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OH Canada!

By: Cameron Kertis, Matt Bahr, Arik Schultz, and Scott Evenson

Canadians eat more meat and beef than anyone. Bread is eaten at most meals. Canadians eat more meat like roast beef and steak than anyone. The also eat chicken, lamb, pork, and fish. Apples and bananas are popular fruits. Hot soup is common with lunch and dinner. They eat a lot of fish.

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Canadians drink tea, milk, soft drinks, beer, and wine. They eat a lot of dairy products. The QuĂŠbec region eats a lot of French dishes. Canadians eat a lot of red meats for dinner. A favorite fast food is poutine. Poutine is French fries covered with gravy and cheese curds.

Maple is made in many parts of the counrty . maple syrup is eaten in dessert and breakfast. in the west immagrant communiteis have made the urban cnadadian plate increasingly diverse. In canda you can find wild rice, smoked fish, and a lot of Asian dishes. People from indigenous tribes eat a lot of american foods like hamburgers. They also eat whale skin, salmon, caribou, berries, and roots. l=&oq=&surl=1

Canada has a lot of sports. Some people play sports in the winter. Snowboarding skiing is a popular sport in Canada. Ice hockey is a big sport in Canada. Curling is a popular in the winter. Some people will play basketball in the winter.

In the summer people play baseball or softball. Some people fish and hunt. Lacrosse is a national sport people love the sport. Some people love to take bike rides or play golf.

Canada has their own leagues or they play with some USA leagues. Canada has their own football leagues, but they have one team that plays in the NFL. Baseball is a popular sport for any ages. Some people watch the MLB. The NBA is a popular sport in the winter.

Everyday life in Canada is very interesting. Farming is an important industry, and wheat is the major crop. Canada celebrates the same holidays as we do. About 8 percent of Canada is farming land. In addition, early day Canadian’s farmed, fished, or trapped animals for the meat. Good educational progress causes a celebration. People there celebrate their country’s birthday by parades and celebrations.

Paper and wood are both Canada’s top exports. The Canadian dollar is weaker then the American dollar. Canada is rich on raw materials, such as copper, gold, silver, platinum, iron, nickel, zinc, coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

A famous group moved to Canada and was The Group of Seven. After the group was made the government started making museums, orchestras, and theaters. Queen Elizabeth II was Canada’s queen.

Lastly, about 50 percent of students seek some form of education beyond high school. People used to live in igloos as a house. More than 14 percent of Canada lives in poverty.

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