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How Coaching Can Make You A Great Leader
The world of business is a competitive place. The moment you let up, there’s another organisation willing to work harder for a bigger slice of the pie and leadership is no exception.
If you lift your foot off the accelerator, there’s someone else, either from within your organisation or from within another, waiting to replace you. As they say, it’s a dog eat dog world.
But, surely business leaders, have limits for growth, right? While this is true, there are ways to stretch those limits. One of the most effective is through engaging a business coach.
There are two kinds of leaders who need business coaching - the overwhelmed leader who’s backed up with roadblocks, and the proactive leader who has a stable footing right now, but wants to improve innovation and streamline strategies.
You don’t want to be the first one. But if you find yourself in this situation, a business coach can help you navigate your way through
it. They will look at your business from a different perspective, which allows him or her to share insights that you may not be able to see.
Sure, you can navigate your way through it on your own. But, at what cost? Time is money, as they say, so trying to experiment your way through these roadblocks can cost you hours and precious resources.
If you’re the second leader, a business coach’s experience of both working with their own business and for other clients, makes them a great tool during brainstorming sessions. You can bounce ideas off them and merge your expertise to get a broader perspective in crafting action plans and business strategies.
Even resilient people get discouraged and disheartened by their failures or other types of disappointments from time to time. Captains of industries aren’t immune to this. They may be considered even more susceptible to this because of the scale with which they’re trying to operate a business.

In times like these, a good nudge in the right direction from a business coach that you respect can help you get out of your slump and get your entrepreneurial mojo back. Sometimes, all that’s needed is a little encouragement.
Over the years, we learn how to react to situations instinctively. If someone greets you ‘good morning,’ you say ‘good morning’ back even if there isn’t anything good about the morning you’re having. It’s basic human conditioning. Business situations can be awfully repetitive, so your response can become automatic too. But, if we can just adjust our response to each situation with more intention and focus, the problems might not even recur.
A business coach recognizes these patterns and points it out so that we, as business leaders, can craft more personalized solutions. Recognizing detrimental decisionmaking habits like these isn’t easy especially if you have no one to reach out to for guidance.