Create Great collaborations th rough Appreciative Team Building Team Building through appreciative techniques can promote a corporate climate that will sustain the collaborative efforts and synergy. Appreciative techniques focus on finding and getting the best out of people. Questions are posed with the goal of creating positive effects along to strengthen the organization of system. Both individual coaching and team building can benefit by focusing on the positive aspects and untapped potential of people. Appreciation Inquiry has a unique approach that results in unleashing momentum and enthusiasm to effect positive change. The emotion of pride is awakened forcing out the negative shame. Traditionally improving teams involves the assessment of what is not working. The goal is to repair the areas that don’t work. This approach views a team as a machine with various pieces and parts that need attention and repair. The appreciative approach works to discover the real issues that are preventing a team from being successful through asking questions about what is actually working well. Groups may then plan for the future by sustaining and expanding resources in a positive way. Untapped resources evolve and expand over time. The Appreciative Inquiry method of team building have four basic stages: discover what the best is, envision what the best might be, dialogue what the best should be and innovate what the best will be. Discover what the best is focuses the team on pondering when they were very successful. You need to try to think about how you felt and what do you think were the components that made the team so great. You should not be humble when you express your contributions to the successful team. Be very detailed and specific about your assets and values as well as your positive contribution to the team. Envision how that may be used to turn your team into a success again. Imagine your team one year into the future. What are you doing and how is the team functioning? The process of these types of team building sessions includes teammates interviewing each other. Interviews begin between pairs then move to groups of four and stories are compared and shared. As the process proceeds elements emerge that represent a symbol or image of a successful team. Then through more dialogue and inquiries the whole team can design methods to amplify their assets to function ideally on a day to day basis. This team building technique helps newly formed teams to quickly establish norms, responsibilities and effective roles and to be more effective from the beginning. For established teams they are able to focus on the challenges they face and develop a clear focus. This process is also effective in team building for strategic planning goals for leadership teams. Whichever focus appreciative inquiry is on finding the best ways to cooperate and does not focus on the causes of conflict. If you want to learn more about various Team Building methods visit