Phi Theta Kappa Newsletter

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Phi Theta Kappa News Reading Area Community College Alpha Sigma Rho

Volume 9, Issue 2

October 2012

October Events

Scholarships! Inside this Issue:

 Scholarships  RACCy Olympics  October Events  Advisors Column

October is the time for those graduating next year to take advantage of scholarship opportunities. One of the biggest opportunities is the ALL-USA All-PA competition. RACC can nominate only two students for this scholarship. The Phi Theta Kappa website explains, “The All-USA Academic Team program annually recognizes 60 outstanding two-year college students. First, Second, and Third Teams, each consisting of 20 members, are selected. The 20 First Team members receive stipends of $2,500 each.” (Go to for more information.) The top scoring student in Pennsylvania is named a New Century Scholar and receives $2,000. In addition, our RACC candidates receive a two-year full scholarship to any state university in Pennsylvania. The application is an online process (see and will be open on October 1. The application requires several parts, including letters of recommendation, lists of activities, and a brief essay, so it is important to work quickly to complete the application by the local deadline of November 19.

Phi Theta Kappa News

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Advisors Column Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society Alpha Sigma Rho Chapter Reading Area Community College Benefits of Phi Theta Kappa Membership        

Scholarship opportunities Phi Theta Kappa seal on diploma Golden Key Membership Pin Membership certificate and ID Card National Dean’s List recognition Entry in Phi Theta Kappa scholarship database Option of wearing Phi Theta Kappa gold stole and tassel for graduation Opportunities for leadership, service, and fellowship on local, regional, international level

Responsibilities of Phi Theta Kappans       

Payment of lifetime Phi Theta Kappa membership fee of $55.00 Payment of regional fee of $5.00 Payment of local chapter fee of $10.00 Total fees: $70.00 Maintenance of GPA of 3.5 or higher with one term grace period to raise GPA to 3.5 should it drop below Search for more information For chapter information, see StudentActivities/PTK/default.aspx

Benefits and Responsibilities When we invite members to join the chapter, we send a list of benefits and responsibilities, as above. Many students join because of those benefits, of course. As an advisor, I need to remind members of the main responsibility: to maintain a 3.5 GPA. If your GPA falls below the 3.5, as noted on your application, you must notify the chapter advisor immediately. You are given a one semester “grace period” to raise the GPA to the 3.5. If the GPA remains below the 3.5, the advisor must notify headquarters to revoke the membership, resulting in that person not being eligible for Phi Theta Kappa scholarships and not being able to wear the stole and tassel at graduation. If you find you are struggling in some of your courses, it is important to avail yourself of extra help from the instructor, from peer study groups, or from the tutoring center. The RACC community wants to help you succeed and meet your commitment to complete your education goals and graduate as a Phi Theta Kappa member.

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Phi Theta Kappa is the prestigious honor society for two year colleges. Membership acknowledges your academic achievement, provides access to scholarships, and offers participation in the local, regional, and national activities. Contact Dr. Donna Singleton for further information:

Chapter Officers:

 Mary Portalatin President  Jed Holzmacher Vice President  Rebecca Krisher Secretary  Topher King Public Relations Secretary  Dr. Donna Singleton Advisor

Phi Theta Kappa News

RACCy Olympics! The RACCy Olympics is an afternoon filled with crazy and unique games where teams of students and staff compete for an overall title. There are plenty of opportunities for the teams to fundraise throughout the year and each team member is encouraged to raise a minimum $100. Some of this year's fundraisers included selling coupon books, a student parking space raffle, Breakfast with Santa, rummage sale, candy bar sales, and a roller skating party. Come join us for a RACCy Olympics information meeting on November 2nd at 2pm in the SUB 102 (multipurpose room). There will be a free raffle with prizes for all team members attending the meeting.

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