Henysie ray, Valorie clark,and Rylee olson
Japan’s video gaming history This part of Japan’s story is about the video gaming industry! Soon you’re going to find out where Japan’s place in video gaming history is. After that, you’ll find out about their PC history. Lastly you’ll find out about how fast the hand-held consoles have sold in Japan .Well, that’s that for Japan’s video gaming industry history.
http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=571&q=japanese+video+games&gbv=2&oq=japanese +video+games&aq=f&aqi=g1gS9&aql=&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l9.15953l24516l0l24828l20l20l0l10l10l0l235l1579l0j7j2l9l0.frgbld.&surl=1&safe=active
This paragraph is about Japan’s place in video game history. Sadly, the first video game consoles were American, but crashed in 1983. After the American consoles crashed Japan’s company “Famico” released their systems, its name was the “Nintendo”. After that happened, American games have gained shelf space little by little, and now percentage is about 50%-50%. And that’s how Japan got so popular in video game history.
http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=571&q=japan%27s+nintend o&gbv=2&oq=japan%27s+nintendo&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=img.3...3078l13047l0l14156l16l16l0l8l4l0l563l 1501l0j6j51l7l0.frgbld.&surl=1&safe=active#hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=japan%27s+nintendo+6 4&oq=japan%27s+nintendo+64&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=img.3...5187l8015l0l8297l3l3l0l2l0l0l578l578l51l1l0.frgbld.&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=50d973f1b065172a&biw=1024&bih=571
This paragraph is about the fastest selling hand-held consoles in video gaming history. The Nintendo DS and the DS Lite are breaking records in Japan, and have sold 166,818 units a week! Their PSP units have also sold a lot, but they’ve only sold 29,307 units a week. In the Guenis World Record books Nintendo has been able to hold an average of 6.5 spots on the top 10 list of Japanese games sold.
This paragraph is about PC-based games. In Japan, PC-based games are very much in minority when compared to console-based games. Although it’s quite understandable that console games would be more popular, because they have controllers that are easy to use and that only need to be inserted into the console. The “Golden Age� for PC games was in the late 1907s and the mid 1990s. Then that was that for PC games, but there still popular anyways.
Once again this part of the “story” was about where Japan’s place in video game history was, their PC history, and the fastest selling hand-held consoles in Japan’s history. Well that’s that for Japan’s video gaming industry.
Sports in Japan
uck you
Japanese has a lot of cool facts on their sports! Have you ever wondered about sports in Japan here are some really cool facts
Do you want to know what the most popular sport is in japan is? The most popular sport in japan is baseball. There are 12 major teams. They are very skilled baseball teams and some of them are the best baseball teams in the world! http://mlb.images.net/graphics/product_images/pMLB2-11817307dt.jpg
Have you ever wonderd the life of sumo rescling? You can start sumo at any age. And if you start sumo when your in school there is a after school thing with sumo rescling. There are 7 levels of sumo.
Here are some sports in general. They normaly have 15-18 sporting events a day. Some with kids and some with only adults. And some of the sports they have there are something we call an activity here. http://www.chicago.us.emb-
I wanted to do sports in japan because I thought it would be cool and fun to learn about!
Food in japan Do you like food. The first paragraph is about the main food that they make. Second is about the main food that they eat. Third is all of the food that they grow.
Food that the Japanese make. One of the main things that they make is sushi. Sushi is any kind of seafood wrapped in seaweed & rice. http://www.google.com/imgres?
Tofu is another thing it is a soy been product. As you can see the Japanese mainly eat seafood. Not all of their food is good but most of it is
The main food that the Japanese eat. Rice is the main thing that they eat. Rice is in every meal. In every time of the day there plaits are huge. Sushi is the main thing they eat.
the food that the Japanese grow and get. Seafood is the main food that the Japanese get. They also grow soy beans. Rice is easily the main thing that they eat.
http://www.google.com/imgrhttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/L5ltuBvKE3I/TrAkfMbhoJI/AAAAAAAAAIk/jMzYtEuPW7M /s1600/Health-Insurance-Edamame.jpges
I love most of Japanese food. My family and I always go to Japanese restaurants. We always first go right to the sushi and chop sticks. Japanese food is honestly the best food ever.