Home Made Energy - Friendly Energy Source Since from the very beginning, we directly or indirectly rely on sun in order to fulfill our energy needs and due to the increasing demand of the energy our non-renewable sources has started to deplete and are on its way to become extinct. In order to preserve it and still be able to full fill our energy needs, Home Made Energy is continuously gaining popularity. Using it not only helps in preserving non-renewable sources but also teaches us to use free and environment friendly energy resources. By using such power system in our houses there are many advantages like it will not contribute to any pollution to the environment that non-renewable energy often tends to do. The basic fact is that solar energy is the only energy, which is friendly to nature and by using it, it also reduces our expenses as we don’t have to worry about electricity or power as it is available in plenty and for free. The most efficient way to use renewable energy is by building home based wind generators and solar generators. These days green energy is being preferred more because there are many advantages of using it. They do not form any harmful byproducts that could affect our health and leave a negative impact in the environment. With green energy Ozone layer depletion can also be minimized. Another advantage is that it does not require much maintenance, as they need only initial costs for setup .If we have solar panels installed on the roof of our homes so that they can receive the maximum amount of sunlight. After installing Solar panels it will capture the energy from the sun and then that captured energy can be utilized accordingly. By using solar energy coal generated electricity, oil and all the non-renewable sources of energy can be substituted. One does not have to follow any complex rules or have to follow any mechanism. Having a Home Made Energy system means that energy is conserved and is available for future generations as well. It also puts the much required break on the frantic use of non-renewable sources, which misbalances our ecosystem.