1 minute read
If Our Pets Could Talk
Hey y'all! I'm a two-year-old Golden Doodle named Georgia Peach, but I'm not a southern belle. I live in Ontario, Canada and I was so darn cute as a pup, hence the name. From day one, my mission has been to spread joy and laughter and I'm sooo good at that! Everyone smiles and laughs when they see me. I can't help bouncing around and being happy to meet people. My Nana takes me to the dog park once a week and she laughs the entire time we are there as I dash around making friends with all the other dogs. She's an author and tells me I'm her muse. I helped her think of a new book title recently while we were chilling together, seriously! She says I help with her books because her readers love when I'm in her FB photos and I know there are some great dogs and cats (I'm cool with them too!) in those stories. I'm hoping I will star in a story one day too! Georgia’s Nana, Patricia Sands, is lucky to have this sweet little muse!
