1 minute read
If Our Pets Could Talk
My name is Marilyn and I'm the chief egg producer at Butterfly Cove Botanicals. You'll see Gabby in the background. She's always too busy talking to pay attention when I take a selfie. When we were in grade school our teacher, Ms. Rhodes Island, told everyone in class: "Gabby talks and talks and TALKS. Other hens can't focus on their arithmetic because Gabby talks so much."
Here at Butterfly Cove, the hens sent the rooster packing because he didn't allow reading during recess. We can't be bothered with such nonsense. You see, we put our beaks together and formed the first ever Chapter of the Pulpwood Poultry Readers Club. Humans think we only lay eggs, but reading is our passion. Our favorite book is Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type by Doreen Cronin. We like it because the hens go on strike and stop laying eggs.
They are probably reading, or writing their own story.
Here's a picture of BeeBee and Mama Red, teaching a human (Jamie Woody) to read.
Gurl.. . let me preach, that's a job!
When speaking of chickens, humans toss around derogatory words such as, "bird brain," which imply that hens aren't intelligent. Before tossing around such hurtful words, I must ask, have you ever tried to teach a human to read?
Gurl. No wonder hens go on strike.
The Pulpwood Poultry Readers reside in the mountains of Western North Carolina on the Butterfly Cove Botanical farm with Author, Renea Winchester.