Some ingredients are highly beneficial for the Natu ral hai r
Our Natu ral hai r comes in a variety of shapes and styles. There are people who have been blessed with perfectly straight and smooth hair, while others sport tightly coiled curls, and still others have softly cascading wavy hair, with wispy spirals towards the ends of the individual hair strands. So is the case with hair color, which ranges between jet black and raven colored, to brownish, reddish, and blonde (silver blonde, dirty blonde, and so on). Therefore, we must decide on the products that attend to the needs of our hair, with specializations for the differences in hair styles, textures and colors. For instance, curly hair, the shape of which is determined by the oval or elongated shape of the follicular cell of the scalp (as opposed to the round shape of the follicular cells in case of straight hair), tends to be naturally dry and frizzy, not to mention incredibly prone to knots and splitting. Hence, the best kind of hair care products for this type of texture should include a lot of moisture content, and this can be found in Shea butter, and jojoba extracts, which are present in some shampoos. It is also important to note that any kind of hair requires regular oiling and massaging sessions, in order to retain the shine and softness of the strands of hair. Regular trimming and styling is also advisable, whereby hair styles that add volume to the hair and make it appear thicker are opted for by most women. Hair care experts and dermatologists also advise the regular application of homemade hair care products to the scalp and the root ends, in order to strengthen the hair and encourage a healthy growth. Many experts ask their clients to choose a mixture containing equal portions of egg and oil, as these two are really good for the hair. They must be uniformly spread all over the scalp, and care should be taken that they are not washed off with really warm water, but with cold or slightly lukewarm water. These are some steps that you can take in order to maintain your natural hair.