Trend Prive Magazine - NO.25

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iN THIS ISSUE BEAUTY REPORTER B i t e B e a u t y - B y G i a O`n e a l ( p.1 5 ) H ow-to G u i d e fo r Co lo r Co r r ec t i n g !

- ( p. 3 2 )

S c e n t s o f F a l l - B y E r i n S ch w e i n sb e r g ( p . 3 3 )

H U M A N ITA R I A N Th e D i s t i n g u i sh e d G e n t l e m a n ’ s R i d e - b y ANDREA B ELL ( p . 5 0 )

TR AVEL / PHOTOGR APHY T r a v e l Pho t og r a p h y T i p s - b y

R e a ch n v j ( p . 6 6 )

GASTRONOMY Vegan Milk Bible - by

R a i s a K u d a sh e v a ( p . 8 0 )

S US TA I N A B LE LI V I N G Eg l oo – C a n d l e p o w e r e d h e a t e r - B y C a t a l i n a M a g e e ( p . 8 8 )

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P aula B ul c z yns k a @K arin Models, Paris

Balancing personal life and profession isn’t the easiest task, but after so many years of doing it, I got pretty good at it - airports being my second home sometimes. TPM: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

TPM: Do you love animals?

Paula: My name is Paula Bulczynska and I’m coming from the West part of Poland. I was asked to describe myself in 5 words and I guess I`d start with: positive, hard-working, reliable, and often naive. I`ll just finish with a word and that is: real.

Paula: Yes, I do! I’m a total cat person and I get crazy when I see these little creatures. I have a black cat (called Pistacja) and her best friend - golden retriever named Elvis.

I got into modeling by sending few pictures taken by my friend to my present mother agency: Gagamodels. I was encouraged to do so by my cousin who was working in fashion business before. Until now, it had been one of the best decisions in my life and I’m glad that my parents and I took a risk at that young age. Balancing my life and profession isn’t the easiest, but after so many years I do it quite well - airports being my second home sometimes. TPM: How would you describe the life of a model living in Paris? What do you do on your free time and which places you`d recommend? Paula: The life of model living in Paris is very busy and there is always something to do. Many castings, appointments and shootings, in between, of course, there is some time to explore the city and in Paris there is a lot to see ! I love visiting permanent exhibitions that take place at Grand Palais or just going to other museums, galleries, taking walks and drinking espresso while eating croissants. TPM: When was the last time you traveled somewhere new? Where was it at and what great memories would you like to share with the world? Paula: Right now, I’m flying back from Mongolia and answering these questions somewhere above Russia, so the last time I travelled to the very new place was last week :) I can say that I truly fell in love with Mongolia, its nature is breathtaking - hundreds of horses, sheep, yaks and camels, endlessly green mountains and the cutest Mongolian babies. TPM: If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? Paula: I wouldn’t like to stop working, even if I had enough money. There is always something that you can do, for example, to help others have a better and easier life. Trend Privé Magazine 8

TPM: What is a global issue that bothers you the most and how would you fight to solve it? Paula: What bothers me the most is the politics of richest and most influential countries that hurt innocent people? I hate that the oil has been recently the cause of so many fights and deaths and unfortunately, I have no idea how to change it. Maybe by enlightening people, saying that not everything that the media and politicians say is true and we should all be open-minded and live in peace, no matter what religion we believe in, skin color we have or whom we fall in love with. TPM: How do you contribute to a better world? Paula: I always try to prove to people that it doesn’t matter where you are from, what you have or how you look - you can achieve anything you want. And I often say that good will always comes back to you, so it’s worth doing it! TPM: If you could ask a single person one question, and they had to answer truthfully, who and what would you ask? Paula: I would ask Kim Jong-un about his politics, if he ever sympathizes with the people he manipulates and hurts in North Korea? TPM: Where do you think you will be in 25-30 years from now? Any goals that you`d like to share with us? Paula: Probably I will be working at my own company and I’ll be traveling with my husband and enjoying the places we both love :) TPM: What one piece of advice would you offer to a teenager model? What about to a model your age? Paula: I would definitely tell both to believe in themselves and make sure that modeling is really something that gives them pleasure and satisfaction. If not, just quit. There is nothing worse than having a job that doesn’t bring you happiness.

M a r c h e r s u r P a r is

P h oto g rap h er : Y u j i W ata n a b e Styling: Stesy @N Managament Make-up and hair: Omar Bouker for A g at h e S e g u ra Model: Paul a @K arin Models Loc ation: Paris , Fr ance

Jumpsuit Gretel Zanotti Brooch Rosantica Milano

Dress Mario Dice

Dress Gretel Zanotti Trend Privé Magazine 11

Dress Gretel Zanotti

Jumpsuit Gretel Zanotti Shoes Giovanni Fabiani Brooch Rosantica Milano

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B i te B eauty By G i a O`n e a l

This product makes me want to sing Whitney Houston’s “I’m Every Woman” because every woman can use this. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, executive or college student, the simplicity of it all works.

Looking for something to satisfy your beauty cravings? Take a BITE out of this! Bite Beauty (handmade in Toronto, Canada) has developed products that’ every woman should incorporate into her routine. You’ve heard of one size fits all, well, in this case one product can do it all! Women have always used lipsticks on eyes and cheeks. “I was inspired to develop a blendable formula that performed equally well on lips, eyes and cheeks.” explains Susanne Langmuir, founder and creator of Bite Beauty. I was asked to write a review and had only heard twos and fews about the product, so when I began my research, I called my mother and told her. Please forgive me for laughing at her for applying lipstick on her cheeks back in the day. She was simply ahead of my time. Bite Beauty created 18 gorgeous universal colors that are blendable, breathable and buildable. Lip product applies like a cream and wears like a powder, containing 35% powder in each bullet and is also silicon free. Made with natural food grade and organic ingredients that feed the skin and lips with hydration. (This product receives 5 yasssss)! Anytime a product delivers goodness to your skin, I’m all all in.

Names like Biscotti , Cocoa, Macarroon, Papaya, Mascarpone and Mochi are a reminder that not only will you look good but, hey, it’s good for you. Mochi is definitely my favorite, as a woman of color I love the way Mochi stands out on my cheeks . Grab yourself one, two or all of the multi-stick collection. How does one apply this wonderful creation ? I like to use a combination of things. For the cheeks I take the direct approach and get my Zena princess warrior on (apply it directly on my skin in a line or a small circle). I then use a beauty blender to press it into my skin. For the eyes I use blending brush and and whirl it around a bit on the eye for that soft look. Lips... duh ! I pile it on. These lips require noticing. I mean, everything is better with lipstick. This multistick collection which could easily be called Renaissance Woman does it all. If you find yourself needing a soothing, leave-on lip mask that replenishes moisture in lips, check out Bite’s Agave Lip Mask. Bite Beauty can be found at (carried in stores as well) Price point for Multistick $24.00 Price point for Agave Lip Mask $24.00

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01 H e r c u l e A N Lo v e affai r P h oto g rap h er & A rt dire c tor : B en A s i f F as h io n stylist : B a r b a r a P a l l a d i n o M a k e- u p a r t i s t: Lo r e n a L eo n a r d i s Hair stylist : D a n i l o Sp a c c a S tylist ’ s assista n ts : F l o r a P a n e tt a a n d M a n u e l B a r t o l i n i P h oto g rap h er ’ s assista n t : S te f ano P i z z ett i P ost P rod u c tio n : W alter O l i o M o d e l : A l i na @ W h y No t M o d e l s L o c atio n : P ala z z o B ran c a c c i o Rom e , I t a l y

BACK-COVER Dress: Maison Nino Lettieri Earrings: Maison Luigi Borbone

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Dress: Maison Luigi Borbone Collar: Atelier Persechino Headpiece: Oscar Ob

Metal cape: Atelier Persechino Headpiece: Ely B. Ring: Maison Luigi Borbone Corset: La Perla

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Dress: Renato Balestra Belt: Atelier Persechino Bracelet: Maison Luigi Borbone

Dress: AGG Anton Giulio Grande Trend Privé Magazine 21

Dress: AGG Antonio Grande Cape: AGG Antonio Grande Crown: Maison Luigi Borbone Ring: Maison Luigi Borbone

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Dress: Renato Balestra Belt: Atelier Persechino Bracelet: Maison Luigi Borbone

Dress: AGG Antonio Grande Cape: AGG Antonio Grande Crown: Maison Luigi Borbone Ring: Maison Luigi Borbone

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Dress: Renato Balestra Ring: Maison Luigi Borbone

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Dress: Maison Nino Lettieri Earrings: Maison Luigi Borbone

Dress: Atelier Persechino Belt: Atelier Persechino Bracelet: Maison Luigi Borbone Trend Privé Magazine 29

Blouse: Maison Nino Lettieri Skirt: Maison Nino Lettieri Bracelet: Maison Luigi Borbone

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H ow-to G u i d e fo r Co lo r Co r r e c ti n g ! B y E r in S c hw e ins b e r g T P M S e nio r B e a u t y E d i t o r www . fa c e b oo k . c om / e r ins c hw e ins b e r g ma k e u pa r t is t r y

Color Corre c ti n g prod u c ts are taking over the be aut y marke t! E v ery b ra n d h as t h eir ow n c olor c orre c ti n g palettes a n d prod u c ts to tar g et all of t h e area ’ s of your skin that you try to hidew h e t h e r i t b e d a r k s p o t s , r e d n e ss , d a r k c i r c l e s , o r d u l l n e ss ; b u t mos t p e o p l e s t r u g g l e w i t h w h i c h c olor c orre c tor is ri g h t for t h e i r s k i n , a n d h ow t o u s e t h e m . S o h e r e ’ s a q u i c k “ h ow - t o ” g u i d e to h elp yo u n arrow dow n w h i c h c olor c orre c tors are ri g h t for y o u - a n d h ow b e s t t o a p p l y t h e m !


Yo u ’ l l n o t i c e t h e c ommo n correcting colors are green, y e l l ow , p i n k , p e a c h , l a v e n d e r , orange, and red. All of these c olors h a v e t h eir role i n correcting different skin tone c o n c e r n s , r e m e mb e r t o s t a r t o u t wit h a li g h t appli c atio n w h e n a p p ly i n g yo u r co lo r co r r ec to r s a s som e t i m e s , l e ss t r u l y i s mo r e ! I t ’ s m u c h e a s i e r t o b u i l d u p your produc t then trying to take som e o f f ! H e r e i s a q u i c k c o l o r guide to help determine which colors are right for your skin.


S mash b o x Co l o r Co r r e c t in g S t i c k s $ 2 3 . 0 0 A v aila b le at w w w . s m a s h b o x . c o m

Ta r t e Limi t e d E d i t ion W ip e o u t Co l o r Co r r e c t in g P a l e t t e $ 4 5 . 0 0 A v aila b le at w w w.tartecosme tic


U r b an D e c a y N a k e d S k in Co l o r Co r r e c t in g F l u i d $ 2 8 . 0 0 A v aila b le at w w w.urbandec

G reen - h i d e s r e d n e ss Y ellow - c a l ms m i l d r e d n e ss a n d a l so n e u t r a l i z e s p u r p l e P i n k - h i d e s d a r k c i r c l e s a n d b r i g h t n e ss d u l l n e ss o n ( o n l i g h t s k i n t o n e s ) P ea c h - h i d e s d a r k c i r c l e s a n d c omb a t s d a r k s p o t s ( o n l i g h t t o m e d i u m s k i n ) L a v e n d e r - h i d e s d a r k c i r c l e s a n d b r i g h t n e ss d u l l n e ss ( o n m e d i u m s k i n tones) O range - h i d e s d a r k c i r c l e s ( o n m e d i u m t o d e e p s k i n t o n e s ) R e d - h i d e s d a r k c i r c l e s ( o n d e e p s k i n t o n e s )

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S c e n t s of F a l l B y E r in S c hw e ins b e r g T P M S e nio r B e a u t y E d i t o r www . fa c e b oo k . c om / e r ins c hw e ins b e r g ma k e u pa r t is t r y

Y SL - B l a c k Op i um E a u d e P ar f um

D i pty q u e - P h i l o s yk o s E a u d e T o i l e tt e

T o m F o r d - Ou d W o o d E a u d e P a r fum

90ml (3 oz)- $115.0 0

10 0ml (3.4 oz)- $125.0 0

100ml (3.4oz)- $305.00

www . y s l b e a u t y u s . c om

www . d i p t y q u e p a r i s . c om

www . t om f o r d . c om

T h is sed u c ti v e s c e n t is k n ow n t o b e t h e f i r s t e v e r wom e n ’ s c o f f e e floral fragrance! With notes like coffee a c c o r d , o r a n g e b l ossom , p a t c h o u l i , c e d a r , j a sm i n e , a n d w h i t e f l ow e r s ; i t ` s a n a d d i c t i v e , r om a n t i c fra g ra n c e to fall i n lo v e with this Autumn, Fall in l o v e w i t h t h i s s e a so n !

This light, be autiful scent might be made in France, b u t it so elo q u e n tly captures the warmth of a G r e e k Is l a n d . W i t h n o t e s l i k e f i g l e a v e s , woo d , coconut, and white cedar; t h is disti n c ti v e u n ise x fra g ra n c e is treas u red by all, a popular scent all year round- but e s p ec i a l ly Fa l l !



W or n a n d adored b y b ot h wom e n a n d m e n , t h e n o t e s of t h is e x oti c s c e n t are like no other. Rare oud woo d , v e t i v e r , r os e woo d , c a r d a mom , s a n d a l woo d , t o n k a b e a n , a n d a mb e r ; this perfume has the p e r f e c t a mo u n t o f w a r m t h a n d se n s u ality to c reate a smo k e y F a l l f r a g r a n c e f o r t h os e w h o l i k e a mo r e provo c ative scent!


Photo credit: Erin Schweinsberg

4 V a l e n t i n o D o n n a E a u d e P a r fum 10 0ml (3.4oz)- $130.0 0 www . s h o p . n o r d s t r om . c om A n e l e g a n t , t i m e l e ss f r a g r a n c e . F i l l e d w i t h t h e d e l i g h t f u l s c e n t s o f b e r g a mo t , i r i s , r os e , l e a t h e r , patchouli , benzoin , and vanill a … This fr ag r ance is f e m i n i n i t y a t i t s f i n e s t . A p e r f u m e so a l l u r i n g a n d g r a c e f u l , y o u ’ l l wo n d e r h ow y o u e v e r l i v e d w i t h o u t it!

B eauty f or a c ause MauridiCosmetic LLC is known for their support in different causes and for fundraising. 100% of the profit on some of their items will go to Bancroft School. They have some exclusive products just for Bancroft before they hit the market, such as botanic/vegan Nail polish, Lip gloss, and Lipsticks.

Che c k them out @

02 EURIBIA P h oto D j o r d j e B uk v i c S tylist S tesy @ N M a n a g e m e n t Make up and hair Tijana Damjanovic Model Vanja @Fashion L o c atio n K l i n c i V i l l a g e a n d R o s è Montenegro

“ The principle of all was the Chaos, the set of all elements without order, without distinction and form beyond t i m e a n d space , fro m w h i ch su d d en ly began to separ ate all the elements. It appeared Gea, the earth , the principle of life and the mother of divine lineage, first material re alit y of cre ation and hence the world. Euribia, one of his daughters, was cre ated to be the goddess of the se a and storms , divine force of nature se a and his strength ... Euribia, goddess, strong and charismatic woman , protagonist of the waters , elegant and perfec t. “

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Shirt Roberto Cavalli Pants and Gilet Mario Dice

Dress Mario Dice

Shirt Roberto Cavalli Pants and Gilet Mario Dice Shoes Fratelli Rossetti

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must be

03 CREATI V E D IRECTOR : F A N G B O H U N G , F-Y Studio, Mil an

P R ODU C E R : M Y R A P O S T O L A C H E , T h e S e c r e t C o d e Of F a s h i o n C a sting Direc tor & Showrooms Coordinator: M yra P ostola c he P h o t o g r a p h e r : Fang B o H ung S t y l i s t : H an z h i Y ou M a k e Up / H a i r S t y l e : V a l e r i a O r l a n d o Models: E nly T ammela - M ON S T E R M G M T M ILAN B o o k er : P olly , p o l l y @ m o n s t er - mgm t . c o m T amara Zs i l i ns z k i - E LIT E M OD E L M ILAN B o o k er : Y ann i c k , y . a l a rc o n @ e l i t em o d e l . i t P h o t o g r a p h e r ’ s A s s i s t a n t : P u Y ang , G uo L i l i S t y l i s t ’ s Ass i s t a n t : G ong B e i M a k e Up / H a i r S t y l e Ass i s t a n t : Y ou T i ngt i ng P RO F ESSIONA L D ANCERS : Andrea Piccirillo & Fr ancesca Valenti

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A story inspired from

M a r i n a A b r a m ov i c’s




T h e D i s t i n gu i s h e d Gentleman’s Ride by ANDREA B ELL

For more information on the ride or how to register in your city, visit or check out their Facebook page. Even if you don’t ride, take the opportunity to gussy yourself up and peruse from the sidelines, or donate what you can to an extremely worthy cause.

Dapper motorcyclists around the globe are gearing up for the 2016 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride, an international charity event for custom, classic and vintage motorcycles (and their gentlefolk) that raises awareness and funds for the Movember Foundation’s men’s health programs and provides niche enthusiasts an opportunity to immerse themselves in all the buffed and polished steel eye candy they can manage. On Sunday September 25th, more than 50,000 snazzy riders in over 500 cities across 90 countries will unite for the world’s largest motorcycling charity event, upon their classic & vintage styled wheels. Cafe Racers, vintage choppers, custom brilliance... if it’s fancy and / or it’s retro it’s in there. It is the fashionable and elite feel of these bikes that make the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride the unique event that it is. While encouraged to take part in cheering on the retinue, basic bikes do not join in the actual ride itself and drivers show up in their fanciest duds, right down to their fabulously coiffed moustaches to show off their prized motos. Sponsored by Triumph, the ride involves countries across the continents from Andorra to Wales and everything in between. Now in its fifth year, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was founded in Sydney, Australia by Mark Hawwa. It was inspired by a photo of prime time’s Don Draper of Mad Men astride a classic bike and wearing his finest suit. Mark decided a themed ride would be a great way to combat the often-negative stereotype of men on motorcycles, whilst connecting niche motorcycle communities together. That first ride in 2012 was so successful it encouraged him to consider how it could be used to support a worthy cause. Riders raise funds through their own internet pledge pages. The top generator of funds this year is currently a rider from London, David Blundell contributing over $18K of support. The popular event also draws the attention of various brands and is sponsored in part by such prestige accessories companies as Zenith Watches, Hedon Helmets and Undandy Footwear. Zenith also puts forth a team fundraising effort to encourage other brands to team up and take part. A running tally on the Ride’s main website creates friendly competition for prizes and top billing as contributors. While most of the attention tends to go to those who raise the

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most or who have access to certain channels however, there is a massive effort put forth on the part of less wealthy countries such as Thailand and India as well. These are causes that are important worldwide and need as much backing as possible. There is a community of support within each city that brings riders together and the premise gives a prime accessible opportunity for awareness of men’s health issues that are notoriously absent from conversation but vitally important to draw attention to and create dialogue around. Prostate cancer is a focus through the recently aligned Movember Foundation, although the ride raised millions in funds independently for the first years with sincere dedication and commitment. The loss of an esteemed member this past year has now also prompted the addition of suicide prevention and mental health to their cause. The Gentleman’s Ride is also a platform for riders to network and create community around a shared passion. Cameron Bell who started the Victoria, Canada ride four years ago, has partnered with many of his friends in his town to network around the event and use it for PR. At Victory Barbers, where the clientele enjoy the epitome of a good-old-fashioned cut and shave, the barbers themselves are submersed in everything that makes the gentlemanly side to the ride so appealing aesthetically. Duncan, one of the barbers, takes part in the ride itself and the match of genre helps spread the word to like-minded individuals. Similarly he has connected with the artisanal food truck Kraken and the purveyors of fine men’s accessories, The Copper Hat to bring an authentically crafted feel to Victoria’s event and the riding community. More than just a typical bandwagon for promotion, the exclusivity in the most positive sense of the niche allows enthusiasts to find a common bond that ensures a continued success of the event as well as a stronger community year round and to use the aesthetic to create such a popular spectacle. It is a shining example of what can be attained when the effort put into a passion joins forces with doing something powerful to benefit others. Henceforth it shall be understood that bike connoisseurs are dignitaries of the greater good.

R idi n g D apper for a Ca u se

Th e 2 0 1 6 Dis t in g u ish e d G e n t l e mans Ri d e O n Su n d a y S e pt e mb e r 2 5 t h 2 0 1 6 , t e n s o f t h o u s a n d s o f d i s t i n gu i s h e d g e n t l e f o l k in hundreds of cities worldwide will don t h e i r c r a v a t s , tw e a k t h e i r m o u s t a c h e s , p r e s s t h e i r tw e e d a n d s i t a s t r i d e t h e i r c l a s s i c a n d v i n t a g e s ty l e d m o t o r c y c l e s t o r a i s e fu n d s a n d a w a r e n e s s f o r m e n ’ s h e a lt h , s p e c i f i c a l ly p r o s tat e c a n c e r research and suicide prevention.

Images Courtesy of The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Trend Privé Magazine 55

04 CONTRAST P h oto g rap h er V i kt o r i j a P a s h ut a D esi g n er T at i ana S habeln i k www . t a t i a n a s h a b e l n i k . c om Jewelry T & R A c c e s s o r i e s S h oes J o h n F l u e v o g M UA Lup e M o r e n o , Au r o r a G a l a r z a Hair S tylists C a r i n a T a fu l u , B e t h y M i r e l e s M o d e l s L e n a , H a n n a h , L e a h St a c e y , A n n a A s i a P h o t o g r a p h e r ` s Ass i s t a n t Kr i st i na

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The Former Soviet East meets the West in Rising Designer

Tati a n a Sh a b eln i k

For emerging designer Tatiana Shabelnik, nothing else brings out the vivid colors and tones of her collection C ontrast — seen on the r u n w a y s o f LA F a s h i o n W e e k , R u n w a y Dubai , and celebr ated in the pages of many fashion magazines. A s an emerging designer , Tatiana ha s tr aveled much further in pursuit of her art — from the S o v iet U nion to the W est , from M ins k to L os A ngeles — and momentum is building for her work. A s a Bel arusian émigré, Tatiana is no stranger to advocacy and humanitarian issues — her j ourney from the East to West is also captured in her style and vision, which reflects a unique blending of folk styles with contemporary designs. She is fe atured in the 2015 documentary film “Emerging” because of her impact on fellow designers; and she has teamed up with acclaimed photographer Vi k tori j a P ashuta for several shoots.

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T ravel P hotography T i ps by

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Images Courtesy of Shutterstock

Travel photography is one of the great ways to practice your digital photography skills. Vacations are a good time to investigate this type of photography since you’re relaxed and out to have loads of fun. “Travel photography” is actually an interesting blend of several different types of picture-taking activities, which include landscape, architectural, and street photography. Even if you’re on a whirlwind 14-city tour of Europe, you’ll find that between each of those cities are scenes created by Mother Nature that deserve your artistic attention. This article provides a broad overview of some of the things to keep in mind as you venture forth on your traveling photo expedition.

Travel like a native, not like an American In Europe, stay in the same hotels and eat in the same restaurants as the Europeans do, while my fellow Americans are often sequestered at the Hilton. Public transportation is far better than the United States, easy to understand, fast, and cheap. While Americans are eating in touristy restaurants, I am dining on much better food a couple blocks away at one quarter the price.

Avoid tours Stay away from the packaged tours; I’m visiting to take pictures, not simply to be shown the sights by bored locals. A two-week, $4,000 (per person) guided tour can cost you half or one third as much if you’re willing to spend a little time on Google discovering the major things of interest in the places you want to visit—or even to determine what those places are. I do use Orbitz to pick up non-guided packages, such as airfare/car rental (a week in Ireland for $500 was nice!) or sometimes airfare/hotel when I’m staying put and don’t want to choose my own lodging. Certainly there is a place for guided tours with one-day-per-city itineraries, especially if a trip to Europe is a once-in-a-lifetime event for you. But you can transform that single visit into three or four, for the same cost, if you choose to visit Europe like the Europeans do.

local color and life. For example, if you’re charmed by a particular square in a European town, you might grab an overall shot, at night, when there are few people around. During the day, you could grab an image of some interesting architectural details before zeroing in on some street photography close-ups that show how older cultural ways have remained even as newer trends impinge.

Shoot details The biggest mistake neophyte photographers make is not getting close enough. You’re a veteran shooter, so you’ll want to get in close and capture details that really show the differences in culture. Sometimes, the best way to picture a building or other memorable sight is to capture individual snippets of its design. Indeed, parts of some buildings or monuments may be more interesting than the structure as a whole. Doorways, entrances, roofs, and decorations all make interesting photographs. Best of all, you can often use a telephoto or normal lens to capture details.

Stop to smell the roses—and view the scenery Scenic photography is sometimes problematic in a travel environment, because there is sometimes a need to meet your schedule and get on to the next city. If traveling by car, you might pull over, gawk at an impressive lake or mountain vista, then hurry to get back into the car and move on after taking a few pictures. You certainly don’t have the time to maneuver to the perfect position, or to stick around until sunset so you can capture the waning light of day. When day wanes, you need to be checked into your hotel room! Travel with a tour group in a bus is likely to be even more hurried. So, you’ll have to make a special effort to stop and smell the roses or, at least, take their photo. You may never pass this way again, so take the time to scope out your scenic view, find the best angle, and shoot it first. That way, if you’re forced to move on you’ll at least have a good basic shot. Then, take the remaining time to look for new angles and approaches. Use a wide angle to emphasize the foreground, or a telephoto to pull in a distant scene.

Think like a movie director.

Don’t gawk

You’re telling a story with your travel photography, just as a movie director spins a yarn on the big screen. Use an overall photograph of a scene or city (an “establishing shot” in movie parlance) to establish the location and mood. Then capture some images at medium range, and finish off with close-ups that concentrate on

I once watched a group of camera-toting foreign visitors in a California supermarket giggling and snapping picture after picture of an American woman doing her shopping while wearing a full set of immense hair curlers. The tourists thought she was

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very amusing, but the poor woman was rightly annoyed. She was out about her business and was not an exhibit on display for the enjoyment of travelers from another country where, apparently, curlers are not so casually worn outside the home. As exotic as the folks from a country where you are a guest may appear to you, they aren’t circus performers, and you should treat them with respect.

Ask permission In the same vein, it’s good to ask permission to shoot, even if you only nod your head in the person’s direction before taking the picture to see if they smile or glower. That approach works even when there is a language barrier, because photography and taking pictures is a universal language. Once you’ve gotten the okay, suggest, even if only by gesture, that your subject resume their normal activities so your photos will look natural. When photographing children, you should always ask their parents first !!!

Offer thanks after shooting Let them know how much you appreciate the favor. If your subject is interested, you can show him or her the results of your shooting on your camera’s LCD. You can offer to mail a print or e-mail the photo, if appropriate. When photographing street musicians and other performers, it’s only polite to leave them a tip in exchange for capturing their art in a photo.

Be aware of taboos and legal restrictions Some cultures frown on photographic images of people. Photographing women (or even a man asking a woman for permission to shoot) can cause problems. You may get into trouble photographing soldiers, military installations, airports, or even some public buildings. Try to learn about these restrictions in advance.

Interiors For interior shots, you’ll need a wide setting to capture most rooms or spaces. Unless you’re shooting inside a domed stadium, cathedral, or other large open space, you’ll find yourself with your back to the wall sooner or later. A wide angle lens helps you picture more of a room in one image.

Exteriors Exterior photos often require a wide-angle setting for the same reason. The structure you’re shooting is surrounded by other buildings, and you can back up only so far. A wide angle is required

to grab an image from the best (or only available) vantage point. Some of the other small but important things to keep in mind are :

Don’t worry about language barriers Guides make their money based on your belief that you need someone who “speaks the language.” Tourism is big business in most countries these days, and anyone you encounter in hotels, restaurants, or on the street will have vast experience in dealing with English speakers

Choose your hotels carefully I stayed in a quiet, tiny 18-room hotel nestled deep in the cobblestoned spider web streets of the ancient quarter of the city, within a hundred yards of the cathedral. Although the hotel’s 18th century building was older than the USA, it was freshly remodeled, had air-conditioning, WiFi, and a friendly family-run staff. My cost? $66 a night.

Eat right Enjoying—and photographing—the local food while you travel is part of the fun. But keep in mind that those restaurants near the tourist attractions don’t have to please you, because they don’t depend on repeat business. In Valencia, the “Menu of the Day” offerings are usually the cheapest way to have a tasty meal at any restaurant, but I found that the tourist traps were charging 20 to 25 Euros for these meals. But I found better food and service at the restaurants favored by Valencians, at 10 Euros or a buffet at less than 10 Euros. If you’re looking for interesting photos, turn to street vendors or a local market when it’s mealtime.

05 Fall i n M i lan Photographer : Virginia Di Mauro www . v i r g i n i a d i m a u r o . i t @virginia_di_mauro Sty l i s t : E l e o n o r a M o n i n a www . tumb l r . c o m / b l o g / e l e o n o r a m o n i n a @eleonoramonina Designer : Martina Biagini - martina.biagini M a k e up & H a i r : M a r i a n g e l a P a l a t i n i www . m a r i a n g e l a p a l a t i n i . i t @mariang el a _ pal atini M o d e l 1 ( M ODEL W I T H l i g h t b r o w n ) : D a r i n a T o r o p o v a from MP Management - @darina_server M o d e l 2 ( b l o n d e M ODEL ) : H a e l y P i k e f r o m M P M a n ag e m e n t - @ h a e ly_ p i k e M o d e l 3 ( c h i n e s e M ODEL ) : N i u W e i W e i f r o m M P M a n a g e m e n t - @ n i uw e i w e i w e i Loc ation : Mil an

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V egan M i l k B i ble by

R aisa Kudashe va Images Courtesy of Shutterstock

When I gave up dairy products, I faced a taste problem… I like to drink smoothies and smoothies without milk are not creamy enough for a sufficient snack. So I had to find a suitable substitute. I went to the store and found a range of milks in the store.

Three types of milk To be perfectly honest, there were three types of milk: oat, rice and almond. Milk out of rice sounded very watery, so I left it for later and never came back for it. But I have registered the composition of the oat and almond milks and I have scrupulously investigated their taste and health properties. What I did first thing was investigated the ingredients list. Previously, I have never been too vigilant about what goes into my packets of milk or porridge, but as soon as I became a vegan, the situation changed drastically. I had to make sure that this milk is not going to make the toilet seat – my friend. The ingredient lists left me satisfied even though there were some unfamiliar components. Previously unknown names always alert. Discussing these new ingredients, I will help you decide whether plant milk is a biologically inocuous product to store in a fridge. Suprisingly, the store for the VIP audience did not even sell alternative non-dairy milk but a regular store did. There I found a brand called “Sole del Mattino”.

Oat Milk First of all, lets talk OATS. Suprisingly, the store for VIP audience did not even sell alternative non-dairy milk but a regular store did. There I found a brand called “Sole del Mattino”. This milk has tickled me fancy because it does not leave burnt bits on the pan if you’re making cacao or coffee with it, making the tedious dirt tearing – off process unnecessary. COMPOSITION – water, handpicked Italian oats 11%, sunflower oil, coldpressed seaweed (Lithothamnium Calcareum 0,35%), sea salt. COLD PRESSED SEAWEED looked interesting. Why is it used in food processing? Is it healthy, inert or toxic?

Almond Milk Almond milk is my favourite milk and if I had an efficient blender in my kitchen, I would have started making it at home. This milk is perfect for making eco-cacao or hot chocolate as it adds a very subtle nut flavour. Furthermore, it starts jumping out of the pan when hot, which looks funny but is messy. (In my imagination, there is something human in milk particles escaping the hot pan.) COMPOSITION: water, almonds (8%), agave syrup (3.8%), corn maltodextrin, sea salt Maltodextrin comes from treated grain starch, primarily corn or rice starch. It can also come from wheat and potatoes. Hydrolyze this starch by adding some enzymes and acids, filter and purify it some more and you get either Maltodextrin, It gives fat-like body to food products, increases their shelf life, and mixes quite well with other ingredients. It’s also cheap to make and produce. GOOD: although maltodextrin is technically a complex carbohydrate (because of its sugar content), its high glycemic index means it goes through the digestive system super fast. It makes a perfect component of ENERGY AND MUSCLE RECOVERY DRINKS and is okay to consume during or after hard workouts. BAD: maltodextrin is just as bad, sometimes worse, as having sugar. Easily absorbed carbs like maltodextrin and sugar get into your bloodstream fast. If there is nothing for all that blood sugar to do (i.e. repair muscle-tissue, give energy), it will get stored as fat. HOWEVER THE UGLY TRUTH IS THAT MALTODEXTRIN IS VERY HARD TO AVOID. Result: APPROVED, BUT BE SENSIBLE WITH AMOUNT All that said it’s always better to make almond milk at home, especially because it’s shamelessly easy. For the best results, choose fresh raw almonds, and soak them for a night in advance. UNSWEETENED ALMOND MILK: 1 cup (200g) raw almonds, soaked for 12 hours 3 cups filtered water Pinch of sea salt

Why would anyone want to eat sea vegetables? They certainly don’t look appealing or particularly nourishing. It turns out sea vegetables offer one of the broadest ranges of minerals of any food, containing virtually all the minerals found in the ocean—and not surprisingly, many of same minerals found in human blood. The also offer a variety of unique phytonutrients, including their sulfated polysaccharides (also called fucoidans).Sulfated polysaccharides were meant to give oat milk anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anticoagulant, antithrombotic, and antiviral properties. They also are a source of iron and contain calcium and magnesium in cell walls.

Rinse the almonds and peel the skins off


Filter the milk in an airtight bottle and pop it in the fridge. It will last from 3 to 4 days if you don’t finish it earlier… Enjoy!

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Tip them into a blender, add cups of water (you may need 4) and blitz until smooth Stretch a muslin cloth over a bowl and pour the almond mixture onto it. Bunch up the cloth and squeeze the milk out, leaving the pulp in the muslin. (you can use the pulp to make almond flour – simply dry it out, whizz in blender again and then store in a jar until needed.


06 W IND Photog r apher : Natallia Jollie t S tyl i st : Kat i G erman M U A : A nna G ambalonga Hair : Natallia Jollie t M o d e l : A n a s t a s i y a M u z yk a n t o v a ( a g e n c y : N a g o r n y Models) Loc ation: Gene va , Switzerl and

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Full Outfit Samoschenko

Full Outfit Samoschenko

Dress Salon Kuraje Shoes Mango Trend Privé Magazine 87

Full Outfit Samoschenko

Full Outfit Samoschenko Shoes Mango Trend Privé Magazine 89


Eg l o o – C a n d l e p o w e r e d h e a t e r By C ata li n a M ag ee Egloo is an easy-use, affordable candle-powered heater for domestic use, realized in terracotta and produced in Italy. Remember: For most of us, winter is coming! What is Egloo? Egloo is conceived for contrasting continuous waste of electricity used for warming domestic rooms, offering, as a option, a candle-powered way that provides a cheaper and more ecological energy, taking advantage of features of terracotta that stores the heat and slowly and gradually releases it by radiation, even after it blows out. How is it made? Egloo is composed by four elements: the base, the grill and the two domes.
The base offers a space for the positioning of the candles that, once you light them up, will warm the domes up.
There is a metal grill placed on the base, serving as a support for the domes. It makes a space to let the air in, necessary for the combustion of the candles.
For the well-functioning of the Egloo only five or six candles are needed. With an average duration of five hours they are enough to warm up a 30mq room.
The thinner dome, placed centrally on the base, stores a high rate of heat, that is conveyed to the external dome; the dome’s air intake facilitate the outgoing of the warm air stored between the covers, allowing thermal exchange with the environment. Design - In the design process, the very first step was the idea of a shape through sketches, so the best model, in terms of aesthetic attractiveness, could be conceived. With the second stage, the modeling, the study of the shapes was refined, evaluating volumes and testing the gestalt of the whole, to reach the most precise model, ready for prototyping. In the third stage several physical hand-made prototypes were made for testing and improving the features. After evaluating the proper changes and further refining the model we made the matrix through 3D printing. From the matrix we generated the mold for the definitive realization of Egloo. How to use it - Using Egloo is simple. It takes only the positioning of the three candles on the base and the insertion of the grill on which the domes must be placed.
After only five minutes Egloo is ready. Technical Features - Measures: Egloo has a simple and compact shape. It can adapt to every kind of place, with a overall weight of 1 kg. Candles: Egloo needs 4 candles for a complete refill, enough for warming up a 20mq room. Each refill has a life of 5 hours with less than 10 cent. Heat: Once you light it up, Egloo needs 5 minutes to get to the right temperature. Once the candles are lighted up, they will warm up before the thinner chamber storing a high rate of heat (between 170° and 200° degrees), because of it has no air intake. The warmth is then conveyed to the external covering (between 30° and 50° degrees).
The air intake of the external dome facilitate the outgoing of the warm air stored between the covers, allowing thermal exchange with the room environment.
After only 30 minutes the temperature of the environment surrounding the Egloo will be increased between 2° and 3° degrees.
 Material: Terracotta is a non-metallic, very ductile inorganic compound used for heat-resistant covering dued to its chemicophysical features and its high melting point.
Terracotta is a material particularly suitable for Egloo because the heat, rapidly stored, is slowly and gradually conveyed to the environment by thermal radiation. Energetic Saving
- Egloo is a useful utensil to warm average rooms up with a very restrained cost.
A complete refill of Egloo warms your room up for 5 hours with less than 10 cent, for a monthly cost of 3$, compared to that of an elettric stove, consuming around 30$. Colors - Egloo is available in various versions: Natural, Colored and enamelled. More at: Trend Privé Magazine 90

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