FASHION are popular. If you are not convinced they are doing enough to promote fair wages and environmental sustainability, you should strike your name off their customers’ list. Brands that pay attention to ethics consider the wider impact of every stitch on the humans that made them as well as the environment. The entire production process is regulated and adequate attention is paid to the safety of their workers. While the end products of these brands may be more expensive, they give you the freedom of shopping with a clear conscience. Who made my clothes?
Who makes your clothes?
Buy fewer clothes
Have you ever thought about where your
An estimated 75 million people are
If we all keep buying clothes at this rate, the
clothes actually come from? The next time
responsible for making the clothes that we
revolution would continue to be no more than
you marvel at the collection in your wardrobe
put on. These workers are predominantly
an illusion. Promoting sustainability and ethics
or don your favorite hoodie, you should
women and they are involved in different
is not only about being conscious of who made
perhaps look beyond the fancy labels and
stages of the production process. Sadly, a
your clothes. You have to buy fewer clothes so
superstores you get them from. From
whole lot of them are unable to afford the
you can ensure that each one you buy counts in
planting the cotton to harvesting and
basic necessities of life. Most of them reside
terms of quality. Step away from the crazy and
processing, dying the material, and sewing
in developing countries with lax labor laws.
fast-paced trends and buy clothes only when
the fabric, there are a lot of people on the
They are exploited and abused and they only
you need them. If you can adopt this near-min-
cloth manufacturing chain. Sadly, this chain
receive crumbs out of the total revenue of
imalist lifestyle, you’ll be reducing the foot-
is bottom heavy.
the multi-billion dollar fashion industry.
prints of the fashion industry on human and
The Rana Plaza tragedy of 2013 opened the
Incidents like the Rana Plaza tragedy teach
environmental resources.
eyes of everyone to the pathetic state of our
us that we can ill afford to continue this way.
Encourage conversations and ask questions?
fashion industry. More than 1100
But 5 years on, has there been any notable
If we don’t talk about the problem, there’s no
factory workers were killed by the tragic
change in the way we think about fashion?
way we can find a solution. When we start
building collapse and about 2200 more were
How far have we gone with talks about a
asking the popular brands vital questions about
injured. While there have been earlier
fashion revolution? Do we have to wait for
fair remuneration and environmental
campaigns that sought to awaken the
yet another tragedy before we start taking
sustainability, they would be forced to do what
consciousness of consumers, the tragedy
meaningful steps towards bringing an end to
is right. It is your duty to boycott companies
highlighted just how bad things are.
the exploitation? As a consumer, you can also
that are glaringly indifferent towards these
Highlighting the problem
play a meaningful role in promoting greater
germane issues. You should also strive to
The current pace of the fashion industry is
sustainability and transparency in the
educate those around you so that more people
frightening. A 4-season annual calendar now
fashion industry. Here are some useful
are aware of the problem. If a majority of
has 52 seasons and trendy clothes
lifestyle changes you can make in order to
consumers pay adequate attention to
transforms into rags within a twinkle of an
play your own part in solving the problem:
sustainability in the fashion industry, the brand
eye. Landfills across the world play host to
Buy for ethics and sustainability
would have no other choice but to dance to
about 13 million tons of used clothing every
There are numerous brands that are wholly
their tunes.
year and the situation couldn’t be any worse.
dedicated to promoting ethical and
The fashion industry in its current state reeks
sustainable practices in the fashion
of widespread human and environmental
industry. You do not have to buy clothes from
the leading brands just because they
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