Trend Prive Magazine - NO.35, VOL.2

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TREND PRIVÉ trendprivemaga z ine .com

MAGAZINE Iss u e # 3 5 -

ISBN 978-0-359-47574-2


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by Amer mohamad

T H E H u m a n i ta r i a n I S S U E 9 780359 475742

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Trend Prive, LLC Headquarters mailing address: 1016 Marlin lAKES CIRCLE Sarasota, florida, fl. 34232

Founder/ owner Catalina Magee CO-OWNER GERARD W. MAGEE Jr. website MANAGER GarretT Mitchell marketing manager Zia Ur Rehman Awais



Adriana DEGIORGI CEO`s Personal Assistant

James clark Beauty & Lifestyle Editor

Corinna Schaub Cover Creative Director RAZVAN FERIGEANU PR - International Erin Schweinsberg Print Senior Beauty Editor Arnel Ian Dela Gente Senior Runway Photographer- Paris Tony von Thelen Senior Runway Photographer -NYFW

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Briana HUNTER Fashion & Lifestyle Editor Erika Lewis Sustainable Fashion Editor Paige Gilmar Humanitarian Editor DOINA PIRAU Lifestyle Editor cheyenne harris Lifestyle & Fashion Intern

C O NTRIBUT O R S Myra Postolache Sara Rosenthal Eric Millisor Merilee Kern peter minkoff zayna PALMER samantha bergeson Marie Baker

G R A P HI C catalina magee Loura Alemrany

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CONTENTS CRISIS Ten humanitarian crisis to look out for in 2019 Page 14 Why women are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises? - Page 123

PLASTIC Stop Plastic Pollution - Page 19 Your recycling choices can make a difference - Page 20

ANIMAL CRUELTY Ban Animal Trophy - Page 28 7 Reasons Why Animal Cruelty Laws Should Be Toughened - Page 46 Getting under a thick skin of deceit… an in-depth look at the truth about leather - Page 47 Welcome to the Zoo - Page 112 We can Save the Dolphins - Page 113 BLACKFISH Movie – Interview with Jeffrey Ventre Page 116 PETA - Interview with PETA Foundation`s Director of Animal Law, Jared S. Goodman- Page 114

HUMAN TRAFFICKING Evolution: The Imagine Goods Story - How An “Exploration Vacation” Became A Fight Against Human Trafficking” - Page 53 Brands fighting human trafficking - Page 54

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE & SEXUAL ASSAULT Raising our voices against domestic violence Page 61 How To Heal After Sexual Assault - Page 62

HUMANITY VIP ARTISTS Mena Suvari Veronica Ferres Taryn Manning

11 / 13

VEGAN BEAUTY Beauty Brands That Give Back - Page 135 Beauty Hot Spot - Page 136 What’s In My Bag? - Page 139 Beauty Review - Page 140

SUSTAINABLE & ETHICAL FASHION Who made your clothes? - Page 84 Designers that help- Page 121

EDITORIALS NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION WEEK National Suicide Prevention Week - A call to join hands - Page 96

HOMELESSNESS The Human Epidemic - Page 74

OTHER LIFESTYLE ISSUES Be a Part of National Adoption Month - Page 101 Will we ever cure Alzheimer`s? - Page 103 In Love and War- The Trevor Project - Page 72 End Gun Violence - Page 77 8 Ways To Help The Planet Daily - Page 126 The Purpose Hotel - Page 80 Joyce`s Angels - Page 88

Cover Vol.1 - Naomi by Douglas Bassett Page 30 Cover Vol.2 - by Amer Mohamad Page 128 Cover Vol.3 - by Jaime Pavon Page 22 Cover Vol.4 - Adelina by Marius Baragan Page 90 Bedtime Stories by Liam Arthur - - Page 82 Nearing Home by Alex Weber - Page 106 House Boat by Saskia Wegner - Page 64 Freedom of Speech by Vlady - Page 118 Consumerism by Tania Volobueva - Page 124 Marcher sur Paris by Yuji Watanabe - Page 50 Pastel by Bela Raba - Page 36 No More Wars by Yongqi Liu - Page 56


For the past nearly six years, Trend Privé Magazine has been promoting a cruelty-free and conscious lifestyle, including the arts, travel, food, fashion and more. We focused on being a source of inspiration, an educational tool, a digital source of support, a movement and a social voice for our global community. While Trend Privé has been empowering and offering a voice to individuals, it has also connected artists and been the platform that opened doors for them. Issue #35 showcases some of the most important issues of the world today. Our amazing contributors brought awareness and solutions, shared stories and opinions, and most of all; they contributed to a world in need. The mission of this issue was to inspire change and to encourage readers to join our community.

Catalina Magee Founder / CEO

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Ten humanitarian crisis to look out for in 2019

2018 was a landmark year for many around the world. Giant steps were taken in addressing global issues and some conflict-ridden areas in the past year came to a peaceful resolution or at least a similitude of it. However, one thing remains clear to anyone who cares enough to watch: 2018 didn’t bring us any closer to global peace. In the words of the International Rescue Committee’s Vice President for Emergencies, Bob Kitchen, ‘2018 was a devastating year for millions around the world with more people displaced from their homes than ever before.’ Crisis in hot zones such as Yemen got much worse than most people anticipated and the attack on aid workers didn’t exactly cease. Unfortunately, the projection for 2019 looks even grimmer. Bob Kitchen further proposed that ‘in many of the world’s most challenging places, armed conflict and man-made crisis mean life will get worse and not better in 2019.’ This is not merely a prophecy of doom. It should be a wake-up call that was necessitated by the realities on the ground. Below is a list of ten humanitarian crisis to look out for in 2019. Militancy in Africa Like all the other crisis you’ll find on this list, militancy in Africa has been around for some time. The Islamic State of West Africa Province keeps racking up killings and seizing territories in Nigeria, and other religious extremist groups are gaining grounds in places like Burkina Faso and Mali. Sadly, the security apparatuses in these countries seem capable of dealing with the threats. Nigeria, in particular, has been battling with Boko Haram for more than a decade now and the splinter group seems to be even more deadly.

The affected regions are unable to enjoy any kind of freedom or other dividends of governance. Consequently, famine, internal displacement, and the other unfortunate events that come with The militants refuse to back down as they keep portraying their rebellion as an act of

Projection for the year The violent uprisings are likely to get worse this year. The network of extremist groups keep expanding and there are reports that there may be collaborations among militant groups within the continent. Factor in the obvious external influence from external terrorist organizations like the Islamic State of Syria and the projection becomes even bleaker.

Photos by Annakate Auten, Andres Gerlotti & Agustin Lautaro (Left to Right)

remains unlikely but the unresolved conflicts would lead to the loss of more lives and homes. Infectious diseases crisis Over the years, we have seen the reemergence of forgotten infections in areas that are plagued by humanitarian crisis.The outbreak of diphtheria in Yemen and among Rohingya refugees is a recent example we should all be concerned about. Even with significant advancements in the medical world, curbing epidemics remains a huge challenge in hot zones. For one thing, the healthcare system in most of these areas has already been weakened by the crisis. Furthermore, the resources that can help curb the spread of diseases that are considered easily treatable are usually unavailable and the outbreak of any disease with a high mortality rate only spells doom.

Somalia crisis Projection for the year Somalia is a perfect example of what happens when a war runs for too long. The crisis in Somalia has been around for decades with natural disasters and political instability making things worse. In a nation of about 14.7 million people, 2.6 million citizens are considered internally displaced and close to 1 million are officially registered as refugees. There is no end in sight to the famine and drought, just like the war itself. Overall, the images from Somalia do not make for good viewing. Projection for the year The conflict and instability are likely to continue, just like the decline in food security. Even more people will become internally displaced and the mass exodus of Somalians won’t stop as long as they can find another place to call home. The general forecast is that an Al-Shabab resurgence

Countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic may be hit with diseases that could have been prevented by vaccination. The heavy presence of military personnel as well as rebels makes it impossible to initiate any comprehensive vaccination program. The protracted nature of the conflict in these areas means diseases like Measles, Polio, Yellow Fever, etc may start to gain grounds. The Ebola outbreak in DR Congo is likely to continue, albeit intermittently and other neighboring countries may be affected. Countries like Syria and Yemen may also continue to experience outbreaks due to the dilapidated state of healthcare facilities coupled with widespread malnutrition. At this rate, the outbreaks may end up killing more people than wars.

The curious case of Yemen Yemen’s brutal war has been on for more than 45 months now. The number of casualties is shocking, to say the least, with about 80% of the populace in need of humanitarian aid. During the last quarter of 2018, the free fall of the country’s economy continued and there seems no abating the slide towards famine. Thankfully, the warring parties seem ready to talk, and they have actually started talking. Reports show that there may be a resolution in sight.

to their home. But these people know they’ll be returning to instability and economic devastation. The Rohingya do not face such immediate pressure but the Bangladesh government has made it clear they will have to return to their homes someday. The UN would always reiterate its commitment to the principle of non-refoulement. Refugees should not be rushed to return to their homes and the return must be sustainable and voluntary. More than ever, 2019 is likely to be the year we’d get to know the true meaning of voluntary. The dearth of responders

Projection for the year The war may finally come to an end this year but the devastation it would leave in its wake would stick around for years to come. Fears about the emergence of local conflicts also abound. It is important to consider this possibility because of the complex nature of the Yemen War. Multiple independent fractions are involved in the war and the negotiating parties may have little control over the ground troops. The UN is currently appealing for $4 billion to help internally displaced citizens. This amount is the highest the organization has ever sourced for any country. Although not impossible, achieving this target is a Herculean task. And even if they do, no one is sure it would be enough to repair the extensive damage done by the war.

International aid organizations often find it difficult to reach the remote parts of areas affected by conflict. The current mode of operation is to outsource the provision of aid to local groups, a method known as ‘remote management’. However, this method is becoming increasingly difficult to propagate. Local responders often lack the necessary training or resources to keep themselves safe. Considering the fact that the lives of aid providers are no longer considered sacred in many conflict zones, the outcome is often disastrous. A recent report showed that about 9 out of every 10 aid workers that were attacked in conflict zones work for local organizations. Asides the obvious threat to the life of their staff, local NGOs also complain they only get crumbs as resources. This stems from a lack of access to direct donor funding.

The crisis of returning refugees

Projection for the year

Internal displacement is a close companion of war. People would naturally free from conflict zones to safer places. Too often, however, safety is the only thing that is guaranteed for refugees. Their quality of lives leaves much to be desired and it’s hard to blame anyone. Currently, Afghans, South Sudanese, Myanmar’s Rohingya, and the Syrians account for more than half the total number of refugees in the world. Many neighboring countries have been kind enough to accommodate them but there is a limit to how much help these countries can offer. It gets worse when wars become protracted and more people end up in need of refuge.

There have been numerous promises of reforms in the aid sector but the promises seem like lip service at the moment. Local aid organizations want to have direct access to the big leagues so they can get more money to secure their staff and do what they are set up to do. They want to be equal partners in the business of providing aid and not just subcontractors to the international NGOs. the short-term projection doesn’t look great, to be honest. Local organizations may shy away from providing the necessary aid amidst these protests. And the already perilous situations of internally displaced person could get worse.

Projection for the year

The remnants of the war in Syria

Plans are in place to move many refugees back to their home countries but most of these plans are politically motivated. Many of the peace treaties in the warring countries are fragile and ideally, people should be given more time to observe the situation before moving back home. However, many refugees manage to survive in poor living conditions in their host country and they can hardly complain. Syrians, Afghans, and South Sudanese are facing increasing pressure to return

After about 8 years of conflict, President Bashar al-Assad seems to have regained some sort of control over Syria, or most parts of it at least. Presently, the UN has it on record that no part of Syria is besieged. Reports also have it that the Arab League is looking to welcome Syria back in its fold. This political victory (if it happens) only reflects the victories recorded by the Syrian military troops on the battleground. However, observers know that the war is far from over. The region around Idlib

province is still largely controlled by the rebels and the 3 million inhabitants of the region are no small number. The existence of such pockets of chaos poses obvious problems for aid providers as well as the Syrian government moving forward. Projection for the year The US government recently announced that it may soon pull its troops out of Syria raises concern for the North-Eastern part of the country. Kurdish fighters, government troops, Turkish forces, and what is left of the Islamic State may engage in a bloody power struggle if it happens prematurely. This and the existence of other pockets of chaos could make the already Herculean task of neutral aid delivery even more complex. Venezuela’s economic crisis 2018 was a bad year for Venezuelans. About 3 million citizens had to move out of their country because they could not afford needs as basic as feeding, no thanks to the disastrous economic collapse the country is experiencing. Predictably, there was a surge in violence and criminal activities. People no longer feel safe in their own country and the situation is worsened by the ailing health sector. The country found it difficult to cope with diphtheria and measles outbreak in the past year. Living in Venezuela presently seems like a tough ask for many. Projection for the year The economic crisis that befuddled the nation is expected to continue this year. The present state of things makes it hard to imagine things getting worse but from all indications, south is the only destination for Venezuela’s economy. If there is to be any hope at all, the government needs to be methodical and decisive about introducing economic reforms.

Photo by Matthew Spiteri Trend Privé Magazine 15

Ethiopia- sitting on a keg of gunpowder Ethiopia isn’t experiencing a full-blown crisis just yet. But with the current state of affairs, the story may change in the coming months. The internal conflict that led to the displacement of more than 1 million people during the first quarter of 2018 hasn’t been fully resolved. It appears that the reforms being introduced by the new Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed is only leading to more regional and political unrest. Projection for the year Abiy Ahmed’s reforms have been bold, scary even. It remains to be seen whether the nation is prepared for such bold moves. The fear, though, is that there is little margin for error. About 12 million Ethiopians benefit from one form of basic support or the other, no thanks to the crumbling agricultural sector. The country also plays host to close to 1 million refugees from countries such as Eritrea, Somalia, and South Sudan. With the current agricultural crisis, the government may be unable to support the welfare programs and this would leave even more people in need of aid. The horrors of climate change Many of us have heard a lot about climate change but only a few truly understand the potential devastation that could occur if it remains unchecked. Rising sea levels, unpredictable weather conditions, and drought threatened to run down many countries in the past year. Central Asia, Central America, and some parts of Africa seem to be the worst hit. Research conducted by the World Bank predicts that by 2050, about 143 million people could be forced out of their settlements due to climate change. Projection for the year According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, about 1.3 million people living in East Africa may lose their home to drought this year. This prediction is way more than other available estimates. However, this only highlights the fact that we are yet to fully understand how to attribute climate change to specific disasters. With the uncertainties in estimating casualties, the aid industry may find it difficult to properly plan for the impending disasters. Trend Privé Magazine 16


Photo by Anes Sabitovic



Stop Plastic Pollution Let’s kill plastic; here are some amazing reasons why you should go plastic-free The first time you heard of a campaign against plastic, I bet you thought it’s one of those disruptive 21st century trends that would die with time. Or you wonder just how your using plastic harms anyone at all. Many people even declare that the decision to or to not use plastic should be a personal one. Well, the good news is that the campaign against plastic is here to stay. The widespread use of plastic endangers our environment and other lives on the planet. Like all other acts of pollution, we need to make smarter decisions if we still want the earth to be a good place for the coming generations. If you have been wondering just why you need to join the plastic-free trend, here are some amazing reasons why. The danger is real Perhaps one of the reasons why many are yet to key into this trend is because they do not have a good knowledge about just how much harm plastic is doing to us and the environment. If you belong to this category, please take a look at these quick facts: • Plastic materials remain with us for more than 2000 years after disposal. • Plastic greatly increases our water footprint. It takes as much as 6 bottles of water to produce one plastic water bottle. • More than 60 million plastic bottles are thrown away every day. • If there is no significant change in attitude, the weight of plastic in the ocean would be more than the weight of fish by the year 2050. • About 8 million tonnes of plastic waste is dumped into the ocean yearly. • Plastic in the ocean could kill up to 1 million sea animals. • More than 90% of Americans that are over 5 years old test positive for BPA, a known carcinogen.

heightened environmental consciousness makes it easier to adopt other means of curbing pollution. This doesn’t mean you would soon be overwhelmed with trying to do everything right, it only means you would be more concerned about the things you are doing wrong. Gradually, you’ll start making smarter decisions and the knock-on effect could even spread to those around you.

Photo by :Dustan Woodhouse

The good news

If there is any good news here, it’s that you are not alone in the fight against plastic. Numerous But this isn’t the case when you’re trying to go global brands have also joined the bid to have a plastic-free. You can still indulge in most of the things you used to love, you only need to be more better ecological footprint. Below are some of the companies and how they are helping. conscious. There is hardly anything you do with plastic that’s without an alternative. Although • ASDA is planning to replace 2.4 million drinking you may find it hard to cope with the alternative initially, you definitely would get used to it if you straws and eliminate single-use cutlery and cups from all their outlets by 2019. keep at it. • McDonald’s plans to stop the use of plastic packaging materials over the next 8 years. They would be replaced by renewable alternatives. • Costa Coffee plans to give discounts on reusable cups and remove plastic straws from their cafes. • Starbucks plans to eliminate all plastic straws by 2020. • Evian recently introduced a zero-carbon bottling plant and the company plans to produce 100% recycled bottles by 2025. • Tottenham Hotspurs would ban the use of Photo by :Ishan @seefromthesky single-use plastics in their new stadium. The challenge of curbing the widespread use of plastic is gargantuan. But it is one we have to face squarely if we are to leave the earth any better You never truly realize how much plastic you consume until you make the decision to go plastic than we met it. Many governments and multinationals are already playing a part to ensure free. Think of how many times you’ve had your the dream is realized but individuals arguably drink with a plastic straw or you’ve purchased have the most important roles to play here. bottled water in favor of the other alternatives. Truth is, these are things we do on a daily basis The question is, what are you waiting for? and that makes us part of the problem. However, once you decide you want to live a plastic-free life, you would weigh your options carefully before making decisions and this brings a superior sense of accountability. You’ll feel accountable for your decisions

It’s not the ultimate act of self-denial

There’s a knock on effect

When it comes to being at peace with your environment, you might have observed that most of the decisions you’ll be required to make would mean denying yourself some of the things you love the most.

Once you make the decision to go plastic-free, you automatically become environmentally conscious. Plastics are not the only ways through which we hurt our environment. Many people who adopted the plastic-free lifestyle testify that the

Photo by :David Monje

Photo by :Ishan @seefromthesky Trend Privé Magazine 19


Your recycling choices can make a difference The world is in danger! Plastic pollution, as

still make use of non-renewable sources

well as other wastes, threaten the

of energy. For every soda can you recycle,

sustainability of our planet. One thing we

you’re significantly environmental

are sure of is that no avenger can save us

pollution arising from non-renewable

from this threat. We’ll need to make better

sources of energy. You’ll also reduce the

decisions if we are to overcome the

pressure on the world’s Aluminium

challenge. And it doesn’t start or stop with


the government or any civil organization. It

4- An average American buys about 13

starts with you. Yes, you!

water bottles every month. If you choose

Photo by Christian Wiediger

to reuse the bottle, you can save up to 156 Even if it seems difficult to believe your

bottles every year. When you factor in all

efforts matter just as much as a

the other applications of disposable plastic

government legislation. Each time you

items, you’d agree the impact of one would

make a choice in favor of sustainability, you

be huge.

should rest assured that the magnitude of the impact far outweighs the

Other ways ONE can make a difference

face value of the choice. If you are still in doubt, here are a few stats that prove the

The power of one doesn’t stop at

power of one as it pertains to recycling.

choosing to recycle. You can also make a big difference by inspiring others to follow the

1- On the average, a single person uses

pristine path. Here are some ways through

about 750 pounds of paper a year. If you

which you can encourage others:

could recycle all the paper you use, you’ll

Photo by Patricia Valério

3- Set up a recycling team at your office. If you own a business, you can provide incentives for everyone that actively participates.

be saving 18 trees every year. You’d have

1- Start from your family members and

made a forest within 5 years of actively

friends. Encourage everyone close to you to

recycling only paper.

recycle and show them how easy it is.

2- On a regular day, an American adult

2- Organize and head recycling programs in

disposes about 4 pounds of trash.

your local community

4- Shop from local stores and businesses that use recycled items.

Making the decision to recycle puts you

Research shows that about 80% of wastes

in a position to share your

gathered from the household can be

experiences and influence others. Alone,

recycled. When you choose to recycle you’ll

you are a powerful force in overcoming

save about 3.3 pounds of trash.

this threat to our world.

Extrapolating that to a whole year, you’d be keeping no less than 1000 pounds of trash

It becomes even better when you are

from landfills.

able to recruit others. So, why not

3- It takes 90% less energy to recycle

embrace an earth-friendly mindset to-

Aluminium as compared to refining the metal. Most Aluminium refining plants Trend Privé Magazine 20

day? Mother Earth would be more than Photo by Bas Emmen

glad you did.


Inner Mirror Photographer: Jaime Pavon Retoucher: Karla Cevallos Fashion Stylist: Steven Lassalle Casting Director: Raque Roget Models: Amy Suzuki x The Identity Models and Michelle Krumov x Wilhelmina Models Makeup Artist: Liz Olivier x Sally Harlor Agency Hair Styling: Adam Maclay x Sally Harlor Agency Nail Artist: Victoria Wreen Hands Model: Giselle Pereira Video: Ke Ren Fang 1st Assistant: Gabriel Saltos


Model 1 Silver dress: Rebecca Taylor Model 2 Red/blk dress: Foxiedox Trend Privé Magazine 23

Model 2 Blouse: AKRIS Punta Pants: Ter Et Bantine Model 1 Blouse: Chloe Pants: Diane Von Furstenberg

View Full Editorial at: Trend Privé Magazine 25

Dress: Lafayette 148 NY Trend Privé Magazine 26

Top: Akris Punta / Coat: Mackage Pants: Veronica Beard

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Ban Animal Trophy Sometimes in 2018, the United States moved to allow the import of big-game trophies. The new legislation repealed the existing law that placed an outright ban on the import of such items as lion hides and elephant tusks from Africa. Predictably, the news was received with widespread jubilation among pro-hunting groups and fierce criticism from animal rights and other groups on the opposite side of the divide. The argument about the dangers and benefits of hunting would probably go on forever; that is if endangered animals are not completely wiped out before forever. One is

Photo by Oscar Keys

forced to wonder why there is an argument at all. Why would anyone derive joy in killing

A senior official at the Natural Resources

that hunting is regarded as the only viable

creatures that are known to be in danger of

Defense Council strongly affirms that ‘Any

means of gathering funds for conservation.


trophy hunting of an endangered species is by

If we keep doing this to ourselves, the dream

definition unsustainable, as it cannot sufficient-

of a better planet for everyone would remain

ly contribute to the survival of the species to

an illusion. Developing countries should be

A means of conservation?

justify removing individuals from the

supported so they can make their tourism

The popular argument is that trophy hunting

population.’ Anyone who tries to argue the

industry more attractive. Already, tradition-

is a means of conservation in economically

contrary must believe that killing humans is one

al tourism dwarfs trophy hunting in terms

disadvantaged countries. However, a critical

of the ways of solving our population explosion

of revenue generation. However, traditional

examination of this argument would


tourists do not fancy the hunting sites due to

easily reveal its a lame one. To put things into perspective, there has been a 30% decline

the rugged and remote nature of such places. Proliferation of corruption

in Savannah elephant populations across all

If these sites can be funded and developed, they’ll be more welcoming to all and sundry;

of Africa between 2007 and 2014. Although

In most parts of Africa that profit from trophy

and perhaps, this argument could finally ap-

the decline may be minimal in countries with

hunting, the revenue not reinvested into

proach an end. Furthermore, governments all

an organized trophy hunting industry, but the

conservation efforts as they lead you to believe.

over the world need to sit down and agree

fact remains there is still a decline. Those

These proceeds are usurped by the corrupt

on a unilateral moratorium about Ivory trade.

advocating for more organized hunting

elites leaving the hunted animals exposed to

As long as there is a continued demand for

industries across all of Africa are clearly blind

threats from hunters as well as the dissatisfied

parts of wildlife, endangered species cannot

to the fact that the only direction hunting can

inhabitants of the local communities. The

be saved.

take conservation efforts is downward. The

success story in Namibia, South Africa, and some

Conclusively, many people argue that trophy

fact that the effect pales in comparison with

parts of Zimbabwe is often used to

hunting is not the main issue. While this is

agricultural activities or gazing only makes it

cover up the precarious states of hunting

true to an extent, we cannot simply ignore it.

a lesser evil.

communities in places like Tanzania, Zimbabwe,

Giving people the license to import trophies

and many other parts of Africa. In some of these

creates a demand that would be met by any

places, trophy hunting is essentially a cover for

means, legal or illegal. Banning it, on the


other hand, allows us to focus on searching for sustainable techniques of funding

Searching for a sustainable solution

wildlife conservation. And we can all pretend as though we do not know how the ‘case-

Photo by Blake Weyland Trend Privé Magazine 28

Photo by ray rui

It tells a lot about the human race as a whole

by-case’ analysis would turn out.

© 1986 Panda symbol WWF ® “WWF” is a WWF Registered Trademark


These giants of the animal kingdom need help. Despite their strength and cunning they’re no match for a poacher’s rifle. For 50 years WWF has been securing protected areas worldwide, but these aren’t enough to stop the killing. To disrupt the sophisticated criminal gangs supplying animal parts to lucrative illegal markets, we are working with governments to toughen law enforcement. We’re also working with consumers to reduce the demand for unlawful wildlife products. Help us look after the world where you live at Black Rhinoceros, Swaziland. © / Andy Rouse / WWF


DOUGLAS BASSETT The King Of Backstage

DESCRIBE NAOMI: “Naomi Campbell is a supermodel whose charity work centers around helping the children and people of sub-Saharan Africa. In 2005, Campbell founded two charitable organizations, Fashion Relief, which raised over $1 million for victims of Hurricane Katrina, and We Love Brazil, aimed at fighting poverty through supporting local artisans. Naomi is beautiful inside-out. I`m honored to have worked with her.”

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TPM: Tell us a little bit about yourself. I enrolled in a photography class offered in the Department of Art at my undergraduate university and immediately fell in love with the art of photography. Upon graduation, I enrolled at The Ohio Institute of Photography in Dayton, Ohio. In those pre-digital times, a photographer had to master dark room and printing techniques, lighting ratios, filter effects, and color control. I had great success there, learning and mastering the basics of photography, and winning an award for “Best Print National Exhibit.” Moving to New York following graduation, I became an assistant to the President of the American Photographers Association.


Having just organized my biggest shoot to date, I decided to shoot in Central Park by the famous water fountain. A young Spanish designer had a most incredible couture outfit with a spectacular feather headdress. My attractive roommate modeled it. A crowd quickly developed in Central Park on a Sunday, which attracted the attention of an Italian model agent, who suggested my model go to Milano. My model/ roommate said she would not go without me, and so, it was, Ciao Bella, Milano! TPM: What attracted you to this world of fashion weeks and supermodels?

He introduced me to many top photographers, and I began assisting some of them. I earned the nickname, “The Kid,” has become the fastest assistant from point A to B and back to point A, running film to be developed and back to the studio. That led to other tasks and was a wonderful introduction to the world of professional photography. I eventually ventured out of the comfort of assisting and shared a studio a block from Macy’s in the heart of the fashion district. During these years, I kept hearing about the fashion scene in Milano? Why Milano when I’m here in New York, the capital of fashion. Not knowingly Milan was the place you have to go to get tear sheets then come back to New York. When the main partner of my studio went to Europe and never returned I lost the studio.

One day a friend gave me a show pass, and when I went to the show I found the photographers in a pit lining the stage. As the show ended, I saw a guy running down the runway to the backstage and I followed just in time to find the models in their outfits. Even though I was intimidated, I asked a model for a photo. I took just one shot, and then I shot two more models quickly, and got them all together for a group photo, shooting a mere total of seven frames. Only later did learn their names in that photo; Linda Evangelista, Helena Christensen, and Christy Turlington. Looking back at it now, those first moments shooting those models separately and together, was an exciting and most memorable experience. I had just taken photos of the most beautiful models on the planet. I had become glamourized! That was the beginning and in the 90s, I shot 900 shows for all the famous designers and models, including Naomi Campbell. After the first time I shot Naomi, I made a print that evening and presented it to her the next morning. (I had my own lab at home, processing the image late into the night.) She was

getting her makeup done so I set the photo on her lap, and from the other side, I gave her a pen, which she inscribed “To ‘Dougie Fresh all my power and love” Then she gave me a big hug! That is a super wow! At the next show, Naomi introduced me to Linda Evangelista. After that show, I asked Naomi to pose with the retiring Security Boss. I sent him the photo, and next season he told all of the security that no one can be backstage, except me! That free pass lasted five years, and that is how it began: “The Kid” from New York became “The Backstage King of Milano.” TPM: Which fashion week do you like the most and why? Where you begin is home and there is no place like home. If you can show in Milano you can show anywhere, and while other venues have risen in stature, Milano still attracts great new talents and designers.


ach Fashion Week has its own path, but Milano is the capital of fashion. Milano brings out the best in creativity and design, a place where you must risk and experiment, strive to be avant-garde and trendsetting. Paris is Paris, and is not to be ignored, because the shows are great, the fashion first rate, and the place where I have created some of my best images. Fashion Week in both cities feed the other and keep feeding the avant-garde monster. It would be sad not to photograph both. TPM: Now a fashion photography veteran, what shows do you always look forward to photographing? I look forward to the shows that provide these three essentials. Trend Privé Magazine 31

• A show that allows me to challenge myself. • A show that allows me to create a photograph rather than to snapshot. • A show where I have creative freedom, the ability to move around, and to work with the talent, creating images that will last longer than the fashion season. The shows: • Paris Haute Couture would the best week, with its creative designs, makeup, and hair, beautiful models, and amazing locations • All three lines of Armani—the King of Fashion—including Armani Prive, have produced memorable images; his team is well organized with top models and great designs. • For the last 5 years, I found a home at Versace, where I could communicate with the talent. TPM: In addition, which supermodel do you always enjoy photographing, and is the most fun in front of the camera? Again, there is a long list of supermodels I have enjoyed photographing, but the answer depends on the decade? One who has been photographed in each of the last three decades is Isabeli Fontana. I photographed her in her very first show in Milano, when she was 15, which she never forgot, and recently, I photographed her in Paris Couture, Fall 18 season. Isabeli has a positive spirit set off by pure beauty, exuberant personality, and kind smile. The many images I have created make her my icon and the subject of a future Backstage Collections special edition book. TPM: You are the Founder and owner of “The Backstage Collections” magazine, a fine art, collector`s coffee table book, featuring high-end designers, Trend Privé Magazine 32


fashion shows, backstage scenes, and the hottest supermodels in the game. What should people do to show support? Where can they find it? The Backstage Collections can be found at: • The Web: • Instagram: @thebackstagecollections • Facebook: The Backstage Collections Google: #thebackstagecollections Current and earlier editions of the Backstage Collection can be found on the website and the link is posted on social media. If you love fashion, design, and beauty, mixed all together, with an avant-garde edge, in a one-of-kind presentation that very few have on their coffee table, then BCM Book would be impressive. TPM: As this issue`s cover, we picked Naomi`s shot, because she is a philanthropist. Is there a humanitarian cause

that you are supporting? Out of the 14 Charities and Foundations that Naomi Campbell is supporting (such as Aids Life, Global Citizen, or Breast Cancer Care,), the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation seems the most important. It supports several other groups such as NRDC and Global Green. If these causes are not addressed properly we are all in trouble. By following Trend Prive Magazine on Instagram and Facebook, I continue to be informed of many other critical matters affecting our planet and the people who live on Mother Earth. TPM: If you could ask yourself a question, what would you ask? Would you do it all over again? It is a question many photographers ask themselves, but I would have to say yes. It has been an amazing journey, using my camera as a steering wheel, that has taken me many places, meeting wonderful people, learning about their cultures, and gaining a new world perspective from these encounters. Thank you, Trend Prive, for this interview, but also for bringing awareness to so many issues facing this planet.


NAOMI - by DOUGLAS BASSETT Trend Privé Magazine 33


The neighbourhood is in trouble. The connection between people and nature is getting lost as communities address livelihood difficulties and species face extinction. WWF is working with partners to ensure that local communities can live in harmony with nature. Rather than protecting nature from people, we are looking for practical solutions so people can benefit from conserving the world around them. Help us look after the world where you live at Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. © Simon Rawles / WWF-Canon

© 1986 Panda symbol WWF ® “WWF” is a WWF Registered Trademark


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Photographer: Bela Raba, Styling: Stephan Kallaus, Hair & Make-Up: Arno Humer, Model: Anna Zasada, Production Company Alexander Papacosta Photographer‘s Assistants: Quentin Strohmeier, Adam Nicolaou

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Top & Trousers: DOLCE & GABBANA

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Earrings & sweater: BALENCIAGA

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Trend Privé Magazine 40

Hat. sunglasses, jumpsuit, belt and shoes: ELIE SAAB

Total look: ETRO

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Jacket, vest, blouse and shorts: LOUIS VUITTON

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Dress: ROBERTO CAVALLI View full editorial at:


7 Reasons Why Animal Cruelty Laws Should Be Toughened By Contributing writer Lucy Taylor there’s no reason or excuse for killing animals or keeping them in an inhumane way. 6. Animals can’t speak up for themselves An animal can’t say sorry to an angry owner or ask for help from a passer-by. An animal can’t ask where its young have been taken when it is forcibly bred for food production, or complain, or beg you to save it. It’s not fair to treat an animal that way: would you think it was fine to abuse or torture a child who had not learned to speak?

Photographer - Clem Onojeghuo

Animal cruelty laws in Australia certainly aren’t as strict as they could be. Animals raised for food have even fewer protections in place than pets do – and those protections often aren’t enough. Abusers often being allowed to own animals again and make them suffer. Here are seven reasons why this needs to change. 1. Animals have emotions and feelings While many people believe animals to be nothing more than dumb beasts, the reality is that they are much more like us than we sometimes realize. If you have ever had a pet dog, you will know the emotions they can exhibit: love, loyalty, tenderness, sadness, and so on. Just like us, they also feel pain, both on a physical and emotional level. This is not something that we should ignore. 2. Animals can’t protect themselves When a dog or cat is abused, they often don’t fight back with their claws and teeth. Even if they did, they would be no match for a human – but often, they are simply scared of the abuse. When the violence comes from an owner, they simply don’t know any better and end up enduring the torture. When someone can’t protect themselves, we must stand up for them. Trend Privé Magazine 46

3. Animal abuse can be a marker for violence Violent criminals, particularly murderers, often have a history of animal abuse. If they were punished more severely for violence against animals, it is less likely that they would be allowed to graduate on to violence against humans. This violent behavior starts with animals because they are too small to fight back and can’t tell others what happened to them, making them the perfect test for people who find pleasure in torturing and killing. 4. Animals are easily trained Sometimes, abusers try to come up with excuses for their behavior based on an animal’s disobedience. But animals are easily trained – especially pets like cats and dogs, whose nature is to learn and obey. There’s no excuse for hurting an animal because it did something you didn’t like. 5. We have no right to hurt animals Who gives us the right to harm animals? Who provides us with the right to abuse and torture them to provide ourselves with food? Simply put, we don’t have that right. Especially when it is possible to gather food through humane methods,

7. Animal cruelty is a gateway to other crimes Studies show that communities around slaughterhouses often see instances of violent crime increasing. The reason for this is that the workers become desensitized to violence and suffering, and even to death. This has been recorded in many locations and is hugely worrying. When it comes down to it, it’s evident that animal cruelty should be treated a lot more seriously than it is. While many animal abusers will get away with a fine and a ban on pet ownership for a few years, some get even less than that. To prevent future violence and protect vulnerable species, it’s important to toughen the laws. Lucy Taylor is an avid blogger who enjoys sharing her tips and suggestions with her online readers. Working as a legal expert at LY Lawyers, Lucy often helps people dealing with legal problems, addictions, and crime.

Photographer - Kylli Kittus

Getting under a thick skin of deceit… an in-depth look at the truth about leather


An unethical ‘material’ that harms not only the animals we skin for it, but the planet, too. by Emma Håkansson / @hakamme of Willow Creative Co If you haven’t been lucky enough to meet a cow, (or any animal we use and abuse in the animal agricultural and fashion industries) who lives at a sanctuary and knows they are safe, and so lives free of a fear of humans, let me tell you a little about what it’s like. To start with, cows have just as much personality as the companion animals we live with. Some of them are very curious, love to play, love to socialize with their friends. Others are more reserved, like their space, and love affection - once you’ve earned their tick of approval and been accepted as a friend. They wag their tails like dogs, they have best friends and they have cows they don’t get along with. Essentially, I’m explaining their ability to not only feel physical pain (through their complex central nervous system), but to live a life not unlike the lives of animals we love. All animals want to live, and love to live. It is immoral to kill someone who wants to live. This is a premise we take for granted when thinking of other humans, or our beloved companion animals, but we’ve been culturally conditioned to think that the lives of some animals aren’t important. We’ve been taught to see some living beings simply as ‘stock’, that happen to be alive, but only exist for our use and consumption. But why do we feel that some sentient animals (including ourselves) deserve to live more than others? While we can talk about intellect, about supposed ‘superiority’, all animals are the same in the one way that really matters – we all want to live. There are many animals we kill solely so we can wear them; foxes, alligators, minks, snakes. All these needless killings are wrong, but let’s talk about cows for now. It’s a common belief that the leather industry itself does not kill cows for their skin, but that the skin of cows killed so we can eat their flesh, is turned into leather, simply to ‘minimize waste’. It follows, that people think leather should be bought and sold so long as the meat industry exists, so that we don’t waste anything. In reality, leather is not a by-product of the meat industry, but a co-product – a product that accounts for about 50% of a farmer’s financial gain from the killing of an animal. By supporting the leather industry, you support the meat industry, and the killing of animals. Not only are cows whose fleshes are eaten used for their skin, but so too are the bobby calves of the dairy industry.A bobby calf is a male baby cow, who was born from a dairy cow, as, like

all other animals, cows need to be pregnant to produce milk. This baby boy won’t grow up to produce milk himself, so the most financially viable ‘solution’ to his existence in the dairy industry, is to kill him. Sometimes his skin is then sold for soft, ‘luxurious’ leather products. It gets more barbaric too. There are some cows who are sent to slaughter in the late stages of pregnancy, who are killed, and have their (almost completely developed) calf ripped from her to be used for ‘slink leather’, the most expensive and soft leather available. This is no way to treat beings with complex social systems, with strong maternal bonds, with clear and undeniable sentience and love for life. Needless violence and death aside, leather is still a very harmful ‘material’.The knowledge that the meat industry is detrimental to the environment is becoming more and more wide spread, but the link between this industry and leather is often forgotten. For example, a pound

of cow flesh (‘beef’) requires 2000 gallons of water to produce (think of how much water a cow drinks, how much water is used to irrigate feed crops, for sanitation purposes, for all kinds of processes). Leather comes from the same animal, so of course this mammoth water usage applies (roughly) to it, too. According to the UN, animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions – more than all transport worldwide. Think of all that car exhaust, jet fuel and petrol. This is another statistic we must remind ourselves applies to leather, and not just ‘food’ based animal agriculture. One of the most unsustainable parts of raising animals for ‘products’ is land usage. According to WWL, 25% of global land use, land-use change and forestry emissions Trend Privé Magazine 47

are driven by beef (intrinsically linked to leather) production. In fact, in the last half century, 70% of the Amazon rainforest has been cleared due to animal agriculture - for pastures or for pastures or for growing feed crops. (In 2011, over 2.5 billion tons of grain were harvested, and half of that was fed to animals in agricultural industries). This mass deforestation not only creates huge green house gas emissions, but habitat loss for many different species native to the Amazon, too. It is often joked that the methane from cow farts is a huge threat to our planet. Well, animals on factory farms (the overwhelming majority of farmed animals) produce 130 times as much excrement as the entire human population – and unlike in our own bathrooms, these animals and their excrement do not have waste treatment plants. The US Environmental Protection Agency has acknowledged that livestock pollutions is the greatest threat to American waterways, and this became shockingly clear during Hurricane Florence, when (aside from the devastating abandonment and consequential death of thousands of pigs and many other animals) the media chattered about the enormous amount of excrement that flooded through out North Carolina. Why did that happen? The 2100 pig farms in North Carolina, use 3000 open pit ‘lagoons’, to hold the estimated 40 million gallons of excrement that pigs produced per day, and these were swept up in the flooding caused by Florence. Even without natural disaster catastrophes though, water from these lagoons can sometimes seep into and contaminate soil, trickling down into natural water tables. Farmers also spray this waste onto fields, in order to empty their full ‘lagoons’. This causes likelihood of ground water and air pollution. This is harmful for the planet, but also for communities living around these facilities, who breathe and drink this contaminated air and water. This is relevant to the discussion of leather, as pig skin is commonly used, and of course, because pigs are not the only factory farmed animals who excrete feces. Once an animal has been slaughtered, and he or she is skinned, the environmental damage does not end. The process of tanning, that turns skin into ‘leather’, is incredibly unnatural, and creates something that truly defies nature: a corpse that does not rot. This process, that stabilizes collagen and protein fibers in raw, bloody, skin, to stop the process of biodegradation, involves the use of many toxic chemicals, including Trend Privé Magazine 48

Anthracene, Arsenic, Formaldehyde and Chromium. Anthracene, Arsenic, Formaldehyde and Chromium. Tanning also involves a large amount of energy and water usage, as well as water pollution as a result of chemicals used. The majority of the world’s leather is produced in India, Bangladesh and China, where adequate environmental protection standards are not in environmental protection standards are not in place. This means liquid and solid waste from tanneries is often dumped, untreated, into rivers. This is devastating to the environment itself, but also to the people within it, as Chromium also poses serious health risks to humans in contact with it. Some leather brands use vegetable tanning, claiming that this is a sustainable alternative to chemical based tanning methods. While this is undoubtedly an improvement on chemical tanning, according to the BLG Technology Centre, no tanning technology available ‘offers a full environmental advantage over the others’. BLGTC also state that ‘evidence does not support’ vegetable tanning being much more sustainable than the most common process of tanning, with Chromium, which is used in more than 80% of all leather products.

Even if vegetable tanning, a far lesser used form of tanning, in itself were a sustainable option, it would be absurd to then claim that a vegetable tanned leather product were sustainable, considering most of the environmental damage involved in leather, occurs in raising animals for their skin to begin with. The leather industry clings to and encourages the idea that vegan leather is awful for the environment, hoping this belief will keep their industry booming. For that reason, we hear a lot more about the damage vegan leather causes, than we do the damage any of our other clothes – non organic cotton sprayed with harmful pesticides, wool that involves the unsustainable and cruel raising of animals, all kinds of unnatural materials that shed ocean polluting microfibers in the wash, like polar fleeces, for example. This is to say that while vegan leather is not always sustainable, it should not be vilified as the sole polluter of the fashion world. If we care about sustainability, we need to care everywhere – we need to think of all aspects of our clothing, we need to think of everything we consume, including what we eat (ahem,

environmentalist omnivores). So what about vegan leather? Is it any better? Vegan leather is typically made by bonding a plastic coating with a fabric backing. However, leather causes, than we do the damage any of our other clothes – non organic cotton sprayed with harmful pesticides, wool that involves the unsustainable and cruel raising of animals, all kinds of unnatural materials that shed ocean polluting microfibers in the wash, like polar fleeces, for example. This is to say that while vegan leather is not always sustainable, it should not be vilified as the sole polluter of the fashion world. If we care about sustainability, we need to care everywhere – we need to think of all aspects of our clothing, we need to think of everything we consume, including what we eat (ahem, environmentalist omnivores). So, what about vegan leather? Is it any better? Vegan leather is typically made by bonding a plastic coating with a fabric backing. However, there are many different types of plastics used, and this is crucially important to figuring out its environmental impact. The original synthetic leather is Polyvinyl Chloride. PVC itself is infamous for being bad for the environment, as in its production; it produces dioxins and uses toxic chlorine. It has been labelled by Greenpeace as the ‘most environmentally damaging type of plastic’. However, PVC is being used less and less in fashion, and there are even certain laws around its use.

PU, another common, plastic based vegan leather that is more often used today, is far less toxic. Anyone producing PU in the EU is also required to have vent controls to keep emissions as low as possible (while there are no similar restrictions for highly polluting animal farmers). While this is not perfect, as it still involves the use of petroleum, new breakthroughs in the world of vegan leather alternatives are being discovered constantly. (Not to mention, there are a ton of wonderful shoes that aren’t made of leather or vegan leather, but of velvet, denim, canvas, all kinds of materials, and nonleather lining or soles). Innovations involving vegetable based plastics in the production of PU leather, for example, reduce all toxic and hazardous elements of PU, as they are made with plant oil by-products. This new process would makes PU more biodegradable. There are brands now working with recycled PU materials, reducing petroleum usage. There are even brands using recycled plastic bottles to create leather alternatives! There are brands creating entirely plant-based leathers – such as ‘leather’ made from coloured/coated cork, pineapple leaf leather, apple leather and mushroom leather. It’s all very exciting. So, while it’s clear animal skin leather is completely unsustainable, not all vegan leather is environmentally harmless, or even friendly, either. It’s important we be honest about what the vegan fashion world needs to improve on. But everyday we are seeing improvements. It’s incredibly exciting to be living in a time where new types of vegan leather, that are sustainable and cruelty free, are being created all the time. It’s important we support vegan leather brands now, so that they are financially able to continue their work in finding alternatives that are more and more green. With this in mind, when the time comes that you want to buy a new pair of shoes, a jacket, a wallet, a handbag or a briefcase, what will you buy? The skin of a once living being, produced in a way that demands water wastage, pollution, carbon emissions, deforestation and for the most part, chemical tanning? Or vegan leather made from something rather than someone? Perhaps it may be a less sustainably advanced, but still less eco damaging leather, or perhaps it will be made of recycled materials, even of totally earth friendly, pineapple leaves. There are so many options now; we need to be choosing kind ones. Photos by Noah Hannibal; Remi Yuan ; Florian van Duyn.

Trend Privé Magazine 49

MARCHER SUR PARIS Photographer: Yuji Watanabe Styling: Stesy @N Managament Make-up and hair: Omar Bouker for Agathe Segura Model: Paula @Karin Models

Trend Privé Magazine 50


View Full Editorial at:

“It was people saying that ‘I see you and I care’— that was the thing, I think, that turned things around for me most.” — Jeri Williams, Co-Founder Survivor 2 Survivor

You don’t need to specialize in human trafficking to serve its many victims. By knowing what human trafficking is, looking for indicators in the clients you serve, and referring potential victims to appropriate services, you can play an important role in identifying and supporting victims. For more information, visit the human trafficking section of the Office for Victims of Crime website at or call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888–373–7888.

LIFESTYLE E volution : T he I magine G oods S tory H o w A n “ E x ploration V acation ” B ecame A F ight A gainst H uman T rafficking B Y A i ya n a E h r m a n

Photos by Avel Chuklanov, Jorge Barahona and Tertia van Rensburg

We have been fascinated by the work of Imagine Goods for some time after discovering their beautiful jewelry that has a story to tell. Each piece is connected to a survivor through a system that allows you to learn more about that person on the company’s website. We recently asked their Co-Founder Aiyana Ehrman to share a little bit about what initially inspired their business model and how they initially connected with this humanitarian cause. When I first traveled to Cambodia in the autumn of 2006, I knew only the basics about human trafficking. I’d heard people call it “modern slavery,” and knew that it was flourishing in some parts of the world, but I had no idea, really, what that looked like. I’ll never forget sitting in a meeting with a woman who worked against child trafficking. I’d heard her talk about a village in which over 70% of children were trafficked into sex work, most of them sold by their own parents or other family members. As a mother myself, I was shocked, and said that I didn’t understand how a parent could do such a thing. She looked me in the eye—with a prophetic intensity, like she could see into my soul—and told me, “You have no idea what you would do if you were in their situation.” I’d gone on that trip with a couple of friends on an “exploratory trip.” We wanted to learn about what was going on in Cambodia; the war with the Khmer Rouge had officially ended only roughly a decade before, and non-profits had started moving in to help with the rebuilding of the country in the previous five or so years. My friends and I had all worked with international groups before, and we wanted to see if there was something we could do. Frankly, though, at the beginning I was mostly excited about just traveling. I remember getting on that 17-hour direct flight from New York to Phnom Penh, and I was so excited to be going to a new part of the world. After having been raised in a multi-cultural home, and traveling all around the world in my teens and early twenties, I’d become a stay-at-home mom, and, to be honest, I was going more than a little stir crazy. I felt the need for an adventure. Little did I know exactly what kind of adventure I was headed for. That first trip was eye-opening for me, to say the least. We learned so much about what was happening in Cambodia—how human trafficking had become a flourishing industry in part because of the breakdown of basic social structures that had taken place after the genocide in the 70’s. Families had been torn apart, villagers no longer trusted one another, and an entire generation of educated adults had

been murdered. Extreme poverty, a direct result of decades of war, also contributed; with a lack of opportunities for employment, people were left with few choices. Then there was the “normalization” of human trafficking, a psychological phenomenon in which you see it happen so often that it becomes “normal”. Imagine being desperately poor, with no possibility of government assistance, no opportunity for work, no education, and seeing neighbors who were able to buy a fishing boat after allowing their daughter to go work in a brothel for a couple of weeks. She came home afterward, and she seems fine…plus now they have a fishing boat (a way to feed their own family, as well as possibly sell some). I soon began to understand what it meant that I had no idea what I’d do in their situation. My two friends and I wound up starting a non-profit; we had come home from that trip, and, while the issues seemed so big, so untouchable by our own small abilities, we decided to heed the words, “Do anything, but for God’s sake, do something!” That non-profit went through several iterations as we figured out where we could help the most, until we grasped that we kept hearing the same thing over and over again from our local partners: “We need to give people jobs.” If a parent has living-wage work, she not only won’t allow her child to be trafficked, but she’ll send that child to school. If a survivor of sex trafficking has the opportunity of a different job, she will probably choose to leave sex work (the social stigma around sex work often means that they have few other choices once they’ve been initiated into it). Job creation is the most sustainable anti-trafficking work possible; the cycle of poverty can be broken not just for one person, but for an entire family when living wage work is available. So we closed that non-profit and opened a business that has as its core mission, the purpose of empowering survivors of trafficking with employment. We’re called Imagine Goods, Sustainable Supply Co., and we provide empowerment through employment. The learning curve has been steep for us, with no background in retail sales, garment or home goods design, or, actually, business of any kind (!). But we now work with organizations in three countries, and our production partners employ over a hundred survivors. We’re always learning, always looking for ways to grow. While it hasn`t always been easy, what an adventure it’s been! Thank you to Aiyana Ehrman, Co-founder of Imagine Goods. Trend Privé Magazine 53


Brands fighting human trafficking With all the advancements the human race has recorded, it’ll be easy to conclude that problems such as human trafficking would be long forgotten. However, the reality couldn’t be any worse. Estimates from the International Labour Organization show that no less than 20 million people remain victims of human trafficking all over the world. Women make up 55% of this total and perhaps more shocking is that more than 5 million children are caught in this web.

The numbers tell only a part of the story. Hearing from the victims that have been fortunate enough to escape would send chills down anyone’s spine. Traffickers cruelly exPhoto by: Luis Galvez

ploit their victims for sex and forced labor, subjecting them to the most inhumane conditions. If there is any ray of light in this dark cloud, it is the presence of brands that are passionate about the fight against the monster. From bursting trafficking dens to rehabilitating victims and giving them a new life, they constantly give us a reason to continue believing in humanity. We’ve put together a list of 10 of such brands in the hope that you may be inspired to do your own bit in the fight against human trafficking. Branded collective Branded collective strives to add a story to every accessory they produce. The jewelry manufacturing company works closely with ‘End Slavery Tennessee’, a non-profit organization that provides case management and aftercare services for survivors of trafficking, especially in Tennessee. They employ survivors of human trafficking in a bid to empower them and facilitate their integration into society. The employees collaborate with local artisans to design a wide variety of beautiful pieces of jewelry and accessories.

It is widely known that victims of human traf- on sale is unique in its own sense, and very ficking are ‘branded’ with a number or sym- fashionable. bol in a process that is usually too gory to The company also work with numerous profit describe. In standing against this practice, organizations to provide comprehensive care the branded collective stamps each accesso- to victims and their families. ry produced with an initial and a number. The initial tells the story of the survivor that made My Sister your accessory while the number honors the This brand’s mission statement, ‘prevent sex buyer as part of the collective. The stories of trafficking, educate communities, empower survivors are available on the branded col- the population, provide after-care for surlective website.

vivors and offer growth opportunities to atrisk women through the sales of our state-

Ethic goods

ment-making, ethically-sourced apparel and

Just like Branded Collective, Ethics Goods accessories’ tell a lot about.’ Through the inalso empowers victims of human trafficking. spiring messages on their beautiful T-shirts, Furthermore, they empower everyone per- they create awareness about sex trafficking. ceived to be at the risk of being trafficked. A part of the proceeds from the business is The survivors employed are predominant- donated to support survivors of human trafly female and they are taught how to craft ficking. The company has donated more than beautiful fashion items. Too often, people $100,000 to nonprofit organizations since buy fashion accessories to support traffick- they started producing their tees. Asides fiing victims only to leave them in the closet. nancial support, they also employ survivors For Ethic Goods, the goal is not just to make and educate the general public about human people buy these items but to get them to trafficking. They really are trying to win this wear them. That is why every piece they put

fight, one shirt at a time.


Raven + Lily

Good Paper

In some parts of the world, extreme poverty

This is another international brand that

The Good Paper brand specializes in ‘cards

force young women to resort to prostitution

empowers women that are at risk of human

that change lives’. They make cards that are

as a way of life. This, at least, was the obser-

trafficking all over the world. The brand spe-

a mixture of humor, uniqueness, creativity,

vation of Barrett Ward while she was living in

cializes in the manufacture and trade of all

and hope. Their cardmakers are survivors of

Ethiopia. Her drive to make a positive impact

forms of wearables as well as home furnishing.

sex trafficking in the Philippines and young

in her own little way led to the establishment

Raven + Lily currently employs more than

adults orphaned by disease in Rwanda. The

of ABLE. The fashion company specializes in

1500 survivors and at-risk women all over the

cards spread a message of hope and love

the production and sales of ethical fashion

world. Their employees enjoy fair trade wages,

while bringing a smile to the faces of those

items ranging from bags to shoes and stun-

healthcare, access to a sustainable income

who receive the gifts. Who says it cannot be

ning apparels, to mention a few.

and other incentives that are necessary for

more than ink on paper?

The company employs and empowers under-

survival and integration. Furthermore, Raven

privileged women with the hope of giving

and Lily use a part of the proceeds from every

The Skipping Stone

them the opportunity to make better choices.

purchase to provide microloans for female

The company firmly believes that even a

ABLE has indeed come a long way. The com-


small stone is capable of making ripples.

pany currently boasts four production plants

And with enough ripples, the current tide

spread across four different countries. De-

Thistle Farms

of human trafficking can be changed. Their

spite the growth, all the artisans working with

The company hopes to ‘heal, empower, and

artisans are chiefly women that were res-

ABLE are underprivileged women; the vision

employ’ women that have gone through the

cued from the jaws of prostitution in India.

pretty much remains the same.

harrowing experiences of trafficking, prostitu-

They aim to rescue even more women from

tion, and addiction. Through its farms as well

Northern Indian brothels in particular. The

The Tote Project

as other involvements, Thistle farms provide

rescued women are empowered to produce

Founded by two best friends- Fay Grant and

housing and empowerment opportunities for

a wide range of handcrafted items includ-

Michelle Chavez, the Tote Project strives to

these women. They also participate in advoca-

ing lifestyle bags, vintage journals, ethnic

empower women that are brave enough to

cy programs that aim to educate the general

jewelry, etc.

make an escape from sex trafficking. All over

public and draw the attention of governments

The next time you are about to make a pur-

the world, millions of women still work as sex

towards the monster. Their range of products

chase, try to remember the millions of peo-

workers and often, they’d rather do some-

includes cosmetic creams, pesticide oils,

ple who crave the freedom that you often

thing else.

candles, textile and decor items, etc. Most of

take for granted. Check to see if any of the

The Tote project produces fair trade pouch-

their raw materials are sourced from their farm

brands on this list offer what you need. You’ll

es and tote bags. Their artisans are women

which currently houses about women while

be getting top-quality products alongside

who have been victims of human trafficking

supporting many others in the community.

the satisfaction that you are helping a cause

and sex trade. The Tote Project empowers

that matters. And you do not have to restrict

these women so they can enjoy their new-


yourself to our list. There are many other

found freedom. Asides empowering women,

This is yet another company that was birthed

brands fighting for one worthy cause or the

the Tote Project further donate 20% of their

out of genuine pity for women who are ex-

other. The world would be a much better

profits to help survivors.

posed to prostitution and sex trafficking. The

place if we all help them.

founder Shannon Keith established Sudara after witnessing the ills that go on at the Red Light Districts in India. The company sells a unique and stunning type of long wear known as Punjammies as well as other clothing items. The Punjammies are crafted by survivors and at-risk women in local communities. It is hoped that the opportunity to earn a decent living would make prostitution less appealing and Photo by: Kristina Tripkovic

give the survivors a new lease of hope.

Photo by: Zach Guinta Trend Privé Magazine 55


In the future, everyone will know evolution only comes with peace ! Photographer: Yongqi Liu IG @ivanliu_nyc

Photos shot in New York City. People gathered together to protest the war in Syria. Trend Privé Magazine 57


NO MORE WARS! Photographer: Yongqi Liu Trend Privé Magazine 59

180 110

JOMY, stroke survivor.

THIS IS WHAT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE LOOKS LIKE. You might not see or feel its symptoms, but the results – a heart attack or stroke – are far from invisible or silent. If you’ve come off your treatment plan, get back on it, or talk with your doctor to create a new exercise, diet and medication plan that works better for you. Go to before it’s too late.

LIFESTYLE Raising our voices against domestic violence How we can raise our voices

If we are to have any realistic shot at ending domestic violence, we all need to speak out. Here are some ways through which we can raise our voices: 1- Call emergency services or the domestic violence hotline. 2- Be vocal about domestic violence in your community. Do not be afraid to start conversations or educate people on the need to speak up. 3- Educate the youths on the need for mutual respect in all their relationships 4- Get help if you are currently facing domestic Photo by: Sydney Sims

Domestic violence comes in several forms

And domestic violence is never the fault of

and varying degrees of severity. Statistics

the victim. No one deserves to suffer any

from the United States’ National

form of violence from an intimate partner,

Coalition Against Domestic Violence show

no matter the transgression. On the simplest

that more than 10 million women and men

level. It’s an issue of power and control. The

are abused by an intimate partner on a

moment one partner starts feeling entitled to

yearly basis. The national domestic violence

power and control over the other, violence

hotlines receive no less than 20,000 calls on

sets in.

a regular day.This only proves that the fight against the monster is still a long way from

The different faces of domestic violence

being won. As mentioned earlier, domestic violence is Initiatives like the Domestic Violence Aware-

multifaceted. Below are a few of the types of

ness Month hope to step up the

domestic violence:

conversation about domestic violence. How-

1- Physical: the most common type of

ever, we cannot restrict discussions about

domestic violence. Occurs when a partner

domestic violence to the month of October

inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm on

only. There is a need to keep the conversa-

the other partner.

tion going all year round. For many of us, our

2- Sexual: It involves forcing sexual relations

voice is the most powerful tool we can lend

on the other party without their express

to this fight. A short highlight of the dynam-

consent or attempting to undermine their

ics of domestic violence The multifaceted of


domestic violence is such that anyone can be

3- Economic: making or attempting to make

a victim. There is no atypical or typical victim.

a partner financially dependent.

You’ll find victims from all walks of life; both

4- Psychological: instilling unwarranted fear

genders, all races, varying educational and

in a partner.

sociocultural, and economic backgrounds,

5- Emotional: undermining a partner’s sense

and all religions are affected.

of self-worth or attempting to do so.


The option of leaving is always available for anyone facing domestic violence. However, leaving could sometimes put you at a greater risk. Many abusers are known to become even more violent when their partner leaves or threatens to leave. The prospect of losing custody over their children or relinquishing their properties also prevents some victims from leaving. Getting help is always a smart choice in these situations. There are professionals you can talk to who would give you the best advice on how to protect yourself. Do not hesitate to speak to them!

Photo by: Kat J

Trend Privé Magazine 61


How To Heal After Sexual Assault by: David Essel

recover from incidences that literally can

held against not only her father but herself for

tear themselves down in regard to self-con-

over 20 years.

fidence and self-esteem. And the best news

The following steps will work with everyone

that I can offer all sexual assault victims to-

but my recommendation is never try to do this

day is that you don’t have to come to closure

at home on your own.

with the perpetrator. You can actually heal

Find a professional to take you through these

without ever being in contact with the person

steps with them:

who molested you or bullied you in the past. For the last 28 years, number one best-sell-

I once worked with a woman from Indonesia

1- We have all of my clients write letters of

ing author, counselor and life coach David

who couldn’t understand why she continued

anger, rage, resentments and more at the

Essel has been helping people from all over

to choose men who were both emotionally

perpetrator. It doesn’t matter if it was a bully

the world to learn how to heal if they were a

and physically abusive… Until we got into the

at school who made disparaging remarks about

victim of sexual assault.

deep work regarding sexual harassment and

their weight and or hair or if it was someone

Sexual misconduct or sexual assault can


that groped you at a concert or worse.We ask our clients to write letters that they will never

come in many different varieties and forms. The most obvious would be incest and/or

As I took her through our 2 steps to healing,

send anyone but they do share them with me

rape. But there’s also bullying, which consist

she started to remember how when she was

during our sessions in person or via phone or

of derogatory remarks and so much more.

a little girl her uncle would make lewd re-

Skype in order to have one other person wit-

“From the Bill Cosby case to the most

marks to her about her cute little dress, the

ness what they went through.The point of this

recent Judge Kavanaugh allegations.

pretty bows in her hair, and much more.At the

exercise is to reach a space called desensitiza-

Sexual assault and sexual misconduct is

time all she knew was it felt uncomfortable…

tion where we can talk about the assault, the

making the headlines of the news almost

But the longer we worked together then she

rape or the incest… Or any other form of sexual

every day. Over 28 years ago, I worked with

also remembered when he would follow her

assault… Free of emotion, just simply the facts.

my first sexual assault victim, a rape victim,

into her bedroom in the daytime and while

With one rape victim I worked with, it took us

and it opened my eyes to what’s needed

everyone else was outside at the barbecue

almost one complete year of writing these let-

to do in our world to help individuals were

he would make her lay in her bed with him as

ters on a daily basis for her to reach this deep

victims of sexual assault. After that, I have

he held her close saying inappropriate things

level of desensitization and when she did her

worked with gay, lesbian and transgender

to this little girl as well as touching her in in-

life radically changed for the better.

individuals who have been on the receiving

appropriate ways.

She was able to get off of all anti-depressants,

end of derogatory remarks, bullying, and

When she was able to tie it all together it

all anti-anxiety medications, and all sleep med-

even physical punishment. I’ve worked with

made total sense that she would choose men

ications… And two years after our work ended

incest victims. As well as men and women

who were unsafe because of this childhood

she came back to me to ask me how to get back

who were groped at night clubs as well as

experience of sexual assault.I also helped a

into the world of dating.

grocery stores.

woman who had beensexually assaulted by

Unheard of! Unless you do the work I’m

her own father for 11 years, who had buried

talking about here.

Will it ever end?

it in a corner of her mind for over 20 years,

I don’t think so. At least not in my lifetime.

leading to an immense amount of weight

2- The second step, is a tricky one, where my

But there are things we can do if we have

gain, low self-confidence and low self-es-

clients write letters of forgiveness specifically

been the victim of sexual misconduct in the


to the perpetrator of the sexual assault for

past.And while it’s not easy work, it is

Although she had worked with other profes-

weeks and sometimes months on end.

absolutely necessary to do in the presence

sionals before she had never gone through

And why do we have them write letters of

of a professional, someone like myself who

the training that we do, the 2 step training,

forgiveness? Because we know that when they

has been doing this for years and years, com-

listed below, to help her finally get rid of the

are free of their own resentments, rage and

mitted to helping people of all genders

stigma, resentments and rage that she had

more… They are free as human beings.

Photo by: Thought Catalog

The greatest challenge with step number two is

Time alone heals nothing when it comes to

This does not mean that the event never

that people will start writing letters of forgive-

grief work or trying to recover from sexual

happened, it does not mean that we are

ness only to feel the rage and anger return.


compartmentalizing the event and pretending to push it underneath the rug,

Which is why again you need to do these exercises with a professional.

You need to combine time with working with a

actually quite the opposite.

When this happens, when the anger and rage

professional in order to be free.

return, we have them go back to step one

I pray that all of the victims from people like

We are bringing it out full force,

continuing to write about the resentments they

Bill Cosby and others who have been

regardless of how many years ago it hap-

hold, until they reach that state of

convicted of incredible crimes of sexual

pened, so we can do the healing work nec-


assault, will use the above information, along

essary to reach the state that I’ve discussed

Then, we bring them back to step two, the step

with working with a professional, to heal.

above. You are worth it. Please begin the

of forgiveness.

And to reach a level of inner peace again.

work with a professional today.“

With the rape victim that I mentioned above,

After 28 years, I can share with you, that it’s not

David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by

when she got to step two, her letters actually

only possible but it’s highly probable you can

individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and

became quite filled with empathy and

heal regardless of the assault that you’ve gone

celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel

compassion as she prayed for her rapist, who

through. Start today. Not tomorrow. Reach out

is the new leader of the positive thinking

was never found, to find the healing he

to a professional today so that your tomorrows

movement.“ His tenth book, another num-

needed so he never repeated to any other

can be filled with a greater sense of peace and

ber one bestseller, is called “Focus! Slay

woman what he did to her.


your goals… The proven guide to huge

An unbelievable stage of healing that

success, a powerful attitude and

eventually led her to be able to get back into

profound love.“

the world of dating with men. When we can move through these two steps

His work as a counselor and coach has

and reach that deep state of desensitization we

been endorsed by organizations like

can move forward with an increase in self-con-

psychology today, and

fidence and self-esteem.

verifies David as one of the top

But what I remind everyone is that time alone

relationship counselors and experts in the

heals me repeat that.

Photo by: Mihai Surdu

world. Trend Privé Magazine 63


House Boat Photographer Saskia Wegner Styling Britt Dannert Hair and make up Jasmin Zelenko Model Malou @ izaio Berlin Creative producer Bianca Würriehausen Special thanks to Aline for the beautiful house boat location, to Urban Renegades and Marlowe Nature for the support.

Trend Privé Magazine 65

Trend Privé Magazine 66

Knit Sweater turquoise - Basic Apparel / Bikini black - Patagonia

Knit Sweater patterned- Armed Angels /Denim Culotte - Armed Angels Keychains gold - Vintage / Boots red- Anonymous Copenhagen / Socks off-white - Saint James

Trend Privé Magazine 67

Trend Privé Magazine 68

Knit Cardigan lightgrey - Irelands Eye Knitwear / Dress checked - Thinking Mu Belt - Saint James / Striped Socks - Saint James / Shoes - Hereu

Trend Privé Magazine 69

Knit Sweater olivegreen- Lanius / Cord Pants blue- Naturalmente Wool Socks off-white - Saint James / Fisherman Beanie bordeaux - Vintage

Trend Privé Magazine 71


In Love and War By Paige Gilmar

Photo by Heather Mount

It seems strange to make war out of love--a perfect paradox, really. In human beings, love makes life--it makes us. To see love as an enemy would be waging war against ourselves, our humanity. Yet, man has fought against his kind for many millennia by his cruel dissection of the species, dividing mere people into races, genders, and sexualities. Though these labels are worn like cultural lapels today, its original creation in history was to isolate and ostracize, providing justification for such societal cancers as Social Darwinism and eugenics. But like the mad surgeon who amputates his own limbs, dividing the body of humanity is Trend Privé Magazine

How the Trevor Project Battles Against Modern-Day Homophobia its own self-sabotage. By sewing stereotypes onto beating hearts, by casting individuals in and out of groups like dreams down a drain, we undermine humanity’s greatest power and most profound beauty: our diversity. While we inch our way towards all-inclusive equality at a snail’s pace and have made stunning progress in recent years, people that fall through the chasms of the self-entitled “neurotypical white heterosexual” are still shamed, with some

hoping they will bury their identities like a ghastly corpse in a grave. With prejudice and hatred swirling about the twenty-first century in a blizzard of ignorance, people of the LGBTQ+ community are particularly at risk. According to the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI), there is a strong link between sexual orientation and suicidal behavior, with gay and lesbian youths 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than the general population. attempt suicide than the general population. The rate of suicide is especially staggering for transgender youths, with 32% to 50%

attempting suicide across studied countries. The NCBI claims that the high numbers of suicide in queer youths metamorphose from victimization, bullying, discrimination, and more. And like the young gay boy who puts the gun to his head, we commit our own cultural suicide, persecuting people who simply want to love and be loved like everyone else. Though there are many people who love to hate, there are also many people who love to love and will fight for it. And like many powerful displays of human altruism, it begins in the most unexpected places--in this case, a stage. In 1994, James Lecesne personified Trevor, a character used in his award-winning one-man show “Word of Mouth,” with writer/director Peggy Rajski and producer Randy Stone in the audience. Inspired by Trevor’s troubled character, Rajski and Stone transformed Lecesne’s imaginary stage prop into the beloved gay protagonist of Academy Award-winning short film “Trevor.” In this heart-wrenching, borderline black comedy, Trevor struggles to accept his sexuality in a close-knit homophobic suburb. After his failed suicide on a bottle of ibuprofen, Trevor is dealt a lucky card and is given a happy, Diana Ross-filled ending. Though their short film was a stupendous success, Lecesne, Rajski, and Stone recognized that life extends beyond the silver screen, that life does not always end as happily as Trevor’s. Acting upon this inclination, Rajski recruited mental health professionals, while Lecesne acquired the funds to form the Trevor Lifeline, a 24-hour crisis line for LGBTQ+ youths nationwide. Since its beginning in 1998, the Trevor Lifeline ballooned into the Trevor Project, creating a diverse set of resources fit for those in- and outside the LGBTQ+ community, including TrevorChat, TrevorSpace, and Trevor Education Workshops. The Trevor Project’s Head of Communications

Kevin Wong commented, “There was definitely a need for an LGBTQ+ crisis intervention program then and now. And because people saw that need, that was why it was able to expand so fast. “I knew that I wanted to work at an LGBTQ+ organization that progressed our community and made sure we were getting the support that we need and deserve. It’s something that touches my heart and is pretty near and dear to me.” Located in West Hollywood, California, the Trevor Project in 2016 alone has helped over 200,000 youths. It has also received countless awards, including Esteem Awards’ National Institutional Award. All resources provided by the Trevor Project are free and accessible for any member of the LGBTQ+ community having trouble with their sexual identity, relationships, mental health, and more. Wong states, “What it really comes down to is making sure that you are supporting queer youth, so they can thrive. They should know that they are never alone and that there are people out there who will not only accept them but celebrate them for who they are. And, I’m one of those people.” The Trevor Project also uses its funds for psychological research, working with schools like the University of Rochester and the University of Southern California to understand the correlation between mental illness and sexuality. Wong continues, “We do research because it helps us do our job and reach our goal of trying to end suicide in LGBTQ+ young people. This is because there is not a lot of research on LGBTQ+ people to begin with.It’s really important for us that we are doing all that research. We just concluded a big study with respondents of nearly 35,000, making it the largest study for LGBTQ+ youth and mental health in that cross-section.”

you are almost made to choose between the two because some values may speak to one side and some values may speak to another. That being said, all those values can still be inside the same person. That’s why it’s important for people to know you can be both.” Though the Trevor Project works as the first and largest crisis line for LGBTQ+ youth, the non-profit is still looking to continue its expansion in the coming months. Wong states, “We are doing a recruitment campaign to increase the number of volunteer crisis counselors, so we can build a larger staff for more shifts in digital services. With that, our digital services can run 24/7, and we will be able to help more people. Something like 1.5 million LGBTQ youth could benefit from this expansion. “Right now, we serve 68,000, but we could be doing a lot more. We want to be meeting youth where they are which is mobile. And we hope to expand to social media services like Facebook Messenger, Instagram DMs, and so on soon.” The Trevor Project works as one of western society’s greatest displays of altruism and philanthropy. It is hoped there will come a day where we won’t need these non-profit initiatives, and we can have a real conversation about social identity without turning to homophobia, racism, or sexism. When the war against love comes to an end, and we find a safe space in the world rather than in the closet. Wong concludes, “For anyone dealing with suicide or suicidal ideation, I would like them to know they are beautiful just the way they are and that they are never alone. The Trevor Project is here for you 24/7, and I cannot stress this enough, but your life has value.”

Because homophobia has sedent roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition, many often wonder if a person can be of faith and LGBTQ+ simultaneously. The Trevor Project seeks to ensure that this diverse dichotomy can and should exist for those of faith. Wong states, “Because of public rhetoric,

Source Trevor Project. org Trend Privé Magazine 73


The Human Epidemic by Justin M. Duren Homelessness is a growing epidemic. The problem can be seen in every town and every city, in every industrialized nation on this beautiful earth. The last time a global survey was attempted – in 2005 by the United Nations – an estimated 100 million people were homeless worldwide. One. Hundred. Million… Anyone who lives in an bustling city or affluent town can tell you how easy it can become to just walk past the man on the street with the cardboard sign, the teenager sitting in the alley holding a twice-lit cigarette, the mother and her child huddled at the bus stop. Too easy to look away, to ignore, to believe it’s because they want to be there, they did this to themselves, it’s their problem…not ours. These photos were taken by our senior editor Justin Duren as part of his ongoing series highlighting homelessness around the world. See more of his homelessness project and all of his amazing photography on Instagram at @justinmduren. His aim with this photographic series is to showcase the human element of homelessness; to give a voice to the voiceless; and to inspire and encourage positive change. “I try to spend at least a day in every city and country I visit to work with the local homeless community. Sadly, I don’t usually have to search very far. Each time my approach is the same – I try to have meaningful human interactions, and share my story and goals. I offer any help they may need that day and a small donation for their time, and ask if they will allow me to take their picture and document their story. It never ceases to amaze me the kindness and appreciation and willingness I am shown by everyone I meet. These are real people just like you and me, and their stories should be told.”

Many researchers and organizations have tried to determine the causes behind homelessness. The list of findings and reasons is long. Oftentimes it is financial hardship. Many times there is drug and alcohol abuse involved. Or children without parents or family. Adults without parents or family. Or friends. Victims of physical and emotional abuse. Victims of war. Soldiers of war. The mentally handicapped, the physically handicapped. Often it is a combination of causes, and every case is different. So what can we do to help? Recent studies, including the three-year long Family Options Study conducted by the United States Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), have shown some common themes and solutions: I. Treat each person with respect and dignity – This one seems obvious, but studies have shown that the simple acts of showing respect, kindness, and human compassion can have strong and lasting impacts. Saying “Hello” and offering a kind word, perhaps buying them a meal or a blanket, spending time to teach someone a skill – these simple acts of kindness can do wonders for confidence and mental wellbeing. II. Each circumstance and story is unique – There is no magic cure, no single program or solution for this epidemic. A broad range of solutions is needed including housing, mental and physical healthcare, education and skills training, and drug and alcohol addiction support. And infrastructure and programs and workers in place, to perform outreach to homeless communities and administer these services. III. Permanent housing dramatically increases health and wellness and the chances for long-term success in life – Evidence shows that many currently suffering from homelessness are trapped in a vicious cycle of joblessness and poverty. Their time and energy is mostly spent on basic human necessities – finding a place to bathe and groom, scrounging for food, finding shelter. Trying to survive. Activities like getting an education, learning a trade, getting employed…all of these become secondary at best. And with no easy access to a computer or phone or printer, getting a job is almost impossible. However, by providing access to permanent housing, it has been shown that the cycle of homelessness becomes much easier to break. And the additional benefits of safety and warmth and confidence and hope are immeasurable.

Trend Privé Magazine 74

Of course, most of these solutions require time and effort and funding, though many argue the money already being spent on dealing with the symptoms of homelessness should also be used to address the underlying causes. And that the savings from improving the homeless problem would also offset many of the costs. Others want to raise taxes and/or divert funding from other government programs. Clearly this is a complex discussion, one that is thankfully happening more and more by governments, organizations and leaders around the globe. And each one of us can make a huge difference right in our own community, often times without spending any money at all. You can volunteer for a local homeless organization. Donate food or clothing or household items. Befriend someone in your neighborhood who might be down on their luck, and offer to help them. Teach them a skill or trade. Have a meal with them. Show them how much you care. As we all know, a small act of kindness can go a long way. Thank you readers for continuing to do good in this world. It’s helping…

8 kids a day are accidentally killed or injured by FAMILY FIRE. FAMILY FIRE is a shooting involving an improperly stored gun, often found in the home.

End gun violence Gun violence is arguably the most divisive topic on the American political space. But we cannot afford to shy away from the conversation. On average, America loses 96 citizens to guns every day. This statistic is appalling, to say the least. It is even more shocking when one considers the fact that other developed countries boast much lower figures.A 2016 study showed that just being an American increases your chances of dying from agun homicide by2500%(in comparison with other wealthy nations). The figure would probably be higher now. In recent times, we’ve had Columbine, Las Vegas, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook to mention a few. The responses to all these shootings have been widely similar. The policy makers console the bereaved, sending their thoughts and prayers, the concerned citizens call for new gun laws and some other concerned citizens debate why we need new gun laws. Still, nothing changes. And we keep going round in circles until the next shooting. How big is the problem? The average American has a constitutional right to bear arms. Researchers from Harvard University report that there are more than 260 million privately owned guns in the country.In a country of 325 million people (with xxx people below 18), that’s an average of 1 gun per person. The simple fact is that there are already too many guns in the country and this makes it difficult to find a solution. Perhaps, it’s high time we faced the fact that guns aren’t going away. Even if they are, it can’t happen anytime soon. Do we then keep watching these senseless shootings happen while we wait? Practical steps to ending gun violence Below are five practical steps that could help us find a lasting solution to this menace. Replicate the success with RTA’s While deaths via gun homicides are on the increase, deaths via motor-vehicle accidents are on a decline. In 1975, there were about 33.5 deaths for every 1 billion miles traveled. Fast forward to 2016 and the number of deaths has reduced to 11.8. It’s true that safer cars and better roads have contributed greatly to this success but the role of more stringent driving restrictions cannot be overlooked. As opined by David Hemenway,director of the Injury Control Research Center at the Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health,owning a gun in many states in America is currently much easier than obtaining a driver’s’ license. Sensible gun laws should focus on raising the age restrictions but ensuring licensing and training for anyone who wishes to own a firearm. As published in the Journal of Urban Health in 2014,the repeal of the law that mandates gun-owners in Missouri to obtain a permit before purchasing led to a 25% increase in the rate of firearms homicide. One can only wonder why we are still lax about the laws.


Focus on the seemingly small things There is no kind of gun violence that should be ignored. However, it appears we currently pay more attention to the mass shootings that make the news.These mass shootings account for less than 5 of the 96 people that die every day from gun homicides.It’s easy to see that the problem is not restricted to military-grade rifles finding their way into the hands of civilians.The seemingly small rifles do muchmore damage.Laws like restriction on multiple purchases and strong background checks for anyone willing to bear firearms have been shown to significantly reduce gun homicides. Other laws such as extreme-protection orders have also proven useful in reducing gun homicides.The extreme-protection order allows law enforcement or family members to petition for a temporary withdrawal of arms from anyone who is perceived to be a gun crime risk. Encourage conversations The more we talk about guns, gun laws, and safety,the faster we can find a solution to this menace. States like Minnesota and Montana still restrict medical personnel from talking about guns with their patients. This is against the recommendation by the Academy of Paediatrics that their members should ask families about guns in the home when children turn 3 years old.This is a stage where they become curious about the objects in the home and could be strong enough to shoot a gun. Healthy conversations should be encouraged because it can enhance the safety of the children and everyone else in the home. These talks do not have to be judgemental. Rather, they should focus on trying to solve the problem. How about removing the immunity for gun manufacturers? It’s hard to imagine a consumer product causing a tenth of the number of deaths guns have caused. The company would be down and under by now. The gun industry enjoys far too much immunity. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act passed in 2005 effectively shields gun manufacturers and sellers from any kind of lawsuit. While it’s true that frivolous lawsuits do not benefit anyone, we should start thinking about holding gun manufacturers liable for their products. Perhaps, they’ll pay more attention to creating safer products. Invest in smart guns There’s been a lot of discussions about smart gun technology. But like virtually every other gun law-related topic, there seems to be too much debate and too little action. While smart guns may not prevent mass shootings or killings by people who legally purchased their firearms, they could prove very useful in preventing suicides and unintentional killings. On average, about 500 people die yearly due to unintentional shootings. If we could reduce this number from the already embarrassing death toll, it’ll be a good step forward. It’s high time we stopped debating and started acting. Guns have already done enough damage and no matter how we spin it, our gun laws are far too accommodating. Although tougher gun laws would not automatically bring an end to gun violence, it’ll be a bold step in the right direction. References: Images: (Previous page & left) Natalie Chaney; (Next page) Jose Alonso

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The Purpose Hotel™ Mobilizes 5,000+ People To Give; Launches New Campaign

Nashville, Tenn. (September 14, 2016) – Receiving an overwhelmingly positive response after sharing their vision with the world, The Purpose Hotel™ campaign has exceeded the initial goal of $347,000 pledged on Kickstarter in less than 48 hours. The project relaunch on September 12 tracked faster than anticipated, as nearly 2,000 people joined in backing the crowd-sourced effort. Humbled by the movement of all backers, meeting the Step One goal allows The Purpose Hotel™ team to take steps in developing the initial designs and financing of the building. The momentum this campaign has is unbelievable. Right out of the gate we had not only return backers, but new ones as well. I’m grateful, humbled and really excited to see where this goes over the next 24 days,” says Cowart. “This is proof that people care. I’m already hearing stories of people who have been inspired and uplifted by this idea. It’s going to just multiply from here.”

The next phase of The Purpose Hotel™ relies on meeting the second step of $755,000 through the Kickstarter campaign. Step Two will allow The Purpose Hotel™ team to further the hotel architectural plans, interior planning and engineering design/planning specific to the sites selected for the hotel. Authors, artists, actors and activists such as Ann Voskamp, Rebecca Mader, Laura Bell Bundy, Jamie Tworkowski, Lecrae, Donald Miller, Dave Ramsey, Sophia Bush, Paramore, Zachary Levi, Imogen Heap and more shared their voice socially in supporting the cause. Helmed by famed photographer Jeremy Cowart, The Purpose Hotel™ was covered by Forbes, USA Today, Huffington Post, Rolling Stone Country, Conde Nast Traveler, The Tennessean, Relevant, Christianity Today and more. Images / Press Release Courtesy of The {m} Media Collective/ @themcollective

From blankets to soap, internet access to furniture, The Purpose Hotel™ will help fight cyclical issues through domestic and international partnerships with organizations such as Charity Water, The Giving Keys, Compassion International, Food for the Hungry and more. Fueling great organizations that give back around the globe, The Purpose Hotel™ will source its materials from organizations that actively work to improve the lives of people around the world. The first part of The Purpose Hotel™ chain is slated for Cowart’s hometown of Nashville, Tenn.

About Jeremy Cowart Named “one of the most influential photographers on the web” (Huffington Post), Jeremy Cowart has photographed the likenesses of Sting and Emma Stone, to The Kardashians and Taylor Swift. Capturing images in over 25 countries, his work has been seen on the pages of Rolling Stone and USA Today, reaching the channels of A&E and ESPN. An earnest desire to do more has led the notable photographer to focus on Help-Portrait (, See University ( and now, The Purpose Hotel.

About The Purpose Hotel™ The first hotel of its kind, celebrity photographer Jeremy Cowart (Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Tim Tebow, The Kardashians, Sting, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Heidi Klum, Emma Stone, Ryan Seacrest and more) created humanitarian relief project The Purpose Hotel™ that aims to fight against injustices of war, hunger, poverty, global warming, racial tension, unclean water, addictions and natural disasters. Every aspect of the global chain will directly contribute to those in need through strategic sourcing and procurement. The project is launching with a large campaign designed and developed by The Purpose Hotel™. Through the project’s Kickstarter, individuals have the opportunity to become co-founders as backers of the project. Trend Privé Magazine 80

BEDTIME STORIES Photographer: Liam Arthur - @liamarthurphoto Stylist: Alice Timms - @thisisalicesworld MU Artist: Victoria Poland - @victoriapolandmakeup

Trend Privé Magazine 82


I am a London based Advertising and Editorial photographer, my work focuses on moments, lifestyle and portraiture. I work in a variety of areas from shooting commercial advertising, to capturing documentary images for charities, and the style of my images reflects a mix of these genres. I am most excited when shooting people, and fundamentally I am driven by the desire to tell a story. I try to make this the essence of my images, whether shooting for a brand or shooting for a magazine editorial, it is about capturing something that is both descriptive and beautiful. - Liam Arthur

Many people have a few private moments left. There is a time that I find just before I go to bed when everything is quiet that my thoughts become my own, unpolluted by the bombardment of data we encounter routinely, and often seek out. Introspection begins for a period before I fall asleep a time to reflect on the world and myself, with the pressures of constant positive projection this seems a time to reflect on the darker realities, a time to process the experiences and feelings difficult to translate in a world living in the fast lane. It is about the time you find yourself truly alone after all connections have been switched off and powered down, the moments that you are with simply your own thoughts and feelings. I t is the twilight where social interaction becomes a personal time, and the narrative is real and immediate. For some, this becomes a time for the thoughts we are not so comfortable to communicate. ....Time for our failures and fears to be realized and processed.... Trend Privé Magazine 83

FASHION are popular. If you are not convinced they are doing enough to promote fair wages and environmental sustainability, you should strike your name off their customers’ list. Brands that pay attention to ethics consider the wider impact of every stitch on the humans that made them as well as the environment. The entire production process is regulated and adequate attention is paid to the safety of their workers. While the end products of these brands may be more expensive, they give you the freedom of shopping with a clear conscience. Who made my clothes?

Who makes your clothes?

Buy fewer clothes

Have you ever thought about where your

An estimated 75 million people are

If we all keep buying clothes at this rate, the

clothes actually come from? The next time

responsible for making the clothes that we

revolution would continue to be no more than

you marvel at the collection in your wardrobe

put on. These workers are predominantly

an illusion. Promoting sustainability and ethics

or don your favorite hoodie, you should

women and they are involved in different

is not only about being conscious of who made

perhaps look beyond the fancy labels and

stages of the production process. Sadly, a

your clothes. You have to buy fewer clothes so

superstores you get them from. From

whole lot of them are unable to afford the

you can ensure that each one you buy counts in

planting the cotton to harvesting and

basic necessities of life. Most of them reside

terms of quality. Step away from the crazy and

processing, dying the material, and sewing

in developing countries with lax labor laws.

fast-paced trends and buy clothes only when

the fabric, there are a lot of people on the

They are exploited and abused and they only

you need them. If you can adopt this near-min-

cloth manufacturing chain. Sadly, this chain

receive crumbs out of the total revenue of

imalist lifestyle, you’ll be reducing the foot-

is bottom heavy.

the multi-billion dollar fashion industry.

prints of the fashion industry on human and

The Rana Plaza tragedy of 2013 opened the

Incidents like the Rana Plaza tragedy teach

environmental resources.

eyes of everyone to the pathetic state of our

us that we can ill afford to continue this way.

Encourage conversations and ask questions?

fashion industry. More than 1100

But 5 years on, has there been any notable

If we don’t talk about the problem, there’s no

factory workers were killed by the tragic

change in the way we think about fashion?

way we can find a solution. When we start

building collapse and about 2200 more were

How far have we gone with talks about a

asking the popular brands vital questions about

injured. While there have been earlier

fashion revolution? Do we have to wait for

fair remuneration and environmental

campaigns that sought to awaken the

yet another tragedy before we start taking

sustainability, they would be forced to do what

consciousness of consumers, the tragedy

meaningful steps towards bringing an end to

is right. It is your duty to boycott companies

highlighted just how bad things are.

the exploitation? As a consumer, you can also

that are glaringly indifferent towards these

Highlighting the problem

play a meaningful role in promoting greater

germane issues. You should also strive to

The current pace of the fashion industry is

sustainability and transparency in the

educate those around you so that more people

frightening. A 4-season annual calendar now

fashion industry. Here are some useful

are aware of the problem. If a majority of

has 52 seasons and trendy clothes

lifestyle changes you can make in order to

consumers pay adequate attention to

transforms into rags within a twinkle of an

play your own part in solving the problem:

sustainability in the fashion industry, the brand

eye. Landfills across the world play host to

Buy for ethics and sustainability

would have no other choice but to dance to

about 13 million tons of used clothing every

There are numerous brands that are wholly

their tunes.

year and the situation couldn’t be any worse.

dedicated to promoting ethical and

The fashion industry in its current state reeks

sustainable practices in the fashion

of widespread human and environmental

industry. You do not have to buy clothes from


the leading brands just because they

Trend Privé Magazine 84



Thank you, Liane

Petersen, for buying that

FUN IN THE FORM OF A SWEATER you found at Goodwill. If a unicorn decided

to take up knitting, it would make this sweater. Itʼs 100% magic. And itʼs doing wonders in your neighborhood, too. Because as a nonprofit, we use your purchases to fund job training and more in your community. Sincerely, Your fans at Goodwill

This is actually Liane Petersen.

BringGoodHome_ThankYou_7x10.indd 2

BringGoodHome_ThankYouSweater_7x10 Magazine

9/28/18 11:48 AM




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Joyce’s Angels Interview with Football Player and Activist SENECA WALLACE by Joshua Seibert

JS: In honor of your mother Linda Joyce Wallace, your mission is to serve the fight against multiple myeloma through charity work and research. When did you decide to start “Joyce’s Angels”? SW: I decided to start in 2012. JS: Your mother Linda passed away, (God Bless her soul), from Multiple Myeloma when you were a young man. How did this impact your life and football career? SW: It impacted significantly, but without the support of my friends and my teammates of the Seattle Seahawks, I wouldn’t have been able to continue to move forward with my NFL career. After her passing, I found the drive to continue to push forward knowing that’s what she wanted me to do with my career. JS: Being an incredible athlete and outstanding leader for the community surrounding you are making all of the difference. What would you say is the most rewarding part about preserving Joyce’s Angels? SW: Being able to provide to the cancer research for Multiple Myeloma and other resources. JS: As a father of two and a loving husband, what is the greatest valuable life lesson you would like your children and the community to get out of the camp? SW: I believe being good students of the game and great teammates on and off the field with great character. JS: What advice do you have for someone dealing with the loss of a family member from cancer? SW: What worked for me, was getting even closer to my loved ones and the family members that my mom touched in her 58 years on this earth. Being able to share and hear those stories, helped me channel my focus on the positive times spent with her. JS: Giving back while inspiring others is obviously a passion of yours. Tell us about the U.S.O. Tour in 2012. Would you like to do this again? SW: Yes, I would do it again and would recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity. Being able to take time out my schedule to listen, see and also support our military men and women is the least I can do. After all, they keep us safe every day.

Trend Prive Magazine Photographer: Frans Loriaux

JS: During your College years, you transferred to Iowa State where some of your greatest achievements were born. Describe what happened during “The Run.” SW: “The Run” is now an iconic play in history, and I’m glad to be part of that, it was a 15-yard touchdown that totaled me running more than 100 yards to score. JS: This is an exciting year for everyone on and off of the field at the Seahawks, Cleveland, and the Packers. As a Free Agent, what are your expectations out of the new starters? Is there a particular organization you have your eye on this year? SW: The Expectations of the new starters are for them to come and do their job, and fulfill the role to whatever team signs them. My eye will be on the Cowboys, Browns, and the teams with young rookie QBs. Not a fan of the Cowboys or Browns just to be clear. LOL. JS: The summer is just around the corner and opening day for the NFL kicks off September 7, 2017, with the New England Patriots vs. the Kansas City Chiefs. Where will you be and what are your current plans when this is going down? SW: I will be at my home in Dalla- Texas, and my plans are to sit in my theater room and watch it. JS: We couldn’t help but notice how comfortable you are in front of the lens during the photography session and the final shots were confident and sophisticated. What are your thoughts on men’s style? SW: I’ve always been attracted to fashion on all levels and try to stay up with the trends as much as possible. I believe fashion right now is in the right place and doing some good things. Trend Privé Magazine

Coordinator: Adrielyn Christi / Photographer: Frans Loriaux / MUA: Gia O’ Neal Clothing Provided by Patrick James - West Coast Classic Pavilions Shopping Center Sacramento CA - Styled by: Barbara Bratten- Wardrobe Consultant Patrick James


‫י‬ arl

Choupette Model / Influencer: Adelina Pestritu Fotograf: Marius Baragan Hair: Adrian Perjovschi Make-up: Andreea Popeanu Stilist: Lucy Faur TPM PR: Razvan Ferigeanu

Trend Privé Magazine 90



Accessories : Chanel

Adelina Pestritu was transformed into Karl Lagerfeld by the great hairdresser Adrian Perjovschi. Adelina Pestritu and Adrian Perjovschi surprise us again: a new look, a new idea, a new transformation. This time as a tribute to the famous fashion designer, Karl Lagerfeld, Adelina Pestritu accepted the invitation to participate in the project of her good friend, Adrian Perjovchi, called “Radical Transformations by Jovsky Studio”, and embodied the well-known designer in a photo-shooting by Marius Baragan. “It was a huge challenge for me to turn into a legend of fashion, Karl Lagerfeld, that I personality always admired. I think the whole world of fashion has lost a real artist, visionary and incredible talent. This transformation comes as a tribute to him. We are convinced that it will remain in the memory of all fashion lovers, but not only. Although it’s not easy to turn from a 32-year-old woman to an 85-yearold man like him, I had a good feeling about the process, and the results speak for themselves, “says Adelina Pestritu. “It’s always a pleasure, but a great challenge to work with Adelina. This time, the emotions were even bigger because, besides the difference in age and sex that separated her from her character; it was also the giant responsibility to “recreate” the iconic designer in the history of fashion, Karl Lagerfeld. We`ve been preparing for almost

a week for this transformation. The wig has been dyed 3 times and trimmed, so that the look we created would be perfect, “explains the hairstylist Adrian Perjovschi. “I have been collaborating with Adrian Perjovschi, Andreea Popeanu and Lucy Faur for years, so I trusted them blindly, while knowing that everything would be perfect. The outfit, the hair, the makeup, and the photo frames were as I imagined and wanted them to be. For the first time in my life, I told Andreea Popeanu, the make-up artist, to add wrinkles. The wig was just as his hair, and the outfit contained key elements that his classic outfit had as well, “says Adelina Pestritu. I think for each of us this was a challenge, given that Adelina is a young and beautiful woman, and Karl was an 80-plus-year-old man! The transformation was thought up to the smallest details, trying to create Karl`s face traits on Adelina, so that the likeness is a real one! It was a pleasure and an honor to take part in this dedicated work in memory of the great creator Karl Lagerfeld! “, says make-up artist Andreea Popeanu. “The Chanel brand, the fashion house that he has been working for over thirty years and whose turnover has led to billions of dollars, were the iconic elements of the outfit. Of course, the frames, the lighting, and the post-production had a remarkable weight, which brought all the success to this transformation. I thank everyone for their work. I am happy that I took part in this memorable project, “adds Adelina Pestritu.

Accessories : Chanel

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Accessories : Chanel

Accessories : Chanel

Trend Privé Magazine 95


National Suicide Prevention Week A call to join hands

The growing rate of suicide in the United States is worrisome, to say the least. According to the CDC, there has been a 25% rise in the suicide rates nationwide between 1999 and 2017. Interestingly, this statistic was released in what is arguably the most popular suicide week in recent memory. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain’s deaths were just a few days apart and the suicide prevention hotline reported a 25% spike in calls during that week. These events and the other 44,000 suicide deaths that occur yearly highlight the already common knowledge that there is a mental health crisis in the country. The National Suicide Prevention Week is held annually to create awareness about suicide and engage health professionals as well as the general public. Since 2005, this week has been celebrated from the Sunday to Saturday that covers the Suicide Prevention Day (September 10). The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is responsible for selecting themes for the event and ‘The Power of Connections’ served as the theme for the 2018 NSPW. Although the week has come and gone, conversations surrounding suicide and mental health should be all year Trend Privé Magazine 96

round. What’s responsible for the rising rates? The rising suicide rates cannot be attributed to a single factor. Financial difficulties, relationship issues, and an increased sense of isolations appear to be the factors that are most frequently implicated. However, it is difficult to make broad statements about suicide. Experts have also pointed at an inadequate funding for mental health prevention and research. The opioid crisis is also thought to be responsible for an increase in suicide rates. About 90% of all suicide victims have a history of mental health disorder or addiction. Firearms is another public issue that has contributed to a rise in suicide rates. Although a majority of discussions surrounding gun control would be centered on horrific, pointless shootings, statistics show that an overwhelming number of deaths that occur as a result of firearms are suicides. According to the CDC, 66% of gun-related deaths are suicides. Individuals that attempt suicide using

a firearm have more than 95% chance of succeeding. The less than 15% chance of individuals that overdose on prescription drugs pale in comparison. What can be done? The approach to suicide prevention has to be multi-faceted, just like the causes of suicide.

Since 2005, all the themes for the National Suicide Prevention Week have bothered around the need for participation.Professionals, policy makers, the general public, and all stakeholders must join hands if we are to have any chance at bringing an end to this menace. Here are a few solutions that have been highlighted as viable prevention strategies. Encouraging conversations.

something everyone would learn naturally. From the available evidence, this assumption is wrong. We may need to start teaching how to cope, just like we teach how to read and write.

One of the easiest ways to defeat this monster is talking about it. Through awareness and advocacy, we can demystify suicide such that it becomes less attractive to people. Suicide doesn’t bring a lasting solution to pain, it only transfers the pain to others. And often, the pain becomes more intense.

Perhaps, it’s high time we started paying attention to their cries. if we are serious about curbing the suicide rates, we need to equip the facilities that are designed to help people with mental health challenges. Healthcare providers should also be trained to id.

reckless behavior, inexplicable mood swings or any other behavior that can be identified as a potential warning sign. Identifying these warning signs provide a chance to intervene quickly before the situation becomes irreversible.

More funding Mental health institutions and research facilities have complained of a dearth of funding.

Suicide prevention is a collective responsibility. It starts with every random act of kindness and every display of empathy. You never know what the next person is going through and the least you can do is be the smile that brightens someone’s day. The little efforts count just as much as the massive fundings and better policies.

Teaching people to learn the warning signs Teaching people how to cope The difference between those that commit suicide and those that decide to forge on is often an ability to cope. If we can teach people how to cope with intense emotions, we’d be more successful at preventing suicides. Presently, it appears we all assume that coping is

Statistics show that about 4 out of every 5 youths that attempts suicide showed a warning sign. Parents, guardians, teachers, primary health care providers, and all other stakeholders need to be able to identify these warning signs. It could be a casual threat of suicide, an unusually Trend Privé Magazine

Londyn’s family discovered hope at St. Jude. When Londyn was found to have blood cancer, she was referred to St. Jude, where doctors take on the toughest cases with confidence. “St. Jude takes a lot of the worry away,” said her dad. “The things that St. Jude does are unbelievable.” The discoveries made at St. Jude are shared freely, so every child saved here means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children.

Learn more at

©2018 ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (34142)

St. Jude patient Londyn blood cancer pictured with her dad, Anthony

This moment brought to you by dad.

Take time to

be a dad today. #DadJokesRule







promposal is just what it sounds like, a proposal to the prom. But it’s okay if you didn’t already know that was a thing. Because you don’t have to know it all to be a perfect parent. Thousands of teens in foster care will love you just the same.


Be a Part of National Adoption Month Attend a Children’s Bureau Info Meeting to Learn More about Foster-Adoption November is National Adoption Month, a celebration to bring awareness and attention to the need for permanent families for children and youth in the U.S. foster care system. Since 2000, Children’s Bureau has finalized more than 2,116 adoptions of vulnerable children in Southern California and continues to promote the need for resource parents through its “Be the Reason” recruitment campaign seen on outdoor ad space and online. Photo by

In Los Angeles County, the foster care

Samuel Zeller

population exceeds 21,000 children with 500 of those foster children, mainly siblings and

need,” said Amy Heilman, Children’s Bureau’s

Free 800-730-3933, email RFrecruitment@

older children, waiting for an adoptive

Director of Foster Care and Adoption. , or visit https://www.all4kids.

family. While Children’s Bureau places more


than 300 at-risk children in loving foster

Children’s Bureau now also offers a fee-

homes and finalizes 100 adoptions

for-service Domestic /Independent Adoption

annually, the need continues for more

Home Study Program for families seeking the

individuals and families to become resource

adoption of an infant whose birth mother is

Since 1904, Children’s Bureau

parents. Resource parents (foster and

making an adoption plan for her newborn

( has been a nonprofit

adoptive) are people who are concerned

child. In addition to adoption home studies,

leader in protecting vulnerable children

about the well-being of children and their

Children’s Bureau provides approval of

through prevention, treatment and

families. Resource parents protect and

Interstate Compact packets, post placement

advocacy. The agency is unique in that it

nurture children, meet children’s

supervision visits and reports, and

focuses on three key areas for creating

developmental needs, support children’s

finalization services when the birth mother

impact: strengthening families and

relationships with their birth families and

delivers her baby in another state and the

communities, building peer capacity and

do all of this as a member of a professional

family / birth mother is working with an

transforming systems and communities.


adoption agency.

“Children’s Bureau turns away at least 50

About Children’s Bureau:

Children’s Bureau helps 40,000 children and

calls a day because we don’t have enough

Children’s Bureau welcomes every

parents each year throughout

resource families to meet the demanding

individual regardless of race, age, religion,

Southern California with services that

disability, marital status, ethnic background,

include school readiness, parenting classes,

sexual orientation, gender identity or

family resource centers, support groups,

expression to become a resource for

mental health counseling, foster care and

children. Qualifying families receive training

foster-adoption and more.

and support throughout their journey.

Children’s Bureau is one of the largest investors in child abuse prevention in the


For those interested, an information please

country and is developing a national

visit the Children’s Bureau’s at Magnolia

model to transform an entire at-risk

Place, 1910 Magnolia Avenue, Los Angeles,

community through its Magnolia Community

90007or, please call 213-342-0162 / Toll

Initiative. Trend Privé Magazine 101



One in four Veterans lives in rural areas. Every day, we strive to extend our reach, to make sure they have access to the compassionate care and attention they need—from advanced telehealth services to community-based outpatient clinics. Because all our Veterans deserve it, no matter where they are. We believe it’s up to us to ensure they lead healthier, happier lives. Visit to lend a hand.


Will we ever cure Alzheimer`s?

Photos (left to right) by Cristian Newman, Mari Lezhava, Craig Whitehead

Will we ever cure Alzheimer’s? Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) appear to be the major health challenge in the developed world. Among the NCDs, the neurodegenerative diseases occupy a special place. It’s always difficult to watch a loved one succumb to any of these diseases, and Alzheimer’s seems to be the most devastating of all. There’s an unspeakable pain that comes with watching someone who means the world to you struggle to remember who you are. Whether it’s a parent or a partner, the many years of shared memories make it difficult to come to terms with the fact that they would never remember you again. Currently, more than 5.7 million Americans are afflicted with Alzheimer’s. It’s the most common type of dementia and it’s hard to find an American who doesn’t know someone that has or had the disease. Current projections show that the number of affected Americans may rise to 17 million by 2050. Still, the medical world is no closer to finding a cure or finding a cure or at least a proven way to slow down the progression of the disease. While we take solace in the fact that our understanding of the disease is better than ever before, the question ‘will we ever cure Alzheimer’s’ remains unanswered. It’s complicated, to say the least There is a strong correlation between Alzheimer’s and the development of amyloid plaques. The plaques are always a feature in people suffering from the disease and scientists previously thought reducing amyloid

accumulation is the key to curing Alzheimer’s. Many drugs that can do the job have been developed but none of them have been able to slow down, let alone cure Alzheimer’s. Researchers also delved into developing drugs that act against ‘tau’ a protein that prevents smooth communication between neurons. Tangles of this protein are observed in brains with amyloid accumulation.

Another mitigating factor that is frequently cited is that brain damage in people with Alzheimer’s begin long before they start experiencing the symptoms. Perhaps. The drugs being administered could help with the disease but the timing is too late. This hypothesis led to the initiation of anti-amyloid therapy in people with certain markers that point toward Alzheimer’s. The results of such interventions are yet to be fully assessed.

Unfortunately, the anti-tau drugs also did nothing to stop the disease. The reason why our understanding of the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s has not led to the development of a cure remains a mystery.

What does the future hold?

Where are we now? Currently, there are 5 drugs approved by the FDA for the treatment of Alzheimer’s. All the drugs can only help with the early symptoms and there hasn’t been a new drug for more than 15 years. During that period, we’ve had a fair share of early clinical trials that ‘showed a glimpse of promise’ but nothing concrete has been developed. Why are things slow on the Alzheimer’s front There are different propositions regarding why there hasn’t been much progress on finding an Alzheimer’s cure. Many of these go beyond understanding the pathophysiology of the disease. An important consideration, for example, is that it’s hard to engineer Alzheimer’s symptoms in laboratory animals. Thus, researchers are unable to extensively test drugs on animals before proceeding to clinical trials.

With the failure of the drugs targeting the obvious manifestations, scientists are now more open to novel theories that attempt to explain the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s. Scavenger cells, lost synapses, viruses, and many other explanations have been proposed. Scientists are working round the clock to explore these explanations and hopefully, develop a drug that would do better than all the available options. Many of the published clinical trials we came across focused on stopping Alzheimer’s from eating up the brain. It follows that the drugs developed may be capable of stopping the sufferer from getting worse but may not be able to make them better. At this stage, however, we do not have drugs that are capable of doing any of the two. Any progress at all would be a giant step in the right direction. So, would we ever cure Alzheimer’s? The question may never have a definite answer. But it’s only a matter of time before we find a way of stopping it. And probably move one step further by discovering how to prevent it.



T:10” S:9.5”


Home Photographer: Alex Weber Stylist: Ioanna Auschra Hair & Makeup: Evelyn Innerhofer @ BIGOUDI Model: Laura Mertens @ Mega Model Agency

Trend Privé Magazine 106


Blouse - Sandro

Trend Privé Magazine 108

Florentiner Straw Hat - Vintimilla by Hut Falkenhagen Blouse - Maje / Pants - Pinko

Hat - Guerra by Hut Falkenhagen / Blouse - Max & Co. Pullover - Designers Remix Charlotte Eskildsen

Trend Privé Magazine 109

Trend Privé Magazine 110

Boho Tunika - Mes Demoiselles Paris Hat - Maik self by Hut Falkenhagen

Hat - Grevi by Hut Falkenhagen / Blouse - Patrizia Pepe Pullover - Designers Remix Charlotte Eskildsen / Apron - Ioanna Auschra

Trend Privé Magazine 111



PHOTOS (from left to right) BY Paula Borowska, Andre Mouton, Elmira G.

For many of us, a visit to the zoo ranks high among our incomparable memories as children. Talk about the raw fear that one feels when the lion roars out of its cave, or the thrill of watching the baboons and chimps as they make futile attempts to jump out of their cages. However, it’s time we questioned the purpose of zoos or if we truly need them at all. For one thing, the thrill of visiting a zoo is onesided. The animals that are held in captivity are often in great pain. We are denying their fundamental right to freedom at the expense of our entertainment. And we are doing it just because we can. Advocates of zoos propose that there are numerous endangered species that are protected by zoos. However, research has proved that this is not true. Below are some reasons why we need to rethink about the need for zoos or sea parks. Zoos do not protect endangered species The most common argument put forward by supporters of zoos is that they help protect endangered species, but this argument could not be more wrong. Animals are kept in zoos for entertainment only. The truly endangered species are hardly ever found in zoos. On the contrary, zoos are filled with animals that are perceived to have an entertainment value. They see the offspring of their animals as new products that would help their business thrive. Therefore, they seldom release them to the wild. Even if they release babies into the wild, animals born in confinement struggle to cope with the harsh realities of jungles. Any conservation effort that does not focus protecting species in their natural habitat is ultimately futile. Living in confinement is traumatizing for animals What’s a lion without a hunt? What’s a baboon without trees? What’s an anaconda without a bush? When we keep animals in zoos, we force them to become miniature versions of themselves. Zoos are prisons for these creatures. Their instincts and intelligence are suppressed. All they do is eat what they are given and watch in amusement or fear as strangers disturb them during the zoo’s opening hours. These animals often develop a psychological disorder known as ‘zoochosis’. They simply move about aimlessly in order to relieve the frustration and boredom that would never go away. We are having conversations about giving children the freedom to explore their environment to ignite their creativity. It’s high time we started allowing animals that freedom too. The laws guiding capture animals are lax This is a big problem, especially in developing countries. After animals Trend Privé Magazine 112

are subjected to unimaginable levels of abuse and maltreatment in a bid to capture them, you’d think there would be strict laws that would ensure they are treated fairly. But wait until you visit some zoos; the sight of starving animals would activate your tear glands. Even in developed countries like the United States, the laws guiding those that keep animals in captivity are lax. Zoos are a luxury to some of these animals. Many people keep captured animals on their private properties, housing them in cages that are too small for these animals. A tiger whose parent prowled the wild forests, conquering territories would end up in a cage that has just enough room for it to stand, lie down, and turn around a bit. In the process, its lifespan is severely cut short. Isn’t it time we stopped doing this to innocent animals? Zoos don’t make conservationists out of kids The majority of those that visit zoos are kids, and some may argue that the visit would breed the love for animals in them. Nevertheless, like most of the other arguments put forward by zoo supporters, this proposition holds no water in the scientific community. The results of a published study by Conservation biology proved that most of the kids who visited the London Zoo during the time of the study did not demonstrate any positive learning outcome. Some of them were even deemed to have come out with a negative experience. The programs zoos offer have little to no impact on kids. If we really want to teach them about conservation, we surely can come up with better approaches. Selling animals or killing them, even Zoos keep animals because of their entertainment value. When these animals grow old, they no longer possess their charm or allure. Consequently, they attract less crowd and generate fewer profits. Like any other business, zoos see this phase as the best time to cash out on their ‘product’ and move on. Often, such animals are shifted to a zoo with a lesser pedigree. Moreover, you can easily guess what happens thereafter. They are subjected to more suffering and inhumane treatment until they die a miserable death. Asides selling animals, zoos perpetrate a worse evil by killing ‘surplus’ animals. When the rate of reproduction of a species exceeds what the zoo can reasonably cater for, they often cull the animal population. If we are to be completely honest, our dominance as a species has not exactly benefited the environment. We lord over other species and harm them in more ways than we can imagine. Zoos are just one of the ways through which we trample on the freedom and rights of other animals. If we truly agree that we all depend on each other for survival, then we should be able to take the necessary steps in order to stop the exploitation of other species.


WE CAN SAVE THE Dolphins We Can Save the Dolphins!

Join the plastic pollution coalition

It is disheartening to know that one of the

Ocean waste is one of the biggest threats to the

most beautiful creatures residing in our

lives of dolphins and plastic easily tops the list

oceans is under threat. Scientific inquests

of ocean contaminants. Their non-degradable

have shown that these are dolphins are

nature means they never leave the

among the most intelligent creatures in the

environment, no matter how hard we try. This

world. Their social behavior is awesome to

is why the bulk of plastic waste gets into our PHOTOS BY Jeremy Bishop

behold, and they have the ability to

oceans. The plastics leach dangerous

communicate with humans more than any

natural environment. No matter the amount

toxins that pose an immediate threat to the

other animals. When you add the fact that

of love and care showered on a dolphin at an

lives of dolphins. They could also have an effect

they help police the ocean, saving humans

aquarium, it cannot be as good as letting it

on their reproductive and immune system. This

from predatory sharks, you would agree that

roam freely in the oceans. Dolphinaria all over

poses a threat to their long-term survival.

saving dolphins is a cause we should all lend

the world pay heavily to get dolphins from

Furthermore, plastic pollution damage marine

a voice to.Thankfully, saving dolphins is not

natives. The dolphins are subjected to harsh

habitats. The coral reefs and animals or plants

a Herculean task. They are only under threat

conditions in drive fisheries and many of

below the food chain and killed and it becomes

because of our mindless destruction of the

them are killed in the process. The next time

harder for those higher up to survive. If we are

environment. Thankfully, it’s not too late to

you see a smiling dolphin in dolphinaria, you

able to significantly reduce our dependence on

make better decisions and encourage others

should know that about a dozen others have

plastic, we would have done a lot towards

to do so as well. Here are some things you

been killed to get it there.Worse still,

saving the dolphins.

can do to help save the dolphins and other

capturing dolphins for dolphinaria motivate

beautiful creatures in the ocean.

Encourage others and donate

villagers to kill them for meat. The live

There are numerous organizations that are

Stop eating dolphin meat

dolphins represent only a small fraction of

constantly advocating for better ocean

Dolphin hunting is one of the activities that

the dolphins that were removed from their

conservation policies. These organizations also

make them an endangered species. Some

habitat. The good work done by promoters of

educate people on the need to make better

villages in Japan and Peru are hot zones for

dolphin conservation for many years can be

decisions in order to protect the life of dolphins.

the mindless slaughtering of dolphins.

undone by agents for dolphinaria

You can donate your widow’s mite towards

Some of these places even celebrate the

within a matter of weeks. Their persistence

these organizations to lend your support for the

killing as some sort of festival.

and mouthwatering offers make it difficult for

fight to save dolphins. While you are at it, you

Environmental activist groups have moved to

the simple villagers to keep to their pledge of

should also educate others about the need to

sensitize the people and put pressure on the

not killing dolphins. A classic example is found

be deliberate about saving dolphins. You may

government to make better policies that would

in the Japanese village of Iki where the

just be creating a ripple effect. Ocean waste is

stop these killings. However, as an

villagers went back to their old ways after

one of the biggest threats to the lives of dol-

individual, you can choose not to be complicit

more than a decade cessation in dolphin

phins and plastic easily tops the list of ocean

if you say no to dolphin meat. If there are no


contaminants. Their non-degradable nature

buyers for this meat, the roughly 18,000

Boycott tuna

means they never leave the environment, no

dolphins killed in one village alone would be a

You may be surprised to learn that not eating

matter how hard we try. This is why the bulk of

waste. The buyers rely on the demand in the in-

dolphins is not enough if you wish to save

plastic waste gets into our oceans. The plastics

ternational market. If you are one of those that

dolphins. According to the Whale and Dolphin

leach dangerous toxins that pose an immedi-

crave dolphin meat, it is high time you replaced

Conservation, an estimated 300,000 dolphins,

ate threat to the lives of dolphins. They could

it with something more sustainable. You could

porpoises, and whales die every year as a

also have an effect on their reproductive and

also do well by informing someone else while

bycatch in fisheries across the globe. This

immune system. This poses a threat to their

you are at it.

fatality rate is clearly unacceptable.

long-term survival. Furthermore, plastic pollu-

A dolphin captive show is not a good way to

Dolphin-safe or dolphin-friendly (EU) labels

tion damage marine habitats. The coral reefs

spend the weekend

have been introduced to reduce the number

and animals or plants below the food chain and

Fans of swim-with shows do just as much

of accidental dolphin deaths during tuna fish-

killed and it becomes harder for those higher

damage as those that eat dolphins, but they

ing. However, this label is as controversial as

up to survive. If we are able to significantly re-

may not know. First, there is nothing as

they come. Boycotting tuna is one of the best

duce our dependence on plastic, we would have

pristine as letting animals thrive in their

things you can do to save the dolphins.

done a lot towards saving the dolphins. Trend Privé Magazine 113


DEEP SENSE an interview with PETA Foundation`s Director of Animal Law, Jared S. Goodman BY jOSHUA SEIBERT

The Ocean covers 71 percent of the Earth`s surface with billions of aquatic life unveiling new discoveries every day across the world. No matter what background you come from, the fact is that in order for us to continue thriving as human beings amidst the factual science of preservation, we must be more conscious of our environment and its inhabitants. In a sense, we have the choice to heal or hurt, and in all reality, a deep sense of intuition has often been a defining factor in turning a mess into a miracle. If you care about the impact that you’ll make in this world, you might pay attention to what drives you. Upon reading this, would you consider yourself full of optimism or rather a cynical person? According to an article at, the Federal Government listed a captive orca at a Miami aquarium as an endangered species and this is but one example of the many cases where ocean life is diminishing. Statistically speaking there are countless mammals that are endangered since 2015. 10,000-25,000 blue whales remain in the environment surviving the harsh climatic conditions.

tions, as well as celebrities about the treatment of Orcas under captivity in their facility. Conan Obrien, the American television host, cracked a hilarious joke hinting that the best place for captivity is the ocean alongside this recent tweet, @ConanOBrien: “Not sure about SeaWorld’s new ad campaign “You Either See Them Here or at Red Lobster, kind of makes you laugh doesn’t it? It does seem obvious that captivity is not the greatest choice and luckily for the helpless victims in this equation there are organizations making an impact on massive scales. Supported by a long list of celebrities like Ariana Grande, Olivia Wilde, Bill Maher, Trent Reznor, Pink, Justin Bieber, and Kate Winslet, PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, have actively pursued Sea World in efforts to end what they know to be an active infringement on animal rights. PETA foundations Director of Animal Law Jared S. Goodman has intelligence and compassion for this situation like no other I have seen, and I personally believe he’s on the right track.

“Like other large whales, blue whales are threatened by environmental change including habitat loss and toxics. Blue whales can also be harmed by ship strikes and by becoming entangled in fishing gear. Although commercial whaling no longer represents a threat, climate change and its impact on krill (shrimp-like crustaceans), blue whales’ major prey, makes this cetacean particularly vulnerable.” See For me, ultimately this question will always remain close to my heart. “What can I do to make a positive change?” As far as humanitarian work goes, many individuals approach causes different forms of passion. For example, Leonardo DiCaprio, an American actor and film producer whose list of accolades seems endless, has made it obvious that he has chosen to be optimistic. In the past several years, making contributions to several organizations including recent donations of 2 million dollars to Oceans 5, the UN has designated him as a “UN Messenger of peace with a focus on Climate Change.” Over at, Adrien Grenier and Josh Zeman have begun the “Lonely Whale Project” with world-renowned scientists to find the elusive ‘52 Hertz’ whale and fight Ocean Noise Pollution. At the same time, Habitat for Humanity has a vision starting campaigns to ensure everyone has a decent place to live and many feel that this very standard directly applies to the very creatures we so neglect going about our busy lives. Sea World has recently been a topic point for many activists, organiza-

When did you start your career at PETA?

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I’ve been counsel to PETA since 2009. As PETA Foundation’s Director of Animal Law, what would you say your greatest goal is? My greatest goal is to achieve enforceable, legal rights for animals. One example of our work toward that end is PETA’s lawsuit on behalf of the five wild-caught orcas at SeaWorld against the company for enslaving them in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. As we continue our efforts to break down that species barrier in the legal system, we push to have existing animal-protection laws enforced and improved. What is your point of view on capturing Orcas from the wild? Would you explain the effects of captivity on these whales? It is unquestionably cruel to capture orcas from the wild and subject them to a life of deprivation in tiny, virtually barren tanks, where they often attack one another as a result of being grouped incompatibly, sustain broken teeth and suffer from chronic pain from biting on metal gates and concrete, are pumped full of drugs, and die prematurely from stress-related diseases. The intense public opposition to this abhorrent cruelty is why we have not seen an orca captured in U.S. waters

or a wild-caught orca imported into this country in decades. But captive-born orcas suffer from confinement at marine parks just the same. These animals have evolved over millions of years to swim up to 100 miles per day, dive to depths of up to 1,000 feet and become the top predators in the ocean. When did you first take interest in Animal Cruelty at Sea World? For most of my life, I have firmly believed that as PETA’s mission statement says, “animals are not ours to use for entertainment.” No animal should be confined, deprived of the opportunity to carry out natural behavior, and forced to perform inane tricks over and over again. Have you seen the Blackfish Documentary? What did you think about it? I have seen Blackfish and thought it was a tremendous gift to captive orcas. The film clearly shows that everything about the lives of orcas at SeaWorld is harmful and artificial—from being torn from their families to being forced to beg for food in the small tanks where they are confined for their entire lives. The public is now more aware than ever of the detrimental effects of captivity and is also making the connection between orcas and other animals who suffer for our entertainment. In fish cas. like

dangers, and keeps animals in conditions that cause them mental and physical suffering and that even kill them can be accredited by an independent body with even the most minimal standards. We want to ensure that no unsuspecting member of the public relies on a seal of approval from an organization whose stated focus is animal care, conservation, and education in buying a ticket to SeaWorld. Trend Prive Magazine supports your cause and aids in the fight against Animal Cruelty. Is there anything you would like to say in closing about how we can all make an impact? The easiest and most important thing that anyone can do is to refuse to buy a ticket to any facility that exploits and abuses animals for entertainment and tell family and friends why. I also encourage everyone to download PETA’s iPhone app to take action for animals at the touch of a finger and to visit and sign up for PETA’s Action Team to learn more about what you can do to speak up for animals and events going on in your area.

2014 California State legislature deferred the Blackbill -- a law that would ban SeaWorld from torturing orHave you heard of the Blackfish Bill? What would you to see done with the current legislation on this issue?

The introduction of the California Orca Welfare and Safety Act is further proof that the tide has already turned on SeaWorld. Customers and investors have already spoken via their wallets. SeaWorld stock has plummeted, it lost a million visitors in 2014, it’s losing long-time corporate partners, and its CEO has stepped down. Whether SeaWorld’s confinement of intelligent and social animals is stopped through legislation or public sentiment, this is a failing business, and there is no future for marine parks in any state. SEAWORLD’S ACCREDITATION UNDER FIRE PETA Submits Official Comments Asking the Association of Zoos and Aquariums to Hold Cruel Animal Park Responsible for Violations Orlando, Fla. — This morning, PETA submitted official comments to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) calling on the organization not to renew SeaWorld’s accreditation, to be decided this month at the AZA Accreditation Commission hearing. Would you elaborate on the current status of this issue for our readers? The AZA’s standards require that animals be well cared for and housed in appropriate settings and that facilities provide an educational experience and promote conservation while meeting the animals’ physical, psychological, and social needs. Because none of this is happening at SeaWorld, PETA submitted formal comments to the AZA calling for the organization not to renew SeaWorld’s accreditation, which is being considered at a hearing this week. Ultimately, what would PETA like to see accomplished by holding these organizations advocating inhumane orca confinement accountable? It is unfathomable that a company that provides false and misleading information to the public, exposes its workers to life-threatening Top Image Courtesy of Peta and


Jeffrey Ventre FROM

BLACKFISH Jeffrey Ventre MD I live in Ellensburg, WA, USA. Twitter: @Jeffrey_Ventre I am a medical doctor / specialist in the field of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. I treat patients with conditions ranging from low back pain to stokes, to amputees, to brain injuries. Basically, I get people as functional as possible.

The emotions that I got after watching “Blackfish”, cannot be described in words. You`ll have to watch and see for yourself! You might be amazed with the compassion you`ll discover within your spirit. It is a rare honor and privilege to interview Jeffrey Ventre, an insider of this documentary. I am forever grateful to the “Blackfish” team for making a difference, for caring and being such an amazing inspiration. Catalina Magee, TPM CEO & Founder

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Things are not what they appear. The whales are not smiling; they die young, and shouldn’t be performing circus stunts for food. Their brains are 4 times larger than ours and their families are their homes. It is completely unnatural for them to be living at tourist destinations in Orlando, San Diego, and San Antonio. This has even led to two animals, Kanduke & Taku, being bitten by mosquitoes and dying in captivity. “Duke” died in the summer of 1990 by St. Louis Virus encephalitis, and Taku in 2007 by West Nile Virus. This does not happen in nature. The whales need your help. A better way to do that is to take science courses in college. Major in zoology, oceanography, marine biology, and help these animals in nature. You’re not dealing with the real thing when they are in captivity. Another way, you can follow in Gabriela’s footsteps and make a documentary film, or follow in Dr. Naomi Rose’s footsteps and write your PhD dissertation on them.“ - Jeffrey Ventre

upcoming chapter in a text book, media appearances, and at our website, “Voice of the Orcas.” In short, there’s a lot of work to be done. The movie is a vehicle for disseminating info to millions of people around the globe. By most accounts, the film seems likely to be nominated for an Academy Award. This will drive DVD sales and the word will continue to spread. I’ve been told that there will be new DVD extras that will shed more light on the situation. What were the reasons for your big role in this documentary?

For those who haven`t heard of this mesmerizingly emotional documentary, can you tell us what it is about? Blackfish is a film about killer whales (Orcinus orca) that shines a light on SeaWorld’s history of capturing and displaying them for human entertainment. Via collections in the 1970’s, the company decimated the wild orcas in Washington State, and that group is still “endangered” today. The film zeroes in on the story of Tilikum, who was purchased in 1992 after killing a trainer in Canada. No wild orcas have harmed a human and the movie shows how captivity leads to animal on animal aggression and has resulted in four human deaths, and lots of injuries. To maintain the “happy Shamu” image, the injured or killed trainers are usually blamed for their own death. It’s always “trainer error.” What is the mainstay of the documentary Blackfish and how is it different from The Cove documentary? The film is based upon the known history of the captivity industry. The Cove focuses on the collection and slaughter of small whales and dolphins. After being herded into The Cove, the best looking animals are hand-picked by trainers and sent to marine parks around the world. Blackfish focuses on the display side of the industry. When I worked at SeaWorld of Florida, five of the false killer whales there were collected at The Cove. They even had Japanese (food) names, Teri, Yaki, Suki, Zori, and Hana, which is kind of sick. Every person feels the need to make a difference after watching Blackfish, and it is impossible to not have strong emotions and a deeper understanding of killer whales. Blackfish is the result of a lot of passion, hard work, collaboration, love and genius. What was it like to be a part of such an amazing documentary? It’s an honor to be part of a successful feature film and to work with the former trainers and scientists that are speaking out.Our collaborative work continues with scientific papers, an

I’m one of a small group of ex trainers that spoke out against captivity after Dawn was killed. The industry, in general, is a very secretive one, and it blackballs people that speak out. Because I am now an MD (medical doctor), I felt somewhat insulated. A few of the national TV interviews were spotted by Outside Magazine writer Tim Zimmermann and he reached out to me. It was his article “Killer in the Pool” that inspired Blackfish director Gabriela Cowperthaite and formed a template for her film. When it came time, she reached out to me (and the other former trainers) directly. If you could change just one thing about the big aquatic parks, what would that be? I would end the circus style shows and convert Shamu Stadium into a rehabilitation and release facility. SeaWorld could use the JumboTron screen to show videos that talk about marine life while people could still come in and watch the handlers and vets care for a recovering animal. They could even put other mammals in the pool, such as manatees. How did it feel to be swimming with such amazing creatures? Can you describe the first feeling that you had when being on top of a killer whale? It’s an incredible adrenaline rush to do high-energy water-work maneuvers with a killer whale. Unfortunately the whales would rather be in the ocean than performing for fish. So I try not to glamorize it. It sends the wrong message to kids. How do killer whales live in the wild? And what is the number one reason you believe they should not be held in captivity? The resident orcas in Washington, Canadian & Alaskan waters live in extended nuclear families. They swim about 100 miles a day, and are all natural athletes. In captivity they die young, break their teeth on the concrete & steel enclosures, and experience a lot of in-fighting. Several of the whales are even inbred in captivity. On September 18th, 2006, Nalani was born. Her father is also her brother. This doesn’t happen in the wild. Also, they turn young females into baby factories. In the wild, females don’t typically have babies until around age fourteen. In captivity, they are impregnated as early as age five using artificial insemination methods. It`s unjust and morally wrong to keep these highly intelligent and free-ranging mammals in such small spaces for profit.

Have you ever met Tilikum, the whale connected to three human fatalities? If yes, what was your experience with him? Yes, I worked directly with Tilikum as a Senior trainer in the mid-1990’s. He was great to work with. One time, I even stepped on his back while opening in the morning. I probably wouldn’t have done that if I had known the details of how he killed Keltie Byrne. I feel sorry for him as he gets beat up and has broken all of the teeth on his lower jaw. Many have been drilled out by the vets. We used to have to flush his teeth out 2-3 times each day using a WaterPik because his teeth had holes in them and fish would get plugged. Many of the SeaWorld animals have holes in their teeth.


e all know that killer whales have never been responsible for any human deaths while in the wild. Why do you think that the big aquatic parks had numerous deaths and injuries?

Imagine living in the bathroom of a house your entire life; getting beat up, getting limited exercise, and being incredibly bored in a sterile environment. Many folks postulate that captivity itself is the root cause of aggressive behavior. I’ve been in row boats, sail boats, & motor boats many, many times with killer whales next to me or under the boat. They essentially ignore humans in nature. They definitely know you are there, but we are pretty insignificant to them in nature. A friend, renowned orca scientist, Dr. Ingrid Visser, swims with “her” New Zealand orca regularly. How do killer whales get to an aquatic park? What is the process behind this long travel? Killer whales that are at SeaWorld were either collected by SeaWorld, purchased by SeaWorld, or were born at SeaWorld. When they are moved around, which happens frequently, they are sequestered into a small holding pool, placed into a stretcher, hauled up by a crane, placed into a small box (similar to a coffin with water in it) and then shipped by plane or truck, depending on where they are going. Transports are known to be very stressful for cetaceans and many cetaceans have been lost along the way. Most are medicated with benzodiazepines such as Valium. You used to work for a famous American aquatic park as a trainer and have a huge role in the documentary. Why do you think that your previous employer called Blackfish “inaccurate” and “misleading”? They ignored the film for over six months after it premiered at Sundance. Only after it started getting rave reviews from film festivals did they decide to pay attention. So they sent a letter to 50 movie critics calling the film dishonest, but if you read the points they brought up, they didn’t really address the issues or the facts in the film. They were corporate talking points. It was a big mistake by SeaWorld. That push-back, by them, led to more exposure. It became a hot topic in the media. Trend Privé Magazine 117

FREEDOM OF SPEECH Photographer: Vlady Hair Stylist: Ryo Narushima Female Model: Lily Thorn @First Model Management Illustrator: Patrick Willem Makeup Artist: Monika Rys Pierzchala

Trend Privé Magazine 118


View Full Editorial at:


Designers that are helping those

DISPLACED By Adrielyn Christi

Did you know? There are local designers in the United States whose goal is to help immigrant and refugees in settlement areas?

How? By putting these individuals to work and providing them with the knowledge of becoming craft artisans and providing them with fair wages to take charge of their lives.

Who is helping? Jewelry designer, Sharon Herrick has made it her mission to create a daily, positive impact on global communities who are now living in the U.S. She has been a lifelong advocate for social justice, and when her hobby of creating jewelry turned into a business, she felt that after spending years working in various social change efforts (including filmmaking, advocacy for elder justice, and refugee health care), she realized that having an impact on the lives of others could be done in many ways. Illuminated Me combines her love for creating beautiful, meaningful jewelry with her passion for improving her community, its economy, and the lives of its residents.

Nabaa Al Obaidi, Jewelry Designer Photo: Tereza Janakova

Photo: Tereza Janakova Hair & Makeup: Veronika Robova

Illuminated Me believes that the success of a company is measured by its people. Above all else, they remain steadfast in their commitment to ensuring everyone involved in the creation of their jewelry is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. Each piece is crafted in Portland, Maine, studio by artisans, and they believe that significant changes can be made by small choices. Their pieces carry meaning beyond simple thread and beads. Enlisting more help After meeting Anthony Manfredonia, Luxury Fashion Designer, at Peoples Revolution Showroom in New York City, where Manfre Donia’s collection is represented, she knew he would be perfect to collaborate with. Manfredonia, who has served as design director for designers such as Donna Karan Collection, Tracy Reese, and Isaac Mizrahi Haute Couture. Manfredonia prides himself on creating stand-out, glamorous looks with strict attention to details and construction. So, with their same vision, they aligned themselves to collaborate in creating a collection that represents mission. Together they are committed to establishing a different way of doing business by strengthening the ties that connect us rather than the lines that divide us.

What is the result of this? Two individuals; a jewelry designer and a clothing designer who have put their creative minds together to help those who are trying to better their lives, by putting them to work and teaching them an artistry and giving a new purpose. If there were just ten more like Anthony and Sharon out there, the world could be a much better place!

Photo: Tereza Janakova

For pulls and sample requests: People’s Revolution NY For sales:

Trend Privé Magazine 121




Why women are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises? cope with dire consequences such as stigma, trauma, unwanted pregnancies etc. Estimates show that about 20% of women refugees in conflict-ridden areas have experienced at least one form of sexual violence. Even the experts agree that this estimate is very kind. Prone to natural disasters Even when a humanitarian crisis does not involve conflict, the female gender is still the worst hit. A 2007 study published in the Annals of the Association of American Geographers revealed that natural disasters have a greater effect on the life expectancy of women than men.This conclusion was drawn after a thorough examination of data A lot has been achieved in the fight for

April 2014 and the disproportionate killing

from 141 countries, over a 21-year period.

gender equality. Even in the developing

of schoolgirls during the Afghan war are

Another report from Oxfam revealed that the

world, policymakers and other stakeholders

examples that highlight the vulnerability of

2004 Tsunami claimed the lives of four times

appear to be more conscious of the rights of

school-going girls. In a bid to protect their

as many women than men in India, Sri Lanka,

the female gender. However, there is still a

children, parents often stop them from going

and Indonesia. This is largely due to the fact

chasm between both genders and this gap

to school and this could have a lasting

that the women were unable to swim their

is best observed in regions that are hit by a

negative impact on their educational

way out of the turbulence or climb trees. Ma-

humanitarian crisis The United Nations in its

pursuits. The United Nations reports that

jority of them were also at home on the day

2019 Global Humanitarian Overview affirms

‘girls in conflict settings are 2.5 times more

of the Tsunami. In its 2018 Gender Gap Re-

that ‘conflicts and disasters exacerbate

likely to be out of school than boys.’ Many of

port, the World Economic Forum affirms that



these girls may never return to school and

‘gender parity is fundamental to whether and

women and girls.’ On the average, the death

even if they do, they may never recover from

how economies and societies thrive.’ Accord-

toll of women is higher than men whenever

the damage done by the prolonged absence

ing to the report, there remains a 32% av-

there is a humanitarian crisis.

from school.

erage gender gap that needs to be covered.



This statistic represents an improvement A drop in school attendance

A product of lawlessness

from the previous year but it also tells us that

Young girls are more vulnerable in

All over the world, sexual violence is one

a lot of work still needs to be done before


of the leading crimes against humanity in

gender equality can be achieved. If you are

more than 200 girls in a Nigerian school in

war-ridden areas. and it comes in different

still in doubt, you should take a closer look at

forms. Sexual violence comes in different

the regions hit by humanitarian crises.





forms; forced marriage, rape, sexual slavery, etc and is perpetrated against all genders. In basic terms, it is a direct result of the collapse of rule of law. However, the female gender is undoubtedly the worst hit by sexual violence. Economically and politically marginalized women are often subjected to unspoken degrees of abuse, leaving them to

Photographer Natalia Kovachevski Trend Privé Magazine

consumerism Photographer: Tania Volobueva Hair Stylist: Michael Muscolino Makeup Artist: Monica Guidi Female Model/Creative Director: Maria Lykholet

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8 Ways To Help The Planet Daily


watching a video on a college student who lives without producing any waste, I felt challenged and inspired to do the same. In the past 6 months, all the trash I’ve produced fits into a tiny 8 ounce jar I keep in my room (except for one road trip I took and got a little off track). It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it’d be. The biggest change I had to make was buying things that use little to no plastic. I would take plastic wrappers I couldn’t avoid using to a recycling bin at a local grocery store.

Everyone’s talking about the earth’s demise. With industrialization, deforestation, coral reef destruction, and so much more, our planet is in danger. But there’s some good news. We have the power to help heal our planet daily. It’s your choice how you treat this planet, so, instead of filling your mind with doom and gloom, we decided to remind you of some easy ways to lessen the strain on our beautiful home, and help make her happy again. Bring your own bags Plastic bags are made of petroleum / crude oil. Gross! Oil fracking is bad for our environment, and plastic bags end up where they shouldn’t- our oceans and ecosystems, bringing unnecessary harm to animals and wildlife. Bring your own bags, and save the planet. They’re cheap to buy and last a lot longer. Simple as that. Plus, that cute, colorful Whole Foods bag, made from recycled water bottles, helps you donate to positive causes at many grocery stores, and it goes perfectly with your outfit! “We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.” Native American Proverb Recycle What’s another easy way to help the planet? Recycle more! Or better yet, go zero waste. There’s no reason to produce excess trash anymore. With more ways to reduce waste and recycle than ever before, it’s time for us to reduce our waste footprint. About 6 months ago after Trend Privé Magazine

There are 5 of these within biking distance of my house, and they are likely easy to find wherever you live. Keep a small trash bin in your garage and rinse plastic wrappers and bags through the week. Look in front of shopping centers and grocery stores for a recycling bin designated for plastic bags. Instead of being thrown into the landfill or finding their way into delicate ecosystems, they are repurposed into products like clothing, electronics, and more. Take all other recycling to a recycling center- batteries, metal scraps, fabric, etc. There’s no need to throw more toxic waste onto this planet. You’ll feel great knowing you’re lessening your footprint and creating a happier planet. It becomes a great challenge to see if you can make less trash each week. Compost When you throw food or anything that naturally decomposes into the garbage, it likely sits between materials that don’t decompose (plastic, metal, etc.) in a landfill forever. These materials fill landfills more quickly than necessary. Instead of throwing food scraps and things like cotton balls, wood shavings, and more into the garbage, buy a composter. Or, better yet, make one yourself. For a full list of what you can compost, look here. Turn it off Turn off the water and lights when you’re not using them. Unplug chords. Even when they’re not turned on, they’re using energy. Energy is made from petroleum (still…gross). It’s a resource we will eventually run out of, and if you don’t have solar power, it’s not a cheap or environmentally friendly option. So if you are going to use it, conserve it.

Eat less meat One of the fastest and easiest ways to lessen your strain on the planet is to eat less meat and animal products. Did you know 51% of greenhouse gases are a result of animal agriculture (GreenPeace)? After all, science has proven you don’t need animal products to be healthy. You can, in fact, thrive and be even healthier without them. Replace animal protein with plant proteins like legumes, nuts, seeds, and soy products. They pack all the protein and nutrients, and none of the animal hormones, and are much easier on your body. One of the most detrimental industries causing intense strain to the planet is the fishing industry. Commercial fishing destroys coral reefs and kills all other sea life in larger numbers than the ocean can handle. This includes dolphins, sea turtles, sharks, and other “bycatch” you never meant to harm by eating a serving of salmon or shrimp. You can get everything you find in fish in a supplement and a whole foods diet of plants, no animals needed. Stay positive There’s a lot going right with the world. Try to avoid media saying our planet is hopeless and we’re all going to go down with it in a fiery blaze. Your mind believes whatever you tell it. So feed it with positivity. There are more people trying to help our planet today than ever before. Find organizations and projects making a positive difference. When you help out, you will feel useful- because you are! And when you feel useful, you act as such. You don’t have to be the campaign manager for some crazy big cause. It’s the little things that count. Find a list of environmental organizations.

Shop smart

supporting unethical companies.

One of the most toxic industries to our planet is fashion.“The clothing industry is the second largest polluter in the world … second only to oil” (Sweeny). Unethical fashion companies destroy our planet and use harmful methods of production to reduce their product cost.

“Demand quality not just in the product you buy, but in the life of the person who made it.”

Just because something is cheap doesn’t mean it was made without a price. When choosing which companies deserve your money, look for brands using organic materials, whatever it is you’re buying- groceries, clothing, self care products, etc. Non-organic clothing and dyes are rapidly killing ecosystems, which will take us down with them. Also, think about the effect of paints and aerosols used on vehicles, electronics, and more. We can reduce the introduction of more of these toxic substances by shopping second hand. If you can’t always afford a $100 pair of organic denim (ha), buy things previously used. It’s a great way to save money, reduce the impact on the environment, and bring new life to old pieces. It’s also a great way to ensure you aren’t

Get into nature Get outside. Another great way to help is by strengthening your connection with this planet. However you “like, connect with the earth. It’s a great way to stay grounded, clear your mind, and remember why we work so hard to take care of this beautiful place. It’s priceless, and if we sit passively as it’s destroyed, we are destroyed with it. We can’t survive without it. So let’s learn to help it thrive. To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles.”Mary Davis

and the enjoyment of every living creature. “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Jane Goodall Sources:–1882083445.html

We fight for this planet because we love it, and because it’s priceless. We need it just as much as it needs us to keep it healthy and thriving. Your choices have an effect on this planet. You choose daily what that effect will be. Your efforts are never wasted. Every person who decides to fight for this earth ensures the preservation of this beautiful, sacred planet for future generations, Trend Privé Magazine


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Photographer Amer Mohamad IG @shootmeamer Retouch Anastasiya Makarova IG @sfumato.retouch Model Nnenna Rimma IG @nnennarimma Agency IG @nikmodelmanagement Stylist Nadine Smirnova IG @nadinasmirnova Make-up and Hair Oksana Laskina IG @laskinao Trend Privé Magazine 128

Overall Boudoir by Alina Ilina / Jacket The Party Dress

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Pants Studio Sasha / Top 1991 Collab

Dress boudoir by alona llona / Gloves Dokuchaeva

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Pink Blouse 1991 Collab

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Beauty Brands That Give Back

By Erin Schweinsberg

We all have our favorite brands in the beauty world, and there are so many that definitely deserve our support, I’d like to put a few companies in the spotlight for their positive contribution- both locally and globally. I think we can all agree that shopping with ethical brands brings peace of mind. Brand’s that are sustainable, or give back to the community, or source their ingredients ethically; make it so much easier to hand over your credit card. After a recent shopping adventure, I found myself spending more in the stores that were raising awareness for animals, the environment, and donating to great causes; their generosity, in turn, inspired me to buy generously. A feeling of investing instead of just spending. Here are a few beauty brands that are truly knocking it out of the ball park with their charitable causes, companies I’m proud to say I spend my money with, and what I consider to be the “prettiest” side of the beauty world!

LUSH COSMETICS - Charitable giving is at the heart of Lush Cosmetics, they advocate for the environment, animals, and people in need. For many years, they have donated funds to both local and international organizations through the sale of their well-known product Charity Pot, their Sustainable Lush Fund, and FunD. Charity Pot is an amazing body lotion that was made back in 2007, 100% of the proceeds goes towards supporting humanitarian, environmental, and animal rights causes. Since its launch, Charity Pot has donated more than $33,000,000 to 2450+ grassroots charities in 42 countries! The Sustainable Lush Fund is based on the main principles of permaculture; a natural design system that enriches local ecosystems. The millions of sustainable Lush Fund Dollars spent have helped support the development of more than 44 projects in 21 countries. The goal with this fund is to ensure the ingredients they source are being produced in a way to protect the eco-system, increase food security, and support independent producers. FunD was a Lush fund created specifically for the children of Japan, in 2011 a large earthquake caused a nuclear plant to contaminate a large area making it unsafe for children to play outside. Lush created a soap called FUN, and 2.5% of the sales from all FUN soap bars go into the Lush FunD, which then donates money to small grassroots charities in Japan that are working to ensure there are safe places for children to play outside.

BURTS BEES - In 2007, Burts Bee’s created The Greater Good Foundation, a non-profit, charitable organization designed to further their mission of responsible environmental stewardship. Since its inception, The Greater Good Foundation has issued $2.4 million in grants, and donated over $330,000 proceeds to nonprofit organizations. At Burts Bee’s they also believe in renewable energy, responsible sourcing of their ingredients, sustainable packaging, and zero waste to landfills! Through the Burts Bee’s Greater Good Foundation and RAFI (Rural Advancement Foundation International), they have planted over 5000 acres of pollinating forage (which is more than 15 billion seeds), a habitat which helps support thousands more acres of nearby farmland with pollination services and pest reduction.

THE BODY SHOP- The body shop supports many causes- from helping save National Parks with NPCA, to continuing the fight for Forever Against Animal Testing. They also have a Re-wild the World campaign which aims to help protect endangered animals and habitats all over the world, and they also help in the fight for women’s rights and equal opportunities with their Empowering Women campaign. The Body Shop are deeply committed to sourcing their ingredients ethically, from small scale farmers, and have 26 Community Trade suppliers in 21 countries; benefiting 25,000 people. As a sustainable business, The Body Shop are committed to reducing their environmental footprint too, using biodegradable ingredients from renewable origins, and also using “green chemistry” which is all about reducing chemicals that are hazardous to the environment. They stand firmly as a business who is committed to “enrich not exploit”, with the founder Anita Roddick believing that business could be a “force for good!” Trend Privé Magazine 135


Beauty Hot Spot By Erin Schweinsberg Time to get your hands some amazing products this Summer! Every season I get a few new pieces to update my look, there’s always a few must-have items that should be on every girl’s shopping list! A good SPF and a luminous bronzer, along with someone lightweight color pieces to accentuate your skin without being heavy during the humid weather! So here are some products worth investing in to make sure your skin is protected and glowing through all the Summer warmth!

1 Supergoop Setting Mist SPF 50 $28.00

2 Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer $45.00

3 Trish McEvoy Fast Track Face Stick Bronze $36.00

4 Chantecaille Cheek Gelee $44.00

5 Tarte Brazilliance PLUS + Self Tanner $39.00 Trend Privé Magazine 136

This is a great mist to set your makeup with in the morning, and then reapply SPF over your makeup throughout the day! Not only is it refreshing, but 50 SPF is also great for protection; it’s also infused with antioxidant-rich rosemary, controls your natural oils, and contains peppermint oil to help keep your pores unclogged! A must-have for the warmer weather to keep you completely protected!

Are you looking for a lightweight tinted moisturizer for the Summer? Laura Mercier has just what you need! This award winning tinted moisturizer is natural, dewy, effortless, wears all day, evens your complexion, and enhances your skin without hiding it! It comes in a variety of colors to suit every skin tone, and has SPF 20 to help protect your skin too!

Updating your bronzer every year keeps your glow looking fresh, and this year Trish McEvoy’s Fast Track Face Stick Bronzer is the perfect way to go! Such an easy application as it glides on, its beautiful cream-to-powder formula gives skin a lasting hint of warmth, and it glides perfectly along facial contours for a beautiful sculpted look. It even looks great as an eyeshadow! So easy to throw in your makeup bag, no brush needed, perfect for anyone on-the-go that needs no-fuss makeup!

Chantecaille have created the perfect hydrating liquid gel-cream blush! This cheek gel has a smooth buildable texture, is easy to apply with the pad of your finger or a brush, and is available in two colors; Happy (pink), and Lively (coral). It has a natural and light look to it, but don’t let that fool you, it has the lasting power of a stain, prefect for all day wear in the heat!

Need to fake your glow this Summer? We’ve got you covered! This best-selling Self Tanner from Tarte will give you that just-back-from-vacation glow! Infused with a boost of natural exfoliators and moisturizers, you’ll see a natural-looking tan develop within just hours, but unlike most self tanners- you won’t smell it! Tarte use PUREshield scent control technology to ensure your gorgeous tan will be without odor! You’ll also notice the vegan friendly blend of squalene, aloe, and citric acid to help condition and hydrate your skin. Everything you need to get a little extra bronzed this Summer!


The award winning pro effect luminescent base seamlessly blends the parallel worlds of skincare and cosmetics. Ground breaking ingredients restore the glow of younger looking skin, provide intelligent Stem Cell and DNA protection and visibly smooth the skin surface to create a perfect canvas for makeup application.



What’s In My Bag? By Erin Schweinsberg There’s always a few beauty products a girl can’t live without, I keep a few items heavily stoked in my house because I never want to run out and not have a replacement around! These top products of mine are always with me, no matter the season, or what’s trending; they are the staples that hold my beauty world together! Prepare yourself for my favorite go-to items, the ones I can’t live without, the ones always in my handbag!

1 Crème De Lamer- The Sheer Pressed Powder- Translucent $95.00


This is my ideal powder compact! This Sheer Pressed Powder provides a matte finish to set makeup, has the famous Lamer Miracle Broth to add in skincare benefits, and comes in 4 different colors to suit all skin shades. All 4 colors are sheer, blendable, and natural looking; I’m a translucent girl from way back so I always go simple and stick to translucent in my makeup bag! I love this compact for touchups as well, I usually need a touch up half way through the day (when my t-zone starts to get oily), I also like that there’s an SPF 20 in this powder, so when I touch up I’m also reapplying some sunscreen; and I’m also getting the skincare benefits of the Miracle Broth infused in the powder. There are so many great reasons to try this top rated powder!

This is the best “eye-awakening” eyeliner on the market! It stays in place, reduces the redness in your eyes, illuminates the white in your eye area, and makes you look far less tired than you really are! As someone with a child that never sleeps, I keep this on me at all times! The color pigment of this particular “nude” is the best I’ve found yet- and believe me, I’ve done the leg work! It blends in naturally to give me that awake-look immediately, and it’s aloe infused as well, so there’s no irritation in the eye area. If you’ve always wanted to try a nude eyeliner but never found the right color, try this one, it’s perfection!

Chantecaille Brightening Eye Kajal- Nude $29.00


L’Occitane Hand Cream- Shea Butter $29.00

I have loved this hand cream since I was a teenager! It’s a great product with raw ingredients to really nourish and protect your hands. With 20% shea butter to intensely hydrate, it also contains honey, coconut oil, and marshmallow root extract for supreme softness too. It’s quickly absorbed, and locks in moisture as well; so if you live in a very dry climate like myself, then you’ll really appreciate the formula. There’s various scents if you want a stronger smell than just the shea butter (Delightful Rose, Lavender, and Almond etc.), they all smell delicious and are worth every penny! It’s always in my bag- a cult favorite!

This is a great moisturizer for your lips! I always keep it around, not only for me, but for my 4 year old too. It’s a permanent object that floats in my handbag! Whenever there’s a season change our skin definitely knows about it, everything gets drier, and our lips show it in such an obvious way as they start to peel. This Conditioning Balm is so easy and works perfectly; your lips look smoother and healthier, it also blurs surface lines, and adds a hint of color. If you’re currently without a lip balm, I highly recommend this one!

2 Charlotte Tilbury Hot Lips Lipstick- Liv It Up $34.00

One of my all-time favorite lipsticks for a multitude of reasons, and I have 4 tubes running all at the same time- not only is it in my handbag, but there’s one in my bathroom, car, and work bag too! It’s a great formula, I absolutely love the color payoff; Liv It Up is my favorite color in this range- a ballet pink inspired by Liv Tyler. With its long lasting color, buildable 3D pigment, antioxidants, a blend of oils, and orchid extracts for nourishment; this moisturizing and hydrating lipstick is hard to go past! You will always find this in my handbag, no matter the season or occasion!

Everyone is looking for a mascara tailored to their specific needs, I am no different, and this is my ultimate mascara! I’m that person looking for a “one coat and done” mascara. My mornings are crazy, I barely get out the door with everything I need for the day- and most days I’m ten minutes late to my whole life; so I can’t have a mascara that I need to apply Sisley Mascara So multiple times in the morning, and put a Intense- Black primer on underneath, and fuss with a million $67.00 times Absolutely not. If I can’t apply it in my house then I need to be able to pull it out my handbag and quickly apply it wherever I am. It needs to be a primer and mascara in one, it needs to lengthen and give volume, separate my lashes, have good ingredients, and be water resistant. This formula addresses all of that for me. It’s filled with vitamin-rich peptides and vitamin B5, has a simple comb applicator; and I literally do one coat and am on my way! I can’t live without this, it’s my cosmetic splurge, and it’s always in my Trish McEvoy Lip Perfector handbag!



Conditioning Balm $32.00

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TREE TO TUB - Founded in San Francisco, California in 2015, Tree To Tub is an organic body care company focused on providing the most gentle body care solutions found through nature’s most nourishing botanicals. The brand works directly with farming communities and eco-reserves in rural Taiwan to sustainably harvest the wild soapberries that form the base of their ultra-gentle cleansing products. Free of harmful chemicals, Tree To Tub’s products are organic, cruelty free, vegan, fair trade, and eco-friendly - all products are free of artificial fragrances, sulfates, parabens, and all other toxins. Harvest your soap, only at Tree To Tub. Natural beauty brand Tree To Tub makes its worldwide debut on November 1st with a groundbreaking collection of ultra-gentle, organic body care products featuring the brand’s unique ingredient, the soapberry, an exotic fruit that when rubbed, produces a gentle, nourishing lather. OFFER

Trend Prive Magazine is proud of offer an exclusive 50%-off pre-sale discount for this brand new collection including: - Soapberry Facial Cleanser; - Soapberry Body Wash: - Soapberry Shampoo; - Argan Oil Conditioner; - Shea Butter Body Lotion; To access the exclusive offer, visit Trend Prive’s unique campaign link at or connect with the brand on their official website at - Soapberry Facial Cleanser: a one-step wonder, this ultra-gentle cleanser wipes away grime and makeup while repairing dry and irritated skin with organic acai, aloe vera and chamomile; - Soapberry Body Wash: a cleansing massage for even the most delicate skin, this body wash locks in moisture for flawlessly health skin, powered by organic shea butter, cucumber and aloe vera; - Soapberry Shampoo: this color-safe, ultra-gentle shampoo restores hair to a magnificent shine and luster with a nourishing combination of organic olive leaf, gotu kola leaf, and chamomile; - Argan Oil Conditioner: an intensively hydrating conditioner that restores vibrant life to damaged hair and soothes dry, itchy scalps with organic pomegranate, shea butter, and coconut oil; - Shea Butter Body Lotion: this deeply moisturizing oasis repairs dry, damaged skin with a quickabsorb, non-greasy formula combining organic cocoa butter, aloe vera, and colloidal oatmeal.


HOURGLASS COSMETICS - Ambient Light Correcting Primer, $44 (Sephora). It seamlessly blurs skin's imperfections while giving a soft, lively appearance and a strong base for the rest of your makeup. The oil-free formula provides a naturally stunning glow while avoiding the middle of the day wet skin look that we all dread. It can even be used alone as a light coverage foundation, however a beauty blender is highly recommended. Curator Lash Instrument, $78 (Hourglass). Perhaps the most precise mascara wand on the market, this stainless steel tip is specially designed to evenly coat each and every lash with a 360 ° range. It is perfect for make- up artists and their attention to perfecting detail. However, it is highly recommended to be used with the Hourglass Curator formulas – making this product even more pricey but worth it. Also, it is to be washed in between uses for the best outcome. Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick, $46 (Sephora). Said to combine the qualities of both liquid and powder foundations into one compact stick, this product gives an effortless 12-hour.

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Images Courtesy to the Respective Brands

MORE TO READ Today, nearly 18 million tons of surfactants are produced annually; most are synthetic, many are known toxins. Tree To Tub is turning the body care industry on its head by replacing these chemicals with the gentle, nourishing lather of the soapberry, an ancient fruit hailing from India and Taiwan. “The soapberry’s natural antibacterial property makes it the ideal alternative to synthetic soap,” says Jessica Rubino, Personal Care Director at NewHope Media, “It’s the most revolutionary idea that I’ve heard in years!” For centuries, the berry has been hidden in Ayurvedic herbal tradition as a nourishing remedial for an assortment of skin and hair conditions. Since then, its benefits have been scientifically validated, and Tree To Tub is the first to make the soapberry available through its full body care collection. The brand launch is taking place on Indiegogo, the global platform for entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life. The brand was personally scouted by Sandy Diao, Director at Indiegogo, who believes the young beauty brand can bring about revolutionary change in the encumbered body care industry. Hourglass Cosmetics was founded in 2004 when beauty industry veteran Carisa Janes saw a void in the beauty market. Founded with a commitment to reinventing luxury cosmetics, Hourglass has carved a niche for itself as an innovative beauty brand. Hourglass exists at the revolutionary intersection of science, beauty and luxury. The brand is acclaimed for its breakthrough formulations, technological innovations and unwavering commitment to reinvention. Complexion products are infused with the most groundbreaking active ingredients available to create unbelievably surreal skin. Distinguished by sensorial textures, modern color collections, and sleek custom packaging— Hourglass puts the art in stateof-the-art.

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