New technology in deep frying
Everyone loves fried food. There’s no one is this world who is averted by any kind of deep, crisp and golden fried foods. Be it simple potatoes, or those yummy, batter fried southern fried chicken, everyone loves deep fried foods. With fried food being the rage nowadays, various kinds of inventions have taken place to make the process of cooking this way easier and faster. The breakthrough in this department is the invention of an electric fryer. An electric fryer has a basket that is used to take back the cooked food from the oil after it is done cooking. Deep dish fryers are used to make the food crispy and delicious. With the technology becoming more advanced, the fryers have evolved too. Nowadays, these fryers have temperature controllers so that they can be set according the amount of heat needed for the food for cooking them. This leaves little scope for the food to be over cooked or undercooked. Electric fryers are favored upon by most of the fast food restaurants as they are compact and can be moved around easily. Commercial fryers are available in two versions; stainless steel fryers and/or mid steel fryers. The stainless steel fryers are less prone to strong corrosion. One can also find domestic electric fryers that have the same functions but are comparatively smaller in size. They have the same efficiency as the large scale ones. One can fry any number of frozen or fresh products in these in order to cook them. These fryers are available in various pot styles that can be chosen according to your needs and preferences. Many of the commercial fryers nowadays, have this feature of something called as a “cold zone�. These cold zones are where the larger food particles settle down in order to keep them from burning. This turns out to be very useful while cooking breaded food products. There are ones in the market that are available with two frying baskets. It makes it easier to fry food instead of batches, especially at family dinners or a large dinner party. One can also purchase a vent that prevents the hot oil from jumping out. For more information visit,