How to read poetry_V_Tenedini

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by Valentina Tenedini Liceo scienze umane e scientifico Regina Maria Adelaide academic year 2019-20

La feuille (1818)

Depuis ce jour me promène

De ta tige détachée,

De la forêt à la plaine,

Pauvre feuille desséchée,

De la montagne au vallon.

Où vas-tu ? - Je n'en sais rien.

Je vais ou le vent me mène,

L'orage a brisé le chêne

Sans me plaindre ou m'effrayer :

Qui seul était mon soutien.

Je vais où va toute chose,

De son inconstante haleine

Où va la feuille de rose

Le zéphyr ou l'aquilon

Et la feuille de laurier. Antoine Vincet Arnault

Answer these Questions: 1. How many characters are there in the poem? – Who are they? 2. Who is talking? 3. List the places mentioned in the poem: 4. List the things mentioned in the poem: 5. Why are they mentioned?

6. What is their figurative meaning? Explain‌ 7. Paraphrase the content of the poem:...

Canto XXXV - Imitazione Lungi dal proprio ramo, Vo pellegrina, e tutto l’altro ignoro. Povera foglia frale,

Dove vai tu? – Dal faggio

Vo dove ogni altra cosa,

Là dov’io nacqui, mi divise il vento.

Dove naturalmente

Esso, tornando, a volo

Va la foglia di rosa,

Dal bosco alla campagna,

E la foglia d’alloro.

Dalla valle mi porta alla montagna. Seco perpetuamente

Giacomo Leopardi 1835

THEME & SUBjECT MATTER the subject matter is what the poem tells about.

the theme is the central idea the author wishes to communicate; the view of life or insight into human experience that he / she wishes to express. The theme is the abstract, generalised comment or statement the poet makes about the subject. It is the answer to the question “What does the poem mean?” not “What is the poem about?”(subject mater)

DENOTATION AND CONNOTATION The denotation of a word refers to its dictionary meaning. The word ‘knife’, for example, denotes an instrument used for cutting. The connotation of a word is the range of accompanying meanigs it suggests and it implies. The connotations of the word ‘knife’ includes ‘danger, threat, violence, passion’. TONE

The tone is the author’s attitude toward the subject of his work or his audience. Tone is conveyed by the choice of words, their denotative and connotative meanings and the images they conjure up.

Compare and contrast the 2 versions ● ● ● ● ●

● Find out similarities and differences Identify the figures of speech Compare the figurative language…. Is the language more connotative or denotative? What is the tone? Identify each poems’ subject matter and theme

OVER TO YOU How similar or different, in your opinion, are the 2 poems?

Choose the one you prefer and explain why

Find, if you can, a song, an image to complement this poem...




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