A common misconception exists among all that hiring an expensive wedding photographer means hundred percent guarantee that you are going to get a perfect wedding album. The fact may however be far away from truth. What ensures a perfect wedding album is the talent of the photographer, which does get better with experience. Before you book a New York wedding photographer ask for their past work to see how good they are and then make your choice. An adept wedding photographer is well aware of the fact that wedding ceremonies following the same rituals and events, they are never exactly the same and each ceremony has its own uniqueness, which makes their job a tough and challenging. The venue, the lighting, the decoration, the atmosphere, the ambience and most importantly the people are always different, comprising an altogether different ingredient for the occasion. A good photographer takes care of the minute details and is spontaneous to not let the priceless moment go off as there are no retakes in wedding ceremonies. He is always prepared to shoot. A mark of a good wedding photograph is his agility and the ease with which he merges with the environment, making him almost invisible so as not to distract or interrupt the couple or the guests. People are not at their natural best when they know they are being watched over, therefore a photographer’s attempt to make himself invisible helps a great deal in putting the couples, family and guests at ease and allows the photographer to map their laughter and tears alike. Going beyond the typical shots is what their real job is, to find stories in little moments shared by two people. Fix a meeting with your New York wedding photographer before the d-day and show him around the venue, so that he is well acquainted with his subjects and the venue and prepare him well for creating beautiful pictures of your special day. For more information visit - http://luxphotos.com/