Phi Theta Kappa News Reading Area Community College Alpha Sigma Rho Volume 8, Issue 1
January 2012
Five Star Competitive Edge Inside this Issue:
Scholarships Honors Courses Opportunities Summer/Fall Induction Ceremony President’s Message Advisor’s Message
Have you got the EDGE? Five star competitive edge. Get a leg up on the competition for scholarships, transferring and your dream job. Your college classes are only part of your education. Soft skills - such as communication, professional etiquette, team building and critical thinking - are just as important and can give you an advantage over others. Five Star Competitive Edge is an online plan designed to provide you with resources and activities to help you increase personal and professional development skills highly sought-after by four-year colleges and
employers alike. Specifically, Competitive Edge focuses on communication, research, planning and team-building skills. Competitive Edge is for ALL members, regardless of chapter size, activity level of chapter, or chapter location, and can be completed as an individual endeavor. How will Competitive Edge help YOU as a member? Competitive Edge helps members strengthen their marketable skills, such as writing, public speaking, team building, critical thinking and professional etiquette. These skills are highly valued
in the classroom and the workplace. Competitive Edge also allows members to build an online portfolio to showcase ALL of their experience to easily share with potential employers, four-year colleges, and scholarship providers. For more information on the Five Star Competitive Edge program, log onto your Phi Theta Kappa profile at:
Scholarships Available to Phi Theta Kappa Students! Phi Theta Kappa administers scholarships using a common application. Applicants may apply for one scholarship on the common application or multiple scholarships at
the same time. The Spring Common Application opens on February 1 and closes on April 1. The Fall Common Application opens on October 1 and closes December 1.
For more information on individual programs, see
Phi Theta Kappa News
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President’s Message— Signing Day Event
Phi Theta Kappa is the prestigious honor society for two year colleges. Membership acknowledges your academic achievement, provides access to scholarships, and offers participation in the local, regional, and national activities. Contact Dr. Donna Singleton for further information:
Phi Theta Kappa conducted a Signing Day event on November 17, 2011 challenging Reading Area Community College students to commit to complete their degree. Hundreds of students showed their commitment by signing their name to a banner which will soon be displayed on campus. We distributed researched information regarding the benefits of obtaining a college degree and collected over 150 surveys to determine the greatest challenges our RACC students face while striving to complete their degree. The response we received was inspirational.
Some students practically skipped to the table eager to sign their name, others cheered as they signed, and still others told us of their struggles and determination, signing their names with tears in their eyes. Signing Day at Reading Area Community College was nothing short of moving and we were all grateful to be a part of it. But, it's not over yet! Phi Theta Kappa is compiling and analyzing the data we collected via the surveys. We are at the very beginning of the process; however, the initial reading of the data has kept our chapter
in awe of the students of our great school. The struggles we endure are great, but the majority of us endure them well. We are strong, committed, resourceful, and determined. And Phi Theta Kappa's Signing Day has been a great reminder to us all to keep our eyes looking toward our future with our arms around each other for support. If you didn’t get to sign the banner and wish you did, look for Phi Theta Kappa at the Winter Blues Picnic on January 24, 2012 and expect to see another Signing Day in March, 2012! Patty Chase Sturz, President
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Phi Theta Kappa News
Summer and Fall New Member Induction Ceremony The following is a list of all the inductees, not all are pictured. Summer Inductees: Jamille Artis, Kathleen Beatrice, Heather Boyer, Cody Brown, Gwen Burgis, Katelynn Chambers, Jennifer Chelius, Kadera Ferguson, Todd Frizzell, Andrea Gardner, Neil Hassler, Jed Holzmacher, Dylan James, Laura Lievano, Anushka Liyanage, Patrichia Mowad, Maria O’Brien, Mary Portalatin, Amanda Rea, Tonya Reedy, David Rich, Julia Santangelo, Ashley Shenk, Marilyn Smith, Vanessa Soler, Stephanie Stricker, Paula Thanhauser, Crystal Wanner
Fall Inductees: Jason Asbell, Amanda Briggs, Leonard Caschera, Allen Cerullo, Brooke Clark, Danielle Cummings, Kelly Fielder, Michael Fisher, Chelsea Gerberich, John Goerner , Agatha Gradkowski, Shelby Gregory, Christine Hertzog, Fred Jackson, Meghann Johnston, Alexa Korber, Jessica Lesher, Marcela Manta, Gary Matthews, Lisa Mayol, Nichole McDowell, Christian Pezzino, Selena Swope, Jarrod Weida, Colleen Whitehawk, Rebecca So, Suzanne Smith, Robert Pirock Congratulations to Phi Theta Kappa’s new inductees and welcome to Reading Area Community College’s Alpha Sigma Rho Chapter.
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Phi Theta Kappa News
From the Advisor’s Desk:
Chapter Officers:
Patty Chase Sturz President Vanessa Soler Vice President Theadra Graczyk Secretary John Wandishin Treasurer Mark Krotee Public Relations Secretary Toni Jones Student Activities Board Dr. Donna Singleton Advisor
Do You Know about the Enhanced Membership Program? The Enhanced Membership Program is a voluntary program designed to reward those Phi Theta Kappa members who are active within the chapter. In comparison, standard membership requires no specific commitment to the chapter or its activities. Phi Theta Kappa International tells chapters that they cannot require participation: membership is first and foremost, recognition of your academic achievement. Headquarters does, however, allow chap-
ters to reward members who choose to be active. In addition to academic recognition, the International organization works to give scholarships and to encourage four-year colleges to give members transfer scholarships. Just as our chapter meets requirements for Five Star status, our active members can meet requirements to earn rewards and be recognized at the annual Making a Difference Breakfast in the Spring. The chapter has an Enhanced Membership brochure, available at meetings and outside
Yocum 110. You must keep track of your own activities, being sure your attendance and participation are noted, and turn in your Enhanced Membership Form when completed. Through this program you can give back to your chapter and the college community. In addition, you will provide service, discover hidden talents and enjoy fellowship with other members. Participation in extra-curricular activities is increasingly important for college applications, scholarship applications, and resumes. D. Singleton
You Qualify! Qualifying for Phi Theta Kappa shows that you are a conscientious motivated student. You clearly take your education seriously and work hard. Did you know that you qualify to take Honors courses too? Students who qualify by placement test or students with a 3.25 GPA can take Honors courses. Some stu-
dents have misconceptions about taking Honors. They fear the classes will be too hard or their GPA will go down. These fears are unfounded. Honors courses provide an enriched experience, not necessarily more work. These smaller classes lead to more interaction with the faculty and classmates; a close cama-
raderie usually develops. In addition there are other benefits: specialized courses, scholarships, and even tickets to Miller Center performances. You already qualify, so check out the Honors Program on the RACC webpage or contact the Honors Coordinator, Dr. Singleton at