Ban Animal Trophy Sometimes in 2018, the United States moved to allow the import of big-game trophies. The new legislation repealed the existing law that placed an outright ban on the import of such items as lion hides and elephant tusks from Africa. Predictably, the news was received with widespread jubilation among pro-hunting groups and fierce criticism from animal rights and other groups on the opposite side of the divide. The argument about the dangers and benefits of hunting would probably go on forever; that is if endangered animals are not completely wiped out before forever. One is
Photo by Oscar Keys
forced to wonder why there is an argument at all. Why would anyone derive joy in killing
A senior official at the Natural Resources
that hunting is regarded as the only viable
creatures that are known to be in danger of
Defense Council strongly affirms that ‘Any
means of gathering funds for conservation.
trophy hunting of an endangered species is by
If we keep doing this to ourselves, the dream
definition unsustainable, as it cannot sufficient-
of a better planet for everyone would remain
ly contribute to the survival of the species to
an illusion. Developing countries should be
A means of conservation?
justify removing individuals from the
supported so they can make their tourism
The popular argument is that trophy hunting
population.’ Anyone who tries to argue the
industry more attractive. Already, tradition-
is a means of conservation in economically
contrary must believe that killing humans is one
al tourism dwarfs trophy hunting in terms
disadvantaged countries. However, a critical
of the ways of solving our population explosion
of revenue generation. However, traditional
examination of this argument would
tourists do not fancy the hunting sites due to
easily reveal its a lame one. To put things into perspective, there has been a 30% decline
the rugged and remote nature of such places. Proliferation of corruption
in Savannah elephant populations across all
If these sites can be funded and developed, they’ll be more welcoming to all and sundry;
of Africa between 2007 and 2014. Although
In most parts of Africa that profit from trophy
and perhaps, this argument could finally ap-
the decline may be minimal in countries with
hunting, the revenue not reinvested into
proach an end. Furthermore, governments all
an organized trophy hunting industry, but the
conservation efforts as they lead you to believe.
over the world need to sit down and agree
fact remains there is still a decline. Those
These proceeds are usurped by the corrupt
on a unilateral moratorium about Ivory trade.
advocating for more organized hunting
elites leaving the hunted animals exposed to
As long as there is a continued demand for
industries across all of Africa are clearly blind
threats from hunters as well as the dissatisfied
parts of wildlife, endangered species cannot
to the fact that the only direction hunting can
inhabitants of the local communities. The
be saved.
take conservation efforts is downward. The
success story in Namibia, South Africa, and some
Conclusively, many people argue that trophy
fact that the effect pales in comparison with
parts of Zimbabwe is often used to
hunting is not the main issue. While this is
agricultural activities or gazing only makes it
cover up the precarious states of hunting
true to an extent, we cannot simply ignore it.
a lesser evil.
communities in places like Tanzania, Zimbabwe,
Giving people the license to import trophies
and many other parts of Africa. In some of these
creates a demand that would be met by any
places, trophy hunting is essentially a cover for
means, legal or illegal. Banning it, on the
other hand, allows us to focus on searching for sustainable techniques of funding
Searching for a sustainable solution
wildlife conservation. And we can all pretend as though we do not know how the ‘case-
Photo by Blake Weyland Trend Privé Magazine 28
Photo by ray rui
It tells a lot about the human race as a whole
by-case’ analysis would turn out.