price. It simply doesn’t cost that much more than nonvintage, but the experience tends to be noticeably more rewarding. The 2018 Prior from Bortolomiol is elegant and precise, with a beautiful bead, subtle notes of citrus and green apple, and a long, crisp finish. Rating: 91. Merry Edwards 2017 Pinot Noir, Sonoma Coast ($48) — If you’re looking to tap into the excellence of a Merry Edwards pinot noir but you find the tab for one of the winery’s single-vineyard
wines beyond your reach, take a look at the appellation-specific pinots that hit a lower price point. The 2017 Sonoma Coast shows a nose of strawberries, raspberries and wood spice, and the palate follows through on that promise. There is a bit of tannin bite on the back end, but that will mellow with additional age. Rating: 90. Vietti 2018 Roero Arneis DOCG, Piemonte, Italy ($24) — This vintage of Roero Arneis from Vietti is distinctly floral with an attractive note of white flowers and honeysuckle on the nose. On the palate, it expresses itself in layered tones of citrus, melon and stone fruit with mellow acidity and a soft, round finish. Rating: 90. Follow Robert on Twitter at @wineguru. To find out more about Robert Whitley and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers.
Dutton Goldfield 2017 Pinot Noir, Redwood Ridge, Sonoma Coast ($62) — This vintage of the Redwood Ridge pinot noir is another stunner from winemaker Dan Goldfield that offers exceptional depth, a floral top note and complex aromas of raspberry, strawberry and wood spice. Showing backbone, this is a pinot likely to improve as it matures. Drink now and over the next 10 years. Rating: 94. Archery Summit 2017 Pinot Noir, Dundee Hills ($65) — This vintage from
April 9, 2020 35
Snags and Nurse Logs NATURAL CONNECTIONS by
EMILY STONE As old stumps and fallen logs decompose, they become the perfect place for tiny seeds to get their start. Photo by Emily Stone. Although the depths of winter have passed, this is the season when we northerners really feel the cabin fever. Gone are the freshly groomed tracks on the ski trails and dry, fluffy drifts. Now the weather alternates between slush and sleet. Warm days are lovely, of course, but they make the freezing temps that follow just a little more frustrating. This year, mud season will be much harder. Without the option to travel south for a break, there’s a good chance some of us will go stir-crazy! One nice thing about living in the Northwoods, though, is that our vast natural areas provide us with excellent options for social distancing. The Forest Lodge Nature Trail is one of those options. This 1.5mile loop trail is dotted with numbered posts that correspond to an interpretive booklet. I’m updating that booklet this spring, and sharing the new text with you. We started the trail by priming our senses: listening to birds, smelling sweetfern, and remembering the sweet taste of ripe blackberries. We walked through an old field crammed with young white pines just getting their start, and entered a dark, mature pine forest with huge stumps, reminding us of the big trees who once dominated the landscape. In the midst of that mature pine forest, we now come upon the skeleton of a tree. Its bark lies in piles at its base. The top, and most branches, are gone. Holes
riddle its pale trunk. Life after Death This old, dead tree was once a stately white pine. The low limbs on this snag are a clue that the pine was growing in a field. As the years went by, this tree’s seeds grew up to become many of the younger white pines in the surrounding forest. Although this tree has been dead for many years, it still supports an abundance of life. Insects like carpenter ants tunnel through the trunk. Hairy, downy, and pileated woodpeckers can easily pick away at the soft wood in search of the larvae of ants and other insects. Big cavities house the nests of woodpeckers, chickadees, nuthatches, flying squirrels, and owls. Do you see the pile of pine cone bracts on the ground? A red squirrel sat there to shuck and eat the seeds out of pine cones. This animal’s trash heap is called a midden. Before it died, only the outer layers of wood and bark, the twigs, the roots, and the needles of this tree were alive. Now the living, breathing cells of bacteria, fungi, and insects burrow through every inch of the trunk. Some ecologists say that a tree is more alive when it’s dead.
36 April 9, 2020
What do you think? Nurse Stump or Nurse Log As old stumps and fallen logs decompose, they become the perfect place for tiny seeds to get their start. Mosses and lichens like this habitat, too. A balsam fir seed fell onto this stump. It found a good home with more sunlight, more nutrients, fewer fallen leaves, fewer dangerous bacteria, and enough moisture to grow. The roots of the new tree will grow around the stump or log and into the ground. The old tree will continue to rot away. Eventually the log will be gone, and you will just see a funny-looking tree up on stilts! As you continue down the trail, look for nurse stumps and logs and the new life they support. Lichens and Mosses Do you see the green stuff on the bark of a nearby birch tree? These mosses and lichens are using the tree trunk as a ladder to the sun. They do not harm the tree. Both organisms use sunlight to make food from water and carbon dioxide during a process called photosynthesis. Mosses often look feathery, fuzzy, or like tiny trees. They are tiny, bright green plants with simple leaves that soak up water like a
sponge. Moss also dries out quickly, but that’s OK. When water returns, moss can spring back to life in as little as 20 minutes. Lichens form through a partnership between a fungus and an alga. The fungus provides the structure that holds them both onto the tree. Inside the structure, little cells of algae do photosynthesis and make sugars that feed them both. Lichens can be pale green, gray, black, yellow, or even bright orange. They can look like a leaf, a crust, or even tufts of hair. Without the algae, the fungus would starve. Without the fungus, the algae would blow away. Together they can grow on bare rocks and even survive in outer space. Despite their toughness, lichens will die if there is too much air pollution. Continue looking for lichens and moss as you walk down the trail (or even into your own backyard). How many different kinds can you see? Emily’s second book, Natural Connections: Dreaming of an Elfin Skimmer, is now available to purchase at and at your local independent bookstore, too. For more than 50 years, the Cable Natural History Museum has served to connect you to the Northwoods. Our Pollinator Power exhibit ends after February 29, but our Curiosity Center remains open, and Mysteries of the Night will open on May 1, 2020. Call us at 715-798-3890 or email
Brown-Headed Cowbird NATURE by
The cowbird is North America’s only parasitic bird. This male is competing with other males for an area to breed, while females look for other species’ nest to lay eggs. Ralph LaPlant Photo The Merriam-Wesbster Pocket dictionary defines parasite as “A plant or animal living in, on, or with some other plant or animal.” This definition truly fits the brown-headed cowbird, as it is North America’s only parasitic bird. It does not build a nest of its own, but occupies those of others. The territory of this bird is about 10 to 50 acres and is used for mating and nesting. Depending on where the hosts’ nests are located, the cowbird may be territorial. In open areas, where nests are sparse and located near woods edges, small flocks of males tend to stay put and the females cruise, looking for nests to occupy. In thick wooded areas, where there are more nests, they are territorial. Females will compete with other females for territory during the morning, but have been seen feeding together later on in the same day. In the open areas, males court by flocking and displaying to one another, competing for the area. The females are looking for nests to occupy at this time and will pair up with the male that is dominant in that particular area. In wooded areas, males tend to roam and females stay locally. As a result, females may mate with more than one male. Unlike most birds, the female’s goal is to locate, not build a nest. Over 150 different species’ nests have been observed with brown-headed cowbird eggs in them!
Females, from a high vantage point, usually in the morning, look over the area for other bird activity to locate nests. Others fly noisily into wooded areas trying to scare up nesting birds. Still another method is to walk on the ground looking for signs of nesting birds. Once a nest is located, the cowbirds lay, as a rule, only one egg per nest. These are brownish spotted eggs that are off-white in color. Incubation takes up to just shy of two weeks with the nestlings remaining in the nests for about 10 days. With a short incubation period and a very rapid early-onset growth rate, they have an excellent chance of surviving in the nest of another species. There is debate as to whether any of the hosts’ offspring survive once a cowbird lays an egg in their nest. Some experts say no and some say that since only one egg is laid, only one host’s fledgling dies. Seeds consist of most of the cowbird’s diet (78%), and the rest is mainly insects and spiders (22%). The brown-headed cowbird occupies all of Minnesota. These birds arrive in early March through May and although it is not known exactly, it is believed the majority leave the area in late June or July, with some leaving during the fall months. They winter in southern States and Central America, although some are seen in the southern parts of Minnesota.
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1028 • 218-720-6000 230 E Superior St • Duluth, MN April 9, 2020 37
Gloves for gas pump - Heloise
Where is the spare? Dear Heloise: Why are newer cars sold without a spare tire? I find that very dangerous, especially for women who could be stuck alone at night in a remote place! - Karen in Virginia Karen, yes, many automakers don’t include a spare tire. The reason? Auto makers must meet government mandated fuel economy standards. To achieve this, they make changes to decrease the weight of the vehicle, and eliminating the spare tire was just one of several solutions they had to consider. You can purchase a spare tire, along with a jack, at an auto parts store. - Heloise
Dear Heloise: Since hand sanitizer is in short supply these days, I keep a pair of thin gardening gloves in the door pocket of my SUV for when I pump gas. So now my gloves keep my hands safe from germs. Every time I pump gas using the gloves, as soon as I get back in the car, I remove them and put them in a plastic bag and bring them home to toss in the wash right away. - Trena in California Trena, this is a great idea, especially now when we must be extra careful. You might want to keep a spare pair just in case you have another errand the same day, such as using an ATM. - Heloise Avoid IRS scams Dear Readers: We have received a significant number of emails and letters from readers asking about IRS scams and how to avoid being a victim of fraudsters. Here are some hints to avoid the scammers: • Hang up on calls that claim to be from the IRS. An IRS agent is NOT going to contact you by text messages, social media or email. They typically send you a letter. Nor will they threaten you with police action, to drag you to jail or to deport you. Nor will they take away your Social Security. • Never give out your Social Security number, no matter what they tell you. • Beware of “ghost preparers.” A professional tax preparer must have an identification number, and they always
sign your return. Ghost tax preparers who are frauds won’t sign your return. To check on whether your tax preparer has the right credentials, go to • The IRS has an online resource where you can report identity theft at Don’t ignore the Census Dear Readers: It’s Census time, when the formal count of the population of the entire United States is taken. Our Founding Fathers wrote in the Constitution that every 10 years the population is to be counted. So why is it important to know the population? Simply put, while every state has two Senators, the Census determines the number of seats each state will have in the House of Representatives, based on a state’s population. And the Census can help determine dollar distribution for government programs. What questions will be asked? The number of people living with you, their ages, races, national origins, genders and their relation to you. You also will be asked whether you own your home or rent it. Don’t worry; your information is protected. By now, you should have received something in the mail about the Census; don’t ignore it - by law, you must participate. You can respond online, by mail or by phone. If you haven’t responded, the Census Bureau will send someone to your home beginning in May. For more information, visit
38 April 9, 2020
10 household uses for vinegar 1. To contain awful cooking odors (especially cabbage and fish), boil a cup of water in a pan on the stove and add 1 to 2 tablespoons of vinegar. 2. To create a love home aromatherapy smell, add some cinnamon or orange or lemon peels to a pan of water and vinegar, let boil. It will fill your home
with a lovely scent. 3. To freshen a sink drain, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain and follow with 1 to 2 cups of vinegar. Let it bubble 5 minutes. Flush with plenty of water. 4. To clean a sink aerator, drop heated vinegar into it to flush out hard- water deposits. 5. To clean the coffeemaker, run full-strength white vinegar through a normal brew cycle, run again, stop halfway through and let sit 15 minutes, then run several cycles with plain water. 6. To remove fish or onion odor on hands, rinse them with apple cider vinegar. 7. To make your own window cleaner, add 1/2 to 1 cup of vinegar to 1 gallon of water. 8. To remove while salt rings from clay pots, wipe undiluted white vinegar over the affected areas. 9. To kill unwanted grass on sidewalks and driveways, pour full strength vinegar directly on the areas. 10. To remove hard-water stains from your dog’s water bowl, pour heated vinegar inside it.
McDonald’s wall collapses, Trump Intervenes
APRIL, 1 2020 :: FREE
People torn between News Tribune, Budgeteer and Reader
Torn from tomorrow’s headlines today! Reader Publications
April 9, 2020 39
McDonald’s wall collapses, Trump Intervenes time for that? I’m too busy at my job as a professional face-toucher.” His pain is shared by the soapadverse Siorhan Nutreel. “I just want to return to a time when I wouldn’t be judged for wiping my ass with my bare hand and then immediately leaving to go back to serving chicken at KFC. It’s not like it’s going to change the taste of their chicken or destroy your digestive system any differently.” Most filthy people have said that, once the crisis is over, they look forward to rubbing their pubic region before handling everything at the Cub Foods produce section. On March 10, the retaining wall outside of the McDonald’s on London Rd. and 21st St. fell apart. Several in the community expressed that the collapse was no surprise and that the possibility had been brought up to the store. A manager who wished to not be named, said, “Alright, I’m not an engineer. I don’t know anything about retaining walls or the outlying structures of the property. All I’m here to do, really, is just make sure that if you ask for ketchup packets, you only get one in the bag.” He added, “I also like to make sure that very late at night we like to totally screw up the drive-through orders so that when the customers get home, they are faced with either coming back here or they just have to eat what they get.” The manager laughed maniacally. “This is 2020
and we don’t care about things like retaining walls and ketchup packets and late-night order accuracy. If our employees even show up, we’re happy with that.” The news of the retaining wall has apparently reached as far as President Donald Trump, who said, “There’s two things in the world that I love: walls, they should be everywhere, and McDonald’s, the chefs there are the best chefs, I’ve had them cater many of my personal dinners.” Trump has diverted $5 billion from emergency coronavirus response funds to build a new retaining wall around the London Road McDonald’s, with the goal of keeping nearly everyone out. It will be accessible only by his helicopter. Filthy people want to know when this hand-washing crap will end The coronavirus crisis has disrupted the daily lives of millions, but none more so than filthy people who want to return to not washing their hands. The uncertainty is causing worry in many American squalors that are often confused with pigsties. “Used to be that I could pick my nose and immediately shake someone’s hand,” says Bobby Fictional. “And they would take it to be polite, just smearing that nasal discharge all over their fingers. But now they won’t touch it until I’ve washed. Who’s got
40 April 9, 2020
People torn between DNT, Budgeteer and Reader to wipe with With the recent run on buying out toilet paper in the nation due to coronavirus, many have found themselves in desperate means. “I’ve stopped at Wal-Mart, Target, even Barnes & Noble, and I can’t find a mega-pack of toilet paper anywhere,” said Ralph Bummaster. “What is my family supposed to do?” “I feel like I’ve failed my them as a man,” he continued, sobbing. “Then the idea came to me, there’s toilet paper, but in the end it’s just paper, and then I realized that there’s paper all around us, every day!” He found around 200 Budgeteers on his front lawn that had just reemerged under the melted snow. “I told the family to all come out of the house, and I showed them that we were saved! We’d survive this pandemic after all!” It turns out that Bummaster was not the only one with this idea for alternative means of wiping. “Some people have said they’ve had problems finding our papers recently,” said Reader Publisher Bob Boone. “We didn’t want to believe it at first, but it turns out that many many people have been stealing our publication off the racks for the purpose of,” Boone hesitated and then whispered, “wiping themselves.” Boone went on to say how people have often used the Reader for bird cages, kitty box liners, firestarter for wood stoves and improvised body armor, but he has never seen such an impact on the distribution for the sole purpose of
being used as toilet paper. A man named Willie Woodcox claims to not only have been using the Reader for toilet paper for years, he has also used several other publications. “A Budgeteer is good if you’re in a pinch, but I like to get my hands on the A&E section of the Duluth News Tribune when I can. There’s nothing like the grit of a Tony Bennett album review between your cheeks. I have hemorrhoids, you see, so that raw Bennett ink really scratches that itch good right up in there. Those Paul Whyte reviews in the Reader were too smooth and didn’t really get the same bite, although they were pretty much shit, anyway.” All three publications have expressed interest in putting a disclaimer saying “FOR READING USE ONLY,” although it is unlikely to dissuade people from continuing to use them for other purposes.
Batman visits Duluth, calls it “a total loss”
Gotham City, DCU. Returning from a trip to Duluth, a deeply shaken Dark Knight described Duluth as “the worst hellhole I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been to the dystopian alternate-dimension city of Apokolips.” Among Batman’s complaints were Duluth’s streets. “Gotham literally had every bridge and major outlet bombed, and even their roads were smoother. Does the Penguin have a controlling interest in your axle and shock-absorber industry?” The Caped Crusader, who has seen his hometown of Gotham City destroyed by giant vultures, admitted that even that handsome billionaire Bruce Wayne could not keep up with Duluth’s profligate spending on the Aquarium or Spirit Mountain. “Just to be clear,” said Batman, returning to the microphone to get another thing off his emblematic chest, “Gotham has had a city-wide contagion that killed thousands, an earthquake that left the city in anarchy, a freakin’ metal mountain that rose out of the middle of the city, and was once even turned into a giant swamp. And their citizens just ranked their standard of living ten points higher than Duluthians. “I’m the World’s Greatest Detective, and even I can’t figure out why the hell anyone lives there.”
Teller suppresses laughter at your paycheck Duluth, MN. According to his co-workers, a local bank teller successfully held back peals of laughter upon seeing how much money you make, despite the fact that your entire annual salary can fit into Donald Trump’s tiny hands. “Maybe I can chalk it up to experience,” says First Union employee Chevy Banks. “I mean, you’ve been coming in here with that peasant’s wage for a deathly long time now, and it’s really more pathetic than anything.” Banks elaborated, even after you told him that you got the point already, “I mean, who overdrafts a check for gum? Seriously, the paper your check is printed on is worth more than your savings account. You’re a loser with loose change. Loose change for the loser!” Banks said he still reserves the right to grin when depositing your check, “which doesn’t even cover the cost of my labor.” Cancer doctor’s human worth calculated by Instagram likes Minneapolis, MN. Doctor Zhang Hu, an oncologist who has developed new ways to treat various types of cancer, has failed to obtain a satisfactory number of Instagram followers, calling into question his value as a human being, says the Internet. “He posted a picture of his meat loaf,
and he got a total of three likes from us,” says the online community in disgust. “And one of them was from his wife, so that doesn’t even count. This guy may have developed a groundbreaking vaccine-based immunotherapy, but he’s clearly a loser when it comes to social-media respectability.” Dr. Hu’s unpopularity may cost him his job as a clinical researcher at the University of MN. Speaking for the school, dean Martin Ann-Lewis said, “Unless this guy does a TikTok video that shows lots of ass, he could soon be jobless and broke, eating rats in an alleyway instead of experimenting on them. Come to think of it, I would pay to see that. I mean, that’s a video that could go viral.” Americans may soon wear “Impossible” meat-free clothing Following the success of Burger King’s plant-based “Impossible” Whopper, scientists now believe that we may soon be sporting “Impossible” clothes made from plants, such as cotton or linen, instead of the slabs of uncooked meat that most Americans currently wear. “Damn AOC wants me to go nekkid,” says local resident Drulen Moran, dressed to the nines in his cotto salami seersucker suit. “Well, she’ll have to pry my bacon belt off my cold, dead groin!” Most people we asked agreed that meat-free clothing was a Leftist conspiracy, perhaps because we interviewed
only those people on our Facebook friends list that we don’t know. “I think it’s a plot by the New World Order,” says Feller Schiess, who says he’s perfectly comfortable in the skin-tight bologna biking shorts and plunging T-shirt made of chicken fat. “It’s just not a sunny Minnesota day unless I get all nice and rancid.” Tara Hoelinmubut is also skeptical, standing outside naked except for the offal she smeared all over her body. “If you don’t love the smell of raw meat slowly melting off your privates, then go back to Venezuela, commie, cuz this is America!” Apple develops Coronavirus test app Apple CEO Tim Cook has announced an app for iPhones that enables users to self-test for coronavirus. Self-testers are instructed to obtain a saliva sample using a cotton swab. Apply the saliva sample onto a pane of clear glass, then select iPhoto to photograph the backlit sample. Select the app and results will be displayed in one of two universal symbols: thumbs up or skull and crossbones. Currently the app is not compatible with Android phones. “Unfortunately, there is a glitch in the code that causes Android phones to incorrectly deliver the skull and crossbones symbol one in three times,” Cook acknowledged.
April 9, 2020 41
Plow driver happy to finally have things cleared from November storm CDC bans book clubs of 10 or more lepers
Jim Fowler, a plow driver for the City of Duluth is happy that after months of hard work, things look like they’re finally in the clear. “I’ve never seen anything like it that early in the season,” said Fowler, “but I’m happy to say, these streets are finally fit to drive on again.” Fowler has been working diligently on removing the snow from the storm that hit back in late November. “After some warm 50 degree days and several months, I can say that the hard work has paid off and we finally have made some notable progress on that storm. Sure, there’s still some really bad potholes, but we’ve got the snow under control.” Mayor Emily Larson gave a statement, “I know there has been a lot of negativity about our response, but overall, I appreciate your patience with us getting the snow removed from November’s storm in a fairly timely manner. I mean, Don Ness would probably be just giving the key to the city to some band like Ween or Weezer, or whatever, but I haven’t rested since that storm, trust me. I am just as tired and confused about it as any of you.” The Mayor promised that nothing like those events would ever happen again until at least October of this year, barring perhaps a late April
storm, which might significantly impact the summer tourist season.
The CDC announced new guidelines today calling for Americans to avoid holding book clubs that include 10 or more lepers, adding, “Even nine isn’t exactly ideal.” CDC spokesman Dizz Cease explained, “I know it’s ‘hip’ or ‘groovy’ to have lepers at your book club, but we’re asking the public to sacrifice a little. Maybe just ease a leper or two out at a time, until you’re down to just a token leper.” Book club president and anthrax sufferer Mildred Moldred did not take the news well. “Have you tried holding a book club with fewer than three lepers? The whole point is to drink wine and throw around loose body parts.” Needless to say, all book clubs are suspended in Two Harbors.
Landlord in tight bind
Man hopes people will join him on his sailboat this year For the last several years a man named Jeffery Blondsmith has pursued his love of sailing on the Great Lake of Superior. “Oh, it’s so wonderful to just be out there on that lake, I get the boat ready as soon as the temperature starts to warm up.” While a self-proclaimed sailing enthusiast, Blondsmith admits that he hasn’t traveled more than two miles out of the Duluth harbor. “Well, last summer, I had some friends and we were all supposed to meet at noon and make it as far as Cornucopia, or maybe even Bayfield, it was a beautiful summer day. Several people were supposed to go, but 12 hours later, around midnight, no one had showed up yet. It was sometime after 2 a.m., after bar close that they showed up, and they were really drunk. We were about to set sail and then one of them just started puking all over the boat. I told them they had to leave. I was cleaning up all that vomit until 6 a.m.” Blondsmith is hopeful he’ll find someone to make it out of the harbor by at least sundown this year.
42 April 9, 2020
tric and even the garbage-trash. Some people might say that a one bedroom might not be worth that much, but where you going to go, you little hoodrat bitches, you’re paying me!” We talked to a woman who was working three jobs as a cleaner, dishwasher and “Cam Girl” named Eve: “Even with all of these jobs, I can’t afford to keep clothes on my two children’s backs, I work all the time and I’m just so sad, my husband works two jobs and hates it when I sell myself online, but he knows that’s the only way we can get little Justin’s medications.” “That libtard whore should get a better job!” said Screwem, when asked about Eve’s situation. “I’ve been living just fine off my steel mill trust! People need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps! It’s the American way!” Over half of Screwem’s tenants don’t know if they’ll be able to meet next month’s rent. Screwem conceded, “I might lower the rent down to $900 to get someone new in.” Woman uses husband’s “Dutch oven” to make tasty bitterballen
We found the landlord of Screwem Height, a modest, yet pleasant apartment complex housing ten tenants in eight rooms. “Yeah,” said Jake Screwem, “My granddaddy after the war bought this place and my father, rest his soul, he died and passed this on to me. I figured, I’d charge everyone $1,000 apiece to stay here, but I’m not mean, I go and throw in elec-
Mankato, MN. A woman whose husband often traps her beneath the bed sheets and forcing her smell his farts has turned the form of playful torture into a smelly opportunity, using her last imprisonment in the “Dutch oven” to make bitterballen, a traditional Dutch snack. “When life gives you a fart, make it fart-tastic,” says Grace Yeppers, holding a plate of the Dutch-style meatballs that her spouse’s gassy ass helped heat to perfection. “If you’re going to be cooked in a confined space by toxic fumes, you may as well cook a delicious meal. I mean, they taste like farts, but Scandinavians put lutefisk in their mouths, so that’s not an obstacle.” Unfortunately, upon closer inspection, the bitterballen appear to be dayold dingleberries, as Grace’s exposure to large amounts of methane have given her severe brain damage.
News of Business as Usual be legal, campaign contributions tightly regulated, everyone would have good health care, college would be free, and all guns would be sensibly controlled. Professors Martin Gilens from Princeton and Benjamin Page of Northwestern posed the question, “Who Really Rules in America?” Their conclusions were,
If you think News of the Weird is wacky, check out these stories from News of the Business as Usual. Wisconsin Supreme Court Opens the First “ATM for Justice” The Wisconsin Supreme Court is moving into the 21st century with automated court rulings. The new program will utilize state-of-the-art ATM type machines. The “ATM for Justice” machines will be much more efficient and deliver case decisions immediately. Justice Daniel Kelly says the automated machines will totally eliminate any chance that a liberal justice might “legislate from the bench.” The new technology works because the Supreme Court’s conservative majority has predetermined every case based on their “judicial philosophy.” No inefficient, time consuming arguing of the facts of the case are necessary. Plaintiffs simply enter their campaign contribution, select general topic (screwing workers, keeping women in their place, protecting the freedom of multinational corporations, etc.) and select the desired ruling. The ATM prints a tax deductible receipt and the case decision. Justice Kelly praised the system for returning the court to the “original intent of the Founding Fathers” – making money. Pentagon Announces Creation of the National Strategic Waste Reserve The Pentagon can not spend all the money Congress has appropriated in recent years. With total national security spending soaring past $1.25 trillion for FY 2021, they just can’t keep up. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Staff, General Mark Milley says war planners
are working overtime to manufacture enemies and create new wars but the avalanche of new money is just too big to handle. He says, “All the armed services are doing their patriotic best to spend more. The F-35 fighter – which doesn’t work as well as the older F-16 – is wasting $1.5 trillion. The $7.8 billion Zumwalt class destroyer is running six years late and the main gun weapon system doesn’t even work.” The Pentagon has thrown trillions into the sand of the Middle East but just can’t spend enough. With 800 bases in 143 countries, DOD has run out of countries to build new military bases. Creating the Africa and Space commands isn’t enough to solve the problem. General Milley says the solution is to store waste for future lean times. “At some point people may get a clue and cut off the endless flow of money. This could be disastrous for the war economy.” The National Strategic Waste Reserve will ensure future wasteful spending and protect our American way of life. Republicans Introduce Legislation to Eliminate Elections Republicans introduced legislation this week to eliminate “inefficient” democratic elections. For years Republicans have discouraged people from voting with voter ID laws, purging of voter registration lists, gerrymandering, and denying felons the right to vote. Republicans have opposed limiting campaign contributions and made political campaigns as ugly as possible to turn off potential voters. So the new proposal is simply taking election fraud and manipulation to its logical conclusion. Recent research shows politicians don’t pay any attention to the opinions of voters anyway. If they did, the country would look radically different – marijuana would
“When the preferences of economic elites and ...organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy....the majority does not rule” (from a real study – not satire). Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) said, “Voting is just a hassle for people and costs too much. Besides people are really dumb and if allowed to vote would make the wrong choices. What is good for big corporations is good for America!” Good Samaritan Accused of Being a “Socialist” A recent Facebook video tells the story of Lena Q. Publicsky who got COVID-19 but didn’t have health insurance. She turned to Go Fund Me for help. The Southern Baptist televangelist told her “God helps those who help themselves.” The hospital CEO wouldn’t help. He had to serve stockholders. Tom Tiffany, Republican candidate for Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional district, said “Competition and the free market would lower costs so everyone could afford to go to the doctor” (this is really on his web site). So Lena’s fund raising didn’t work well. But Tricia Zunker, the Democratic candidate did try to help. She proposed having single-payer, universal health insurance so this wouldn’t happen again. She said, “No one should die because they can’’t afford to go to the doctor; people should not go bankrupt because they can’t afford their medication. We need to ensure everyone has access to quality, affordable health care” (a real statement). Tom Tiffany attacked this good Samaritan approach as “socialism.” As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow and meltdown the economy, Tiffany says he will continue “to protect Wisconsin families from the greatest danger we face –
creeping socialism!” Trump Orders End to Pandemic President Trump issued an executive order today officially ending the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic will end on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 12:01 AM. “America will again — and soon — be open for business,” Trump said in the news conference. “Our country wasn’t built to be shut down,” Trump said. “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.” Trump brushed off concerns about people dying from the virus. “It’s time” he said, “People want to get back to work.” (all quotes are actual statements). Gullibility Index Hits Record High For 244 straight years the American Gullibility Index has gone up. Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, the index hit record highs soaring to 25,017 in early 2020. Started by Benjamin Franklin in 1776, the index measures the susceptibility of American citizens to religious claptrap, marketing hype, consumer scams, political manipulation, and similar cons. Dr. Bo Vine Schitt, current director of the Index say, “As we all know is that it is easier to believe than to think. Americans are particularly susceptible to believing lies, conspiracy theories, and fake news of all kinds.” Professor Kurt Andersen, author of “Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire,” (a real book and not satire) says, “Fantasy is deeply embedded in our national psyche.” His book reviews 500 years of American delusional behavior. The country was founded by religious nut jobs and getrich-quick schemers and has had many true believers, hucksters, and suckers. So what’s happening in our country today – the post-factual, “fake news” and shameless lies – is nothing new. Anderson writes, [Only in America does]” and reason remain undocumented immigrants, so to speak, tolerated but not embraced.”
April 9, 2020 43
Perunovich awaits word on Hobey Baker Award One of my long-time associates in the world of hockey noted last week that Scott Perunovich signed a contract to pass up his final year of eligibility at UMD and turn pro with the St. Louis Blues. He asked me what I thought of Perunovich. “Scott Perunovich has been the best reason for anyone to watch any hockey game at any level, for the three years he was at UMD,” I said. Pretty simple. And true. There are a lot of outstanding players in college hockey these days, many of them teammates with Perunovich, the junior defenseman from Hibbing. But you can go to any college game – back when there were college games to watch – and you could watch and note certain players who rose up to make an outstanding play to score a goal, or to set one up. There are so many good players that it seems as though you could open the mold and pour out another one. Very impressive, in total. But in most cases, pouring another player out of a cookiecutter mold is impressive, but somehow lacks the style, the flair, and the outright magnetism of Scott Perunovich. Magnetism is the operative word, because if you went to the game without knowing any of the players, you would spot Perunovich soon enough, but you would have wasted a lot of game-time. The thing to do was to go to the game and always notice when Perunovich came on, and then never take your eyes off him. Just to see if you might see something you’ve never seen before. Perunovich wore No. 7 for the Bulldogs, and his three years have been nothing short of sensational. As a freshman, he was one of five rookies to join sophomore Nick Wolff on a defense that, on paper, doomed the Bulldogs to a rebuilding year. Instead, UMD won the NCAA title, by surprise, and Perunovich, a quickstriking puck-rusher who could shoot with the best of them but who could pass even better, to set up open teammates for big goals. Perunovich led UMD in scoring that freshman year, which still astounds observers, because how often in college hockey history has a defenseman led a team in scoring, and how often in college hockey history has a freshman led a team in scoring, and how often in college
hockey history has a freshman defenseman ever led an BCAA championship team in scoring. It doesn’t happen, but Perunovich made it happen with UMD. Last season, Perunovich was leading the way again until he got injured, and missed several games. The Bulldogs were a surprise no longer, and while his injury may have prevented an NCHC title run, he came back and played at limited capacity as the Bulldogs again went into the NCAA regional, won it, and then won their second NCAA title in a row. At last year’s tournament time, I asked Perunovich how close he was to 100 percent, and he said “about 90 percent.” It was a fib, and as soon as this, his junior season began, it was obvious what the difference would be between last spring’s Perunovich and a healthy one. So I asked him again, now that he’s 100 percent, when he looks back to last season, how close was he? “Probably about 65 percent,” he admitted. In fact, because he knew he hadn’t finished with the flair he intended, he was determined to return to UMD and put his full talent on display. What we were able to witness will be stenciled on all our memories. UMD made a strong run at the NCHC title, and finished one victory short of North Dakota. That put the Bulldogs in a stronger position than either of the last two seasons, and I was convinced that this team was the best of the last three UMD teams and would win its third straight NCAA title. Scott Perunovich was the primary reason for my optimism. A lot of times when a player scores a lot and most of his points are assists, you wonder how many of those were what they now call “secondary” assists, or maybe tack-on gifts. Nobody ever questioned a Scott Perunovich assist, however, because he absolutely took over command of a game’s tempo. That is not easy to do. Back in the late 1970s and early ‘80s, I had the pleasure of watching two young brothers come out of Roseau High School to attend the University of Minnesota. Neal Broten came out in 1978 and coach Herb Brooks called him the most talented freshman he’d ever seen. Broten helped a powerful Gopher team go to the NCAA
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UMD defenseman Scott Perunovich set up shop next to goalie Hunter Shepard, before stepping up to deliver a pinpoint pass. Photo credit: John Gilbert championship, chipping a diving shot into the North Dakota goal to win the title game. Then he went along with Brooks to glory at the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, where he was the second-youngest player on the Miracle on Ice team. Neal Broten had an incredible ability to sitickhandle down the ice at great speed, and as you watched him lead the rush, he might throw what looked like a throwaway pass, and you’d say, “What’s he doing? Oh…nice pass.” His ability was a radar-like anticipation of where all his teammates were at all times, and he would make a pass to an open winger before you noticed the winger was open. A year later, his brother, Aaron, came to Minnesota, and was a similar star, if you looked at the point tallies. Aaron was an entirely different player. A little bigger, a little stronger, with a little bit of a harder shot, even with the same deft ability to anticipate and use his teammates. The difference was that Aaron would get the puck, and if he sensed he had 3
seconds before a foe confronted him, he might use up 2.8 of those seconds and then make a perfect pass. Neal set the tempo of the game at ultrafast, while Aaron regulated the tempo of the game by slowing the pace down in mesmerizing fashion and then capitalizing with a perfect play. You can imagine why they were so good together when Neal came back from the Olympics and went back together with brother Aaron and Butsy Erickson on an all-Roseau line. In 1981, Neal Broten won the first Hobey Baker Award for being the best player in college hockey, after scoring 17 goals, 54 assists, for 71 points in 36 games. Aaron played 45 games and scored 47 goals with 59 assists for a Gopher single-season record 106 points, and didn’t win any awards, but he was awesome. Flash forward 40 years. The puck is thrown into the UMD end, and Hunter Shepard, the best goaltender in the country, goes behind the net to tee it up. Scott Perunovich arrives and scoops it up, but
he doesn’t go tearing off down the ice. Instead, he steps out to the side of the goal, as the first forechecker arrives in front, and he does everything he can to lure that forechecker to chase him, so he can use the net as a screen. As the years have gone by, opposing forecheckers are less and less likely to chase the elusive Perunovich. When they do, he either takes off at a high rate of speed, or, more likely, steps out and then fires a 100-foot pass, right onto the tape of a teammate’s stick, igniting a rush that leads to a goal. Sometimes Perunovich’s process takes only a few seconds. Other times he will wait back there, and wait, and wait some more, until 15 or 20 seconds have ticked away and the forechecker is about to explode. Incredibly, Perunovich can slow the game to an absolute standstill, and then make a devastating play. Yes, Perunovich ended up with 6 goals and 34 assists for 40 points to lead UMD in scoring, and he also led the entire NCHC in scoring, and was named the league’s top offensive defenseman, and the league’s top player, as well.
At one point in the season, spanning four games, Perunovich had either a goal or an assist on nine consecutive goals scored by the Bulldogs, and 11 out of 12. In baseball, if you’re in the game you get your turns at bat; in hockey, you have to create all of your own scoring opportunities, and it is close to incomprehensible that a player could figure into nine consecutive goals. At the end of the season, UMD’s closing rush lifted them to one game short of North Dakota. The Bulldogs went 9-1 at the end, and in those final 10 games, Perunovich had 2-9–11. For the whole season, UMD finished 22-10-2. In games where Perunovich was shut down without a point, the Bulldogs were 5-7; in games where he scored at least one point, UMD was 17-3-2. He was selected as NCHC defenseman of the week five times, and, playing with cocaptain Nick Wolff on the top defensive tandem, Perunovich’s defensive play showed 43 blocked shots, and a plus-12. Wolff led the league with 58 blocked shots and was a plus-17, meaning the tandem blocked 101 blocked shots,
something Shepard greatly appreciated. With all the world’s sports on a seemingly endless holding pattern, the sports media types are trying to come up with replays and contests to determine the best of this and the best of that. When it comes to UMD’s fantastic stable of defensemen back through the history of the program, Scott Perunovich steps up to join the likes of Tom Kurvers, Norm Maciver and Curt Giles as perhaps the best four defensemen in UMD history. The Hobey Baker Award started after Curt Giles had moved on to the NHL, but Kurvers won it, and Maciver should have. That honor is still lurking out there for Perunovich. Perunovich, already named All-America for the third straight year, will find out along with all the rest of us at the end of this week whether or not he wins this year’s Hobey Baker Award as the nation’s best college hockey player. Signings leave holes in lineup Nick Wolff, who lost the perfect finish to his senior year, has signed a contract with the Boston Bruins for this fall. Scott
Perunovich then signed an entry-level contract with the St. Louis Blues that will either start immediately if the current season resumes, or start next fall if it doesn’t. Center Justin Richards also chose to sign a free-agent contract with the New York Rangers, right after being named NCHC defensive forward of the year. And the latest to go is Dylan Samberg, junior defenseman who joins the Winnipeg Jets for a three-year offer. Perunovich, Samberg and Richards are leaving with one year of eligibility remaining, which gives coach Scott Sandelin some interesting options. One scenario would be that Sandelin could bring in Hermantown High School star Blake Biondi immediately, to plug in at center for one of four slots left open by Richards’ departure. And defenseman Wayne Kaiser of Andover could conceivably make the jump as another of the more polished high school players committed to UMD.
April 9, 2020 45
Amazon promotes Miracle in Lake Placid My wife has bought stuff by ordering forward to getting back to normal in the through Amazon, and it seems very not-too-distant future. efficient. You order, and as if by magic Without sports events on satellite or the thing you ordered shows up at your streaming or television, what do we house in a remarkably short period of watch? time. If we were smart, we would read a They do that with books, too. And lot more. It’s a great time to read a one of the biggest compliments I’ve good book, or to go back and read that ever gotten in my long career as a sports enticing magazine article you brushed writer came this past week, when I was past on the first time through. informed that Amazon had determined And just in the nick of time, an idea that my recently completed book came to me from Skyhorse Publishing, Miracle in Lake Placid has been chosen the company that published the book for Amazon’s month-long promotion for I recently wrote titled Miracle in Lake the month of April. Placid. It’s about the wondrous Team In normal times, I’ve enjoyed doing USA that came from out of nowhere, book-signings and having my book seeded No. 7, and won the 1980 Winter available for area hockey fans at the Olympics gold medal at Lake Placid, Bookstore at Fitger’s, and we intend N.Y. As I’ve written before, I was there, to have more such sessions, but with and I wrote about it at great length everything being shut down these days, every day in the Minneapolis Tribune. this might be the next best I also had the fantastic solution. circumstance of a private Amazon’s promotion interview session with pushes the book coach Herb Brooks, who nationwide, and if you get had refused to go to the by on Amazon, you can find post-game press conferences it and order the e-book and forbade the media from version of Miracle in Lake talking to his players on Placid for some ridiculously game days. low price. So it’s a good I kept thorough and time to get on Amazon in accurate notes, from the your (ahem!) spare time, conversations with Brooks, check out the book and order it. Order and after each session, I went outside two…or five! and stood in the snow near the exit The price is definitely right, trust door where the players came out after me on this. And I’ve never heard of, showering and dressing, and simply or known anyone, who was part of an talked to all the players I wanted to, Amazon promotion of the month. keeping all those interviews in the same But with all the interminable retro notebook. broadcasts, you might as well get into After all the writing, including a book, the details behind the greatest single Herb Brooks: The Inside Story of a Hockey sports event of this or any lifetime! Mastermind, I still have all my notes, and You will recapture the raw emotion probably 65 percent of the comments of the moment, or moments, from start had never been written before. When to finish, and some of the great inside the opportunity came along to write things that unfolded to guide Brooks this book – on extremely short notice, and his team on this magical journey. because the original author had dropped We are all trapped in this Coronavirus the project – I was finally able to spend pandemic, which has closed all the time on the wonderful and previously regional restaurants and night spots and unprinted interviews. bars, and greatly limiting our access to I love to write, and to recount those the normal places we are all accustomed fabulous days, and to chronicle it to going in a normal day. Downtown 40 years after the fact allowed me to Duluth resembles a ghost town because relive every day, every game of that of the lack of traffic and pedestrians. We tournament. are not complaining about any of that, At the Gilbert Compound, high on the because it’s undoubtedly the best way to hill looking down over the North Shore allow us to stay safe and secure and look at Lake Superior, we have learned to
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enjoy YouTube, with its epic old video clips of Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, and on into the fantastic repertoire of country music. We also enjoy getting out into the great outdoors whenever possible, which is preciously rare these days. One thing we’ve done a few times is to go for an in-car picnic up the North Shore. Joan makes the best sandwiches, and the first time we tried it, we decided to drive as far as Castle Danger, because then we could call ahead and order a couple of pieces of carrot cake at the Rustic. Now, the Rustic has the best pies in the universe, but Beth Sullivan also sneaks in a carrot cake now and then, and it is, without question, the best carrot cake on earth. So we brought along our own Perrier, did a curb-service purchase of a couple of enormous pieces of carrot cake, and went off to park at a scenic spot overlooking Lake Superior and had our feast. The Rustic pies are also sold at Whole Foods, and some at Mount Royal grocery. We’ve gotten them there, although we much prefer the drive along the shore to get them. Turns out, however, the Rustic has closed its curbside service for now. And we can only hope the pandemic disappears before the urge for pie or cake overwhelms us. Among our other curbside treasures to eat were found at Blackwoods, where you can call ahead for a couple
of exceptional bowls of soup, or, our favorite, the glazed meatloaf dinner. Also, we took a run over the bridge to Superior and went to Gronk’s, where we had ordered the upside-down-burger special, which is two for the price of one, with the best french fries in the Upper Midwest. And we always love the Kung Po chicken at Beijing, on London Road. And when it’s all over, if you time it right you can get out to 19th Ave,. W. and Superior St., to Luv Creamery, where Nicole and her staff will sell you a cone of the best ice cream you’ve ever tasted, or a pint of salted caramel or coconut-almond fudge. Next door, Corktown Deli is closed tight. So is OMC Smokehouse across the street, as is the Duluth Grill. We also went off in search of other curb pickup meals around the Twin Ports, and we parked way out on the western end of Skyline Drive to go for a mile long hike. It was very neat, until we got back near the parking area and looked over the edge. There, on the steep hill below, some of our fine citizens have chosen to dump everything and anything you can imagine. Debris, garbage, a full mattress — everything. There is no reason for anyone to do that, and there is also no reason for it to build up, like a civic dump, high on the hillside to make Skyline Drive resemble a junkyard or garbage dump. It was a great drive, and walk, but the unseen “ambience” over the edge ruined it. There are other tidbits of sports news in the Twin Ports. One of the most disturbing items is that Bob Nygaard, who first joined the UMD sports information staff 37 years ago, and who became sports information director 31 years ago, was summarily dismissed by the administration. Nygaard, after 37 years, was summoned to a meeting that didn’t include athletic director Josh Berlo, and told that his position of associate athletic director in charge of publications was being eliminated. So long, Bob. The claim is that the decision was made back in December as part of a budget cutback, but not many other schools with Division 1 hockey – and the possibility of its sixth Hobey Baker Award winner – is without an SID.
WHAT would YOU do for a sports “fix” right about now? LARSMONT… I am a certified sports college hoops much more than the nut to the nth degree and I am fully NBA, and Gophers basketball was my aware of it. Of course I have my favorgo to team. But with the time I dedicate ites and especially with hockey, I am all to hockey, I don’t see much of that in. During the NHL season if I’m not at these days. There are other sports I love, a game, it’s easy for me to see at least horse racing is very dear to me with the two games on any given night, probTriple Crown and Breeders Cup. I love ably three on weekends as well as some Indy car racing and Formula One. In college puck too. I keep up on league isthe summers of my youth when back sues, team news and events, and I keep “home” there were many Fri-Sat-Sun up on players, transactions, injuries nights spent at local dirt tracks watchand the like. I begin to take in serious ing stock cars, sprints or midgets. I had amounts of info every season in late Au- an uncle who was crazy about that and gust, and I am welded to the game until he was a sponsor at one time of a USAC the Stanley Cup gets hoisted. That’s sprint car. one of the grandest moments in all of There are a few “niche” sports I love sports. In the summer I am crazy about as well, and probably at the top of that baseball, following my beloved Minnelist is Bobsledding, Luge and Skeleton. sota Twins and my second favorite, the Having grown up across the street from St. Louis Cardinals. a bowling alley in St. Paul on West 7th, When I was younger and still in I loved that too and had aspirations of school, my folks, brother becoming a TV bowler at and I would visit family one time. I was in Junior back in Illinois and we were leagues and the like as a a little over an hour drive young kid. As a young from St. Louis so they had man in need of regainthe dominant TV stations ing some physical abilities by in the area and of course after a lengthy illness, I they were all Cardinals all turned back to bowling. of the time, even when the My parents neighbor was NFL Cards were still there. It a high level bowler at seemed that in Central Illione time, competing in a nois you were either a Cards Midwestern touring league. fan or a Cubs fan and thus, let the I think it was known as the Central battles begin. It is very much VikingBowlers Association. (don’t quote me Packer like. The White Sox seem to get on that) Anyway, we would get out 2 short shrift south of the Windy City. I to 3 times a week. He was pretty good can recall hopping on the Amtrak to go and I was still in the process of learning up to Chicago for lunch years ago and how to run again and regain muscle the train was absolutely packed. It was tone. I started to regain my physical a Cards-Cubs weekend at Wrigley Field ability, even though a return to hockey and Cards Nation would be there in full was still a ways off. I would get to the force. point where we’d have some intense I love football and even though I am matches. In the end I would only ever not enamored by the individuals and best him one time. He rolled a 265. I powers that run the NFL these past rolled a 266. We would golf frequently several years, I still have Purple blood in too. I don’t think he ever realized how my veins on autumn Sundays. Always important he was to me regaining my have, always will. My childhood guarstrength and physical ability. I am both antees that fact. I like hoops, but my indebted to him and grateful. NBA viewing had been mostly relegated Sports have played a huge role in to the Kevin McHale era Celtics, and I my life from an early age forward. And was absolutely fascinated by the Chinow, at least for the foreseeable future, cago Bulls run in the nineties. I have there are no sports. Most winter sports viewed the Minnesota Timberwolves a at the amateur level are simply done for little bit, but not much. I always liked the year. The professional leagues are in
I’m fortunate to have other interests, and they are keeping me occupied and busy, but I won’t lie to you, I’d love to see some college or pro puck right now. wait, and the way the world situation stands at the moment with the Coronavirus battle enduring, their return is most uncertain at this time. I have gone from full days of hockey games and activity to no games or activity. Some of the sports networks are doing their best to fill in with games from yesteryear, some I have watched, some I haven’t. I’m fortunate to have other interests, and they are keeping me occupied and busy, but I won’t lie to you, I’d love to see some college or pro puck right now. We are now at the two week-no hockey marker now, but I’m holding in there. How long can I do that before going stir crazy? I’m not sure, but I can tell you that if I see one more idiotic car insurance commercial on TV, somethings going to break. (my brain or TV) Having spent several years in the sales-marketing world I used to marvel at some of the well crafted ad campaigns of the past. I came to appreciate a truly good effort at building name brand recognition (not very easy) and maintaining it. Today, at least in the auto insurance game, it seems that the ability for a company to make that mental imprint upon the consumers mind is reliant upon creating the stupidest commercial possible. In their mind the potential consumer will go around loathing that ad for the rest of the day the ad was observed but if a mental imprint of the company and their product or service is achieved, their objective is accomplished. When the time arrives that a consumer has a need for that product
or service, they hope their company name implantation will work before their competition. For me, I’ve only ever done business with two car insurers in my life. The quality of their service has gained them a lifetime of loyalty from me. When I see these dumb spots now the first thing I think is how much less my annual premium be without these moronic multi-million dollar TV ad campaigns. My ultimate dream right now is to see Flo from Progressive driving a steamroller down the street, eventually running over the Geico green lizard and the Liberty Mutual Emu. Make ‘em both flat, just like in the cartoons. There are other offenders, but those three are the standouts at this point. Geez… maybe I’m cracking after all. PEACE NEXT WEEK; The 2020 Stanley Cup as played out on my calculator… OVER & OUT!
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47 March 26, 2020 April 9, 2020 47
arrested and charged with receiving stolen property. [Associated Press, 3/18/2020] Awesome!
Wishful Thinking Police in Las Cruces, New Mexico, who approached a woman driving a stolen car on March 7 were surprised when she identified herself as pop singer Beyonce Knowles, according to police documents. The Las Cruces Sun News reported officers had to use a fingerprint scanner to properly identify Surena Henry, 48. Henry at first ignored police when they tried to pull her over, according to court documents, but they followed her to her home, where she got out of the car but refused to give them her name. She was charged with stealing the vehicle, concealing her identity and resisting arrest. [Las Cruces Sun News, 3/10/2020] Update News of the Weird reported in July 2017 about Jeff Reitz of Huntington Beach, California, who at that time had just achieved his 2,000th visit to Disneyland in Anaheim. Since then, Reitz, 47, has continued his daily visits -- until March 13, when Disney closed its theme parks in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Reitz was just short of 3,000 visits, the Orange County Register reported, at 2,995. “The streak’s been ended,” Reitz said. He does not plan to continue his consecutive streak when the park reopens. “On the negative side, I didn’t get to choose the end,” he said. “But on the positive side, I didn’t have to choose the end.” While he’s practicing social isolation, Reitz plans to watch some movies
on ... you guessed it, Disney Plus. [Orange County Register, 3/17/2020] People Are Good Just a few hours after Harris County, Texas, declared that all bars and nightclubs would have to close on March 16, an anonymous diner at Irma’s Southwest restaurant in downtown Houston did their best to help out. The customer, who left a $9,400 tip, wrote on the receipt: “Hold tip to pay your guys over the next few weeks.” United Press International said Irma’s will split the tip among the employees, giving them each about $300. [United Press International, 3/17/2020] I Hate When That Happens Sage Aaron Cummins, 24, of Gallup, New Mexico, woke up one recent morning and found he had two TVs in his room that had not been there the day before. Two days later, he found out an acquaintance was missing two TVs and put two and two together. According to Gallup police, Cummins returned to the victim’s apartment with the goods and approached an officer who was there investigating the burglary report. He told the officer he had been “very intoxicated” when he knocked on a door that evening and, when no one answered, he entered the home, but he didn’t remember what happened after that. Cummins told police he “wanted to make things right and return the stolen items,” according to the Associated Press. Nevertheless, he was
48 March 26, 2020 48 April 9, 2020
When Alexandria Miller, 28, of Chicago, Illinois, won a two-inch goldfish at a carnival in July 2018, she assumed he would stay the same size. But since then, Gerald the goldfish has grown to be 12 inches long, and Miller has spent $1,300 upgrading his tanks to accommodate him (she’s already looking for a bigger one). And, the Mirror reported, Gerald is not shy about getting his needs met. “He does lay around a lot, but it seems when he’s bored or hungry, he jumps out of the water and likes to grab the thermometer inside his tank,” Miller said. “He’ll click it against the glass till he’s got our attention.” But, she went on, “If I put a smaller fish in there with him, he will eat them.” [Mirror, 3/17/2020] Signs of the Times • During the COVID-19 crisis, some people in Japan have resorted to pilfering toilet paper from public restrooms when the rolls became unavailable in stores. One convenience store worker put the power of the supernatural to work against such thefts. Mink Itachibe, who works at a store in the Niigata prefecture, hung signs with images of eyes and kanji characters in front of the toilet paper to curse the tempting rolls. “I did it as a joke, but it seems to have worked,” she told CNN. The symbols imply that if someone nips TP from the store, a hungry monster will hunt them down and gobble them up. “People can be quite superstitious in Japan,” Itachibe said. [CNN, 3/12/2020] • Add to the list of things not to leave in plain sight in your car: toilet paper. Police in Eugene, Oregon, stated that on March 15, a thief shattered the entire back window of an SUV in order to get his mitts
on two 30-roll cases of toilet paper, along with other valuables, the Blaze reported. “Anytime vehicles are left unattended for extended periods of time, local thieves view it as a favorable opportunity,” police reminded Oregonians. [Blaze, 3/19/2020] Compelling Explanation Slidell, Louisiana, police pulled over a driver on Feb. 27 for an undisclosed reason, but the car’s license plate really got their attention. The tag had expired in September 1997 -more than 20 years ago -- the Miami Herald reported. “Sorry, officer,” police said the man told them. “I’ve been busy lately and totally forgot to renew my vehicle registration. I will take care of it as soon as I get home!” Slidell police posted the incident to their Facebook page, commenting: “For those of you who like to ‘switch tags,’ at least give us a good challenge.” [Miami Herald, 3/5/2020] Government in Action In 1993, Alabama banned yoga in public schools under a general prohibition of the use of “hypnosis and dissociative mental states.” Now, Rep. Jeremy Gray has proposed a bill that would let schools offer yoga as an elective class, but religious groups are expected to fight it. “It’s the Hindu religion,” said Joe Godfrey of the Alabama Citizens Action Program. But Gray is hoping the general acceptance of yoga will prevail. “I really don’t see what the big deal is,” he told NBC News. “I mean, my wife does this, my mother does this on the floor of her Methodist church.” [NBC News, 3/6/2020] Florida Cody Hicks, 23, was reportedly driving erratically and crashed into another car on March 13 in Manatee County, Florida - in itself, not weird. But what he did next perplexed the two young women in the car and onlookers. According to the Mana-
tee County Sheriff’s Office, Hicks emerged from his vehicle, pulled down his pants and underwear, and fondled himself while sticking out his tongue at witnesses. reported deputies said Hicks would only tell them, “I want my lawyer.” He was arrested for a lewd and lascivious exhibition and entered a plea of not guilty. [, 3/19/2020]
“So many people look forward to coming to Deerfield during this time of year,” said organizer Nick Pulver, “[but] I think we made the best decision to delay it.” Organizers hope to postpone it to May 9. The 300 pounds of delectables that were ordered for the festival have been frozen. [Metro, 3/19/2020] Compelling Explanations
Ah, Snap PSA: The Deerfield, Michigan, American Legion has been forced by COVID-19 restrictions to cancel its annual testicle-eating festival, which was to take place on March 21. The big event, which draws 2,000 locals and visitors to Deerfield every year, offers deep-fried cattle genitals (also known as mountain oysters) and chicken gizzards, Metro reported.
• In June, Dieter Uchtdorf, a high official in the Mormon Church, said the historic narrative of Mormon founder Joseph Smith’s use of a “seer stone” to translate the “golden plates” that gave Smith ultimate worldly knowledge has been authenticated, basically, by the 2007 invention of the iPhone. “I can get the collected knowledge of the world through a few little inputs,” said Uchtdorf, and thus it is likelier than
A News of the Weird Classic (September 2012)
ever that God gave Smith something like a smartphone in 1823. [LDS Daily (Salt Lake City), 6-21-2016]
“Pheromone parties” attract men and women seeking romance, not via often-insincere conversation, but based on the primal-scent signals emitted by each other’s slept-in Tshirts. Organizers have staged parties in New York City and Los Angeles and plan to expand, according to a June (2012) Associated Press report. The organizers’ initial conclusion: People prefer lovers with a somewhat-different genetic makeup than their own, but not too different. (Update: “Pheromone parties” were attracting attention as recently as 2014, but not much since then.) [Associated Press via USA Today, 6-232012] [The Atlantic, August 2014]
• Geoffrey Fortier, 23, was arrested in Craighead County, Arkansas, in July and charged with video voyeurism of a woman he had allowed to shower in the home occupied by Fortier and his girlfriend. After the woman stepped out of the shower, she noticed a logged-on iPad propped against a wall. Fortier informed deputies that it was all a misunderstanding – that he had earlier recorded himself urinating in order to sell the video to a urinationfetish website, and he simply forgot to remove the device. [Arkansas Online, 7-28-2016]
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3824 East 2nd Street • Superior • 715-398-6001 April 9, 2020 49 March 26, 2020
Area ghost tales featured in ‘Gravedigger Dave’s’ now streaming on Amazon Prime Until very recently, I had lost faith in locally produced ghost story anthologies, largely because of one I saw a few years back that was produced by a group of ghostbusters. It took them seven years from start to finish and it was still riddled with mistakes that should have been caught. Then I saw Keith Hopkins’ Gravedigger Dave’s Halfway House, which anthologizes stories from the Northland with a Cryptkeeper-like host, and was, frankly, charmed by the work. Matt Rasmussen has great energy and drive in the role of Gravedigger Dave. He has a creepy charisma that makes for an excellent glue to hold together the unconnected tales of the paranormal. Those tales, we are told, are a mix of true and fictional accounts of paranormal encounters, featuring locaby tions as diverse as the Ely Steak House, Norshor Theater, the Lake Superior Railroad Museum, former U.S. Steel cargo ship William A. Irvin, and the Greyhound Bus Museum in Hibbing, all of which are purportedly haunted. The segment on the railroad museum at the Duluth Depot includes a photo of an uninvited young guest cowering in a corner at a wedding held there. We are also invited into a couple of private homes for creepy encounters. One of those is clearly a fictional tale
Director Keith Hopkins of a crabby roommate who finds an old Royal typewriter with an “Undo” key that undoes her bad behavior. Unbeknownst to her, the Undo button can only undo 10 situations for each owner, and a creepy finger countdown tells us how many she has left. Her 11th bad deed has fatal consequences. We are also introduced to several members of the Duluth Paranormal Club, a group of hobbyist (meaning unpaid) investigators of the strange. We learn of several investigations they’ve conducted, including aboard the Irvin and 48 hours spent at the Nopeming Sanitorium, which opened in 1912 to treat tuberculosis patients and operated as such until 1971 when it was converted to a nursing home for the aged. It was closed in 2002 and since then has been the subject of many paranormal investigations.
Matt Rasmussen has just the right creepy presence as the host in Gravedigger Dave’s Halfway House.
50 March 26, 2020 50 April 9, 2020
For me, the weakest segment is the last one, featuring maritime author Frederick Stonehouse, who wrote Haunted Lakes. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it seemed anti-climactic. I guess I was hoping for a shocking, wham-bamthank you ma’am ending and Mr. Stonehouse was far too reasonable for that. Shortly after watching the movie, I saw that Matt Rasmussen was interviewed on Rise of the Podcast, which airs on Youtube. In that interview, Rasmussen talks about his lifelong love for the Ghostbusters movie (he was clad in a Ghostbusters t-shirt), and how he is founder of a Ghostbuster group that investigates the paranormal and also entertains at parties and parades. In an effort to keep the conversation going, Rasmussen was asked by host Jeremy about the Paulding Light of Paulding, in Upper Michigan. Rasmussen said he has been to see the light and it does exist. He said some believe it to be the lantern held by the ghost of an old railroad brakeman, but added that’s an old story told everywhere. But, he said repeatedly, there is no explanation for the lights. Well, the truth is that a group of Michigan Technological University students solved the mystery of the Paulding light in 2010. It’s car headlights from U.S. 45, which runs north and south near Paulding. Despite finding the definitive solution, people refuse to believe the lights could be anything so prosaic as car headlights, and they continue to visit the Paulding area to see what they like to believe is something paranormal. Still, if you like to believe in the supernatural, the 72-minute Gravedigger Dave’s Halfway House should be just the ticket. You can rent it ($2.99) or buy it ($9.99) via Amazon Prime’s streaming service. Director Hopkins promises a second Gravedigger Dave film is in the works. “I’d like the sequel to be much bigger in its scope,” he told The Reader. “I plan to tell ghost stories from Minnesota, but also take submissions of paranormal short films from filmmakers around the world. The best submissions will be selected for inclusion in the sequel, and will serve as stories told by Gravedigger Dave to the viewer.” 218-728-1192
We are open for Take Out and Delivery! 11 am - 7 pm
Music history was shaped by rebels
JOAN GAYLORD “Music, to create harmony, must investigate discord.” This quote from Plutarch is how music historian Ted Gioia opens Music: A Subversive History. Heeding the wisdom of the ancient Greek writer, he explores music over millennia. While the harmony of music has always been central to human experience, the history that has been passed down over centuries reflects a version embraced by music conservatories, religious orders, and the social elite. These institutions, Gioia argues, have been the assimilators. A deep dive into surviving documents reveals that, after first rejecting new ideas, the institutions later incorporated them into the accepted canon. Readers might be surprised by how the rebellious musicians from centuries ago helped shape our contemporary music scene. Gioia shows how their energy empowered the role of the singer, created the concept of an audience, and formed the nascent music business that we recognize today.
Gioia points out that music had long been under the control of the church and the crown. As “the lowly performer” began to acquire recognition apart from institutions, the power of the elite began to shift into the hands of common folk. And while it might seem obvious that where there is music there would be an audience, Gioia asserts that the construct of dividing the musician from the listener is far more recent than we might expect. Up to the late medieval period, music had largely been a group activity. Rebel musicians, however, began to deviate from common practice and, exploiting opportunity, sought to please listeners. In a hierarchical society, this shift proved to be a game changer. Not only did it create the performer and the audience, but it also turned the masses into the arbiters of taste. “This was the subversive moment when pop culture got its pop,” he writes.
51 March 26, 2020
Reader Locations Below find locations we are going to try to keep stocked with The Reader. This list is not complete, however, given that circumstances will certainly change. This list will be updated regularly at
Iron Range
All Super Ones Cub Foods Mount Royal Fine Foods Whole Foods Co-op Cashwise Liquor Lake Aire Bottle Shoppe Holiday - 27th Ave West Holiday- 40th Ave West Holiday - London Road Minit Mart - 19th Ave. W. & Superior St CHUM drop in center. Marshall Hardware Reader box - Dewitt Seitz Reader box - Main Post Office Reader box - Downtown Sammy’s – West Duluth
All Super Ones Harvest Co-op – Virginia IGA – Eveleth Northwoods - Ely Zup’s - Babbit Zup’s - Ely Zup’s - Tower Y Store - Hwy 100 Holiday - Gilbert Short Stop –Eveleth Short Stop - Buhl Clark – Virginia 169 Freedom – Chisholm Bloomberg’s – Babbit Lucky Seven -_Biwabik Iron Junction - C-store
All Super Ones Belknap Liquor Hammond Liquor Keyport Liquor Holiday - E. Second St
Proctor, Cloquet & I-35 South Super One Chris’s Food- Sandstone Marketplace Foods - Moose Lake Holiday - Cloquet Holiday - Proctor Minit Mart - Proctor Casey’s - Sandstone
Northwest Wisc Super One Andy’s - Bayfield IGA – Washburn IGA – Minong Victory - Minong Mobil – Trego ICO – Gordon Driver Wanted North Shore - Two Harbors to Grand Marais Please cal 218-722-0173 or
North Shore
Super One - Two Harbors Kendall’s - Knife River
April 9, 2020 51
CROSSWORD I By Thomas Joseph
CRYPTOQUIP A X Y D L B A A X is LONGFELLOW One letter stands for another. In this sample, A is used for
the three L’s, X for the two O’s, etc. Single letters, apostrophes, the length and formation of the words are all hints. Each day the code letters are different.
ACROSS 1 Renown 5 Thick-shelled clam 11 Egg outline 12 Hard to control 13 Champagne popper 14 High regard 15 Co. abbr. 16 Longings 17 African scavenger 19 Singer Tillis 22 Some sharks 24 City square 26 Composer Satie 27 Makes mistakes 28 Doctrine 30 Print units 31 Decline 32 Media icon from Chicago 34 Trial group 35 Deli meat 38 Party snack 41 Curbside call 42 Wows 43 Metal sources 44 Airheads 45 Sunset setting
DOWN 1 Ellipse points 2 Stratford’s river 3 Sousa nickname, with “the” 4 Yellowstone grazer 5 Hive head 6 Open, in a way 7 Dance and music, e.g. 8 Color 9 Flamenco cry 10 Trainer’s place 16 “For sure!” 18 Connector for a plow team 19 Mad Hatter’s friend 20 Poet Pound 21 Highlands girl 22 Citi Field team 23 Open space 25 Luke’s sister 29 Bald spot cover 30 Be a snoop 33 Printer’s need 34 Utah team 36 Trims drastically 37 Rainbow maker 38 Scoundrel 39 Paris pal 40 D.C. baseballer 41 Highway rescue
52 April 9, 2020
Answers on page 55
Answers on page 83
Sudoku on page 70
CROSSWORD II By Thomas Joseph
Personals Just
! Penpal wanted SWB: Gender-fluid student ISO a penpal. I love writing letters and want to do it more often. (58514:7/22)
Friendship in Duluth WWF, 60s, relocated to Duluth, seeks friendship/activity partner with older single newcomers to Minnesota. Enjoy coffee chats, hiking, xc skiing, canoeing, classical music, reading and listening to people’s stories. And you? (58487:4/11)
seeking men
Coffee? Wine? SWF, 70’s slim, above average, seeks SM, any age, any area (I like to drive) who is lonely too. (58539:04/03) Maybe Mid 60’s, active, liberal, looking for same! N.S., light drinking, non-motor sports. (58539:02/21)
ACROSS 1 Middle East language 7 Hoe target 11 TV’s Ray 12 Friend 13 Drink garnish 15 Not flimsy 16 Hearty dish 18 Blue hue 21 Sullen look 22 Victor 24 “— Town” 25 Dapper fellow 26 Maiden name label 27 Grade school book 29 Bully’s target 30 Snooty fellow 31 Shrewd 32 Quarrel 34 Unexpected development 40 Golf target 41 Movie ad 42 Holler 43 Purim honoree
DOWN 1 Gallery fill 2 Squabble 3 Bordeaux buddy 4 Long-eared hound 5 As a follower 6 Refrigerate 7 Thoreau work 8 Quarterback Manning 9 Shade tree 10 Fabric color 14 Conform 16 Whiskey drinks 17 2006 Olympics site 19 Building wing 20 Suspicious 21 Cork sound 22 Simple card game 23 Spectrum end 25 First performance 28 Tasty bit 29 Milk choice 31 Flutes’ cousins 33 Jot down 34 Belonging to thee 35 Misery 36 Under the weather 37 Tough wood 38 Golf prop 39 Blunder
Searching Mate on the Range SWF; 5’ 5”; NS/ND Outddors, walks, movies, cuddling, traveling etc. (ask) ISO compassionate, lovable guy w/humor. please be NS; interested in LTR; honest, will answer. (58463:01/28) A special friend for coffee, etc. WWWF, 65, 5’6”, chubby. Likes: Crafts, bowling, fishing & so much more. Limited due to knee braces, but willing to try new things. (58535:01/16) Looking for my one and only SWF, 51, heavyset, looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. Hope you are the one for me. (58525:10/24) Grand Rapids or surrounding area ISO my life partner that rides a Harley or Indian. I’m a DWF, 67, 5’6”, average weight, NS/ND, long black/chrome hair, brown eyes. Three things are important to me, God, family, riding motorcycles. Live on hobby farm. Like being outdoors. Let’s have coffee. I’ll buy! Exchange photos. (58519:10/10) Marriage-minded DWF, Range area, 74, slim, youthful, ISO retired SM for
lasting special relationship. (58517:8/29) Seeking Partner Looking for a life partner. I’m a WF, 64, divorced a long time. I’m ready to retire and go down a new road with a kind, adventurous soulmate. I love God, cuddling, fun, the outdoors, travel, sharing and caring. (58512:7/25) Looking for a nice guy Hey! Let’s have some fun things together-outdoors, or just watch TV/movies. Mid 60’s height/weight average. Ok if later LTR. (58508:7/16) Where are you now? Two Dobermans. The Ore House. Orange Crush. Pie and coffee. Rocky Raccoon. West Duluth apt. couch. (58494:5/2) Ely area preferred DWF, 60s, NS/ND, average height/build, looking for friendship and more. I like snugglers, active, positive guys who are honest, loyal. Write, I answer all. (58492:4/25) Looking for a best friend DWF, 49, brown hair, hazel eyes, ISO quality honest, loyal, financially stable WDSM for fun, summer events, concerts, fishing, camping, snuggling in the winter, watching movies, love motorcycle rides, great sense of humor, tattooed & pierces, may lead to LTR. (58490:4/11) Biker who enjoys life DWF, 52, ISO WM, someone who knows how to treat a lady. Love the outdoors. Honesty & loyalty a must. (58486:4/11) Looking for you WWF, 76, walking converstation, fishing, dancing, facebbok account. 5’6” brown hair & eyes. (58471:08/17) Warm & Spiritually Minded Individualist, NS/ND 58 country soul, artist, fisher, nature hiker, gardner, baker, active, trim, in good health, seeking skilled male counterpart for companionship, eventual marriage. (58469:08/16) SMART & SASSY SFP, 31, 5’5”, 140 lbs, brunette. Loves nature, sunshine, coffee, gardening, cooking & target shooting. Seeks potential LTR between ages 32-40. Must have integrity (58433:06/11)
Attractive blonde SWF - 71, 5’8” wanting travel. laughter, love & more. I love to fish both deep sea & lake. Looking for intelligent, kind loving man. (58432:05/31) Companionship LTR Uses walker 68 yrs young. Chubby & busty. Enjoys christian activities NS ND Books, travel, movies, cards & games, dining out, RV camping. Kind & honest w/sense of humor (58430:05/31) Country Girl Looking 5’7” medium build 66 yr young country gal NS ND loves to travel & be appreciated (58429:05/31) Home on the Range SWF, 5’4”. Looking good! Seeks tall handsome SWM in 60s, educated, kind, honest with sense of humor. Likes animals, Lakeside, sauna, camp fires. Must be loving. (58426: 11/9) Seeks Christian Man DWF, NS/ND, 59. Enjoys bicycling, walks, music, dining out dancing, snowshoeing, camping. ISO christian man w/similar interests. (58419: 11/9) Hot with Cabin Fever Seeking happy, healthy, 60ish gentleman in Central Lakes/ Cotton area for some lake time. Northern, WI ok too! I’m fun, fit, easy on the eyes. Let’s toast the sunset. (58412:8/31) Lonesome in Ashland Looking for caring, honest man, understanding of physi-
abbreviations S
White Widowed W
H Hispanic M Male F Female G Gay Bi Bisexual P Professional ISO In search of NS Non-smoker
LTR Long Term
Spoil me and I will spoil you!
April 9, 2020 53
Personals cal imperfections to talk and go out with. F 60s, NS/ND. (58409:8/31)
soinate, sincere, kind gentleman in near age group. NS/ ND. (58354:6/23)
Try a Senior Moment Active, adverturous, affable, nice, nurtuting, nimble. Petite, positive, playful. Smart, shapely, spunky. ISO fit young (67-77) codger for smiles and converstion, serandipity, exploring. (58403:6/8)
From the Range WWF, 62, NS, likes the outdoors, walks, animal lover, garage sales, dining out, movies. ISO honest, caring man to enjoy lfe with. Will answer all. (58352:6/23)
Compantionship WWF, 70, looking for companion to enjoy life with. Love football, picnics, and dining out. Must be honest. (58398:5/4) Looking for Soul Mate SWF ISO friend who likes camping, coffee, outdoors, travel, estate sales, and hanging out. Send photo. (58394:3/30) Looking for my Sweetheart DWF, 58, 5’5”, 160lbs, NS/ND, likes to cuddle, hold hands, camping, traveling, cooking, walks. ISO Christian guy 55-70 for friendship and possible LTR. (58374:12/15) Searching for Comanionship DWF, NS, retired veteran female. 63, honest, considerate, loves to laugh, visit and talk. (58373:12/15) Let’s Seek God’s Will Together NS, 51, tall, exotic, attractive, Christian F. Fun, nature lover, educated, epicurean with diverse interests, healthy living. ISO Christain male 45-58 years young with similar interests. (58370:10/13) Searching for Mate 72yr old F ISO LTR with a pas-
Female Activist Seeks Companionship Seeking like minded Liberal gentleman for friendship and fun. (58340:4/14)
Unique Interesting Cat Needs Suitable Kitten If you enjoy cooking, forest hikes, art, picnics, travel, antiques,cats & dogs, are 50 to 60 years old? NS, open to learning, fond of bald men then scratch my itch. (58541:04/03) Lonely Again I’m 6’ brwn retired from the rock scene, but still roll. (58539:03/25) Won’t be sorry Am looking for partner 63 on disability, heart surgery. Ok now 5’10” 185lbs DWM ISO L&R Hope to find home to gether, Avarage looks (58538:02/24) Seeking a mature woman SWM, tall, dark, handsome, romantic, in search of a mature woman who enjoys living life with a fun down-to-earth man with many interests! (58537:01/23) Romantic looking for lady
1) Write your response. Be clear as possible about who you are, what you’re like, and what you’re looking for. If possible, include a photo. Remember to include info on how the recipient may contact you. 2) Place your response in a small letter-size (4x6), sealed envelope. Any size larger will not be forwarded. 3) On the outside of the envelope, clearly write the box number and title of the ad to which you are responding. Do not include postage stamps. 4) Place the envelope inside another envelope addressed to the Reader. Include the forwarding fee of $4 per response (cash, check, or money order). Mail
sent without a box number or $4 fee will not be forwarded. 5) Mail the two envelopes to: Reader P.O. Box 16122, Duluth, MN 55816
seeking women
SWM, NS, 71 5’9” 160lbs trim, fit, seeks fun-loving girl 50’s or 60’s Duluth, NW WIsc. casual hiking, dinners, old movies, good music. Poss LTR, photos! (58536:01/10) Young 70 Looking for Female 55 & up Retired, divorced Iron Ranger in Bemdji would like lady who enjoys life and wants to enjoy with partner who treats lady as lady should be, respectfully. You may be her! (58531:12/12) Desiring an honest, intelligent significant other I’m likable, are you? I’m slim, attractive, humorous, middleaged, ISO possible LTR. I enjoy walking, movies, cooking, cuddling and music. I’m financially secure. Let’s bask in utopia. (55829:11/21) Mesabi Bike Trail DWM, 60s, 5’8”, 165 lbs., seeks Christian healthy in-shape gal 50s-60s. Love for outdoor music, biking, camping, lakes, sunsets. Humor a must. I’m honest, secure, please be the same. (58528:10/31) Looking for fun & partner DWM 69, 5’10”, 215 lbs., NS, light drinker, muscular, well built, looking for fun honest woman. Like to cuddle amd love. Like camping, swimming, traveling, movies, TV, staying home or pen pal and romantic. (58526:10/24) Best friend and partner DWM, 60, 190 lbs., 5’10”, looking for LTR with woman that loves camping, hiking, canoeing, fishing, road trips and just quiet nights home. (58524:10/24)
The Reader promptly forwards all responses to the people who place personal ads. After that, it’s up to you. Ads will run eight weeks. 1) Keep it short (around 25 words, give or take a few) and from the heart. Statistics about you always help (age, height, weight, characteristics). Above all, be honest. Your identity is kept confidential until you decide to reveal it to your future date/friend/partner/snugglebunny. 2) Completely and neatly fill out this form (follow directions) and send it in. It’s free. You must be at least 18 years of age to place or respond to an ad. While the Reader accepts ads from inmates of correctional facilities, the ad must identify the author as such or it will be refused. Please take normal precautions when meeting someone for the first time. Meet in a public place and let other people know about your plans.
54 April 9, 2020
Hopeless romantic in Two Harbors 61, on pension, fairly attractive, spiritual, love gardening, cooking, watching movies and cuddling. If this appeals to you please respond. (58523:10/24) Not the age, it’s the mileage WM, 61, 6’, 250 lbs., NS, light drinker. Not handsome but handy, easy going, honest, homebody. Very affectionate, likes to cuddle, slow dance. Enjoys shore fishing, light gardening, easy walks. movies, music, cooking and more. ISO cuddly, warmhearted woman 55-65 for LTR. (58518:9/5) Respect joy & fun for you Tell me your story. I’m attractive, healthy, athletic, Amtrak retiree, 6’, slim, financially stable, liberal, NS. Enjoy hiking, swimming, cooking, movies, writing personal letters, conversation. ISO F LTR, any race or age. I like reciprocally gentle foreplay. Seesaw with me as friends. (58516:8/8) Tired of being alone WW, WM, 61, blonde, blue eyes, 5’11”, honest, caring, hard-working. Retiring in November. Will answer all/ (58513:8/1) Lonesome old guy There has to be some lonesome lady in the Virginia area that would like to go for coffee & conversation, maybe play some cribbage. (58510:7/16) Seeking Honesty SWM 57 looking for SWF, fit, educated,love to travel. Camping, adventures. Picture a plus but not required. Must be romantic. (58508:7/16)
Attractive Discriminating Ninety Intellectual Stimulating NS 5”9” 170lb seeks slim-trim female biologically 65ish independent fox to persue happiness. Wine/ dine, dance, karaoke. Upper North Shore -Let’s explore!. (58507:7/4) I am a reminiscent sentimental romantic Professional writer, community education teacher, 6’1”, thin, NS, middle-aged, enjoys hiking, classical music, reading, humor, loves holding hands, cuddling, open-minded, conversationalist, adaptable to your desires. (58506:7/4) Partnership Have a nice country home, some pets, camping, fishing and learning. ISO a lady to share and communicate with. Will exchange photos. (58505:7/4)
Want to love again WM, 62, 5/3, 140, ND/NS, faithful, honest, passionate, seek LTR. Love camping, fishing, hiking, cuddling, holding hands, bonfires. Seeking younger to same age. Want to share love, life and hardships. So much to give. (58504:6/20) New to Grand Rapids DWM age 78, NS, looking for NS woman 60-80 who likes road trips outdoors, fishing, dining out & financially stable. (58502:6/13) Oral herpes for oral herpes 40s male looking for lady who has oral herpes. I do, too. 46-59. Slim or average build. Picture, please. I’m tall, ave. build. (58501:6/13)
Loving, honest, passionate DWM, 74, 180, 5-8, looking for honest woman. Like gardening, dancing, outdoors. Active, LTR, looking to adventure, try fishing and other sports, anything new. (58493:4/25) Togetherness DWM, NS, 74, 180 lbs., 5’8”, likes cooking, gardening, woodwork, dancing, Hallmark Channel. Looking for LTR, life partner. Learn from each other. (58488:4/11) 41 seeking 50-60 Seeking lady age 50-60 for dating that leads to LTR. I’m in Superior. 6’2”, 225 lbs., Caucasian, dark brown hair, brown eyes. (58485:4/11) Tall Horse Lover DWM 65 6’2” 180lbs ISO country woman. Where are you? Let’s meet so we can horse around. Honest, sincere & marriage minded. (58481: 4/6) Looking for a wonderful best friend Single man 60 yrs, seeks lady that loves life, movies, fishing, sports, cards, board games, cooking & grilling together that wants a true, best friend. (58480, 4/6) Still looking in North Central WI SWM 63 NS/ND 5’8” 160lb. Still believe life is meant to be shared. Enjoy the outdoors,good conversation, self sufficiency & people w/the same values. No games, just the simple life values. (58479, 4/6)
The Reader does not accept responsibility for claims made in Personals ads. The screening of respondents is soley up to the advertiser. The Reader assumes no liability for the content of or reply to any advertisement. The advertiser, by virtue of submitting this form, agrees to hold the Reader harmless from all expenses, liabilities, or damages resulting from or caused by Personals advertisements. The Reader reserves the right to edit or refuse ads.
Personals Looking for honest woman DWM veteran, 67, looking for someone to love & someone to love me. Must be loving woman. (58478 4/6)
Man seeking woman I’m 50 years of age. Financially secure. Would like to meet fishing women in Superior. Diabetes wellcome (58463:8/7)
Senior fun time 70, 67”, NS, Bi, fun time, tall, up close-personal, enjoyment. (58436: 8/7)
Old Man ISO Old Lady For dining, movies, ets. Duluth area. NS, liberal, Loves: music, science, animals, whimsey. Hates: reality TV, slasher flicks. Can’t: eat seafood or dance. (58477, 4/6) Looking for a nice person Height/weight proportionate. 46 SWM looking for an easier life & spending it. Let’s chat... All answered. Picture please not required. (58476, 02/21)
Are you lonely? SWM 50 5’-6” 160 lbs. ISO FNS/ND for friendship first, LTR possible. 40-55 please. Honesty & loyalty a must. (58462:8/7)
seeking women
Looking for companion and love I am 50 years young, 5’8” with hazel green eyes and blonde hair. Also very caring and loving to do lots of things. Very smart-minded and honest. So write me soon! (58475, 12/13) Iron Range Single Due to snowmobile accident 30 years ago, spine nerve damage has left me incontinent and I am looking for a NS fit female in similar situation or who can at least understand my situation. 40-60 yrs. I am financially secure. (58474, 12/13) I need a gift from God I am an attractive male with electric personality. I am going to change the world. ISO Christian woman. Beauty on the inside to turn dreams into reality together. (58472, 11/8) Looking for fun WWM Very good shape, 66 yrs, 165 lbs, 6’1” likes travel, spports, concerts, going out. Looking for same age or younger active lady. (58471, 9/8) M ISO F DWM, retired, fit, ISO F for companionship to hike around Lake Superior. (58468, 8/23) Simple family-oriented Girl, mid-30-40-ish & in good shape sought by 52-y.o., 6’1”, 220 lb. for LTR. Like fishing, hunting, scuba & the outdoors. Grand Rapids area. (58467, 8/23) Are you out there? SWM 5’6”, 160lbs, 50 yrs ISO NS/ND SF 40-55 for frienship, possible LTR. Down to earth, honesty a big plus. (58464:8/16
seeking men
M4M Attention Turkish trained to provide for make muscle attending and care. (58534:12/30)
Looking for love I’m 64 years old. Love movies and music. Candlelight din-
ners, walks on the Lakewalk. Looking for LTR. (58496:5/9)
ISO Life Partner SWF ISO ages 50-62. Enjoys camping, hiking, kayaking, music & more. Honesty important. No drugs (58394: 4/13)
Lay down the law WF, early 50s, seeks WM 50s to spank, punish and ground me. (58527:10/24)
Sudoku Answers
Seeking Trans Woman SM seeking sub. TW for live-in FWB/LTR. No DU! Reply w/ photo and phone. Women
welcome too! (58495:5/9) Male transforming to female 58 Y.O.G.W.M. 5’8” 165lbs, tone, cute-cross dress nicely, have started medical gender reasignment process. Seeks younger in-shape Gay-Bi cross dressor. (58441:3/11)
Puzzle Answer - I
The smaller the better MWM 60-plus looking for a male friend. caual get-togethers. (58529:12/5) Fishing friend with benefits MWM, 64, looking for a guy with similar intent. Love to fish, a little play time when the bite is slow. (58521:10/10) Wake me up, stud Northern Wis. Looking for playmates, top or bottom, for right stud, nice package. (58503:6/13)
Puzzle Answer - II
ISO Top SWM WITI. 67. seeking christian SGWM for possible LTR, photo, phone please. (58453:5/31) The WAB MWM 60 HWP. Meet at the WAB on Weds 5 pm. I like trannyporn, do you? Maybe a regular thing? (58439: 3/11) Looking for a connection SWM 70, working artist w/ strong interest in books & music. Physical fitness important. Someone simpatico with those values. Carpe diem. Send phone or email (58439: 11/8) Show me the way WGM 36, fully blind & new to scene. ISO M friend to have a good time with. (58438: 10/18) Biverse Bear ISO friend, mid-40’s Looking for hunt, fish & discreet Biverse friend 18-50 verse discreet friends with benis satisfaction. (58437: 9/30)
Cryptoquip Answer Books can only reveal us to ourselves, and as often as they do us this service we lay them aside. — Henry David Thoreau April 9, 2020 55
(Times listed are based on Eastern Time Zones.)
Domhnall Gleeson in “Run”
(Perdita Weeks).
Gordon Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back Fox 12:00 a.m. Chef Gordon Ramsay goes undercover in elaborate costumes to investigate at-risk restaurants before bringing in his top-notch team and high-tech mobile kitchen to take the eateries from disastrous to delicious in just one day.
Magnum P.I. CBS 9:00 p.m. Magnum (Jay Hernandez) uses skills from his days as a Navy SEAL to investigate cases for clients in this modern reboot. He
also works as a security consultant under the direction of a disavowed MI6 agent, Juliet Higgins
Jesus Christ Superstar Live! NBC 7:00 p.m. John Legend stars as Jesus Christ in this rebroadcast live performance of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s iconic rock opera depicting the last week of Christ’s life. Brandon Victor Dixon stars as Judas and Alice Cooper plays King Herod.
spontaneous trip across America.
Prodigal Son Fox 9:00 p.m. Bright (Tom Payne) becomes increasingly paranoid that there’s more to Eve (Molly Griggs) than meets the eye in this rebroadcast. Meanwhile, the NYPD investigates when the husband of a famous mommy blogger is stabbed shortly after the birth of their child. The Baker and the Beauty ABC 10:00 p.m. Tune in for the premiere of this American adaptation of an Israeli comedy series. Daniel (Victor Rasuk) works at his
Run HBO 10:30 p.m. Back in college, former sweethearts Ruby (Merritt Wever) and Billy (Domhnall Gleeson) made a pact: a text from the other with a certain word meant they would drop everything and meet at Grand Central Station to begin a Perdita Weeks and Jay Hernandez in “Magnum P.I.” 56 April 9, 2020
Victor Rasuk as seen in “The Baker and the Beauty”
Cuban family’s bakery, but his life is upended when he crosses paths, and hearts, with superstar fashion mogul Noa (Nathalie Kelley).
Little People, Big World TLC 9:00 p.m. The end of an era is marked in this new episode, as the time has come for the family treehouse to come down. Meanwhile, Amyís big house hunting news comes with the reality that it is finally time to
off of the farm, and she argues with Matt. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow CW 9:00 p.m. The Legends continue to deal with the “Encores” released from hell by Astra (Olivia Swann) in this new episode. From Rasputin to Marie Antoinette, our heroes fight to protect the timeline. Caity Lotz, Nick Zano and Brandon Routh star.
Wednesday Nancy Drew CW 9:00 p.m. Nancy Drew (Kennedy McMann) is tangled in a murder mystery after her motherís death, but in her determination to crack the case, she uncovers secrets better left buried. This modern take on the teen detective has been renewed for another season. Single Parents ABC 9:00 p.m. Single dad Will Cooper (Taran Killam) struggles to have a life outside parenting his 7-year-old daughter in this comedy series. His
The Roloff family from “Little People, Big World”
fellow single parents help him get back into the grown-up world. Leighton Meester also stars as new episodes return.
Broke CBS 9:30 p.m. This new family comedy tells the story of suburban mom Jackie (Pauley Perrette), who gets the surprise of her life when her estranged sister (Natasha Leggero) and brother-in-law (Jaime Camil) arrive with plans to move in after losing all of their money. Indebted NBC 9:30 p.m. Adam Pally and Abby Elliot star as young couple
Dave and Rebecca whose lives get much more chaotic when their parents, Linda (Fran Drescher) and Stew (Steven Weber), move in after losing their house in this hilarious family sitcom.
Pauley Perrette, Jaime Camil and Natasha Leggero in “Broke” April 9, 2020 57
2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 9 8 12 PBS-WDSE (8) 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 PBS-MN (8.4) 195 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) 3 AMG-KCWV (27) 25 41 A&E 4
AMC 57
24 34 48 37 59
HBO 518
26 27 29 170
SHOW 578
TCM 64
23 30 43
F M Tu W Th 33 34 37 29 78 F M Tu W Th 63 66 26 69 F M Tu W Th 59 F M Tu W Th 38 42 41
9 AM
< Movies
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4 PM
The Steve Wilkos Show Maury Maury Tamron Hall Game/ Game The Game Judge Jerry Judge Jerry Jerry Springer Jerry Springer Various Various F P. Wars Various F P. Wars Various F P. Wars Various Various Various Various Grace Fire Grace Fire Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp NightCourt NightCourt NightCourt NightCourt NightCourt NightCourt '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show 8:00 Court TV Affair Affair Killer Killer The FBI Files The FBI Files The FBI Files DeepUnder DeepUnder Corrupt Corrupt Killer Killer Killer Killer American Greed: Scam Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Marvels M-W Auction Factory M-W Factory Auction Auction Restore Restore Builders/Th Th F BigThing Various Shapes Various M Destruc. Factory Factory Today III Today - Hoda - Jenna The Jason Show News Various Days of Our Lives Hot Bench Hot Bench Dr. Phil Judge Judy Judge Judy The Doctors The Price Is Right Young & Restless Paid Bold & B. The Talk Let's Make a Deal Kelly Clarkson Jeopardy! 25 Words The High Chaparral Various Various The 700 Club Various Various Various Various C.George D.Tiger Sesame St. PinkaPet Dinosaur T. Cat/ Hat Sesame St. SplashB. PinkaPet Let's Go Cat/W Kratts Wild Kratts Molly Xavier Odd Squad Arthur Various Stories Various Th Poetry Amanpour/Company Various Various Various M R.South Various W R.South Various Stories News DW News Various Various Steves' Paint Various Various Various Various Various Various Paint Various Various Various Various Various M Native M Native M Nourish Hope M We're in M Stories M Yard M Off 90 M MinOrig M Dakota CoronavirusPressBrie House M Native M Nourish Hope Live The View Paid Paid Pandemic General Hospital The Dr. Oz Show The Rachael Ray Show Ellen DeGeneres Matlock In Heat of Night The Waltons Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza Rifleman Rifleman Wagon Train Adam-12 Adam-12 Law & O: CI/F NCIS: LA Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Fam. Feud Fam. Feud 2 Broke G. Modern Pat. Court Divorce The People's Court AmerSays AmerSays Access Daily DailyMail DailyMail Mom Fam. Feud Dennis the Dennis the Hazel Hazel That Girl That Girl Jeannie Jeannie Bewitched Bewitched FactsLife FactsLife D. Strokes D. Strokes Break Break Various Marc Pawn Stars F.Files Leverage Movies Movies Various Various First 48/Tu AfterFirst48 First 48/F TBA Various F Live PD First48 F Live PD Various F Live PD Various F Live PD Various F Live PD Various <++ Along Came a Spider (‘01) Morgan Freeman. <+++ A Few Good Men (‘92)/<+++ Seven (Thril, '95) <+++ Speed (‘94)/<+++ White House Down (Act, '13) 8< A Few Good Men <+++ Speed (‘94) Keanu Reeves. < Saving Private Ryan <++ Under Siege (Act, '92) Tommy Lee Jones, Steven Seagal. Movie <+++ Gran Torino (‘08) 8< Ender's Game/< Saving Privat... < The Lord of the Rings: The Tw... <++ Mad Max (‘79) Joanne Samuel, Mel Gibson. < Speed < The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Ki... < Top Gun < Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls < The Firm <+++ The Karate Kid (Dra, '84) Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio. Movie <++ The Karate Kid Part II (‘86) Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio. Movie 8:00 <+++ The Karate Kid (‘84) Ralph Macchio. <+++ Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (‘94) <+++ Home Alone (Com, '90) Joe Pesci, Macaulay Culkin. <+++ Jumanji (‘95) Robin Williams. Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various First Take SportsCenter Th SportsC. NFL Live Th SportsCenter The Jump/Th NFL L.. J&J Highly? Horn Interrupt Soccer / Th F To Be Announced TBA/ Pursuit Th To Be Announced Various Backroad NickRide Polaris TBA Polaris Bowling F Lund Various Movie Movie Movie Movies Movie W Deepwater Horizon Movies Movie Movie W Avatar Movies Movie Movie Home and Family Movies Movies Movies Movie WWorld/:50 WWorld WWorld < Midnight Special/:15 < War of the Worlds < Rise of the Planet of the Apes <+++ Yesterday (‘19) Lily James, Himesh Patel. LastWk 8:45 <++ The Recruit (‘03) :25 <++ Armageddon (‘98) < Blinded by the Light/:45 < The Others <++ Sucker Punch Gemstone Gemstone :25 To Be Announced 8:40 < Red Riding Ho.... Movie <++ War of the Worlds (‘05) Marathon Real Sports <++++ Shazam!/:50 <+++ Loving Movie :55 < Die Hard II: Di... < Metro < The Family Stone/< The Lovely... Movie :50 < Rise of the Planet of the Ap... Movie :35 <++ Unknown (‘11) Liam Neeson. Lost.Ch./Real Sports Movie :40 <++++ Bohemian Rhapsody (‘18) Rami Malek. :55 The Making of/:10 <++ The Island (‘05) Ewan McGregor. Westworld Movie Westworld Movie Various Count./ Pawn Various Various Various Count./ Pawn Various Th Pawn S. Various Count./ Pawn Various Th F Pawn Various F Pawn S. Various Various Tu Unsella. Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Queens Various Queens Various Queens Various Queens Various Queens Various Queens Various Queens Various Queens 8:00 Pro Football Talk Sky Sports News Lunch Break Live Various Th Pwr Natn Various Th Engine FB Talk/F Monster Jam F Trackside Live! Hockey Happy Hour Movie :45 < A River Runs Through It/:45 < Barbershop Movie Movie :25 < Donnie Brasco Movie <++ Sword of Trust Movie <+++ District 9 (‘09) :50 <+++ Donnie Brasco (‘97) Movie <+++ Bridget Jones's Diary (‘01) < El Chicano/:15 < A River Runs ... :50 <+++ Serpico <++ The Best of Enemies (‘19) Movie :15 < The American P... <++ Charlie's Angels Movie :45 <+++ Dan in Real Life (‘07) Steve Carell. < Clear & Present Danger/< Stranger Than F... Movie < Good Will Hunting :45 <++ Charlie's Angels (‘00) Movie <++ The Jane Austen Book Club Movie <+++ The Upside (‘17) Movie BlackMon <+++ Carrie/<+++ Total Recall :15 <++ Analyze This (‘99) Robert De Niro. :15 <++ The Switch (‘10) Jason Bateman. <++ Cutting Class (‘89) Brad Pitt. <+++ Carrie (‘76) Sissy Spacek. <++ Barbershop (‘02) Various Various Various Movies Th Rings Movie Movie Movies Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie :15 < Royal Wedding :15 <++++ Laura Movie :45 <+++ Gilda (‘46) :45 < It's Always Fair... :45 < To Have & Ha... <++++ On the Town Movie 8:45 < The Narrow ... Movie :15 <++ Julie (‘56) < Murder She Said/:15 < Journal ... <++++ Strangers on a Train (‘... < Crossroads/:15 < Dial M for ... < Two O'Clock Coura... < Saturday's Children/< Shall We Dance? < Powder Town/< The Gay Divo... < Fast Life < The Band Wagon Buzzin' Movie <++++ Swing Time <++ Excuse My Dust 8< The Human Facto... <++ Lost Continent/:15 < Primary <++ Executive Action :15 < Last Of The Pagans Movie :15 < Gabriel Over t... Movie Movie :15 <++++ North by Northwest (‘59) Cary Grant. Movie <++++ Sounder (‘72) Cicely Tyson. <++++ A Hard Day's Night (‘64) TCM Film Festival Movie Various Cheap Various Coupon Various F Coupon Various Various Various Various Various Super./F NCIS: New O. Super./F NCIS: New O. Super./F NCIS: New O. Super./F NCIS: New O. Super./F NCIS: New O. Various W Taken 2 Various Movies Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various
OMG, a blank ad spot in the TV Guide!
Quick, grab it! 58 April 9, 2020
2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 9 8 PBS-WDSE (8) 12 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 PBS-MN (8.4) 195 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
5 PM
< Movies
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy Charmed (N) Dynasty (N) Seinf. 2/2 Seinfeld Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD Murder She Solved Cruise Killers "Sarah" The Last 24 Southern Fried Evil "Bare Bones" FBI "An Unholy Season" Killer Kids Cruise Killers "Bill" Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Corrupt Corrupt F.Files F.Files Court TV (L) Court TV (L) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Escaping Polygamy Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily SwamLog "Split Tracks" Yukon Gold Ax Men "Eleventh Hour" Ax Men Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Most Daring Swamp Loggers News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) The Blacklist (N) Dateline NBC News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeopardy! News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) MacGyver (N) Magnum P.I. (N) BlueB. "Grave Errors" News (N) :35 The Late Show (N) :35 James Corden :35 THall Numb3rs "Trust Metric" Numb3rs CSI: Miami "Bad Seed" CSI: Miami DS9 "The Rapture" Star Trek: Voyager Enterprise "Daedelus" NYPD "Safari, So Good" Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) Almanac (N) Almanac N. W.Week Somewhere South (N) The Day News Amanpour/Com (N) Backstge Off Air News Almanac N. Roadtrip Roadtrip Outside Expedit. Travel Det. America PBS NewsHour (N) W.Week Firing (N) Somewhere South (N) Dishing (N) Dishing (N) Steves' 100 Days Ming Cook's TestK 100 Days Texas Garden Joanne FreeRange Jazzy Veg. Kitchen A.Smith Garden Texas A.Smith Tobacco Health Yard Making I MinOrigin Dakota L. An Alma Drug C. Choices Heroes Almanac (N) Tobacco Health Almanac News News (N) News (N) ET (N) Shark Tank (N) 20/20 News :35 Jimmy Kimmel Live :35 Nightl. The Mel Robbins Show Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock NCIS: LA "Resurrection" NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA "Parley" NCIS: LA "Descent" NCIS: LA "Ascension" NCIS: LA "Impact" NCIS: LA "Omni" Law & O: CI "Cadaver" Fam. Feud News (N) Last Man BigBang WWE SmackDown (L) News (N) Frenzy 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Angie Dickinson Coach NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker The Jet Set Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers 4:00 Live PD Live PD /:05 Live PD Live PD (N) Live PD 3:30 <+++ Top Gun :35 Talking <+++ The Karate Kid (‘84) Pat Morita, Elisabeth Shue, Ralph Macchio. <++ The Karate Kid Part II (‘86) Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio. Dead "The Tower" Rush "Trial by Fire" Gold Rush Parker (N) Gold Rush :05 AussieGold (N) :05 Opal Hunters Gold Rush 2:00 To Be Announced SportC (N) < To Be Announced SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) In-Depth Polaris WideLife To Be Announced Outdoors WPT Poker RingHonorWrestle (N) 4:00 <++ Furious 7 (‘15) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel. <+++ The Greatest Showman Hugh Jackman. <+++ The Greatest Showman Hugh Jackman. <++ Girls Trip (‘17) Jada Pinkett Smith. < Christmas Under the Stars (2019, Romance) <+ Christmas at the Plaza (‘19) Ryan Paevey. < Christmas Town (‘19) Candace Cameron Bure. < Christmas in Rome (‘19) Lacey Chabert. 4:45 <+++ Casino Royale (‘06) Daniel Craig. :10 <++ Quantum of Solace (‘08) Daniel Craig. To Be Announced Atlanta:LostChildren To Be Announced Westworld Pawn Stars Pawn "Boats and Bros" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (N) :05 Pawn Stars (N) :05 Pawn Stars :05 Pawn Stars :05 Pawn Stars Home Town Home Town Dream H. Dream H. DreamHo DreamHo Unsellab Dream H. Dream H. Dream H. DreamHo DreamHo Unsellab Dream H. 4:00 <++ Joyful Noise (‘12) Dolly Parton. :35 < Faith Under Fire Toni Braxton. <+++ Miracles From Heaven Jennifer Garner. <+++ Miracles From Heaven (‘16) Jennifer Garner. 3:00 Trackside Live! (L) NASCAR Auto Racing Classics 2004 Daytona 500 NASCAR Auto Racing Classics AMA Supercross :20 <++++ Green Book (‘18) Viggo Mortensen. <++ Sword of Trust (P) <+++ Total Recall (‘90) Arnold Schwarzenegger. BlackMon VICE DesMero Homeland 4:30 <++ The Hitman's Bodyguard <++ Too Fast Too Furious (‘03) Paul Walker. Vagrant Queen (N) Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Movie 4:15 < The Unsuspect... < The Wonderful Wiz... <++++ The Wizard of Oz (‘39) Judy Garland. <++ The Blue Bird Shirley Temple. :45 <+++ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (‘68) Dick Van Dyke. Four Weddings 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day F "More to Love: Who's Crying Now" (N) 90 Day F 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day F 90 Day Fiancé "More to Love: Who's Crying Now" Bones Bones <++++ Jack Reacher: Never Go Back :15 <+++ Jack Reacher (‘12) Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins, Tom Cruise. Arrow "Human Target" 3:50 < Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone :20 <+++ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Hogwarts is plagued by mysterious attacks. Modern Modern Modern Modern
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April 9, 2020 59
6 3 9 8 101 102 104 13 113 16 2 105 25 62 24 34 48 37 59 301 26 27 29 170 351 46 73 23 30 43
CH CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) NBC-KBJR (6) CBS-KBJR (6.2) MNT-KBJR (6.3) PBS-WDSE (8) PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) PBS-CREATE (8.3) PBS-MN (8.4) ABC-WDIO (10) MeTV-WDIO (10.2) ION-WDIO (10.3) FOX-KQDS (21.1) ANT-KQDS (21.2) AMG-KCWV (27.1) A&E AMC DISC ESPN FSN FX HALL HBO HIST HGTV LIFE NBCSN SHOW SYFY TCM TLC TNT USA
6 3 9 12 193 194 195 13 196 11 41 57 33 34 37 29 78 518 63 66 26 69 578 59 64 38 42 41
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2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 8 12 PBS-WDSE (8) 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 195 PBS-MN (8.4) 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
12 PM
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Into Wild Old House Animal Invention Paid Paid Black-ish Paid <++ The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond Elementary Element. "Miss Taken" Extreme Forensics Extreme Forensics Extreme Forensics Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Top 10 Top 10 Top 10 Top 10 Top 10 Top 10 < For The Love Of George (‘18) Nadia Jordan. <++ A Night at the Roxbury (‘98) Will Ferrell. < The Naked Gun 33... The FBI Files FBI "Terror in Disguise" FBI "Millionaire Murder" OJ25 "A Plaintive Wail" OJ25 FBI "Temple of Fear" Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Greed "In Harm's Way" American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam Unsolved Mysteries Mystery "Love Triangle" Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Dog Jobs Dog Jobs Backroad Bounty Backroad Bounty Backroad "Gold Digger" Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Dual Survival Earth Od Earth Od Consumer VetsSav. Roots (N) Champion Premier League "The Impossible Dream" NHL Hockey Classics NHL Hockey Classics Mission (N) Pet Vet (N) Hope (N) Furever (N) Outdoors Kickin' It The Masters: 1975 (N) Golf Classics 2004 Masters Tournament Site: Augusta National Golf Club -- Augusta, Ga. Great American Hero MacGyver MacGyver "The Wall" MacGyver Martial Law Martial Law "No Fare" The Pretender Pretender "Mirage" Nature Cat Wild Kratts Curiosity Quilt Arts F&Porter Nancy Garage Am.Wdshp Painting Artsy History Cook's TestK Gardening Sportsm. Motor. 8:00 The Gene: An Int Wealth 2.Opinion Independent Lens "The Providers" Local, USA Broken Places The Roosevelts: An "The Fire of Life (1910-1919)" Contrary Native (N) Texas Garden Joanne FreeRange Jazzy Veg. Kitchen A.Smith Garden Texas Gardening MakingI Ask House Cook's Lidia's Kit. Real Rail Adventures Changing Nourishing Livable Communities A. Dream My Home Almanac An Alma Musicians Look, Art Art Changing Nourishing Livable Communities Car-toon Ocean (N) Heroes (N) Oh Baby! Paid Paid World of X Games (N) To Be Announced Paid Paid Maverick Wagon Train The Big Valley Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza "Springtime" Rawhide Wanted Wanted Rifleman Rifleman Law&O: SVU "Consent" Law&O: SVU "Abuse" Law&O: SVU "Secrets" Law&O: SVU "Victims" Law&O: SVU "Paranoia" SVU "Countdown" SVU "Runaway" Law&O: SVU "Folly" Rock Park Rock Park Wild Am. Weekend Marketplace Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Ocean M. Ocean M. Outback Invention Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Sports Animal R. Wondrama Biz Kid$ Dragon Wild Am. Dog Tales Real Life Think Big E. Stanton Traveler My Fitness The Jet Set Tech Show Life MartinC. Zombie House Flipping Zombie House Flipping Celebrity Ghost Stories Ghost "Terror Town" Ghost "Terror Town" Live PD To Be Announced 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men Movie < The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers A quest is at risk when the heroes take separate paths. Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch D. Catch "Glory Days" Deadliest Catch Catch "Hard Living" (N) DeadliestCatch (N) Catch "Grind it Out" (N) Catch "Epic Storm" (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ESPN Documentaries To Be Announced Water&W. Outdoors Wisconsin Lindner (N) Polaris LarrySmith HeroOut To Be Announced Bowling <+++ Ferdinand (‘17) Kate McKinnon, John Cena. <++ The Boss Baby (‘17) Alec Baldwin. <++ Despicable Me 3 (‘17) Steve Carell. <+++ Sing 8< Love on the Slopes <++ A Brush With Love (2019, Romance) <++ A Country Wedding (‘15) Jesse Metcalfe. <+ Love on Safari (‘18) Jill Wagner. < Love, Romance & C... :55 <+++ Bridge to Terabithia :35 <+++ The Pacifier Vin Diesel. :10 <++ Red Eye Rachel McAdams. :45 <++++ Bohemian Rhapsody (‘18) Rami Malek. My Brilliant Friend 8:00 Swamp People "Outdoors: Casanova Gator" Banned From the Bible Banned From the Bible II Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Property Brothers: F Property Brothers: F Property Brothers: F Property Brothers: F Property Brothers: F Paid Dance It < The Shack (‘17, Dra) Octavia Spencer, Radha Mitchell, Sam Worthington. < Faith Under Fire (‘18) Toni Braxton. < Stolen By My Mother: The Kamiyah Mobley... EPL Classic EPL Classic EPL Classic EPL Classic EPL Classic Reno Air AMA Motorcycle Race Mecum (N) Mecum10 Mecum10 Mecum10 Trackside Live! (L) Movie <+++ A Dog's Journey Henry Lau. :20 <++ Anaconda (‘97) Jon Voight. :50 <+++ Carrie (‘76) Sissy Spacek. BlackMon <+++ Traitor (‘08) Guy Pearce, Don Cheadle. Futurama <++ Blood Father (‘16) Mel Gibson. <+++ Looper (‘12) Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. <++ The Hitman's Bodyguard (‘17) Ryan Reynolds. Movie Popeye /:05 < Triple Trouble Heart Hr <+++ The Mating Game :45 <++++ The Adventures of Robin Hood :45 <+++ Treasure of the Sierra Madre Humphrey Bogart. 7 Little Johnstons 7 Little Johnstons Little People Little People 90 Day Fiancé "Can't Buy Me Love" 90 Day Fiancé "Who's Crying Now" NCIS: New Orleans <+++ The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (‘12) Ian McKellan, Martin Freeman. <++ The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (‘14) Martin Freeman. < Godzilla 8:00 <++++ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone <+++ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (‘02) Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe. :10 < Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
5 PM
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Sheriffs: BobBrg American Ninja War. Seinfeld Family Guy BobBrg Black-ish Cops Cops Cops Cops <++ Ultraviolet (‘06) Nick Chinlund. SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT "Detroit SWAT" SWAT SWAT MostEvil "Ian Huntley" World's Most Evil K. 4< The Naked Gun ... '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Grace Fire Grace Fire Killer Killer Killer Killer F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt F.Files F.Files FBI Files "Silent Strike" F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files OJ25 OJ25 "A Plaintive Wail" The Killing Season The Killing Season Killing "Wasteland" The Killing Season Survival "On the Menu" Survival "Meltdown" Dual Survival The Science of Fear The Science of Fear Impaled! Spider-Man Tech Yukon Gold Paid News (N) News (N) Wheel Dateline NBC Saturday Night Live (N) News (N) Saturday Night Live Schwebel 1st Look Jeopardy! News (N) News (N) Wisconsin Bull "Fool Me Twice" 48 Hours 48 Hours News (N) :35 Ins. Ed. :05 Interve. "Shiann G" :05 Interve. "Jackie R" Renegade Black Sheep Squadron TourDuty "Roadrunner" Combat Rat Patrol Rat Patrol 12 O'Clock "Interlude" Hill Street Blues Hill Street Blues Old House Ask House L. Welk "Easter" 800 Words Doc Martin Frankie Drake Austin City Limits Mountain "John Berry" Lowertown Lost River Almanac N. Kitchen Old House House (N) History Detectives News. (N) Firing Line Soundbreaking 800 Words Nature SacredWonders Steves' 100 Days ProjectFire Mexican Confucius Foodie Paint Paint Real Rail Adventures Meals Ciao Italia Ciao Italia Cooking Cooking Good Food A. Dream My Home Almanac An Alma Musicians Look, Art Art Changing Nourishing Livable Communities A. Dream My Home Report (N) Climate News (N) Paid News (N) Northland Shark Tank American Idol News (N) :35 Wipeout :35 Madam Secretary :35 ET :40 Stooge Stooge :40 Stooge <++ This Island Earth (‘55) Bart Roberts. Stooge Star Trek Buck Rogers Invaders "Nightmare" Lost in Space SVU "Manhunt" SVU "Parasites" Law&O: SVU "Pique" Law&O: SVU "Scourge" SVU "Repression" Law&O: SVU "Wrath" Law&O: SVU "Stolen" Law&O: SVU "Rooftop" Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud 9-1-1 To Hell and Back News (N) Last Man Beat Shazam Modern Homeown. TMZ Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Head Class Paul Lynde Lotsa Luck BurnsAllen BurnsAllen Celeb Page Mantrack Forensic Factor Forensic Factor <+++ Death Wish (‘74) Charles Bronson. <+ Death Wish V: The Face of Death < Escape From Alcatr... Live PD Live PD /:05 Live PD Live PD (N) Live PD 4< The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King A king's heir must save mankind from a great evil. Line of Duty "Lost" :20 <+++ The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Catch "Lost at Sea" (N) Catch "Mayday" (N) Deadliest Catch (N) DeadliestCatch (N) To Be Announced To Be Announced Deadliest Catch DeadliestCatch 4:00 To Be Announced ESPN Documentaries SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) 4:30 PBA Bowling To Be Announced Nick's Ride AMA Arenacross 3 Wide Life To Be Announced 3:30 <+++ Sing <+++ Peter Rabbit (‘18) James Corden. <+++ Peter Rabbit (‘18) James Corden. Breeders Better Shadows Shadows Shadows Shadows 4< Love, Romance &... < You're Bacon Me Crazy (‘20) Natalie Hall. < Fashionably Yours (‘20) Kat. Graham. (P) < My Summer Prince (‘16) Taylor Cole. <+ Bridal Wave <++ X-Men: Dark Phoenix (‘19) James McAvoy. <++ It Chapter Two (‘19) James McAvoy, Jessica Chastain. :50 Westworld "Parce Domine" Westworld Westworld Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (N) :05 The UnXplained (N) :05 Ancient Aliens :05 Ancient Aliens :05 The UnXplained Property Brothers: F Property Brothers: F Love It or List It Love It or List It NateandJeremiah (N) NateandJeremiah:Save Love It or List It NateandJeremiah:Save < I Am Somebody's Child: The Regina Louise... <++ The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel (P) :35 < Twist of Faith Toni Braxton. <++ The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel 3:00 Trackside Live! (L) NASCAR Racing Classics 2016 Ford EcoBoost 400 IndyCar Auto Racing 2015 Grand Prix of Sonoma NASCAR Auto Racing Classics 2004 Ford 400 Homeland <+++ Platoon (‘86) Charlie Sheen. <++ Semper Fi (P) :45 <++ Rambo (‘08) Sylvester Stallone. BlackMon Homeland 4:30 <++ Too Fast Too Furious :45 <++ Fast and Furious (‘09) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel. Futurama Cyanide :55 Futur. Don’tFe <++ The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift <++++ The Wizard of Oz (‘39) Judy Garland. <++ What's Up, Doc? (‘72) Barbra Streisand. <++++ Paper Moon (‘73) Ryan O'Neal. <++ Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Movie Yes Dress Yes Dress Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes Dress (N) To Be Announced Say Yes to the Dress The Family Chantel Say Yes to the Dress To Be Announced 4:30 <++ Godzilla (‘14) Elizabeth Olsen. <+++ San Andreas (‘15) Carla Gugino, Dwayne Johnson. <+++ San Andreas (‘15) Carla Gugino, Dwayne Johnson. < The Lost World: Jur... 3:10 < Harry Potter &... :10 <+++ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (‘05) Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe. :35 <+++ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Daniel Radcliffe. Movie
60 April 9, 2020
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CH CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) NBC-KBJR (6) CBS-KBJR (6.2) MNT-KBJR (6.3) PBS-WDSE (8) PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) PBS-CREATE (8.3) PBS-MN (8.4) ABC-WDIO (10) MeTV-WDIO (10.2) ION-WDIO (10.3) FOX-KQDS (21.1) ANT-KQDS (21.2) AMG-KCWV (27.1) A&E AMC DISC ESPN FSN FX HALL HBO HIST HGTV LIFE NBCSN SHOW SYFY TCM TLC TNT USA
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2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 8 12 PBS-WDSE (8) 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 195 PBS-MN (8.4) 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
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Mass P. Stone Pastor's Grillin' ChasinSun Good Hope Church Music Made (N) Hollywd. Sheriffs: <+++ Terms of Endearment (‘83) Shirley MacLaine. Animal R. Animal R. Dog Tales Dog Tales Dog Tales Dog Tales Dunne "Over the Edge" D. Dunne "Family Plot" Dominick Dunne Dominick Dunne Murder "Free to Kill" 3rd Rock 3rd Rock 3rd Rock 3rd Rock NightCourt NightCourt NightCourt NightCourt <++ Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! <++ Elizabethtown (‘05) Orlando Bloom. FBI "Hunter's Target" FBI Files "No Remorse" FBI "The C-11 Squad" The FBI Files Killer Killer Killer Killer Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Crime Watch Daily OJ25 OJ25 "A Plaintive Wail" Corrupt < The Family (‘13) Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro. <++ Backtrack (‘89) Jodie Foster, Dennis Hopper. Command Command Command Command Unsolved History Engineering an Empire Engineering an Empire Engineering an Empire Empires "The Persians" Empires "Great Britain" PaintGiraf Mainstreet Living Paid Havas Havas NHL Hockey Classics NHL Hockey Classics ISU Figure Skating Grand Prix 8Morning Face the Nation Homes Havas Golf Classics 2019 Masters Tournament Site: Augusta National Golf Club -- Augusta, Ga. WalkWild Uncaged Christian Worship Hour Batman 1/2 Batman 2/2 Wonder Woman Queen of Jungle Relic Hunter BeastMaster Mutant X Nature Cat Old House Here/Now Almanac N. Making I Native TBA Amer. Masters "Decoding Watson" Doc Martin Frankie Drake 800 Words 8America Degree Lines Lines Articulate Utah Kitchen Start Up Contrary Firing Line Open Mind Earth G 3000 On Story America "Night School" Trails to Oi Gardening Garden Garden Texas Garden Joanne FreeRange Jazzy Veg. Kitchen A.Smith Garden Texas A.Smith 100 Days Ming The Mighty Mississippi E.S. Pride Building Almanac Classics Report Climate Food, Fuel Ms.Scien Minnesota Stories The Mighty Mississippi E.S. Pride Building At Issue Mass R. Park (N) Oh Baby! Outdoor Outdoors The Awakening Paid Paid To Be Announced Flintstones Flintstones Flintstones Flintstones BradyB. BradyB. BradyB. BradyB. Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Monkees Monkees NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA "Big Brother" NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA "Fallout" NCIS: LA "Recovery" NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Market Market Market Market Market Market Homeown. Mother TMZ (N) BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter 3's Comp. 3's Comp. BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter Sports (N) Animal R. Wondrama Biz Kid$ Nashville Music E. Stanton MartinC. Magic Magic Mantrack 50Plus The Jet Set Tech Show Cherry Blossom Fest. Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders "Roy/ Loretta" <++ Blue Valley Songbird (‘99) Dolly Parton. <++ Joyful Noise (‘12, Comedy) Queen Latifah, Keke Palmer, Dolly Parton. 6:50 < The Lord of the Rings: Th... :50 <+++ The Hunger Games (‘12) Josh Hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence. :55 <+++ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (‘13) Jennifer Lawrence. Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Naked and Afraid Naked "Rain of Terror" Naked and Afraid SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) D. Wade: Life Unexpected 30 for 30 "Celtics/ Lakers: Best of Enemies" Outdoors Nick's Ride Backroads Water&W. Polaris (N) Outdoors Lund To Be Announced Polaris Movie <++ The Boss Baby (‘17) Alec Baldwin. <++ Despicable Me 3 (‘17) Steve Carell. <+++ Sing (‘16) Matthew McConaughey. <+++ Peter Rabbit < Love in the Sun (‘19, Rom) Emeraude Toubia. < Easter Under Wraps (2019, Romance) < You're Bacon Me Crazy (‘20) Natalie Hall. <+ Royal Matchmaker (‘18) Bethany Joy Lenz. 7:50 < Casino Royale :15 <++ The Island (‘05) Scarlett Johansson, Ewan McGregor. <++++ Shazam! (‘19) Zachary Levi. :45 To Be Announced :45 Plot Against Movie 8:00 Counting Cars "Drive: Roadrunner Recon" CountCars CountCars Counting Cars The Bible "In the Beginning/ Exodus" The Bible "Homeland/ Kingdom" Good Bones Good Bones Good Bones Home Town Home Town Home Town Home Town Home Town Movie < Steel Magnolias Queen Latifah. <++ The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel < Twist of Faith (‘13) Toni Braxton. < Pride and Prejudice: Atlanta EPL Soccer Classics Liverpool vs. Everton EPL Soccer Classics Arsenal vs. Chelsea Monster Jam "Orlando" IMSA Auto Racing Trackside Live! (L) 8:30 <++ Captive State <++ Mary Magdalene (‘18) Rooney Mara. VICE <++++ The American President VICE BlackMon BlackMon BlackMon <+++ Looper (‘12) Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. <++ The Duel (‘16) Woody Harrelson, Liam Hemsworth. <++ The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift :15 < Fast and Furious <++ Beyond a Reasonable Doubt <+++ Ben-Hur (‘59) Charlton Heston. An enslaved man wants revenge against a Roman friend. <++ The Greatest Story Ever Told Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive 90 Day Fiancé 8:00 <+++ Jurassic Park Sam Neill. :45 <++ The Lost World: Jurassic Park (‘97) Jeff Goldblum. :45 <++ Jurassic Park III (‘01) Sam Neill. :45 <+++ Jurassic Park Sam Neill. 8< Fantastic Beasts & Where to F... :55 <+++ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Daniel Radcliffe. :55 <+++ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (‘09) Daniel Radcliffe.
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Sheriffs: Family Guy American Ninja War. Batwoman SGirl "The Bodyguard" Seinfeld Goldberg Goldberg Listener "White Whale" Listener "The Fugitive" Hollywood Murder "A Killer Family" Murder She Solved Murder She Solved Killer Kids Killer Kids Killer Kids BizzMurd BizzMurd BizzMurd BizzMurd 3:00 < Elizabethtown '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Grace Fire Grace Fire Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt OJ25 "A Plaintive Wail" OJ25 DeepUnder DeepUnder Affair Affair DeepUnder DeepUnder Affair Affair F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Crime Stories FBI "Deadly Business" Crime Watch Daily Eng. Empire "Carthage" Eng. an Empire "China" Engineering an Empire Riddle In Search of Eden Myth Hunters Secret Societies Appalachian Outlaws River News (N) Jesus Christ Superstar Live! Dateline NBC (N) News (N) Minnesota :05 Dateline :05 Meet the Press Local Programming 60 Minutes God Friended Me (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) NCIS:NO "Monolith" (N) News (N) Mantrack :05 Sp. Net :35 Sp. Net :05 Sp. Net A.Athlete Highland "Eyewitness" War of Worlds Star Trek ST:TNG "The Host" Star Trek: DS Nine ST: Voyager "Virtuoso" Christian Worship Hour The Dead Zone Risking Light (N) Doctor Blake Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic (N) Masterp. "Baptiste" (N) Great Performances "Madama Butterfly" Off Air 4America Degree 800 Words Nova News. (N) W.Week BattleForChurchMusic Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic (N) Masterp. "Baptiste" (N) Cook's Lidia's Kit. One Plate Belton Confucius Foodie MakingI Gardening Rick Steves' Tips My Greek Chow Chow Yan/Cook Yan/Cook Jazzy Veg. Almanac Classics Report Farm Fresh Minnesota Jing.Dr. Iron Curtain-Romania State Fair Traditions Affordable Housing Almanac Classics (N) Yard Off 90 :05 NCIS:NO "Outlaws" News (N) Angling Funniest Home Videos American Idol "This Is Me Part 1" (N) Rookie "Control" (N) News (N) Outdoors :05 Wipeout The Love Boat M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Columbo "Double Exposure" Collect (N) Flintstones Honeym Van Dyke Van Dyke Twilight Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock NCIS: LA "Allegiance" NCIS: LA "War Cries" NCIS: LA "Tuhon" Chicago "Disco Bob" Chicago P.D. Chicago "Erin's Mom" Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. BackKotter BackKotter Simpsons Ice Age Simpsons Duncan BobBrg Family Guy Fox 21 Local News (N) Last Man 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. Mike&M. Modern Mom BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter BackKotter Murphy B. Murphy B. Becker Becker <+++ Breakfast at Tiffany's (‘61) Audrey Hepburn. <++ Elizabethtown (‘05) Kirsten Dunst, Orlando Bloom. <+ Fire on the Amazon (‘93) Sandra Bullock. Forensic Factor Dolly & Friends: 50 (N) Biography "Dolly" (N) Willie Nelson: American Outlaw (N) Biography "Dolly" Killing Eve (N) :15 Ride Reedus (N) :15 Killing Eve <+++ White House Down (‘13) Jamie Foxx, Channing Tatum. <+++ Killers (‘10) Ashton Kutcher. Naked and Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid (N) Naked "Worlds Collide" Naked and Afraid ESPN Documentaries ESPN Documentaries ESPN Documentaries ESPN Documentaries SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter Champions Tennis Classics 2019 Champions Cup Crankwor Focus. (N) To Be Announced WPT Poker Arena. 4:00 < Peter Rabbit < Trolls (‘16) Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick. < Trolls (‘16) Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick. <+++ Peter Rabbit (‘18) James Corden. Pose "Acting Up" < Fashionably Yours (‘20) Kat. Graham. When Calls Heart (N) When Hope Calls (N) G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier 4:45 <+++ Die Hard (‘88) Bruce Willis. Lost Children (N) Westworld (N) Insecure :35 Run (N) :10 Last Wk :40 Westworld :40 Run :15 Insecure The Bible "Survival/ Hope" The Bible "Mission/ Betrayal" :05 The Bible "Passion" :05 The Bible "Mission/ Betrayal" Home Town Home Town ExtremeMakeover (N) House (N) House ExtremeMakeover (N) Bahamas Bahamas House House ExtremeMakeoverBus 4:30 <+++ Miracles From Heaven < A Question of Faith (Dra) Kim Fields. :05 < The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel < A Question of Faith (Dra) Kim Fields. 3:00 Trackside Live! (L) NFL Football Classics Dallas Cowboys vs. New York Jets NASCAR Auto Racing Classics NASCAR Auto Racing Classics BlackMon BlackMon Homeland VICE (N) VICE Homeland (N) BlackMon BlackMon Homeland BlackMon BlackMon VICE Homeland 4:15 <++ Fast and Furious <++++ The Goonies (‘85) Corey Feldman, Sean Astin. <++++ The Goonies (‘85) Corey Feldman, Sean Astin. Futurama Futurama Futurama 3:00 <++ The Greatest Story Ever Told <++++ Easter Parade (‘48) Judy Garland. <+++ King of Kings (‘62) Siobhan McKenna, Robert Ryan, Jeffrey Hunter. < The Jazz Singer 4:00 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé "Stranger in a Strange Land" (N) :05 Sister Wives (N) 90 Day Fiancé (N) 90 Day Fiancé "Stranger in a Strange Land" 3:45 <+++ Jurassic Park Sam Neill. <+++ Thor: Ragnarok (‘17) Cate Blanchett, Chris Hemsworth. :15 <+++ Thor: Ragnarok (‘17) Cate Blanchett, Chris Hemsworth. Charmed :20 <+++ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (‘10) Daniel Radcliffe. <+++ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 :20 Modern :50 Modern :20 Modern :50 Chrisley
April 9, 2020 61
6 3 9 8 101 102 104 13 113 16 2 105 25 62 24 34 48 37 59 301 26 27 29 170 351 46 73 23 30 43
CH CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) NBC-KBJR (6) CBS-KBJR (6.2) MNT-KBJR (6.3) PBS-WDSE (8) PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) PBS-CREATE (8.3) PBS-MN (8.4) ABC-WDIO (10) MeTV-WDIO (10.2) ION-WDIO (10.3) FOX-KQDS (21.1) ANT-KQDS (21.2) AMG-KCWV (27.1) A&E AMC DISC ESPN FSN FX HALL HBO HIST HGTV LIFE NBCSN SHOW SYFY TCM TLC TNT USA
6 3 9 12 193 194 195 13 196 11 41 57 33 34 37 29 78 518 63 66 26 69 578 59 64 38 42 41
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2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 8 12 PBS-WDSE (8) 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 195 PBS-MN (8.4) 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
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12 AM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy Whose (N) Whose Roswell New Mex. (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD Murder "A Fatal Fare" Cruise Killers "Bill" The Last 24 Southern Fried Traces of Evil FBI "Dead Quiet" To Be Announced Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Corrupt Corrupt F.Files F.Files Court TV (L) Court TV (L) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files The First 48 "Silenced" The First 48 First 48 "Last Birthday" OJ25 Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily SwamLog "Rainy Days" Y. Gold "Hard Lessons" Ship Wars Ship Wars Ice Road Truckers Ax Men Modern Marvels Most Daring Only in America News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) The Voice "The Knockouts Premiere" (N) Songland (N) News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeop. (N) News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) Nbhood (N) Hearts (N) All Rise (N) Bull (N) News (N) :35 The Late Show :35 James Corden :35 THall Nash Bridge "The Web" Nash Br. "Knockout" SVU "Surveillance" Law&O: SVU "Guilt" DS9 "The Begotten" Voyager "Memorial" Enterprise "Babel One" NYPD Blue Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow (N) Antiques Roadshow Independent Lens "Bedlam" (N) Group (N) Amanpour/Com (N) Doctor Blake News News Report (N) Almanac Lines 1/2 OpenMind Firing Line Group (N) PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow (N) Antiques Roadshow Ind. Lens "Bedlam" (N) Steves' 100 Days Ming Cook's TestK 100 Days Joanne FreeRange Family See Can Steves' Paint 100 Days TestK Ming Cook's We're in Stories Yard Off 90 MinOrigin Dakota L. Your Legislators Native Native Nourish Hope We're in Stories Wisconsin P.Mosaic :35 Jimmy Kimmel Live :35 Nightl. The Mel Robbins Show News (N) News (N) News (N) ET (N) The Bachelor "Week 1" (P) (N) Baker "Pilot" (P) (N) News (N) Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock Crim. Minds "Believer" Criminal Minds "300" C.Minds "Starter Home" Crim. Minds "Rule 34" C.Minds "Innocence" C.Minds "The Tall Man" Criminal Minds "Luke" Law & Order: C.I. Feud (N) News (N) Last Man BigBang 9-1-1 (N) Prodigal Son Fox 21 Local News (N) 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Coach Coach NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker 50Plus Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers 4:00 Garth Brooks 2/2 Biography "Dolly" Biography "Kenny Rogers: A Gambler's Tale" (N) Merle Haggard (N) Biography "Kenny Rogers: A Gambler's Tale" :25 Dispatch "Lee" (N) :55 Dispatches Elsewhere "Lee" Movie <+++ Gran Torino (‘08) Christopher Carley, Clint Eastwood. Call Saul "Bad Choice Road" (N) Better Call Saul OutlawsMemphis Memphis "35 to 1" (N) OutlawsMemphis Driven (N) Fast N' Loud (N) Fast N' Loud OutlawsMemphis Driven SportsCenter (N) Sports Stephen (N) To Be Announced SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Polaris To Be Announced To Be Announced Focused 3:30 <++ Taken 3 <++ The Fate of the Furious (‘17) Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel. Breeders Better Breeders <++ The Fate of the Furious (‘17) Vin Diesel. < Hearts of Spring (‘16) Lisa Whelchel. <+ Love to the Rescue (‘19) Nikki Deloach. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier 4WWorld <+++ Aquaman (‘18) Amber Heard, Jason Momoa. Plot Against (N) My Brilliant Friend (N) Plot Against America My Brilliant Friend Westworld American Pickers Pickers "Picker's Dozen" American Pickers American Pickers (N) :05 American Pickers :05 American Pickers :05 American Pickers :05 American Pickers Home Town Home Town Home Town (N) Celebrity I.O.U. (N) HomeTownSecret (N) Home Town Celebrity I.O.U. HomeTownLittleSecret < Stolen By My Mother: The Kamiyah Mobley... <++ The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel :35 < Faith Under Fire Toni Braxton. <++ The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel 4:00 Happy Hour Return To Rio "Best of Team USA" (N) ReturnRio "Women's Gymnastics: Team Final" (N) Return To Rio (N) Return To Rio (N) Movie VICE Homeland BlackMon BlackMon Homeland VICE BlackMon <+++ Superbad (‘07) Michael Cera, Jonah Hill. BlackMon Movie 4:00 <++++ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone <+++ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (‘02) Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe. :05 Futur. :35 Futur. :05 Futur. :35 Futur. :15 <++++ Singin' in the Rain (‘52) Gene Kelly. <+++ His Kind of Woman (‘52) Jane Russell. :15 <++ Macao (‘52) Robert Mitchum. <++ The Las Vegas Story Movie 90 Day Fiancé "Stranger in a Strange Land" 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé (N) sMothered (N) sMothered 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day "Family Feuds" 4:00 <++ The Lost World: Jurassic Park < Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (‘17) Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt. <++ Hercules (‘14) John Hurt, Dwayne Johnson. Bones Chicago "Sisterhood" Chicago P.D. "Profiles" WWE Raw (L) Briarp "Felicity" (SF) (N) :05 Modern :35 Modern :05 Modern :35 Modern
5 PM
< Movies
8 PM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy The Flash Legends of Tomorrow Seinf. 1/2 Seinfeld Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD Master. Master. Master. Master. 72 Hours 72 Hours 72 Hours 72 Hours Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Dog B.H. Dog B.H. The Investigators Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show OJ25 "A Plaintive Wail" OJ25 Court TV (L) Court TV (SP) (L) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files First 48 "Double Life" The First 48 The First 48 Escaping Polygamy Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily SwampLog "Setbacks" Yukon Gold Ship Wars Ship Wars Ice Road Truckers Ax Men Modern Marvels Most Daring Storm Chasers News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) Game of Games (N) New Amsterdam (N) NBC News (N) News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeopardy! News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) NCIS "The Arizona" (N) FBI: Most Wanted (N) FBI: Most Wanted (N) News (N) :35 The Late Show :35 James Corden :35 THall House House "Whac-a-Mole" Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. "Sacrifice" DS9 "For the Uniform" Voyager "Tsunkatse" ST: Enterprise "United" NYPD Blue Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) The Gene: An Intimate History (N) Definition of Insani (N) The Day News Amanpour/Com (N) Frankie Drake News News Here/Now Wisconsin Farm Table W. Foodie Wisconsin "Eau Claire" PBS NewsHour (N) The Gene: An Intimate History (N) Definition of Insani (N) Steves' 100 Days 100 Days Belton Julia Kitch 100 Days Jazzy Veg. Kitchen Bare Feet Travel Steves' Paint 100 Days Julia Kitch 100 Days Belton 3:00 House/ Senate Wisconsin P.Mosaic MinOrigin Corner Rise and Fall of the Fraud Fighters Innovation Culture Afford Retirement Yard Postcards News (N) News (N) News (N) ET (N) Conners Bless (N) Mixedish Black (N) For Life "Buried" (N) News (N) :35 Jimmy Kimmel Live :35 Nightl. The Mel Robbins Show Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock C.Minds "Sick and Evil" C.Minds "Truth or Dare" Criminal Minds Crim. Minds "Haunted" Crim. Minds "Reckoner" Crim. Minds "Hopeless" Criminal Minds Law & Order: C.I. Feud (N) News (N) Last Man BigBang Masked Sing "Group A" Empire (N) Fox 21 Local News (N) 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Coach Coach NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker Gene Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers The First 48 First 48 "Fateful Date" The First 48 First 48: Women (N) First 48: Women (N) The First 48 The First 48 The First 48: Women 3:30 < Gran Torino <+++ Top Gun (‘86) Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Tom Cruise. <+++ Speed (‘94) Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves. Killing Eve Line of Duty "Lost" Deadliest Catch (N) Deadliest Catch (N) Deadliest Catch "The Russians Are Coming" (N) :05 Deadliest Catch Deadly Catch "The Russians Are Coming" (P) (N) SportsCenter (N) To Be Announced SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Polaris To Be Announced DO BBall AMA Arenacross Polaris To Be Announced 3:30 < Baby Driver <++ The Equalizer (‘14) Chloë Grace Moretz, Denzel Washington. <++ The Equalizer (‘14) Chloë Grace Moretz, Denzel Washington. Breeders Pose G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier <+ Once Upon a Prince (‘18) Megan Park. <++ Love by Chance (‘16) Brenda Strong. 3:25 < Armageddon Westworld Westworld Insecure :35 <+++ X-Men Hugh Jackman. :20 Run :50 Insecure :25 Plot Against Movie Curse of Oak Island Curse of Oak Island Curse of Oak Island (N) Curse of Oak Island (N) :05 Sknwlkr Rnch (N) :05 Curse of Oak Island :05 Curse of Oak Island :05 Curse of Oak Island Love It or List It Love It or List It Bargain Mansions (N) Bargain Mansions H.Hunt (N) House (N) Love It or List It Bargain Mansions H.Hunt House Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy <+++ Stepmom (1998, Drama) Susan Sarandon, Ed Harris, Julia Roberts. :05 Married/ First Sight <+++ Stepmom (‘98) Julia Roberts. 4:00 Happy Hour Return To Rio (N) Return To Rio (N) Return To Rio (N) Return To Rio (N) Return To Rio (N) Return To Rio (N) :15 <++ Peppermint (‘18) Jennifer Garner. Homeland <++ Mary Magdalene (‘18) Rooney Mara. BlackMon <++ Rambo (‘08) Sylvester Stallone. BlackMon < Species 3:45 <+++ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets <+++ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (‘04) Daniel Radcliffe. Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama :15 <++ Hysteria (‘65) Robert Webber. :45 <+++ The Man Who Never Was :45 <++++ Laura (‘44) Clifton Webb. Movie <++ Cheaper by the Dozen American Gypsy Wedd 7 Little Johnstons Little People (N) Little People (N) 7 Little Johnstons (N) Home Sextuplets Little People Little People 4:30 <++ Hercules <+++ Shooter (‘07) Michael Peña, Mark Wahlberg. <+++ The Longest Yard (‘05) Chris Rock, Adam Sandler. The Last Ship "SOS" Last Ship Law & Order: S.V.U. SVU "Spousal Privilege" Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. Modern Modern Modern Modern Briarpatch "Felicity"
62 April 9, 2020
6 3 9 8 101 102 104 13 113 16 2 105 25 62 24 34 48 37 59 301 26 27 29 170 351 46 73 23 30 43
CH CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) NBC-KBJR (6) CBS-KBJR (6.2) MNT-KBJR (6.3) PBS-WDSE (8) PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) PBS-CREATE (8.3) PBS-MN (8.4) ABC-WDIO (10) MeTV-WDIO (10.2) ION-WDIO (10.3) FOX-KQDS (21.1) ANT-KQDS (21.2) AMG-KCWV (27.1) A&E AMC DISC ESPN FSN FX HALL HBO HIST HGTV LIFE NBCSN SHOW SYFY TCM TLC TNT USA
6 3 9 12 193 194 195 13 196 11 41 57 33 34 37 29 78 518 63 66 26 69 578 59 64 38 42 41
5 PM
< Movies
6 PM
2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 8 12 PBS-WDSE (8) 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 195 PBS-MN (8.4) 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy Riverdale (N) Nancy Drew (N) Seinf. 2/2 Seinf. 1/2 Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD The New Detectives The New Detectives Traces of Evil Traces of Evil Killer Kids Killer Kids Dog B.H. Dog B.H. The Investigators Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Corrupt Corrupt F.Files F.Files Court TV (L) Court TV (L) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Escaping Polygamy Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily SwamLog "Truck Wars" Yukon Gold Ship War Ship War Ice Road Truckers Ax Men Marvels "Coffee" To Be Announced News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) Chicago Med (N) Chicago Fire (N) Chicago P.D. (N) News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeop. (N) News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) Survivor (N) SEAL Team S.W.A.T. "Vice" News (N) :35 The Late Show :35 James Corden :35 THall JAG "Persian Gulf" JAG Dateline "Unspeakable" Dateline "The Sting" Star Trek: DS Nine Voyager "Collective" Enterprise "The Aenar" NYPD "You've Got Mail" Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) Nature Blood Sugar Rising (N) The Day News Amanpour/Com (N) Doc Martin News News Frankie Drake Doc Martin 800 Words PBS NewsHour (N) Nature Blood Sugar Rising (N) Steves' 100 Days QuikEasy Cook's Lidia's Kit. 100 Days A.Smith Garden Burt Wolf Places Steves' Paint 100 Days Lidia's Kit. QuikEasy Cook's 3:00 House/ Senate Yard Postcards Almanac Dakota L. Hmong Pioneers Honor Civil War Steam. Alamanac Alamanac Sportsman Ground :35 Jimmy Kimmel Live :35 Nightl. The Mel Robbins Show News (N) News (N) News (N) ET (N) Goldberg Schooled Am.Wife Single (N) Be a Millionaire? (N) News (N) Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock Blue Blood "Blowback" Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Blood "Mob Rules" Blue Bloods Blue Bloods BlueB. "Whistleblowers" Law&Order: CI "Faith" Feud (N) News (N) Last Man BigBang The Masked Singer (N) Lego "Finals" (SF) (N) Fox 21 Local News (N) 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Coach Coach NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker Nashville Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers Ghost "Suicide Hotel" Ghost "Terror Town" Ghost "Terror Town" Ghost Hunters (N) Celebrity Ghost (N) Ghost Hunters Ghost "Terror Town" Ghost Hunters 4:30 <+++ Top Gun (‘86) Tom Cruise. <+++ Major League (‘89) Tom Berenger, Charlie Sheen. <++ The Karate Kid Part II (‘86) Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio. Dispatches Else "Lee" Yeti "Return of the Yeti" Hunt for the Yeti ExpeditionUnknown "Hunt for the Yeti" Legends of the Wild (N) Exp.Unk. /:10 Exp.Unk. ExpeditionUnknown "Hunt for the Yeti" SportsCenter (N) Stephen To Be Announced To Be Announced :35 SportsCenter (N) DO BBall To Be Announced WPT Poker DO BBall DO BBall To Be Announced 3:30 <++ X-Men: Apocalypse <+++ Deadpool (‘16) Morena Baccarin, Ryan Reynolds. Shadows (N) Shadows Shadows Shadows Shadows G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier <+ Moonlight in Vermont (‘17) Lacey Chabert. < Fashionably Yours (‘20) Kat. Graham. 3:55 < Die Hard II: Di... Plot Against America <+++ Bridesmaids (‘11) Kristen Wiig. Insecure :40 Westworld :40 < Team America: World Police :20 Run :50 Lost.Ch. Forged "The Nagamaki" Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (N) Forged in Fire (N) :05 EtHstry :35 EtHstry :05 Forged in Fire :05 Forged in Fire :05 EtHstry :35 EtHstry Property Brothers: F Property Brothers: F Property Brothers (N) Property Brother (N) H.Hunt (N) House (N) H.Hunt House Property Brothers: F H.Hunt House Queens Queens Queens Married (N) Married "Until Decision Day Do We Part" (N) :05 Bride (N) :05 Married/ First Sight Married1stSight "Until Decision Day Do We Part" 4:00 Happy Hour Return To Rio "Women's Swimming" (N) Return To Rio "Men's Swimming" (N) Return To Rio (N) Return To Rio (N) Return To Rio (N) <+++ Superbad (‘07) Michael Cera, Jonah Hill. <++ Indecent Proposal (‘93) Robert Redford. <++ Wild Things (‘98) Matt Dillon, Kevin Bacon. <+++ Lovelace Amanda Seyfried. < Swung <+++ Mad Max: Fury Road (‘15) Tom Hardy. <++ The Fast and the Furious (‘01) Vin Diesel. :45 < To Be Announced <+++ Arrival (‘16) Amy Adams. <++++ Top Hat (‘35) Fred Astaire. <++++ Dark Victory (‘39) Bette Davis. <+++ No Way Out (‘50) Richard Widmark. <+++ Coma (‘78) Geneviève Bujold. My 600-lb Life "Ashley T's Story" My 600-lb Life "Leneatha's Story" (N) Dr. Pimple Popper Save My Skin My 600-lb Life "Leneatha's Story" 4:30 <+++ The Longest Yard Adam Sandler. All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) <++ Justice League (‘17) Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot. <+++ Oblivion (‘13) Tom Cruise. NCIS NCIS WWE NXT (L) SVU "Forgiving Rollins" Law & Order: S.V.U. Modern Modern Modern Modern
7 PM
5 PM
< Movies
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy Katy Keene (N) In the Dark (N) Seinfeld Seinf. 2/2 Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD Evil Up Close Evil Up Close Nurses Who Kill Nurses Who Kill The Last 24 The Last 24 Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show OJ25 OJ25 Court TV (L) Court TV (L) F.Files F.Files OJ25 "A Plaintive Wail" OJ25 Warren Jeffs: Prophet of Evil Escaping Polygamy Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Ax Men Ax Men Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Auction Auction Most Daring News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) Superstore Brooklyn WGrace (N) Indebted Law & Order: S.V.U. (N) News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeopardy! News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) Sheldon Unicorn (N) Mom (N) Broke (N) Tommy "Free to Go" (N) News (N) :35 The Late Show :35 James Corden :35 THall Monk Monk Law:CI "Masquerade" Law & Order: C.I. DS9 "By Inferno's Light" Voyager "Spirit Folk" Enterprise "Affliction" NYPD "Maya Con Dios" Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) Gardening TBA Making I Native (N) Risking Light The Day News Amanpour/Com (N) 800 Words News News Food Healthy Bolder Airpower Fishing Be. AutoLine PBS NewsHour (N) Old House Hour (N) Frankie Drake To Be Announced Steves' G. Hirsch ProjectFire Mexican Martha G. Hirsch Texas A.Smith Americas Travel Steves' Paint G. Hirsch Martha ProjectFire Mexican 3:00 House/ Senate Sportsman Ground MinOrigin Corner Minnesota Forensics Price/Prize Labrador The Eagles of Decorah Farm Fresh Fresh 2 Yard Making I News (N) News (N) News (N) ET (N) Station 19 Grey's Anatomy Get Away With Murder News (N) :35 Jimmy Kimmel Live :35 Nightl. The Mel Robbins Show Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Law:CI "Chinoiserie" Fam. Feud News (N) Last Man BigBang Last Man Last Man Samurai "Week Three" Fox 21 Local News (N) 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Coach Coach NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker My Fitness Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers The First 48 The First 48 First 48: Gangland (N) Live PD: Wanted (N) 60 Days In (N) :15 The First 48 The First 48: Gangland Live PD: Wanted 4:30 <+++ Major League (‘89) Charlie Sheen. Ride With Norman <+++ Jumanji (‘95) Bonnie Hunt, Robin Williams. <+++ Home Alone (‘90) Joe Pesci, Macaulay Culkin. GlobalInvestigator Riggle "Pirate Booty" RobRiggle (N) GlobalInvestigator Moonshiners Mnshiner "First Run" RobRiggleInvestigato GlobalInvestigator SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter Special ESPN Documentaries SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Nick's Ride Polaris Backroads Outdoor To Be Announced PBA Bowling Outdoors Backroads To Be Announced 4:00 <+++ Deadpool <++ Iron Man 2 (‘10) Don Cheadle, Robert Downey Jr.. Better (N) Breeders Better <++ Girls Trip (‘17) Kate Walsh, Jada Pinkett Smith. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier <++ Royal Hearts (‘18) Cindy Busby. <+ The Sweetest Heart (‘18) Julie Gonzalo. 4:30 <+++ Casino Royale (‘06) Daniel Craig. Run :25 My Brilliant Friend Movie <++ It Chapter Two (‘19, Hor) James McAvoy, Bill Hader, Jessica Chastain. :25 Westworld Swamp People Swamp "The Cannibal" Swamp People Swamp People (N) :05 Swamp People (N) :05 Swamp People :05 Swamp People :05 Swamp People Good Bones Good Bones Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flipping Flipping H.Hunt (N) House (N) H.Hunt House Flipping Flipping H.Hunt House Queens Queens Queens Queens Couple "Until Decision Day Do We Part" (N) :05 Queens :35 Queens :05 Queens :35 Queens Couples Couch "Until Decision Day Do We Part" 4:00 Happy Hour Return to "Women's Gymnastics: Team Final" (N) Return to London (N) Return to London (N) Return to London (N) Return to London (N) :15 VICE Movie BlackMon Homeland <+++ A Dog's Journey (‘19) Henry Lau. <++ Poms (‘19) Diane Keaton. <++ Hampstead Alistair Petrie. Movie 4:35 <++ The Fast and the Furious Vin Diesel. <++ Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters <++ Constantine (‘05) Rachel Weisz, Keanu Reeves. <++ Saw (‘04) Leigh Whannell. Movie <+++ The Devil-Doll <+++ A Star Is Born (‘54, Mus) James Mason, Jack Carson, Judy Garland. <++++ Metropolis (‘26) Alfred Abel, Brigette Helm. :45 L Rainer My 600-lb Life "John and Lonnie's Story" My 600-lb Life "Supersized: Tommy's Story" (N) Dr. Pimple Popper My Feet Are Killing Me My 600-lb Life "Supersized: Tommy's Story" Movie <++ Justice League (‘17) Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot. ShaqLife ShaqLife <++ Taken 2 (‘12) Famke Janssen, Liam Neeson. Shaq Life Shaq Life <++ Jurassic Park III Psych Psych "Truer Lies" Psych Psych Psych Psych "He Dead" Psych "High Noon-Ish" Psych
April 9, 2020 63
Week two
OMG, a blank ad spot in the TV Guide!
Quick, grab it! 64 April 9, 2020
2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 3 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 9 8 PBS-WDSE (8) 12 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 PBS-MN (8.4) 195 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
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12 AM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy Charmed (N) Dynasty (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD Manhunt Manhunt Manhunt Manhunt The Real NCIS The Real NCIS SWAT SWAT World's Most Evil K. World's Most Evil K. Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Corrupt Corrupt F.Files F.Files Court TV (L) Court TV (L) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files The First 48 The First 48 "Last Wish" First 48 "One Heart" Escaping Polygamy Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Ax Men Ax Men Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Building the Brand Dual Survival News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) The Blacklist (N) The Blacklist (N) Dateline NBC (N) News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeopardy! News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) MacGyver (N) Magnum P.I. (N) BlueB. "Bones to Pick" News (N) :35 The Late Show :35 James Corden :35 THall Numb3rs "Chinese Box" Numb3rs CSI "Bone Voyage" CSI "Point of Impact" Star Trek: DS Nine Star Trek: Voyager Enterprise "Divergence" NYPD Blue Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) Almanac (N) Almanac N. W.Week Somewhere South (N) The Day News Amanpour/Com (N) Backstge Off Air News Almanac N. Roadtrip Roadtrip Outside Expedit. Travel Det. America PBS NewsHour (N) W.Week Firing (N) Somewhere South (N) Dishing (N) Dishing (N) Steves' G. Hirsch Ming Cook's TestK G. Hirsch Craft "Nature" Articulate Urban Con. Start Up Greener Garden Start Up Greener Garden 3:00 House/ Senate Yard Making I MinOrigin Dakota L. Concussions/ Female Concussion Diabetes Almanac (N) Threshold Living Almanac News News (N) News (N) ET (N) Shark Tank (N) 20/20 News :35 Jimmy Kimmel Live :35 Nightl. The Mel Robbins Show Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA "Praesidium" NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA "Black Budget" NCIS: LA "SEAL Hunter" NCIS: LA "Leipei" Law:CI "Tomorrow" Fam. Feud News (N) Last Man BigBang WWE SmackDown (L) News (N) Frenzy 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Paul Lynde Coach NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker The Jet Set Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers 4:00 Live PD Live PD /:05 Live PD Live PD (N) Live PD 3:30 <+++ Jumanji <+++ The Departed (2006, Thriller) Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio. <+++ The Perfect Storm (‘00) Mark Wahlberg, George Clooney. Fear Dead Gold Rush Gold Rush Parker (N) Gold Rush AussieGoldHunter (N) Deadliest Catch (N) Gold Rush SportsCenter (N) ESPN Documentaries < To Be Announced SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) In-Depth Polaris WideLife To Be Announced Outdoors WPT Poker RingHonorWrestle (N) 4:30 <++ Iron Man 2 (‘10) Robert Downey Jr.. <++ Transformers: The Last Knight (‘17) Anthony Hopkins, Mark Wahlberg. <+++ Terminator: Genisys (‘15) Arnold Schwarzenegger. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier <++ A Brush With Love (2019, Romance) < With Love, Christmas (‘17) Aaron O'Connell. 4:30 <++ Cold Pursuit Run <+++ War Dogs (‘16) Miles Teller, Jonah Hill. Bill Maher (N) Atlanta:LostChildren Bill Maher Run Westworld Pawn S. "Pawnsplosion" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (N) :05 Pawn Stars (N) :05 Pawn Stars :05 Pawn Stars :05 Pawn Stars Home Town Home Town Dream H. Dream H. DreamHo DreamHo Unsellab Dream H. Dream H. Dream H. DreamHo DreamHo Unsellab Dream H. Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens :35 Queens :05 Queens :35 Queens :05 Queens :35 Queens :05 Queens :35 Queens Queens :35 Queens :05 Queens :35 Queens 3:00 Trackside Live! (L) Return to London (N) Return to London (N) Return to London (N) Return to London (N) Return to London (N) 4:00 <++ Barbershop :55 <+++ The Upside (‘17) Bryan Cranston. <++ Rambo (‘08) Sylvester Stallone. :35 <+++ Traitor (‘08) Guy Pearce, Don Cheadle. BlackMon Homeland 4< Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters <++ Constantine (‘05) Rachel Weisz, Keanu Reeves. Vagrant Queen (N) Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama < Valerian & the City... 4:45 <+++ Some Like It Hot (‘59) Jack Lemmon. < Harold and Lillian: A Hollywood Love Story <++++ Deliverance (‘72) Burt Reynolds. < Creature From the Black Lagoon Movie Four Weddings 90 Day "Family Feuds" 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days (N) 90 Day F 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day F 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Bones Bones <++ Game Night (‘18) Jason Bateman. :15 <++ Identity Thief (‘13) Jason Bateman. :45 <++ The Break Up SVU "Unholiest Alliance" Law & Order: S.V.U. SVU "Chasing Theo" <++++ John Wick (‘14) Keanu Reeves. Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern
Local Channel Key
April 9, 2020 65
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CH CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) NBC-KBJR (6) CBS-KBJR (6.2) MNT-KBJR (6.3) PBS-WDSE (8) PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) PBS-CREATE (8.3) PBS-MN (8.4) ABC-WDIO (10) MeTV-WDIO (10.2) ION-WDIO (10.3) FOX-KQDS (21.1) ANT-KQDS (21.2) AMG-KCWV (27.1) A&E AMC DISC ESPN FSN FX HALL HBO HIST HGTV LIFE NBCSN SHOW SYFY TCM TLC TNT USA
6 3 9 12 193 194 195 13 196 11 41 57 33 34 37 29 78 518 63 66 26 69 578 59 64 38 42 41
9 AM
< Movies
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2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 8 12 PBS-WDSE (8) 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 195 PBS-MN (8.4) 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
12 PM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
Into Wild Old House Animal Invention Paid Paid Black-ish Paid Elementary Elementary <++ Undrafted (‘16) Tyler Hoechlin. Extreme Forensics Extreme Forensics Extreme Forensics FBI: Criminal Pursuit FBI: Criminal Pursuit FBI: Criminal Pursuit FBI: Criminal Pursuit FBI: Criminal Pursuit Top 10 Top 10 Top 10 Top 10 Top 10 Top 10 Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim FBI Files "Death Pact" FBI Files "Broken Trust" FBI "Criminal Enterprise" OJ25 OJ25 FBI "Fateful Crossing" Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Dog Jobs Dog Jobs Storm Chasers Storm Chasers Brojects Brojects Brojects Brojects Yukon Gold Yukon Gold Yukon Gold Earth Od Earth Od Consumer VetsSav. Roots (N) Champion Premier League Premier League NHL Hockey Classics NHL Hockey Classics Mission (N) Pet Vet (N) Hope (N) Furever (N) Outdoors Y. Icons (N) CBS Sports Special PGA Golf The Heritage Site: Harbour Town Golf Links (L) Great American Hero MacGyver "Harry's Will" MacGyver MacGyver Martial Law Martial Law The Pretender The Pretender Nature Cat Wild Kratts Curiosity Quilt Arts F&Porter Nancy Garage Am.Wdshp Painting Artsy History Cook's TestK Gardening Sportsm. Motor. 8:00 The Gene: An Int Risking Light (N) Independent Lens "Bedlam" Stories The Gene Doctors The Gene: An Intimate History Contrary Native (N) Craft "Nature" Articulate Urban Con. Start Up Greener Garden Start Up Greener Gardening MakingI Ask House Cook's Lidia's Kit. Ruby Maxa Japan Speak Race? Urban Youth Poets Latino Arts Almanac Backroads Musicians Jackson Speak Race? Urban Youth Poets Car-toon Ocean (N) Heroes (N) Oh Baby! Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid To Be Announced Paid Paid Maverick "Ghost Rider" Wagon Train The Big Valley Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza Rawhide Wanted Wanted Rifleman Rifleman Law&O: SVU "Sacrifice" SVU "Inheritance" Law&O: SVU "Care" Law&O: SVU "Ridicule" SVU "Monogamy" SVU "Protection" Law&O: SVU "Prodigy" SVU "Counterfeit" Rock Park Rock Park Wild Am. Weekend Marketplace Mother TMZ (N) To Be Announced Ocean M. Ocean M. Outback Invention It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living Sports Animal R. Wondrama Biz Kid$ Dragon Wild Am. Dog Tales Real Life Think Big E. Stanton Traveler My Fitness The Jet Set Tech Show Life MartinC. Zombie House Flipping Zombie House Flipping Ghost "Terror Town" Ghost "Terror Town" Live PD Live PD 8:30 <+++ The Perfect Storm (‘00) George Clooney. 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men 2½ Men <+++ Ocean's Eleven Naked and Afraid Building Off the Grid Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Building Off the Grid SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Water&W. Outdoors Wisconsin Lindner (N) Polaris In-Depth ..Outdoors To Be Announced Spotlight Movie <+++ The Revenant (2015, Drama) Tom Hardy, Domhnall Gleeson, Leonardo DiCaprio. <++ The Mummy (‘17) Sofia Boutella, Tom Cruise. < Transformers: The Last Knight 8< Love and Sunshine <+ Harvest Moon (‘15) Jessy Schram. < The Secret Ingredient (‘20) Erin Cahill. <+ Love to the Rescue (‘19) Nikki Deloach. < Matching Hearts :55 <+++ Eragon John Malkovich. :40 Ice on Fire :25 <+++ X-Men Hugh Jackman. :15 <+++ Yesterday (‘19) Himesh Patel. :15 My Brilliant Friend 8:00 Swamp "Outdoors: Tag Out or Die Trying" The Rise and Fall of El Chapo America's Greatest Prison Breaks Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Flipping Flipping Flipping Flipping Celebrity I.O.U. Love It or List It Love It or List It Love/List "Elbow Room" Love It or List It Love It or List It Paid Dance It Married at First Sight <++ The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel < Sinister Minister (‘17) Nikki Howard. <+ Killer Contractor (‘19) Alyshia Ochse. EPL Classic EPL Classic EPL Classic EPL Classic EPL Classic Triathlon Ironman Mecum10 Mecum10 Mecum10 Mecum10 Trackside Live! (L) Billions Billions "YumTime" Billions "Short Squeeze" Billions "The Good Life" Billions "The Deal" Billions "The Punch" Billions Billions Futurama <+++ Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (‘17) Dane DeHaan. < Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief <+++ Star Trek Beyond (‘16) Chris Pine. Movie Movie <+++ Sergeant York (‘41) Walter Brennan, Gary Cooper. <+++ Safety Last Harold Lloyd. <+++ They Live by Night :45 TCM Film Festival Movie Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé NCIS:NO "Empathy" <++ Life as We Know It (‘10) Josh Duhamel, Katherine Heigl. <++ The Break Up (‘06) Vince Vaughn. <++ Identity Thief (‘13) Melissa McCarthy, Jason Bateman. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. <++ The Hitman's Bodyguard (‘17) Ryan Reynolds. <++++ John Wick: Chapter 2
5 PM
< Movies
8 PM
9 PM
Sheriffs: BobBrg American Ninja War. <+++ Arlington Road (‘99) Jeff Bridges. Seinfeld Family Guy BobBrg Black-ish Cops Cops Cops Cops Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Cold Case Files BizzMurd BizzMurd BizzMurd BizzMurd Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Grace Fire Grace Fire Killer Killer Killer Killer F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt F.Files F.Files FBI "Deadly Influence" F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files OJ25 "A Plaintive Wail" OJ25 <+ A Daughter's Revenge (‘18) Jessica Sipos. <++ Evidence of Truth (‘16) Andrea Roth. Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Building the Brand Building the Brand Building the Brand Building the Brand Appalachian Outlaws Time Life News (N) News (N) Wheel Dateline NBC (N) Saturday Night Live News (N) Saturday Night Live Schwebel 1st Look Jeopardy! News (N) News (N) Wisconsin MacGyver Magnum P.I. 48 Hours (N) News (N) :35 Ins. Ed. :05 Interve. "Darick" :05 Interve. "Amber" Renegade "Liar's Poker" Black Sheep Squadron Tour of Duty Combat "A Day in June" Rat Patrol Rat Patrol Twelve O'Clock High Hill St Blue "Das Blues" Hill Street Blues Old House Ask House Lawrence Welk Show 800 Words Doc Martin FDrake "Healing Hands" Austin City Limits Song of the Mountains Lowertown Lost River Almanac N. Kitchen Old House House (N) History Detectives News. (N) Firing Line Soundbreaking 800 Words Nature To Be Announced Steves' G. Hirsch ProjectFire Mexican A Few Good Pie Places Paint Paint Ruby Maxa Japan Meals Ciao Italia Ciao Italia Cooking Cooking Good Food Latino Arts Almanac Backroads Musicians Jackson Speak Race? Urban Youth Poets Latino Arts Report (N) Farm Fresh News (N) Paid News (N) Northland Shark Tank American Idol "This Is Me Part 1" News (N) :35 Wipeout :35 Madam Secretary :35 ET :40 Stooge Stooge :40 Stooge <++ Dracula's Daughter (‘36) Gloria Holden. Stooge Star Trek Buck Rogers The Invaders Lost in Space SVU "Execution" Law&O: SVU "Popular" SVU "Surveillance" Law&O: SVU "Guilt" Law&O: SVU "Justice" Law&O: SVU "Greed" Law&O: SVU "Denial" SVU "Competence" Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud 9-1-1 Hell "Southern Kitchen" News (N) Last Man Shazam "Santa Jamie" Modern Homeown. TMZ It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living It's Living Paul Lynde Lotsa Luck BurnsAllen BurnsAllen Celeb Page Mantrack Forensic Factor Forensic Factor <++ Walker Payne (‘07) Jason Patric. < Accidents Happen (‘09) Geena Davis. <+ The Other Man 4:00 Live PD Live PD /:05 Live PD Live PD (N) Live PD 3:30 < Ocean's Eleven <++ Ocean's Twelve (‘04) Catherine Zeta-Jones, Brad Pitt, George Clooney. Line of "No Criminal" :20 <++ Under Siege (‘92) Tommy Lee Jones, Steven Seagal. :50 Line of Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Expedition Unknown (N) Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown To Be Announced ESPN Documentaries ESPN Documentaries SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Generations of Victory Polaris To Be Announced Nick's Ride AMA Arenacross Polaris To Be Announced 3:30 <++ Transformers: The Last Knight Better Shadows Baskets Baskets <++ Kingsman: The Golden Circle (‘17) Channing Tatum, Taron Egerton. Breeders 4< Matching Hearts < Fashionably Yours (‘20) Kat. Graham. < Nature of Love (‘20) Emillie Ullerup. (P) < Royally Ever After (‘18, Rom) Torrance Coombs. <+ My One and Only 4:15 Brillint :25 <+++ Good Boys :35 Westworld :35 Westworld :35 <++ It Chapter Two (‘19) Jessica Chastain. <++ Stuber (‘19) Dave Bautista. Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (N) :05 The UnXplained (N) :05 Ancient Aliens :05 Ancient Aliens :05 The UnXplained Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It NateandJeremiah (N) NateandJeremiah:Save Love It or List It NateandJeremiah:Save < Black Hearted Killer (2020, Thriller) < Tempted By Danger Keshia Knight Pulliam. (P) :05 < My Nightmare Landlord Caroline Harris. < Tempted By Danger Keshia Knight Pulliam. 3:00 Trackside Live! (L) Together at Home (L) Return to London (N) Return to London (N) Return "Women's Soccer Final USA vs. Japan" (N) Billions "Quality of Life" Billions Billions <++ Charlie Says (‘18) Hannah Murray. VICE BlackMon Homeland <++ Charlie Says Movie <++ Pitch Black (‘00) Cole Hauser, Radha Mitchell, Vin Diesel. <++ Doctor Strange (‘16) Benedict Cumberbatch. Futurama Futurama TZGZ Futurama Futurama 4:45 <++++ Network (‘76) Ned Beatty. <++++ Casablanca (‘42) Humphrey Bogart. < The Magnificent Ambersons :45 <+++ Night and the City Richard Widmark. TCM Film Yes Dress Yes Dress Say Yes to the Dress Yes Dress To Be Announced Say Yes to the Dress The Family Chantel Yes Dress To Be Announced <++ Game Night (‘18) Jason Bateman. <+++ We're the Millers (‘13) Jason Sudeikis. <++ 50 First Dates (‘04) Adam Sandler. <++ What Women Want 3< John Wick: Chapt... <++++ John Wick (‘14) Keanu Reeves. <++++ John Wick: Chapter 2 (‘17) Common, Keanu Reeves. <++ The Hitman's Bodyguard (‘17) Ryan Reynolds.
66 April 9, 2020
6 3 9 8 101 102 104 13 113 16 2 105 25 62 24 34 48 37 59 301 26 27 29 170 351 46 73 23 30 43
9 AM
CH CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) NBC-KBJR (6) CBS-KBJR (6.2) MNT-KBJR (6.3) PBS-WDSE (8) PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) PBS-CREATE (8.3) PBS-MN (8.4) ABC-WDIO (10) MeTV-WDIO (10.2) ION-WDIO (10.3) FOX-KQDS (21.1) ANT-KQDS (21.2) AMG-KCWV (27.1) A&E AMC DISC ESPN FSN FX HALL HBO HIST HGTV LIFE NBCSN SHOW SYFY TCM TLC TNT USA
6 3 9 12 193 194 195 13 196 11 41 57 33 34 37 29 78 518 63 66 26 69 578 59 64 38 42 41
< Movies
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2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 8 12 PBS-WDSE (8) 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 195 PBS-MN (8.4) 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
12 PM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
Mass P. Stone Pastor's Grillin' ChasinSun Good Hope Church Music (N) Made (N) Hollywd. Sheriffs: <+++ Margot at the Wedding Nicole Kidman. Sheriffs: Animal R. Animal R. Dog Tales Dog Tales Dog Tales Dog Tales Secrets of the Morgue Secrets of the Morgue Secrets of the Morgue Secrets of the Morgue Southern Fried 3rd Rock 3rd Rock 3rd Rock 3rd Rock NightCourt <++ A Very Brady Sequel (‘96) Shelley Long. <++ A Night at the Roxbury (‘98) Will Ferrell. <++ Boomerang Eddie Murphy. FBI "The Killing Zone" FBI "Deadly Takeover" FBI "The Perfect Heist" The FBI Files Killer Killer Killer Killer Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Crime Watch Daily OJ25 "A Plaintive Wail" OJ25 American Greed: Scam 13 Seconds: The Kent State Shootings 13 Seconds: The Kent State Shootings Dogfights Dogfights Dogfights Appalachian Outlaws Appalachian Outlaws Boogeymen Boogeymen Boogeymen PaintGiraf Mainstreet Living River POutdoor Immortals Short List Supercross NHL Hockey Classics NHL Hockey Classics 8Morning Face the Nation Homes Entertainers PBR Bull Riding PGA Tour "Tiger Tales" PGA Golf The Heritage Site: Harbour Town Golf Links (L) WalkWild Uncaged Christian Worship Hour Batman Batman Wonder Woman Queen of Jungle "Prey" Relic Hunter BeastMaster "Valhalla" Mutant X Nature Cat Old House Here/Now Almanac N. Making I Native TBA American Masters "Itzhak" Doc Martin FDrake "Healing Hands" 800 Words 8:00 America ReFramed Lines Lines Articulate Utah Kitchen Start Up Contrary Firing Line Open Mind Earth G 3000 On Story America ReFramed Trails to Oi Gardening Garden Garden Craft "Nature" Articulate Urban Con. Start Up Greener Garden Start Up Greener Garden 100 Days Ming State Fair Traditions Affordable Housing Almanac Classics Report Farm Fresh Minnesota Jing.Dr. Iron Curtain-Romania State Fair Traditions Affordable Housing At Issue Mass R. Park (N) Oh Baby! Outdoor Outdoors <+++ March of the Penguins Paid TBA To Be Announced Flintstones Flintstones Flintstones Flintstones BradyB. BradyB. BradyB. BradyB. Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Monkees Monkees NCIS: LA "Traitor" NCIS: LA "Reign Fall" NCIS: LA "Humbug" NCIS: LA "Spiral" NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA "Black Wind" NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Market Market Market Market Market Market Homeown. Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Homeown. BackKotter BackKotter 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Sports (N) Animal R. Wondrama Biz Kid$ Nashville Music (N) E. Stanton MartinC. Magic Magic Mantrack 50Plus The Jet Set Tech Show Life Celeb Page 8Hoarders Hoarders "Judy/ Jerry" <+++ The Mummy (‘99, Adv) Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Brendan Fraser. <++ The Mummy Returns (‘01) Rachel Weisz, Brendan Fraser. Movie 8:00 <++ Troy (‘04, Act) Orlando Bloom, Eric Bana, Brad Pitt. <+++ Ocean's Eleven (‘01) Brad Pitt, George Clooney. <++ Ocean's Twelve (‘04) Catherine Zeta-Jones, Brad Pitt, George Clooney. Homestead Rescue Building Off the Grid Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) To Be Announced To Be Announced Outdoors Nick's Ride Backroads Outdoors Polaris (N) Water&W. DO BBall To Be Announced Polaris 8:30 < Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit <++ The Mummy (‘17) Sofia Boutella, Tom Cruise. <+++ Kingsman: The Secret Service (‘14) Colin Firth, Taron Egerton. < Kingsman: The Gol... <++ Winter Castle (2019, Romance) <+ The Sweetest Heart (‘18) Julie Gonzalo. < Fashionably Yours (‘20) Kat. Graham. < A Valentine's Match (‘20) Bethany Joy Lenz. :15 <++++ Bohemian Rhapsody (‘18) Rami Malek. <++ The Sun Is Also a Star :10 Bill Maher :10 <++ Hellboy (‘19) David Harbour. :15 Plot Against 8:00 Counting "Drive: The King and the Count" (N) American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pickers "Pedal Pushers" American Pickers American Pickers Property Brothers: F Property Brothers: F Property Brothers: F Home Town Home Town Home Town Home Town Home Town <++ Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal <+ Psycho Prom Queen (2018, Thriller) < Remember Me, Mommy? (‘20) Natalie Brown. < Dying to Be You (‘20) Natalie Dreyfuss. Match of the Week Match of the Week WR Rugby Vancouver Sevens Trackside Live! (L) Movie :40 <+ Kobe Bryant's Muse :05 <++ Charlie's Angels :45 <++ Peppermint (‘18) Jennifer Garner. <+++ Clear and Present Danger (‘94) Harrison Ford. 8:30 <+++ Star Trek Beyond (‘16) Chris Pine. :05 <++ Pitch Black (‘00) Cole Hauser, Vin Diesel. <++ After Earth (‘13) Jaden Smith, Will Smith. <++ Doctor Strange <+++ Lawrence of Arabia (‘62) Peter O'Toole. An Englishman unites Arab tribes during the war. <+++ Red Headed Woman <++++ Auntie Mame (‘58) Forrest Tucker, Rosalind Russell. Say Yes to the Dress Yes Dress TBA Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper 90 Day Fiancé NCIS:NO "Mind Games" <++ 50 First Dates (‘04) Adam Sandler. <++ Semi-Pro (‘08) Will Ferrell. <+++ The Longest Yard (‘05) Chris Rock, Adam Sandler. Movie SVU "Dominance" Law&O: SVU "Escape" Law&O: SVU "Blast" Law&O: SVU "Clock" Law&O: SVU "Avatar" SVU "Authority" Law&O: SVU "Stranger" SVU "Missing Pieces"
5 PM
< Movies
8 PM
9 PM
Sheriffs: Family Guy American Ninja War. Batwoman (N) Supergirl (N) Seinfeld Goldberg Goldberg Listen "Family Secrets" Listener "Zero Recall" Hollywood Southern Fried Southern Fried Southern Fried Fatal Encounters Fatal Encounters Fatal Encounters To Be Announced 3:30 <++ Boomerang '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Grace Fire Grace Fire Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt OJ25 OJ25 DeepUnder DeepUnder Affair Affair DeepUnder DeepUnder Affair Affair F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files First 48 "10 Pounds" First 48 "Caught Up" The First 48 Crime Stories FBI "A Family Torn" Crime Watch Daily MysteryQuest MysteryQuest MysteryQuest Building the Brand Building the Brand Building the Brand To Be Announced River News (N) BigShot "Be Mighty" (N) The Wall (N) Zoey's (N) Good Girls (N) News (N) Minnesota :05 Dateline :05 Meet the Press Paid Program 60 Minutes God Friended Me (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) NCIS: New Orleans (N) News (N) Mantrack :05 Sp. Net :35 Sp. Net :05 Sp. Net A.Athlete Highlander: The Series War World "Epiphany" Star Trek ST:TNG "Ensign Ro" Star Trek: DS Nine Voyager "Child's Play" Christian Worship Hour The Dead Zone Legislative Report Last Tango in Halifax Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic (N) Masterp. "Baptiste" (N) Great Performances at the Met "Carmen" Off Air 4:00 America ReFramed 800 Words Nature News. (N) W.Week Risking Light Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic (N) Masterp. "Baptiste" (N) Cook's Lidia's Kit. 100 Days Belton A Few Great Bakeries MakingI Gardening Rick Steves' Europe My Greek Chow Chow Yan/Cook Yan/Cook Jazzy Veg. Almanac Classics Report Labrador Bound By Why Cult Elbowoods Farm Growing Iraq and Back Almanac Classics (N) Yard Off 90 News (N) Angling Funniest Home Videos American Idol "This Is Me Part 2" (N) Rookie "Follow-Up Day" News (N) Outdoors :05 Wipeout :05 NCIS: New Orleans The Love Boat M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Columbo "Publish or Perish" Collect (N) Flintstones Honeym Van Dyke Van Dyke Twilight Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock NCIS: LA "Savoir Faire" NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Chicago P.D. Chicago "Now I'm God" Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. "Hit Me" TMZ (N) Simpsons BobBrg Simpsons Duncan (N) BobBrg (N) Fam.Guy Fox 21 Local News (N) Last Man 2 Broke G. 2 Broke G. Mike&M. Modern Mom Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings 1/2 Wings 2/12 Wings 1/2 Wings 2/2 Wings Wings Wings Wings Wings Forensic Factor < Labor Day (‘13, Dra) Josh Brolin, Clark Gregg, Kate Winslet. <++ Mommie Dearest (‘81) Rutanya Alda, Faye Dunaway. < American Bandits: Frank and Jesse James Movie 4:30 < To Be Announced <++++ Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (‘16) Tom Cruise. <++ The Mummy Returns (‘01) Rachel Weisz, Brendan Fraser. <++ Ocean's Thirteen (‘07, Com) Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, George Clooney. Killing Eve (N) Killing Eve <++ Ocean's Thirteen (‘07, Com) Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, George Clooney. Naked/Afraid 1/2 (N) Naked/Afraid 2/2 (N) Naked and Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid (N) Building Off the Grid Naked and Afraid Baseball Tonight To Be Announced The Last Dance (N) The Last Dance (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter Cliff Diving Crankwor Focus. (N) WPT Poker WPT Poker AMA Arenacross Generations of Victory WPT Poker To Be Announced 4:00 <++ Kingsman: The Golden Circle <++ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (‘17) Dwayne Johnson. <++ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (‘17) Dwayne Johnson. < Jack Ryan: Shadow... When Calls Heart (N) When Hope Calls (N) G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier < Nature of Love (‘20) Emillie Ullerup. :20 <++ Stuber (‘19) Dave Bautista. Lost Children (N) Westworld (N) Insecure Run (N) Last Wk (N) Westworld Run Insecure Last Week American Pickers American Pickers Marijuana: A Chronic History :05 The Marijuana Revolution :05 Marijuana: A Chronic History Home Town Home Town Celebrity I.O.U. House (N) House Bargain (N) Bargain (N) Life (N) Life (N) House House Bargain Bargain < Tempted By Danger Keshia Knight Pulliam. < Killer Prom (2020, Thriller) :05 <+ Homekilling Queen (‘19) Ashley Jones. < Killer Prom (2020, Thriller) 3:00 Trackside Live! (L) NFL Football Classics Seattle vs New England <+++ Tokyo Olympiad (1965, Documentary) First (N) VICE BlackMon Homeland VICE (N) VICE Homeland (N) < The Longest War (‘20, Doc) (P) Homeland VICE Homeland 3:30 < Doctor Strange <+++ Iron Man (‘08) Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr.. :45 <+++ Iron Man (‘08) Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr.. Futurama Futurama Futurama <++++ Singin' in the Rain (‘52) Gene Kelly. < Floyd Norman: An Animated Life :45 <+++ The Hustler (‘61) Jackie Gleason, Paul Newman. :15 <+++ Baby Face Movie 4:00 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé "Should've Known Better" (N) 90 Day Fiancé (N) Dragnificent! (P) (N) 90 Day Fiancé "Should've Known Better" 4:30 <+++ Kong: Skull Island Tom Hiddleston. <++ Ant-Man (‘15) Michael Douglas, Paul Rudd. <+++ The Longest Yard (‘05) Chris Rock, Adam Sandler. <++ Semi-Pro Law & Order: S.V.U. Law&O: SVU "Mood" Law&Order: SVU "911" Law & Order: S.V.U. SVU "Remember Me" Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Chrisley
April 9, 2020 67
6 3 9 8 101 102 104 13 113 16 2 105 25 62 24 34 48 37 59 301 26 27 29 170 351 46 73 23 30 43
CH CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) NBC-KBJR (6) CBS-KBJR (6.2) MNT-KBJR (6.3) PBS-WDSE (8) PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) PBS-CREATE (8.3) PBS-MN (8.4) ABC-WDIO (10) MeTV-WDIO (10.2) ION-WDIO (10.3) FOX-KQDS (21.1) ANT-KQDS (21.2) AMG-KCWV (27.1) A&E AMC DISC ESPN FSN FX HALL HBO HIST HGTV LIFE NBCSN SHOW SYFY TCM TLC TNT USA
6 3 9 12 193 194 195 13 196 11 41 57 33 34 37 29 78 518 63 66 26 69 578 59 64 38 42 41
5 PM
< Movies
6 PM
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7 PM
2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 8 12 PBS-WDSE (8) 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 195 PBS-MN (8.4) 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
8 PM
9 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy Whose (N) Whose Roswell New Mex. (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD I,Detective I,Detective I,Detective I,Detective FBI: Criminal Pursuit FBI: Criminal Pursuit Southern Fried Southern Fried Dog B.H. Dog B.H. The Investigators Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Corrupt Corrupt F.Files F.Files Court TV (L) Court TV (L) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files The First 48 First 48 "Twist of Fate" The First 48 OJ25 "A Plaintive Wail" Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Ax Men Ax Men Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Auction Auction Most Daring News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) The Voice Songland News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeop. (N) News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) Nbhood Bob Hearts All Rise Bull "Imminent Danger" News (N) :35 The Late Show :35 James Corden :35 THall Nash Bridge "Payback" Nash Bridges Law&O: SVU "Greed" Law&O: SVU "Justice" DS9 "Business as Usual" Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Enterprise NYPD Blue Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow (N) Antiques Roadshow Independent Lens (N) The Day Group (N) Amanpour/Com (N) Last Tango in Halifax News News Report (N) Almanac Legislative Report (N) Firing Line Group (N) PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow (N) Antiques Roadshow Independent Lens (N) Steves' G. Hirsch Ming Cook's TestK G. Hirsch Articulate Urban Con. Family See Can Steves' Paint G. Hirsch TestK Ming Cook's 3:00 House/ Senate Yard Off 90 MinOrigin Dakota L. Your Legislators Native Native War&Hope Forgive. Bill Holm Photog Wisconsin P.Mosaic :35 Jimmy Kimmel Live :35 Nightl. The Mel Robbins Show News (N) News (N) News (N) ET (N) The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart "Week" (N) Baker "Ruin My Life" (N) News (N) Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock Criminal Minds Crim. Minds "Parasite" C.Minds "Public Enemy" C.Minds "Mosley Lane" C.Minds "Solitary Man" Crim. Minds "The Fight" Criminal Minds Law & O: CI "See Me" Feud (N) News (N) Last Man BigBang 9-1-1 "Eddie Begins" (N) Prodigal Son (N) Fox 21 Local News (N) 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Coach Coach NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker 50Plus Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers Biography "Kenny Rogers: A Gambler's Tale" Biography "Jeff Dunham: Talking Heads" Biography Biography "Chris Farley: Anything for a Laugh" Biography <++ U.S. Marshals (‘98) Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes. Better Call Saul (N) :25 Dispatches Else (N) Call Saul "Something Unforgivable" :55 Dispatches Else OutlawsMemphis MemphisThrottle (N) OutlawsMemphis (N) Driven (N) Fast N' Loud (N) Fast N' Loud OutlawsMemphis Driven SportsCenter (N) To Be Announced SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Polaris Outdoors To Be Announced WPT Poker Outdoors To Be Announced 4< Independence Day: Resurgence <+++ Jurassic World (‘15) Bryce Dallas Howard, Chris Pratt. Breeders Better Breeders <++ Baywatch (‘17) Zac Efron, Dwayne Johnson. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier <+ Valentine in the Vineyard <++ Bottled With Love (‘19) Bethany Joy Lenz. G. Girls 4:50 Westworld :55 <+++ Slumdog Millionaire (‘08) Dev Patel. Plot Against (N) :15 Brilliant Friend (N) :15 The Plot Against America My Brilliant Friend Westworld American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers (N) :05 Pawn Stars (N) :05 Pawn Stars :05 American Pickers :05 Pawn Stars Home Town Home Town Celebrity I.O.U. Celebrity I.O.U. (N) HomeTownSecret (N) Home Town Celebrity I.O.U. HomeTownLittleSecret The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 :05 First 48: My First :05 First 48 "Night Run" :05 The First 48 The First 48 :05 First 48: My First 4:00 Happy Hour Return to Beijing (N) Return Beijing "Michael Phelps" (N) Return to Beijing (N) Beijing "Men's Volleyball Final: USA vs. Brazil" (N) Return to Beijing 4:45 <++ Barbershop Ice Cube. VICE Homeland <++ Semper Fi Leighton Meester. :45 Homeland :45 < The Longest War (‘20, Doc) :15 VICE Movie Movie :35 < To Be Announced <++ Point Break (‘15) Édgar Ramírez, Luke Bracey. :25 Futur. :55 Futur. :25 Futur. :55 Futur. :25 Futur. 4:30 <+++ Now, Voyager MGM Par. <+++ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes <++ Gentlemen Marry Brunettes Jane Russell. <+++ The French Line (‘54) Jane Russell. 90 Day Fiancé "Should've Known Better" 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé Dragnificent! 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé 4:30 <++ Hellboy II: The Golden Army <++ The Dark Knight Rises (2012, Action) Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway. <+++ Shooter (‘07) Michael Peña, Mark Wahlberg. Chicago "The Silos" Chicago P.D. WWE Raw (L) Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern
5 PM
< Movies
8 PM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy HarryMeghanRebellion (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD The New Detectives The New Detectives Traces of Evil Traces of Evil Killer Kids Killer Kids Dog B.H. Dog B.H. The Investigators Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Corrupt Corrupt F.Files F.Files Court TV (L) Court TV (L) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Escaping Polygamy Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Ax Men Ax Men Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Auction Auction Most Daring News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) Chicago Med Chicago Fire Chicago P.D. News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeop. (N) News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) Survivor (N) SEAL Team (N) S.W.A.T. "Rocket Fuel" News (N) :35 The Late Show :35 James Corden :35 THall JAG "Corporate Raiders" JAG "Retrial" Dateline "The Target" Dateline "Dark Valley" Star Trek: DS Nine Star Trek: Voy. "Muse" Enterprise "Demons" NYPD Blue Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) Climate Change (N) H20 "Flow" (P) (N) Nova "Killer Floods" The Day News Amanpour/Com (N) Doc Martin News News FDrake "Healing Hands" Doc Martin 800 Words PBS NewsHour (N) Climate Change (N) H20 "Flow" (P) (N) Nova "Killer Floods" Steves' G. Hirsch QuikEasy Cook's Lidia's Kit. G. Hirsch Garden Start Up Burt Wolf Places Steves' Paint G. Hirsch Lidia's Kit. QuikEasy Cook's 3:00 House/ Senate Yard Postcards Almanac Dakota L. People of the Big Lake Great Generation Sh. Homesteading Alamanac Alamanac Sportsman Ground :35 Jimmy Kimmel Live :35 Nightl. The Mel Robbins Show News (N) News (N) News (N) ET (N) Goldberg Schooled Am.Wife Single (N) Be a Millionaire? (N) News (N) Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock Blue Blood "In and Out" Blue Blood "Lost Souls" BlueB. "Hard Bargain" Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods "Love Lost" Blue Bloods Law & O: CI "Gemini" Feud (N) News (N) Last Man BigBang The Masked Singer (N) Last Man Last Man Fox 21 Local News (N) 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Coach Coach NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker Nashville Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers Ghost "Terror Town" Ghost "Terror Town" Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters (N) Celebrity Ghost (N) :05 Ghost Hunters :05 Ghost Hunters :05 Ghost Hunters 2< The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the ... <+++ Top Gun (‘86) Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Tom Cruise. <+++ The Perfect Storm (‘00) Mark Wahlberg, George Clooney. Killing Eve Serengeti Serengeti Great Global Clean Up CrocRescue (N) Legends of the Wild (N) Serengeti Great Global Clean Up Operation Croc Rescue SportsCenter (N) To Be Announced SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) WPT Poker To Be Announced Pursuit (N) DO BBall DO BBall To Be Announced 2:30 <+++ Avatar Shadows Shadows Shadows <+++ Deepwater Horizon Mark Wahlberg. <++ The Fate of the Furious (‘17) Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier <+ Puppy Love (2012, Family) Victor Webster, < Nature of Love (‘20) Emillie Ullerup. 3:45 <+++ Die Hard Westworld Westworld Run Insecure Plot Against America :15 < Slumdog Milli... <+++ The Nice Guys (‘16) Ryan Gosling. Forged "The Haladie" Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (N) Forged in Fire (N) :05 EtHstry :35 EtHstry :05 Forged in Fire :05 Forged in Fire :05 EtHstry :35 EtHstry Property "Fit to Reno" Property "Color Clash" Property Brothers (N) Property Brother (N) H.Hunt (N) House (N) H.Hunt House Property Brothers: F H.Hunt House Queens Queens Queens Queens Married at First Sight "Season 10 Reunion" (N) :05 Bride (N) :05 Big Fat Wedding (N) Married at First Sight "Season 10 Reunion" 4:00 Happy Hour Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Barcelona 1992 Summer Olympics London 2012 Summer Olympics Sydney 2000 4< Good Will Hunting :15 <++ Sleepless in Seattle (‘93) Tom Hanks. <++++ The American President <+++ Clear and Present Danger (‘94) Harrison Ford. Movie Movie <+++ Edge of Tomorrow (‘14) Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise. <+++ Mad Max: Fury Road (‘15) Tom Hardy. <+++ Dante's Peak (‘97) Pierce Brosnan. Movie Movie <+++ The Yellow Cab Man <+++ An Inconvenient Truth (‘06) Al Gore. <+++ Koyaanisqatsi (‘83, Doc) :45 PlowBrokePlains The River :15 < The Sea Aroun... My 600-lb Life "Leneatha's Story" My 600-lb Life "David/ Benji and Erica" (N) My 600-lb Life "Alicia's Story" My 600-lb Life "David/ Benji and Erica" All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) <++ Non-Stop (‘14) Liam Neeson. <++ The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (‘14) Martin Freeman. < The Huntsman: Wi... NCIS NCIS "Bulletproof" WWE NXT (L) :05 SVU "Next Chapter" :05 Law & Order: S.V.U. :05 Modern :35 Modern :05 Modern :35 Modern
68 April 9, 2020
6 3 9 8 101 102 104 13 113 16 2 105 25 62 24 34 48 37 59 301 26 27 29 170 351 46 73 23 30 43
5 PM
CH CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) NBC-KBJR (6) CBS-KBJR (6.2) MNT-KBJR (6.3) PBS-WDSE (8) PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) PBS-CREATE (8.3) PBS-MN (8.4) ABC-WDIO (10) MeTV-WDIO (10.2) ION-WDIO (10.3) FOX-KQDS (21.1) ANT-KQDS (21.2) AMG-KCWV (27.1) A&E AMC DISC ESPN FSN FX HALL HBO HIST HGTV LIFE NBCSN SHOW SYFY TCM TLC TNT USA
6 3 9 12 193 194 195 13 196 11 41 57 33 34 37 29 78 518 63 66 26 69 578 59 64 38 42 41
< Movies
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2 CW-KDLH (3) Justice-KDLH (3.2) Laff-KDLH (3.3) Court-KDLH (3.4) Escape-KDLH (3.5) Quest-KDLH (3.6) 6 6 NBC-KBJR (6) 3 3 CBS-KBJR (6.2) 9 9 MNT-KBJR (6.3) 8 12 PBS-WDSE (8) 101 PBS-EXPLORE (8.2) 193 102 PBS-CREATE (8.3) 194 104 195 PBS-MN (8.4) 13 ABC-WDIO (10) 13 113 MeTV-WDIO (10.2) 196 16 ION-WDIO (10.3) 2 FOX-KQDS (21.1) 11 105 ANT-KQDS (21.2) - AMG-KCWV (27.1) 25 41 A&E 62 57 AMC 24 33 DISC 34 34 ESPN 48 37 FSN 37 29 FX 59 78 HALL 301 518 HBO 26 63 HIST 27 66 HGTV 29 26 LIFE 170 69 NBCSN 351 578 SHOW 46 59 SYFY 73 64 TCM 23 38 TLC 30 42 TNT 43 41 USA 4
8 PM
9 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy HarryMeghanRebellion (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD The New Detectives The New Detectives Traces of Evil Traces of Evil Killer Kids Killer Kids Dog B.H. Dog B.H. The Investigators Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Corrupt Corrupt F.Files F.Files Court TV (L) Court TV (L) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Escaping Polygamy Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Ax Men Ax Men Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Auction Auction Most Daring News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) Chicago Med Chicago Fire Chicago P.D. News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeop. (N) News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) Survivor (N) SEAL Team (N) S.W.A.T. "Rocket Fuel" News (N) :35 The Late Show :35 James Corden :35 THall JAG "Corporate Raiders" JAG "Retrial" Dateline "The Target" Dateline "Dark Valley" Star Trek: DS Nine Star Trek: Voy. "Muse" Enterprise "Demons" NYPD Blue Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) Climate Change (N) H20 "Flow" (P) (N) Nova "Killer Floods" The Day News Amanpour/Com (N) Doc Martin News News FDrake "Healing Hands" Doc Martin 800 Words PBS NewsHour (N) Climate Change (N) H20 "Flow" (P) (N) Nova "Killer Floods" Steves' G. Hirsch QuikEasy Cook's Lidia's Kit. G. Hirsch Garden Start Up Burt Wolf Places Steves' Paint G. Hirsch Lidia's Kit. QuikEasy Cook's 3:00 House/ Senate Yard Postcards Almanac Dakota L. People of the Big Lake Great Generation Sh. Homesteading Alamanac Alamanac Sportsman Ground :35 Jimmy Kimmel Live :35 Nightl. The Mel Robbins Show News (N) News (N) News (N) ET (N) Goldberg Schooled Am.Wife Single (N) Be a Millionaire? (N) News (N) Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock Blue Blood "In and Out" Blue Blood "Lost Souls" BlueB. "Hard Bargain" Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods "Love Lost" Blue Bloods Law & O: CI "Gemini" Feud (N) News (N) Last Man BigBang The Masked Singer (N) Last Man Last Man Fox 21 Local News (N) 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Coach Coach NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker Nashville Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers Ghost "Terror Town" Ghost "Terror Town" Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters (N) Celebrity Ghost (N) :05 Ghost Hunters :05 Ghost Hunters :05 Ghost Hunters 2< The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the ... <+++ Top Gun (‘86) Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Tom Cruise. Killing Eve <+++ The Perfect Storm (‘00) Mark Wahlberg, George Clooney. Serengeti Serengeti Great Global Clean Up CrocRescue (N) Legends of the Wild (N) Serengeti Great Global Clean Up Operation Croc Rescue SportsCenter (N) To Be Announced SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) WPT Poker To Be Announced Pursuit (N) DO BBall DO BBall To Be Announced 2:30 <+++ Avatar Shadows Shadows Shadows <+++ Deepwater Horizon Mark Wahlberg. <++ The Fate of the Furious (‘17) Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel. <+ Puppy Love (2012, Family) Victor Webster, < Nature of Love (‘20) Emillie Ullerup. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier 3:45 <+++ Die Hard Westworld Westworld <+++ The Nice Guys (‘16) Ryan Gosling. Run Insecure Plot Against America :15 < Slumdog Milli... Forged "The Haladie" Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (N) Forged in Fire (N) :05 EtHstry :35 EtHstry :05 Forged in Fire :05 Forged in Fire :05 EtHstry :35 EtHstry Property "Fit to Reno" Property "Color Clash" Property Brothers (N) Property Brother (N) H.Hunt (N) House (N) H.Hunt House Property Brothers: F H.Hunt House Queens Queens Queens Queens Married at First Sight "Season 10 Reunion" (N) :05 Bride (N) :05 Big Fat Wedding (N) Married at First Sight "Season 10 Reunion" 4:00 Happy Hour Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Barcelona 1992 Summer Olympics London 2012 Summer Olympics Sydney 2000 4< Good Will Hunting :15 <++ Sleepless in Seattle (‘93) Tom Hanks. <++++ The American President <+++ Clear and Present Danger (‘94) Harrison Ford. Movie Movie <+++ Edge of Tomorrow (‘14) Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise. <+++ Mad Max: Fury Road (‘15) Tom Hardy. <+++ Dante's Peak (‘97) Pierce Brosnan. Movie Movie <+++ The Yellow Cab Man <+++ An Inconvenient Truth (‘06) Al Gore. <+++ Koyaanisqatsi (‘83, Doc) :45 PlowBrokePlains The River :15 < The Sea Aroun... My 600-lb Life "Leneatha's Story" My 600-lb Life "David/ Benji and Erica" (N) My 600-lb Life "Alicia's Story" My 600-lb Life "David/ Benji and Erica" <++ Non-Stop (‘14) Liam Neeson. All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) <++ The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (‘14) Martin Freeman. < The Huntsman: Wi... NCIS NCIS "Bulletproof" WWE NXT (L) :05 SVU "Next Chapter" :05 Law & Order: S.V.U. :05 Modern :35 Modern :05 Modern :35 Modern
5 PM
< Movies
8 PM
BobBrg BobBrg Family Guy Family Guy Katy Keene In the Dark Seinfeld Seinfeld Black-ish Black-ish Goldberg Goldberg Live PD Live PD Evil Up Close Evil Up Close Nurses Who Kill Nurses Who Kill The Last 24 The Last 24 Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Accord.Jim Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Accord.Jim Accord.Jim '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show OJ25 OJ25 Court TV (L) Court TV (L) F.Files F.Files OJ25 OJ25 Hunting JonBenét's Killer: The Untold Story Escaping Polygamy Crime Watch Daily Crime Watch Daily Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Ax Men Ax Men Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Auction Auction Most Daring News (N) News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) Superstore W&Grace WGrace (F) Indebted Law & Order: S.V.U. News (N) :35 The Tonight Show :35 Seth Meyers :35 A Little Jeopardy! News (N) News (N) InsEd. (N) Sheldon ManPlan Mom Broke (N) Tommy News (N) :35 The Late Show :35 James Corden :35 THall Monk Monk Law & Order: C.I. Law & O: CI "Albatross" Star Trek: DS Nine Star Trek: Voy. "Fury" ST: Ent. "Terra Prime" NYPD Blue "Porn Free" Jet Go! Peg + Cat PBS NewsHour (N) Garden (N) Drawn to Making I Native (N) TBA Canvasing The Day News Amanpour/Com (N) 800 Words News News Food Healthy Bolder Airpower Fishing Be. AutoLine PBS NewsHour (N) Old House Hour (N) FDrake "Healing Hands" Antiques Roadshow Steves' G. Hirsch ProjectFire Mexican Martha G. Hirsch Greener Garden Americas Travel Steves' Paint G. Hirsch Martha ProjectFire Mexican 3:00 House/ Senate Sportsman Ground MinOrigin Corner Ms.Scien Climate Home Perf. Energy Sol. Farm Wheat Fierce Fires Floods Yard Making I News (N) News (N) News (N) ET (N) NFL Draft "Round 1" -- Las Vegas, Nev. (L) News (N) :05 Jimmy Kimmel Live :05 Nightl. MRobbins Flintstones Flintstones M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith A. Griffith Gom. Pyle Gr. Acres HoganHero HoganHero C. Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Hitchcock Hitchcock Chicago "She's Got Us" Chicago "Start Digging" Chicago "The Silos" Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago "A War Zone" Law:CI "Sound Bodies" Feud (N) News (N) Last Man BigBang Last Man Last Man Samurai "Week Four" Fox 21 Local News (N) 2 Broke G. :35 BBang Last Man :35 Modern :05 Mom :35 Mother B. Miller B. Miller Bunker's Bunker's Alice Alice 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Johnny Carson Coach 1/2 Coach 2/2 NewsRadio NewsRadio Becker Becker My Fitness Celeb Page F.Files F.Files Pawn Stars Jokers Leverage Intervention Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cheaters Cheaters Jokers Jokers The First 48 "M.I.A." First 48 "The Visitor" The First 48 (N) Live PD: Wanted (N) 60 Days In (N) :05 Accused: Guilty or :05 The First 48 :05 Live PD: Wanted 4:30 <+++ Top Gun (‘86) Tom Cruise. <+++ Gladiator (2000, Epic) Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Russell Crowe. <+++ Blade (‘98) Stephen Dorff, Wesley Snipes. Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Naked and Afraid (N) GlobalInvestigator (N) Moonshiners Moonshiners Naked and Afraid GlobalInvestigator 4:00 GameDay (L) NFL Draft Count (L) NFL Draft "Round 1" (L) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) 4:00 PBA Bowling Outdoor To Be Announced Outdoors Backroads To Be Announced 3:30 <++ The Fate of the Furious <++ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (‘17) Dwayne Johnson. Better (N) Breeders Better <++ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (‘17) Dwayne Johnson. < Yes, I Do (‘18) Marcus Rosner, Jen Lilley. <+ Love and Sunshine (‘19) Danica McKellar. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier 4< Quantum of Solace :20 <++ American Pie (‘99) Chris Klein. We're Here (P) (N) Insecure Run We're Here <+++ The Kitchen Movie Pickers "Rat Rod Rolls" American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers :05 American Pickers :05 American Pickers :05 American Pickers :05 American Pickers Home Town Home Town Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flipping Flipping H.Hunt (N) House H.Hunt House Flipping Flipping H.Hunt House Queens Queens Queens Queens Married1stSight "Couples Couch: Reunion" (N) :05 Queens :35 Queens :05 Queens :35 Queens Married at First Sight "Couples Couch: Reunion" 4:00 Happy Hour Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Athens 2004 Olympic Games Rio 2016 Summer Olympics :15 Homeland :15 <++ Why Did I Get Married? Tyler Perry. :15 <++ Barbershop (‘02) Ice Cube. DesMero VICE DesMero <++ Wild Things (‘98) Kevin Bacon. <+++ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (‘07) Daniel Radcliffe. <+++ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (‘09) Daniel Radcliffe. <++ Rings (‘17) Matilda Lutz. 4:45 <++++ Seven Days in May <++++ The Goodbye Girl Richard Dreyfuss. <+++ The Sunshine Boys (‘75) Walter Matthau. <+++ The Prisoner of Second Avenue My 600-lb Life "Jennifer and Marissa's Story" My 600-lb Life "Supersized: Coliesa's Story" Dr. Pimple Popper Feet Kill "ET Fingers" My 600-lb Life "Supersized: Coliesa's Story" 4:00 <++ Get Hard <+++ Central Intelligence Dwayne Johnson. ShaqLife ShaqLife <+++ Central Intelligence Dwayne Johnson. Shaq Life Shaq Life Castle SVU "Flight Risk" To Be Announced NCIS "Dressed to Kill" NCIS NCIS "Crescent City" 1/2 NCIS "Crescent City" 2/2
April 9, 2020 69
Answers on page 55
Employment Job Opportunites Graphic Artist needed soon. Adobe
Creative Suite ,pagination skills a plus. Send resume to: info@readerduluth. com
Needed Immediately Some one
ASAP to work with elderly, nice lady to do some errands, shopping, Doctors appts. etc. No housework. Must be kind and honest. Have to have car, insurnace. Must like pets and be kind to animals. Good pay. Variable hours. 341-9027 LvMessg. Business Opportunity. Photo/picture framing equipment, Fletcher 2100 & 3000 mat/glass cutters, Vacu-Seal programmable press. Extra supplies incl. $7500. value selling for $2500. Can purchase items separately. 218-8301255 Looking for fill in-part time local delivery driver. Drive my cube van earn $150.00 per day. Background check and drug screen required 218-393-3902
70 April 9, 2020
Living Well workshop series is for people with conditions such as chronic pain, diabetes, arthritis or mental health conditions. We are looking for volunteers and professionals to become class leaders to motivate and inspire. Leaders co-lead a 6-week workshop with another certified instructor in a community setting of their choice. Must
lead one workshop per year. Wanted: In search of Talent Manager & mentor to help me rach my potential. I am a comedian & speaker with electric personality. I have potential to impact the world but I need a believer to believe in me. I want to make the dream attainable.Write me: Benjamin Jorgenson, 2 East 2nd st. Duluth, MN 55802 Adults 18 or older and generally healthy wanted for research on the physiological and subjective stress responses of individuals who use marijuana regularly. Compensation provided. U of MN Medical School Duluth Research Study, 218726-8623. President’s Liquor has full & part-time employment openings for stock clerk, cashier, maintenance & office assistant. Apply in-person at the Liquor store. 3824 E. 2nd St. Superior, WI. Ask for Jim Have lots of nest stuff 4 sale. Have Amazon acct. Need someone w/internet sales ability. For info 218-348-2903
“Ever wonder what the world looks like at 5am? Always dreamed of having afternoons off? Amazing Grace is looking for a full time breakfast line cook. The right candidate will be: Reliable and skilled in the arts of time management; Ready to become an indispensable piece of our ever growing team; Able to work fast paced professional kitchen;
Excited about working in a from scratch kitchen in a family owned restaurant; Stop by & pickup an application, we look forward to meeting you.”
DRIVERS WANTED Looking for selfmotivated people that would like part time work transporting people to appointments in your area. Great benefits. Please leave message 612/978-2115 Paperboy looking for help with marketing on internet. 218-348-2903 Housekeepers Wanted Must be available mornings and weekends. Apply in person at the front desk/ Allyndale Motel, 510 North 66 Ave. West and Cody St.
Employment Classifieds Looking for an amazing career and a great place to work? Aerostich is hiring! View our video and all available positions at Arrowhead House Foster Care has part time employment opportunities working with adults with mental illness. Day/ evening & awake overnight positions available. Competitive wages, paid training, paid time off and employee bonuses! Call 218-727-8040, or apply online at
Work Wanted Sharpening Service 29 years exp. Circle saws, planer knives, Zamboni knives, tec. John 218-879-6143 Experienced pet sitter would love to watch them in your home & house sit. References. Call 218-380-3340 Trudy. $0. one dog, $5 each additional Licensed Nurse-Duluth/Superior area. Good driving record. Will assist clients: DRs appts, meds, shopping, lunch, some light housekeeping duties. Avail.
2-3 hrs on weekdays. Reasonable rates Call Lynn 218-348-7393
Experienced personal care assistant/ home health aide looking for jobs. 29 yr old female with reliable vehicle and valid insurance. can run errands, clean, do small projects, drive u places, assist u with things inside and outside of the house, shovel, as well as assist with activities of daily living. 218-481-3388 Educated hair stylist willing to come to your home and do your hair. Very fair rates. Wendy 715-919-0979 Senior will do phone fundraising/surveys. PT, afternoons, downtown Duluth. 218-940-9005 Reliable man to care for elderly in home. Run errands, work in your home. Very diversified, ex-contractor. Call for details 218-409-4725 Feet on the Go! Yes! I will come into your home to give you a pedicure. 218208-7950 Handyman. $13/hr - Call Ryan @ 218428-1626
Anyone looking for a drumset or Bass player? I play both. 612-396-8307 GUITAR LESSONS from Austin, Tx professional new to the Twin Ports! (Also Bass & Vocal) go to new levels! Call 512-565-5000 Guitar lessons available. 16 years experience. All styles, reasonable rates. Contact Aaron at 218-760-1599. Professional violin/fiddle lessons. Credentials: Performance degree U of M Twin Cities, toured nationally as American/Celtic/Nordic/Rock fiddler. Duluth. References. 218-235-3235 Eli Bissonett Free Piano Lessons for Beginners in your home. If you have the desire to learn the basics this is a good start. I will not give lessons to under 18 without others present. Jay 218-213-4687 Lost/Found
Lost - Black I-Phone on Dec. 16. Within 4 blocks of East High School in the snow. $50 reward Text/Call 218-
Rentals__ Large 2 bedroom apartment in
West Duluth. Available Sept. 1st Call 218-940-6237 Condo in Aspenwood 3 bed - 1.5 bath, garage,fully firnished. All utilities inc. Available October 1st. 6-8 month lease. $1,595. 218-390-7291 Newer 2 story side by side duplex in Superior w/att. 2 stall garage. 2bdr w/ full & half ba gas heat & water. $1025/ mo + util. & dep. No pets. Avail. May 1 Call 715-394-2028 Seeking Rental - Whole house or private entrance w/o shared ventilation. Chemically sensitive tenants - Can Afford $800-1000 per month depending on utilities. Asthma triggered by poor indoor air quality. Call or text (218) 260-5091 $350 1 bedroom util. incl. Cloquet. Shared kitchen, bath, living room. No smoking, pets or kids living with you. 218-464-7849. Hobby Sawmill-Hunting Lodge. Needs new renters or buyers. 218-727-1928 ______________________Cozy two bedroom apt. In Lakewood township.
$875/month available Oct. 1, 2016. Included in rent is water, heat, garbage and WIFI. wildlife. Shared laundry. No pets; no smoking or smokers. 218330-0769. Fisherman cabin 1 mile from boat landing on Lake Superior. For info or pictures call (715) 682- 2568 Vacation Rental. Causeway on Gull, Nissewa, MN. 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, sleeps 8 May 13-15th. Close to marina, free boat slip. 218-865-6591 Lake of the Woods, MN 30 acres for sale with well, septic, power & sheds. Minutes from the lake! Excellent summer, winter fishing & hunting. Close to resorts. Asking $78,900. 218-242-7304 Wanted_ I buy homes, multi-units and land. Cash $. 218-556-2542 www.webuytwinports.com_ Wanted: Furnished bedroom, apartment, or cabin in Duluth area for senior couple for for month of August. Disabled P/T employed male in need of stable housing, room or basement with available kitchen. Far East End. Please call James 218-461-0703.
Will provide all inside/outside upkeep, maintenance, etc. for your property/ home. Swap for free but private living quarters on site. Multi-skilled 70 yr old man. Excl. Character. 218-213-43-69 MINNESOTA HUNTING LAND Wanted. Earn thousands on your land by leasing the hunting rights. Free evaluation & info packet. Liability coverage included. The experts at Base Camp Leasing have been bringing landowners & hunters together since 1999. Email: Call: 866/309-1507 Real Estate
Hunting Land 40 acres Ajoins 2000 A County Land. NW Douglas County. Buildable, heavily wooded. Wood value $26k - Taxes $670. $67,900 218-4285844 WILDERNESS HUNTING CABIN with storage shed 1000 ft. off forest management road on leased land in St. Louis County Brimson area. Call 218-391-4131 or 218-879-6585 For Sale: 2.35 acre lot w/100’ shorelineon Lake LaVerne, WI. Motivated to sell: $27,000 Call Lori 612-803-6607 for details.
HELP WANTED Cashiers and produce clerks Apply in person or call
Mount Royal Shopping Center • Duluth • 218-728-3665 • 1600 Woodland Ave - across from the UMD Campus Open 6 am to 9 pm- 7 Days a Week • Quantity rights reserved. Not Responsible for Typographical or Pictoral Errors
April 9, 2020 71
Be A Census Taker
For Sale: 1978 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home in Sunnyside Estates, Cloquet. Needs repairs. $1,500. or B.O. 218-481-5881 Responsible non profit animal rescue looking for pet friendly rental housing, fenced yard, spactious. Rent to own pref. ASAP. 218-576-8534 50 acres hunting land. 2 enclosed deer stands, building site, power & phone access. Westerlund Loop, Solon Springs, Wisc. 920-344-8016 Mobile home $18,500 Vintage Acres/Gary 2br//1ba includes appliances. Quiet. Lg yard/garden area. 218464-5524 2-Bedroom Cabin on Siskwit Lake, 500’ frontage, Cornicopia, Wisconsin 847-710-2967 Services
SERVICES: Steven A. Sorenson has formed a new tire company based out of Duluth, Minnesota. The company is named Port Town Tire LLC with Sorenson as it’s president. Call 218-343-4691 Alernative Therapies
Mind Body Spirit Harmonization with Tachyon Energy. One only a few Tachyon Chambers in U.S. Superior, WI 715-501-4046 Meetings
Extra income Flexible hours Weekly pay Paid training Apply Online 2020CENSUS.GOV/JOBS
NARVRE Unit 92 - Protecting Railroad Retirement we meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at the West Duluth American Legion at 1 PM World Word Writers’ Workshop meets noon every Monday at the Garland Room at the Vaughn Library in Ashland, Main & Vaughn. until Dec. 30. 2019. All genres of writing will be approached in a workshop environment from journalism to poetry with special emphasis on film documentary. We will be publishing an anthology if there is enough interest. More information: editor@ or 715-274-2202. Needle Art Guild of Duluth Membership Lunch at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 45th and Colorado Street, Duluth. September 23, 2019. Lunch at Noon Program at 1:00 - Mary Mulari, nationally known designer of sewing projects will present “Vintage and New Age Aprons Free & open to the public. Scandinavian Crime Writers Book Club meeting in Duluth Call Kirk 612-558-1318
For more information or help applying, please call 1-855-JOB-2020 Federal Relay Service: 1-800-877-833 TTY/ASCII The U.S. Census Bureau is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
D-1569 | April 2019
72 April 9, 2020
Reach more than 35,000 buyers an sellers each week!d FREE!
Real Estate $48,000 Wooded Lot with Creek & Well 6632 Hwy 61, Little Marais
Ready to build on level site. Year round access. Well, electricity, and identified septic 1-3/4 acres includes: 25’ travel trailer, 18’ X 18’ Shed, mature trees, winding creek
Contact: Mike 651-406-8221
Upper Eau Claire Lake Spectacular westerly views from this 3-Bedroom log sided home on beautiful Upper Eau Claire Lake. This property has everything you desire in a lake home including privacy w/7 acres and 300’ of lakeshore, ample storage with huge pole building & large detached garage, generous sized home with many upgrades such as authentic field stone fireplace, granite countertops, wood floors, walkout basement, lakeside patio and deck. Sand lakeshore & crystal clear water. New septic system. Personal property negotiable. $485,000. 218-590-1740
Schroeder, Minnesota 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home for sale in Schroeder, Minnesota. 2 car garage plus 3 stall shop. New siding on house, metal roofs on all buildings. New septic tank, newer windows and furnace. Close to Lake Superior, Lutsen Mt., bike trails, snowmobile trails and dog sled races. 424 Cramer Road, Schroeder, MN $165,000. 218-663-7553
Don’t miss out on this location!
14th Avenue West & 3rd Street Wood setting near Enger Tower in the middle of Duluth. 2 bedroom apartment, everything included 950.00 a month Newer secure building, views of bay, OSP, laundry, non-smoking, no pets. 100 yards from hiking and biking trails. Students and young professionals welcome. Call Dan. 218-348-8008
Ad wording (25 words or extra cost. Note which category it should run in to save words. For example, no need to say “car for sale” because it will be under the CARS category. Don’t forget contact phone number. May attach info as well.)
Build your Vacation Home or Cabin Very nice, remote 10 acres. Fully surveyed, driveway in, building site fully ready. Walk down to lake and fish for Walley, Northern and perch. Ducks, Geese, Deer, Moose and Bear roam the property. Build your dream home, or hunting cabin. Located in central Lake County. Forrest service road accress, not plowed in winter. 18 miles from Finland, MN. $35,000
Call 218-353-7403 leave message
Submit ads by mail to: Reader Classifieds, Box 16122, Duluth, MN 55816.
You can also email your ad to: ads@
If your ad requires a fee, include payment. Ads will not run until payment is received.
April 9, 2020 73
Reader classifieds 1963 Oldsmobile
4 dr collector car. 17,700 original mil. Museum quality. $15,000. 218-778-688 6 after 6pm
2017 Nissan Leaf SV ALL ELECTRIC, Charge with house power,107mi Range,back-up camera,GPS,Bose audio,heated seats. 16k miles. $14,500 or BO. 218-428-5631
1073 Blue Lincoln Continental, 27K Mint Condition. $15,000. 218966-1748 1999 Toyota SR5 4x4 Classic extended cab. Excellent to mint condition. Cap, steps, frontguard, rear air shocks, sun visor & chrome package. $12,500. or BO 715-2783055 2003 Ford Taurus. New tires, good runner. Good for parts car. Has rusted frame. $750. or BO 218348-2434 95 Cad. 6 door-9 pass Limo. Very clean. 52K New vinyl roof. $3,500. OBO 218-628-2606 1997 Lincoln Luxury TOwn Car. Arizona vehicle, never seen snow. Lo-miles. $5900. kept in Minong 715-466-4607 or 715-520-0345 1974 VW Super Beetle. Fair condition. 138,000 mi. ‘98 paint-green. Bayfield area. $2,750.00 7157793203 Collector 1968 GM 3-speed column shift transmission #GM-17 part #3925647 and bell housing. 218-525-1477
2008 Ford Focus 4cyl sedan 4D SES 144k miles. $4500. 2000 Toyota Corolla 4cyl sedan 4D LE 90k miles $2900. 218-727-6724 1983 Buick Regal Limited mint condition V6 Air , cruise ,all original carpet still new, seats velour 25,000 miles. $8000,00. (218-6242143 Sold AS-IS for restoration or parts. Collector 91 Buick Riviera, 68 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pickuo. 88 Mercury Topaz, 74 Mercury Montery 218-525-1477 2000 Dodge Intrepid, still runs good, (been babied), FW drive, tires fairly new, $178,000+ miles, $2000 or BO 218-786-0339 2010 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S. 24,500 K mi. Salvage title. We have owned this car for over three years, have had absolutely no problems, Dk. blue, is clean, runs and drives excellent. Good rubber, new battery, remote start, keyless entry, auto/manual trans . New tabs & oil change. 25+ mi.per gal. avg. in town and over 30 hwy. $8999 218-393-1094 2003 Saturn LW200 Wagon. Great shape, great runner, low miles. Economical family vehicle. $4200 obo. 218-940-3659 2000 Dodge Neon. Good shape w/139k miles. PS/PB/AC. 4 cyl. Two new tires. $1800 or BO 218263-8292 1979 Pontiac Sunbird coupe, all original 44000 actual miles, never been in the snow. 4 cylinder ,4 speed, custom wheels, must see ,picture available,$4500 OBO 218-475 -2767 Single Owner, 2010 Steel Gray, Level 5, Toyota Prius, 42,000 miles, maintenance up to date, new tires, GPS navigation system, JBL Speaker system and Bluetooth for hands free cellphone connection. Excellent condition. In garage in winter. $19,500 call 218235-1698 1989 Cadillac Fleetwood. 75k Imaculate. Collector plates. A/C, Cruise, PowerSeats & Windows. $5,000 BO. 713-409-5431 or 218346-3622
Trucks, Vans, SUVs SnowPlow Truck 2004 F250 Ford ExCab XLT SuperDuty 4x4 shortbox, fiberglass topper, leather interior. 148k 4 newer tires, some rust.
74 April 9, 2020
$6250. 218-749-3993 1999 Toyota SR5 ExCab 4x4 ExCond-mint, Caps, Steps,Frontguard, Rear Air Shocks, Sun visor, Chrome pkg. $12,500 715-278-3055 94 Ford Bronco-One owner (not OJ) 133k New alternator, tires, brakes etc. $1,500. ask for Rene’ 218-464-0757 86 GMC Rally STX 8 passenger Van 2500. 5.7L (350 V8) 168K, hitch, 2 extra tires, owners manual, very good cond. $3000. 218-4285416 88 Ford Econoline E-250 Camper Van. Flacon 190,351 Windsor motor, 144,000 mi, runs drives great. New tires 7,000 mi ago. Many new parts. $6,900. 218-780-6436 2012 Chevy Captiva Sport V6, 67k excellent cond. $10,000. 715-3632646 or 715-292-1043 Vans-SUVs-Non Business 6 door 9 pass Limo. Nice Arizona car. No rust, new vinyl roof. $4500. OBO 218-628-2606 or 218-391-2535 1947 Willy Jeep attachment to make manual lifting Plow into power!! $75.00 218-6242143 96 Dodge Dakota ExCab, V-6, 137xxx mi. $1850.00 218-7493993 1997 Red Chev 1/2 ton, Z71, leather, 3rd door, push button 4x4++! 157000 mi. $3850. 218749-3993 2015 Yukon SLT. Fully loaded. 50% wear on tires. 103KMi Free of accidents. $34,750. 218-349-8334 2004 Ford F-150XLT 4WD CrewCab. V8 Auto, 168K 2nd owner. Remote Start, 2 sets wheels/tires. New Battery, spark plugs, coils. Susupension upgrade. Tonnau cover, side steps. Mechanically Excellent.. Well-maintained. Over $12,000 invested. $7,500. ot B/O 218-206-1045 1987 Dodge Ram 1/2 ton Pickup. 2WD 318 Auto, no rust. Nice upholstery. Runs good. 130k. Nice tires-orig paint. w/topper. Clean $2,650 218-269-0153 1999 Jeep Wranger Sport. Hard top, full doors. $5800. OBO 715747-2350
Heavy equipment
1936 Caterpiller Twenty-Two, special order 20” wide pads, 5,200 lbs (Halvorson Tree Company owned) documents, manuals tec.
Car and truck buyers are picking up
The Reader.
New seat - runs good. $1600. 218780-4098 Knaack Jobsite Tool Box, 23” H x 48” W x 24” D. Powder paint finish in excellent shape. $100 OBO 715-209-1228 1964 John Deere 2010 C Series Diesel Crawler/Loader $5,000. 218-966-1748 Walco 5’ Brush Cutter for skidloader $2500. Coleman 6250 watt generator $125. Charmaster wood/oil forced air furnace $1000. (320)838-3322 New engine hoist chevy picker & engine stand $150. for both. Diamond plate truck tool box 70” outside 5ft inside 15” depth $100. 6 1/2 ft fiberglas topper off chev pu $50. 218-848-2007 12 Tine Spring Tooth Cultivator on steel wheels. $100. 5’ Tow-Behind Field Disc $50. 715-817-8327 8’ dumpbox insert for pickup truck. 12v elec/hyd self contained. $1400/b.o. 218-729-5273 Int. single axle clam truck. $2500. Semi hyd wrecker boom $1100. 1999 Chev ext-cab 4x4 119k. $4500. 218-258-3935 Boats/Bikes/ATV/Sno Arctic Cat Snowmobile Suit. Like New, paid $260 make offer cash only. 218-834-3709 Trek 21-speed, disc brakes. Perfect condition $125 or BO Call Jim 218-491-4201 2004 HarleyDavidson Heritage Softail. Lots of extras, helmet, available. 12,000mi $10,000. 218966-1748 14ft fiberglass fishing boat, molded seats $200. or BO 218-848-2007 1985 Honda Shadow 650 122,000 odometer. Runs good. Comes with brand new helmet & leather saddle bags. $900 OBO 715-813-0757 OLD MOTORCYCLES WANTED Collector looking for old motorcycles sitting in the barn or shed collecting dust mostly looking for 60s and 70s motorcycles but possibly newer ones as well what do you have? Cash paid! Call me 320420-7675 Reasonably priced 20’ Pontoon boat w/ 4-stroke engine and power lift. 928-234-3325 2010 Yamaha Cruiser Red, 1000cc, 1,800mi, saddlebags, removable backrest, windshield, cruise control. Like new $5000. 218-410-2616
Ranger snowmobile trailer. 8 ft wide, 10 ft long, tilt, 4 ever lic. aluminum, spare crank up tongue. Ready to go nice trailer. $1150.00 218-749-3993 1998 AlumaCraft 185 Trophy 150hp Johnson, 6hp Nissan, 2 Locators, Marine Radio, 4 Downriggers, 2 planner boards, 7 rods & reels. $10,000 or BO 715-8178030 2252 Ciera Express. Set up for Lake Superior. Asking $10,000. or reasonable offer 218-348-5450 91 H.D. Sportster 1200cc Rebuilt & modified. Good cond. $5,000. OBO 218-724-1946 1972 Harley 50cc Did run last 1988. It’s been hung from ceiling inside my house since then. Asking $1,500 or BO 218-940-4984 1981 Yamaha 100 XS full dressed motorcycle w/39k miles and a full dress parts bike with it. Asking $1000. 218-263-8292 1995/96 Ski-Do Free Style. Also trailer for 24ft pontoon boat. 715-682-5305Boats 35 years of expert marine service. Inboard and stedrive specialist. Electrical & plumbing. Winterizations. Pre-Purchase inspections. I’ll come to your boat.. INLAND SEA ENTERPRIZES 715-2921172 1972 Classic S-S Swan 43 Custom. Freezer/fridge/watermaker. Hull #64 of 67. 715-747-2350 Trade my 17’ canoe for small fishing boat. 218-525-6707 17” cedar strip canoe. Brand new, hand built in No. Minn. $1700. 218626-1262 Sea Eagle 2 person inflatable pontoon boat. Includes electric motor, battery, charger, etc. Was $1500 new. Asking $699. 218-341-1384 10’ Jon Boat. New ores. Good shape. $200. 218-788-6636 Auto Wanted Auto parts needed. Hood, grill & headlight units for 1997 Buick LeSabre. Hopefully not too expensive. 218-600-7105 Leave Message. Wanted: livestock trailer. Around $500 or less. Nothing fancy. We can make repairs. Hauling alpine goats to Arizona. Text 218-3401273. Have a chicken coop I can trade. We Sell Used Auto Parts. We Sell Used Tires. We Buy Any Make/Model Junk Auto (Pay in
Cash) 218-260-5944 Marks Salvage - Older snowmobiles, motor cycles, mini bikes and most small engines. 218-269-5455 Wanted: Junk Cars & Trucks. Junk cars and trucks for scrap. Partial proceeds benefit Douglas County Humane Society. Thanks. 218348-6942. Misc-Auto\Traillers Wanted: 5-hole 13 inch trailer wheels with or w/o tires 218-2634676 1929 Inline Six Double D motor & transmission $1,000 or BO 218410-5011 New Kumhp Solus KR21 Tire & rim P225/70/R16 $75 BO New Dayton tire P215/65/R16 $40 BO 218-3435114 Nokian Hakkapeliitta snow tires. 205/60 X R16 Excellent condition $200. 218-830-1255 2009 Montana 5th wheel, 4 slides, located in Cloquet, Spafford Park, many extras, $22,900 obo. 701 509 7757 Brand new Kumho-Solus Tire and wheel, 225-70-16 (KR21) $50/BO New Dayton tire 215-65-16 $25. 218-464-2824 34” Jayco Eagle Bunkhouse Travel Trailer. Sleeps 9, 16’ Awning, Lots of storage. Self-Contained. Shower. $6,200. Duluth area. 763389-0318 2-Crager S/S Chrome reverse wheels 14” Uni-lug $200. 218-5251861 4 Weather Master, Snowgroove, ST2-195/55 R15 Tires $100. 4-205/70/R15 $100. 218-724-5358 01 Salem 21’ Camper. 14’ slide. Nice cond. Equlaizer hitch. Fully equip. $4,500. 218-591-0207 Diamond Plate Aluminum Pickup Tool Box, 14” Deep, 60” Long, 20” Wide with 5” Overhang, Single Cover. In Great Shape. $100 (218)743-3933 Brand new Kumho Solus KR21 tire & wheel. 225-70-16. $85 OBO New Dayton tire only. 215-65-16 $50 OBO 218-606-2011 4 truck roof bar light. Chrome, new. $10. 218-848-2007 New engine stand. $50. 218-8482007 Trailer hitch fits Jeep Grand Cherokee, Reese Model 51010, like new $75 obo 715-794-2089 ARE Chev white topper. 6’ wide.
Bart trade ers, unders, and private $100 ads are FREE!!
Slider windows & screens Brake. Like new. 218-525-1477 4 Hankook Ventus V12 ev0. 245/45 ZR 19 Extra load tires with less than 7,000 mi. $200 218-4093913 4-275-65-18R (F150) Goodyear Wranglers 8-9/32 Tread $100. 218-341-0396 Lawn tractor wheel weights. 30lbs each. Fits 8 or 10” rims. $60 obo. 218-729-5273 2002 Chrysler TOC passenger outside door handle. $30. 218591-7712 L&R front fender script emplems and chrome fender scoop ornaments for 69’ Firebird. $50 firm. Cash only. 715-718-0092 F-150 fiberglass topper, blue $100. 715-591-8217 Music Jusek Violin. Made by a master in Prague 1926, #107 valued at $4,000. Will trade for cash and a good violin or BO Call Jim 218491-4201 Conn Organ - Free if you have children, otherwise $20. Also, consol TV, beautiful cabinet - Free 218624-4900 35 String Irish Harp made by Duluth Harp maker David Kortier. Excellent cond. with case. $1800. 218-428-0563 Two 15” JBL speakers w/tripods, Peavey XR-600 P.A. Head. For band or solo. $500. firm 320-6308004 4-piece PDP drum set with cymbal stand and double bass pedal. Excellent condition! $300. Call Terry at 218-206-7571 Fender KXR-60 Keyboard amp50amp 12”speaker $135. 218-2351475 Ibanez Micro Bass. Great for beginners. Black New $195 OBO 218-235-1475 Fender Jazz Bass, black, humbuckers. Like New $400 OBO 218235-1475 Two Lawrence green box flashers. Mac 1 Eagle graph--Lawrence. $75. 218-984-2669 Jay Turser Sanatoga Electric Guitar w/all the bells & whistles. Gotta see to appreciate w/hardshell case $100. 218-393-1375 Hammond organ J-122 model w/ bench. Great condition. $100 or best offer. 218-244-1629
SWR studio 220 bass head and 2 AMPEG 4x10 cabs $600. 5905664 Old Tunes for new Harpists. Spiral bound books 3 hymns; 3 Christmas/holiday, and 2 folk tunes/ classics) with 15 original arrangements, suitable for all harps. $20 612/308-1792. Rocktron Amp. 120wt 2x12. On board reverb, distortion, chorus, tuner. Loud and gig worthy. $175. 218-269-7042 Wanted Two- or four-wheel folding grocery cart, less than $15. Call evenings, 218-940-9005. Small cast iron wood or pellet stove. 218-834-3709 lv messg Honda Trail 70, Z50, XL70, SL70, XR75 motorcycles. 218-428-3474 Cheap-used recesed ceiling fan. 218-310-1781 or 218-276-4985 Cheap used/refurbished room, window or portable air conditioner in good shape. 218-310-1781 Wanted - snowblower with electric start, 8 HP more or less. Reasonable - Leave or Text message to 715-610-1710 Duluth or Superior Are 2 into 1 stock muffler from early 80’s Harley FX 218-341-2841 Sets of Dresser scarves. 218-9409005 evenings Reasonably priced 20’ Pontoon boat w/ 4-stroke engine and power lift. 928-234-3325 1931-71 Convertibles, old bikes, pop machines, old motorcycles, gas pumps, signs, golf cart, J.D. Gator & John Deere M 218-3728758 Seeking private woodlands to sustainably harvest balsam boughs in Sept & Oct. Cash paid. Senior couple. 218-428-5220 Super 8 Viewer. 715-919-1028 Wooden duck decoys: sell large wooden carved eagles. 729-5671 Plastic model cars and car kits, parts & pieces. 1/24 & 25th scale. 218-393-1375 Your old resonator or Dobro guitars/parts. Desired by man of limited resources for a project. 715817-1813 Wanted to buy. Forging tools. 218590-6507 Computer/Elec
Ham Radios-Best Offer. Text only for info & pics. 218-750-7981 Old “Air Master” radio. Text only for info & pics. 218-750-7981 Dell Inspiron desktop 100 dollars.218-341-2607 White Baby Monitors $10. or BO 218-310-1781 or 218-276-4985 Bluetooth Music Light up bulb. $25. or BO Mini electric cigarette roller. Blue&Black comes with pushstick & brush $30. or BO218-310-1781 PS2 Console w/3 controllers. Slim PS2 $40. or BO Will trade for other electronics. 218-310-1781 or 218276-4985 Moving. Record player with A. M. radio etc. Comes with Free approx 75 records. Elvis, Johnny Cash, etc Mix. $40.00. 218-628-6252 RCA digital converter box wth remote, gently used-still in box. $35 or BO-will trade for other electronics. 218-310-1781 or 218-2764985 1940 RCA console radio, excellent condition maple wood. $500.50. 218-624-2143 Appliances ATTENTION LANDLORDS: Frigidare washer, Maytag dryer, X-Large Kenmore Refridgerator w/ice maker, Maytag Convertible Dishwasher. Downsizing. Excellent running cond. Some scratches from moving. $1000. for all. 218241-1842 Frigidare Freezer, commercial duty, 32w 30d 72h white $200. Electric kitchen stove almond $65. 218-848-2007 Cube-style dorm fridge in good cond. $40. 218-638-2399 Frigidaire frost-free 14.4 cu. ft. freezer. Never used. $300.00 Pickup only 218-390-8426 Jen-aire Glass Top Stove. Works great. Best offer 218-724-5358 Wood space heater $50. 218-7214481 Stove for home, cabin or garage. Burns wood or coal. $95. 715-3998569 White Kenmore microwave. $10. 218-206-1278 Two 250gal fuel oil tanks. Paint red for gasoline. $50/ea. 218-8482007 Furniture Full size box spring and mattress,
Reader classifieds very good shape. $30 cash only takes both. 218-834-3709 Office chair. Good condition. $5. Call 218-525-7702 Lovely gold floor lamp. $10. Call 218-525-7702 Full length lawn chair with cushion. Good condition. $10. Call 218-525770 Two office chairs good condition. $5.00 each. Call 218-525-7702 48” round oak pedestal table, small oak library table, ornate oak buffet, multi-drawer draftsman cabinet. Make offer 218-830-1255 White ceiling Fan $10. or BO 218310-1781 or 218-276-4985 Queen, full, single beds, solid dressers, hutch, rockers, lamps, couches - July 19-20 3015 E. 6th Superior. 218-428-1273 Ceramic bear collection (15) with shelving unit. $25. Call 218-5257702 Wooden kitchen table, 12” leaf, 6 chairs. Very sturdy $100. Light tan couch-unfolds into bed, steel frame $100. Both items in V.Good Cond. 218-390-2629 4 Drawer Dresser 24”H 71”L Excellent Condition-solid wood. $10. 218-348-2900 Full length lawn chair with cushion. $10 call 218-525-7702 Miscellaneous 16mm sound movie projector. Runs very well. $100. 320-2602464. Chest High Waders. Size 11 $35
cash only. 218-834-3709 Baseball basket ball cards. great condition. please call 218-4810175. or email. Patrickgjaros@ Uniquely inspired, hand-braided, natural yarn, plat hangers. Durable. Interior/exterior use. Locally crafted. Colors galore. $5 each. Bulk rates available. 218-4281510 or 218-428-7358 Caboose Stove. Best Offer. Text only for info & pics. 218-750-7981 7 WWII rifles, serial numbers match. Mausers-Arisakas-Russians-Swiss. $2500. Call 218984-2669 2 Nikons, 1 Voigtlander, Konica, Kodak Eltralite, Hanimax Amphibian, lenses and accessories for Nikons. $500. Call 218-984-2669 Compost toilet, no need for electric or water, great for cabin or hunting shack $200. Igloo fiberglass dog house w/floor $25. Cattle water tank $50. 218-848-2007 Trek “3500” 21 sp. shocks, disc brakes. $150. 218-491-4201 Jim 25 beautiful plants. Variety. $5 each. Call 218-525-7702 Ten large house plants. Variety. $5 each. Wheelchair with foot rests. Good condition. $50. Call 218525-7702 Western paperbacks.Nice selection from Zane Grey 60 different titles and Louis La`Moure 80 different 50¢ each..715 364 2899 ask for Zeeb Sports Cards: Baseball, Basketball & Hockey Rookies & Stars -
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Reader readers, it’s the best deal you’re going to find anywhere in the Twin Ports region. Classified advertising, including the Personals, is free. That means you can find a roommate, a partner, rent your place, sell a guitar, give something away, trade, barter, or do whatever your transaction needs are — with the cost of a postage stamp or click of your mouse. There is a charge for items you are selling and asking more than $100 and for busi-
Mostly from the 80s & 90s. Call of text 218-391-4274 New-never used still in factory sealed box. Simple Clean Automatic Litter Box. Cleans itself every hour. Cats love them. $80 715-376-4502 $90 or best offer Ecolet compost toilet great for cabin /hunting shack Twig area 714 296-2646 Silk screen picture of the Duluth Depot. Matted and framed. $100. Call 218-525-7702 25 beautiful plants. $5 each or less. Variety. Call 218-525-7702 For sale: Saris bike rack. Mint condition. Originally $128.00, will sell for $60.218-727-8687 Snowmobile helmets $10.00 2185766454 or 2183939962 Cameras--2 Nikons, Voigtlander, Konica, Kodak #10, Hanimax Amphibian (underwater). Lenses-500mm and down. Lots of accessories. $1000. Call 218-984-2669 Huffy 26” Mt Bike $70. 218-5917712 Treadmill. Free - works good, you haul. 218-624-4900 26” Schwinn Breeze Collegiate, Fair Lady 20”, New 24” Mt. $95 ea. New 20” BMX $95. Also BMX 20” Schwinn & Diamondback $85 ea. 218-879-6635 Kodak projector #650, projector table Compco model 871, projector screen, carousel slide trays. $150. Call 218-984-2669
nesses running ads. Details on costs are as follows: Non-business advertisers $10 for 25 word ad, 50 cents for each additional word. Ad will run 8 weeks. Businesses For 25 word ads with 20 cents for each additional word. One issue: $10 Three issues: $25 Seven issues: $50 13 issues: $75 The Reader does not accept responsibility for claims made in classified ads. While we make attempts to screen illinintended ads, use your best judgment. The Reader assumes no liability for the content of or reply to any advertisement. The advertiser, by virtue of submitting this form,
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April 9, 2020 75
Equinox, and Chevy, can avoid criticism GILBERT’S GARAGE by
The 2020 Chevrolet Equinox strikes a streamlined pose. Photo credit: John Gilbert
Where were you when the dreaded Coronavirus struck to foul up our springtime of 2020? I was just getting ready to enjoy the start of the NCHC college hockey playoffs, with the University of Minnesota Duluth prepared to start a bid for its third straight NCAA title. I also had just finished a week-long road test with a 2020
Chevrolet Equinox Premier, a nicely styled and nicely sized SUV that is aimed at challenging the best of the compact SUVs — the RAV4, CR-V, Escape, Rogue, Cherokee, Tucson, Forester, and — my favorite — the Mazda CX-5. Several things happened between my test drive term and the actual writing of this review.
76 April 9, 2020
First, I was very impressed with everything about the Equinox, and that caught me by surprise, because Chevrolet has seemed to fade away from competing with the best of the rest. Second, I had read a couple review in car magazines, and my impressions of the vehicle and those test reports is that those magazines were too
harsh in their reviews of the Equinox. Another thing that happened was that the Federal Government has been unfairly harsh — at least its “Fearless Leader” — in dealings with General Motors, and GM chief Mary Barra seems to have become one of President Trump’s favorite targets for
New-age Chevy family resemblance most notable on Eqjuinoz grille. Photo credit: John Gilbert
his hit-and-run verbal cheapshots. The most recent one came after last weekend, when the Coronavirus was tightening its deadly grip on all corners of the U.S., and Trump was live on television saying that Barra was being resistant to help when the nation needed GM.He singled her out to say he had experienced problems “with Mary.” That struck me as curious, because last week I had read an account of how GM had worked out a partnership with Ventec Life Systems, a small company that makes the ventilators so vital to helping afflicted patients keep breathing. GM engineers collaborated with Ventec on how they could convert a GM plant in Kokomo where they could help Ventec make 10 times more than the 200 ventilators it normally makes each month, So I was surprised when Trump took his private little stage on Friday, March 27, 2020 and said he had activated an emergency plan that would force GM to help. To its credit, GM and Ventec
officials made the judicious move and didn’t comment on the accusation, or on the suggestion that Trump should get credit for getting General Motors to start doing what it had already been doing around the clock for most of a week. For what it’s worth, Ford and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles also have been helping the cause. Ford, for example, has partnered with Minnesota’s 3M and respirator-maker GE Healthcare to simplify the process by which GE Healthcare can greatly increase its production of respirators, aiming at 100,000 per week. Meanwhile, back out on the road, I found the Equinox a far more worthy family hauler than a Motor Trend review of it would indicate. Those leadfoots at the car magazines tend to pound cars much harder than normal consumers might, so when they ripped the Equinox for not accelerating like a dragster or cornering like a Miata, I took it with a grain of salsa. I tend to assess cars for their target
Stylish leather seats and instrument layout adorns Equinox interior. Photo credit: John Gilbert
audience. In testing a vehicle’s handling, one driver’s too-soft swaying is another driver’s comfortable ride, just like one driver’s firm and solid cornering might be another’s harsh and uncomfortable ride. The Equinox came in eighth and last in the Motor Trend comparison, but Chevrolet needn’t feel too bad; the magazine didn’t even bother to include a Ford Escape — another compact SUV I like a lot. In the test, the CR-V was first, the Mazda CX-5 second,. and the Equinox last.. Without question, the Equinox is no race car, although it is possible my test-vehicle, which had the optional Premier topof-the-line package, was far better equipped to corner and display directional stability than the one Motor Trend got. The leather seats, lane-departure alert, Landens-keep assist, rear-park assist and camera, heated and ventilated front buckets, heated steering wheel and adaptive cruise control with camera aid are
significant upgrades for a loaded, as-tested sticker of $38,545. Power in the test Equinox came from Chevrolet’s new-age 2.0-liter turbocharged 4-cylinder engine with a smooth-shifting 9-speed automatic transmission, while many competitors have a CVT (continuously variable transmission) that tends to drone with frustration. The LED head and tail lights and the keyless start system are all nice features sometimes rare on compact SUVs. Each time I walked up to the Equinox, I was impressed by its styling, with its swept-back lines that blend the rear pillar into the rear of the vehicle. and I think it stands out from the pack because of that. Inside, the materials are not all cushy and luxurious, but they are stylish and functional. Some may find them too hard; I found them durable, not unpleasant. Without having the lower-scale models for comparison, I don’t know how much of an upgrade the Premier represents, but I like it. April 9, 2020 77
With no leaping jaguar on the hood, a jaguar face adorns the grille. Photo credit: John Gilbert
Sleek rear quarter view sends Equinox off down the road. Photo credit: John Gilbert
Chevy also makes the Traverse, which is a little bigger, but very similarly styled, with a V6 for power and three rows of seats. So it becomes your choice, if you want and need a larger vehicle with a larger engine, or can get by with the agility of the smaller Equinox. It was perfect timing that put the Equinox Premier with its push-button activated all-wheel drive into my hands at the precise time when it seemed that General Motors and Chevrolet needed and deserved some defending from unfair criticism from the White House, coupled with my impressions of the vehicle itself. It has been a Chevrolet tradition when it makes cars to offer a loaded, top-of-the-line model, a mid-range model for features and
expense, and a less-expensive bargain model that may be without a lot of appreciated Ad wording (25 words or extra cost. Note which category it should run in to save words. For example, no need to say features. Other companies cut “car for sale” because it will be under the CARS category. Don’t forget contact phone number. May attach info as well.) corners similarly, but nobody else is guilty of stripping the desired value items from its less-expensive models. That’s one area where the Japanese, Germans and Koreans are far ahead. But this vehicle gives Chevrolet a worthy competitor in the compact SUV field, and one that might be favored by everyday drivers. Just remember, it all comes down to a driver’s opinion, and keep in mind that not Submit ads by mail to: all compact SUVs are created Name Reader Classifieds, Box 16122, Duluth, Equinox-ly. MN 55816.
78 April 9, 2020
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April 9, 2020 79
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