Costa Rica

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Costa Rica

By, Connor, Hunter, Levi, and Tanner


What do you know about Costa Rica’s governmnt? Well I’ll tell you all about it. Costa Rica has a large reputation as a place committed to nonviolent politics. The mayors’ are elected to four year terms. The magistrates are elected for eight years. People travel to their town of birth to vote because; Election Day is a national holiday.

Branches of Government


Costa Rica’s government is a democracy. The Executive Branch has one president and two vice presidents. The Supreme Court is made up of twenty-two (22) magistrates; state officers. The constitution in Costa Rica is well respected and the Judicial Branch is treated and respected the same way.


Here are some fun (extra) facts about Costa Rica. Costa Rica has no set military or naval defense. Costa Rica is made up of seven provinces; states. Costa Rica established a Cost Guard in 2000. Costa Rica’s constitution was adopted in 1949. That’s what I can tell you about their government.

Sports Have you ever wondered what people do for fun in Costa Rica? Well I’m about to tell you. In Costa Rica the most watched and played sport is futbol, or what we call soccer. Basketball, baseball, volleyball, surfing, racing, and running is also very popular in Costa Rica. The rich like to play polo and golf. Costa Ricans also enjoy beach volleyball between January and April.

Fishing If you ever want to go fishing in Costa Rica, you can expect to catch Mahi Mahi, Wahoo, Billfish, Yellow Fin Tuna, and most popular in Costa Rica, the Roosterfish. In a fishing tournament in Costa Rica, a total of 1,691 Billfish were caught. Costa Rica is known as the Sailfish capital of the Pacific. Costa Rica has big fishing tournament every tournament every month, and; people come from all over to watch and participate

Festivals Activities at festivals include bullfighting, fireworks, parades, and more. They enjoy playing instruments such as the quijanga, a drum made of animal skin, the ocarina, a small wind instrument, and the jicaro, a kernal filled gourd. In Costa Rica they have another festival that celebrates the coffee plant after it is harvested.

Food In Costa Rica people grow coffee, bananas, sugarcane, rice, beans, potatoes, and beef. Bananas are the 2nd most important agricultural exports. In Costa Rica they also produce a wide variety of tropical fruits, as well as sugar and cacao. IN the 20th century however bananas were attack with a disease called Sigatoka. People cook boiled iguana eggs and hog heads on special treats served on festive occasion .they produce more bananas than coffee. They sold 4,600,000,000 pounds of bananas to the US. Coffee is the oldest agricultural and has been exported since the 1790s. Beans and rice are the most important from time to time. Exports that produce in 1994-99 averaged 2,045,000 metric tons with revenues of US $624 million dollars. q%3Dcosta%2Brica%2Bfarming%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26gbv%3D2%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D567%26tbm%3Disch0%2C875&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=423&vpy=246&dur=281&hov h=207&hovw=240&tx=173&ty=73&oei=xWeoTd6tH8uRgQfq57HzBQ&page=3&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:27&biw=1003&bih=567

Land About 9.9 % of total land area is used for crop production. Half of all farms average is less than 10 hectares. Hectares are unit of measurement. Over 85 % of coffee, properties belong to Costa Rica. L92viC5Go=&h=356&w=475&sz=39&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=t7ayoGpQ_HWSMM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=153&ei=_maoTZmTOIrcgQeD9MX0BQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcosta%2Brica% 2Bfarm%2Bland%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1020%26bih%3D567%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=276&vpy=237&dur=219&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=17 5&ty=115&oei=_maoTZmTOIrcgQeD9MX0BQ&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0

What People Eat Many Families serve meat at evening meals. They often prepare tamales (ground pork and corn meals steamed in corn husks). 6&sz=32&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=q17RhEuwQH1wFM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=140&ei=52WoTYOhFdDOgAeTzY30BQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dground%2Bpork%2Band%2Bcorn%2Bmea ls%2Bsteamed%2Bin%2Bcorn%2Bhusks%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1020%26bih%3D567%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=99&vpy=92&dur=156&hovh=1 83&hovw=275&tx=175&ty=93&oei=52WoTYOhFdDOgAeTzY30BQ&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0

Population and Size My topic for Costa Rica is the geography. Right now I will talk about population and size of Costa Rica. Costa Rica is 19,730 square miles. The population is 4,672,000 people. There are about 237 people per square mile. Cost Rica’s elevation is anywhere from sealevel-12,530 feet high.

Climate, Volcanoes, and Mountains Now I will be talking about climate, volcanoes, and mountains. There are several volcanoes in Costa Rica’s national parks. Vulcan Irazu is the highest volcano in Costa Rica. 50% of Costa Rica is covered by different types of forests, including tropical rain forests, mountain cloud forests, and more. Costa Rica has volcanoes, coastal lowlands, beaches, mountains, and beautiful rivers. Costa Rica averages anywhere from 67 degrees-81 degrees Fahrenheit, depending where you are at.

Random Facts Now I will talk about some random facts. Costa Rica means rich coast in English. It is called this because Spanish explorers believed there was a lot of gold hidden under the coastal lines. Not much gold was found. They a lot of fields for growing crops. Costa Rica is 10 degrees north of the equator and 84 degrees west of the prime meridian. Costa Rica borders Nicaragua and Panama. That is all about the geography of Costa Rica.

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