Brands fighting human trafficking With all the advancements the human race has recorded, it’ll be easy to conclude that problems such as human trafficking would be long forgotten. However, the reality couldn’t be any worse. Estimates from the International Labour Organization show that no less than 20 million people remain victims of human trafficking all over the world. Women make up 55% of this total and perhaps more shocking is that more than 5 million children are caught in this web.
The numbers tell only a part of the story. Hearing from the victims that have been fortunate enough to escape would send chills down anyone’s spine. Traffickers cruelly exPhoto by: Luis Galvez
ploit their victims for sex and forced labor, subjecting them to the most inhumane conditions. If there is any ray of light in this dark cloud, it is the presence of brands that are passionate about the fight against the monster. From bursting trafficking dens to rehabilitating victims and giving them a new life, they constantly give us a reason to continue believing in humanity. We’ve put together a list of 10 of such brands in the hope that you may be inspired to do your own bit in the fight against human trafficking. Branded collective Branded collective strives to add a story to every accessory they produce. The jewelry manufacturing company works closely with ‘End Slavery Tennessee’, a non-profit organization that provides case management and aftercare services for survivors of trafficking, especially in Tennessee. They employ survivors of human trafficking in a bid to empower them and facilitate their integration into society. The employees collaborate with local artisans to design a wide variety of beautiful pieces of jewelry and accessories.
It is widely known that victims of human traf- on sale is unique in its own sense, and very ficking are ‘branded’ with a number or sym- fashionable. bol in a process that is usually too gory to The company also work with numerous profit describe. In standing against this practice, organizations to provide comprehensive care the branded collective stamps each accesso- to victims and their families. ry produced with an initial and a number. The initial tells the story of the survivor that made My Sister your accessory while the number honors the This brand’s mission statement, ‘prevent sex buyer as part of the collective. The stories of trafficking, educate communities, empower survivors are available on the branded col- the population, provide after-care for surlective website.
vivors and offer growth opportunities to atrisk women through the sales of our state-
Ethic goods
ment-making, ethically-sourced apparel and
Just like Branded Collective, Ethics Goods accessories’ tell a lot about.’ Through the inalso empowers victims of human trafficking. spiring messages on their beautiful T-shirts, Furthermore, they empower everyone per- they create awareness about sex trafficking. ceived to be at the risk of being trafficked. A part of the proceeds from the business is The survivors employed are predominant- donated to support survivors of human trafly female and they are taught how to craft ficking. The company has donated more than beautiful fashion items. Too often, people $100,000 to nonprofit organizations since buy fashion accessories to support traffick- they started producing their tees. Asides fiing victims only to leave them in the closet. nancial support, they also employ survivors For Ethic Goods, the goal is not just to make and educate the general public about human people buy these items but to get them to trafficking. They really are trying to win this wear them. That is why every piece they put
fight, one shirt at a time.