Phi Theta Kappa April Newsletter

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Phi Theta Kappa News Reading Area Community College Alpha Sigma Rho Inside this Issue:

 New Member Induction

Volume 9, Issue 1

April 2012

Commit to Complete Signing Day!

 Advisor’s Message  Signing Event  Officer Elections  Scholarships  Better World Books Phi Theta Kappa hosted a “Signing Day” event challenging RACC students to make their commitment to complete their degrees by signing a “Commit to Complete” banner. All students were invited to come to sign and to buy some baked goods benefitting our Kappans for Catilin Team. The Community College Completion Corps webpage states the following: “President Obama and higher education leaders have pledged to boost college completion rates by 50 percent over the next 10 years. Phi Theta Kappa is heading the Community College Completion Corps, the student-led initiative to raise awareness of the importance of college completion not only for students but for colleges and the communities they serve.” Nationwide Phi Theta Kappa members are joining a campaign to encourage community college students to “commit to complete” their associate degrees and their certificate programs. Thanks to all the members who participated in this successful day! The team raised nearly $300 for Caitlin’s Smiles and two banners are full of names dedicated to graduate. Special thanks to Stephanie Stricker for her tremendous efforts. More Photos from the Event are featured on page 4.

Phi Theta Kappa News

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Better World Books! Better World Books collects and sells books online to fund literacy initiatives worldwide. Phi Theta Kappa has been involved in this initiative by collecting used textbooks that a student would normally return to the book store, and donating them to Better World Books. Instead of selling your books back to the bookstore for a fraction of what you paid, you can give your book to this great organization and Phi Theta Kappa is the prestigious honor society for two year colleges. Membership acknowledges your academic achievement, provides access to scholarships, and offers

lend a helping hand to this world wide initiative. The worldwide impact of Better World Books has been tremendous. They have re-used or recycled over 70 million pounds of books and raised over $10 million for global literacy and local libraries. RACC and Phi Theta Kappa are committed to BWB and will be looking for more donations and volunteers this semester. Not only does this program help literacy around the world, it helps the planet: For every 100 books you collect, you reduce the impact on the environment by:

participation in the

-2 trees

local, regional, and

-943 gallons of water

national activities.

-140 lbs of Methane and other CO2

Contact Dr. Donna

-330 Kwh of electricity

Singleton for further information:

To get involved contact:

Scholarship Opportunities Phi Theta Kappa is always offering many different Scholarship Opportunities to its chapters. Although the Spring scholarship deadline is approaching, that means you can get a head start on the fall or transfer scholarships. Phi Theta Kappa has transfer scholarships available at over 700 four-year colleges and universities. More than 37 million in scholarships are available to Phi Theta Kappa members. For more scholarship information, deadlines, awards, and contact information visit:

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Phi Theta Kappa News

Welcome New Phi Theta Kappa Members

Professor of Social Services/ Human Services Division Danelle Bower was the honored guest Induction Speaker and welcomed new members to Phi Theta Kappa.

In March Phi Theta Kappa inducted its latest group of new members. Congratulations new inductees and welcome to Phi Theta Kappa. Front Row left to right: 1. Julie Mest 2. Erin Neiman 3. Zach Erb 4. Jamie Jaraczewski 5. Samantha George 6. Eric Gardner Second Row: 1.Amy Baker-Williams 2. Nichole Russo 3. Kelsey Rentschler 4. Michael O'Donohue 5. Karen David 6. Jason Miller 7. Melissa Lutz 8. Susanne Smith 9. Lauren Szilli 10. Nathan Brandt 11. Christopher King 12. Elaine Pleet

Officer Elections Coming Soon! One of the trends of a Community College is that sooner or later students must move on. This year Phi Theta Kappa has several officer positions opening up. We need officers for next year’s officer team because several current officers are moving on. An officer position is the best way you can serve your Phi Theta Kappa Chapter: Alpha Sigma Rho. Serving as an officer is the best way to let your voice be heard and truly make a difference at your school and in your community. Phi Theta Kappa is searching for highly motivated and truly dedicated students to fill these positions. Do you have what it takes? Elections will be held at our next meeting on April 14, 2012. No experience is necessary. Officer duties are available in the Bylaws on our webpage. Give it a shot!

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Phi Theta Kappa News

From the Advisor’s Desk: Chapter Officers:

 Patty Chase Sturz President  Vanessa Soler Vice President  Theadra Graczyk Secretary  Mark Krotee Public Relations Secretary  Stephanie Stricker Student Activities Board  Dr. Donna Singleton Advisor

How to win… Congratulations to Christina Buehler for being named a Silver Scholar in the ALL-USA Academic Team Scholarship Competition and to Patricia Chase Sturz for her American Association of University Women Scholarship. These students care about their grades and care about making a difference by working with organizations on and off campus. Christina is serving as editor of The Front Street Journal and Patty is serving as the Phi Theta Kappa President. Both have families and other obligations. Participation is one of the keys in their being recognized for scholarships and awards. Why am I telling you this? We need several officers for next year’s Phi Theta Kappa officer team. Serving as an officer does, of course, require a commitment of time and effort. Everything worthwhile requires that, right? However, there are many rewards in serving as an officer as well. You work with faculty and staff, you “network” with others, you get to practice valuable leadership and service skills, and all of these can lead to a host of benefits. Think about it. What are your talents and strengths? How can you use them to serve others?

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